Apr 2, 2023·edited Apr 2, 2023Pinned

It's 2026. The Ampel coalition has collapsed, and in its place, following an unprecedented early election, is the SchWampel coalition, formed of CDU, SPD, FDP, and greens. The CSU got subsumed into the CDU to ensure their continued existence, and the FDP scraped back in under an obscure provision of the new electoral law that is the subject of at least 26 cases that Harbarth's constitutional court has refused, so far, to look at.

A new rhinovirus variant is sweeping kindergartens and schools the length and breadth of the country. Parents of small children are taking days sick off work. Health minister Lauterbach is tweeting about "long runny nose". His shock troops are furiously issuing masks from the national reserve, which must be worn by all parents on collecting their offspring.

Millions of idle people, unemployed following Germany's final economic collapse and the exit of major firms like BMW, Siemens, and Audi to China, are corralled to check the date stamps on the masks of said parents, ferrying their children home to their unheated apartments following the federal decomissioning of all fossil-fuel powered heating systems on 01 January 2026. Those with expired masks are sent away and the children ferried home on police bicycles, the parents invoiced for the trip.

Vibrant quarters have become a no-go-zone for heating inspectors and are still warm. Intrepid dwellers in some older houses, slated for demolition under climate emergency laws (also the subject of ignored constituional court cases) because they are climate unfriendly, have knocked out the drywall in front of 19th century fireplaces and are burning what they can find.

Everyone agrees this is the best Germany of all time.

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great comment. pinned.

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There may have a few sobs mixed into my slightly insane laughter when I read your excellent post. May you be wrong, oh so wrong! :-)

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It looks like I was out by a few years with the shutting down of all domestic heating.

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Well articulated! Sounds reminiscent of a scene out of "Brave New World".


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The SchWampel coalition- excellent!

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Eat your heart out, herr Schickelgruber!

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Hey!, at least he knew that the Germans didn't deserve to survive as a people after Der Dritte Reich, with the failure of the war. Seems he was correct.

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Yes, Pangloss. All is for the best in this best of all possible worlds.

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Isn't that scenario that will repeated across the world? Brilliant!

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Apr 2, 2023Liked by eugyppius

Eugyppius, you pose the biggest threat to people like Lauterbach and Merkel because you ask the right questions. The German media will only focus on how many masks were uselessly stored, how many vaccines uselessly bought and stored - you will ask how did we get here? That’s the one question the powers that be do not want anyone asking.

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Questions have far more value than answers. This is the secret of productive scientific discussion.

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Love this quote!!! Thank you.

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Apr 2, 2023Liked by eugyppius

I think we here in dumb woke Canada can top that. Our useless unethical government under Justin Turdeau ordered countless doses that constantly get thrown out and arent even trying to get out of those contracts.

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I also see the plexiglass is coming down in many stores. Hopefully these large panels can be repurposed or made available at a reasonable cost. Probably heading to landfill. What experts signed off on these things as being effective for a respiratory virus?

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My question has always been, where is that hollering Greta girl & why isn’t she hollering abt the loathsome quantity of trash— PCR tests, useless masks, needles & syringes, wasted vials, trashed vents, acrylic and MOST of all, those virtue-signaling signs people put up, “We’re in this together”?

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Apr 2, 2023·edited Apr 2, 2023

This is the "right sort" of pollution.

It's "pollutically correct" trash. 🤪

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The mouthy Swedish brat has become a joke among many in the USA.

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With 3 STEM degrees, I just laugh when a high school dropout pontificates on scientific issues. Like Paris Hilton teaching quantum physics.

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Greta Thunberg is to climate as Paris Hilton is to quantum physics. Though the Swedish shrew may actually be able to SPELL "climate". Ms. Hilton's ability to do so with the phrase, "quantum physics", may be somewhat problematic.

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Early in 2021, there was some kind of health summit held at the Vatican. Attendees included the Clinton daughter and a former model turned infomerical star. It took me a while to realize they were social media influencers. Maybe Ms. Hilton was there as well.

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Altogether TOO logical - anyway, it's only 'bad waste' if generated by, We, The Peasants.

