Well at least they have found a solution to the energy crisis the stupid idiots created with their climate alarmist nonsensical anti science. One nonsensical anti science does counter balance another though I guess. The lunatics are truly in charge of the asylum

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Although I’ve heard the masks of any make are full of toxic chemicals; so much for “saving the planet” as all of that incinerates into the air 😂

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But the masks will save your life if nuclear war breaks out . All you do is wear as many as will fit in front of your mouth ,that's all you need ,you are save . Than keep it on until global warming . is over and defeated . Also wear them to fight the Russians ,It will stop the bullets ,just like they stop the whyrusses .

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Nuclear winter proof too?

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They are- full of microplastics going into people's lungs, and now more in the air thanks to "thermal reprocessing"😐😐🤔😑🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️ side order of lung cancer, asthma or COPD, anyone?🙄

That's ok, some also have graphene and PFAs, depending on the manufacturer, but all good, just add some heat and let whatever is chemically changed (But we haven't any studies on what that is or how it affects us, cos "the speed of science!), release into our breathable air supply, where it also mixes with whatever!!🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤬

#FFS #idiocracy #wearemany #theyaredumb

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But-but-gas stoves!

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They're right where we put 'em.

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Indeed. A case of conmen and being (or allowing to be) conned. Same as when people bought the Covid narrative and willingly took an experimental drug and them admonished others for not being so fucking stupid...

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even they might do a better jub

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Why do masks go out of date ?

These are not eggs.

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the plastics degrade over time, but i doubt anyone has ever determined what consequences this might have for filtering effectiveness. afaik, most ffp2-type masks have an official two-year shelf life.

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that is probably also the reason why you should not burn them at home, even though it might warm your hands for a few seconds to burn a couple boxes.

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I thought we are being told that plastics don't degrade for many, many years and that is why we must eliminate plastics in our everyday life.

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we are told so many lies that no one knows the truth anymore ! when it is convenient to gov and big anything, that is what the truth is. Wen it is convenient for you, aw. Then it is not so obvious.

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Awesome. Hahaha. Love that sort of logical conflict that's woven into these narratives.

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I think there are two different standards here. 1) degrade into nothing vs. 2) degrade to no longer fit for use. It also calls into question the value of storing a supply for any future use.

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Don't worry, their effectiveness against an aerosolized respiratory virus is not affected in the least.

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Nor is the effectiveness of virtue signalling, in fact, any mask will dofor that.

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I believe "official" has been re-defined : It now means, "we know this is false, but it reinforces the narrative of the day".

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The degradation has to do with the electrostatic properties of the mask. The fibers use electrostatic charge to attract small particles and trap them on the mask. Over time these fibers lose their charge and the mask loses most of it's effectiveness. Also, the more particles trapped, the more charge the fibers lose. Without the electrostatic charge, you might as well use any piece of cloth.

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Thanks for explaining that.

And we did use 'any piece of cloth'! We were encouraged to!

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Might be worth doing a little research into how long they can be expected to last.

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Nah! Meaningful research is proscribed. In regard to anything remotely connected with the virus of the month.

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I guess us 'mericans are different. We just use old t-shirts donchaknow - no expiration date needed.

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... but the life of the synthetic cr@p is dramatically extended if the mask ends up in the ocean :P...

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They go out of date so that you have to buy new ones, silly!

Millions and millions of new masks, four times a year, just like booster shots, and based on the same standard of evidence.

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The economic rationale - "Follow the Money!"

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Masks may not get out of date ,but they do get out of style .New masks will have huge ears like micky mouse has and all masks will have an image of the Fausi guy on it .

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"These expired masks will be even more useless".

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What are "eggs" :P?

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They’re those things you used to be able to afford to buy at the store.

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But, but, there are so many of those items, like toilet paper, celery, yogurt...

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Jan 20, 2023
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No, they ARE gold!!! -- Haven't you ever heard of laying golden eggs?? Not the white ones, the REAL pricey ones.... Ok, so today, they are still light brown... but they ARE evolving into golden eggs. Soon, we will be able to sell billons of these eggs, and everyone will have lots of food, houses, and anything anyone ever wanted.....

