I think the lesson is - "Shopper, you may want to shop elsewhere..."

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They actually consider their scoldy signs a form of marketing. But the ignorance of the scolders is breathtaking. Modern agriculture, food processing, and supply chains are capable of bringing us vast quantities of fresh food from all over the globe at low cost and with unprecedented efficiency. Their lame attempts to change behavior with guilt deserve eugyppius' scorn.

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By every metric today's farmers are getting vastly more out of every acre and every lbs/ounce/drop of their crop inputs than 10, 20, 30+ years ago. Turns out, farmers don't just buy fertilizer and pest control products so they can flush that investment into waterways and have found more efficient, innovative methods of growing food. But alas, the people that have never produced anything in their lives are here to set those neanderthal farmers straight.

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Exactly: they have never produced a thing.

They are pure consumers - who pretend to be against consumerism.

Of course, it’s consumerism of other people they don’t like…

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What is really sad is that some German shoppers actually like to be scolded :(

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Penny is the cheapest grocery, and people shopping there have no choice.

People will just not buy these items for the time being.

Even for German standard it is a very stupid idea.

It shows the hysteric the German elites have fallen into.

This is also the country where young people obstruct traffic for a living (Letzte Generation), and where we shut down our nuclear plants to use more coal, in the name of climate.

And of course: where our most important energy infrastructure is destroyed by our partner (overlord), with nary a peep from the political class.

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I really wish some people would start openly questioning the Green Party whether they gave permission to the US agencies to destroy Nordstream. Because they obviously did.

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I honestly don't think they were asked. They were told.

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I'm an American, I don't think so at all. You need to blame your own government and the EU for that. If we helped, or we did the did, it was with with them, for them, or both.

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They like the "awful others" being scolded. They think they are in league with the scolders.

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As though shopping at such places was not already sufficiently masochistic.

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Scolders don’t care - it’s all about virtue signaling they do.

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And ours.

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The message is "You little folks are living too well and using too many of 'our' resources."

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I think that is happening

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I think the shorthand is "go woke, go broke." Lecturing customer with vanity-signaling is not the path to a better bottom-line.

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If you want a picture of the future, imagine a fashionably aged Birkenstock, being worn by a vegan of indeterminate gender, kicking sanctimoniously at everyone's shins - for ever.

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Imagine the public kicking the genderless freak to the curb.

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We don't though because we are good people. So they go on doing all this f*ckery.

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Reminds me of a quote. "When I am weaker than you, I ask you for freedom because that is according to your principles; when I am stronger than you, I take away your freedom because that is according to my principles." ~ Frank Herbert, "Children of Dune"

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oh wow, thanks for this! it's been years since I read the book and I'd forgotten about that statement.

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Good line

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I agree, we don't because we're courteous and ethical people. However, I think things are changing. I think our tolerance for being called racist and putting up with slurs and violence is falling off.

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There is nothing ethical, moral or courteous about letting commies destroy freedom. The kids sitting in traffic lanes need to be dragged to the bridge rail and tossed over. The West began its decline when we substituted being nice for forcibly enforcing the laws made by representative government. And being nice, instead, is downstream from the empathy vote created by suffrage that is destroying the West.

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I think some of this has to do with a misplaced continuing trust in the high-trust societies which the communists have stolen from us.

“Our side” tend to want to live in pleasant and functioning societies and know that imposes obligations on all of us to be courteous.

These parasites have used that against us to destroy the society and we are only now waking up to what has been lost. It’s been going on a very long time

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Aug 3, 2023
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Agree also. There are videos of perhaps angry and fed up but nevertheless very courteous, ethical, nice people pulling protesters off of roads sometimes by the hair.

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They are arresting them tho 🤡🌎

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Read my above. It’s time to take off the gloves.

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I'm not burdened with the 'good people' thing.

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Book ‘em Danny.

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Too true

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Only for so long.

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Speak for yourself!

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We can only dream

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"...fashionably aged Birkenstock..." used in phrasing worthy of a poet! Fantastic comment, indeed.

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A+ comment

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Loved this

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And getting a bloody good smack if they try it on me - or my missus, come to that!

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What a genius way of juicing the bottom line. They can gouge customers while telling them that it's for their own good. "We're just teaching you a lesson!"

