Pueyo will be pleased to learn that I, as was my prerogative, died of covid three weeks ago, along with five members of my unvaccinated family.

Correction: I have just received word that we are all still alive and experienced mild cold symptoms without engaging the healthcare system. Carry on.

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I, too, perished in the unholy fires of SARS 2, just a few days after Christmas, having contracted it from my triple vaxxed friends on Boxing Day.

Correction: I had the sniffles for approximately 48 hours, after which I delivered groceries and other sundry items to my friends, who were laid up in bed for a solid week.

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We've quarantined our 6yo in his room, glued him to his booster seat and stuffed him under the bed until the automobile death pandemic goes endemic.

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For all of you publishing your demise, please wait the defined minimum 6 months before announcing your correction and be sure to publish it on the most obscure site / back page you can find...proper journalistic protocol...thank you.

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I had CoVid last Jan, and just tested T cell immunity, is it safe to post I am alive?

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My vax-free wife and I bought the proverbial farm back in November, just before Thanksgiving (a turkey somewhere is still strutting his stuff). We're old, thus a prime target for the Rona, but we foolishly didn't listen to the CDC and Pueyo; we opted instead for the siren song of the FLCCC and associated doctors who told us Ivermectin was effective in the treatment of the Red Chinese virus. Following that path, of course, we had an absolutely nothing-burger case, not even so much as a headache or sore throat, despite a positive rapid test and then a confirming PCR, equally positive, at a local hospital. Nevertheless, thanks to sharp writers like Pueyo, we know we are no longer among the quick despite appearances to the contrary. We're just two more victims of that ole' misinformation that has killed so many millions!

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In the eyes of the narrative keepers, your mere existence is a blasphemy, and your good natured approach to life is an affront to their habitual state of anxiety. Good for you ☺️

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I also perished two weeks ago from the mild flu like symptoms my unvaxxed body was forced to endure.

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But your boss still expects you back to work Monday 8 AM.

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Sadly, yes.

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Comment of the day, thank you.

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I am still awaiting my certain death, which will not be hastened if this fool has his way, as a hospital will not treat me, thus sparing me from remdesivir and the healing ventilator.

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Had you been vaccinated your deaths would have been Less Seroous.

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Sometime during this last two years, I actually remember reading something to this effect about a jabbed fellow who died. If memory serves me well, it was his doctor(s) who said that, even though he's certainly shuffled off this mortal coil, had he not submitted earlier to the injection, it would have gone worse for him. In ordinary times, this kind of balderdash would have raised eyebrows among sane people.

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You win this comment section.

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Well he is still hoping you have any symptom that can now be attributed to long CoVid and deny you future healthcare!

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I'll do my best! No signs of brain fog yet, but one can only hope...

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You will know when you will die in three weeks?

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Thank you!

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The narcissists are going to narcissist right through the end of the pandemic (when and if that comes) and out the other side. They were never wrong. They did a great job with Covid. Everything has been a success. The only bump in the road is people who disagreed with them, and every bad outcome is on those people.

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it is going to be a very obnoxious year or so.

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Jan 18, 2022
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Yep- with narcissists nothing is ever there fault or responsibility.

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This is why anybody who as much peeps up in Germany is framed as a raving Nazi lunatic in addition to being a slack jawed, knuckle-draggin, anti-science mouth-breather. SO practical.

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Again with the kids. Where in gods name did this risk for kids come from. I have kids. I searched high, far, and wide for first a convincing argument and then just a coherent one arguing that they were at risk and that the vaccines were useful. I couldn't find either. Oh, sure, the mythical MIS-C. Whatever.

What is with these people? Leave my family alone you psychopaths

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It's really remarkable, how much this pandemic has centred on children and schools, the one demographic least threatened by the virus and most vulnerable to our idiotic measures.

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Children are always the common lie. "It's for the children so.... " Is always followed by lies.

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I just watched a neat interview on UnHerd. Interesting to hear an insider say that Green Passes are obsolete and apologizing for closing schools


The guy tosses out PIMS or whatever its called (the kids syndrome) again midway, but no context at all. I have no idea how prevalent this is. Is it 1/1000? Is it 1/100? Does the vaccine reduce this phenomenon? Because its not Covid, its a post-covid syndrome. But I find nothing. Just fear porn - no data, no statistics, no analysis.

This pandemic has indeed centered on kids, yet there is a black hole of data compared to other age groups. It is bizarre

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It's only centered on kids now because that's the remaining target population for the toxic shanks. The narrative shifts per BigHarma's marketing needs.

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BigHarma, I like that!

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Yep. You can see the narrative shift in real time as the marketing demo moves.

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Children are the weakest group. Their ability to defend themselves is almost nil

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Let me tell you the coercion happening in Hungary:

If anyone test positive in a class only the unvaccinated kids must go into a 5 days quarantine. The school is not obliged to let them join the class virtually. Only the homework will be sent by email.

All schoolteachers had to be vaccinated by beginning of January otherwise sent on unpaid leave for 1 year then dismissal.

So what kind of logic defies these rules? Absolutely moronic.

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There's absolutely logic. You just don't understand $©ence. When you have full access to Pfizer's financial statements, the logic becomes very clear.

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Children are an important part of nudge propaganda. We will do most anything for our young thus suggesting harm to children influences our behaviour to nudge us into compliance. Then the trope of children infecting triple jabbed gran. Another bit of nudge propaganda. We are being worked and it's on purpose - science of persuasion is much better than vaccine science.

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I think you made a good point when you wrote that schools are accessible to the bureaucracy. Another thing - before the lockdowns started in March 2020, I read an article with students of mine about school closures and forced homeschooling in Hongkong. We took over most of their measures, so probably this was just one more item on the list that was copy + pasted into Western COVID response plans.

A crime, of course.

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Well they tried with "but we need to save grandma", but let's face it, the only people who get really worked up about octogenarians dying after they've exceeded the average life expectancy are boomers desperate to hold on as long as they can and happy to sacrifice as many kids as they have to in order to do so.

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In this whole mess, the kids' vaxx is the greatest chasm between panic and reality.

I never tried to talk my in-laws out of it before they vaxxed my niece and nephew.

I wanted to very badly but I just could not fathom it would do any good — and it would bring a heaping helping of bad.

Still I wonder if it will haunt me, that I didn't have the stones to try and get through to them anyway.

They're sharp. They're numerate. They're sensible in general.

How did millions of people like this trust known liars and war profiteers with absurdly weak arguments?

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My question exactly! I never thought our society would surrender to another group of Nazis/ Stalinists. I thought people had become too knowledgeable to permit totalitarianism and it’s evils to ever occur again. But truth is history repeats itself.

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Unbelievably closed minds in educated people. I sent information only once to my siblings due to the powerful placebo effect and not wanting to interfere with it by bringing doubt. (Actually the info wasn’t even anti-Covid vaxx, it was pro Early Treatment, but even that was treated as an either/or proposition.) “Get the vaccination.”

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>They're sharp. They're numerate. They're sensible in general.

But they're also stupidly trusting. It's got nothing to do with intellect and everything to do with character and personality.

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Fear got them.

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When it became evident that this virus effected the old, frail, obese, and unhealthy which was evident in 2020 why in God’s name did these so called experts sacrifice the children.

And continue to do so........

Upside down world.

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It’s part of the indoctrination. It’s easier to mentally control children than adults. Kids don’t know any better, they are told to obey and be respectful. This is the same tactics child abusers use, sex or otherwise.

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Sacrifice of children, as a religious ritual, has been seen throughout history. Make no mistake, those who stab their children with these poisons are absolutely performing a ritual to appease the Covidian Gods.

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The kids (are they at risk!?) determine if the whole world needs vaccinated forever or only the old people now. After all, we don't vaccinate kids for the other coronaviruses.

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Authoritarian playbook 101, minimize parental control over families while maximizing the collectives control over families.

Anytime they can limit the ability of the two people on the planet who innately want only what is best for you, they will try to break it, then steal it, then use it for their nefarious purposes.

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Jan 18, 2022
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Sadistic is the appropriate word, without a doubt.

The CDC can end this. Not just in the US, but in so many other countries that follow the US CDC blindly

Someone give her the strength...

