German Public Health Insurer: Vaccine Side Effects Maybe 8 to 10 Times More Frequent Than Officially Reported
Andreas Schöfbeck, board member of BKK ProVita, one of these insurers, told Welt in the linked article that “The figures we have found are substantial and demand urgent verification.”
Basically, BKK ProVita noticed anomalous diagnoses indicating adverse vaccine side effects, particularly surrounding these codes: T88.0: Infection or sepsis after vaccination; T88.1: Other complications or skin rash following vaccination; Y59.9: Complications due to vaccines or biologically active substances; and U12.9: Undesirable side effects from Covid-19 vaccines.
Meanwhile, the official PEI reports figures almost one magnitude lower.

Schöfbeck says that probably there have been 400,000 clinical consultations by BKK insured alone due to vaccine complications. “Extrapolated to the total [German] population, the number would be three million.”
UPDATE: The data represents 10,937,716 German insured, over 13% of the country. The data comprises the first six months of 2021, and about half of the billing records for the third quarter of 2021. This is an extremely partial picture of the vaccine side effects, excluding much of the booster campaign here.
forgive the haste of this post, wanted to get it out there.
Let's see the public health officials try to explain this away.