Jul 3, 2023·edited Jul 3, 2023Liked by eugyppius

I lived in France during the 2005 riots, which made me decide to write my senior thesis for university on North African immigration in France in 2007. My conclusion at the time: It was a mess, government policies had been short-sighted, and immigrant communities had failed to integrate for a number of reasons. No one was in the right and things would only get worse. I wish I had been wrong.

North African immigration was only ever intended to be temporary, i.e. as temporary laborers starting in the 1960's. The French government did not anticipate many wanting to stay and bring their families. So, we're looking at decades of poor and temporary decisions stacked on top of each other. The second- and third- generation immigrants are often far more radicalized than the first because they feel like they don't belong and it's hard for them to find employment. But that's largely because the culture that's developed in the banlieueus is so toxic.

There is no short-term resolution here. This trend of violence and instability will continue and worsen — because no one I'm aware of has any workable plan to sort it out.

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The law plays a heavy hand in this problem, in my humble view. France is very bureaucratic, and unemployment for unskilled labor is high. Rather than liberalizing the labor and business markets--allowing youths to actually be employed at a wage consistent with their their marginal product (and at least not above it, guaranteeing unemployment)--France instead creates a class of dependents with its abundant welfare state. And this takes the form of far more than just direct payments. The subsidized education system can keep a hold on youths into their late 20's or early 30's!

Yes, the immigration should be restricted in favor of a rational system. But in the meantime, France's love of unions, trade restrictions, legal cartels, regulations on anything and everything, basically screws the less capable in their society.

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Excellent point, and a good reason why it's hard for many young banlieue inhabitants to integrate in addition to the social challenges they face. France's government micromanages the hell out of everything and makes it exceptionally hard to do business, including firing incompetent employees for example. But the people in general support these laws, so they're not going away.

I was also in France in 2006 when a new labor law was proposed (or passed, I forget) that would allow employers to terminate a new hire on their first job without 3 documented professional errors, as was the case previously. The result? Months of protesting, people in the streets, universities on strike (lol) and all sorts of social mayhem. So, even if the laws overregulate business, it's what the majority wants. Can't really fix that.

I'd also add that it's not just the less capable, but even more the more capable who get screwed since putting in extra effort just nets you more red tape. Lots of bright young French leave the country for this reason

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The post war framework has created parasites which are killing the host.

There seems little appetite to remove the incentives to parasitism for now.

Reality is coming in like a freight train, however, and this may well change people’s attitudes.

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Transplanting the tribes of the deserts and jungles of Africa to European and north American lands is no different ,as transplanting Rhinos giraffes and elephants to all European and north American countries ..It is absolutely unnatural .In zoos all animals are kept separate .No one in his right mind would put lions ,tigers and mountain sheep together in a compound . In migrations of the southern tribes men to the north it is helped along by politicians ,with all they got and is and was taken from the original populations ,who lived there for millennia It is lunacy to do with humans ,that is never done with animals ,because it does not work and it does not work with people .

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A determined and sustained effort to assimilate instead of the usual hostile attitude would go some ways at reassuring the native populations everywhere and improve the attitude and the lot of all those who have immigrated.

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Sure! Let's look at the practical side of that, though: A large percentage of the troubled immigrant or immigrant-descended youth live in neighborhoods that are geographically isolated in ghettoes. So, a kid who grows up in that ghetto (banlieue, in this case, on the outskirts of town) ends up speaking like he's from the ghetto, acting like he's from the ghetto, etc. — because he is.

Would a reasonable shopkeeper be wrong in not wanting to hire someone who represents an underclass to represent his shop?

Thus, in many cases, those who wish to integrate are met with (reasonable) resistance and skepticism. Of course, there are those who do manage to integrate, but many don't since they're a result of the toxic culture of their respective ghettoes. And what's next? They get bitter, and their children are bitter, and the whole thing continues.

It's the same issue the US has with ghetto culture in many ways, just with its own flavor. Again, I don't know anyone who's got a reasonable solution.

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the solution is not mass unvetted migration.

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Definitely not — it's guaranteed to make things worse

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Strife is desired by the government that wants more power.

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... which is the life-blood of bureaucrats!

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Turns out the only positive solution is made on an individual basis by those who have the self-realization, the will, and the wherewithal—mixed with a bit of luck—to get out.

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Yep, that's exactly right. There is no workable systemic solution, only individual ones

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So true regarding the challenges socially speaking, and it may seem reasonable to do nothing, but no one is powerless. Everyone has a choice available at every moment, just like we have one in the face of the mandates, the negative opinions of friends and families these last three years, etc. Policies may affect the actual situation but they can only limit damage; they can’t heal things.

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The "geographically disconnected" suburb of a great city.

Reminds me of life in Central Manchester. Where da yoof were revolting because "der is noffink to do around here".

A pathetic excuse if ever I heard one.

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All we have to do is look at France ,that's what migration invasion brings you .The excuse I often read about is the rant to escape grim conditions for a better life .Why is it they can't create that better life in the country they come from ?When Germany was defeated and almost totally destroyed ,they did not run away to Africa .They went to work and rebuild ,and in addition paid reparations .The same goes for Japan ,Russia and Korea . Running away to countries where everything is handed to you free is the norm with migrants ,supported by politicians .

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The US is primarily an immigrant descended population. Assimilation was a goal of the immigrants and the existing host population (minus the original natives). As a result, arrivals made the maximum effort to become "proud Americans" and the public schools were built and funded to enable the children to do so.

When "diversity" became a goal and "assimilation" a dirty word, our troubles began in earnest.