--- Oh no, I though of a "slight problem"... No one will buy those eggs now, since there are billions of them.... I heard someone proposed a public works project for them though. They are proposing PAVING the streets with the melted eggs' GOLD.... Sounds pretty. But, it sounds very slippery, assuming that only the shells were gold, and inside, was still... normal egg contents.

One messy idea was proposed to wait until the eggs hatch, so no mess, for now at least. But then what would they eat? And what about all the sound pollution that would result, especially at dawn??

-- I'm going back to sleep.... Fun dreams trying to run the world, but still, this is turning into a nightmare, instead. Maybe humans were never meant to make all their own decisions without help, from... ??

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Eggs don't hatch unless a rooster doing what comes naturally before each egg was laid--and large-scale egg factories don't tolerate roosters AT ALL, not for long, anyway.

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This was more or less my first thought as well. If it's just paper and elastic, why worry about expiration? If it's not, then the use by date is not what I am going to be concerned about!

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I wish it was actually plain paper. They’re full of tiny plastic particles that get inhaled deep into peoples’ lungs.

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Ok they do technically expire. I’ve been EMS for a long time and we always knew they were only to stop droplets and such from a sneeze, cough, etc. but at some point the elastic for the ears is no good and snaps. I had a box or five and when I actually needed one to attend a high risk person none of them was any good. That’s how little I really needed them.

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They "go out of date" because the makers want you to buy more of them.

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Which is why were actually burning money and not masks.

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I could look it up again, but I’m so sick of reading mask studies. The active component of medical masks is an electrostatic layer that is supposed to bind viral particles. This electrostatic layer could potentially degrade over time which would result in a fairly arbitrary expiration date being added to masks.

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Masking the Science

We have purposely avoided directly confronting the issue of masks because it is such an emotional and political issue. Like waving a red flag in front of a bull, the topic elicits strong emotions which overwhelms reason. We wear a mask in the hospital and don a N95 mask, gown and gloves when we see a patient known to have COVID-19. Masks are used for source control when patients are admitted with various types of infectious respiratory diseases. After the visit, we dispense of the gown, gloves and change into our regular surgical mask to continue patient rounds. In public, we wear a cloth mask to comply with executive orders and as a courtesy to others who feel afraid and uncomfortable. Like most of you, we rarely wash the mask, we stick it in our pockets, pick it out of the glove compartment or off the floorboard when we need it.

In truth, we wish masks worked. If they did, it would be a cheap, and easy way to control the spread of Covid. The idea that they protect not only their wearer, but also those people around them seems noble. We wished masks worked because citizens are spending billions of dollars on them.

We wish masks worked because most Americans wear them now. Telling them it was unnecessary will not make them happy. We wish masks worked because they have become a symbol for virtue and social responsibility. Anyone who doubts their utility is personally attacked; as though they don’t believe the viral pandemic is real, or don’t care about those who die from it.

We wish masks worked, because they distract from other important Covid related issues such as: school closings, lack of access for non COVID related illness, increased mental illness, elderly dying alone, missed youth experiences, substance abuse, suicides, increased poverty and homelessness, suppression of free speech, censorship of science, disruption of supply chains, government agencies used to oppress small businesses, restriction of religious gatherings, travel disruptions, isolation protocols, modeling over actual data, quarantines, lockdowns, contact tracing, and global harm of the economy that most impacts the working class, vulnerable and poor.

We wish masks worked.

But they don’t.

At least, not the cloth and surgical masks you see in the public arena. They litter the landscape and waterways. They are difficult for people with disabilities and small children. It promotes natural germaphobe tendencies and indoctrinates the young to see their fellow humankind as a sack of germs.

There have been many randomized controlled trials (RCT) and meta-analysis of previous studies that suggest that masks do not work to prevent influenza- like illnesses, or respiratory illness transmitted by droplets and aerosol particles – like Covid. This knowledge was the basis for the WHO and CDC recommending against the public wearing masks in the spring of 2020. It was repeated by authorities and experts at every level.

Dr. Jerome Adams, the Surgeon General tweeted, “Seriously people – STOP BUYING MASKS! They are NOT effective in preventing the general public from catching Coronavirus”

Dr. Anthony Fauci told 60 minutes, “There’s no reason to be walking around with a mask”.

In April, the New England Journal of Medicine wrote: “we know that wearing a mask outside of health care facilities offers little, if any protection from infection”.

