Nov 15, 2021Liked by eugyppius

Perhaps it's because I'm from farming stock, but people need to stop being so fearful about the inevitable, or think that death should be delayed at all costs. Sadly, we all get old, and die. Occasionally, there is a cull for the weakest and the oldest. I am also advancing in years and am trying to cultivate some equanimity and acceptance around this. We can try and prolong our lives as much as possible and avoid getting disease, but we absolutely cannot do this at the expense of our young. Rolling out these untested vaccines on them is a huge mistake, given the vanishingly small risk of bad disease outcomes on healthy young. This is a line that everyone needs to start drawing. I see these youngsters at all these protests and my heart breaks. They should not have to be doing this. The elders are failing them - there should be a resounding "No! Not our young!".

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Nov 15, 2021Liked by eugyppius

And yes - re the paywall - I'm really happy to pay, whether I get extra content or not. Your writing is good. It's the equivalent of a month's worth of Netflix - and far more edifying!

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Hear hear!

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My colleague report that her 2 year old who has just started nursery is required to wear a mask. What kind of demented, narcissistic society do we live in where children are manipulated and abused so that adults feel slightly more comfortable about catching a cold? How could any employee at a nursery not want to put, above all other concerns, the happiness, well being and the normal development of little children.

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My child would be ripped out of that "school" if I had to eat top ramen to live. There is no way in h**l I would let my kid wear a mask for ANYTHING. If we keep letting them do this, it's never going to stop and they will keep adding more and more tyranny. It's NOT "just a mask".

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Totally agree. But feel defeated whenever I see unmasked parents in my neighborhood walking their littles to elementary school. The kiddos are masked while walking on the sidewalk, just with their parent. These are the kind of parents that are eagerly waiting to get their babies jabbed as well. It's heartbreaking.

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Anyone who sacrifices their child to their own virtue signal doesn't deserve a child.

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Aw, don't be stingy now. We already let them murder thousands of old folk, passively by neglect and actively by poisoning them with opioids and Remdesivir, and purposefully acting counter to established protocols, by not draining the lungs before brutally shoving a plastic pipe down the poor dear's air pipe. In Canada the army had to clean out rotting corpses from their (locked) rooms, because the staff were so afraid of the flu, they refused to enter the rooms. No company, no food, no water, no care of any type. Locked into their rooms and left to die and rot, because of the F%$#@^*&^ flu!

I guess that was just practice, getting used to the killing, before you start in on the little ones.

Does anyone have a copy of the pricing schedule for Covidiot treatments? We know the "treatment centre" is paid a bonus of 20% on their claim, if the patient was given Remdesivir. We know an intubation, regardless of outcome, earns $39 000. How much does Nurse Ratchet down my block get for every needle she jams into an unsuspecting capitalist rat? (The pigs are getting fake injections and real treatment.)

And Y'all know this is paid from our taxes, right? Riiight?

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Great rant.

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You are so right. Here it started with the mask and never ended.

Fight the mask as soon as it shows it head. Keep track of who is pushing it. Don't forget.

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Nearly 100% of US public education has been staffed by ultra-conformists since as long as I have been alive, at least - people who will do anything as long as it is policy.

The post-60s expansion of the bureaucracy "transformed" the overall character of our economy and thus society in a similar fashion, though in large part because the private economy stopped growing. The post-globalization US thus slow-boiled its way to a party patronage economy - where the private sector cannot provide enough employment, so the ambitious+less talented seek jobs in the public / public contractor sector, where conformity to policy is more important than competence. Parasitization of the young is a natural feature of party patronage / guild / union-based economies.

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It's changed even since the 90s. I had three teachers in my public high school years who were unapologetic conservatives. One was a Christian conservative who put Christian stuff on his wall. One routinely brought in the school janitor to give us a working class Republican view that we didn't hear from our PMC parents. It was a very liberal town overall. And for that matter we had completely left wing nuts too including a China history teacher who thought Mao had done a pretty good job. Happy to have them all. Those people would never be allowed in the building now. But it was not so long ago.

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Eric - my public high school had one token "Republican". And guess what he taught?! JOURNALISM! Which I took with great delight all 4 years, finishing my senior year as editor. I learned so much from that man. He was funny.

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I work in a pediatric doctor's office (I'm an NP). We've been swamped with very sick kids, and they all wear masks in school. If masks worked, why are so many kids sick?

