German publicly regulated health insurers, the Betriebskrankenkassen, report substantially higher vaccine adverse effects than the Paul-Ehrlich-Institut, our vaccine regulatory body.
Schoefbeck will have quadruple-checked BKK's numbers before making these bombshell statements. He's publicly accusing Paul Ehrlich of a massive cover-up and vaccines of causality. His underwriters and actuaries are dead certain of it, have expressed these results in terms of statistical likelihood (zero).
So scheint's. My guess is he's getting first in line for a state supplemental bail-out or stipend. He has asked his people what the trendline is and what losses they would predict, is probably horrified and he doesn't feel like they can or should absorb it. Even EU insurers hate to lose money, even for a single quarter. In any case he feels secure enough to flex this muscle now.
I'd like to put a small bet down on "correlation is not causation." You probably would have gotten myocarditis, an arm that didn't work, and that weird skin condition anyway, you crazy anti-vaxxer.
"Stealth" effects of covid they'll claim. In fact, it's already happening.
Two days ago CNN published a piece which was all about how covid is causing "long-term cardiovascular complications" including "inflammatory heart disease, heart failure, dysrhythmia, heart attacks, strokes and clotting". And apparently, this is happening in people "who had very mild disease".
Hmmm. I wonder what else may be at play, given that in most Western countries, MANY (even most?) previously infected people will have also been vaccinated.
I have been very skeptical this whole time that any of this would ever become "mainstream." However, the historical examples we cite (e.g. Vioxx) are historical examples precisely because they became mainstream, despite pharma's attempt to suppress and deny.
This gives me hope that, at least in the long term, we will be publicly vindicated
Highly recommend the series Dopesick about Purdue Pharma, makers of Oxycontin. The corrupt / negligent FDA and poorly informed / corrupt doctors swallowed the same simple bullet point 'safe and effective' type platitudes and killed a lot of people.
Why did anyone think these same entities would get it right this time?
I'm halfway through the series & it is great. I've heard that some people are critical of it because viewing it could lead to vaccine hesitancy. Let's hope!
"Vaccine hesitancy" is an absurd concept, if you ask me. People REFUSE. People are not only HESITANT. The term reeks of "political krrectness" in my view.
The similarities between “breakthrough pain” and “breakthrough infections“ blew me away.
If you’re selling an opiate that doesn’t stop pain the way you’ve advertised, the solution is simple: tell people to double the dose.
And if you’re selling a vaccine that’s not protecting them, give them boosters.
“Dopesick” should be mandatory viewing for every human being on the planet. These greedy psychotic clowns are literally repeating the same dirty tricks in plain sight with the aid of the crooks at the FDA.
I’ll never get vaccinated with ANYTHING again. Hope Big Pharma made enough money off this heist because I think their days are numbered.
It is absolutely amazing to me that this is one of the most popular series on Netflix during this whole thing. I have had many vax simps tell me how good it is without a hint of irony.
There is a series on the Crack Epidemic that is an even better metaphor for covid stupidity. Experts: "It turns out in retrospect that systematically destroying the black family has societal down side...." could substitute for so many very dumb covid policies.
They can keep the lies going for a long time, but I just don't see how they can keep the lid on this forever. More of a worry is that they will unleash something else to distract away from this.
I think the data coming out of the life/health insurance companies is going to be the wrench that helps the wheels finally detach from the bus. Insurance companies are taking a massive financial hit while funeral company stocks are skyrocketing, and people are starting to notice as per Edward Dowd:
PSA: Governor DeSantis has until tomorrow (2/24) to veto HB 7021, which would extend the liability protections for hospitals/medical facilities for implementing murderous COVID protocols.
Dowd makes a valid point that many insurers need time to offload risk in the re-insurance market. So it makes sense that public statements will be made that seek to cast doubt on causation until they have hedged. If too much "smart money" moves to reinsurance transactions, that market will see dramatic price increases. I'd be interested in knowing what early indicators there are as to the re-insurance market. In any case the public will be the last to know. (Substack isn't "public" I suppose!)
I can’t speak to re-insurance, but a friend of mine in financial services called me today, and he was alarmed by the increase in interest rates on annuities. He says they’ve nearly quadrupled.
This is apparently a sign that the insurance industry is experiencing massive losses and is so desperate for cash inflows that they’re willing to pay investors very high interest rates.
My contact also confirmed that even among the largest insurers, like New York Life, all cause mortalities were flat in 2020 but exponentially higher in 2021, and expected to be 300K higher in 2022.