What changed? Well, it wasn’t the science.

All studies are not equal. The gold standard of medical evidence comes from randomly controlled studies. Recent observational studies that were used to support mask mandates were poorly designed for confounding factors, carried out in medical environments, and then, impressions were extrapolated to the general public. Studies that evaluated the viral exposure of mice in a cage covered with mask material vs. caged mice without a mask cover does not seem to translate well to a world of humans who use their hands. In contrast, a recent Danish mask study of the general public that was performed in a prospective, randomized fashion did not endorse the current majority narrative and was vigorously criticized and suppressed by some.

A new drug, medical product or procedure would never be approved based on this type of evidence.

Logic argues against mask effectiveness. The size differential between viral particle or droplet size expelled from the human respiratory tract compared to the filter size of surgical or cloth masks is substantial. If you read the fine print on most consumer masks, one will likely read a statement such as this; “not intended for medical purposes and has not been tested to reduce the transmission of disease”.

The best studies are outcome based and measure “patient oriented evidence that matters.” A pharmaceutical company may show their statin drug greatly reduces cholesterol and science can show a correlation between cholesterol and heart disease. So, the obvious premise is that lowering cholesterol reduces risk of heart attacks.

Except it doesn’t. At least not for primary prevention in patients without preexisting vascular disease. It is why you must do the study. Does the intervention work in real world conditions?

In August, 2021, Pew Research reported that 85% of Americans said they wore masks in public all or most of the time. If this is so, and if masks are effective, why has the incidence of SARS-Cov-2 increased so rapidly? Why is there not a favorable correlation between mask usage and disease transmission in countries and states with different mask policies?

If masks and lockdowns work, why don’t they work?

The graph below shows the daily number of deaths per million in the UK, France, Spain, Italy and Sweden from March to December. The number to the right reflects the percentage of the population that report wearing a mask in public spaces. Sweden has the lowest number of deaths per million in this comparison despite only 7.7% of the surveyed population reported wearing a mask. For those who argue that Norway, Denmark and Finland have lower mortality rates than Sweden. They would be correct, but these countries also have much lower rates of mask use compared to other European countries (less than 50%). Masks have been oversold as a solution.

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Oh no, masks DO work;

to strike fear, divide people, humiliate, create anxiety, to depersonalize and for obedience.

And crate training for kids.

They are a multipurpose tool

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Not to mention rebreathing CO2, dirt, debris, bacteria & virus into one’s lungs, having snot, sweat & other secretions plastered to faces & fogging glasses....

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...ah, fogging glasses which can lead to falls, which increased visits to ERs during this period of time. It's true based on the two ER visits I had, back to back, one day after the other, and the two different ER doctors at two different hospitals who told me fogged glasses and blocked downward vision from masks had contributed to falls leading to more head trauma and broken bones (8 stitches over left eyebrow, MRI, CAT scans, broken right collarbone, right hip injury that has required 2+ years of PT, right ankle injury, collarbone and hip x-ray, follow-up visits and x-rays has now cost over $15,000 because of the stupid masks and I still haven't been vaxed or had the virus.) But thanks to the mask my glasses did fog and I did trip over curbs since I'm a country girl and we don't have no curbs!

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Very useful when choosing a clerk, cashier, driver, etc etc. I couldnt be bothered interacting with the wokeasses if i can avoid it and have a better day.

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Even if they worked--slightly or well--they're contemptible signs of debilitating fear and should be scorned by human beings worthy of the name. To hell with masks. They are ever-present reminders of the fact that we have emasculated ourselves as societies and are now ruled by what Eugyppius rightly calls "head girls." They are symbols representing the inversion of things. They are especially hateworthy when they are forced onto the faces of children.

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They will be relics of shame 20 years from now.

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Or something everyone wears without question.

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My company still has large quantities of masks, hand sanitizer, nitrile gloves, and the like in the warehouse where I work. All were purchased in the name of “science” and “protecting others”. On more than one occasion, I have offered to take all of it out of the warehouse and burn it all. I’ve gone through my issue with the masking thing before so won’t bore people with it now. But AJ has done a great summary.

