Worried about STDs, heart failure, or the zombie apocalypse? You should worry about climate change. Worried about asteroids, falling satellites, or the magnetic reversal of the poles? You should worry about climate change. Car not starting? Climate change. Wife left you? Climate change. Shoelaces snapped? Yup, climate change is to blame for sure.

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They’re laying the mental groundwork. The great migration is already occurring in absolute droves through the Darien gap, Panama, Costa Rica, and up through Mexico into the US. The volume of people that are coming up is exponentially greater than anyone can even imagine. Every single day hundreds of buses are making the trek north. Every single day hundreds of airplanes in southern US cities are flying immigrants with Joe Biden‘s white piece of paper to who knows where in the US. Pick a city. This is happening right now folks. Don’t believe me? Go to any southern border state airport at six in the morning. Or read Michael Yon’s substack to learn more. The UN is building its army within the US. You won’t hear this on any main stream media.

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In Europe as well. WEF orders. They made a video “1 billion immigrants into the west”, that’s the goal

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If they think those people will be easier to control, they're making a mistake.

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Not sure about that. And don't forget that they have first-hand experience from controlling them in their countries.

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In Germany the mental groundwork is already laid for a long time. It is now just a matter of wrapping up.

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Mental groundwork--mental alright.

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Really hoping the goal is not as bad as some say (kill all the white folk).

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Climate change is the scientistic version of "Mercury in retrograde."

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May 9, 2023·edited May 9, 2023

Mind you, "Mercury in Retrograde" likely has more real world effects than "Man Made Climate Change™ "

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Climate Change forced me to get all new tires for my car. Damn that climate change

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When my wife cooks in the kitchen ,it gets so hot ,it makes me change climate by going to the living room . In northern regions the climate changes extremely every year ,by having minus 40 ,- in winter and plus 100 ,-in summer . Over very long time periods ,the changes in climate can be anything ,colder ,or warmer ,most of it caused by the sun .

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Berlins outlays to offset the inflation-driven cost of living crisis are now 50% of GDP. Unit Labour Costs are +5.2% y/y. Uber low productivity (-0.8%) is making things worse. Germany median housing prices are -7.3% y/y in March.

All of this means Germany needs fresh young blood to work really hard, for little money to pay for the German welfare state. Climate change is just this year’s excuse for allowing economic migrants to become German Citizens.

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Do migrants really work ? If they would have done so ,where they come from ,they would not have to migrate .

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Many of the immigrants works, you can see it when you get an Amazon package, or have something n the house repaired, or built. These are usually not Germans, and often they do not even speak German at all.

But immigrants as a group incur considerably more costs to the system, e.g. healthcare and social services. Even those who work hard in cheap jobs are getting more from the system than they earn.

If we handn't such a just and leftist government, it would almost look like it is about enriching very big corporations .

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Andreas ,In a small country with some eighty million people ,I can't see why the eighty million can't do all the repairing and work by them elf .You mean they get more from the system ,than they put in ,not earn .! Under the current system the problems created by migrants ,need more migrants to fix what the migrants before them created ,a never ending circle ,until all the migrants now living in the forests and deserts have relocated to Germany .It is the same in the place I live in ,that is in Vancouver Canada .Where ever you look ,there are fifty and hundred floor buildings going up and they get filled faster than they can build them ,by migrants ..It's all free for them .If construction can't keep up ,housing them ,than they live in hotels .For local people housing is totally out of reach ,many live in tents in a city of some three million

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Immigrants are in effect employees of the state, hence growing the state. The modern Western state has only one aim: to grow.

This is why we have here the paradox that well-earning immigrants, who would be net-payers for the society, have a hard time to come into the country and work.

The only route that ensures that you can enter the state is to throw away your passport and claim benefits upon arrival.

I guess it is the same in Canada?

A few years back (when Canada equaled freedom, at least in my mind), I checked how I could immigrate to Canada, and it was a really hard point system, leaving me little chance to get there.

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How come the climate only changes in third world countries. so they have to migrate ? When will the climate change in countries they migrate to ?

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Rich countries pay CO2 compensation so climate does not change their.

