May 24, 2022Liked by eugyppius

Won't this just STOP?!? "It’s just an entirely predictable and totally dumb decision by a bunch of crazy unaccountable regulators. ... This decision will kill a small but non-trivial number of kids, in exchange for nothing whatsoever. It will not reduce the circulation of SARS-2, it won’t save [anyone's] life, it will do nothing.

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May 24, 2022·edited May 24, 2022

The purpose isn't to stop the infection, it's to kill people while making money. Once you accept that, it all makes sense.

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One thing I mull over is if you create new health problems via the vaccines, then you have created a lifetime client for various pharmaceuticals at great profit. But if you kill a person with a vaccine, it's a one time profit with that particular person and nothing further to profit from. I've always felt that if anything, the ensuing health issues caused by a damaged immune system would provide a cornucopia of new pharmaceutical profits.

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Oh, and they are doing that --and it's becoming clearer by the day. Lots more damaged than have simply dropped dead of the jab. Though that may change.

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Indeed. Federal money boomeranging to all the usual suspects ...

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May 24, 2022·edited May 24, 2022

Do addicts ever stop? Or do they need to keep increasing the dose to get an even bigger high? Power is the ultimate drug, and there is no such thing as enough.

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The addict/addiction comparison is a very valid one !

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The silver lining is that, as the rest of us become powerless before them, their next target has to be each other.

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Not so sure... but... we can always hope !

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Plus it’s based on the extinct Wuhan strain!

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Yes but… every enterprise has a fire sale, clear out last year’s stock.

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Human sacrifice.

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At some point you have to see this for what it is: evil. Not only is it ineffective, not only will it kill - it will also maim. Children.

Question: if this is not evil, what is?

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Change STIKO to die Ständige Impfnotstandkommission (STINKO).

Bill Gates did a really good job with "vaccinations"!

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USA wants to give 3 shots to 0-5 age range. I cannot take anymore of this nonsense.

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As Nancy Reagan once said 'just say no to drugs.'

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I heard it on a radio news update yesterday (May 23). The FDA is recommending THREE shots for kids that age -- which (get this) are 80% effective. Only 80% effective, after three shots, against a disease that is statstically no risk at all for them and that they are not known to pass on in a way that endangers anyone.

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This kind of thing makes me want to scream!!!

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Do you even know what '80% effective' means?

Seriously and meaning no offence, do you?

For I'll wager the vast majority of the population does not.

And I'd further surmise they think it means something like: If I don't have the vaccine then I'll get sick and if I do have it then 80% of those of us that do have it will not get sick.

So that the vaccine 'gives' 80%

Well, I don't know what it means, either. But I am sure it does not mean that.

It means something along these lines... as Dr Chris Martensen said when explaining the Pfizer report on its vaccine:

. Without the vaccine you had a 99.86% chance of AVOIDING severe covid.

. With the vaccine (pfizer claimed) you had a 99.9% of AVOIDING servere covid.

A difference of 0.04%.

WITHOUT the vaccine your IMMUNE SYSTEM gives you 99.86% protection.

WITH the vaccine (they claimed) your IMMUNE SYSTEM gives 99.9% protection.

The always miss that bit out; about the IMMUNE SYSTEM

They like you to think you have not got an immune system.

But in fact vaccine or no vaccine all your really have IS your immune system.

And in the long run immune systems are compromised by vaccines.

So when you say 'only 80% effective' I wonder what you wanted and what you thought was happening. See?

There's never going to be '100% effective' - i.e. don't get the illness. Simply because the immune system deals with the pathogen when it turns up and it will 'turn up' while ever it exists. So you 'got' the illness but ideally it just doesn't make you ill. But you got 'IT', the pathogen.

And there's ALWAYS an immune system effectiveness which well may be already 85%. Sounds a bit daft but I mean we don't know do we? Nothing is told.

Here's the Chris Martensen thing I mentioned. Interesting viewing or reading if you care to download the transcript.

Pfizer Study. Chris Martensen.

The ' 0.1% ' video.

what you need to know on pfizer jab

and mentioning Absolute risk 99.866 moving to 99.996


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Yes, I know what it means: not very good. "80% sounds great!" HA HA, it's not.

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Sometimes I can't "heart" replies either, but I can't tell why.

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We need to stop conflating small interest groups for nations. Another example is the conflation of the Zelenskyy regime for the Ukraine. The USA wants to give toddlers covid shots is as genuine a statement as the Ukraine wants to fight Russia to the death. The disconnect between the ruling class and the people they supposedly represent continues growing. All under the flag of democracy brought to us by groups like Dominion.

