I suppose the real worry is this: a system so incapable of recognising its own self interest as to destroy its own economy and impoverish its own people is also likely to commit itself to a proxy war that risks unleashing a nuclear holocaust that will make the current energy apocalypse look like an underbaked batch of Plätzchen at Sunday afternoon coffee at Oma's house.

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It's an interesting form of paralysis. The bureaucrats cannot suggest any serious solution that would actually work because suggesting those solutions would destroy their careers. Reminds me of classic game theory.

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The consequences of doing nothing will do much greater damage to their careers.

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I was struck by the same thoughts. Leaders paralyzed by fear of anything negative which will result in inaction. The inaction itself harms. Obviously energy must be arranged before it is needed otherwise suffering. The suffering can lose lives. How can they not act?

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Horror aside, I just have to compliment the metaphor.

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Why thank you.

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Germany has long since committed itself to the NATO/US proxy war against Russia by sending weapons and ammunition to the Nazis in the Ukraine.

Russia has reported finding dead soldiers from NATO countries in Ukrainian uniforms (complete with swastikas) and papers from their origin countries in their pockets. If Russia needed a clear indicator that NATO is a direct participant on the Ukrainian side, that should do the job. All they have to do is attack Russian territory to trigger the promised nuclear response.

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Maybe nuclear annihilation is their exit strategy to escape the hellish shithole this country has become (thanks to them) and never face their lifelong lies. Imagine those who they dehumanized and declared to scum over fugees, rona and ukrops were right all along. They rather want to end it all before admit their epochal failure.

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"is also likely to commit itself to a proxy war that risks unleashing a nuclear holocaust"

You almost got it... but not quite; this is the nuclear energy they are planning to get for free, from Russia... Germany 1, Russia 0 :P.

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On the other hand, Russia is the only nuclear power on the planet that has prepared nuclear bunkers to allow the majority of its population to survive an all-out nuclear attack.

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Europe will soon divorce the USA, so said a Christian prophecy in the 1970s.

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... or "until death do us part" - whichever comes first :P...

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I just can hardly believe that we are where we are. That we’re willing to destroy our economies. It’s unbelievable.

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Please remember that we are the "useless eaters ", which makes them "the useful eaters " - by contrast 😏...

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Sep 26, 2022
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Good point, of course, but "democratic institutions" should never have been in the first place. Return to the period of the independent German states. Let people find freedom and build authentic, moral communities without the tyrant's boot.

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Sep 26, 2022
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yes, and the very things the Italians have just voted to protect!

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Sep 26, 2022
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I watched this twitter clip of Ms. Meloni and it gave me goosebumps!

watch and share!

You can see why she is such a threat to the left:


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Thats exactly part of the NWO plan.

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Given how disgusting Germans are, this could be a positive thing. I am done with my crazy fatherland...

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You compoise very good English for a German.

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I used to live in the US and the UK for many years....

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As Dick Cheney would say, "So?"

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Sorry, I just saw that you meant Eugyppius. In that, I agree. I really enjoy his English a lot....

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? This was an explanation for my English skills....

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Sorry Vonu ,you dont compose [[ compoise ]] very good English as a non German .

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Kind of like the only thing in your rusty toolbox of intellectual tools is ad hominem.

I guess you have never, ever typed an extra letter.

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Sep 26, 2022
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Thats exactly the NWO plan. The WEF trained leaders are being well bribed to lead the sheep to slaughter.

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And the WEF trained leaders will be weeded out too, to their utterly amazement.

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the Kalergi Plan

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The blacks and browns are well suited to live and exist in the places from where they come from .To let them come to countries where it snows is completely unnatural . We don't transplant elephants to Norway ,or reindeer to the Amazon .The migrants from the south where never able to create an economy or system to sustain them ,as northerners did .So of course they go where someone else is providing for them ,that is us .