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In cities like Vancouver and even smaller towns now ,tent cities are being erected ,to house many of the locals ,because the price for housing is insane ,out of reach , While migrants by the plain load daily get new housing ,free or even live in hotels .They don't have or need money to live in comfort .It is all provided by local JOKELS .

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I like to ski and ALL and ANY change in the weather is climate change and our fault. It's mostly driven by Boomers who regret all the other things they've fucked up and have plenty of time to contemplate it in their long, unfunded retirements.

The younger ones just like protesting and the pretty bags with slogans.

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Polar bears are drowning. Remember the Paul Shanklin parody:


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Weather and climate have always changed ,as long as earth exists The weather changes all day long ,the climate in years or centuries .Humans have little to do with it .

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Climate change is in much longer time frames than centuries, historically.

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Tardigrade ,I forgot to write in a hundred centuries or more .

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There are no polar bears, nor is the North Pole covered in ice. It’s all CGI now. And NYC is under water, just like James Hanson said it would be.


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May 9, 2023Liked by eugyppius

Still waiting for a single inhabited coastal region to actually be underwater. Why does nobody seem bothered that there are, as of today, 0 climate refugees?

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If anything it's the opposite: Weather-related disasters are killing fewer people and causing less chaos than ever before in history. Because, technology & infrastructure.

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The thing is because of fewer disasters the novelty factor of them increases, and because media is driven by sensationalism, it augments the "signal" of those disasters. So while it is far less, the reporting of it is far more which leads to the perception of crisis.

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I wish I could remember the name of the city, perhaps in Italy that is further from the sea than a few thousand years ago, i.e., sea level has fallen. Perhaps I shouldn't point that out; the climate zealots will say that the temp has heated up so much, the ocean is evaporating!

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Ostia antica (probably) used to be the port of Rome now giving a whole new meaning to dry dock.

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Pisa as well.

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In the Rocky Mountains ,near the town of Field ,I walked on a mountain side covered with sea shells almost 7000 feet in elevation .Climate lock downs must be mandatory and permanent ,so it does not behave so foolish again .

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Global cooling (1970's) and then more recently Global Warming turned out to be inconvenient terms for the climate activist industry. Now it's "climate change", and that nice, neutral term encompasses both ideas.

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I live on an island in the hurricane zone... we survived Maria and Irma in 2017, both category 5 storms... I was also here for Marylyn in 1995, also a category 5. Then in 2019 hurricane Dorian appeared and I happened to be in Ft Lauderdale... that storm stopped and made a definitive 90degree turn up the coast (after demolishing the Bahamas and a Chinese port no one talked about) . Never before had I actually witnessed and knew in my heart that was a controlled hurricane. It’s disturbing to think that anything other than Mother Nature could wield so much power.

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But why are they doing this? I understand they are control freaks, but what are they hoping to get out of mass migrations of refugees? What do they gain by having a few million third world refugees in their country? A crisis to manage forever?

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Furthermore, why does climate change affect mostly the areas people are migrating FROM, and primarily not the areas they are migrating TO? Why is Germany, for instance, safe for the migrants? Proletariats want to know...

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Your vote is virtually neutralized when any given "refugee" is allowed to vote, right?

And since they can't convince you to vote for your own slavedom they have to incentive others to do so.

This is a long term play for the state and the elite.

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Even Bangladesh is doing better. That place used to get literally wiped out with great regularity every time a typhoon barrelled into it.

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Humans may need to adjust to the effects of climate change ultimately but not due to CO2 emissions, which have only increased by about 1.4 parts in 10,000 (140 ppm, a trace amount) since people started burning fossil fuels. Recent climate history evidences the fact that the climate can change naturally both radically and quickly. Just 17,000 years ago a sheet of ice five times the height of the Space Needle in Seattle covered the location of that landmark. Now of course there is no permanent ice. But the shocker is the climate changed so dramatically that the massive sheet of ice was gone a mere 800 years later, which isn't even an eye blink in Earth's history (research the Vashon Stade). Such cycles have run their course a great many times. Earth's climate changes, obviously, but there is no reason to believe the "climate change" narrative is anything other than yet another manipulative political narrative employed by self serving ideologues who lust for control over everyone else (megalomaniacs...mentally disturbed individuals).

