Jul 10, 2022Liked by eugyppius

Boy, sounds like we should have listened to those “fringe” epidemiologists who authored the Great Barrington Declaration.

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When, and if, an objective history of this whole thing is written, one of the focal points is how previously mainstream epidemiologists/virologists/statisticians became instantly "fringe" once they voiced a dissent.

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When, and if, an objective history of this thing is written, one of the focal points will be how previously mainstream epidemiologists etc became instantly "fringe" when they advocated doing what was in ALL of the the pandemic preparedness plans drawn up for such an event, instead of this new wild idea of lockdown and containment!

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Can conceivably be explained away by knowing that both sides of U.S. Presidents supported this NWO. Now called LWO. This has been coming for decades, much to everyone's horror. In your mind, "go there" to the end result, because Democrats and RINOs are *already there* in reality. Now, everyone knows how urgent it is to vote them OUT. As a Los Angeles-born California senior - CA is your canary in the coal mine. ALL levels of government now corrupted - all participating in a socialist cash grab and destroying the Constitution. All of America's self-inflicted ills are straight from the WEF web site pages. ALL of it, "Green" Big Gay/Trans, Division by color, gender, sex, Equity, etc.

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There was no pandemic- EVER.

There was no unusually virulent or unusually contagious pathogen.

"Covid" is a crime story not an epidemiological story.

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Exactly. All it did was show the medical negligence and malpractice that has always existed.

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Enter "EU Roadmap" into any non-google search engine. I saw a post similar to this on Rumble in the early days of "Covid." It was a crime and plandemic to install worldwide Socialism, period. NOT an accident countries have the most incompetent leaders right now. WEF-bought.

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Jul 16, 2022·edited Jul 16, 2022

Im not denying that it was and continues to be a crime.....but...

So what was it that I had in April 2021?

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Brilliant comment.

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Thanks Rob.

It's hard to watch some of these excellent substackers go round and round on this.

"Covid" is and always has been a business plan not a medical emergency and it follows on the heels of decades of similar scenarios that were attemtped and failed.

One of the most egregious aspects of all of this is that when the "Covid narrative" is reinforced- even by those who think it should have been "managed differently" for example- is that it covers up the crimes that were committed.

The worst crime, to my mind, that was committed was the wholesale slaughter of tens of thousands of elderly people in March/April 2020 which was done by policy directives leading to hospicide/senicide not by some unique viral event.

Suggesting that there was some unusual pathogen that killed these people is patently false and keeps hidden what actually happened.

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the two scenarios aren't mutually exclusive.

a moderately dangerous pandemic, itself likely the product of pandemic mitigation and vaccine research, was made vastly worse by terrible policy decisions.

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Except there wasn't a "moderately dangerous" pandemic anywhere.

Those terms represent an oxymoron by the way.

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Jul 11, 2022·edited Jul 11, 2022Author

no they don't, a pandemic is just the occurrence of a virus across multiple regions of the globe simultaneously. the 2009 H1N1 flu was a pandemic that wasn't dangerous at all.

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Most of the deaths in NY occurred from medical malpractice and neglect spurred on by political edicts.

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There was excess death in the US in March/April 2020. However if you remove 8 states from the mortality equation there was no excess death count of not in the other 42 combined.

If we were in the middle of a raging pandemic with a particularly unique and virulent pathogen this would not be the case. Does a virus recognize state borders? Obvioulsy not.

Not surprisingly these 8 states all executed the exact same policies in regrads to hospital protocols and nursing home/care center procedures.

There are many other examples the illustrate the absurdity of the pandemic/viral claims.

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there are clear excess mortality patterns associated with SARS-2 infections all across Europe, as I've illustrated here. from countries without lockdowns, like Sweden, to countries with heavy-handed pandemic response, like Germany.

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I wrote extensively about this having derived it from physics first principles. You'll be able to read all about it when my book comes out in about a month. I noticed this in September and made a video about it entitled "Stop the SARS-2 Stupidity, Doctors. You are Killing People!". It was a 4+ hourlong video that got taken down immediately. Recently, I have done 24 hours of discussions with one of the co-authors of the GBD, Dr. Jay Bhattacharya who disagrees with me about the lockdowns. He thought they helped certain classes of people and were a net reducer of spread. in and of themselves, whereas I think I have proved they caused more spread, hospitalization, and death in and of themselves. We both agree, of course , that lockdowns caused collateral damage that overwhelmed these smaller effects. My conversations with Jay are on my substack DrReidSheftall.substack.com and my book is called: "HEROES AND VILLAINS: The COVID-19 Book of Lists"

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Instead of walling them up in the old coke factory.

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Jul 10, 2022Liked by eugyppius

As long as public health officials can increase their power using COVID as a pretext, they have every incentive to keep doing exactly the wrong things. I won't say that they intend to make things worse, it's just that their incentives are consistently aligned in that direction.

