Okay, so the German Economics Ministry hid the facts because they wanted the last nuclear power generating plants in Germany shut down, and the facts contradict their proposal. I'm still curious as to WHY the Economics Ministry would support such disastrous policy in the first place.

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the Greens are religious anti-nuclear fanatics divorced from all reality, seems to be the answer.

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Agree. They're still in the grip of their "green" mass formation psychosis, piled on top of their basic human resistance to admitting error, also still under irrational utopian spell.

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That and they are lining their pockets with sales of solar and wind scams.

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so true. many are laughing all the way to the bank, but what will that money buy?

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Let's ask Judas

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They insist on “wanting” their fantasy of perfect energy—infinite, no risks, free, no pollution….but why? Why do they care? Is it really about “the planet?”

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In the post-60s West, Christianity died but left behind Orginal Sin and with it a deep and unkillable sense of guilt.

Post-Christians are much more dominated by guilt than even the most neurotic Christian, and in their desperate need to publicly atone they want to erase every vestige of culture and civilization that doesn't strike them as morally pristine.

This means things like no extraction of resources (Mother Nature didn't consent), no profitable business (means someone may not be getting their fair share), and no borders, as they may bruise the feelings of a poor brown person.

We will go back to the future and be transformed into Noble Savages—or bust!

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That explains a lot. Christianity offers hope and redemption after death and an afterlife for all creations (even Earth itself?) and anyway god made it all this way and it’s not our fault and anyway let’s just pray about it and move on….without god there is no hope and no one else to blame and a huge burden put on humans to FIX everything ourselves. I’m not a believer anymore but I’m starting to feel that a religion of some kind (one that takes the burden off of our guilty souls) is an absolute necessity for a peaceful human life. Reincarnation does it. (Get another chance.) Buddhism works (don’t cling to this life) …we need it.

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I mostly agree, esp in the sense that i don't think anything approaches the ability of religion to create social cohesion or to form sane and prosperous communities, except that joining a religion is a lot like falling in love—you can't talk or walk yourself into it, the spirit must come upon you.

The problem is that all our major religions, being run by temporal mortal humans who are products of their time (as we all are), have more or less succumbed to the true great religion of the post-God West, the worship and cultivation of the Self.

Scratch any Western believer (except the Orthodox), even priests or monks, and under the patina of their tradition is the same moralistic therapeutic humanism and concerns about sensitivity and the feelings of the (emotionally) vulnerable. (For instance, my wife did Yom Kippur services over Zoom last week, and much of the sermon could have come straight from MSNBC.)

Just like many people don't find god until they're broke or in jail, the West may need to experience some real suffering again before it returns to its religious roots.

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Another aspect to the Climate Cult is a perverse delight in conflict and deep-seated fear of genuine peace (of mind). When there is no actual "antagonist", just make an imaginary one up - CO2 for example. The Buddha taught that the world has always been a mess; wisdom, if you will is not to try and fix the mess, but to make peace with it internally.

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"When men choose not to believe in God, they do not thereafter believe in nothing, they then become capable of believing in anything." -

G.K. Chesterton

Something in your great question beings that quote to mind.

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These are people who watched too much Star Trek as children. They actually believe that there is a costless way to get infinite energy, and that is only the evil fossil fuel companies that are preventing the realization of their wet dream.

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What gets me is that whales, birds, squirrels, forests and desert tortoises are no longer worthy of saving. Sacrifice them all to save “the planet!” A planet with nothing on it but solar panels over soybean fields and empty oceans. No thank you.

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Because it makes them feel good about themselves.

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the green true believers are just useful idiots.

Low density power means high economic rent for the land-title owner of the windy land.

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For some reason I thought, like many of the climateers, they had embraced nuclear power. But of course not. For them, no power is the wave of the future.

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Not all greens. Zion Lights is a notable exception.

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Because they want you living in a cave. Or better yet, not living at all. 500 million people left on earth is the eco-loon goal. They're impervious to facts, data, and common sense because they're agenda-driven, not reality-driven.