Curiously, group/employer insurance for working age people is being hit hardest. This isn’t the demo that’s at greatest risk for COVID; they’re dying in large numbers from OTHER causes.
He doesn’t see how the industry can sustain these losses for an extended period of time.
Hold tight, folks. We are in for a wild right in the next few years. The finger pointing, hand wringing, remorse, blame,, and anger will be off the charts.
Would your friend be willing to talk with Steve Kirsch, either on or off the record? Steve is trying to get data from whistleblowers in the insurance industry.
My friend is in financial services and sells a variety of different products. I will ask him if he has insurance contacts who are willing to go in the record. The sense I got from him is that the One America exec made comments that he intended to remain within the industry circle and was surprised when they went viral. I don’t think they’re interested in rocking the boat. Seems like they prefer to keep their dirty laundry in their small circles.
Thank you for checking! If desired, Steve is willing to preserve anonymity as he has done for other whistleblowers. Of course, it’s best if people are brave enough to go on the record to save lives, but we don’t want that to be a deterrent to getting the truth out.
In terms of the "lack of treatments causes deaths even in young people" argument, I'm wondering whether the silly story is being pushed to provide cover for that "smart money." When I read the entire WSJ article (behind paywall - and don't bother because it is fluffy without any data other than noting the increase in deaths in 2021 - particularly Q3), I had the reaction that the story was planted. Same kind of piece you can find in the NYT. No critical analysis. The assertion is that the Delta variant caused increases in deaths in "people in their working years with employer-sponsored death benefits." Ok, tell us more. Nope, that's it, we're the WSJ.
So investors and insurers read that article, internalize it and move on, while the "smart money" divests of risk.
That said, because group health insurance is "mark to market" and repriced every two or three years, is there really a re-insurance market? Deaths go up, and this insurers just raise the prices when the coverage period expires to recoup their losses. That leads me to think the best evidence will be in the individual term and whole life market. Out of my depth already, but can't help but speculate.
[p.s. Substack went down as I was composing this. Can someone pass out the tin foil hats?]
The insurers and actuaries will blow this thing wide open because they were left out of the payola. Funny to think the cabal forgot to pay off the life and health insurance companies.
Even Pharma might balk at the amount it would take to convince health and life insurance companies to fudge all those numbers, particularly the life insurance companies. When your entire business model is paying out money when people die and suddenly a lot more people are dying, I imagine it's hard to paper over that. What are you going to do, claim they're all suicides and not covered?
That will be the argument, more or less. They will use the zero liability framework to say that claimants willingly partook in experimental procedures that caused their ailments/deaths.
You're probably correct. It would take up all the illegal money they (pharm) made, to pay the insurance companies, who would then have to use that money to pay the policy claims. But, it would not surprise me in the very least if the insurance companies didn't claim they were all suicides. --- Actually, there have been some cases lately where they did just that. They claim that since the vaxx is EUA and not approved, you CHOSE to take it, therefore, YOU are taking a chance on it, and if you die it is not covered, because of that choice, making it suicide. It's a beautiful little scam. The government, or your employer, demand that you take it to have a job. You take it, so you can afford to live, but you die, (I think it's working in the same way for insurance and the vaxx injured. They won't pay for treatments.) so the insurance doesn't have to pay. Pharm and insurance win. The taxpayer loses yet again! BOHICA!
Probably no one informed life insurance companies that the death rate in males 18 to 64 would go up 40% post vaccination (so says an life insurance company out of Indiana). That was left off the sales sheet.
That's why we're here, isn't it? To continually bail out some bunch of overpaid millionaire/billionaire scum, I'm including the federal government in that group.
Others have been commenting that shareprices of Biontech & Modena have been falling. Is the market finally starting to price-in the reality of the "safe & effective" experimental gene therapies??
Insurance data and all cause death data can't be avoided for much longer. Surely this spells the end of German vaccine mandates?
adding, i think this very probably directed at söder in particular, coming from bayern as it is. he was already wavering on mandates. there are bigger forces at work here, maybe.
In Swedish there is an old folklore expression "Södergök är dödergök" based on the direction that a cuckoo bird (gök) flies.
As a massive digression: there was a Swedish minister circa 1979 with the name Söder (means south) who decided to close state alcohol shops on Saturdays. Swedish MAD magazine had a brilliant cartoon of some alcoholics sitting outside a closed liquor shop drinking methylated spirits and it had the above caption plus "Saturday closing". Gök is also slang for akvavit with coffee.