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“Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity.“

Sadly, I fear we have passed the point where that is still open to discussion.

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I agree. There’s no way this is down to stupidity.

Literally dozens of key decisions which have been required to make it as it is. Coordinated decisions, too.

Censorship isn’t accidental.

PsyOps took considerable skill.

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Dr. Mike, how do you explain the contrast between Sweden’s public health response vs. other Western governments? How is it that their leadership has not been co-opted like the US/UK?

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I think it has, now.

Busy jabbing everyone. Merrily moving towards cashless digital money.

There were oddities along the Anders Tegnell / his boss (name escapes me: Prof Johan Giesecke). They knew full well there was no need to do anything.

It got too late to force them to comply. Literally wouldn’t work. Fear required coordination.

Beyond that, I don’t know.

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I agree. I did not know this at the time. I thought all governments had such units.

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I learned about in July 2020 through Reiner Fuellmich’s group. They at the time were just as shocked as those of us listening. Time to expose. Thought there had been more exposure of it. Very disappointed there hasn’t been. Same with the WHO’s “Listening” Department via our phones and radio waves (in poorer countries where cell phones are not in as much use). They write about it on their website so they could/ can know how the public is responding to everything. Josh Philips discussed on Epoch Times. I looked it up and sure enough there it was. I went back several months later. They discussed how proud they were in hiring 400 more people and upgrading equipment etc. it’s all there. But was very disappointed I wasn’t hearing about anywhere!

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Thank you. It’s incredibly effective within UK & much more widely too.

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A good point of view. OTOH, when they claim incompetence, it is likely because the truth is far worse.

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Jul 10, 2022·edited Jul 10, 2022

See Kill Gates, WHO (pun intended) "just realized" that:

> The glorified cold mortality rate is low and

> the hackcines don't prevent infection not transmission...

I suppose he wouldn't like his pink sweater be ruined by some pitchforks...

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I pray we get to see the day when he, Schwab, Soros and the rest are rounded up and tried, found guilty and sentenced to *lockdown* with 3 meals of bugs a day for the rest of their miserable lives. They've gone WAY too far. And I'm sick of it. The world seems to be awakening to the monsters behind the curtain! And that's terrifying and very exciting.

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It will take years to work thru the courts.one crisis after the other intentional to consume resources and legal system.

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Maybe. But human beings haven't changed that much. One only has to look at relatively recent history of Romanian dictator Ceausescu to know that when people get pushed too far and they can't take it anymore, there's no place for monsters to hide. You're probably right, but personally, I think these monsters are pushing too far, too hard, too fast, with a frothing desperation behind it all. That never seems to go well for monsters. I guess we'll just have to strap in and see what happens. 😀

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"The world seems to be awakening to the monsters behind the curtain!"

NOT at my work place; you should see them getting jabbed and wearing useless splash guards...

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They're not hungry. Yet.

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And, consequently, these "health officials" have shown to the whole world how gutless they are by NOT putting their foot down refusing when ordered to kill or maim the living for generations to come. It is true that they are being manipulated towards betraying their own morals but it is likewise true they have shown no guts in not asking the necessary questions, working for blood money and putting needles into other peoples´ babies..

Not one of these "public health officials" have my respect.

Not one.

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these people would have done quite well in the 3rd Reich

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well if no one gets sick no one gets any money !

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I'll say it: They intend to make things worse.

See, that's not so hard.

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"Many of today's problems are a result of yesterday's solutions."

—Thomas Sowell

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An allied quote: "If you see ten troubles coming down the road, you can be sure that nine will run into the ditch before they reach you."

--Calvin Coolidge.

(IMO, a much unappreciated POTUS)

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The problem is that the intervention strategy is deliberate. Implemented via the higher-ups ignorant power hungry toadies who are all too happy to make us miserable.

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Does anyone think there many be some revenge on us plebs because the grief the media and us inflicted on our nobility. Clinton's obummers blidens

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What a shame.

All of this to get rid of mean old Trump.

The left are followers of the devil.

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Rosemary, not sure your comment is satire or serious. Think about what you are saying, China with agreement with the eugenic globalists have decided to kill off much of the global population all to remove Trump. Are you sure?

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I don't know the details of how the virus emerged and probably never will. Too many important people would get a light shown on them. I tend to believe it was ill-advised research, sponsored in part by the US, that simply went awry. I do NOT fully discount the more nefarious theories.

What I DO believe is that the anti-Trump crowd fully weaponized the situation to get rid of Trump.

Exhibit A. Harris said quite publicly that she would never take a vaccine promoted by Trump. As soon as Trump was out of the way, a 180 degree full speed turn. Get vaccinated or else. Same "vaccine".

Do you really believe that the approval of the vaccine, just somehow, couldn't be announced until after the election?

IMO, Trump acted as a functioning CEO with his "Warp Speed". The massive problem was the corrupt approval process, followed with massive propaganda and mandates. All of which came after Trump was safely disposed of.