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Jan 18, 2022
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we must expose the corruption in the CDC and completely clean house. It is not enough to wait for them to fix it. The people who have been in power for decades, who have falsified reports and massaged the data, must be outed, ousted, and held accountable.

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Public schools lose federal funding if they don’t adhere to the CDC “recommendations”.

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Jan 18, 2022
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It's also a sign of the ethical state of our society. Let's suppose it's true, young children might pass covid on asymptomatically to elderly people? Who should our priority be as a society? Shouldn't we all want to prioritize children growing up happy and healthy? Locking little kids down, strapping masks on them, making them not talk during breaks and eat lunch alone in the cold sitting in a little circle so the elderly (who can get a vaccine if they want it) can feel slightly more comfortable? It's a total inversion.

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When we come to this question I always use the 'titanic' scenario:

"so you would put first old people into the lifeboats?"

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The libertarian/capitalist answer: the owner of the lifeboat.

The communist answer: the party leadership and someone else to row.

The liberal/Antifa answer: if there aren't lifeboats for everyone, burn them.

The governement answer: have you paid your lifeboat taxes?

The scientism answer: modelling shows more people drown than are saved by lifeboats, so why bother?

Pick your poison.

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That’s a good one - I’m going to use it too! thank you!

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Boomers never once prioritized their kids over their cummies, why would anyone expect Generation Narcissism to change now?

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Jan 18, 2022
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My kid got EVERY bug passed around school, too, poor thing. It continued even after we took him out of school (beginning of 7th grade). He’s had mono twice (the second time he had “double mono) and Covid at least once (and probably twice). Somehow—and no thanks to any medical intervention—he has survived (imagine that!), as has my chronically-ill husband and I, too. And we didn’t use a single medical resource (“Muh RESOURCES!”).

God’ll take us when He wants us, that’s my perspective.

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Love your last sentence! When we stand back and observe, this whole scamdemic is about people playing God with humanity.

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School is the place that kids rev up their immature immune systems. It makes them stronger later on.

My daughter was a teacher for 10 years. Every single fall, usually in about October-November, kids started getting sick. It spread around the classroom, it spread around the school. The teachers usually got sick too! It was common and expected, no one went bat shit crazy about it.

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You see, once again I positively maintain that this particular quality exists in much of mankind - this love of torturing children, but only children. These same torturers look upon all other examples of humankind even mildly and benevolently, being educated and humane Europeans, but they have a great love of torturing children, they even love children in that sense. It is precisely the defenselessness of these creatures that tempts the torturers, the angelic trustfulness of the child, who has nowhere to turn and no one to turn to - that is what enflames the vile blood of the torturer.'"

The Brothers Karamazov

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Ooh, this is good. And "The Anthropology of Childhood" (Lancy) hadn't even been written yet when Dostoevsky made this (very anthropological) observation. The current campaign against (for?!?) children will fit into future editions of Lancy's book quite neatly.

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What has been is what will be,

and what has been done is what will be done,and there is nothing new under the sun.


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The inclination to torture the helpless. Humankind is a bunch of bullies.

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We are have the ability to be bullies and monsters. Ask yourself why some are and why some aren’t?

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"pray tell me what have children got to do with it? It’s quite incomprehensible why they should have to suffer, and why they should buy harmony with their suffering."

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Jan 18, 2022
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Wonderful. Read it in college, did not remember this.

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Grotesque. This third installment of his fantasy series will be recycled many times by others making announcements from behind their castle walls: "Friends and countrymen! Good news! The danger that I so ably described and exhorted you to cower from, and encouraged you to demonize your neighbors for not cowering from....IS NOW GONE! Success! Look what our fabulous gyrations brought about. Please, leave your bouquets at the door."

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If anyone needed any further proof that we are living in a sequel to Idiocracy, I rest my case.

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I can't even imagine how horrible the last two years would have been for me and my loved ones if any of us would have paid attention to *any* of these "experts" on peddling dreams/plans/schemes for the world (Pueyo is just another name on a list as long as my arm). As for me and my house... we *never* stopped living. (And have no plans to stop either... no matter what)

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Tomas Pueyo is a very special kind of moron.

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He’s a diabolical excuse for a human being.