Investors are always skittish and often stupid, but they seem to recognize covid is done. But as long as governments continue shoveling money at them, they'll do okay. Stop the mandates and the vax companies will collapse. Moderna and the others aren't the problem. Corrupt governments are 100% of the problem.
Your post below contracts this - by pointing out the widespread culpability of doctors. I wonder if it's a rule that it's never a single agent but always agents in particular configurations.
So we've potentially injured (or killed) 3-5% of the population, including the healthy subset, for a disease that had an IFR under 1% at its most virulent. Cool cool cool
Yeah, I never expected the narratives around the jabs to fail so quickly. I assumed it'd be at least a few years before any side effects manifest, assumed they'd at least have a positive effect on covid in the short term.
Thanks for the info. I will not forget those like yourself who have provided such an incredible public service through all of this madness. If we climb out of it and I'm able to have a bit of disposable income again, this will be my first paid sub. I promise I do not take your hard work for granted and hope my thanks will suffice for the time being. 🙂
Now that the largest fraud in world history is fully unraveling, the question remains: how many government officials, public health experts, social media boards & executives, pharma company boatrdd & executives and corporate boards & executives will be arrested & tried for murder? We can’t allow this to happen again.
I got one Pfizer shot. It gave me arrhythmia for months & skin ulcers. Burned my skin. mRNA is not one size fits all. Had to get 2 EKGs. Scared me to death - pun intended
mRNA truly is not one size fits all. In a typical vaccine, the amount of the antigen injected into the patient is known in advance, and safety testing was done with that amount in mind. With mRNA, the amount of the antigen (which in this case is the highly toxic spike protein) that is manufactured as a result of the fixed amount of mRNA injected is highly variable. People's different physiologies produce amounts of the spikes that vary wildly from person to person even with the same amount of mRNA injected. There's no way to know how much of the antigen the recipient of the jab will (indirectly) receive, and that's a really bad thing when the antigen itself is the part of the virus that makes it dangerous in the first place.
It's also not certain that the amount of mRNA being administered per dose is well-controlled. If it was, even with the variation in the amount of spike proteins each jab causes the body to produce, there would be no observable trend of some lot numbers of the vaxxes being more dangerous than others. So not only is it impossible to tell how much of the deadly antigen each person will make per normalized dose of the vax, but it is also impossible to know how many normalized doses per actual dose any given patient receives.
Exactly. Too dangerous for a lot of ppl. Got one & done. Never again . I also have immunity, which I believe is another reason my reaction was so intense. Thanks for the breakdown.
The amount of mRNA is not well-controlled. There were leaked emails between Pfizer and the European Medicines Agency in December 2020 which detailed integrity issues with the vaccines. There was never any reassurance that these issues were resolved.
The only silver lining is that a substantial share of people may have in effect received a placebo. But it's, of course, hugely unlucky for those receiving the corrupted batches.
Recent interview Peter McCollough, asked if medical industry will recover, said its a shameful time for medicine, unknown if rank and file will pretend covid didn't happen, or if doctors will break ranks, admit atrocious behavior, and promise to do better. The lockstep denial of medical competence to conform to a restricted apathy has done a lot of damage to medical credibility. We can't afford to allow that. Any doctors who stick with the orthodoxy must be shunned or banished. A few must be punished.
Being too stupid to do the job for which one was trained is not a good defense against loss of medical license or against potential charges of negligence (or worse).
A co-worker and I were discussing this today. We both said we and our spouses couldn't believe the way doctors just went along with this, even after problems because INCREDIBLY evident, and that none of us would ever have the same view of doctors and medicine again. But I know many younger people who are fine with everything.
They're like plumbers, or mechanics -- useful for doing a job, but should not be worshiped, as many seem to do with doctors. Throughout history, healers, shamans, witch doctors have been mystified and respected for their abilities about which most people have no understanding, Their talents are not that difficult to acquire. It's just that they know a lot of things we don't need to know, at the moment. But we can easily meet or exceed our own understanding of what's bothering us, at the moment, with a little study. Hiring any specialist works better if they're properly supervised. Supervision requires understanding.
Plumbers and mechanics haven't had half a century of TV series and films glorifying them. I never understood this hero worship of these white coated fools. I've met some great doctors but most of them are no different from anyone else: go along to get along.
Trust should be earned. Too many people give it too freely. Verifying can be taught. Unfortunately, it's seldom taught any more. Too tedious for modern keyboard addicts. Everything is virtual, nothing is real -- virtual reality is the only reality they know.