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I believe former President Trump acted well with the OWS process, and was definitely the Executive he needed to be for other Covid matters that arose, but his Admin pushed through the approval for the election (and it missed anyway). Thumbs down on that. I also think he could have stood up to his medical advisors on locking down the economy. Another thumb down. Most Presidents don’t encounter advice to lockdown the population and its economy. In fact none have. Hindsight is the best sight.

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We have not "killed off much of the global population..." In fact the 'Original' Wild Type SARS-2 was a "Culling Machine", killing off those who provided minimal productivity into the economy while they were draining resources through pensions, Social Security and the highest utilization of medical resources (multiple comorbidities). Even the highest fatality counts (7 million?) out of the current 7.96 billion world population, is less than 1/1200. The Spanish Flu by comparison, (taking a conservative accounting) resulted in 40 million deaths in a world population of 1.9 Billion (2.7% of population) while SARS-2's fatality was closer to 0.0008%). Add to this The Spanish Flu caused an average fatality age of 28 years of age vs. 82 years for SARS-2. The comparison of "Lost Productive Life-Years" is incalculable. Additionally, Excess Mortality barely spiked until the full 'roll-out' of the mRNA Inoculations in late Spring of 2021. Aren't we actually talking about "Iatrogenic Mass Murder" rather than Pandemic Deaths?

One is left to ask whether the CCP is doing The WEF & Schwab's bidding...? Or, whether Schwab is the 'Useful Idiot' of the Mainland Chinese.

Trump with his booming US economy and his crippling tariffs on China's exports forced the CCP into desperate actions. Perhaps it is not provable, at this time, the weaponization of SARS-2 was part of that retaliation, but, if you believe that Biden is not supremely preferable to Trump in the eyes of Ping & the CCP... I've got an old laptop of Hunter's you can have for a Song & Dance.

"Ping & The CCP": Sounds like a second rate 'DooWop Group' from America circa 1958... same year Ford premiered and cancelled "The Edsel."

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Spanish Flu came before antibiotics were invented. I wonder how many of the flu deaths were actually from the virus, and how many were from secondary bacterial infections? I know that whenever I get a cold or flu, the most severe and long lasting symptoms are always from bacterial sinus infections that come afterward.

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Delcina, clearly the CCP are not to be trifled with. They are ruthless people, homogenous and have thousands of years of experience dealing with warlords to continental-wide communism and have the highest murder toll of killings its own citizens of any nation. The USA is an empire building machine and believes itself as invincible--not much different than the builders of the Titanic. This leads to the scriptural parallel patterns of Israel and their own pride and unwillingness to see the need to repent. In many respects we are coupled to old Israel as many of our founders where Christians and believed the US was a kind of new version of old Israel. It would not surprise me if we will follow to a letter the downfall of the kings of Israel and Judah (maybe with exception of going into exile). When it happens, it will be very suddenly, it will come as a bolt out of the blue just as 911 was. 40 years people have been saying the downfall of the USA will happen, so I am anticipating it coming from both our egomaniacal hubris and at the hands of the CCP. May God be gracious and delay it...

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gdoc, so true! Add to that the green ideology, that is currently destroying my country, Germany. But I guess that woke, green, liberal, leftist, marxist, communist, collectivist is all the same toxic ideology that is undermining western self defense. How I hate these people. They will literally destroy the west, just like Mao destroyed China when they let him do it. They are starting do do it again over there, their cancer is back, too. The CCP is NOT smart, they are evil and stupid, like all marxists.

It is not the CCP, the WEF, Gates or whoever. It is a homegrown cancer that grows from within our societies. The cancer has grown within universities, the media, government, some corporations. It may be too late, metastasis may be beyond repair.

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Yes, it is the enemy within which almost always represents the greatest threat.

If one wants to see the consequences of 'The Green Revolution' all we need to do is look at the news coming out of Sri Lanka (Ceylon) for the last 3 months... But, search for hidden sources of honest news best our beloved friends in the MSM will not mention the story... and especially will not mention Sri Lanka's ESG score of 98... A damning indictment of WOKEISM.

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How did China feel about Trump? How much money has China spent on owning Biden?

OF COURSE they were desperate to get him out. Maybe as desperate as the DNC.

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Do you think China was going to tolerate another 4 years of tariffs and hard line diplomacy with their economy in free fall?

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I think there is a confluence of mutually complementary intentions, like a Venn diagram, with depopulation (intended or not) at the center of the overlapping circles. Most of the players are also motivated by greed, and a will to power.

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China's CCP generals have made it clear, that the USA is their global enemy. They mean to take us over and use our land and resources and but dont need many of us here--whether God's providence allows that to occur remains to be seen. The globalists (WEF, Gates, Soros, etc) believe they are the elite and will use China for their ends). If and when China takes over the world, all of these ultimate useful idiot elite will be disposed of. I am convinced that these globalist orgs have been infiltrated by the CCP.