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thats fuaci and fda ... FDA approved it under Trump Emergency Authorization ... chump is long gone but his vaxx are making havoc ... that moron.

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Upholding tradition of all great empires with the masses dying for profits for their rulers.

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This is insane when we are learning that research indicates that vaccination against COVID via mRNA vaccines may reduce the body's ability to produce a key type of antibody against further illness. https://www.israelnationalnews.com/news/328102

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and that's not even after the booster

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May 24, 2022Liked by eugyppius

it will get the corona vax on the childhood vaccine schedule, placing it squarely under the non-libelous umbrella.

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How can anyone MISS that it is exactly the direction we are being herded ? ? ? If you refuse to take the full schedule, NO education for you, public or private schools !

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On that note, I heard a discussion this morning in which a college professor was discussing his students. He was teaching at two universities with very different populations. One was an elite university with mostly rich, privileged students. The other was a state university with average and low income students, anyone can get in. His observation was that the two groups were fairly identical: They had poor attendance (on any one day, half the class was missing), they didn't do work, they couldn't/wouldn't answer any questions, they generally seemed incapable of any level of deep or critical thought, and it was nigh on impossible to get their attention and eyeballs away from their phones. He was pretty depressed about the state of education now as compared to 15 years ago and as a professor who has been teaching for 30 or so years, he sees a definite intellectual change in students. It doesn't bode well for the future.

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His experience mirrors my own COMPLETELY. While my teaching was for the most part at very large major state universities, and only a couple years at a smaller private university (not a college, a university but a relatively smaller one with very high tuition and standards), I experienced exactly as your friend related. No noticeable difference. To relate just a few depressing experiences among THOUSANDS; students thought nothing of not showing up for a final exam and felt no obligation what so ever to call in and report they would not be able to attend, when I simply turned in a failing grade, I was called in to "chat" with the dean concerning how we "needed" individuals in the major, and how the university "needed" to "keep the data looking good" (aka tuition coming in). Other examples, I received multi page papers absolutely impossible to read. One went on for two full pages without any type of punctuation mark. I have saved some examples because it sounds impossible at the university level !

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This is pretty depressing. And to think these students are going to be running things soon. I don't know what has happened, or exactly when it happened. I was a university professor myself until 1989. Things were fine then...students were respectful, they came to class, they worked hard, they did their assignments and turned in papers on time. In about 2015 I took a few online course in art history, a subject I'd always wanted to study but never had the time when I was in college myself. The online classes had discussions of various topics, and I remember being shocked at the laziness and seeming stupidity of the students in the class. Never anything thoughtful or intelligent to say as a comment, they never appeared to have read the material and so on. And they couldn't write a coherent sentence, the grammar was poor, bad spelling. Overall I was shocked. Even more shocking was what the teachers put up with. Probably like you mentioned, that they needed to keep students around so give them a pass on even the weakest of work or participation.

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May 25, 2022·edited May 25, 2022

Yes, exactly ! I just started my university teaching career about the time you mention leaving (late 80's). I was a PhD. student in the late 80's and STILL had a slight "fear" and "awe" of my professors and my doctoral committee... almost like back in high school or undergrad school ! I "feared" disappointing in any way, such as doing a "sloppy" job on a research assignment, or being late for a dissertation committee review session. I was terrified at my 3 full days of orals and written's, and my oral defense of my dissertation was the most frightening and stressful day of my entire life. I literally walked out of the auditorium, across a grassy area, and sat down on the curb and bawled like a baby. Now, with on line PhD.'s, with no residency or research requirements, all that suffering and stress has been removed. Wonder if that is really such a wonderful thing... hummmm ? Maybe stress, responsibilities, demands, deadlines, and expectations can be GOOD things in one's life ? I can also concur with your experience post professor days, I taught a few (very few) semesters after retirement, ONE class per semester, you know, keep your finger on the pulse, the research, etc. That lasted 4 semesters, the students were as you describe, incoherent, just plain "lazy", whining, complaining, and mind you, I mostly taught older graduate students who has a few years in the working world !

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May 24, 2022·edited May 24, 2022

This is not about the Covid vax, This is about vax and health compliance. These governments don’t care about the AE or health need for this (or any) vax, they only care about priming the younger population for a future of vax compliance. They are training a generation via their naive and compliant parents. Any AE that these children experience from Covid vax will be written off, similar to the AE of other childhood vaccines (autism, etc.) They’ve been doing this for decades and there have been parents and activists (RFK Jr comes to mind) who warned us. And I embarrassingly enough ignored them all.