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But useless pandemic theatre continues in "healthcare" facilities. At the dentist this week there was a large "masks required" sign on the front door, plexiglass in front of the reception desk, covid theatre signs everywhere, and the usual question about whether I was experiencing covid symptoms (what about flu or cold?) To their credit the receptionist quickly backed down when I said I couldn't wear a mask. But the hospital wouldn't allow me to accompany my husband a couple months ago because I wouldn't wear one.

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The plexiglass makes me laugh as I peer around or under to understand the receptionist or clerk.

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My father's recent visit to the podiatrist commenced with checking to see if he had a fever.

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Same with my dentist in Wisconsin (some dentists are still requiring it; some aren’t).

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What country are you in?

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yep same at my dentist. He and the nurse wore a mask, and I understand and even appreciate that, after all they are right there in your face. But all the rest maskless. No questions asked.

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The virus can't travel over the top of the Plexiglas...science!

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Whyrusses are so thick on the side of the customer you need a snow shovel to clear a pass to the plexiglass .No whyrusssor or walrusses have ever been found on the other side of the wall .

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In mates in insane asylums can't keep up with what is going on on outside .

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the ones that think inside a box! they think the virus stops at the plexiglass and does not move around its corners. The same that think a virus 500 times smaller than the holes in a mask won't come inside a mask, not even around the edges. Even a kid can see that. But even a former friend scientist, does not grasp that. This is the kind of scientists who think they know it all and are less smart than a 5 year old

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It is one of many reasons that the med. establishment has no credibility ,at least not with me .

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I see people who have facial acne because of mask wearing. Not all wear the mask willingly, it's still a condition of employment for some. What I can't believe is that these people can't seem to see that if the mask causes this problem on the outside, then what is breathing in that foul air doing to their insides. Doctors and nurses included here. It's a loony bin.

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I often wonder how young people make out on a date ,while fully masked ? Is kissing done in writing on a piece of paper ? At 87 I slow down with dating ,besides I'm scared of the dark now .

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I use to work for these people

Some days I laughed all the way home at the stupidity, evidenced by some of the of "smartest" people I worked with

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I am glad you left Elaine. There is better in the world than these!

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All plexiglass walls have an opening so money can be passed though .The openings are too small for the whyrusses to pass though .I know because the whyruss I keep under my bed as a pet is three feet long with a long black bushy tail .

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His first name is covid

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‘Experts’? That word has also become a joke. Let’s all of us keep asking businesses to take down their plexiglas barriers.

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Do a Ronald Reagan..."tear down your Plexiglas!"

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And be sure to express your appreciation when you notice they have taken them down.

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Well of course! 🙂

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Because science!

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One can hardly count the many tricks and crimes they use to harm and keep us as miserable and depressed as possible .

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We won't fall for it a second time.

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Even when all the plexiglass us up in full force, it was very common to gravitate to the spots where there were openings so that you could communicate with the person on the other side.

I had a funny experience yesterday: I went to a fairly large butcher shop (I shop there about 1x or 2x per year). In their wisdom, the placed plexiglass from the counter top to the ceiling, with very few openings along the way. That meant that the server on the other side couldn't hear what you wanted so it was an exercise in sign language, pointing and general improv. to get the items you wanted.

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Some transactions where performed through the key hole .My wife did one ,while I observed from the car .She was only able to buy thin noodles ,because potatoes did not fit through the key hole .

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I noticed the plexiglass has been taken down at the community pool I use for water aerobics a couple of weeks ago. Also, our local healthcare system has dropped the mask mandates except for a few diehard practices.

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I didn't start to use a community pool again until late last year. I didn't check, but I was quite certain that unvaxxed me would have been considered a biohazard and I think they were closed for a while. But plexiglass at a pool? That's got to the height of brainlessness!!!

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At the height of the insanity our YMCA only allowed one person per swim lane. They also closed the locker rooms. (Make it make sense!!!) I walked out and didn’t come back until a few months ago and called to make sure things were back to normal.

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That and the music student bands standing 6 feet apart in plastic coffin like enclosures has got to be the height of looniness.

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Plexiglas still up at VA hospitals.

VA will deny medical care to veterans not wearing a mask.

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Old age pensions may

not be available to any one not wearing a mask or for not taking all the shots .

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Yes...waiting for that to happen.

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Oh they’ll be coming up again, don’t you worry

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But this time, let’s all complain about it, rather than accepting it.