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deletedJul 10, 2022·edited Jul 10, 2022
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folks, listen to this man (or woman...), gdoc has figured out the pathology that has befallen the west. I'd summarize it under crazy collectivism that these fuckers want to install to replace decentralized individualism. They want to replace the free, outspoken, prosperous, industrious individual with their collectivist top-down system, which will inevitably end in total disaster as it has always ended.

They use immigration of uneducated masses, "climate change", the "pandemic" and loads of propaganda to further their insane agenda.

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they believe in their unearned privilege, not meritocracy

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we should force them to rewatch the storming of the Malaysian palace every day until the lesson sticks

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This distraction was used by the WEF to implement another facet of their New World Order, digital currency along with a social credit system.

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It is not the WEF, it is coming from within our society. Decadence has led to the development of the woke/leftsis, marxist, "green" cancer that has taken over the west. Much more scary than the stupid WEF.

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Im with her. He was a serious problem to both china and wef....esp china...they had infultrayed our govt media and science.academia...and most of our pils. Then throw in tariffs...put a serious spoke in thrir plans...wef? Natuonslusm is a serious issue to yhem and th er ir timetable. Remember th er y miced it from 2030 to 2025..and china has a lityle more than 10 years till they succeed with us olans. Dont forget teump wouldnt play ball..he couldnt be bought. He had to go. Was prosecuting chinese infiltration...

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remind me never to reply on my cell phone...Ug.

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Looking at possible motivations of all the major interested parties, e.g. China, Democrat Party, Big Pharma, is a reasonable way to analyze the situation. Law enforcement, or at least competent law enforcement, does it all the time.

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Nothing to do with left or right.

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I assume this is a joke.

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>Remember that SARS-2 arrived in Europe no later than November 2019, and in America no later than December 2019. The West saw multiple months of community Corona transmission, in other words, without anybody noticing that anything was amiss.

This is the big mystery that really needs answering. Why did the deaths only begin piling up once people lost their minds? How did we live three months or more with this pathogen, without noticing anything strange happening?

Back in mid 2020 there were some dissident types arguing the entire mortality wave was a product of lockdowns, but those arguments no longer look very plausible to me.

Rather, it looks to me as if SARS-COV-2 needed a helping hand, in the form of humans wiping out competing respiratory pathogens that spoiled the party. All circulating respiratory pathogens are well adjusted to our upper respiratory tract, for a new entrant like SARS-COV-2 to conquer a niche required wiping out its better adapted competition, which we proceeded to do for it by no longer engaging in social interaction.

Then once it had enough hosts it had an opportunity to give birth to new variants better able to cope with its competitors and so it was no longer dependent on their suppression.

Eventually the vaccines arrived, which effectively prevented people from developing proper immunity, setting the stage for constant reinfections by fitter iterations.

Now we live in the brave new world where this thing thrives, with every attempt at suppressing it having had the opposite effect. I seem to have fully recovered from BA.5 by now, but I don't like where this is going.

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i also think the suppression via lockdowns of sars-2 competitors was a major factor.

is very telling that sars-2 didn’t really surge in 2020 until after the winter virus season and the latter half of flu season, suggesting it was blocked until that point.

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How could lockdown suppress all respiratory viruses EXCEPT covid?

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I think the hypothesis here is that the alpha and delta strains of Covid were spread in a different way from omicron. Omicron is person-to-person, like the common cold, essentially peer-to-peer, to use a networking term. The earlier Covid strains were "attendant mediated", i.e. spread more easily in hospital or nursing home settings by healthcare workers.

The omicron type person-to-person viruses need to be less lethal because their spread depends on the host being mobile in order to spread the virus around. The attendant mediated versions can be more lethal because they don't depend on the host getting out and about.

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Perfectly valid. Personally I don’t know anyone that had any of the flavours of covid pre or post vaccination that would have thought the symptoms any different to any other cold/flu infection back in the days when there was rarely a diagnosis of the exact viral strain outside of hospital. That’s not to undermine the relatively uncommon cases of severe covid that were almost exclusively in the elderly/obese/major co-morbidity leading to endothelial dysfunction.

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"This is the big mystery that really needs answering. Why did the deaths only begin piling up once people lost their minds? How did we live three months or more with this pathogen, without noticing anything strange happening?"

Conflict shock, emotional trauma/stress worsens every so-called disease. This is what the "world leaders" did: SEVERELY traumatized as many humans as possible with the fear monegering and the early cohorting and the suppression of cheap effective treatments that mitigated it.

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For like two minutes, the media was wondering why people in NYC were dropping dead at home from heart attacks.

They never realized they were literally scaring people to death.

