German health authorities plead to parliamentary committee that they have yet to evaluate adverse vaccine events because there are too many of them

The major German political parties will never investigate the pandemic response, because they are all complicit in it. Across the entire political landscape of the Federal Republic, the right-populist Alternative für Deutschland stands alone in its critical stance towards lockdowns and mass vaccination, and only in the state parliament of Brandenburg do they have sufficient seats to gather an investigatory committee on the transgressions of the Corona era. On Friday, 1 September, the AfD-convened Brandenburg Corona Committee summoned Robert Koch-Institut Chief Lothar Wieler (the German counterpart to Anthony Fauci) and Brigitte Keller-Stanislawski, head of the Department of Pharmaceutical Safety and Diagnostics at the Paul-Ehrlich-Institut. They were questioned for six hours on the Covid vaccines.
Journalists who eagerly reported Wieler’s every utterance during the Covid pandemic almost totally ignored his committee testimony. Among the few exceptions is Larissa Fußer, who has provided extensive reporting at Apollo News. The picture she paints is incredible: Neither the RKI, Germany’s public health authority, nor the PEI, our pharmaceuticals regulator, have taken even the most basic steps to evaluate the frequency or nature of vaccine injuries, or even the effectiveness of the vaccines in general. Technical problems, staff shortages, and the sheer extent of the data, has prevented them from fulfilling their most basic duties.
Keller-Stanislawski … reported her institute was massively overwhelmed, causing substantial delays in the evaluation of vaccine side effects that persist until this day. For example, she said, data from the “SafeVac” app released by PEI in December 2020 has yet to be analysed. The app was developed by PEI to allow easy reporting of adverse events. … They have received so many reports that they overwhelmed the technical infrastructure supporting the app. Data from 700,000 participants remain unprocessed …
Additionally, PEI staff were dramatically overworked. “There were people who only dealt with deaths and people who only dealt with myocarditis,,” Keller-Stanislawski said. “We had much more work than before, all because of this vaccine. We had to get help from other departments because we didn’t have enough people to handle the adverse events.”
The PEI didn’t start evaluating adverse vaccination events yesterday. They’ve been doing this for many years, and yet somehow the world’s most safe and effective vaccine yielded so many adverse event reports that they literally broke their computers and made their routine safety evaluations impossible.
According to Keller-Stanislawski, data from the Association of Statutory Health Insurance and from insurance companies also remain to be evaluated. Although the RKI has developed a program that can process the insurance data, it requires further adjustments, which have yet to be carried out. The insurance data include, for example, doctors’ diagnoses in connection with Covid vaccination that could shed light on vaccine side effects. In other words … the PEI, whose task it is to investigate the safety of Covid vaccines, has published all their reviews on adverse events so far on only on the basis of self-initiated reports from physicians and affected patients.
These reports are extremely laborious to prepare and physicians receive no remuneration for time spent writing them. The prevailing ethos among many doctors well through 2021 that the vaccines were “side-effect free” will also have disinclined many physicians even to think of associating health problems with the vaccines in the first place.
Also too, the RKI have never bothered to complete their own study of vaccine effectiveness:
The questioning of …. Lothar Wieler … revealed, among other things, that the RKI has not proven on the basis of their own studies the effectiveness of the Covid vaccine. According to Wieler, such a study has been conducted, but it is still being evaluated. … Only shortly before, Wieler had told the committee that monitoring the effectiveness of vaccination was among the central tasks of the RKI.
So, it’s just the core role of the RKI, no big deal that they’ve never gotten around to it.
And then there is this insane tidbit:
The circumstances under which the Committee’s questioning took place were striking. For example, Lothar Wieler was accompanied by an employee of the Federal Ministry of Health, a certain Heiko Rottmann-Großner …. He testified that his task was to ensure that Wieler was complying with his leave to testify. As a civil servant, Wieler requires authorisation to provide information on matters that are subject to official secrecy. The authorisation regulates in detail the topics on which a witness in the civil service may not provide information.
According to media reports, Wieler’s authorisation was multiple pages long, while that of PEI bureaucrat [Keller-Stanislawski] was only one page. … [Rottmann-Großner] repeatedly gave hand signals to Wieler during the questioning, and occasionally he also passed notes to him. Committee members complained of this practice, and ultimately compelled [Rottmann-Großner] to sit two chairs further away from Wieler.