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That was when immigrants into this country came primarily from Europe and were Christian. Descendants of European history, tradition, philosophy, and religion. While languages differed, people (for the most part) made an effort to acquire the primary language of America -- English. What they didn't need to do was assimilate into an entirely foreign culture without any connection at all to the dominant mores.

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The US also had a moratorium on large-scale immigration between around 1920-1960, so ~3 generations for everyone to get assimilated

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indeed. people used to call themselves americans. now they are black americans, trans americans, gay americans. every group wants their own flag and their own holidays.

i always said that the story of the great american melting pot was a myth; in reality it's an unsavory stew with all the ingredients that don't really work together fighting for dominance.

a culture can only stand so much divergence before the things tearing it apart grow stronger than the things holding it together

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What these groups want to me is protected class status with the benefits accorded to each. The flags and holidays are icing on these cakes. The price for this status is your vote. It’s just the old divide and conquer game, one as old as time.

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I think the word invasion describes the situation much better than the word immigration or migration .

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Hi Joe, I don’t think I used those words but your choice is okay with me.

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Americanization day parades were a highlight of my youth. Seeing old Italian ladies scoop up fresh horse crap for their gardens and kids scooping up the empty shell casings from rifle salutes ! Seeing the Masons and deMolay march in their regalia as well as the Knights of Columbus. All celebrating the fact that they were Americans

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Now there are homo ,sodomy parades ,that went on for a whole month and on a smaller scale all year . So far open public sex orgies on the streets did not happen . If the trend continues there will be sex contests on the streets ,between homo sexxers in the coming years .

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Exactly. If they really wanted diversity they would have seen it was already there and not tried to force something unnatural—their curated vision of “Diversity”—that has only caused problems and resentment in all parties.

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The US used to have a lot of ethnic neighborhoods. Lithuanian neighborhoods, German neighborhoods, Irish neighborhoods, Italian neighborhoods, black neighborhoods, etc. And then the government and oligarch foundations made a concerted effort to break those neighborhoods through weaponized migration. Diversity is their strength.

The US went through this. And now Europe is going through it.

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Most of those ethnicities were like minded and genetically similar people. You’re not going to be able to assimilate with people who are genetically different from you.

We see this in the US today.

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You can't put wolf and sheep together .

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true. Politicians love to divide the rich and poor, and ethnicities haves and have nots, neighborhoods and created extremism

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The destruction of those neighborhoods was through Supreme Court fiat, by mostly Jewish justices, to break down our cultural cohesion through making it illegal to organize ethnic (European) communities.

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Exactly. Multiculturalism is a failure

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People are flooding our borders for different reasons these days - free stuff. A lot of it.

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All groups are not equal.

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The immigrants who came to north America where of a mindset and culture ,that was based in work ethics and non violence ,building the country ,not tearing it apart ,like it is happening in most migrant invested countries now .

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completely correct

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If eugyp is right then presumably elites don't really want migrants to integrate, because that would ruin the political block they're trying to nurture.

When Mexican immigrants to the US integrate well (as they often do) they're voting for Trump within a generation.

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Assimilation of Arab Muslims into French culture? Where in the world has multiculturalism EVER worked?

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If they were willing, it would work.

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No it will not work ,they don't have the ability .The old established population will be changed to the third world conditions the migrants come from .

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Bringing back compulsory military service for young men, especially the immigrants, might also help with assimilation.

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Don't give them weapons on top of every thing they get free already from us ,they will turn the weapons against us .

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You cannot assimilate them without destroying the cultural traits they brought with them and forcibly indoctrinate their children with another culture, taking them away from parents at birth to do so. Also, all mosques would need to be destroyed.

Otherwise there will be no assimilation, and if you're going to try and turn a negro french, why bother?

No. Run them out. All of them.

It's the only humane way.

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They need to assimilate themselves. If someone wants the benefits of another country, they need to accept its general values or they should leave, unless they are temporary refugees, with heavy emphasis on temporary. No one has an excuse not to do this. The reasons of why it’s important are now obvious.

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Some of the blacks fresh from the jungles we see sometimes here ,look so horrific it makes babies and small children cry when they see them .

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Exactly. I spent a couple of years in France 20ish years ago, and after spending a lot of time in sleepy, remote Breton towns (very anciently French and Celtic, but they have their own problems), the banlieues were incredibly jarring and mixed. We knew what neighborhoods we were not physically safe in, and even then the anger in the air of the Algerians was palpable. I was kind of a kid and didn’t know any of the socio-political reasons for any of it, it was just something you knew.

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Thanks for your insights! "No one was in the right and things could only get worse." sounds like exactly the problem much of Europe has to deal with on account of its misguided migration policy.

You can't undo history. You can't undo the short-sighted migration policies of former governments, you can't send the descendants home, you can't undo centuries of ingrained cultural and religious practices. Maybe you can try to prevent further damage and first of all, you can and should acknowledge there is a problem (and not, as in Germany, say that the people causing mayhem are "fun-oriented youths" or "the party scene".).

With this on our mind, let's give the Romans a little friendly wave across 1,500 centuries. Some of them must have thought that allowing Germanic foederati to settle within the borders of the Empire was a rather swell idea.

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You are absolutely correct in noting that more recent / younger generations are in fact more alienated than their parents/grandparents.

There is a strong negative feedback loop operating. They feel a little different, then they sense they are failing professionally and financially because of that difference, so they react in a defensive/offensive way by intensifying the difference. For example, they become more religious than their parents. The modern ghettos purpose-built in the 60s and 70s make the sense of "difference" even stronger.