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As I recall, the lockdowns and panic didn't happen until there was a massive wave of hospitalizations and deaths in March 2020. Once the virus got into nursing homes, it went to town and had a huge party. And once it spread through densely populated NYC, the massive surge of vulnerable and elderly people flooding the hospitals allowed the Media and Cuomo to push maximum panic. If only a few percent of the population is vulnerable to severe disease, nobody will notice a new respiratory virus until there is a massive surge at hospitals.

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Eugyppius seems to assume the lockdowns were directed with good intentions, in good faith. Generous, but not justified. Lots of evidence it was driven by malice and corruption. We have never locked down the healthy, for many good reasons which we reconfirmed the hard way. The perpetrators of this fraud certainly knew those reasons, but relied on public ignorance to achieve control. The mysteries are not of the virus evolution, but of humanity's devolution. Victims like to focus on the victims, but justice necessarily focuses on the crime, and the criminals. It's crucial that we also focus on the epidemic of public ignorance that enabled the lockdowns and all the other offenses the last two years, incorrectly attributed to a routine flu.

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Jul 10, 2022·edited Jul 10, 2022Author

the lockdowns were a lot of things, but they needn't have been "good faith" to have had an effect on viral evolution

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True. There is an element of grandstanding by the “leaders”. It really offends and dismays me though that there was a complete disregard for viral biology in general and evolutionary principles, specifically.

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Viruses don't really have a strategy. They're simple programs, arranged to use host machinery to replicate. RNA viruses like corona lack the error checking functions of DNA viruses like more stable smallpox, so they naturally mutate, whether successful or not. If hosts are found so that replication is faster than the occasional mutations, it survives, always mutation due to inevitable occasional replication errors. Eventually it dies out anyway, though its mutant progeny may survive a bit longer.

The failure in the sars2 disaster was certainly created by either incompetent or malicious medical practice which gave sars2 time to replicate rather than being killed off by healthy immune reactions, just like we do for flu every year. Acceptance of that incompetence/malice by a frightened and ignorant population gave sars2 time to replicate unimpeded, until it naturally mutated. I don't remember where I read it, but I think it was Eugyppius who wrote that the best solution for sars2 was not to lock everyone inside but to send them outdoors to boost their vitamin D. Humans have the power to alter natural evolution, and insidious human forces have used that power to exaggerate this routine virus. Identifying those forces, making them stop, and ensuring they are prevented from doing it again needs to be our focus.

As Berenson likes to say, virus gonna virus. But human nature is more within our control. We can make sure we don't evolve to accept tyranny, or we can devolve to like it. Maybe it's not too late.

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viruses do have strategies, even though they're simple proteins. and their interactions with human hosts are obviously a highly complicated matter.

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Jul 11, 2022Liked by eugyppius

One thing: Viruses are NOT simple protein arrangements. You have to view them as mobile genetic material, similar to more complex transposons (mobile and sometimes hostile genetic material). The viral genetic material has developed a protein based strategy (the viral coat and attachment proteins, enzymatic activity) to overcome the limitations of a basic transposon. At least that is a theory I find appealing. I am a cell biologist dealing with mostly protein complexes, nt a virologist, though.


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fascinating, thanks.

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Jul 11, 2022Liked by eugyppius

Your article about Mr. Hope Simpson was great. I read his book on the flu and I suspect that his "novel concept" is correct. Influenza has clearly a "strategy"....

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Do we underestimate/fail to understand the extent of a viruses sentience? In a similar vein to plant neurobiology. Plants have been found to have 15–20 senses, including many that humans have as well. Possibly awareness and intelligence. C.I.A. polygraph expert named Cleve Backster conducted some interesting experiments. He was inspired by the work physicist Jagadish Chandra Bose, who found that playing different kinds of music near plants made them grow faster. Prince Charles is an advocate!

individual cells exhibit decision-making, communication and group activity are not only alive but also sentient. Could viruses be as well?


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I seriously doubt that. Plants are complex critters, just like us. Viruses are not complex at all, you cannot communicate with only three or four proteins and a very simple genome.

The interplay between the host and the virus May be more complex, though.

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That complex interplay can create a kind of pseudo-intelligence, is what I think.

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My golf balls seem to have a strategy of avoiding the cup, and sometimes the fairway. But giving them credit for strategic awareness seems unwarranted. The debates in physics, and metaphysics, are sometimes whether the universe itself is determinate, with every particle following the laws and therefore predictable, both future and past; or just random actors; or perhaps guided by some supernatural overseer. We like to imagine we have sufficient understanding of our environments to satisfy our control instincts. Even chaos is annointed with scientific strategies. It makes good fiction but the evidence seems to confirm the popular notion that "stuff happens."

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I think the lockdowns were largely performative, as with so much of recent politics, which values optics over reality. Leaders wanted to be seen to be doing something, and to a lot of people lockdowns seemed like a plausible action method of restricting viral spread.

After the "two weeks", though, all bets are off as to motivation.

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There was literature evidence from other respiratory pathogens that showed lockdown couldn’t work & didn’t work.