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Finally someone who gets it 💯🎯

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You are the carbon they want to eliminate.

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No doubt these assholes believe they will still have access to any bit of "clean" energy still available if they succeed in shutting down fossil fuel and nuclear energy. They may be in for a surprise.

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They must be compromised in some way or just an ideologue and radical.

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Much of this is mental illness. Although blackmail has its place.

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They are certainly compromised. Just look at one of their organizations, Greenpeace, based in Germany, it gets an incredible $400M/yr and refuses to tell us where that money comes from. And there are many more staunchly anti-nuclear ENGOs like Greenpeace funded to the tune of $billions/yr. And all are secretive about their funding.

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How much of those funds originate from Russian interests?

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What is the Russian interest? That Germany doesn’t have own nuclear power plants and gets more and more dependent on Russian gas?

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As was revealed by the leaked RAND whitepaper, the German Greens are a CIA asset to influence German politics. As such, denuclearization of Germany means that Germany will never have nuclear weapons, a precondition to either enter or leave NATO, as can be seen with Ukraine...

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Because they are idiots concerned only with career advancement and money. I suppose there may be a few who really believe this garbage.

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What do we call doing wrong, when when we KNOW what is right? Evil. You can't explain it, it just is, BUT we CAN, and MUST fight it. What happens when we don't push back against Evil? We allow Stalin to murder 40,000,000 million of his own countrymen. We allow Mao to murder 100,000,000 of his own countrymen. Evil flourishes when good men do nothing. Just do something, and go from there.

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The decision making layer of our nations have lost their minds. I am tired waiting for normals to realize this.

These policies are absolute madness. I cannot believe it is all a globalist machiavellian plot. Much of what we see is the result of cult-like adherence to plans designed to be grandiose to satisfy the narcissists and psychopaths who make it to senior levels.

The very existence of grandiosity itself is jarring in a country already suffering from concrete issues they should be focusing on like the loss of industry and dangerous demographic changes from rapid immigration.

What a farce our world has become.

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It’s a stunning, worldwide problem. They have lost their minds.

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The insanity is focused on the western world. Asia seems completely immune to all of the insanity. No problem at all with weaponized migration like inflicted upon the west. And western eco-loons don't even complain about Asian emissions, let alone have domestic greens trying to shut down their energy grid.

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It is firmly about cult behavior and the destruction of western nations. We are the threat to global ambitions.

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They've gotten away from admiring the ritualized suicide of the Samurais (as one example), while the West has embraced mass self-destruction.

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The political class and media have embraced the destructive policies. The majority of the populace are against the policies, but comfortable enough not to revolt. Boiling frogs comes to mind.

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Exactly this

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If China were "buying" our energy policy, this is probably what they would come up with for us........

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Quite literally I think. As in deranged, disordered thinking.

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No, it is the deliberate destruction of Germany by George Soros, who is the front man of the Rothschild banking dynasty.

Consider also the destruction of the Nordstream gas pipe from Russia to Germany by the Biden administration.

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I get that, but the plans have to be executed by Germans. It is those people who tend to be narcissists and psychopaths. Narcissists in particular can be convinced of the importance of these things mainly by flattery.

So I don't discount globalist plans. But the politicians aren't part of the elite.

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German politicians are now just stooges appointed by Klaus Schwab

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It is a globalist plot. They've talked about this plan since the early 1950s. Just read what they and their surrogates say:

Discover Who Really Runs the World! with Sandi Adams, Ivor Cummins:


The Roots Of Modern Eco-Terrorism: From MK Ultra And The Unabomber To Maurice Strong And Yuval Harari, Matthew Ehret


From THE GLOBAL REVOLUTION by The Club of Rome 1991 "Because of the sudden absence of traditional enemies, "new enemies must be identified."[2] "In searching for a new enemy to unite us, we came up with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming, water shortages, famine and the like would fit the bill....All these dangers are caused by human intervention, and it is only through changed attitudes and behavior that they can be overcome. The real enemy then, is humanity itself."[3]

"We shall have world government, whether or not we like it. The question is only whether world government will be achieved by consent or by conquest"

Paul Warburg, the International Banker testifying to the US Senate Committee on Foreign Relations in 1950

"We are on the verge of a global transformation. All we need is the right major crisis."