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I haven't made up my mind about the Arabs and the Turks. They were totally able to create medieval high cultures that surpassed anything going in in Europe for centuries. They even created wonderful things like the Pyramids when Europeans still lived in caves. They may able to sustain a first world country If it wasn't for their idiotic Religion.

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I did not write what happened centuries ago ,but what is happening right now . As you know Germany and much of Europe was almost totally destroyed only some 70 years ago .The population did not migrate to Africa ,the people went to work and build it back better than before . I'm not so sure if I wanted to be part of the slave labor force to build the pyramids for an insane tyrant king . The free life in a cave with my tribe around seems not so bad .

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The ancient kings and their cronies had great palaces and crazy structures like pyramids build with slave labor .The ones who build it did not move in ,it was for tyrants and their sex harem only . Something similar is going on there to this day .I read some where that Idi Amin the black brute who ruled Uganda eat human flesh .

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Sep 26, 2022
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Oh,thank you for telling me ,So If lived in Germany I could be arrested by the GEHEIMEN STAATS POLIZEI ? Excuse me there was a knock on my door ,I live in the Canadian bush ,how did they find me .

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Gdoc, this is obvious. The immigrants are unable to maintain our industrial machine. So be it....

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Murder. Genocide. You know who.

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Most of the world's major leaders starting with Lincoln, who staged the most deadly war involving Americans in its history.

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What really chaps my hide is that they are not being held to blame for this situation and do not have a solution next year either. Energy is how civilization runs. Manufacturing, transport of food all require it. Economy will not grow without energy and the coming chaos will be costly

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Yes, the Germans are only looking at "the winter", and do not have an idea of the ramifications of the crisis for the next year; especially of the impact on agriculture - worldwide, not only Europe.

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everything is managed and planned on like a three-week time horizon, literally.

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"three-week time horizon" that is the planning maturity of an adolescent. Most leftists are arrested adolescents.

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Yes, and Bundestag and Bundesregierung will start the holiday season just before Christmas, leaving just some old white men behind to do the work.

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Yes, exactly. And that's what scares me. We may see a last-minute huge overreaction when the situation gets dire.

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P. you are right .I just read that Bakeries may be forced to shut down ,the same with restaurants ,because the fuel is just too expensive to bake or to cook .Baking and cooking requires energy Winter or Summer . How much is one liter of gas in Germany now .?Electric cars may even be worse ,a pain in the but . High prices for every thing I look at even here in Canada ,all by design .

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A good slap on the head for all those who think warm sunshine and cool breezes can power an industrial civilization. The big move to wind & solar caused this, anyone who supports wind & solar now must be considered an enemy of civilization. As with anyone who opposes nuclear power.

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Impartial sharing among starving EU member states will not last long.

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The collapse of complex systems is well underway.

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It has nothing to do with complex systems. Complex systems can function very well. Just look at the ecology of the tropical Rainforest. Incredibly complex and intricate. The collapse is directly caused by the Malthusian Psychopath Bankster creeps whom we have allowed to seize control over our nations in a Global Coup d'etat.

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Deliberate destruction, not collapse.

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Complex systems don't collapse. Centralized systems do.

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I hope so, with a passion.

But never mind, I'm sure our tec. wizards will be able to develop even better AI systems to bamboozle our idiot MP's who will then force them upon us.

Christ, has nobody in charge ever studied Chaos Theory....

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Sep 26, 2022
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Like when driving - if your trailer begins to wobble then accelerate to correct it.

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We have lived in a Golden Age. But the end of that age is nigh. It was easy to ruin our free economy; it will be difficult-to-impossible to rebuild it.

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Yup. All things considered, everything worked quite well in the EU for a while. It makes it easy to confuse abstractions with physical reality. So, people start to think that virtue signaling with yellow-and-blue flags, and backing that up with sanctions against the supplier of your key commodities, somehow takes precedence over ensuring you get the said commodities. Oh, well. It's human nature: you don't worry about problems you don't have, until you suddenly have them. Those of us in Europe will be much poorer from now on, more or less permanently.