That is why it is extremely important to push out into the world the facts of this vax including how corrupt the pharma clinical trial system was for this RX. Because if they get away with this one (higher AE and public corrupt clinical trials), future pharma/future healthcare/future regulation will get much, much worse.

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May 24, 2022Liked by eugyppius

Their desire to placate Molech is evil. Plain and simple. Pride, money, power . . . there is nothing new under the sun.

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They have no shame, no morals, no compassion. Children are fundamentally not affected by covid; the severity for them is effectively indistinguishable from zero. They fundamentally do *NOT* need the death-shot. How, by now, can they not know that??

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This is hard for me to wrap my head around. Give them something with an unknown risk to prevent a near zero occurrence.

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The risks of the clot-shot are increasingly apparent, and for children, they are far far higher than for covid itself.

If you're not already, follow Steve Kircsh, Robert Malone, Peter McCullogh, Pierre Kory & Mike Yeadon (e.g. on Telegram) to get an idea of how dangerous these shots are, and not just the mRNA ones.

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May 24, 2022Liked by eugyppius

Yeah well, F you, STIKO.

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Com'on. Say it in German! How do you say it in German? I should know this.

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Sehr geehrte Damen und Heren, mein Kind muss nicht vor Corona geschützt werden - mein Kind muss vor der Übergriffigkeit der Politik geschützt werden. Eine Impfung ist dafür leider nicht geeignet.

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Shouldn’t that be all in one long word?

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Jahrhundertkardinalverbrechen. There you go.

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May 24, 2022Liked by eugyppius

It's weird how accountability among bureaucrats is prized here. It shouldn't be. Sweden stayed sane because they put unelected unaccountable epidemiologists in charge of their Covid-19 response, namely Anders Tegnell, and couldn't interfere with him due to Sweden's ban on ministerial rule.

If the population and media go nuts, the last thing you want are people accountable to them.

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the STIKO is also theoretically unaccountable to the political arm and outside of democratic pressures – and deliberately so. by accountability, I mainly mean for outcomes. no medical bureaucrats anywhere are held responsible for these.

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God I'd kill for some fair accountability of outcome right now.

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sadly, it may come to that.

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That may be the only way you’ll see any.

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deletedMay 24, 2022·edited May 24, 2022
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This is the principle the EU works on. Anything unpleasant you want to legislate? Tell the EU to do it, then tell your population you're very sorry, it's the EU that wants this or that and you've got to do it ("Richtlinie" or "Verordnung"). WHO is even more remote, but it's the same principle.

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Democracy is a sham, especially in the EU, because there’s no way to vote them out. But also here in the USA, where the unelected in the vast bureaucracy set the course. Presidents are figureheads.

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May 24, 2022·edited May 24, 2022

Representative government toppled under the guise of infallible experts we don't know viewing data they won't allow us to see.

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deletedMay 24, 2022·edited May 24, 2022Liked by eugyppius
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The anti-lockdown side, including wonderful Neil Oliver in the UK and Gigi Foster here in Australia, are drinking too much of their own coolade. Especially with this belief in an inevitable reckoning. Our political position is much weaker than it appears. The reckoning is just wishful thinking. There won't be a reckoning unless we work to build it from scratch. This is incidentally why I think we need to forgive politicians and scientists who jump ship right now like I'm seeing in the UK government, we desperately need more so we can destroy the ones who don't.

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I think there won't be a reckoning at all here in Germany and possible in Austria. I think Eugyppius wrote about it a while ago - the "final form" of COVID. Measures will be back up as soon as "numbers" are "rising", green passes, 2G, mask mandates - as if our level of understanding hadn't changed since the early days of 2020.

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Even that is not inevitable because the propaganda narrative holds together. It will pass into history and posterity will remember the lockdowns as a perhaps unnecessary but still important policy we implemented to save lives. There are loads of scientific papers that say they did. The compromising flaws in these papers are criticised but that's relegated to marginal scientific discourse, ignored by the press and so unknown to everyone.

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Just a reminder, Germany is not alone:


"The AAP recommends COVID-19 vaccination for all children and adolescents 5 years of age and older who do not have contraindications using a COVID-19 vaccine authorized for use for their age.


Children with previous infection or disease with SARS-CoV-2 should receive COVID-19 vaccination, according to CDC guidelines."

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The illustration you provided for this post says it all.

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May 24, 2022Liked by eugyppius

I pray parents resist this. We have nothing to gain in this and so much may be lost.

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May 24, 2022·edited May 24, 2022

Attacking children is a test of the fight/resolve of the enemy. If children aren't defended, the battle is won.

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Let's start giving everyone chemo treatments in case they have undetected cancers!

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We kinda already are since the mRNA shots are cancer treatments.

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