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Amen to all of that. I've said it before many times.... It's like no one ever died and there were never any illnesses before March 2020. Almost *everything* done to remediate this so-called "pandemic" hasn't been done in the past. As an older person myself, who has lived through several "pandemics" in my life, I am bewildered by this insane method of "vaccinating" our way out of it. How about we just go back to what we used to do? Protect the vulnerable and everyone else go on with life? It's nearly impossible to not believe that there's another agenda behind this. The monsters running the show know darn well that we never reacted this way in the past.

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I read and copied this wonderful line from a comment from Alex Behrenson

San Dee40 min ago


The protected need to be protected against the unprotected by forcing the unprotected to use the protection that didn’t protect the protected ? And some protected are having more problems than the unprotected in other medical areas??? What??? Hmmm. What kind of convoluted thinking is this? Sounds more like an untested drug than a vaccine 🤔.

Thought that was too good to not spread it

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Such a wonderfully worded comment and with such truth. Thank you Ann. I have been thinking along these lines for a long time and so few people get it. Life is finite and dependent on our ability to survive in an environment with risk.

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We need to remind the billionaire class that this applies in spades to them right now.

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Thank you so much, Rick. And part of that survival is to ensure that our strong and healthy youngsters are there to replace us - and not to maim them in the process! Saving ourselves at their expense is just insane. And compelling them to do so is emotional blackmail and manipulation of the worst kind. A diabolical Faustian deal.

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You raise a good point.

People are far too divorced from the realities of life and death.

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None more so than those seeking immortality for themselves while at the same time killing the children of others.

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You make a great point. I've tried to digest as much factual data and information as possible on this subject. What I conclude about mrna covid vaccines is that they should only be used as an optional prophylactic treatment for the most vulnerable. Beyond that, all effective treatments should be brought to bear in a flexible and dynamic way with each physician making their own judgement calls. And of course natural immunity. Instead, we seem to be trashing young people's immune systems for no apparent good. I don't know why they are doing this.

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they're also banning use of Ivermectin in hospitals!! And in many states, doctors who prescribe it are being threatened by their medical boards. This is criminal and the only explanation for this level of persecution is some contract with Pfizer et al where the competition had to be censored and destroyed at all costs. The media is clearly complicit in the cover up. Totally disgusting.

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If the vaccines were otherwise harmless and all that was taking place, it would be scandalous and we've every right to be enraged and lose faith in the medical professions. But they are clearly harmful, with some effects particularly prevalent in the young, and they plunge on despite all that. It's a total inversion of sense. That those in power know this, or at least have access to the information, and continue to push it is evil.

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Have had some interesting journalist non-compliance with our NZ PM's concept of press conferences lately (i.e. that she can choose who asks the questions). Except for one import, whom none of us asked for, they've been getting a little bolshie.

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She's getting some genuine questions. Barry Soper is the best that we have so far but unfortunately he still follows the line that the vaccine is needed. His wife is also in the media so they both are pushing back. Barry gets blasted as being a right winger but I think that's very doubtful, I suspect he normally votes for her party.

But the journalists are also sick of Ardern playing favourites ("Tova then Jessica" became a meme here) and Ardern is showing many signs of being scared and at a recent press conference Barry had control not her.

Ardern is going to announce the madness of their new traffic light system today so I'm expecting that my rights will be further surpressed.

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a rogue extra R there.

Things are starting to tighten up here, I had two "confrontations" yesterday, one over masks and the other over a moron at my tennis club who would not shake hands until 'there was a vaccination policy at the club (i.e. she's demanding that everyone gets a jab) that would not have happened a week ago.

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Thanks, Rafael. This is something that the originators of the Great Barrington Declaration have been saying, too. As well as the Physicians' Rome Declaration. Focused protection. Natural Immunity. But the world has become derailed of its senses and the idea that anyone should even be *suggesting* that we shouldn't "protect" absolutely everyone via some hastily cobbled-together, artificially-manufactured medium is met with howls of pious indignation: ""Natural" immunity?! Heaven forbid! That can't be right. I'm sure we can do better with some chemicals, an electron microscope, tiny scissors, and a live pathogen!"

And Frankenstein 2.0 is born....

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This comment should be on the front page of some big magazine or newspaper.