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Because the media can make them out of nothing. Just pull out an old file photo of people slogging through any flood or tsunami, and run it with a headline about "climate refugees". The article itself can be either true or a total lie, because most won't even read it.

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Biden cut the gas pipes ,to help the Germans stay cool ,because of global overheating .It would have caused the Germans to migrate .Now they feel better already .

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The banks never believed that their customers installments for their seaside homes would stop because of an submerged and worthless building.

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Several small towns on east coast of US have given up trying to cope. Water is in all streets and most first floor buildings.

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fun. Just like Venice in the US

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Can I expect the Obamas to be relocating to my little northern California community?

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Kerry complained that the Ru-Ukr war would distract from climate change. I had TWO steaks yesterday, one for lunch and one for dinner, and imagined some Eurocrat sniffling their disgust at me. Daydreams

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The Eurocrat elite will ALWAYS have access to 2 steaks a day if they so desire... 😬

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A neutered ox is kind of a trans-cow. But it's not milk.

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gdoc ,not if the steak is a W.H.O. steak ,spiced by Bill Gates .The sickness police also specifies that the cow must have had six venom injections .

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A science fiction story that writes itself: As a result of climate migration passports, many politicians and statemen are required to house and maintain climate refugees in their palatial estates.

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And you can (could?) easily get a bank loan for it. The bankers are not afraid!

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But gdoc ,for 15 million they get a water proof Mansion ,even one that floats .

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May 9, 2023Liked by eugyppius

Covid was the warm up for this and CBDC.

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Covid wasn't the warm-up. Covid was supposed to be one of several fronts of the over all war on the public to reset society but it failed. The elites war against the people is being waged on multiple fronts, it's not all depending on any one singular thing not even climate change. Climate change is a critical piece but not the only one. They did cause a lot of damage with covid but ultimately covid failed to do 2 key things that are necessary for the larger war.

1) Set the precedent that the Federal Government during a public health emergency can mandate drugging of the public.

2) The nationwide implementation of physical checkpoint and tracking system; the vaccine passport thing.

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Yep. I call it the control crisis, and there are many moving parts. The covid and climate portions of the control crisis are obvious, but there's also the currency portion of the control crisis that's slowly on its way.

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Yep a multiple fronts war which is really the only way you could accomplish this.

In addition to gaining control/capturing key parts of the National level government , it's institutions and pars of teh private sector like entertainment and media (due to the influence capabilities) you still have to change people's view of what's normal/acceptable and that alone requires also capture/control of teh public education system.

Sadly to many "awake' persons believe that everything is dependent on a single thig be it Climate Change, Culture or just control of the government. It's many things which is why it's a multi-generational plan.

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Exactly- but each moving part in itself is huge-it’s all pieces on the chess board, hence the educational brainwashing and nonstop propaganda for exactly that- the generational take over. They will be the predominant population eventually. Currently seems only about half (in the states)-then a forceful “needed takeover” will not be as necessary as the majority will have willingly surrendered their minds and their lives.

It’s been morphing as planned with Elitist monies controlling the media and narratives. Independent mindfulness and logic have long since left much of society and the educational institutions especially University level. Its the “sheeple peer pressure” effect on massive scale. Now they are working on military take over as we speak- FBI has already been infiltrated and being used by those “behind the reset”narrative in the States. It has infiltrated politics (via propaganda and lies and a hell of a lot of money-Thank you Elitists) “influencing” elections. The tell lies, stir the pot, watch folks loose their minds and laugh about how easily we are influenced without a thought......look at the state of the worlds health now. Willingly done (well except for the mandate part).....🤔🫣

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Exactly. They're focused now on stricter gun laws and I mean very strict. Their hyper marketing mass shootings to try and make them appear more common then they are. The FBI just released a multi-minute long professionally made commercial about what to do in a mass shooing and of course none of it it's about defending your self if you're armed. It's purely about how innocent people are trapped scared mice and how to hide from the shooter. They are gong to broadcast on every network and social media platform non-stop to convince people it's a common daily thing. They'll stage a few more shooting's and so when teh Democrats bring up some crazy over the top gun control bill they'll have more support from the middle and even some on the right, conservatives who have fallen for teh lie that guns are dangerous in teh hands of citizens.