But a good deal of them were not temporary labour. When the Algerian war of independence ended with France forced to exit, a lot of Algerians were brought back out of some sense of national duty. Algeria was never a "colony". It was incorporated as an integral part of France. The fact that the Algerians who were "repatriated" after the war, nevertheless failed to integrate, just shows how flawed that whole concept was.

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They don't assimilate because their culture is drastically different, and French soil is not magic...

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Have you seen Dheepan? The plot point of a Tamil fleeing war-torn Sri Lanka only to find a worse situation in the gang-infested banlieue he ends up in when he claims asylum in France is a pretty bitter pill.

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I haven't. Sounds interesting. Thanks for the heads up

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They feel like they don't fit in because.............they don't fit in.

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Integration is the key.

I realize that as an American I have a significantly different perspective on "integration" than my European cousins, given that many European contries are, well, at least notionally, monocultural and monoethnic. It makes far more sense to say that France should be French or Germany should be German or Hungary should be Hungarian or Poland should be Polish tan it does to say that America should be American... because what even *is* that, beyond a certain flavor of anti-authoritarian Enlightenment principles and a taste for big fat cars?

But I think that's the thing that makes integration here so possible, we have so many different cultures, and in some sense, many of them have adopted the base principles of the country from our founding... or at least that used to be true. Now the left (like it does everywhere) is driving in wedges and insisting that assimilation and integration are "literal genocide".

Not that I have any idea what to do about any of it. *sigh*

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Switzerland allow workers but no families. Thus the “ pendolari” who commute from Italy. It works for the Swiss

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I was in Paris for a weekend school trip (I was studying in England over the summer) in 1986 and we were told to stay away from the North Africans -- not because they were dangerous to us students, but because the French didn't like them and so we might find ourselves in the middle of fights, etc.. Some other girls and I went to one of the big outdoor flea markets, where the North African vendors (all, or at least the ones we saw, good-looking young men) were charming, spoke several different languages, and tried to barter with everyone. We thought they were fun and wondered what the big deal was... but we were Americans on a weekend trip and so trying to figure out all of contemporary French politics in an instant was quite beyond us. I've remembered it ever since, though, because the French were open about how much they disliked the North Africans while we middle- and upper-income white Americans had always been taught that it was wrong to have or show prejudice about anyone. Of course, in England we had also found out that many British people were quite prepared to tell us their opinions about America!

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On "Insurrectionist Day" in America, I'm thinking about why the Canadian Truckers Protest didn't become the next Boston Tea Party.


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The short-term solution is politically impossible due to the mind-virus of equality and the Great Lie of multicultualism:

Round them up, and forcibly deposit them on their home soil, or that of their (grand)parents.

That's the only solution.

You cannot make a weasel guard chickens, no matter how you try.

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Is the paper posted online anywhere?

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You're leaving out a little bit of history there.

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Jul 3, 2023Liked by eugyppius

Just shows that behavior of “ new ‘ people doesn’t conform to the norms of a civilized society. We saw this in Newark and Detroit in the 60s. We saw it all over with the Covid riots where a hoodlum died with lethal drugs at incredibly high levels and no injury to his trachea and the elites welcomed the riots as reparations for events of almost 200 years ago and still yak about paying the rioters for their bad behavior. France need to stop immigration. France for the French is the wisest policy. Diversity doesn’t work. When will it be admitted.

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It pissed me off that Pierre Kory claims to have been instrumental in convicting Derek Chauvin and winning tens of millions for the thugs family..


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I just read Kory's book and it really opened my eyes to Ivermectin and how many people were sacrificed by the lies. I believe that Kory is a stand up guy and probably believed what he said in his report. I'm disappointed, too. Ultimately, it's up to the cities to manage crime. They were more than happy to have 5 police officers arrest a little girl at the Museum for the crime of not being vaccinated (she was underage) and a little boy eating pizza in Brooklyn. I suspect that allowing the cities to become this bad is a land grab by politically connected. Kory's report didn't help, I'll grant you.

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I think they purposely focus on cases like that while ignoring other cases of brutality in order to divide the working class.

I'm sorry, but if it were you or me or Chauvin that had a knee on our neck, we would have died to, even without drugs which people blamed Floyd's death on.

If I were Chauvin, I would have proved my innocence by demonstrating that I could survive with a knee on my neck for whatever minutes that happened. Did he do this? No... Hmm

The state won't show how brutality also happens to other races...

And yes, sometimes it's just a bad apple. But despite that, departments refuse to go through the channels of discipline on these bad officers and blame it on the unions.

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You are aware that Saint George Floyd died from a drug overdose There is no doubt that is the cause of Death for this useless piece of human garbage. You are Defending a man who held a pistol to a pregnant woman's belly threatened to shoot her child unless she told him where the drugs Were, Not to mention the man never had a legitimate job in his entire life, An innocent police officer falsely accused of murder Simply because hes white and the perpetrator and criminal was black.

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First of all, remember that they can blame death on anything. You can die from a COVID shot and they'll say it was caused by something else.

How about you get someone to kneel on your neck with not much force and see how you fare. https://selfdefensetutorials.com/air-chokes-blood-chokes/

I've had martial arts training and it takes very little pressure to stop blood to your brain. Did you know this or are you always on the side of the state?

Excessive force is excessive force, whether it's a murderer or your son.

Would your son survive the same thing? I think not.

I'm not defending Floyd, I'm saying excessive force keeps getting excused.

The problem is that when it happens to someone not a minority, you don't hear about it.

