Feb 1·edited Feb 1Liked by eugyppius

“I know I have written a lot about German politics recently. I promise to return very soon to other themes, but what is happening in the Federal Republic right now is very important and it deserves attention.”


*The hip bone's connected to the back bone

The back bone's connected to the neck bone,

The neck bone's connected to the head bone…*

etc. etc.

What happens in Germany is happening everywhere. Everything you write helps us see it wherever we are, too.

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Feb 1Liked by eugyppius

'I am starting to get a little bit worried.'

Eugyppius, master of understatement.

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Feb 1·edited Feb 1Liked by eugyppius

Most of what is described here in this essay is what we are experiencing in Canada under WEF's Justin Trudeau.



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Feb 1Liked by eugyppius

German politics is intimately related to the worldwide BS of the last 4 years, I appreciated knowing what is happening there, it gives me insight into the events in the USA, it is all related, I consider this to be on-topic.

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Feb 1Liked by eugyppius

Have you covered any of the legal cases concerning Professor Sucharit Bhakdi (retired professor). Why is Germany so threatened by a man who has questioned the plandemic, the lockdowns, school closures, business closures, masks and finally the ineffective and unsafe covid injections. One would have thought this man would have received a medal for his wisdom, and concern for the wellness/health of not only Germans, but of people around the world. Germany appears to be a very dangerous place these days. It is heartbreaking to see a man of this distinction demeaned.

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Feb 1Liked by eugyppius

I doubt you'll be able to vote your way out of this.

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Feb 1Liked by eugyppius

Very very disturbing. Where is the public uproar over this incredible overreach?

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I mean jeez, next thing you know they'll make up a bullshit dossier about how he likes peeing on Russian hookers and is in the pocket of Vlad Putin.

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Feb 1Liked by eugyppius

Dear Eugyppius, your insights to Germany are of immense value. Most of what you report so far chimes with what I can see happening in the UK.

My dear brother lived in Aachen and quit a few years ago due to the direction of travel in German politics. He moved his family to Canada, and now regrets that.

The UK has Ofcom. This innocent sounding organisation is the ultimate control for all communication - written, broadcast, phone systems, surveillance and much more. The power was heaped on this organisation by politicians who could not be bothered to understand 'digital'. The department, led by a intellectually capable but utterly self-absorbed dimwit called Dame Melanie Dawes, now threatens everything. The new State stunt is to arrest citizens for praying - we have 'thought police'.

I think we can see in the race to destruction the UK is in the lead.

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Feb 1Liked by eugyppius

I guess, as a "right wing extremist", I am in good company here?

So the obvious question is - since "democracy" has all but evaporated, and elections are restricted to approved parties and candidates; when does the mask fall off, and the illusion of democracy finally collapse?

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Feb 1·edited Feb 1

First off, please do not apologize for your reporting on events in Germany! It is totally relevant to what is also occurring pretty much in all Western so-called democratic governments around the world!!

Those reports are stunning in their torturous attempt to twist him into looking like some kind of dangerous fanatic! In reality, he is clearly one of the more sane people speaking out against the fanatical delusions of the Left’s machinations

The identical thing is happening here in the US, perhaps even on a far grander and more insidious scale. It also appears that the entire agenda of the last WEF gathering was centered around crushing dissent (misinformation, mal info, dis info) in much more severe manners in order to, get this, “rebuild trust”. You couldn’t make this crap up!

I am reminded of the words of Lavretiy Beria, Stalin’s strongman during his reign of terror: “Show me the man, and I’ll show you the crime.”

A close second would be US Democrat Party Leader of the Senate, Chuck Schumer: “the CIA has six ways from Sunday to get you.”

We live in interesting times.

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Feb 1Liked by eugyppius

I am shocked, shocked, I tell you, to discover that I, a sort of classical Marxist turned moderate Leftist, have now become, unbeknownst to myself, a dangerous, radical right wing extremist. Truly, the power of fascism huge, to work such alchemical transformations.

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Feb 1Liked by eugyppius

Please write about Germany. Nobody else on the Right is writing about Germany in English.

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Feb 1Liked by eugyppius

We are even further past the Rubicon in the U.S. People who peacefully protested the stolen 2020 election got 20 year prison sentences for 'parading' in the Capitol. A direct violation and egregious abuse of their rights under the first amendment to the U.S. Constitution.

First Amendment: Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

The CDU/CSU deserve to be severely punished in the next elections for covering Scholz's sorry ass on this and for their war mongering in Ukraine. That is all they will understand.

Likewise in the U.S. the Democrats must be dealt with harshly.

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Starting to get a little worried?!

Shiiit I got a LOT worried when we lived through The Prison Planet Clampdowns!

Still worried....

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Feb 1Liked by eugyppius

As Eugyppius, I would be very disappointed indeed if, given the present circumstances, they did _not_ have a file on you. I also have a feeling that, in the decades to come, it may actually not be such a bad thing to be able to point to the existence of a file in the archives of this wonderful agency from Cologne. The earlier it was created, the better, one could start to think.

There is also something I fail to understand, perhaps any studious official from this model agency reading here will be able to enlighten me: When a bona fide "Reichsbürger"-Prince describes someone as a "Republican", how can that be a statement of political affinity?

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