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Thanks, Ingrid - but we all know that's not going to happen! Traditional journalists appear to be captured and devoid of any backbone. Or synaptic activity, too, for that matter.

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Alas we (the civilizational "we") often DO sacrifice the young. Who is it that traditionally is sent to war? The young and healthy (and typically, the poorer, less educated, another injustice). With a truly dangerous disease, and a highly effective vaccine, it would be more justified to vaccinate everyone, at the least, a more persuasive motive. But COVID-19 fails the "dangerous disease" metric, and the "vaccines" are not particualrly effective nor apparently, not quite as safe as the government still trumpets. Lose-lose.

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Sadly, you're right. Our young are often the cannon fodder. I agree completely about the dangerous disease/"safe and effective" preventative metric. I would queue up, willingly.

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Nov 15, 2021Liked by eugyppius

Thank you. I feel like I am in a race: can I stay unvaxed until the narrative collapses? I feel like it must fail at some point. We need some imminently reasonable Western government to just admit the truth. Isn't there at least one government elder somewhere with nothing to lose?

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I lost my race. Keep running. As fast as you can. I hope you have family who are running with you. Mine aren't. That was the final death knell, together with the work mandate.

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Oh! That’s a shame. My spouse will never take the shot, so he’s planning to become a truck driver if he gets fired. Because truck drivers are exempt from the osha mandate. (Wha??)

Which shot did you eventually take?

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It doesn't look like OSHA's Emergency Temporary Standard (ETS) is going to hold up. "the court ruled that petitioners' challenges to the ETS are likely to succeed on the merits. " https://www.natlawreview.com/article/appellate-court-halts-osha-s-emergency-temporary-standard-requiring-mandatory-covid "

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VeryVer - Hold the line! :-) Also, perhaps you'll GET COVID while dragging your feet on the mandate. One of the earlier pieces to crumble may be that natural immunity becomes something we can use for an exemption. So hang in there!

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Thank you—I’m planning to wait until the army goes door to door, which they would, if it was an Emergency, right? I think I had covid last March, which is another reason I’m not getting the jabs.

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Strength! Keep yourself healthy and in good spirits. It's the best ammunition against these monsters.

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My impression is that many politicians are just stupid. Look at Gavin Newsom. I'm sure he actually got Moderna. They had a brief window of what they perceived as success in the summer. So, the solution is more of the same.

But boosters failing will be practically instantaneous (months at most).

Lock down, anyone?

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Yes, stupidity is rampant. I hate to say that "war is good" but when our leaders had more experience with military success or failures, I feel like they were at least a slightly bit smarter, or at least more cunning. Now our leaders are the perfect Intellectual Idiots as Taleb says.

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Yes, and immediately after getting the Moderna vaccine he disappeared for almost 2 weeks due to an adverse reaction which appears to be Bell's Palsy.

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TBH, if you've read the honest appraisals of the vaccine you'd be crazy not to lock yourself down for the two weeks following the stab. Catching covid in that period appears to be fucking lethal, not including side effects.

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Seems more like his disappearance was an elaborate internet honey trap for anti-Covid-vaxxers to discredit themselves. He looked to be 100% in the Monterey summit, and I doubt he would have been given a real injection to begin with. Or maybe it just takes a few days to cook up a new clone, lol.

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If you look closely at these before and after videos there are notable subtle differences as outlined in this blog.....seems credible to me especially in light of the followup.....the only other plausible explanation for his disappearing act was his wife found out about an alleged affair he was having (another 'thing' Newsom is known for) ....either way this is another French Laundry incident of his gross inconsistency of someone leading who is saying one thing and doing another......I am fine as long with whatever he does as long as he is transparent....and this episode is anything but that: https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=https%3A%2F%2Fstevekirsch.substack.com%2Fp%2Fgavin-newsom-is-out-of-sight-likely%3Ffbclid%3DIwAR0Y8LGxXsu0g_T40zEZiUg7qlgJ5VF0Rc5EGD1BSQBOZSFGn7lVhgN9lek&h=AT2jokayNPbmoFlcMBYxmqlmbXnXsvld9BBqO5rcWRXBS2a_-shWrTkTwQ0QnLt63TRJsv42YY2Hl2oi3eVKFIyBFN1xRhiw-CyIap45GYrKuAW84xAs9aPq5fwuUsVTj2Y

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I am not convinced the narrative will collapse on the matter of efficacy. It just is too easy to argue one way or the other, and cook the figures.