When I was a teen, my friend was almost choked to death by an officer, so forgive me for being upset at any excessive force. He's Italian, if you wondered. Look at the link I sent to learn how choking is not always about stopping air, and think again if you would be cool with an officer doing this to you or your son. Excessive force is excessive force.

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where exactly does it get excused?? Every case like this charges are brought against the officer. The people in riotng in the streets are supposedly demanding justice. If people are charged and tried in courts is that not justice?? These people that riot and lot are criminals, nothing more. They dont want justice, they want power, and they succeed in getting it by brute force. Justice means nothing to them.

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YMMV but imo at best Chauvin could have been tried for manslaughter.

Was the restraint procedure STOP?

Was the knee was on the back or the neck?

Much more what is never asked: If the cops shot him and he bled out, would they have ODed on the fumes?

As in just how much fentanyl was in his system?

It is not pleasant to watch a man die, and he appeared to be quite agitated and "couldn't breathe" from the beginning of the encounter, because subconsciously at least, his body was shutting down.

IOW police brutality, much more the militarization of the police due to drugs and terrurism (sic) are a problem, but wadr to Geo. Floyd, his death was a fraud for the cause and an excuse for our Lib/Prog Dim/Rino Establishment to sic their salt and pepper version of the Red Guard on America.

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There was no injury to his trachea. It is a rigid tube. If his airway had been obstructed, the damage would have been evident.

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I know. You don't need to damage the trachea in order to restrict blood flow.

It's very much like a "blood choke" which blocks the main artery.


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Wrong, it was conclusively determined that Saint Floyd had consumed 6 times a fatal dose of fentanyl and that the knee on the neck did not kill him...And such a demo would not have been allowed at trial...

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He OD’ed. There was no injury to his neck.

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You can die from a blood choke that doesn't need much force.

Kneeling on the side of the neck stops blood flow.


Also, since when did you trust the government when it investigates itself?

Heck, they have been lying about COVID deaths and rarely reporting the jabs causing deaths. That was also from political influence.

How many stories you hear of the department covering up for their own.

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Chauvin didn't kill Floyd. The autopsy proved that with its toxicality report. Floyd died from a overdose of fentanyl which Floyd deliberately swallowed in hopes of not being charged with drug possession. The rest of the legend was started by Antifa and was successful in its implementation of widespread violence.

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Antifa is just like patriot front, a lot of feds and officers pretending to be rioters. This is not a new tactic used by the government to promote excessive force in return. Notice how in both sides, they never go after those masked rioters that break windows, but arrest peaceful protestors. The same happened with January 6, where Ray Epps and others did crazy things but none of them got charged, but they did go after the protestors that peacefully walked in where capitol officers were standing at the open doors.

Check out this article about patriot front and how they were "arrested", but the masks stayed on and many had backpacks on. The same happens with antifa, and both groups get used to give officers more power to attack others. Just saying...


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Yeah, I appreciate PK on his work re. the virus scamdemic and protocols to reverse the side effects of the "vax", but his expert testimony was a little too self-righteous.

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A long-ago college girlfriend told me that as a 13 year-old, during a family vacation in Paris, she was snatched off the street while her parents and siblings were distracted, piled into a car, and gang raped for several hours by a group of African men and boys, then dumped, naked, bleeding, and crying uncontrollably, in a park across the city. Her distraught parents were outraged, of course, and demanded justice, but the French authorities had no real desire to investigate the matter. They told them these incidents were common and that their daughter was lucky to be alive. Hooray for diversity.

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"France need to stop immigration."

Too late now. France is doomed, and the rest of us are next.

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I have an idea that UK is next..for 3 years coast guard boats bringing in thousands young men daily..Politicians debating every day what go do?? Joke..it’s the plan..same in Ireland..no housing do putting these young men in barracks?? This is bad..I believe UK next..zzMatt Hancock(Health Sec) said another Pandemic we have to lock down longed and harder this time?? And Billy Gates out of his box again crying Big virus coming.,

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The very worst point of the ‘riots’ ‘peaceful protests’? In the US?

The BLM..ANTIFA..CLIMATE ACTORS..ect are funded and instigated by the very Elite responsible for the root cause of same..example ‘slave ships’..Oil Companies..Coal Co..all responsible big companies who did all this damage and now blame it all on innocent citizens trying to survive & pay tax in this post covid mess.The citizens didn’t do this..’Banksters et al did this!

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Ayaan Hirsi Ali was the 1st person I heard say France was headed for a civil war in 2021.

She was doing her podcast tour for her latest book called Prey which was about the effect of Islamic Immigration on women's rights.

Of course she was cancelled by all prestige media because she stated the obvious fact about the threat European women were increasingly facing from Muslim Immigrants and how the politicians refused to even recognize the problem existed let alone do any about it.

This is Ayaan from 2017:

"In France, for example, if new President Emmanuel Macron, “doesn’t tackle problems; if the economy doesn’t grow; if he can’t control immigration; and if he won’t address the issues of

Islam — I think that country could just fall into civil war,”


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“!prestige media?” I call it the dinosaur media.

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I don’t understand how ppl did not see this Plan going on..In 2015 Saudi Arabia was put in charge of womens and girls rights.???? The country with No womens rights?? And they got voted in again. This whole plan is to erase women & feminists (who were started by same UN lackeys) and LGBT+++ is another proof..men can marry each other..have babies..go after children..they don’t need women..Pure Demonic Evil..And gay Yuval (Noah) Harari says there is No G-D in clouds they will make a new AI god & write new Bible!