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And it ain't just Europe. North America and the rest of the world are right behind you.

Same type of foolishness, only the details differ.

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And how likely is it that Biden and his flying monkeys will decide we have to send energy to Europe? I don’t think the pain will be localized by the globalists.

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Biden is already sending US oil to China.

He's lucky that the real cold weather in the US will set in AFTER the November mid-term elections.

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I knew that but don’t you think he’ll send some to Europe too? I wish Democrats would be more charitable in their personal lives and leave us out of their great humanitarian gestures. Those never work out for anybody but the grifters. Hmmmmm Do you think that’s the point? Nobody follows the money trail in these big aid packages.

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They won't send anything to Europe (unless it makes sense economically for the US). The US isn't charitable. No, not even to Ukraine. Ukraine isn't about Ukraine. It's about weakening Russia, even if it means Ukraine is utterly destroyed in the process. As for the impoverishment of the EU - that's just unfortunate (but perfectly acceptable) collateral damage. Obviously, the impoverishment of the EU is perfectly fine with Russia, too. Hey, there's something they (the US and Russia) agree on! And if they agree on it, then that's what's going to happen. Why wouldn't it?

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Well, they already upped LNG exports. 75 % of American LNG are going to Europe.

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I'll remember that when I'm shivering here this winder.

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I’m hoping that it isn’t the case with the majority of us. I know that our current ‘leaders’ are not dumb, just clinically insane (and corrupt).

As Rush Limbaugh used to say; when the left gets power they always go way to far, shoving unpopular policies down peoples throats. It never fails.....

Hopefully after the next election some sanity will return.

I really don’t think that Americans will want to live the way that ‘ progressives’ would have us live.

We’ll see.....

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But thankfully we are just smart enough (barely) to want to maintain our standard of living. And our government structure makes it harder for the lunatics to get everything they want.

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I hope you are right. But "we" are a whole lot dumber than we used to be, and getting dumber every day.

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Again, how is the world made more secure by fighting Putin?

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and how does this hurt Putin anyway?

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Jordan Peterson pointed out that if Russia gains no territory but drives NATO and the GAE out of the Ukraine as well as leaving the country in ruins, he can claim a victory.

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The thing to remember is that Russia's main war goal is to keep the Americans (in the form of NATO) out of Ukraine, and the United States' main war goal is to weaken Russia. It's perfectly possible they'll both achieve those aims, by leaving Ukraine utterly destroyed (and the EU badly impoverished).

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It's the GAE that destroys infrastructure as the first step in conflicts, based on a long track record in the Middle East. If Putin considered leaving the Ukraine in ruins as a win, they would have hit infrastructure from the start.

If the Ukraine is left in ruins, it's because NATO and the GAE will demand it before giving up. Unfortunately for the Ukrainian civilians, that seems increasingly likely. Expecting Russia to back off on the Ukraine is like expecting the US to allow Russia to load up Cuba with nuclear weapons. The stakes are higher for Russia than it is for the GAE fighting for "democracy".

Seeing what happened with covid, those US funded/built biolabs all across the Ukraine should be recognized as unacceptable to everyone and not just Putin.

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America is being destroyed right before our eyes. The "Gnomes of Zurich" as Kennedy called them, want a weak America, strong nations are much harder to subjugate. That's why their goal with the Ukraine war is to also destroy Russia. They have long advocated a plan of breaking Russia up into a dozen or so of independent fiefdoms, each of which will be under their control.

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Incredible that the looting and pillaging under Yeltsin was not enough. The hyenas are returning for seconds.

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What is GAE?

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Globalist American Empire

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Got it!

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The war isn't going that well for Putin. He seems to have expected an easy victory. It didn't work out that way. It's possible that Putin will lose the war (not to be confused with Russia losing the war; that's a different matter). It's perfectly possible that the Russian army will get fed up with his squeamishness, remove him from power, and install someone who will be far more willing to destroy indiscriminately in order to get Ukraine to capitulate. And the EU is just collateral damage.