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B I r d f l u

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Bill Gates cooking it up right now...that's when he is not infecting African children with polio from the polio vaccine.

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Amazing how the BLM grifters never have a word to say about how African children are continual guinea pigs for entities like Gates and Big Harma. I guess there's no money to made from protesting that.

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Apr 2, 2023·edited Apr 2, 2023

Yup, I see that too- up and coming (this bird flu has been trademarked and is copyrighted by the US Government and it’s appropriate agencies).

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Bill Gates and the WHO will insist.

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Ask the store if they want to donate it to you. Then build a greenhouse from it.

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great idea! I've been planning on building a greenhouse; I'll let you know how I make out!

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I see the plexiglass coming down, but I imagine they store it somewhere, for the next big lie....

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💩-deau! Good one!

Between 💩-deau & Biden, I don’t think there are more than 4 brain cells to rub together. I guess those are the ones “they” want elected—- docile, dumbed down, non-critical thinkers. They make better puppets.

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kids and horses. (bio) you're one lucky person.

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This is such good news! The US government may not be the most fucked up on the planet.

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Apr 2, 2023·edited Apr 2, 2023

Yes, but the USA can claim a chief executive with dementia, living in the World's Most Expensive Old-Age Home.


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You have to wonder if the speculation about Trudeau having stock in the companies that make the lipid nanoparticles is true.

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Of course it’s true, it the media isn’t talking about it, it’s true.

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Oh Susanna ,wonder no more ,Trudeau has most likely stock in every company that makes deadly venom .

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There is an urgent emergency need to get new whyrusses on the scene ,so the mask and venom over supply can safely be disposed of in the bodies of useless eaters .

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Turdeau LOL

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Apr 2, 2023·edited Apr 2, 2023Liked by eugyppius

The level of malfeasance and incompetence is astounding. In the private sector, leaders of such collosal screw-ups would be summarily fired. Well, unless they were in HR.

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Money printers go Brrrr....that's the problem with gov. With large corporations, the shareholders eventually get to buy it.

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I thought of saying in a normal private sector they'd be fired but left it as is. But sadly you are correct. I worked in a Fortune 500 company HQ for twenty years and saw managers of failed multi-million dollar boondoggle projects continually get promoted.

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Have to say it just comes across as blatant looting before the country descends into the inevitable collapse caused by inflation and energy poverty.

Unless there's some dramatic reversal of policy, or some fluke of dumb luck, the lights will go out before those vaccines expire.

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Is sanity returning in Berlin?

Body Blow To Activists: Whopping 82% Of Berlin's Voters Refused To Support Net Zero 2030 As Referendum Fails


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A glimmer of hope.

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Yep. We're in the "Steal everything you can before the house of cards collapses" stage.

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The Australian gov’s first round of Covid vaccine spending procured enough for every man, woman, baby and non-binary person to have 10 doses. They binned heaps of it when it expired, then they bought more.

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Was non binary a "jab"? 😄🙄🤐

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Just making sure no person left behind 😉

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Apr 2, 2023Liked by eugyppius

I guess one question is three years on, who are the ~2000 idiots rolling up their sleeves daily? The whole scamdemic seems to be fading into the background and none of dirtbags who foisted it onto the rest of us will ever be held accountable. That someone like fauci isn’t behind bars awaiting execution pretty much tells us all we need to know…

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Would be kind of cool if someone did actually do a check on those 2,000. My guess would be frightened elderly and women 50 and over (invariably with very short, unattractive hair- not exactly sure why this is a thing).

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Except for the ad hominem remark about the hair, you just described most of my friends and neighbors, who are boosted to the max.

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Frightening, isn't it? Will you have enough time free to attend all of their funerals?

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oh, like Mutti, you mean?

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nailed it.

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Mostly epidemiologists

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Apr 2, 2023Liked by eugyppius

When the ‘pandemic scare’ started, I was working as an executive in supply chain for a hospital system. Of course there was a run on gloves, masks, shields, hand sanitizer, and other PPE. Suppliers ran dry quickly since all hospitals only carry 1-4 weeks of inventory. Manufactures only carry about the same. Production facilities are run at 80-95% efficiency. There are not other sources that can bridge the gap.