Even if that’s not convincing, by summer 2020 there were dozens of papers showing the same thing (surprise surprise).

Yet they imposed lockdown again in autumn & winter.

Impossible to even be performative.

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The lockdowns served many purposes. One of the most important was to slow down the economy enough to keep inflation at bay whilst they ‘went direct’. They also enabled the greatest transfer of wealth in history.

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Maybe. Like the Orson Welles Mars invasion. The evidence this time points to malice, supported by epidemic incompetence.

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The lockdowns destroyed the economy and caused political upheaval through widespread adoption of mail-in balloting. Dems agitated for, and came within an eyelash of implementing mail-in balloting en masse in the Wisconsin primary on 4/7/2020. Certainly there was some level of planning involved, and imo that is putting it mildly.

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The Democrats have wanted universal mail in ballots for decades. COVID gave them a golden opportunity to fulfill their wildest dreams.

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We too often debate and examine "what" happened as opposed to "why" it happened. The latter often being far more important.

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Certainly, though it may be critical for sake of social digestion in order to work out the "what" first in this scenario. Objectivity is a little easier in that realm. The "why" becomes a little problematic, as it's ultimately speculative.

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When we identify the criminals, the investigation will determine their motives.

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That's always interesting after it's over. This one is still happening, so determining what it is, is essential for making it stop. It's like any other crime. First determine the crime, then track down the criminals. A lot of people still don't realize they're victims of a crime. We can't recover until we acknowledge the crime. Until then, the crime wave continues.

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Jul 10, 2022Liked by eugyppius

Unfortunately the one thing that all governments do really well is make bad problems worse. Making any problem worse is in fact their only core competence. It's going to be a long next few years.

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A variant: In every instance the Government sets out to solve some problem, it makes it worse.

I am sure there are counter examples, but I cannot think of one. The anti-smoking crusade, maybe.

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Jul 10, 2022Liked by eugyppius

Any comments on how mass mRNA vaccination with products that result in immune imprinting affect these dynamics?

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a totally different question, and an even more pressing one. I'm not totally sure, but we're going to find out.

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we are going to find out but not by "scientific study" but by sudden anecdotal incidence

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Geert Vanden Bosse's substack is all about this. He seems to have the best understanding of virology of anyone speaking in public. He also doesn't overstate his knowledge. That said he doesn't attend to the fact that this is a bio-weapon with unknown consequences for multiple infections/re-infections. Lots of papers out documenting the dangers of spike protein and that it is causing subclinical (ie invisible) damage. Early treatment is still key, but we need to know what is happening to the body with spike exposure (natural or vax induced)

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I wish Geert wouldn’t go on & on about blood based antibodies.

They’re all but unimportant to natural history of respiratory illnesses.

Secreted antibodies in airway surface liquid, a different matter.

Circulating & tissue T-cells = the main actors. He never talks about them.

The evidence shows that sick people who survive, as 99.x% do, carry T-cell populations that weren’t there before.

However it happens, people don’t become clinically ill twice.

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First, thank you for your incredible voice and courage during this crazy time! Yes, I was trying to be careful in crediting him on virology, but not immunology, lol. Dr. Jonathan Couey has helped me understand the immunology. Regardless, I would like to see data on biomarkers pre and post infection in vaxxed and unvaxxed, as well as scan for systemic changes, tissue biopsies, etc. I would especially like to see if there is evidence that early treatment effects systemic outcomes. Thank you again Dr. Yeadon!

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Dr. Rose is tracking immunological concerns. I think overfocus on low IFR can mask subclinical changes and damage.


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Mike, you are correct about GVB. He keeps rambling on about these antibodies, even talks about some individual glycosylation sites on the spike subunits which will ultimately cause disaster. He is way to certain about what's to come, which is not scientific. Antibodies cannot the the real issue, immunity does not work like that.

I am pretty sure that most people were "immune" to Sars-CoV-2 even before the pandemic hit us. How else does one explain that almost all young and healthy just got a cold or even not much disease at all, while clearing the virus?

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Not immune, but most people have a properly functioning immune system. But if only a few percent of the population doesn't, then that is where the severe effects will be concentrated.

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The main thrust of his hypothesis appears to be the sugars on the spike protein. He proposes that they have role in the evolution of the virus?

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GVB viral evolution is dystopian. He proposes that in vaccinating in the middle of a pandemic with vaccines that do not sterilize the virus. They are creating immune pressure for the virus to evolve into immune escape with more virulent attributes.

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The limitation on this prediction is again that GVB doesn't attend to C19 origins. We don't know if the original variants would have conformed to his theory. Omicron is so different from all other lineages that many have theorized that it was released or seeded. For what reason, who knows. But any variables not attended to can effect your ability to theorize accurately. This is why the agencies responsible for this mess must be held to account.