David Rockefeller, Club of Rome executive manager

Depopulation: "I Hope It Can Occur In a Civil Manner"

"The World can support something like a billion people, maybe two billion"

" I know in one way or another it's going to come back down so I don't hope to avoid that, I hope that it can occur in a civil way "

(i.e. Plandemic and deadly forced vaccines):

Club of Rome former director Dennis Meadows


“We are grateful to the Washington Post, the New York Times, Time magazine and other great publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected the promises of discretion for almost forty years. It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subject to the bright lights of publicity during those years. But, the world is now more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a world-government. The supranational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the National auto determination practiced in past centuries.”

David Rockefeller in an address to a Trilateral Commission meeting in June of 1991

“This present window of opportunity, during which a truly peaceful and interdependent world order might be built, will not be open for too long – We are on the verge of a global transformation. All we need is the right major crisis and the nations will accept the New World Order.”

David Rockefeller, Club of Rome, Sept. 23, 1994

“For more than a century, ideological extremists at either end of the political spectrum have seized upon well-publicized incidents to attack the Rockefeller family for the inordinate influence they claim we wield over American political and economic institutions. Some even believe we are part of a secret cabal working against the best interests of the United States, characterizing my family and me as ‘internationalists’ and of conspiring with others around the world to build a more integrated global political and economic structure – one world, if you will.

If that’s the charge, I stand guilty, and I am proud of it.”

from David Rockefeller’s autobiography ‘Memoirs’

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Germany has survive many catastrophic events, but can it survive its own bureaucracy? Doesn't really look like it...Even Gretchen the wonder child said it's dumb to shut down nuclear power once it's running....

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Germany has been occupied by the US military since 1945.

Merkel was a stooge

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Yes they will. It may even be the making of them. Bring them together as a nation.

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I cannot understand how eliminating nuclear power plants is a sensible long-term solution. Especially for a nation in a northern latitude, the electric generation from solar panels is negligible.

I was in Scotland earlier this year, and a tour guide proudly directed our attention to the solar panels on rooftops. In Scotland. (I'm sure the king is delighted.)

It's one insanity after another: Covid. Racism. "Transgender." Climate change.

"Whack-a-Mole" madness.

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Well Scots are a special bunch to begin with. Still full of butthurt anti-Britain sentiments 500 years or so after the last Stuart Monarch has been beheaded and generally willing to aid any bleeding heart leftist cause, as Scots love to identify with victim groups of all types.

Nothing personal, but as a whole the Scots seem prone to braindead utopism.

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Sep 27, 2023
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The fish lady wants independence from England, so that she can jump into bed with the European Union, whereby Scotland would be ruled from Brussels by the likes of Princess Ursula von der Leyen, lose its monetary sovereignty and be plunged into debt by the privately owned European Central Bank.

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I don't pretend to understand European politics, much less Scottish. But I've never understood the attraction of the EU. It's so paternalistic. I do appreciate that the EU is supposed to stop Germany from starting ANOTHER war, but why have Europeans so readily given up their pride in their individual heritage?

BTW, I don't object to showing my passport every time I cross a border.

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Midwits. That's how. The middle class see themselves as enlightened and view patriotism as backwards.

They have blended international travel with a kind of anti-nationalism. People who go for weekend trips to Barcelona imagine patriots hate foreigners. That is the thinking. They've been conditioned to believe patriotic ideas are for morons.

See Eugyppius's essay on midwits. They are destroying the west.

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Sep 27, 2023
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I am all for an independent Scotland, but Nicola Sturgeon is an imbecile, who does not know her arse from her elbow.