Ok, so there are State and federal reserves, right? Theoretically, but when we called they had minimal if nothing available. What was available was expired. So, as the last issue fades away their current stocks will expire and not be replaced. The additional factories will mothball since no one can afford idle capacity. This stuff isn’t long shelf life unlike oil reserves.

It is also the government and quasi government hospital organizations that we are talking about. Run by administrators who care only about their next bonus. A bonus that you won’t make if you throw unsubsidized product away.

By the way, when they transfer to making PPE in mass, the raw materials being used are no longer available for other products. Did we ever see the government go after any organization that gouged during this time? Some at 10-20x the normal cost.

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Actually, in Ontario Doug Ford went after suppliers who price gouged hand sanitizer, maybe other goods too. I heard that he however, with is sign company, had the market cornered on all those floor signs etc marking the politically correct spot to stand on.

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But normally the Germans are so efficient. They hate to waste. What's happened to the national spirit of each country??? In the US, we lost our creative thinking, our will to thrive, our fearlessness. I wonder if each country lost what is best about them.

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Maybe some Germans still like their Sauerkraut with virus and mustard .

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It's the same here in Sweden.

Volvo's made pre-1990s still roll, no problem. Should anything wear out the machine is so simple you can do most repairs yourself. Usually it is the modern generic spare-parts that wear out, not the original parts.

They start in -30C. They can run in any weather, on any type of road or hard enough surface. They are easily converted to wood-gas if you need to.

Swedish cars made half a century ago runs better and smoother than anything made post-2000. Show me an EV you expect to last 50 years, I'll have a mask and a jab to sell you...

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I missed that moment when Germany got turned on its head. My German friend doesn't seem to know about it, but she doesn't know about this moment either. Thanks!

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I think Merkel sped up the process of decay. It would be as if the US had Obama for 12 years, oh wait...

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My uncle ran his VW Beetle for 30 years, LOL!

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I have a V.W. Diesel ,that did not do too much running ,so when I die ,I want to pass it on to the next generation .

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How do you abbreviate this handle??

German efficiency is still alive and well although not as strong as it was post WW2 up to around the end of the 70's. Could the removal of gold as settlement of sovereign debt have anything to do with it. Hmm.. Gold= Sovereign... interesting.

Remember the greatest subversive actions of communism took place in Germany, birthplace of the failed capitalist speculator Karl Marx the father of Marxist communism. Germany was the first choice and prize of the new revolution to enslave the world. With a Commie Germany leading the way success was assured, good old teutonic stoic resolve... Vee kan doo anysink vee vant Jaaa. However that had to wait as Germany fought and defeated that menace and shipped it off to Russia.

I don't hear any thanks Germany, from Europe not even from Francos Spain. It was Hitlers Germany that saved Spain and that ungrateful Moreno Francos sorry Ass

Post WW2 subversive work really went into high gear on firstly Germany and the rest of Europe too. The Coudenhove Kalergi Plan a supposed fake plan just like the protocols of Zion if you Google it except that things have turned out to become exactly as promoted in the plans of both of these. Coudenhove laid out the plans of German and European bastardization through immigration legalized by the development of a giant bureaucracy upon the creation of Euroland.

The mixing of native European tribes with non Europeans from the Middle East, Africa and lands beyond through forced migration has already passed the critical point. Europe is no longer European in the traditional sense. Native Europeans from the north south east and west of that geographic area had nothing to say about that.

Europes great fear of more war possibly with the Soviet Union, and its economies devastated by the just ended WW2 left it open to mass manipulation and hysteria. Many people emigrated west including my ancestors going back to post WW1.

Can Europe undo the past.. NO

But it can stop the the erosion of its identity by taking back the initiative each country on its own, but standing together against the Brussels tower of Babel. At least the current crop of migrants from the Ukraine are not socially and politically divisive to their host countries.

Is the WILL there in these European Nations ( not yet me thinks ) true sovereignty does not exist. In any case Brussels has a huge club to beat down dissent with. But the cup of plenty which hath hitherto provided soft pasture, peace and conformity from that place in Belgium seems to be at an end and is flashing EMPTY.

Picture a boot on a face buried in the mud and then you will take notice. Something like that George Orwell 1984.