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Oh, the gloves are great to use for hair dyeing, pet cleaning, and such. Don't burn them. The hand sanitizer and face masks also. Offer to nursing homes, in-home caregivers, and such. They are expensive and really needed items that were hard to find for people who use them for real stuff and not because they're afraid in the last few years. You can donate to a local Senior Resources group, caregiver support group or post on a NextDoor Neighborhood site. I swear you will have takers. I'd like to stress this to anyone who has any of this kind of stock to dispose of, people who do in-home caregiving could use these supplies as they are really expensive right now.

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Masks are a badge, not a medical device. They're used to signify membership in a tribe. No one thinks they will keep them from getting sick.

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The kids the tribesladies have gotten to wear the masks unfortunately believe they keep them from getting sick. But that, I suppose, only proves your point. The masks are a piece of highly effective political propaganda.

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AJ, not sure where you're at, but I truly do not see or believe that "most Americans are wearing them"

Even here in crazy Southern California, mask wearers have become anomalous. Thank God.

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Even here in Wyoming we still see people wearing them. They are still required at the cancer center, which I suppose makes everyone 'feel' better. The brainwashing is real.

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I think that was probably a reprint of something written in late 2021. It's a good account of the argument at that time.

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I find the arguments largely accurate and compelling, even now.

I know that I'm done with masking. Even my doctor's office has finally given up on the masking charade, if only informally.

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The closer to the coast you get, the less anomalous they are.

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Jan 20, 2023
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Bingo. I had to go to a hospital to see a friend last weekend and you'd think the COVID thing had just started. The shit you had to go through to even get in the emergency room door was a nightmare.

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Oh, I believe it. The bay area is....unique, LOL

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Here in NC almost all doctor offices and state, city, county buildings still make you wear them, as well as several stores. I always keep one around so that I can put it on to keep from arguing since there are bigger things to be arrested over.

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A J ,W hat nonsense are you writing here ? You write that wearing them in one place is the right thing to do ,but in other places there is no need to wear them .Are you wearing a mask right now than you may be deprived of something and having too much of some other stuff . If wearing a snot pouch does no good in one place it does no good anywhere ,except if you rob a bank ,or on Halloween .I can see again and again all the morons in hospitals ,I mean nurses and doctors weaseling around masked like kids playing doctor .How can one have respect and confidence for retards like that .Instead of the mask theater they should treat patients in a way that heals not kill them ,with the treatment protocols ,like morphine ,isolation, remsesivir and ventilators . Are you one of them doing what I just wrote ? They murdered my brother with the death protocol I just described in 6 days ,when he had a flu .

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I think A J was trying to give a breakdown of the faulty "logic" behind the various stages of their mask stupidity; am I right, A J?

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Great post — do you have a link to the original source?

Great except for this line: "A new drug, medical product or procedure would never be approved based on this type of evidence." I have a feeling this was written before the bivalent vaccine, tested on a handful of mice, was approved ;)

ETA: found the 2021 original, which has apparently been taken down, but archived at https://archive.is/d4hr3

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Where can I see the graph referenced above?

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it would all be so funny if it weren't so infuriating and if I didn't have a massive falling out with most of my friends over this shit

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Masking is ALL NEGATIVE and harmful for the wearer .The benefit goes to the mask makers /sellers of the masks . Don't get me started on the venom brewers and pushers ,criminals to the core .

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More like a revelation of who your actual friends are.

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Why would you burn masks when you can just throw them all over the roads and dump them in the oceans?

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obviously we're doing that too lol

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It may be ,if we through masks in the ocean ,the fish will soon all be wearing masks ,right Tony Fauzi .?

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So the paper expires? Was there some magical solution applied to the masks that disappears after a certain time??? But SCIENCE!

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it's just so idiotic in so many ways.

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There aren’t even enough words to describe the infinitely expanding balloon of stupid.

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Hmmm Hubble’s Law comes to mind for some reason...

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Probably the same science that made the masks change from “protecting others” one year to now protecting the wearer somehow.

Maybe the voodoo or mojo the masks possess first inverts, then self destructs, resulting in this scientific phenomena of an expired mask?

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The Covid mania reaction / over-reaction by western governments will be a lesson in bizarre, stupid behavior with a few sinister twists thrown in. The coercion, lying, profiteering and cultural damage will take generations to overcome. In the US, we have paid people to stay home and destroyed thousands of small businesses while irreparably breaking the trust in public health. All for what? To prop up self important government officials, demonstrate control and inject fear and neediness into populations.