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The broad brush over of the true spark of all these unrests is CRIME. It is NEVER mentioned in all the tearful, hateful rhetoric against the actual citizenry of this country. When CRIMINALS get shot, caught, whatever no one ever talks about that aspect. The death toll in Chicago and Baltimore etc. from lawless thugs randomly shooting at people all over the place!

Who even mentions that EVER?

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Define "French."

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Easy. We don’t need a definition. We need ancestry. Com. How do you think they will decide who gets the “ respirations “ for 400 years of “ injustice?” Don’t ask a judge because they can’t even define a woman!

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You have defined it...Ancestry and others would help you prove it.

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White European’s.

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All T.V. commercials /advertising must have a black actor in it .Non of the other races will do he must bee black .

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Lorenzo Warby has been characterizing migration policies as a form of internal colonization:


Not only do migrants corrode the native social structures targeted by globalists for revision and replacement, but the very problems they cause provide an excuse for an expansion in the power of the managerial state.

This can't be allowed to continue. In addition to the terrorism you mention, the constant background hum of street crime, the general filth and disorder, there's also the attacks upon churches and priests. It is intolerable. The formal political structures have been largely subverted by those who feed and water this monster; having so thoroughly betrayed their nations, they have no moral legitimacy left to call upon. The governments of Western Europe are now as alien as the invaders they've invited in.

As you note, much of this is supported by American power. I'm tacitly hopeful that the gradual loss of the dollar's reserve currency status will attenuate this influence, and make it harder for Washington's quislings to keep a lid on popular rejection of their imperial policies. Although when the lid comes off it will probably get very messy. What we're seeing in France right now is likely only a taste of what's to come.

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I'm totally convinced that the global elites will not rest until the entire world population is made up of people with a "coffee light" complexion.

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That's their explicit goal.

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Anyone else remember the Time magazine cover of 20+ years ago of the lovely young coffee-colored woman on its cover hailing the day when we had intermarried to where she represented the new population? "The new population will stop racial hatred" was implied. Maybe that view is correct.

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Except that degree of mixing will never be achieved. Furthermore, drilling down a bit further, the moral core of eliminating "racism" seems to derive from the belief that "racism" is the only reason people fight or otherwise treat one another badly. This is clearly absurd.

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Twenty years has proven that, indeed as MLK stated . men should be judged not by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character.

No matter what color, hatred is way beyond skin deep.

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I am so very, very sick of the Boomer worship of that plagiarizing communist.

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except them.

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yes, but they will still be living in their gated communities as the mobs are at the gate.

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90% mixed race couples in US adverts.

3% actual mixed race stats.

AND... the sad part is that the mindless masses believe that is the way it is.

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"tacitly hopeful that the gradual loss of the dollar's reserve currency status will attenuate this influence" So when is the market going to factor this into exchange rates? I'm constantly baffled at the strength of the dollar.

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Gradually, then suddenly.

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I think none of this stuff is possible without America.

The dollar as reserve currency matters, but will only disappear when the banking sector lends in something else. There is literally nothing else remotely as suitable.

Perhaps a real risk to the US bond market, in the form of uncertainty as to repayment because of a civil war, would do this. Short of that, it is difficult to see any time soon.

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deletedJul 3, 2023Liked by eugyppius
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As our host pointed out, excusing all of this in terms of a racist imperialist past fails utterly in Sweden, whose only oppressive imperial project was against other Europeans. Sweden imo gives the game away. It's just about anti-whiteness.

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🎯 . . . which is ultimately a white-on-white war.

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There was actually a small Swedish colony on, I think, the Delaware river in the 17th century, ceded to The Netherlands after defeat in a war, then ceded by The Netherlands to England after another.

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Yes, there was a small short-lived Swedish colony.

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Ireland is probably the best example. They were Europe's eternal victims, fought for centuries to regain their homeland, but somehow are just as guilty of racism as everyone else.

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Ireland is probably the only Western European country which is still winning in the “go liberal get rich” game, so this destruction is going down easier there than elsewhere.

But the mental colonisation by American media cannot be underestimated: they think they are American and that political virtue, as expressed in American media, is what should be pursued. Hence all white Irish are racists and owned slaves. Or something

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Not all our elites are white, but aside from that well known tribal component, I believe it's really very simple. Whites are much harder to control than other groups. We're a dangerous combination of intelligence, creativity, aggression, and independence. We make for poor serfs and our masters intend a permanent, global order.

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Money and status seeking explain most of it. Also short sighted inability to see they are cutting off the branch they are sitting on

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Thank you for covering what the Lugenpresse ignores. The Netflix movie Athena is a visceral portrayal of this new normal Anarcho tyranny. Jean Raspail tried to warn the French 50 years ago. After Charie Hebdo, Bataclan, and Nice, how much patience to the French have left for WEF court eunuchs like Macron? https://yuribezmenov.substack.com/p/how-to-speak-french-part-2

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This is just "The Battle of Algiers," the remake, and it's not any more pleasant than the original.

Perhaps don't colonize people you wouldn't want in your living room later.

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I'm much more fatalistic about state power and don't really think it makes sense to apply a human moral framework to it. Powerful states subjugate their neighbours, and they have throughout civilisation. The mass, voluntary importation of distant foreigners by the political elite is, however, mostly a modern phenomenon, only partly and imperfectly explained by colonialism.

Sweden, with very little colonial past, has probably around the same number of ethnic non-Swedes in its borders now as postcolonial France does ethnic non-French.

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Yes, each country has its own story here.