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I think that Geert is a bit of a quack. Real scientists are never that sure or certain of what's about to come. Also, antibodies are not the issue here. I have mismatched vaccine antibodies in me and my body cleared omicron without any problems and I didn't even get ill from it. My throat was slightly sore for a day or two and my nose was somewhat congested but that was it for me.

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Respectfully, the quacks are the folks who convinced everyone that poorly tested, quality controlled, ineffective products were safe for the gen public outside of a limited, risk stratified sub-population. Real scientists don't have to guess because they wait for the data. Being overcautious is appropriate in this case, even if GVB is wrong. And we all hope he is wrong. I watched our two kittens die of FIP, an ADE version of a coronavirus. They seemed fine, then white blood counts were off. Mild neurological symptoms (twitches and balance issues), lethargy. That was it. Then their organs started shutting down. His concerns are not just theoretical, but my brain cannot allow me to entertain that he will be proven right on this.

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He may be a bit of a quack, but I think he is on the right side. You are incorrect about the people at Pfizer/FDA/CDC, NIAID. They are mostly not quacks, they are a highly efficient and organized crime cartel, they understand that they are pushing garbage onto the unsuspecting population to make billions. Some of them may be delusional and think they are doing good things but I bet that many of them know what they are really doing.

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Sounds about right (other than the ad hominem against GVB.) Curious why you took it, knowing what you know?

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Initially I didn't know this and I liked the Idea of mRNA vaccines. I work with mRNA, DNA and lipid transfection reagents all the time and I thought this would simply mimic a local viral infection. When the second moderna "jab" floored me for three days due to a violent immune reaction I realized that this would cause harm and I started to get doubts. The booster was forced on me, would have lost my job without it. Bastards. I then looked at a lot of data and I now know this stuff to be toxic Junk.

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I am not convinced that these vaccines will turn out to be an unmitigated disaster. Most vaccinated appear just fine, me and most friends, colleagues included. Sensible countries such as Switzerland (all Moderna and Biontech) or Denmark do monitor the harms and the signal of harm is there but is is not a strong signal. The Swiss have grown sceptical, their top doctors do not reccomend the shots for young and healthy any more, no more boosters as well.

If I am so totally imprinted, it surely made no difference in fighting omicron. I had milder symptoms and cleared the virus faster than my two unvaccinated children. They had a mild fever and substantial fatigue for five days or so and stayed positive for ten days whereas I had almost nothing and turned negative (lateral flow tests) within a week. I don't think that "OAS" or imprinting is a real problem. We would have a lot of problems with all mutating viruses if it really was a problem.

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I agree with the analysis. But you/we know all this since 2011 at least. And still midget Fauci and his low testosterone friends managed to lock everyone up and kill even more people. All this with support of the majority.

Bottom line: We can know everything, but there are way too many idiots in the world. If we need to teach these monkeys to think before they let us alone, we will die as their lockdown slaves. It is useless to discuss... Only secession is the answer.

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Wow, what a powerful statement. I agree. We are between a rock and a hard place. It’s mind boggling to to “see” a reasonable way out of this.

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Speaking of making everything worse, I for one would be very interested to hear your views on the current farmer protests in the Netherlands, which seem to be spreading to Germany, Italy, Spain and Poland.

From what I can gather, the Dutch government, or better yet, the European commission, or even better yet, the World Economic Forum has decided that those pesky farms are just putting too much nitrogen in the soil, even after nitrogen levels have been significantly reduced in recent decades. So, production just has to be reduced; significantly.

Is this policy as completely detached from reality as it appears, or is there actually a plan to replace all the lost agricultural production that will result from carrying it out? I have to believe that this is eventually going to be a Europe-wide policy.

You're closer to this than we here in America. Thanks.

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Chaos is wanted so to keep us beholden and distracted. Food shortages like baby formula shortages in US is an opportunity to play with us. Too many coincidences to be incompetence. Early treatment sabotage and MSM biaed reporting are key clues for being intentional

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As a Registered Professional (Chemical Process) Engineer, I was well-placed to understand the spread of Covid-19 in March of 2020. However, the hundreds of postings I made to alert others were read by very few, and believed by likely less. (Chemical Engineers protect staff from hosts of contagious chemicals and biologicals.)

Most obvious was the significance of ventilation and humidity. Nursing homes, always on a budget, have extremely low air change-out rates and hardly ever, except for high end venues, enough humidification in the cooler, dry months to prevent aerosol desiccation.

When I heard "don't treat without clinical intervention (hospitalization)" I had already read about the olfactory stage and the cytokine storm thereafter. And I was on ivermectin, already, using 2 grams 1% solution in applesauce.. I'm 79, and I think I had a mild, flulike bout of Covid when I ran out of ivermectin. Three days of Hydroxychloroquine then did the trick.

I am so sorry I could not do more. Many of my own family have not listened, and have suffered 'way more than I.

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Thank you for this thoughtful dissertation. I have been saying many of these things but not as eloquently and precisely stated. I appreciate being able to express in a more systematic manner.