Some doctors were better than others. Many will learn valuable lessons. Some are irredeemable. We need to identify them. The best lesson for medical consumers is medical care always works better with informed patients. We should be partners, not disciples.
Yes, totally agree. I had Covid in the spring of last year. Had to go to the ER because of low oxygen saturation level. Had two ER doctors over my less than 24 hr stay. One was so happy when I told him I had taken my last dose of Ivermectin the day before. When I told the other doctor the same, he turned to me and sarcastically said, "Oh, Ivermectin, I've not heard of that", and walked out of the room.
It's not just the irresponsible pushing of the vaccines, but the denial of early treatment with therapeutics which could have saved hundreds of thousands of lives.
Humans are complex organisms. All conditions are unique in some respects. That's why it's important to understand our conditions well enough to have meaningful dialog with our doctors, and participate in treatments.
The overlords will blame this on adverse and/or long term negative effects of Covid. Or long haul Covid. The cohort comparisons have been eliminated (for most people/populations) with 80%+ vaccinations. Delayed medical care due to Covid medical care crowding will also be blamed. This will not get traction. I am sad to predict another nothing burger on the grill.
It's going to be hard to explain events that are closely linked in time with the vaccination in these terms. And 80% vax'd leaves a pretty good-sized cohort of unvax'd.
In France at the height of the Dreyfus hysteria there may have been only a few dozen Dreyfusards as opposed to the millions who believed Dreyfus was guilty. But who 'won' in the end? Not to be too pollyannaish about it, but truth does seem to have a power we can underestimate.
Dreyfus is a good comparison. The truth was out for everyone to see after 3 years, but it took 8 years for the poor guy to be completely exonerated. The Truth will out, but the evil ones will do everything they can to deny it and the vaxxed idiots will find it even harder to admit what they did to themselves.
Something else occurs to me in connection with the Dreyfus Affair. Dreyfus was only fully exonerated when the evidence was examined by 3 genuinely eminent Frenchmen who could examine the case dispassionately and exercise sound judgment. This makes the current situation all the more disquieting - because there's currently a relentless effort to cancel people of sound judgment, to prevent them from having any influence.
forgive the haste of this post, wanted to get it out there.
Schoefbeck will have quadruple-checked BKK's numbers before making these bombshell statements. He's publicly accusing Paul Ehrlich of a massive cover-up and vaccines of causality. His underwriters and actuaries are dead certain of it, have expressed these results in terms of statistical likelihood (zero).
i think there is maybe a political muscle game happening in Bavaria, where BKK ProVita is located and has most of its insured.
So scheint's. My guess is he's getting first in line for a state supplemental bail-out or stipend. He has asked his people what the trendline is and what losses they would predict, is probably horrified and he doesn't feel like they can or should absorb it. Even EU insurers hate to lose money, even for a single quarter. In any case he feels secure enough to flex this muscle now.
Bailout evidence coming soon to the USA industry as well.
Yes if they lose money they think someone must have cheated them. Exactly true in this case, LOL, and they know who.
Schoefbeck's original letter just leaked:,q_auto:good,fl_progressive:steep/
it is linked in Die Welt article
Is there an original in German somewhere? Die Welt has a paywall. Funny..... it looks like google translate changes krankenkasse to cash register.
in case you are still looking for it
Haste away, Eugyppius!
Thank you for the work you are doing.
Let's see the public health officials try to explain this away.
I'd like to put a small bet down on "correlation is not causation." You probably would have gotten myocarditis, an arm that didn't work, and that weird skin condition anyway, you crazy anti-vaxxer.
They'll designate BKK as right-wing lateral thinkers.....
Of course, the Betriebs-Klux-Klan!
Agree with all of the above plus they will have plenty more 'explanations' at hand
I wonder if the government will offer the insurers covid relief funds to quiet their complaints.
YUP. And if the deal is good enough, those sleaze balls will take it.
Long Covid. That's their alibi.
"Stealth" effects of covid they'll claim. In fact, it's already happening.
Two days ago CNN published a piece which was all about how covid is causing "long-term cardiovascular complications" including "inflammatory heart disease, heart failure, dysrhythmia, heart attacks, strokes and clotting". And apparently, this is happening in people "who had very mild disease".
Hmmm. I wonder what else may be at play, given that in most Western countries, MANY (even most?) previously infected people will have also been vaccinated.
link to article:
I have been very skeptical this whole time that any of this would ever become "mainstream." However, the historical examples we cite (e.g. Vioxx) are historical examples precisely because they became mainstream, despite pharma's attempt to suppress and deny.