I don't think moral frameworks are so easily escapable. I agree that the acceptance of Muslim economic migrants to Germany has been a bad idea. It's funny to me how people celebrate the Kurds when they are among the most honor-obsessed cultures in the Middle East (where everyone is honor-obsessed).

But if you screw up whatever natural balance had found itself in an uneasy tension in faraway places, you will find yourself paying someday. It was hard for me, learning as I did through my own reading as an adult, all the ways the US fucked up that natural balance everywhere, just as the great powers before it had done.

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SCA, "Don't colonize people you wouldn't want in your living room later." Brilliantly on target.

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There are Africans, Middle Easterners and South Asians in Scandinavia.

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There is a part of me that wonders if the entire hellscape unfolding is not, in some way, punishment for past and present sins. Demography is a choice, as abortion has become

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It is the history of life on earth for everyone who could to colonize everyone reachable.

Look at all the conflict zones in the world, and places where diverse ethnic groups are failing to live together in peace and harmony. Plenty of them were thrust upon one another by third parties. As, for example, Tamils in Sri Lanka.

I'm the grandchild of illegal aliens who were eventually naturalized in an amnesty, back in the previous century, so in decency I can't get over-umbraged about people desperate to have a better life and trying to find it anywhere they can. Every group of newcomers, some assimilate well, and some don't.

As I said, maybe colonizing in places where you wouldn't want the locals to marry your daughters is gonna have some undesired repercussions.

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Good points well made: people are people.

I don’t doubt this situation could be handled with considerably greater skill by the authorities, and that the overall tone of policy is driven by a particular agenda. That doesn’t help.

But as for being shocked at riots in countries with no effort at integration, practically open borders, nasty colonial history (in the case of France), inept policing and a general air that authority is evil… no, not really.

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Everyone has a culture. Every nation-state has the right to its own culture. Every nation-state has the right to set immigration and citizenship standards for itself.

The "melting pot" was the sensible viewpoint. Multiculturalism always fails.

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Agreed. Not happening in the current set-up. Not even allowed to be discussed

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AMDG "people are people" what kind of a comment is that? This was done intentionally. On the surface, the europeaners decided that they wanted to show they learned from the holocaust by being overly tolerant, even the to the point of sacrificing their entire culture and country. This is virtue signaling that will be genocidal unless stopped and reversed course. Europe is only a short number of years from becoming totally Islamized--this is predatory conquest as the French author Bat Ye'or outlines--self-inflicted slow genocide of these nations.

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Perhaps if Western powers and Russia would stop fucking around in Syria, and perhaps if Hillary who thank God will never be President had understood what would come from removing Qaddafi, things wouldn't be quite as bad.

Perhaps if everyone, going back to the British in Kipling's era and by the Russians in whatever incarnation they were at any point in time, had left Afghanistan to its wretched self, things wouldn't be quite as bad.

But everyone fucks around with everyone and then Western countries are surprised by what the cat dragged in.

Much of it is a clash of class and not all that much about cultures which seem to be different and aren't. There isn't that much difference between a housing estate in England filled with failed Irish semi-families or banlieues filled with Algerians in similar configurations.

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I think you may have misunderstood me: in the context of mixing totally incompatible cultures and multiple (and avoidable) social problems, together with a total (and deliberate) absence of authority, (some) people will behave like this.

I completely agree that this is a disaster of the first order. Europe’s survival is definitely under threat.

But the problems are in some ways only revealed by the immigration issue, not just caused by it.

There is an internal malaise, fostered in my view by the American regime, which has both allowed this immigration issue to arise, and destroyed a huge amount of value in European culture already.

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I have not gone to a ‘movie’ in forever! It is all ‘predictive’ programming to get ppl used to what ‘Elite’ are doing or going to do. I would not pay a penny to Hollywood or ‘uneducated’ stars..CIA runs the show. Put them out of business and solve a lot of our problems!

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‘True Lies’ was the first movie that had me wondering (before I knew predictive programming was a thing).

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The reference to Raspail is apt

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Jul 3, 2023Liked by eugyppius

One important issue immigration-friendly policies rarely seem to take into account is that developing countries tend to have significantly decreased equality between the sexes. This makes young men freer than young women, and as a result they tend to the be the ones emigrating and immigrating. They are a poor match for women in their host countries, and find themselves reluctant incels, something that understandably increases anger, rootlessness and violence, including against the women they feel are rejecting them. Basic biological facts seem to be broadly denied these days, with wide-ranging effects.

Another basic fact that has been thoroughly ignored, again with terrible results, are the cultural differences between immigrants and host countries. When these differences are too big, clashes are inevitable. Especially immigrants with strong and militant muslim backgrounds seem to be resistant to assimilation.https://www.opindia.com/2022/05/sweden-immigration-integration-immigrants-prime-minister-violence/

Thank you for your excellent analysis!

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Yes, it's deeply fascinating how one person's (or angry teenager's) outburst is regarded as legitimate critizism of state overreach while another person's outburst (or peaceful demonstration) is regarded as illigitimate, quasi-Hitlerite would-be coup, depending on whether it fits the state and the media's agenda.

To put it another way: if 20% of Germans decide to use their right to vote to protest the reigning coalition, their fault is all theirs and they are "brown scum" (copyright: Verfassungsschutzchef of Thuringia). If hundreds of disenchanted French teenagers from ethnic minorities start destroying state property, it's a sadly slightly too passionate exercise in antiracist consciousness raising.

Yeah, well, and I'm supposed to swallow this?

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With Pride. Ha!

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Jul 3, 2023Liked by eugyppius

There is no opportunistic violence like this in countries that have controlled immigration and maintain their historical cultures and norms.