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Well, that’s one theory to explain the oddity that is that no one noticed anything unusual until lockdowns were imposed.

I personally think that’s an over complicated explanation. The parsimonious explanation is that there wasn’t & isn’t a new respiratory pathogen circulating & killing lots of people.

Instead, it was the policy responses themselves that killed people (depriving people of treatments for normal respiratory illnesses, like withdrawal of antibiotics for bacterial pneumonia) & enabled the killing of people, many of whom could have been saved (eg bad medical treatment in hospitals).

This explanation also covers off things which have been bothering me badly:

1. The UK government held a party during the pandemic, at a time when the public was locked down & unable to be with relatives dying in hospital. The light of heart must have known there was no respiratory health threat.

2. The British Queen, in her 90s, attended a G20, meeting dozens who’d just flown in from across the world, no quarantine. I think that confirms that the monarchs team knew there was no new respiratory health threat.

3. Why was the virus origin story plastered across all media platforms for days? The perpetrators have nearly total control, so if there is a major story playing, they at least approved in. Surely there’s no upside in asking whether the virus was natural or from a lab? Unless.....the real reason was to give us a false choice, and to rule out the 3rd option: “there is no new virus”.

4. Look at Denis Rancourt’s work in USA (& another author had very similar findings). His main conclusion is that, in the all causes mortality data, there’s no evidence of a pandemic.

It’s taken me a long time, and of course, I cannot be sure, but this on the balance of probabilities, is where I’m leaning.

Best wishes


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if SRS-2 substantially predates fall 2019, there would be evidence in archival wastewater or antigen surveys of older blood samples. nobody can really find anything before fall 2019. the evidence points to an emergence in china perhaps mid-2019, and a spread to the west some months later.

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If you are correct, what is all this talk about "variants" from so many researchers and docs, and where are they getting their "data" to determine which "variant" is at work? So many mixed messages...very confusing to the lay person! I do respect you greatly, Dr. Yeadon, for your courage in speaking out and attempting to clarify all that you can!

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I think real “sequencing” data comes from a very small set of labs.

Nowhere is subjected to audit so I trust none of it.

I am aghast at the credulity of my scientific colleagues.

To be fair to those who just work on tables others have produced, how can they really critique the plausibility of what’s in front of them?

So much that we can check is flat lies.

What’s a first approximation to those things we haven’t yet been able to check?

I’m guessing “lies”, as well.

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I suspected as much, given that lies abound and that the truth is so hard to come by. Discerning minds are rare these days. Thank you, Dr. Yeadon, for your continued sharing of yours!

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Dennis Rancourt, he Canadian.

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The horrible contribution by main media is so powerful that, in truth, I think we have very little chance to divert the perpetrators from their intended course. Unfortunately.

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As a principle, I think you’re right, though tell that to the people of South Korea & Vietnam for starters.

I might be wrong but I envisaged early how a totalitarian control system could be installed using vaccine passports, though any of several available options will be sufficient to force universal use of mandatory digital ID.

They really also need cashless, digital money as well

IF THESE GET INSTALLED & ARE WORKING EVEN FOR A SHORT TIME TO ACCESS FOOD, I see no way it can be removed unless the perpetrators wish it to be removed.

It doesn’t matter if it doesn’t work medium or long term because in my view they anticipate doing away with most of us.

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Jul 11, 2022·edited Jul 11, 2022

Agreed MSM capture demonstrates dark motives.

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Jul 10, 2022Liked by eugyppius

I also think, that with social distancing, sanitizing and mask usage, we selected out all the fomite & droplet transmission of the virus, and therefore wound up with a wicked aerosol virus. The most transmissable respiratory virus in history, I believe, Omicron SARS-2 is. Vaccine effect notwithstanding.

There's a similar story on this with malaria in Africa. I don't recall the exact details, but anti-malaria campaigns succeeded in wiping out almost all strains - except the most durable and resistant, which resulted in a clear field for it.

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No way, this is not the most transmissible. I have seen cold viruses blast through our community much faster, much more efficiently than Omicron. Almost everyone got those within two weeks. Omicron does what other cold viruses do, spread fast and efficiently, but it is nothing special.

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As always, I appreciate the big picture viewpoint.

I'm curious about 'primarily in hospitals, where staff unwittingly circulate viruses among patients.' Are we talking asymptomatic transmission, or fomites, or…?

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it's a range of phenomena. first, hospital staff can carry the virus from patient to patient, patients transmit the virus to each other regardless of how sick they are, and various hospital procedures (the use of bedpans, etc) facilitate virus spread among patients too.

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All things being equal, the last place a person wants to be is in the hospital, pandemic or no pandemic.

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Yep. If we can't keep the virus out of hospitals, nursing homes, and jails, what chance do we have to keep it out of the general population?

Once again, this was all obvious in spring 2020 but the 'media' never even thought to ask.

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