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More probable the Russian army will decide to stop the war to preserve itself. I doubt Ukraine will give up, ever. Internal partisans are disrupting Russians even in areas they control.

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And to what good end would we fight Putin? Certainly not for Ukraine. Are we implying by our actions that every Ukrainian life is worth more than the ones in the rest of the world? Can we please just let that battle play out and keep our noses OUT for once?

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For the United States, this is a boutique war. That is to say, the US is in it because it can afford to be in it. It's an opportunity to weaken Russia, but if it starts to hurt domestically, the US will pull out, much to the shock of Ukrainians (heh). It's hard to believe that the EU (which, unlike the US, certainly cannot afford this) was stupid enough to go along. But, clearly it was stupid enough, and so here we are.

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No, Irena. Youre mistaken on this point. The US Regime doesn't care any more about ordinary Americans than the EC EU Greens care about Germans. They are all on more or less the same team and domestic populations are expendable to achieve their end goals.

The Regime backs Ukraine because (1) Ukr is their main money laundering operation for enriching themselves and their cronies; (2) they hope to use fhe war to bleed Russia and replace Putin w someone more like Yeltsin who will allow the West to again steal Russian resources (think colonialism), and (3) they hope to wreck EU so its highly dependent upon the US.

Bear in mind,however, that the Regime and the EU crooks are made up of factions w competing interests so, for example, it's quite likely that the Pentagon MIC faction may try to restrain the WH Neocon faction if it looks like a direct war (ie, actual combat w forces not proxies) between Russia and US will break out. The Pentagon faction loves Ukr war for the billions being spent but only so long as it's Ukrainians, Poles, contractors dying and not US forces. And the Pentagon definitely doesn't want nukes used whereas Neocons are insanely thinking about it.

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All good points. To be clear, I don't think the US elites care too much about ordinary Americans. They do have to care a little bit, though, since they want to get elected. But is it in American elites' interests to bail Germany out? I rather doubt it.

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Hate to red pill you, Irena, but, no. No they don't need to care even a little bit because elections in the US are largely an illusion.

It is *way* worse than you think.

Just consider how uniformly bad the people in DC are. How is it remotely possible that we could get class after class of politicians who uniformly and without exception do not do anything they were elected to do and, in fact, often do precisely the opposite?

The pols in the US learned decades ago how to game the system so that we only ever get gangsters in DC. Once in a while someone slips through by miracle but even they are always muzzled or thwarted from doing anything more than political theater.

Don't even get me started on the ridiculous Red Wave in November.

People in Germany and the US need to wake up and start national strikes, work stoppages, boycotts, mass civil disobedience etc...or it's going to be mass detentions, mass arrests, lockdowns and 1984.

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Oh, I don't know. The people running the EU make the American guys look bright in comparison. ;-)

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It's honestly hard to imagine how the elected leaders of Germany can continue to run on a "no-nukes here, but we hope France will help us with theirs" strategy. Meanwhile, back in Berlin, people are freezing in their homes this winter, with some dying.

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Germany is acting like the "California" of Europe -- California would like to close their own nukes and get their electricity from Arizona -- which has nukes...

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But for the presidential ambitions of Newsom and the historical recall election of ex Governor Gray Davis over power outages, it would. Newsom earlier this year was hell bent on closing it, and had environmentalist backing, but someone at the federal level smacked some sense into him, and environmentalists are afraid of getting a black eye and losing a lot of power in the state should the closure continue.

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Well.it is the California of Europe always was guys.

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I'm beginning to think that they're (the WEF and their buddies) are purposefully trying to drive countries into insolvency so they can have them join their club. Germany would be quite the feather in their cap.

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Here's a thought: how are people going to pay on public transport, or in the store, if the power is out?