This gives me hope that, at least in the long term, we will be publicly vindicated
Highly recommend the series Dopesick about Purdue Pharma, makers of Oxycontin. The corrupt / negligent FDA and poorly informed / corrupt doctors swallowed the same simple bullet point 'safe and effective' type platitudes and killed a lot of people.
Why did anyone think these same entities would get it right this time?
I'm halfway through the series & it is great. I've heard that some people are critical of it because viewing it could lead to vaccine hesitancy. Let's hope!
"Vaccine hesitancy" is an absurd concept, if you ask me. People REFUSE. People are not only HESITANT. The term reeks of "political krrectness" in my view.
High time to call things by their right name.
The similarities between “breakthrough pain” and “breakthrough infections“ blew me away.
If you’re selling an opiate that doesn’t stop pain the way you’ve advertised, the solution is simple: tell people to double the dose.
And if you’re selling a vaccine that’s not protecting them, give them boosters.
“Dopesick” should be mandatory viewing for every human being on the planet. These greedy psychotic clowns are literally repeating the same dirty tricks in plain sight with the aid of the crooks at the FDA.
I’ll never get vaccinated with ANYTHING again. Hope Big Pharma made enough money off this heist because I think their days are numbered.
Come on, everyone knows what Oxycontin contains and the risk of addiction...... with corona vaccines people have been grossly misled.
It is absolutely amazing to me that this is one of the most popular series on Netflix during this whole thing. I have had many vax simps tell me how good it is without a hint of irony.
There is a series on the Crack Epidemic that is an even better metaphor for covid stupidity. Experts: "It turns out in retrospect that systematically destroying the black family has societal down side...." could substitute for so many very dumb covid policies.
They can keep the lies going for a long time, but I just don't see how they can keep the lid on this forever. More of a worry is that they will unleash something else to distract away from this.
Are you Dave Chappelle, or just one of his writers?
I agree. Takes ages. Vioxx, took 1999-2004 for truth to prevail. Killed between 50,00 500,00. Merck fined $4.85 billion . Nobody went to jail.
The bigger the lie though - tobacco for example.
I think the data coming out of the life/health insurance companies is going to be the wrench that helps the wheels finally detach from the bus. Insurance companies are taking a massive financial hit while funeral company stocks are skyrocketing, and people are starting to notice as per Edward Dowd:
PSA: Governor DeSantis has until tomorrow (2/24) to veto HB 7021, which would extend the liability protections for hospitals/medical facilities for implementing murderous COVID protocols.
I’ve published my letter to Gov. DeSantis here:
I’m hoping people will join me in contacting DeSantis with their own messages along with a link to my article if desired.
Emails should be sent to:
More details on how to contact Gov. DeSantis here:
Dowd makes a valid point that many insurers need time to offload risk in the re-insurance market. So it makes sense that public statements will be made that seek to cast doubt on causation until they have hedged. If too much "smart money" moves to reinsurance transactions, that market will see dramatic price increases. I'd be interested in knowing what early indicators there are as to the re-insurance market. In any case the public will be the last to know. (Substack isn't "public" I suppose!)
I can’t speak to re-insurance, but a friend of mine in financial services called me today, and he was alarmed by the increase in interest rates on annuities. He says they’ve nearly quadrupled.
This is apparently a sign that the insurance industry is experiencing massive losses and is so desperate for cash inflows that they’re willing to pay investors very high interest rates.
My contact also confirmed that even among the largest insurers, like New York Life, all cause mortalities were flat in 2020 but exponentially higher in 2021, and expected to be 300K higher in 2022.
Curiously, group/employer insurance for working age people is being hit hardest. This isn’t the demo that’s at greatest risk for COVID; they’re dying in large numbers from OTHER causes.
He doesn’t see how the industry can sustain these losses for an extended period of time.
Hold tight, folks. We are in for a wild right in the next few years. The finger pointing, hand wringing, remorse, blame,, and anger will be off the charts.
Someone like your friend needs to be interviewed by Joe Rogan on his podcast.
Would your friend be willing to talk with Steve Kirsch, either on or off the record? Steve is trying to get data from whistleblowers in the insurance industry.
My friend is in financial services and sells a variety of different products. I will ask him if he has insurance contacts who are willing to go in the record. The sense I got from him is that the One America exec made comments that he intended to remain within the industry circle and was surprised when they went viral. I don’t think they’re interested in rocking the boat. Seems like they prefer to keep their dirty laundry in their small circles.