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Probably because people who riot tend not to be patted on the head in China or India? And there is very little immigration in Japan.

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India has riots all the time.

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Or Poland, Hungary……

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Writing from southern Paris, just a few comments:

Life is pretty normal and not what the news says. Yes, some areas like Clamart have a curfew and there are "hotspots" but generally speaking, everyday life is normal.

On the Thursday night we heard what sounded like fireworks outside and were wondering what it was about ... some football game? On the Friday morning I went out to find some shop windows smashed, and all the banks and ATM machines attacked, with the notable exception of the post office, that is just beside the banks and other shops, but was left alone. And now there is a large queue of people using the post office ATM.

The glass shop fronts were smashed, but there was no looting. Nothing appeared taken/stolen.

Cafes, bars, restaurants were open as normal, and people were out eating, drinking, laughing in the summer weather.

On Saturday we went into central Paris and it was a normal summer's day. Public transport was running normally. Very busy with lots of American accents and tons of tourists. Nothing out of the ordinary.

It is a fact here that there are "cités", basically large modern housing projects usually full of high-rise blocks of flats, that are inhabited by the north African immigrant community. These are located on the outskirts of major cities. It is also a fact that whenever there is rioting or such trouble, it tends to come out of there. That is were there are large concentrations of unemployed youth of north African descent. That is just the way it is. I am not commenting on how this situation emerged or what to do about it. The "hotspots" tend to be near these housing projects. Angry young men come out of these areas, do what they do, and then retreat back.

And while it is true that last Tuesday a 17-year old of north African origin was shot dead, it is also strongly rumoured here (with information to be confirmed) that the officer who shot him is also of similar origins.

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Jul 3, 2023Liked by eugyppius

Thank you for your comment. I have noticed that "news" feeds coverying any event repeat the same video of something burning again and again, so I wondered how people living in Paris saw the events. With all that being said, if it is true that 5,000 cars were burned, and since it is clear that a library was burned, this is clearly a big event.

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An important distinction with respect to the summer of Floyd, is that the worst of the rioting is, for the most part, kept out of the city neighbourhoods where support for the regime and its policies are concentrated.

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I can confirm; a close relative of mine spent last week in Paris and just realized something was off when they left; that was when the curfews were introduced in some areas.

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Jul 3, 2023Liked by eugyppius

Ahhhh... The French get to enjoy a Saint George Floyd/BLM moment that the Americans saw in 2020.

All this propaganda pours from the same Evil source carefully sowing division and death amongst our communities to detract from our focus on them. And it works, every time.

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Same five global media corporations. Reading from the same script. Just different green screen backdrops and in different languages.

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The only solution for the French, and all other Western societies, is to stop all immigration from Muslim countries and African pagan societies, period. It's not that none will assimilate and accept Western values and traditions. The problem is that a sizable minority of each will not, under any circumstances. For example, there is nothing in Sharia Law that can be massaged to fit into any Western society. And immigrants bring their own racial and cultural beliefs and prejudices, which they must give up to assimilate, which they don't want to do.

Danny Huckabee

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Well, many of them DO assimilate, but a) problems with third-generation immigrants are not new (cf. the Irish in the US) and b) the bigger immigrant communities are, the harder it is for individual members to get integrated into "majority" society. In the French banlieues and in certain areas of Germany, this is no longer happening. Where should kids integrate into when an overwhelming majority of their classmates are minority kids just as they themselves are? How should this even work?

Besides, Germany just doesn't offer a very attractive perspective of what "being German" means. Most of all it means you feel horribly ashamed of your past and blame yourself for almost all evils that happen to occur; I remember an article somewhere about how young people of immigrant origin should feel responsible for "Auschwitz". Why feel that "integration" should be your goal under these circumstances?

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Good point, similar to here in the US where our VP and many Progressives and media claim everyone white is guilty of oppression and should atone for slavery by giving reparations to black people, regardless of whether their family was even slave owners AND regardless of whether the black person receiving the reparation is even a descendent of slavery. It’s all so ridiculous.

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Close the borders to them and make it a national priority to send the existing invaders back, forcibly if necessary.

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That the lorry assault drove legislation allowing the shooting of drivers fleeing traffic stops is critical context, yet I had not read it any report until now. A reminder always to read Eugyppius.

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Jul 3, 2023·edited Jul 3, 2023Liked by eugyppius

Great essay. As I've said in an earlier essay the Globalist Agenda is like a multifaceted Clusterfuck, which is to say there are many agendas being orchestrated globally: Fake Climate Change, Digital ID, Digital Currency, 15 minute cities, restrictions on gas appliances etc. The goal is to reduce the status of every human to that of a slave on a Global Digital Plantation. Immigration serves multiple purposes in the grand globalist agenda: it divides the people while insuring an unending supply of cheap labor. It has been used globally for many decades now but is getting far worse in recent years. Since Biden was "selected" in 2020 between 6 and 15 million Illegal Aliens have been allowed into the US. And certainly the violence in France is more than partially due to the influx of millions of Muslims over the past decade, who do not share "western values.

Review of Prey: Immigration, Islam, and the Erosion of Women’s Rights by Ayaan Hirsi Ali


To be clear I have no enmity toward immigrants. At the same time I also believe that every Illegal Alien that has crossed into the US and EU should be deported. Why? Because the working people of the US and EU are already suffering due to these increasing globalist policies. There is no sin in putting your own people first. If anything we should be helping the growing masses of homeless Americans and Europeans rather than bringing in more cheap labor for the benefit of the global elites. At the same time we should be encouraging these immigrants to fight for their own inalienable rights in their countries of origin.