Computers, phones, com systems between bank and store use power.

If only there was some kind of way to carry monetary units on your person when the power was out. Some kind of promissory notes or something, or maybe some kind of token made of metal with an official seal on it.

Guess there's no money in that kind of stuff.

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Sep 26, 2022
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I'll trade you six eggs, two turnips, and a kilo of pantoffeln for 5 smoked pikes, deal?

In a way, people never stopped doing that kind of deals, especially where I live now. Babysit for the neighbours for an afternoon once in a while, in exchange for them bringing their tractor over when I need to move some boulders.

Needless to say, the Socialist Democrats and their friends have long tried to find ways to crminlaise and/or tax people helping eachother. Not too many years ago, charity of the kind where you hand out food and clothing and santitary proucts donated by stores and businesses were illegal.

I mention it because it is high time for us all to accept that our politicians and businessleaders are in the majority evil, to simplify what they are into one word, and that they are an existential threat (as in: a threat to our existence, not poncy french faux philosophy) to us all.

And there's really only one way to deal with existential threats.

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I stand amazed at how much shit Germans can sleep with in their beds. I thought we Americans were the champs.

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Nice description. But the majour part still obeys the government. Two years ago, they proudly "followed the science" (and discrimated "nach Herzenslust" / to one's heart's content), today they are "morally obliged to reduce shower time to damage the aggressor Putin".

When I say "but he's got us at our balls", I'm receiving strange looks ... :-)

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I fear you Yanks are rank armatures. We Euros and Brits have become undisputed champs since 1945. Welfare State = opium of the people. We have been in a stupor for 70 years, giddy with all the free bounty that flows from the State and the beneficence of those running it funded with fruit from the Magic Money Trees.

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I never had any worries about covid but this shit scares the life out of me.

It's almost hilarious this talk ot a return of Russian gas. Do these people have no idea what it is they've done? It would seem Germany lies entirely at the mercy of Russia, a country it has done everything it can to infuriate.

I also find it hilarious the current policy is to ship/pipe that stinking Russian gas to India and China, mark up the price 50%, pretend it's not the same gas then ship it back again and this is from the Green party! The fucking Greens!!

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Germany: every day establishing new extremes of clown world. and definitely agreed, it's doubly farcical all the very same precise people who have spent three years hyperventilating about Corona are totally fine with this.

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I guess the "load-shedding" is a translation for the German "Lastabwurf", what energy providers have done already in the last years with companies consuming large amounts of electricity for their production, e.g. aluminium. Unfortunately, I'm afraid that Mrs. Giffey as Prime Minister of the Land of Berlin does not know what she's talking about. Guess she means "brownout" - planned cut off of electricity for a certain time.

However, other countries may be aware of regular power cuts because of their infrastructure, and both the people and the systems are adapted for brownouts. Here in Germany neither people nor systems are constructed in a way to be "power-loss-tolerant". I doubt seriously, that my fellow Germans will easily adapt to the risk being trapped in an elevator, or standing in front of their "smart home" which will refuse to work when they finally managed to come home in a traffic without traffic lights.

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I'm not very good at energy industry vocabulary, but the preferred English term in German for something like "Lastabwurf" is "Brownout". As often happens, though, "Brownout" seems to have a different meaning in English, referring instead to voltage reductions.

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I'm no energy specialist, either.

But some days ago I read a comment on Danisch's blog (https://www.danisch.de/blog/2022/09/21/warum-man-backups-machen-sollte/) about a company called "rational einbauküchen solutions GmbH" which applys for insolvency because of a power cut which damaged the IT systems completely and without possibility to recover the contract and construction data. Well: "German, do your backup!"

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At the beginning of the conflict this opened my eyes …no one I sent it to was interested because it was too long and many believed this was not possible or credible enough because it didn’t fit the MSM narrative …..I guess they are changing their minds?