However, the narrative could fall on the safety aspects, including on the potential fraud(s) that have been committed during the pre-clinical trials. People and lawyers need to push to get information on safety, and use any avenue available to dig into the fraud aspects of this business.

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Nov 15, 2021Liked by eugyppius

I am a subscriber, and for the record I would still be subscribed to you even if you did zero subscriber only content. Love your work.

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Thanks so much – I know that sentiment is widely shared and I'm very grateful for it.

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Just a suggestion, because I might have misunderstood the criticism with my post, but what if you did an experiment where you said “If I get to X number of subscribers, it will be free for all. Of course, people like me could still subscribe beyond this threshold, but the whiners would be shamed :)

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Nov 15, 2021Liked by eugyppius


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I was intrigued by the poster who said "I have never paid for news and will not do it now". When I was a child I remember saying "I would never pay for TV -- It's FREE!" I said the same thing about water. Wrong on both counts. One pays for things of value. The free news is, sadly, worth exactly what one pays for it. So I, too, am delighted to pay. And, as I do with many other sites, would pay even if all of this valuable content were free. I am actually bothered somewhat by folks (best example that comes to mind is gato malo) that will NOT let you pay. I like to hope that by paying I am in some small way advancing the cause. Your stuff is always good and sometimes brilliant. Keep it up!

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Given the propaganda that passes for news these days, free news is worth less than what you pay for it. It isn't even worth your time.

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Agreed. Now can someone talk that damn Cat into taking contributions too?

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Meanwhile the much-quoted spokesperson for science Eric Topol is attempting frantically to spin a web of fog and lies. The reason for Germany's spike, he says, is only 74% percent vaccinated while Spain and Portugal are doing better because they are 80-85% vaccinated. Germany, he says, is proof that 74% is not enough! I can't believe this guy runs a top research institution and is pulling this nonsense completely out of his ass.

I am a decent scientist who has actually collaborated with people who report to Topol. It is crazy that I have to ignore him and read the blog of a pseudonymous dead monk to get quality information about Covid. There will be no consequences for his actions of course, and I'm sure he will keep getting paid top dollar.

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the lies are just always achieving new heights of absurdity.

meanwhile 80%+ vaccinated flanders is spiking just as hard as the rest of northern Europe. and in the Mediterranean, relatively low-vaxx places like Morocco also aren't seeing the northern Euro surge yet. it's coming though, waves are also building in the south now.

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Waterford County, Ireland and Gilbratar are higher than those, with record cases ... they can blame the babies and animals.

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Ireland was blaming "overconfident behavior" or something, so i guess we're back to square one! I think we need a top 10 of the most outrageous propaganda lies. :D

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Speaking of the overconfidence aspect, I think this article was quite interesting: https://dailysceptic.org/2021/11/15/negative-vaccine-efficacy-isnt-a-new-phenomenon-it-turned-up-in-the-swine-flu-vaccine/

"In a recent French survey the population estimated the IFR at an astounding 16% (the true level is closer to 0.1%-0.3%) and their understanding of severity has got worse over time. If you previously believed that you had a 16% chance of dying if you got Covid, you were very likely to rush to hospital immediately on presentation of more or less any Covid-like symptoms. If you now believe that the vaccine reduces this risk to negligible levels then you’re very unlikely to bother unless you become quite seriously sick indeed, because to do so would effectively be a repudiation of the advice of government, scientific and medical authority. And if there’s one behavioural difference between the vaccinated and unvaccinated that is more plausible than any other, it’s that the vaccinated are self-selecting for strong faith in scientific claims by authority figures."

Loving that last bit!

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I'm just watching the Canadian who resigned from Trudeau's protection detail. Unfortunately the choice given is not a choice for anyone, they have to play russian roulette with the vaccine to keep their jobs or risk being thrown out on the street for not paying their mortgages.

Some have self selected for sure, but now a lot of them are having doubts too now that the boosters are "required".

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Yeah the false sense of security thing was one of the main reason why Sweden never introduced a mask mandate. Although, if people aren’t allowed to live confidently after a nearly 100% vaccination rate, then the vaccines are not doing their job.

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Like you, without self-doxxing, I can say I similarly know Topol. He has been compromised.

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By whom and for what purpose?