Open Borders are just another part of Biden's Globalist Plan to destroy the United States and the rest of the developed world

Biden and the Democrats are putting American Citizens last and footing us with the bill


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"Multi-faceted clusterfuck" is perfect. RFK jr, in his News Nation town hall describes how the cartels are bringing people in from overseas, then putting them on buses. I wonder how much of the other "immigration," like the Albanians coming across the channel in the UK are being driven by whomever is behind the cartels, shadowy globalists I'd suspect,( though I haven't been able to take any reference to Albanians seriously since Tune in Tomorrow and Mario Vargas Llosa's Aunt Julia and the Scriptwriter) These patterns just keep repeating, and it is tragic as well as unfathomably boring and deadening, such a weird combination.

Here's RFK jr describing what he saw at the border at 2 AM


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Bruce, and dont forget eliminating breeding animal stock for food, airline travel. This is a the global panopticon which is at its core Satan's desire to know everything and make hell on earth for everyone--to destroy all the blessings of God that He gave to creation. The Devil's days are numbered. Jesus is coming back very soon.

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Jul 3, 2023Liked by eugyppius

This is absolutely exactly what is taking place!! Perfect..

Note ‘Macron’ et al were partying at Elton John concert while gorillas and guerrillas were running the streets..

These ‘certain protestors’ are doing the job their masters tell them to..it is why they are there..note in some videos..masked young men giggling while letting zoo animals escape..This is plan of the ‘new order’ and these puppet politicians are evil fools with no conscious or sense of morality.. 🙏🏽For France..

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Jul 3, 2023Liked by eugyppius

"This is about power and they don’t care. They’ll vaccinate billions and take years of heightened mortality in stride. They’ll burn whole cities to the ground if they have to."

It has always been hard for me to believe that they are willing to debase and even largely destroy their own civilization in order to gain or maintain power over it. What's the point of ruling a cesspool?

But at some point, it becomes undeniable. Their goal is to be Satan in hell. We're just along for the ride.

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One word: Thanatos

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The Greek god of death?

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that’s the beauty of it all. everybody is so brainwashed that it becomes “hard to believe”.

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What? You mean Western European and American societies that have evolved, successfully, over hundreds of years are not capable of assimilating millions upon millions of poor, 3rd world immigrants without social upheaval and civil unrest?? I’m shocked! Shocked I tell you! 🤦‍♂️🙄

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Absolutely, imagine my surprise.

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Don't forget that "diversity is our strength!"...unless of course you are a bricklayer trying to build a foundation or anything that will stand up strong more than a few moments. Ever try to build a foundation wall with a bunch of rocks all different sizes and shapes without any mortar? Its a fun exercise in futility, but should be a required course these days.

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well, not to dissent but actually Eric, you can build wonderful walls out of dissimiliar rocks and such with strong cement and mortar--its been done throughout history. Certainly takes a lot of work to do.

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Agreed, it can be done, BUT not without mortar. In social construction, the mortar is usually shared history, language and life experience.

In the end, your walls and foundations become more about the mortar than the aggregate.

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Great comment--will archive that. Culture, language, borders—Micheal Savage. strong walls of France's countryside confirms that mishaped irregular rocks work fine. The allies had really difficult times punching thru their hedgerows and never knew who was on the other side.

The west is trashing everything of value. The global/communists intend to burn it all down to get their global government...their supposed communist utopia is total bullcrap and man will never ever achieve.

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Again, if you want to bring down a wall, go for the mortar…ignore the aggregate.

And a wall made of dissimilar aggregate is more reliant on the mortar, so it’s easier to destroy.

The trick is getting the builders to use dissimilar aggregate in the 1st place.

The reason the Romans used catapults with flaming balls of tar against ramparts was not to light the defenders on fire. It was to boil the water in the mortar holding the thick stone walls together.

I believe what we are witnessing now is the culmination of decades of the communists/socialists/globalists (whatever you wish to call them) lobbing flaming balls of tar at every one of our foundations of our civilization. If it seems like everything is coming apart at the seams, its because its the seams (the mortar) that they are concentrating their firepower on.

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Great performance art idea.

But what museum would host it?

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I don’t know about museums, I was thinking about school prerequisites…but maybe anyone who proclaims the idiotic phrase “diversity is strength” should be required to build a 5 meter by 5 meter by .5 meter wall out of dissimilar rocks without mortar of any kind…you know…prior to graduation and being allowed to make any public policy.

Just spitballin’ here…whattaIknow? I’m probably just a stupid racist American 🇺🇸 …but I do know how to build shit! 🤷‍♂️😂

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I think it's an absolutely brilliant idea.

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You would have to find a workaround, for instance by writing an outline stating that what you actually want to do is to show that the fight against Climate Catastrophe cannot succeed if views on it are diverse and there is no unity. Maybe some smart people would be able to take the idea that diversity is NOT always "our strength" and apply it to other real-life situations...

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They are, as America did. The key word here is assimilation. Immigrants became Americans first, even as they retained their ethnicities. Our globalist leaders, our author points out, no longer support that kind of “nationalism.” If the project is one world government, then smashing their own societies makes some kind of sense. Racism is just the rationale, the talking point. Sure some midwits actually believe it.

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Jul 3, 2023Liked by eugyppius

“We also emphasize the importance of peaceful assembly. We call on the authorities to ensure use of force by police to address violent elements . . . .”

How about calling on the rioting knee-jerkers to “CALM THE FUCK DOWN!!!” ???

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