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" ... no plans from the government, beyond doubtful price-tinkering, regulatory schemes and targeted financial assistance." When you've screwed yourself out of options, with nobody else to blame but yourself, your only remaining course of action is to bend over, put your head between your legs, and kiss your ass goodbye.

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Germany has been turned into an open air insane asylum led by the most incompetent, degenerate, and criminally corrupt inmates. Of course, these clowns don’t get to decide anything because they’re remote controlled by Davos, Brussels, Washington. So why would we look to them for solutions? Their job is to sink the ship, not rescue it. The Corona plandemic was the opening salvo and now the listing wreck will be sent into the depths using artificial energy outages, food shortages and starvation, coupled with ongoing mass migration, and civil unrest.

That’s the plan and it works flawlessly so far. Once most western economies have gone the way of the Titanic – only without lights on during the sinking – our overlords will offer to “save” (i.e. totally enslave) the survivors with CBDC + UBI, provided they’re fully quaccinated and willing to keep getting boosters until SADS comes calling.

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We are living through absolutely mad times. There appear to be no adults or sane people in charge of anything anywhere. It's scary how close to the edge everything is - you think you live in a placid, rational world where living standards are at levels your grandparents could never of dreamt of and then you realise you've been so comfortable you let the idiots take over without noticing. Scary.

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One thing I'm worried about is that they'll resort to hugely intrusive measures such as entering into people's homes without a warrant (hey, it's an "emergency") and then levying huge fines or even sending people to prison if they have a room that's "too warm." So even if you decide to do something sensible enough such as heat one small bedroom to 22C, rather than the entire apartment to 19C, or if you turn up the heat because someone in your household has a fever - no matter! Of course, if you cannot turn up the heat when you're sick, that greatly increases the odds that you'll wind up in hospital or dead. But anyway, bureaucracies are blunt instruments, and after what they did with corona, I expect highly repressive measures over the winter.

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The most striking ignorance is the Green Party's suggestion that Germany should rely on French nuclear energy, somehow missing that the reliance on Russian gas has led to current crisis. It is shocking that the innate reaction for self-preservation escapes them.

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Good idea, because France has half its nuclear fleet hors service due to maintenance for corrosion, and is planning to plug peak demand with electricity from the UK via the interconnecter. The UK meanwhile is planning to plug the gap from inevitable drop-off of wind power with electricity from France via the interconnecter. One more time around Piccadilly Circus, driver follow that bus. Climb aboard Germany.

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The French reactor shutdown is due to political interference in nuclear power. They are planning on restarting all their reactors this winter. Hard to believe they would let basic maintenance slide that much, part of Hollande's "let it rot" strategy to force France to join the gas/wind/solar energy disaster as Germany & Britain are doing.

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See, i don't get why so many people reflexively assign the actions of these fascists to "ignorance" or "incompetence." Are there plenty of stupid government officials? Of course. But what we're seeing in EU and US and UK and Canada is not that. It is *deliberate * and malevolent.

Stop giving these monsters an easy excuse-- "Oh if only they could see how ignorant and foolish they're being!"

Even a blind squirrel finds a nut occasionally and a broken clock is right twice a day. Yet w these people, Mirabile dictu! They *always* manage to settle on the precisely wrong and most damaging policies every time.

Embrace the reality, folks. We are living under the rule of malevolent oligarchs. This is designed to impoverish the People and make them wholly dependent upon the State.

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Shock will be my response for the foreseeable future. It is difficult to reconcile that any government official has resolved within themselves, in their conscience, to take actions that could severely damage their country. I see manipulated individuals who sincerely believe that they are doing something for 'the greater good'- to the point of willful ignorance. There certainly are malevolent forces at work here, and I will admit that I am having trouble processing this lock step coordination to take down the western nations, as I see so many flaws in the plan, particularly the logistics of the fallout. The past few years have shown me what is behind the curtain and I am very much awake, but still human enough to respond with shock and disbelief. It is quite painful, being awake.

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