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Didn't they stop that moronic "Gender" nonsense? After that rapist was sentenced to a woman's jail?

Honestly! It's as if Monty Python was a documentary!

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"It's as if Monty Python was a documentary!"

Great line. The situation in the West has become surreal.

The difference is Monty Python was funny. This current reality is not.

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Sep 27, 2023
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The infrastructure around Washington, DC, is abysmal, too. It's really embarrassing. As well as demoralizing.

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Re: Gaelic.

At least it's not Welsh. (That's supposed to be a joke--and not an insult to Wales.)

Welsh defies phonics.

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Sep 27, 2023
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Insanity is a growth industry.

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If the Greens love to be Green, why don’t they love to be Green.

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Because they love being social engineers more. Puritans don't want to bring about paradise, they want you to understand you are a sinner and lack the discipline they believe they possess.

Look up Savonarola for an introduction to the type. Their end tends to be brutal when people finally snap.

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"Puritanism is the idea that someone, somehwere, is having a good time."

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Progressivism is the idea that someone, somewhere, may have an unapproved opinion.

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"Puritanism is the idea that someone, somehwere, is having a good time - AND SHOULDN'T BE!!!".

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bonfire of the vanities!

"A bonfire of the vanities (Italian: falò delle vanità) is a burning of objects condemned by religious authorities as occasions of sin. The phrase itself usually refers to the bonfire of 7 February 1497, when supporters of the Dominican friar Girolamo Savonarola collected and burned thousands of objects such as cosmetics, art, and books in the public square of Florence, Italy, on the occasion of Shrove Tuesday, martedí grasso.[1][2]

Francesco Guicciardini's The History of Florence gives a firsthand account of the 1497 Florentine bonfire of the vanities.[3] The focus of this destruction was on objects that might tempt one to sin, including vanity items such as mirrors, cosmetics, fine dresses, playing cards, and musical instruments. Other targets included books which Savonarola deemed immoral (such as works by Boccaccio), manuscripts of secular songs, and artworks, including paintings and sculpture."

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The Bonfire of the Vanities is a 1990 American satirical black comedy film directed and produced by Brian De Palma and starring Tom Hanks, Bruce Willis, Melanie Griffith, Kim Cattrall and Morgan Freeman.

The screenplay, written by Michael Cristofer, was adapted from the bestselling 1987 novel of the same name by Tom Wolfe .

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If Greens were really committed to their cause, they would commit suicide.

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Too localized. They want national suicide.

90 percent of what we are seeing, from Green policies to Covid, trans contagion and diversity, is individuals with undiagnosed mental illnesses. Literal mental distortions.

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in their defense, Germany has had a civilizational death wish for quite awhile now. they're just trying to carry out the death sentence.

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Green Party extremists are watermelons, green on the outside and red on the inside. All this as Germany heads towards winter and if it is not as kind as last winter maybe the nukes will be fired up and EU cap and trade be damned. Where the Hell is Enron when you need a good trading scam?

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I thought the way the nuclear plants were shut down, they're not able to be put back into service? Some of the other nuclear plants have already been physically destroyed. (I read an article where Germany had the choice of idling the plants which would allow for rapid re-starting to address power grid fluctuations or shortages, or closing them which would eliminate the ability to fire them back up to meet surge needs or seasonal needs, and Germany went with the option of eliminating them from future use.)

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It all depends on the process they used to shutter the projects. Here in the States when a nuclear powered warship or submarine comes in for 18 months refit, the reactors are powered down and basically snoozing until it’s time to power back up. If the projects in Germany have been energized, the fuel rods removed and a real decommissioning process in place and ongoing it would probably be cheaper to just build new. Good luck to the population of Germany if they have a normal cold winter season.

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Orders from Washington DC

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I generally subscribe to believing that people are more than capable of making dumb decisions without being pressured by external forces. Given what Eugyppius has written about the Greens in Germany, I tend to assume incompetence and a dash of just not believing the risks rather than thinking the US is trying to destroy Germany.