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Big Shoulder Pad

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I think Topol was a particularly unlucky shaman in a former life. Making excuses for a failing magical remedy comes so naturally to him.

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It looks like there are lots of us that have had run ins with Topol...He has been wrong on way more things than just COVID. The comment about Michelangelo is spot on. I called him out and have never been forgiven. Badge of honor, IMHO.

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Are any of you Topol 'fans'in California? We cover Covid truths and more at presscalifornia.com and would to hear from you. press@presscalifornia.com

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Nov 15, 2021Liked by eugyppius

Who the hell has the audacity to criticize you for the paywall? As if you are "obligated" to produce content for people. Nuts!

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Nov 15, 2021Liked by eugyppius

I am disappointed that you received criticism. A subscription to your stack is a donation to a worthy cause. Thank you for your considerable effort.

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LIke the others, I don't understand the criticism. Your information is valuable, in fact, some of the most valuable I've found, and you put a lot of work into it. You deserve support. We all need to make a living.

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Nov 15, 2021Liked by eugyppius

Yes, charge, but I cannot pay $5-8US for everyone. Substack needs a model that allows me to pay 'something' but where all the writers get paid. Especially after I lose my job in January for being Chartruese, or naturally immune, but unvaxxed. I claimed the color before the LGBTQ spectrum and it's never ending growth could claim it.

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of course, there is no need to subscribe if you don't wish. I just wanted to make it clear that any paywalled content I genuinely think is important will be available in some form to everyone.

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How can we pay you besides a credit card? Myself and many others would like to shower you in anonymous $$$$, be it cash, btc, etc...

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Nov 15, 2021Liked by eugyppius

If I was Topol I just don’t know if I could admit to being this wrong. He is wrong in a way that is transcendent. He is to wrong what Michelangelo is to Art.

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Find someone who loves you like Eric Topol is wrong.

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Hello. My name is Denis Gaudet. I was a respiratory therapist and RN at Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston MA USA for 22 years. I took care of covid patients the whole time. I refused the covid vax and was fired last Friday after weeks of unpaid leave. I've done my part and paid the price. Lets go people - step up and Refuse and Resist.

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You are in the right. You obviously have natural immunity which is superior so the mandate made no sense for you. The mandate is completely arbitrary and authoritarian and if we don't stand up to it now it will just get worse. We are changing states over it. Best of luck to you.

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Thanks Denis for being upfront about your experience. What were your main reason(s) for refusing the vax? I have my reasons, but my experience and perspective are no doubt very different from yours...

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Maybe he doesn't want to play Russian Roulette in the Clottery?

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Denis, thank you for your conviction and integrity.

One thing that it would also point out is good for you for not resigning.


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Not to simp, but your analyses are a strong key to shaping a mindset in this very important dissident movement, and I promote your skillful takes wherever I think I can. See my pinned Curators post. I tell every normie I meet to start reading your free stuff and your Tw***er feed. Everyone has been impressed. I wonder what their pass-along rate is; I wonder if any have bought.

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Nov 15, 2021Liked by eugyppius

What I would really like to see as a scientific study: representative T-cell immunity analysis in 10-20 different countries world wide. Run it monthly. Test 1000 people per country, representatives from each age group and including vaxxed and unvaxxed.

It would actually provide useful information on which intelligent decisions could be made. So it will never happen.

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“ It would actually provide useful information on which intelligent decisions could be made. So it will never happen.”


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Nov 15, 2021Liked by eugyppius

Im sorry you’ve gotten any criticism at all! I am deeply grateful for your excellently-documented, clearly-articulated pieces. You are providing a crucial service to many and I, for one, am thankful. Keep up the great work. Best regards.

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thanks so much

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Nov 15, 2021Liked by eugyppius

I'm happy to be a subscriber as I believe in the model of voluntary support for voices that we wish to promote and support. It would not bother me if you made all content available to non-subscribers. Many people cannot afford even a small monthly fee.

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Nov 16, 2021Liked by eugyppius

As a paying reader, you could give it all away free, I dgaf ... I pay to support the resistance I don’t need special treatment. I’m happy that my contribution allows others to read for free. I pay plenty of people who give everything for free because I believe in the cause with every ounce of my being.

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I subscribe to your blog because your posts are exceedingly intelligent, well thought out and scientific. No need to apologize for a paywall. Your time is worth more than main stream media writers. Keep up the good writing and I'll keep reading and paying.

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