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Genocide can only be a success if all escape routs are blocked .I can't find one benefit ,only harmful acts ,as designed by the god like elite .

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And "fear" is their central tool on every front.

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fear is abase human emotion that keeps us alive, it's a survival tool. If you can manipulate/use it and sexual desire you can pretty much control a populace.

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Thank you for that observation. Now I have an idea why the less developed countries are being depopulated in order to migrate them to the developed world. There isn't enough internet infrastructure in the 3rd world to implement a digital control grid, especially using a digital currency, which MUST have near 24/7 internet availability. Period.

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We will soon need a vaxxxin venom passport ,to enter a grocery store .In the meantime I'm hoping I don't need a passport to enter my wife's bedroom .

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It will be another set pendulum for massive destabilization-both socially and financially. Moving 2/3rds population into the current organized societies will invoke massive collapse and cause for forcing “reset agenda”. Massive chaos will invoke massive militant control measures.

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Sounds as the Plan.

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Yes, exactly. I found out in a George Gammon video last night that the USSR actually had a CBDC (minus the 'D') from about 1923-1991. Look up Gosbank.

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Create a non existent problem, then proclaim that we have the solution to this nonexistent problem, we just need (insert dollar amount) to implement the unneeded solution for the non existent problem. This is the result of a corrupted, bloated, failing state.

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Your describing the "Problem, Solution, Reaction" method where you work backwards from your goal to what spawns the problem your goal solves.

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And the $$billions end up in the pockets of the self-proclaimed "problem solvers."

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If they're so worried about the excess peoples of the global south being displaced by "climate change," then they should really just do everything they can to introduce Western feminism into these countries to tank their birth rates to sub-replacement.

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It will never not be darkly amusing to me that, technically, if you have a particular set of motivations, promoting girls’ education counts as genocide under the UN definition.

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Or how rightwingers who warn about global demographics simultaneously get mad at the USA spending x millions of dollars for LGBT and women's rights in the whatever third world country, perhaps not realizing that exporting Western sexual pathologies to the rest of the world is essentially an act of genocide

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Because "rightwingers who warn about global demographics" are in favor of genocide, they ought to support "spending x millions of dollars for LGBT and women's rights in the whatever third world country," appears to be your argument.

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I think you're taking me too seriously

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Intentional poisoning playbook , ultizing quacksines and environmental toxins to weaken us, by the tyranocrats industries..

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Thank Allah for the Muslims.

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May 9, 2023Liked by eugyppius

Isn't it funny that the German people will cease to exist due to self inflicted mass immigration of very different ethnicities?

We started several vicious wars, we tried to extinguish the Jews and now we voluntarily extinguish ourselves, just because.

South east Asia can and will take over the world, Europe is done.

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I worked in the Middle East for 10 straight years. One thing I realized very early on was that while I lived there, I not only didn't but also I couldn't fit in to their cultures. By the same token, this also means that they don't, they won't and they can't really fit into Western cultures either. They won't assimilate. Part of it is religious orientation, but it's predominantly the culture. You don't just drop one culture and adopt another because you have moved to a different geographical location. It doesn't work that way.

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We can learn visiting a zoo .They don't put lions and sheep in the same pen.

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That’s what they want-all stability and self deficiency to be erased. Then we can all live like sub standard 3rd world slaves with absolutely zero freedoms. Bring on chaos to blind the world in subterfuge.

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I meant sufficiency not deficiency (bad girl Siri)!

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deletedMay 9, 2023Liked by eugyppius
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I think it will not take much more and I'm well done ,close to burned .

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May 9, 2023Liked by eugyppius

Climate Change Scam

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Welcomed only if they pass an appropriate Vax acquiescence test I assume.

I thank God for people like Eugyppius and I mean that, but have some doubts that he can continue to blame Clown World mainly on mere incompetence/bureaucracy.

Fwiw, I believe there are bigger things afoot.

Time will tell. Meanwhile we have to do everything we can, no matter how insignificant (like me) that may seem, to stop the bastards.

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I think my systemic solutions apply better to Covid actually and that climate change owes much more to direct and indirect influence from the top, but obv it still has to go through the institutions, and this influences what climate change looks like and what it claims.