Meanwhile in Canada, the government is now insisting that text warnings be printed on every single cigarette. Garish gore-porn warning labels, ugly brown packaging, absurdly high sin taxes, and a ban on smoking from all indoor and most outdoor spaces, having proved insufficient, they have moved the hectoring moralizing up yet another notch.

It really is like being permanently trapped in the classroom with the school's least likable and most psychotic teacher.

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This is why the tobacco stocks are great for dividend income. (e.g. Altria 8% yield, PM 5%)

Everyone hates them, but they sell their product nevertheless.

Their management hast learned in the last 40 years to deal with everything thrown at them

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One would think that in their quest to kill 7.5 billion people to reduce global pop to their desired 500 mil, they’d encourage smoking.

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It's genuinely baffling to me that the same people can say they can't stand the smell of tobacco smoke but enjoy the smell of pot smoke.

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What the hell is this about? I have met people who sincerely believed in banning tobacco outright but decriminalising ALL OTHER drugs.

I don’t know where to begin…

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Banning tobacco will end all pollution and no one will ever die again.

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Hahaha of course, that’s it.

They are very big on saving (certain) lives

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Tobacco increases testosterone. They don’t want that.

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Precisely. Also a nootropic. They don't want that either.

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Good point! Didn’t know that, but very interesting if true

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One of the reasons I’ve tried to avoid the depopulation rabbit hole…

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And if it’s like here, everybody and their dog are selling and smoking pot. 🙄

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Which somehow doesn't smell bad, and is somehow an improvement.

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And doesn't have any bad health effects at all, or affect work performance, or cause car accidents, or trigger schizophrenia, or lead to other drug use. Not one, not ever.

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Sarcasm (for those among you who may be high).

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No downsides. It's magical and medicinal. Cures cancer and everything.

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You're thinking of Martian pot.

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And you haven’t even mentioned the “environmental impact” of growing these “recreational” plants.

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And in a real American irony, where I live in New Jersey, there’s an indoor pot farm at the site of a former Walmart. So now we have a pot farm in town but no Walmart, which is where a lot of Americans purchase their groceries. 🤦🏻‍♀️

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and diabetes in two different ways

overeating and damage to pancreas

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smells like skunk to me. Smells so much worse than in the 70s

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And knowing government, they're 'addicted' to the high sin taxes -- meaning that if people ACTUALLY stopped smoking, government would be in trouble.

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Along with any alcohol, and any form of "fossil fuel".

E-cars are wonderful, save for the fact that electricity is scarce, the batteries at end of life are difficult to recycle, and ridiculously expensive to replace ...

I'm gonna stick to my V8 Tundra, and V8 convertible for summer use....

And you can't convince me otherwise...

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Not to mention the environmental impact when (not if) an EV catches on fire, on its own. The gas released is lethal, and no-one wants to talk about what goes into the water table from the burning vehicle.

If it's parked closer than 10 meters to any kind of wooden building, that too will go up unless firefighters can keep it soaked while the car burns itself out.

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On every cigarette????

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And the inks are carcinogenic.

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If cigs don't cause enough cancer they'll add extra cancer to make sure they cause cancer.

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Every single one.

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Yet they want the taxes still. Also the hype about this being done “in order to prevent the kids from smoking” is also a load of bull crap because we all know that kids vape nowadays and relatively few of them smoke cigarettes!

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"for your own good" made me think of Alice Miller:

Morality and performance of duty are artificial measures that become necessary when something essential is lacking. The more successfully a person was denied access to his or her feelings in childhood, the larger the arsenal of intellectual weapons and the supply of moral prostheses has to be, because morality and a sense of duty are not sources of strength or fruitful soil for genuine affection. Blood does not flow in artificial limbs; they are for sale and can serve many masters. What was considered good yesterday can--depending on the decree of government or party--be considered evil and corrupt today, and vice versa.

But those who have spontaneous feelings can only be themselves. They have no other choice if they want to remain true to themselves. Rejection, ostracism, loss of love, and name calling will not fail to affect them; they will suffer as a result and will dread them, but once they have found their authentic self they will not want to lose it. And when they sense that something is being demanded of them to which their whole being says no, they cannot do it. They simply cannot.”