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We blew up the pipelines.......

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Germans are (literally) killing their economy and people in order to say, with their heads held high:

"Take that Putin!"

Meanwhile, the Eurozone is in recession already and has many dark years ahead of it. But at least they can smell their own farts and be pleased.

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I thought us Americans were trying our best to destroy our country, but the Germans have us beat. You gotta give Germans credit. They're really efficient at anything they want to do.

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Germans seem to have a death wish.

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Greens who object to nuclear power are lying about being greens.

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No, as real Greens, they know that Gaia doesn't like patriarchal logic, so they're inconsistent and happy.

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I wish you were joking... :-/

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cui bono?

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Wait! The Ukraine war was used, by the German govt, as an argument in favour of REDUCING Germany's energy independence?? Did this same Energy Ministry ask the US to seal that deal by blowing up Nordstream??

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the nuclear phase-out had been planned for December 2022 since 2011, the March 2022 assessment is an argument for why Germany should go through with the final stages despite the war.

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Ah thanks for the context. It still seems totally contrary to German interests.

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These bureaucrats are destroying the world in the name of saving it.

I wish I knew where on earth I could escape these fools.

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I have to say I'm not sympathetic. The Greens are outwardly misanthropic, anti human, and most importantly anti German. Yet they still command significant support. Bring on more pain.

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more pain appears to be the only thing that can ever destroy them.

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Sadly, the support is heavy among the young who can't really believe that, like death, it will really affect them. Their wonderful uniqueness will never be lost to the world.

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The just stop oil loons in the uk march, blockade, glue themselves to the road while wearing their hi vis vest made from the by products of oil.

Even some of their general clothing are by products, when it’s pointed out they ignore it profusely as if it doesn’t count when it’s them.

These people are raving bonkers cult agenda followers and all share the same braincell between them on alternative days.

Not a single one of them comes up with one idea that would problem solve on a mass scale the world’s energy usage.

The lot of them should be made to live a full year without lights, heating and a drop of technology, we’ll see how enthusiastic they are then at gluing themselves to the road and planes, effing numpties

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Funny thing is they are being funded in part by oil billionaires. Go figure.

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This "Conflict of interest" needs to be clarified!

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deltaPrice = deltaDemand/ deltaSupply

Supply down, price up. More profit for Billionaires.

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Also the guilt thrust upon them by the anti defamation league.

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Re-open the closed nuclear plants and build more.

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There are vast unpopulated areas on our planet, if we can go to the moon we should be able to create safe places to park spent nuclear fuel rods or maybe even find a second life for them like EV car batteries. Think of how much CO2 you could stop if more nuclear power was in use.

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Spent Nuclear fuel is an incredibly valuable resource. In fact some nuclear physicists are now talking about it becoming more valuable than gold or platinum. This is because the Pu-239/240 in it is the best startup fuel for Thorium Molten Salt reactors which will produce an avg American's 80yr lifetime share of energy, some 7 GWh, from one ounce of thorium, which you can get for <0$, generating 0.17oz of waste that need only be contained for 300yrs, throw it down a borehole, easy-peesy.

THORIUM: World's CHEAPEST Energy! [Science Unveiled]:


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Chris Martenson of Peak Prosperity said thorium reactors are THE solution, though he is not by any means holding his breath, since the destruction, he thinks, is clearly purposeful. I'm actually wondering if Desmet's prediction on mass formation is now complete, with Ursula von whatever insinuating that Russia dropped the nuke on Hiroshima, and childrens' books in the UK teaching that black people built Stonehenge. It used to be just lunatics like Anne Coulter saying radiation is good for you after Fukushima, which she tethered to some simplified theory of hormesis, but there was an anchor in reality, if totally distorted. Now I think anyone could assert anything about any moment in history or about any person and a particular demographic would believe it. Vaccines tested on 10 mice with no risk/benefit data being normalized as safe and effective being another example. Desmet said a woman in Iran killed her own daughter when entranced in mass formation.

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