German planners propose immigration framework for "climate refugees," as efforts to consolidate the whole establishment political programme around climate change mitigation continues

Western liberal democracies, with their widely distributed and complex institutional apparatus, have serious problems with coordination, and increasingly rely on press-fuelled hysteria to rouse themselves to action. They were never so powerful as during the great Covid panic, and as that wave of excitement recedes ever further, one thing has become clear: The locus of this coordinating hysteria is very important. Whatever the ambitions of the globalist vaccinators, the pandemic activated national bureaucracies and sidelined the global climate agenda for as long as it endured. Disease is something each country must solve for itself, while the climate crisis is the preferred unifying ideology of postwar globalism, because it favours solutions requiring high levels of international coordination.
There is therefore a great effort underway to realign the anxieties of beleaguered Westerners under a more uniform, more suitable and more useful climate panic. If you’re worried about pandemics, you should also be worried about climate change, because “climate change increases pandemic risk.” And if you’re eager to welcome refugees, well, then climate change will soon be a major reason to do so.
From the Deutsche Presse-Agentur (via the Süddeutsche Zeitung):
Those who lose their homeland due to climate change should, in the proposal of an advisory panel to the German government, receive a “climate passport” for permanent residence in Germany. The interdisciplinary Expert Council on Integration and Migration (SVR), however, specifies that this offer should be limited to people from countries “which lose their entire territory due to climate change.”
These are primarily island states whose existence is threatened by rising sea levels as a result of global warming …
For people from countries that are significantly affected by the impacts of climate change, the SVR proposes a so-called climate card. The idea is a humanitarian entry programme to allow temporary residency in Germany.
The experts believe envision that quotas would have to be set for this. The aim would be for climate card holders to return home after the most serious consequences have been eliminated and mitigation measures implemented.
Additionally, there should be a climate work visa to control migration due to creeping environmental changes caused by climate change. Such a visa would then be granted to people from particularly impacted states who do not have any special qualifications but can show a work contract. …
“If we do not succeed in curbing climate change, climate migration will continue to increase,” said Birgit Leyendecker, deputy chair of the SVR. “On the other hand, the consequences of climate change can also inhibit migration or even prevent it – for example, if people lose the resources they need to be able to migrate at all,” Leyendecker, who heads the Interdisciplinary Centre for Family Research at the Ruhr University Bochum, said.
The immigration planners on the SVR have no expertise in climatology, but that doesn’t matter. One of the things that made Corona so powerful, was the simple fact that it gave a wide range of bureaucrats, experts and journalists their own separate roles to play in the solution. To succeed, climate change mitigation will also have to lend relevance to a wide range of experts and institutions, however unserious the pretence. Current “climate migration” assessments appear to be based on simple counts of third-world people who have been displaced by natural disasters, and the horror projections of billions of displaced people rest on hazy future projections.
Worried about STDs, heart failure, or the zombie apocalypse? You should worry about climate change. Worried about asteroids, falling satellites, or the magnetic reversal of the poles? You should worry about climate change. Car not starting? Climate change. Wife left you? Climate change. Shoelaces snapped? Yup, climate change is to blame for sure.
Still waiting for a single inhabited coastal region to actually be underwater. Why does nobody seem bothered that there are, as of today, 0 climate refugees?