Thank you for checking! If desired, Steve is willing to preserve anonymity as he has done for other whistleblowers. Of course, it’s best if people are brave enough to go on the record to save lives, but we don’t want that to be a deterrent to getting the truth out.
I told Steve, and he's very interested in talking to anyone in the insurance and/or financial industries who are willing :-)
Good points, Jim!
For example, the subhead in today's WSJ regarding "Rise in Non-Covid Deaths" :
"Companies believe lack of medical treatment during pandemic has contributed to deaths from other causes"
How long are they going to keep singing that tune?
How many 20 and 30 year olds “put off treatment” during the pandemic and ended up having a cardiac arrest?
How insanely stupid would you have to be to believe that drivel?
In terms of the "lack of treatments causes deaths even in young people" argument, I'm wondering whether the silly story is being pushed to provide cover for that "smart money." When I read the entire WSJ article (behind paywall - and don't bother because it is fluffy without any data other than noting the increase in deaths in 2021 - particularly Q3), I had the reaction that the story was planted. Same kind of piece you can find in the NYT. No critical analysis. The assertion is that the Delta variant caused increases in deaths in "people in their working years with employer-sponsored death benefits." Ok, tell us more. Nope, that's it, we're the WSJ.
So investors and insurers read that article, internalize it and move on, while the "smart money" divests of risk.
That said, because group health insurance is "mark to market" and repriced every two or three years, is there really a re-insurance market? Deaths go up, and this insurers just raise the prices when the coverage period expires to recoup their losses. That leads me to think the best evidence will be in the individual term and whole life market. Out of my depth already, but can't help but speculate.
[p.s. Substack went down as I was composing this. Can someone pass out the tin foil hats?]
It’s sociopathic genius.
The insurers and actuaries will blow this thing wide open because they were left out of the payola. Funny to think the cabal forgot to pay off the life and health insurance companies.
Or...maybe they didn't pay them enough.
Even Pharma might balk at the amount it would take to convince health and life insurance companies to fudge all those numbers, particularly the life insurance companies. When your entire business model is paying out money when people die and suddenly a lot more people are dying, I imagine it's hard to paper over that. What are you going to do, claim they're all suicides and not covered?
If they willingly took the jab the maybe there's a case for that.
That will be the argument, more or less. They will use the zero liability framework to say that claimants willingly partook in experimental procedures that caused their ailments/deaths.
I read that the liability they have isn't there in the case of fraud. It just has to be proven.
Correct. I don't see how Big Pharma can hide behind the zero liability claim as more and more cases come out.
You're probably correct. It would take up all the illegal money they (pharm) made, to pay the insurance companies, who would then have to use that money to pay the policy claims. But, it would not surprise me in the very least if the insurance companies didn't claim they were all suicides. --- Actually, there have been some cases lately where they did just that. They claim that since the vaxx is EUA and not approved, you CHOSE to take it, therefore, YOU are taking a chance on it, and if you die it is not covered, because of that choice, making it suicide. It's a beautiful little scam. The government, or your employer, demand that you take it to have a job. You take it, so you can afford to live, but you die, (I think it's working in the same way for insurance and the vaxx injured. They won't pay for treatments.) so the insurance doesn't have to pay. Pharm and insurance win. The taxpayer loses yet again! BOHICA!
Probably no one informed life insurance companies that the death rate in males 18 to 64 would go up 40% post vaccination (so says an life insurance company out of Indiana). That was left off the sales sheet.
It's a public negotiation for covid relief funds so they stop complaining.
I think the plan all along was for TAXPAYERS to bail out Big Pharma or insurance companies (whichever cried loudest).
That's why we're here, isn't it? To continually bail out some bunch of overpaid millionaire/billionaire scum, I'm including the federal government in that group.
The irony of having the word "Ehrlich" in your vaccine regulatory body's name
606 oder 666?
Others have been commenting that shareprices of Biontech & Modena have been falling. Is the market finally starting to price-in the reality of the "safe & effective" experimental gene therapies??
Insurance data and all cause death data can't be avoided for much longer. Surely this spells the end of German vaccine mandates?
yes i think so.
adding, i think this very probably directed at söder in particular, coming from bayern as it is. he was already wavering on mandates. there are bigger forces at work here, maybe.
Interesting. Perhaps the house of cards is finally falling in Germany..
Söder has already positioned himself to break from the pack.
I'm still predicting/hoping massive turnout next week for Rosenmontag protests.
Seasonal flu season is self limiting and end is in sight.
