
forgive the haste of this post, wanted to get it out there.

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Feb 23, 2022Liked by eugyppius

Let's see the public health officials try to explain this away.

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Feb 23, 2022·edited Feb 23, 2022Liked by eugyppius

I have been very skeptical this whole time that any of this would ever become "mainstream." However, the historical examples we cite (e.g. Vioxx) are historical examples precisely because they became mainstream, despite pharma's attempt to suppress and deny.

This gives me hope that, at least in the long term, we will be publicly vindicated

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I think the data coming out of the life/health insurance companies is going to be the wrench that helps the wheels finally detach from the bus. Insurance companies are taking a massive financial hit while funeral company stocks are skyrocketing, and people are starting to notice as per Edward Dowd:


PSA: Governor DeSantis has until tomorrow (2/24) to veto HB 7021, which would extend the liability protections for hospitals/medical facilities for implementing murderous COVID protocols.

I’ve published my letter to Gov. DeSantis here:


I’m hoping people will join me in contacting DeSantis with their own messages along with a link to my article if desired.

Emails should be sent to:






More details on how to contact Gov. DeSantis here:


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Feb 23, 2022Liked by eugyppius

The insurers and actuaries will blow this thing wide open because they were left out of the payola. Funny to think the cabal forgot to pay off the life and health insurance companies.

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Feb 23, 2022Liked by eugyppius

The irony of having the word "Ehrlich" in your vaccine regulatory body's name

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Others have been commenting that shareprices of Biontech & Modena have been falling. Is the market finally starting to price-in the reality of the "safe & effective" experimental gene therapies??

Insurance data and all cause death data can't be avoided for much longer. Surely this spells the end of German vaccine mandates?

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So we've potentially injured (or killed) 3-5% of the population, including the healthy subset, for a disease that had an IFR under 1% at its most virulent. Cool cool cool

And that's just the percentage who sought care.

And this data only covers the first rollout.

Oh and everyone got covid anyway.

Lord almighty.

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Can’t keep hiding those body drops and side effects. The dam is bursting.

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Thanks for the info. I will not forget those like yourself who have provided such an incredible public service through all of this madness. If we climb out of it and I'm able to have a bit of disposable income again, this will be my first paid sub. I promise I do not take your hard work for granted and hope my thanks will suffice for the time being. 🙂

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Now that the largest fraud in world history is fully unraveling, the question remains: how many government officials, public health experts, social media boards & executives, pharma company boatrdd & executives and corporate boards & executives will be arrested & tried for murder? We can’t allow this to happen again.

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We all knew well, most of us anons, that this was a long time coming. Signals for months and months.


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I got one Pfizer shot. It gave me arrhythmia for months & skin ulcers. Burned my skin. mRNA is not one size fits all. Had to get 2 EKGs. Scared me to death - pun intended

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Recent interview Peter McCollough, asked if medical industry will recover, said its a shameful time for medicine, unknown if rank and file will pretend covid didn't happen, or if doctors will break ranks, admit atrocious behavior, and promise to do better. The lockstep denial of medical competence to conform to a restricted apathy has done a lot of damage to medical credibility. We can't afford to allow that. Any doctors who stick with the orthodoxy must be shunned or banished. A few must be punished.

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The overlords will blame this on adverse and/or long term negative effects of Covid. Or long haul Covid. The cohort comparisons have been eliminated (for most people/populations) with 80%+ vaccinations. Delayed medical care due to Covid medical care crowding will also be blamed. This will not get traction. I am sad to predict another nothing burger on the grill.

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