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Every time we set up the ping-pong table at the local rec center, we question whatever has happened to German engineering. If you don't look sharp you can lose a finger.

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Forced consumption and government subsidies are a killer business model. I pitched it on shark tank: https://yuribezmenov.substack.com/p/how-to-build-a-killer-business-and

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jab/mask mandates (my body Fauci/Pfizer’s choice). 😆. This was excellent! Great jab. I mean job

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'Forced consumption and government subsidies'

It's been working for Big Ag and Big Food. Their crap isn't exactly forced, except on things like schools and the military via the dietary guidelines, and psychological conditioning through marketing.

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don't forget prisons and hospitals.

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The US's FDA "Food Pyramid" is a pathetic joke. A large proportion of your daily caloric intake is supposed to be "grains". It has worked wonders for Big Ag and made the US population fat and unhealthy. The Covid recommendations should have been eat more fruits and vegetables and exercise OUTSIDE, but they closed gyms and told everyone to stay inside. Brilliant.

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Apr 2, 2023·edited Apr 3, 2023Liked by eugyppius

Why in the world would any country pay for injections that are all based on the alleged original Delta variant from 2019?

Just to steal from the taxpayers of each country and distribute the lucre to the already wealthy and elite.

This has all been a global money-laundering scheme from the start.

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Just you watch - the US will continue its ban on foreign visitors without the "covid shots" and jobs/schools will continue shot requirements until the end of time. This will continue even when the shots are pulled from the market (and they will be in 2025). Did you get your covid shots in 2020/21 will be the requirement? This will still be the requirement for living in US society in 2300 or until Kissinger dies, whichever comes first (which I think is 2300).

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Delta is not the original or what the vaccine was based on. Delta is the first excuse used to demonstrate the evidence the shot was not working .

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You are correct! I edited my original comment to say "alleged original Delta variant."

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Apr 2, 2023Liked by eugyppius

Best thing to do is inject them all into the arms of the people that ordered them. Both the jabs AND the cause of the jabs will be cleaned up. Well, the bodies will be hazardous waste I suppose

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Apr 2, 2023Liked by eugyppius

To the WEF, "pandemic preparedness" is not about preventing pandemics but about exploiting them.

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And that's why they never pull the plug on gain of function.

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That's true. But now they almost don't need gain of function to have a pandemic to exploit. Enough of the population is now fully trained to be terrified and obedient to achieve the intended effect. A completely psychosomatic pandemic would serve the perpetrators' interests.

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Apr 2, 2023Liked by eugyppius

While I was aware of Germany's, EU's "overstock" problem with vaccines, I hadn't done the math on the numbers. The same applies to Canada, for instance, with more future-dated orders to come...

I urge everyone to watch the late George Carlin's prescient video on germs and the immune system.

He had it right...

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Apr 2, 2023Liked by eugyppius

To be honest - I think Germany should honor those contracts. If they weasel out of it, the public will quickly forget how unbelievably insane the government was. The constant, never-ending deliveries of useless mRNA will serve as a generational reminder for Germans going forward on the consequences of technocrats run wild

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"We could have spent this money on something useful. Instead, we boosted Pfizer's bottom line. Vote for us again!"

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If the Germans would show more compassion ,they would send the surplus masks and venoms to the Ukraine together with the kannons and panzers .I plan to send my W.W. I flame througher there ,but it runs on gasoline and gas will be outlawed anytime soon .So I will convert it to electric .first .

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What kannons and panzers? Most of it isn't in shape to be used at all, and production capability is virtually nil.

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If Germany can't make more panzers because Biden blew up the pipes ,than send left over panzer fausts from the last time the Germans made war with the Russians .How about some V.2 rockets ? They won every blitz Krieg before .

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There are no doubt substantial government grants available to develop solar powered flame throwers. Apply now!

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The size of the orders makes clear that "boosters" were baked in from the start.

"Just 5.2% of Europeans had received their first dose by the end of February ‘21. Meanwhile the EU had contracted to buy a total of 1,355 million doses from six different manufacturers."

I've written about the excessive German (and EU) vaccine orders here:


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Apr 2, 2023Liked by eugyppius

The multi-year booster deals never got media coverage like it should have. But the vaccine cards and all their empty lines from day one put it right in the face of everyone.

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