I just can't fathom the strategy of Scholz's Social Democrats and their Green partners still pushing for mandates!?
the ampel seem just like inept losers to me, maybe they have no strategy and just continue to fail like this.
In Swedish there is an old folklore expression "Södergök är dödergök" based on the direction that a cuckoo bird (gök) flies.
As a massive digression: there was a Swedish minister circa 1979 with the name Söder (means south) who decided to close state alcohol shops on Saturdays. Swedish MAD magazine had a brilliant cartoon of some alcoholics sitting outside a closed liquor shop drinking methylated spirits and it had the above caption plus "Saturday closing". Gök is also slang for akvavit with coffee.
Polticians are a global menace.
Ain't that the truth!
Scholz is one of Schwab's WEF "leaders". Every country where the insanity is strongest is run by one of Schwab's idiots.
Investors are always skittish and often stupid, but they seem to recognize covid is done. But as long as governments continue shoveling money at them, they'll do okay. Stop the mandates and the vax companies will collapse. Moderna and the others aren't the problem. Corrupt governments are 100% of the problem.
Your post below contracts this - by pointing out the widespread culpability of doctors. I wonder if it's a rule that it's never a single agent but always agents in particular configurations.
The topic here is investors. They don't care about culpability, only profits. They'll invest in child molesters if it's profitable.
Omicron is killing willingness to get the shots regardless of government bullying. That is killing the stock prices.
So we've potentially injured (or killed) 3-5% of the population, including the healthy subset, for a disease that had an IFR under 1% at its most virulent. Cool cool cool
And that's just the percentage who sought care.
And this data only covers the first rollout.
Oh and everyone got covid anyway.
Lord almighty.
And think about it -- this is just a year after the initial rollout of these jabs. In the longer term, what will be the health effects for the jabbed?
Yeah, I never expected the narratives around the jabs to fail so quickly. I assumed it'd be at least a few years before any side effects manifest, assumed they'd at least have a positive effect on covid in the short term.
Can’t keep hiding those body drops and side effects. The dam is bursting.
Thanks for the info. I will not forget those like yourself who have provided such an incredible public service through all of this madness. If we climb out of it and I'm able to have a bit of disposable income again, this will be my first paid sub. I promise I do not take your hard work for granted and hope my thanks will suffice for the time being. 🙂
Now that the largest fraud in world history is fully unraveling, the question remains: how many government officials, public health experts, social media boards & executives, pharma company boatrdd & executives and corporate boards & executives will be arrested & tried for murder? We can’t allow this to happen again.
I would guess 3 at an optimistic maximum.
You can bet these crooks are thanking their stars that Putin pulled the trigger last night.
We all knew well, most of us anons, that this was a long time coming. Signals for months and months.
Steve Kirsch on it too:
I got one Pfizer shot. It gave me arrhythmia for months & skin ulcers. Burned my skin. mRNA is not one size fits all. Had to get 2 EKGs. Scared me to death - pun intended
mRNA truly is not one size fits all. In a typical vaccine, the amount of the antigen injected into the patient is known in advance, and safety testing was done with that amount in mind. With mRNA, the amount of the antigen (which in this case is the highly toxic spike protein) that is manufactured as a result of the fixed amount of mRNA injected is highly variable. People's different physiologies produce amounts of the spikes that vary wildly from person to person even with the same amount of mRNA injected. There's no way to know how much of the antigen the recipient of the jab will (indirectly) receive, and that's a really bad thing when the antigen itself is the part of the virus that makes it dangerous in the first place.
It's also not certain that the amount of mRNA being administered per dose is well-controlled. If it was, even with the variation in the amount of spike proteins each jab causes the body to produce, there would be no observable trend of some lot numbers of the vaxxes being more dangerous than others. So not only is it impossible to tell how much of the deadly antigen each person will make per normalized dose of the vax, but it is also impossible to know how many normalized doses per actual dose any given patient receives.
Exactly. Too dangerous for a lot of ppl. Got one & done. Never again . I also have immunity, which I believe is another reason my reaction was so intense. Thanks for the breakdown.
The amount of mRNA is not well-controlled. There were leaked emails between Pfizer and the European Medicines Agency in December 2020 which detailed integrity issues with the vaccines. There was never any reassurance that these issues were resolved.
The only silver lining is that a substantial share of people may have in effect received a placebo. But it's, of course, hugely unlucky for those receiving the corrupted batches.