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deletedMay 9, 2023Liked by eugyppius
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gdoc brown noses is the correct term, you get them everywhere and they’re usually the laziest shittiest worker so have to brown nose to keep in with the bosses.

Those using it as a tool for social climbing will find they are the least respected and most dispised in any group, no one likes a traitor.

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May 9, 2023Liked by eugyppius

And all of this predicated by the fallacy of "Climate Change".

It's called "weather", and bureaucrats cannot change the climate...

Rest assured they will manage to F*** this up, like everything else they touch...

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deletedMay 9, 2023Liked by eugyppius
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Guess I'm an outcast.

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The COVID emergency was primarily a political campaign where the powerful said that they would control COVID by controlling you. But they didn't control COVID, they only controlled you, because that was their purpose.

The climate emergency is a similar campaign where the powerful say that they'll control the climate by controlling you. But they can't control the climate, they'll only control you, because that is their purpose.

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Yes. No pretext is too implausible, especially if people keep falling for it.

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May 9, 2023Liked by eugyppius

Either these people are incredibly naive or they are corrupted to an unbelievable level. Tertium non datur. How can a person come up with these ideas is unexplainable.

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They're paid to do so.

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They're paid to do so.

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The U.S. is in the process of agreeing to new International Health Regulations and a new pandemic treaty (WHO Ca) that subjugates the American govt and all of us to WHO authority in not only "health" matters but in ALL matters--see the "One Health" concept on WHO site or in this document whose links provide extensive facts about this silent worldwide takeover.

From Substack "Who is Robert Malone", the molecular biologist who invented mRNA technology and has been an avowed enemy of the Covid Commissariat ever since.


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Same in Canada with no MSM coverage, at least as far as I've seen.

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May 9, 2023Liked by eugyppius

" ... as efforts to consolidate the whole establishment political programme around THE FANTASY, AKA LIE, OF climate change mitigation continues...". FIFY

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I fear, though, that the mitigation is all too real.

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As with the COVID, the response is real - and destructive - but based on lies and all in service to a separate agenda. Some if not most proponents are duped ( I know many) and some know exactly what they're doing.

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All electric cars, all electric stoves, all electric furnaces = electricity brown outs, blackouts; people freezing, starving, unable to travel.

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Don't believe every trial balloon launched by the MSM. Besides if this happens then people will get off their behinds and become resourceful. Yaa gotta eat. Next thing you know they will get collapsable white gas peak stoves which work fine indoors for cooking in half the time it takes to cook on a regular stove.

It would actually be nice to see them turn to physical deprivation instead of a steady stream of scary what if's.

Yea.. that would be good especially since the fake Covid thrashing is still fresh in peoples minds, then we could separate the girlie boyzz from the men. Ditto for the females.

But this won't happen until Turdeau The Great Woke Leader muzzles all Canadians.

This guy and his commie lying friends have turned Kanada into a joyless shithole. Maybe like his daddy ( Castro ) he can turn Canada into a low IQ zero GDP paradise like Kuba.

HEH... hang em high


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“limited to people from countries “which lose their entire territory due to climate change.”

These are primarily island states whose existence is threatened by rising sea levels as a result of global warming …”

So if this doesn’t happen where’s the problem?

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the problem is the other two categories.

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May 9, 2023Liked by eugyppius

I guess The West has given up on “fixing” the “sh!thole” countries? That used to be the thing—give them money so that the poor people won’t need to migrate.

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Worked out well then, they just multiplied in ever fast increasing numbers, we now have billions instead of millions who don’t want to improve their lot in their own lands, they want to flood ours.

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May 9, 2023Liked by eugyppius

Germany does not deserve to survive.

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As a Swabian having studied in Munich and lived in Berlin I feel also kinda entitled to answer your question. Honestly I think the answer is no. Of course some States are pretending they are super unique culturally, especially Bavaria and Saxony. And the people there are proud of it. But the expectation that there has to be a German State above them is so strongly rooted that people aren't even thinking about thinking that this is not necessarily a god-given fact and could maybe even be changed. Even in Bavaria the desire for independence today is an order of magnitude weaker than it is in Catalonia or Scotland. I guess people could only imagine to give up Germany for an European Superstate, but not independence on a smaller scale

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