― Alice Miller, For Your Own Good: Hidden Cruelty in Child-Rearing and the Roots of Violence

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The chocolate ration has been raised from 25g/week to 20g/week, happy shoppers.

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Did they re-define the meaning of "raised," too?

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It's from '1984', the novel. It's one of signs for Winston that he's committing thought-crime because he's failing at double-think and crime-stop: he notices the discrepancy between two news-casts, the earlier one stating that the ration will be lowered, and the next day reporting it has been raised (to the lower level), while never mentioning it used to be higher.

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Thank you, Rikard. I sincerely appreciate learning that.

(I read "Animal Farm," a few years ago. It made me cry at quite a few passages but I never regretted reading it. When I started reading "1984" shortly afterward, my husband mentioned that Winston had learned to love "Big Brother" by the end of the novel. Knowing that, I could not bring myself to continue reading. It must seem like a terrible weakness, but I'm extremely sensitive to cruelty, real or fictional, including emotional cruelty.)

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"We share your disdain for the rabble who comprise our customer base and hope to join you in teaching them a lesson"--aka, Bud Light's 2022 strategy. I think we've figured out where marketing exec Alissa Heinerscheid landed!

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saw this after I wrote about her

great minds

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Remarkably similar to what anti-car , Cluster B(ike) Activists want to do in the US to force cities to turn into biking and transit utopia Amsterdam wannabes.

Increase the cost of driving to its “true cost” whether it be by increasing petrol prices to eye watering amounts or by charging for vehicle registration based on the “traffic violence” they allegedly cost.

I shit you not.

It’s derangement all the way.

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There's also an epidemic of so-called clean air zones popping up in cities in Beligum, France, Germany, UK to keep cars out. (Amsterdam just charges you eye-watering sums to park your car).

Try driving into Strasbourg sometime. We tried earlier this year and discovered you had to apply online to register your car with a typically useless French web page. And the vignette or whatever takes over a week to arrive in the mail.

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The fun thing is that all this generates lots of money for a municipality that doesn't have to provide any service in return.

In Munich, they have implemented "summer streets", meaning that parking spaces in some designated streets are removed for the duration of the summer (e.g. by allowing restaurants to use them to place tables and chairs there). Feelings about this are decidedly mixed, while some people enjoy their car-free streets, car owners dislike having to fight for parking spaces in other streets.

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What have they done to my favorite city by the Isar 😳?!

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Or by introducing “road diets”🙄that narrow a road to one lane for cars, the other for bikes. In areas where that’s not going to work. I think the goal is to increase frustration to levels that ppl won’t drive(or road rage will be at new levels). Sigh.

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Yup. That’s the point.

Makes it hell for emergency vehicles too to get through.


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Oh, the ambulance can just use the bike lane and knock down the bicyclists like bowling pins to get to the emergency. This generates more demand and bigger budgets for the socialized health department, too. 🤑

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Though the elites can garage their cars out of such zones and uber to them at will

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Exactly. HOV lanes, wider sidewalks, barriers in the middle of congested urban streets for bicycle lanes and even picnic tables, banning right-on-red (in Manhattan!), speed "humps", and demolition of major urban arteries in the name of "unifying neighborhoods" all seem designed to destroy, or at least limit, the enormous expansion of individual freedom and prosperity of the middle and working classes brought on by the automobile. The elites are resentful of the rest of us using too many of 'their' resources, and seem anxious to put a stop to it.

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Unfortunately with this I agree completely. Living in the city and paid premium for my apartment it sounds weird when suburban people want to commute by car and at the same time they tell me how shitty is the city due to pollution and traffic. I mean it is caused by them. If you choose to live outside because of reasons then accept the disadvantages also.

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I’ve come to the conclusion that the nanny staters want everyone else to be as miserable as they are. No one can be happy.

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Aug 3, 2023
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You're on to something. (Don't know if it's exclusively a female trait, but it is definetely a feminist trait.)

Example from my youth:

The boys plus the tough girl built a secret hide-out in the woods off of the school grounds. Rain-proof, comfy, could see out of the thicket it was in while remaining unseen, the works.

Then, the head-girl alpha-bitch type in the class got wind of it and demanded she be allowed to play there too. Requst denie, she hadn't helped make it and was unpleasant as she had the is position of a pitbull with a uterine tract infection.

So head-bitch goes and tells teacher, a female on of similar isposition, and said teachers demands and orders alpha-girl is to be allowed to play there.

Otherwise, it's unfair discrimination.

Cue all of us tearing it down and going further off to do our own thing.

I think liberal capitalist democracy post-1950s has been creating selection pressure rewarding such head-girl alpha-bitches of both sexes at an increasing pace, culminating in trans-homo-pedos grooming kids in public as the logical end.

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Hahaha now now

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sarc, right?

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Unwittingly, and sadly unnoticed, the Wahre Kosten project made the correct point that detrimental effects by industrial production can be remedied by paying a bit more to deal with negative consequence. The complete antithesis of the Green ideology, which state we have to reduce CO2 at ALL costs.

The Wahre Kosten argument was the point Nordhaus, recipient of the 2018 Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences - made:

the cost of meeting an arbitrary target of reducing global warming by 2 °C are much too high. The best course of action is to not do anything, but increasing GDP so that we can pay for any global warming effects by our increased wealth.

The costs will be a certain percentage of GDP.

Hence it is not important to reduce CO2, but to increase GDP.

The best thing we can do to fight CO2 emissions is: nothing.

We seem to have reached peak climate alarmism already, and the real global elite is about to drop the subject.

E.g.: BlackRock appointing the head of Saudi oil giant Aramco to its board.

Or: Don't overstate 1.5 degrees C threat, new IPCC head says.

Or: anyone heard of Greta this past year?

Outside of the Western world, no one really cares about climate change.

Now the Western world will stop caring too.

In a few years climate-change will be a nothing-burger.

Of course, one small country of indomitable Followers-Of-The-Science, in the middle of Europe, will hold out against the evil climate-deniers, and will march on into the sunset of net-zero, deeming itself a shining example of virtue and feministic salvation, but laughed at by the rest of the world.

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I would really like to know where your quote starts and stops. Some interesting points there.

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These are recent headlines:

"BlackRock appointing the head of Saudi oil giant Aramco to its board."

"Don't overstate 1.5 degrees C threat, new IPCC head says."

Nordhaus is me paraphrasing what he said. B.Lomborg (who has much more knowledge about that) has written an article:


The rest is observations from Germany, where we are off the rocker.

I am too wordy, but English is not my native language, and it is hard to be succinct.

As Hemingway said: "The secret to good writing is to keep polishing it until there is not a single word left that can be removed or changed."

I am not a Hemingway, nor an Eugyppius.

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You manage to make many good points, so keep posting!

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I wasn't being critical. It just looked like your entire post was a quote from Nordhaus, and I was curious about it.

I'm always impressed by polylingual Europeans. We Americans are so provincial and self-centered.

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I’m an English-speaking European, and struggle with tourist French. Don’t beat yourself up

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I see we've gone from "it's not happening" to "not our fault" to "it's cheaper to just ignore".

The problem is that these assumptions are a product of models made by economists.

You have to be a bit of an idiot to be convinced by an American economist like Nordhaus that six degree Celsius of global warming would reduce global GDP by 8%. For starters, it means that India and the Middle East would regularly reach wet bulb temperatures too hot for human survival, even in the shade.

It is this Skull and Bones member Nordhaus who sold the world on the two degree target, which was swapped for 1.5 degree once government officials figured out the eternal Americans had swindled them and damage starts kicking in much earlier than they were told.

But LSWMs are dumb schmucks, who love nothing more than parroting fossil fuel mogul propaganda from the 1980's or the bullshit from an American Neoclassical economist and imagining themselves to be real insightful contrarians who gained access to some sort of esoteric wisdom the rest of us can't see.

Implicit in Nordhaus model is the retarded idea that you can stabilize temperatures at some level that suits you, because his model ignores feedback loops. When you push global temperatures beyond a threshold, ecosystems start dying, which then release carbon dioxide themselves, pushing temperatures up to a new hothouse equilibrium.

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Carbon dioxide is NOT a problem. Never was - never will be. It is an essential nutrient necessary for LIFE!

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