Recent interview Peter McCollough, asked if medical industry will recover, said its a shameful time for medicine, unknown if rank and file will pretend covid didn't happen, or if doctors will break ranks, admit atrocious behavior, and promise to do better. The lockstep denial of medical competence to conform to a restricted apathy has done a lot of damage to medical credibility. We can't afford to allow that. Any doctors who stick with the orthodoxy must be shunned or banished. A few must be punished.
"I was just doing what I was told" should never be a defense. Particularly for a doctor.
I think the new defence will have to be "I was too stupid to figure this out."
Being too stupid to do the job for which one was trained is not a good defense against loss of medical license or against potential charges of negligence (or worse).
Eichmann defense
A co-worker and I were discussing this today. We both said we and our spouses couldn't believe the way doctors just went along with this, even after problems because INCREDIBLY evident, and that none of us would ever have the same view of doctors and medicine again. But I know many younger people who are fine with everything.
I’m done with the medical profession. I once had so much trust in them and thought they were above the fray. This pandemic has been eye-opening.
They're like plumbers, or mechanics -- useful for doing a job, but should not be worshiped, as many seem to do with doctors. Throughout history, healers, shamans, witch doctors have been mystified and respected for their abilities about which most people have no understanding, Their talents are not that difficult to acquire. It's just that they know a lot of things we don't need to know, at the moment. But we can easily meet or exceed our own understanding of what's bothering us, at the moment, with a little study. Hiring any specialist works better if they're properly supervised. Supervision requires understanding.
Plumbers and mechanics haven't had half a century of TV series and films glorifying them. I never understood this hero worship of these white coated fools. I've met some great doctors but most of them are no different from anyone else: go along to get along.
Trust should be earned. Too many people give it too freely. Verifying can be taught. Unfortunately, it's seldom taught any more. Too tedious for modern keyboard addicts. Everything is virtual, nothing is real -- virtual reality is the only reality they know.
Some doctors were better than others. Many will learn valuable lessons. Some are irredeemable. We need to identify them. The best lesson for medical consumers is medical care always works better with informed patients. We should be partners, not disciples.
Yes, totally agree. I had Covid in the spring of last year. Had to go to the ER because of low oxygen saturation level. Had two ER doctors over my less than 24 hr stay. One was so happy when I told him I had taken my last dose of Ivermectin the day before. When I told the other doctor the same, he turned to me and sarcastically said, "Oh, Ivermectin, I've not heard of that", and walked out of the room.
It's not just the irresponsible pushing of the vaccines, but the denial of early treatment with therapeutics which could have saved hundreds of thousands of lives.
Yes, there are individual differences manifesting themselves here that must be critical.
Humans are complex organisms. All conditions are unique in some respects. That's why it's important to understand our conditions well enough to have meaningful dialog with our doctors, and participate in treatments.
The overlords will blame this on adverse and/or long term negative effects of Covid. Or long haul Covid. The cohort comparisons have been eliminated (for most people/populations) with 80%+ vaccinations. Delayed medical care due to Covid medical care crowding will also be blamed. This will not get traction. I am sad to predict another nothing burger on the grill.
Once awareness reaches a critical
mass, their denials will be meaningless.
1/3 of the population still hasn’t been vaccinated. That’s the control group.
1/3 is vaxxed and having (or will soon have) serious regrets; they’re wide awake.
1/3 are vaxxed and clueless.
Of the vaxxed, many will die.
That means that most of the people who manage to survive will be awake and very, very angry. And there will be a LOT of them.
I would not want to be an elite in the coming years unless I was safely tucked on an island, out of sight.
It's going to be hard to explain events that are closely linked in time with the vaccination in these terms. And 80% vax'd leaves a pretty good-sized cohort of unvax'd.
In France at the height of the Dreyfus hysteria there may have been only a few dozen Dreyfusards as opposed to the millions who believed Dreyfus was guilty. But who 'won' in the end? Not to be too pollyannaish about it, but truth does seem to have a power we can underestimate.
Dreyfus is a good comparison. The truth was out for everyone to see after 3 years, but it took 8 years for the poor guy to be completely exonerated. The Truth will out, but the evil ones will do everything they can to deny it and the vaxxed idiots will find it even harder to admit what they did to themselves.
Something else occurs to me in connection with the Dreyfus Affair. Dreyfus was only fully exonerated when the evidence was examined by 3 genuinely eminent Frenchmen who could examine the case dispassionately and exercise sound judgment. This makes the current situation all the more disquieting - because there's currently a relentless effort to cancel people of sound judgment, to prevent them from having any influence.