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All I might have a say in is my own health. I haven't been sick in well over 2 years except for a rather mild 1-2 day cold over a year ago. No injections and no mask. When all these "experts" start rambling on, I know that they don't know anything because the data over the last 2 years is mostly a pile of horse manure.

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Same experience. I thought I was the only one lucky enough to catch one of those rare mild colds while escaping Covid.

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Same here for both me and the wife.

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This character is an example of why I call social media a "Cancer" on our culture. Little voices in the dark getting into the minds of people with too much time on their hands. People need to get busy living or get busy dying (Shawshank). One major problem with modern times and technology is not nearly enough people have to work hard to make a life for themselves and their families. Social media influencers are a perfect example. As are many involved in Tech startups etc. Same with global financialization. When we traded manufacturing of real goods for finance and services lifestyles, we sold our souls to the devil. Same for abandoning the family farms for corporate agriculture. All thanks for bad government policies designed to enrich the few at the expense of the many. Getting the picture here ??? Pray, plan, prepare and RESIST.

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I couldn’t agree more. We’ve become soft.

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> It’s just amazing there are still Corona pundits who assign SARS-2 a 1% fatality rate.

The state of Utah has had (as of this writing) 750,334 cases and 3,951 deaths, for a *case* fatality rate of 0.5%.

Unless there is something about Mormonism that protects against Covid, it’s basically impossible to argue that a first world country could have an *infection* fatality ratio higher than that. Even assuming Utah caught every single case (unlikely), that would seem to be an upper bound for places rich enough to have lots of octogenarians.

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Haven't you heard why the Amish never had a Covid issue? No TV or social media.

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We buy stuff from an Amish farmer, and early on in the pandemic we visited the farm with masks on. They always look at us real funny, but that was definitely the funniest their looks have ever gotten!

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Btw it’s been like this since the beginning. So this is not that most of their infections came since vaccination or omicron, thereby artificially suppressing the “natural” CFR.

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If there was one guy I could meet in person and maybe punch in the face....maybe just maybe.

I abhor violence - but there is a time and a place for it sometimes.


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Test and Trace was always an idea so bad that only government would actually do it. And now even governments are giving up on it because (exactly as predicted), the virus overwhelms all attempts to "get in front" of it -- especially when people are waiting days for test results.

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Not only that, but the government is just so deeply incompetent they couldn't possibly set up tracing anyway, such a thing would be too technologically complex for them.

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So "bad" for whom? Here in Britain the government spent sums comparable to an aircraft carrier or a new nuclear power plant on what is in effect a smartphone app, a database, and a bunch of admin. On the contrary track and trace was a huge success for the usual cronies who've benefited from PFI contracts since Blair, the new cronies with contacts in the Tory party, and of course the neo-Stalinists in Whitehall and at Davos who think a Chinese style social credit system would be a very fine thing. An entire country where it's become normalized to "check in" with the government every time you sit down at a table in a pub. It's an absolute wet dream for these lunatics.

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That's why only government would do it. If people actually had to spend their own money on this thing, nobody would go near it. Through the magic of government, we can waste billions AND enrich the politically connected!

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"Maybe social healthcare systems shouldn’t treat their COVID or their Long COVID though."

They should also turn away other people whose ailments are self-inflicted, like the obese, the diabetic, smokers, etc. Heck, this could include people who incur broken bones through careless behavior. It's a slippery slope.

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Ooh, this rebuttal makes them foam at the mouth even more than when you bring up the Holocaust. Watch out! (I found out the hard way that the words "gang member with gunshot wounds" is EXCEEDINGLY triggering.)

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Yeah, they tend to come back with something about Covid people infecting others, which isn't so much the case with those other conditions. But then when we counter with "vaccination doesn't prevent infection or transmission", they come back with "but the hospitals!" And it goes downhill from there...

You can't argue religion and that's what this is.

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How about ODs, STDs, abortions, or attempted suicides? It IS a slippery slope indeed.

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This guy is a total dick.

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Given how impressive the original hammer-and-dance piece of propaganda, it's a little strange how slapdash this effort is (with the vague, bogus IFR's etc.).

Of course, careful efforts will show that all the "hammer"s and most of the "dance"ing did far more damage than good.

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