Now many have doubled down on the same stupid positions while an incredulous people wait for apologies, accountability and penalties none of which are forthcoming. If we were previously wary of government, now we are outright hostile. Wake up people. Take back our world. Pray, plan, prepare and RESIST.

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The first wave of terror is not over and they are planning a wave of tsunami proportions already .They know it's coming ,because they are creating it .All the top ringleaders are following the same script of population reduction ,by murder ,called health care .

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I think we're getting to the point where peaceful agitation is justified.

I mean that

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Peaceful? I worry that we may be past "peaceful".

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My 98 year old grandmother who is very lucid and wise says the only way this ends is with force.

She hasn't been wrong about much in my life...

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My Gran, another very wise woman, would have agreed with her.

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My 98 year old grandmother who is very lucid and wise says the only way this ends is with force.

She hasn't been wrong about much in my life...

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What sort of power are they using to burn these masks? Wind? Hydro? Solar? What is the carbon footprint of the mask burning operation? Perhaps the masks can be used to soften the blow as they bulldoze that village for the new coal mine….

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But they're not burning them, that would be wrong. They're "thermally recycling" them. See the difference?

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I doubt that burning masks requires any help from Hydro or solar .Wind may be helpful if they get burned outside in the open . Carbon does not make footprints ,carbon makes plants grow .Without carbon earth would be like mars .

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Reminds me of a post I wrote almost a year ago to the day...


I've been wondering what the environmental impact of the current global strategy will add up to, including the total carbon footprint, and the possible negative impacts on nature. For example, what are we going to do with all those billions of contaminated (plastic and metal) used syringes? What was the extra energy/chemical cost in producing, shipping and transporting them around the world?

Likewise, what is the addition to the plastics burden on the environment from all the billions of single use (throwaway) pieces of PPE - the masks, gloves, aprons, visors, hand sanitizer bottles?

How much extra energy has been required for the running of the refrigeration units needed to store and transport the billions of injections? Which developing country's land fill will all these refrigeration units end up in? Indeed, as usual, will developing nations bear the environmental brunt of the first world's lion share use of injections?

Also, do climate change activists generally align with the pro-injection or anti-injection camps?

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Gary when you go hunting always follow the carbon footprints of moose and bear in the forest . You as a hunter must wear snow shoes so you leave no carbon footprints .

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Neither. They are steeped in a level of confusion and contradiction that can only be measured in galactic proportions. You know, light-years, parsecs.

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1, If the states don't want to pay storage costs, why not distribute the masks to the general population and let them burn the silly things to heat their homes.

2. And please tell me how masks "expire?" They're paper with a little piece of metal and a couple elastic strips.

3. Did anyone consult Greta Thunberg? That mouthy Swedish brat seems to be an authority on everything.

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"Did anyone consult Greta Thunberg? That mouthy Swedish brat seems to be an authority on everything."

Put a mask on her. That's one person who would make the world better by masking up, permanently.

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She’s been too busy being “arrested” by the Polizei to be doing any consulting. But I do think the mud wizard of Lützerath upstaged her antics.

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Have you seen the footage of Greta and the German riot police staging an arrest? The whole thing is pure theatre.

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Are those real police? It's hard to believe anyone could be that clumsy.

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The mud wizard is my new icon. What a hilarious video.

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They've been trying hard to do that here. All the places that originally were selling them now have mountains of them with signs on them "FREE!" And nobody is taking them.

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"Thermally reprocess"!

I like it. I am going to start using it.

Have we reached Peak Stupid yet? May 2023 bring relief.

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Peak Stupid is always right over the next rise in front of us.

That's why we and they both use "progressive" to describe them.

Always moving towards the next Peak Stupid.

I'm eagerly awaiting Twin Peak Stupid.

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Jan 20, 2023
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I concur! We have yet to reach peak stupid. But we're working very hard to get there.

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Bingo. I've been trying to make this point for almost 30 years. If you're not being prodded into a boxcar by a goon with a rifle, you ain't see nothin' yet.

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hoppah I really spend 10 days in a box car at age 9 with 30 other people .It's a long story .

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