So Wieler came to testify before the Committee not only with extensive gag orders from the Karl Lauterbach’s Health Ministry, but with a special babysitter. Rottmann-Großner is not just anybody. He’s the former head of the “Health Security” subdivision of the Health Ministry; from Katja Gloger and Georg Mascolo’s 2021 book Ausbruch, we know that he was an eager and early advocate for lockdowns and other heavy restrictions, demanding a nationwide “shut-down” as early as 24 February, the very day the WHO endorsed Chinese mass containment.
It is hard for me to put into words, what a scandal this is. The Federal Republic forced literally millions of Germans to receive not just one, not just two, but at least three novel Covid jabs against a virus that posed genuine risk to very few of them. In many cases the state threatened unemployment for noncompliance, shut the unvaccinated out of public life for months, and even tried to mandate vaccination via the Bundestag. Despite these grave violations of personal autonomy and bodily integrity, the bureaucrats who supported these crimes and justified them with relentless lies about virological doom now plead that their offices simply don’t have the time to establish how safe or how effective the jabs they continue to promote actually were. It’s a lot of work bro, they’re understaffed you know, there’s so much data.
I just spent Sunday at the Bundestag. I have to say, it was an amazing event and a very very open 'open day'. I had conversations with parliamentarians from Greens, CDU, die Linke, and AfD, as well as a very long chat with the security advisor to the FDP. I also listened to a number of panel discussions on a variety of topics.
My takeaways:
1) There is no, and I mean no, appetite to discuss SARS-2 policy sins of the past. This includes the AfD, who clearly want votes from former corona hysterics and are keen to downplay this issue politically.
2) The Greens really are as crazy as you think. One prominent MdB (congresswoman) answered my question about economic harms caused by Net Zero policies by saying, basically, that Germany should be decarbonising twice as fast. That was really the sum total of her answer.
3) On the upside, there is surprisingly balanced treatment of the AfD both by the bureaucratic administration of the Parliament and by their political peers - at least publicly. If you were to observe them without knowing the background, you would not believe this is a party on the verge of getting constitutionally banned.
4) CDU backbenchers seem to be aware of the damage they have caused Germany through de-nuclearisation and de-industrialisation policies and they have regrets. They are surprisingly honest and forthcoming about it.
5) The rhetoric on Ukraine from the FDP and CDU is Nikki-Haley-level insane (though not quite Lindsey-Graham-level insane). As someone who got to know Germany in the 1990s, it's a shocking level of propaganda-fuelled warmongering. They really don't see the problem with sending German panzers to burn on the Ukrainian steppes - a second time around.
6) the SPD had the best free ice cream and the funnest games.
NO ONE should have taken the God forsaken injection in the first place. You cannot fix gullible—it has to fix itself. Pain and failure are the best teachers, but no one wants to be their student. The problem with these injections, however, is that you cannot learn from your mistakes if you are dead.
So regarding that warp speed COVID vaccine…
Rushed, guaranteed to succeed, corruptly tested, experimental injection? ✓
That killed and maimed well-over a thousand people during the severely abbreviated trial phase? ✓
And also caused 23 spontaneous abortions and 75 serious clinical events from 270 expectant mothers during said trial? ✓
Using a highly dangerous mRNA tech that in the past killed every mouse with ADE? ✓
A tech previously untested on humans, the emergency usage of which upended over a century of vaccine safety and efficacy research? ✓
For a virus far less deadly than the lockdowns themselves? ✓
Also less deadly than the flu - which conveniently went AWOL when COVID hit the scene? ✓
For a (cold) virus they’ve been unable to cure after over a century of trying? ✓
But somehow all of a sudden, the criminal pharmaceutical companies - notorious for rampant felonious trial fraud - figured it out in less than a year? ✓
And then went on to manufacture billions of quality assured, safe and effective doses at record speed which were then lawfully distributed by the US military? ✓
People actually bought into this on a grand scale, and voluntarily injected this poison? ✓
Expanded version with inline references for every claim made above here: