Apr 21, 2022Liked by eugyppius

All integrity that existed in government and the supporting institutions is long gone in this world.

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They might not be reliable for anything they're supposed to do, but at least we can rely on them to lie, to screw up, and then to lie about screwing up.

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None of this was a screw up.

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The virus BS, no. That was planned.

Then again, lots of other examples of unforced errors. The Afghan withdrawal debacle, the blatantly obvious theft of the American election. These people are evil, conniving, sociopathic monsters, but that's no barrier to their being extremely stupid, too.

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Many in the US believe that the 'plandemic' was intentionally started as a means to steal the 2020 election.

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I think the election was about acquiring an administration compliant with the WEF, which Trump claimed he wasn't

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I think an american president has very little to say. I noticed that Trump had a few ideas, but then had to backtrack probably under pressure. Remember him saying something about forbidding commercials for prescription drugs? Hydroxychloroquine? Bleach? He was immediately ridiculed. At the time I hated him too, but afterwards, I got to think. At least on these 3 points he was right. May be there was a lot more he was right about. And it is very obvious that Biden is just a puppet on a string.

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And nor is Putin. Are we really to believe the USA and Western Countries are so interested in Ukraine suddenly? It’s a largely poor Country, ruled by oligarchs and thugs, so hardly a beacon of freedom and democracy; it is of no strategic importance. But Putin is a big spanner in the decarbonisation, global governance wheel. Regime change, which Biden let slip out, has been on the West’s to-do list for more than a decade.

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Ron Unz has a theory that COVID is actually a bio weapon used against China and Iran. He says the US released it during the World Military games in Wuhan (October 2019).

Given how the US government operates this would not surprise me if the timeline were better. The fact is that there are antibodies in donated blood from August and September 2019 suggesting the virus was circulating a lot longer than is generally accepted.

Still, his theory that the US released the virus to harm China and Iran isn’t a stretch, particularly with what’s been uncovered in Ukraine with the bio labs.

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Apr 21, 2022·edited Apr 21, 2022

if thats the case it looks like the gun is malfunctioning and hitting the owner ... lol

the bioweapon could well be the mRNA vaxx if you dig.

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Apr 22, 2022·edited Apr 22, 2022

Based on an Harvard Study the virus was already among the Wuhan population late Spring and Summer 2019. The study was based on satellites pictures of the Wuhan hospitals. During the Spring, parking lots usually 1/3 full started to fill up and by mid-August you could not park less than 2 km from the hospitals.

Also the social networks Baidu and Weibo crashed a few times under the load of postings. The majority of these posts dealt with flu symptoms and remedies to cure the sickness. Many people had similar symptoms to the Covid-19 ones.

The military games were in Mid-October in Wuhan. It's true that several teams got sick but there has been a cover-up. It was revealed when Elodie Clouvel a French athlete left the army in February 2020 then spoke to the press about the environment around the athletes' village, officials and staff wearing PPE during the competition and during maintenance of the facilities.

When the team doctor reported the problem to the French Embassy in Beijing the response was: "Your are soldiers in a mission and should behave such a way as not to offend "our guests" the Chinese".


My wife and I were in Shanghai mid-October. The city was very crowded with travelers mostly Chinese. Usually it a quiet time in China, people keep their vacations for the New Year at the end of January. But in 2019 the Chinese exodus had already started towards S.E. Asia.

Taiwanese News were already reporting about an epidemic in Hubei province. So why no measures were taken well before Thanksgiving and Christmas travels?

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If that were true, then why wouldn't those countries have accused us of it already? I'm not saying the US has clean hands here, but then I doubt China does, either. It was a jointly funded bio-research lab in Wuhan.

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Clearing out the pensioners.

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They cleared me out! NO TEST, NO JAB! I’m waiting for my pension check now. NO GOVERNMENT/STATE has the right to tell me what to do with my body/health-EVER!

And I earned it!

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wish I had time to look at that. I did a 'back of the envelope' rough calculation in June 2021, that indicated an excess 3% of the over 80s had died in the pandemic and vax up to that point.

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Apr 22, 2022·edited Apr 22, 2022

First they lie to us. While all the while we know they’re lying to us. They too know they’re lying to us. But they keep lying to us anyway because they know they can and eventually they normalize it by lying to themselves that they are lying. Denialism is a wonderful thing. Imagine being elected as a US senator and lying to people for 40 years. Eventually people would get smart enough to know better by taking swift action and voting them out of office........only to later turn around and vote them right into the role as president.

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Apr 23, 2022·edited Apr 23, 2022

A recent editorial in STAT News advanced the idea of that sure, the vaccines didn't really do much, but the silver lining is that we have learned how to push vaccination more effectively, in preparation for the next opportunity.

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The purpose of vaccination is vaccination.

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I have recently begun wearing my tin foil hat in public now. Nothing would surprise me at this point why they want to inject people....repeatedly. They are like pedophiles talking to your kids, its creepy and scary all at the same time, except they won't let you punch them in the face.

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Including institutionalized medicine. Which is almost all medicine now.

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They don’t care, because they don’t have to. They hold all the power which ironically is the very thing democracy is supposed to prevent, the centralisation and concentration of power which inevitably results to tyranny. Democratic Government is an oxymoron, and we can now see just what a great deception… Government of the People, for the People, by the People… in reality, is. Have they shown any remorse, accepted any blame for tte last two years? And the hypocrites call Putin a tyrant and yap about defending freedom and democracy: that is psychpathic.

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The power to control, the power to dictate. The ends (power) justify the means (however to acquire the power).

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Power is the ends and the means. It will always be used to extend its scope and scale. It’s a drug of which the adicts can never have enough.

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Circular, self-reinforcing, as in a tautology. Power must always be used--unused, others will take it up and edge you out. Gangsters, no less than gangster government, always at risk for the next top dog.

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Gangsters indeed. I defy anyone to explain the difference between the Mafia and Government. Both are extortion and protection rackets for the enrichment of those at the top.

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“Pandemic of the 4.2%”

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Making sure terminal cancer patients in palliative care are protected from COVID-19 is the best possible use of public health resources.

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The best one I recently read was about an assisted suicide clinic which would only admit vaccinated persons wishing to terminate their lives. The world has truly gone mad.

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Guess that Assisted Suicide Clinic has an Express Lane.

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I started to reply then deleted, yours is better.

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Lane 1: 3 jabs or less. Lane 2: 4 jabs and counting.

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This is the case here in NZ. We have recently joined the suicide club.

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How is that even real.

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What does the COVID-19 injections do to the immune system of people who have cancer? I support protecting those suffering from cancer, but what if they are only protected from COVID for a short period of time, and after that, their immune system is damaged? Would that make their cancer worse? Would it be possible for someone, anyone, to show the long term effects of the COVID injections on those with cancer and those with compromised immune systems?

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It certainly won't be possible if they succeed in getting 100% of the population injected with mRNA transfections.

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When has 100% of a population voluntarily every done anything?

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Apr 21, 2022·edited Apr 21, 2022

If you do a search on Rumble or Bitchute for Dr Ryan Cole MD you will find out all you would ever want to know about what they do to cancer patients. I am a one year survivor and after listening to Dr Cole, I would run a mile from any Covid vax.


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It's sarcasm.

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First, i am not expert so direct this at Malone but my understanding is the immune system is also what supports the killer cells that keep cancerous cells down. C19 vaxes are bypassing this process AND in one study from about 7 months ago they were damaging DNA repair and V(d)j recombination. Spike does too so we are talking both covid and the vaxes. So there were essentially 2 if not more mechanisms by which the body is being compromised in cancer fighting.

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Yes, the NK cells are part of the innate immune system, first line of defense. The immune system is like an orchestra with so many sections playing their part at exactly the time they are called on. The mRNA was bound to disrupt it, first by causing the body to fight something that it was induced to create, with antibodies alone!

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Your response was awesome. This is the reason I get very very irritated when I hear anyone, especially educated MDs who should understand immunology 101 better than myself, when they say that the antibody response in natural immunity isn’t as strong as in the mRNA or even ANY type of vaccine. The body knows what is truly needed in a normal natural body response. Of course I am aware it might be different in someone who has some sort of preexisting immune compromise but in a normal response the body has defenses they can’t measure just from a simple measurement of one type of antibody response. And the memory cells that trigger future responses are probably (this last I can’t swear to due to my knowledge but....) much better and more robust in natural vs vaccine modulated, mediated response.

Thank you

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I would give this jab to NO ONE! Especially the immune compromised.

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By definition cancer is a manifestation of a collapsing/collapsed immune system. In part accelerated by stress.

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The attorney suing the DoD has statistics that show a 300% rise. Ryan Cole, MD has also shown this and is warning the medical world who have ears to hear.

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Sadly there are few who will listen. Pharma and Wall Street see this as an emerging market to profit from. The sick care cycle continues in perpetuity.

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Apr 21, 2022·edited Apr 21, 2022Liked by eugyppius

At a certain point, one has to assume that the idiocracy which created this disaster know that they have created a disaster. And, one of the tried & true ways to try to cover your ass when you have caused a disaster is to point the finger at someone else. In this case, the idiocracy seem to be determined to make sure that everyone is EQUALLY DAMAGED by the experimental gene therapies. After all, if everyone is equally damaged, equally immune-compromised, equally sick and equally dead, those who blindly went along with the idiocracy can't cry foul. Hats off to everyone who resisted the idiocracy and did not subject themselves to an experimental treatment which has maimed & killed millions, with much more maiming & killing to come. You are the future.

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Purebloods have resisted the most sophisticated psyop in the history of the species. It's no small accomplishment.

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Perhaps. I've been serially disappointed in friends who swore they were done, weren't getting the booster, side effects were too bad, their eyes were opened, etc.

*a few moments later....*

They succumb to the social pressure and get the booster.

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Oh snap. I hope not. I'm pissed that my parents got jabbed to be able to go to restaurants and travel. One could be forgiven for being misled, but selling out your kids and grandkids for goodies is just grotesque. Very Vichy.

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I feel you. My mother did the whole 'getting v'd so she can travel' thing too. Ironically her doctor came close to forbidding her from flying because she abruptly developed hypertension; definitely not the V of course.

I also let her have it about, as you put it, selling out her grandkids. Her desire to visit them led to her helping to make the medical technocratic control state dystopia that much more likely to manifest. Boomers don't care though. They won't have to live in it.

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THIS BOOMER CARES! I’m the Boomer that is trying to explain to the “younger generation” how dangerous the jab, masks, and tests are. No one listens.

I “retired” a year ago (not by choice) because I refused the test. I was refused entrance into the building and I wasn’t even allowed to go to my locker. This is after 23 years! Pure non-sensical insanity on a grand scale!

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Boomer here. Very sad for many friends and relatives who may be victims of this Jab for years to come.

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You don’t know the right Boomers!

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There is some hope, I hope!! This is fully an Anecdote disclaimer: But - I’ve successfully convinced my wife, elder uncle, and mother in law to remain unboosted. I took single J&J April 2021 (already knew it was a mistake and gave in to try to save my marriage, basically). Now, fast forward and refused work trip to Germany which would have been for next week, because I won’t do another shot or subject myself to the tests). My corporate bosses didn’t like it, but did not press me on it since the story is unraveling around the shots and boosters. Badly.

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Wish the story would unravel faster……..and publicly!

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I do as well. All of us who are aware are helping. One person at a time hears the truth. It will be free.

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Absolutely this. People are all talk. Many many people said around me they will never take an experimental jab. 1 yeat later almost all of them are boosted....

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It is hard for people to take “not fitting”. They don’t see the danger of it, yet. They will, sadly,

but it will be too late for that.

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Thanks for including the regretful ( not ambivalent ) unboosted with buyer’s remorse……….who are now angry as well……..

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Don’t forget 3rd world countries who managed somehow to remain untouched.

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Removing the Control group by ending the trial and giving everyone the vx or drug is a famous trick of Fauci and funders of trials. I do believe there will be population wide sour grapes. Perhaps that is what we are seeing now.

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The idiocrats are being helped by the fact that so many of the vaxxed tested positive anyway. Any health problems they have will be blamed on "long COVID." It will take careful study to separate out the vaxxed who never tested positive. Who will fund, or even allow, that study? Certainly no government health ministry. Major court cases are probably the only hope, and then the media will portray those as greedy opportunists trying to profit from tragedy, even if they prove the case. I don't have high hopes that the mainstream will ever acknowledge the damage done from the injections.

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Apr 22, 2022·edited Apr 22, 2022

OK, now the penny drops for why so many governments, companies and institutions worldwide have gone mandate-mad.

Because if you vaccinate everyone, you can shut up dissenters. Everyone is now in the same boat. Nothing can be blamed on the injections. And those who still refuse are ostracised.

I kept wondering why the UK Govt was so obsessed with mandates for healthcare staff and care home workers -- it made zero sense from a health perspective. Now I understand: they knew there was an unruly minority (a good 10% or more) within these sectors who were calling bullshit on the pandemic itself and the pandemic 'solution' of mass injections. If you get these people out of the system, you homogenise the system. You are left with the unquestioning and compliant.

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Apr 23, 2022·edited Apr 23, 2022

"if you vaccinate everyone, you can shut up dissenters"

I don't see how that follows. I was vaccinated (reluctantly) and I am a dissenter. Perhaps more resentful than the unvaccinated, because I allowed myself to be bamboozled into taking the shot.

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Apr 21, 2022Liked by eugyppius

Cmon you know the answer: mandates are needed to maximize profits and destroy the control group to hide adverse effects.

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but the remaining 4.2%, assuming the survey data is right, is not really worth much in terms of profits or control groups. and it's much less than that, given that most of that number probably can't be vaccinated or are hardcore refuseniks.

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Apr 21, 2022Liked by eugyppius

Do you buy the survey over records? Isn't there incentive to lie to a stranger on the phone in this high-pressure environment? Isn't there higher likelihood actual vax is lower than records, between people getting false shots and the government lying to create the fake consensus that "almost everyone is vaxxed?" I believe CDC was busted doing this and admitted it was purposeful.

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Apr 22, 2022·edited Apr 22, 2022Author

the RKI numbers are almost surely an undercount, as they have problems collecting certain kinds of vaccination data (particularly those done by company doctors of employees). this isn't to say the surveys don't have their own problems, but they're more complicated than overstatement because the unvaccinated are shy. they've now done 10 surveys, in the earliest ones the survey results and RKI data more or less matched, but then for specific age demographics / doses discrepancies emerged after July, when the vaccination campaign was massively expanded.

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I think I would be 'shy' too if I lived in Germany.

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I believe that the overall vax figures in NZ are high especially among the over 60's (I'm a hardcore refusenik, I like that Eugyppius!). However, the MOH uses the term, 'eligible' for the rates in specific age groups. This seems to mean that the 'eligible' may be confined to those who had contact with a health provider in the preceding year. They can then claim 100% coverage for say groups aged 60-65 but this excludes anyone who has not accessed health care recently. I don't know why they do it really because it makes them look bad to people like me and rates are high anyway. What do they gain by this?

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True vax rates of entire population in New Zealand. Many only took two jabs to keep jobs. Booster uptake low in comparison https://twitter.com/farmgeek/status/1516962145124352000?s=21&t=iOn_WDQGOqUnUqQCCm0m4w

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Apr 21, 2022·edited Apr 21, 2022

Thanks. Does the 81% two shots include children? Sorry, I'm not good at reading (or interpreting) graphs. Agree about the booster. My husband took first two but that's it from him.

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Like poll workers in 2016 asking random people if they were going to vote for Donald Trump.

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As you correctly point out, it makes no logical sense from a medical standpoint to insist the additional 4.2% get vaccinated. That isn't what it is about. It is about getting mandates started. And once they start, they just expand. That is the goal. Everyone must get used to mandates because they want the entire world to take anything they want to give us at any time, no questions asked.

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So what was the motivation behind the mandates? What would it have gained? Obviously nothing epidemiologically, but what even politically?

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Now that some have been dropped here, the government have admitted it was to 'encourage' people to get the vax. There's so much that doesn't make sense it makes me head hurt.

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in the future, i expect for governments to admit lockdowns were to 'encourage' people not to travel, when they also admit quietly that the lockdowns were not legal in any country within which they were instigated.

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>> As some point you have to ask, what we are even doing here.

What we are doing is reinforcing our perceived authority and punishing disobedience.

That is all we have been doing, at all, anywhere, since the reality of the inefficacy of vaccines and NPIs has been known.

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Could be. When I refused to take the shot, it was very clear that the CEO was really angry because (along with a small group of colleagues) I was disobedient. He had no interest whatsoever in finding a solution. It was there in front of him. We could continue to work from home as before (just like all our other colleagues were doing). I was shocked at how nasty (and petty) he was. I think he truly believes that the vax has saved the world.

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In my examination of the responses and reactions of individuals and entities in power throughout this, the evolution of COVID policy has basically been about retribution and maintaining dominance for some time.

If you claim unabridged power, you can't let anyone defy your orders, even if those orders are insane, incorrect, or self-destructive. You can't let people be seen to get away with ignoring mandates because they think those mandates don't make sense. If any lawlessness is permissible, all lawlessness is permissible.

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Yes, I see that any alternative viewpoint is proof that the authorities may not be correct. In fact, our PM has declared that government approved messages/treatments/responses about covid are the only source of truth. But how aware are they themselves that they have become totalitarian? This government is wreaking the economy and any social cohesion and really seems to believe this will lead to a utopian green NZ with everyone smiling and riding around on push bikes. Support is dropping as inflation rises but they could still win the next election in 2023. Suddenly, the killing fields don't seem so far away which is a chilling thought.

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Almost all politicians and his dog catcher are virus experts now,. even your boss if you have one . If one can afford it or has other income how good it would feel to hand the mask to the boos telling him you wear it and walk out .

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My boss in following the party line was (of course) totally ignorant but keen to follow the orders. We hung out long enough until the mandates were revoked so have got our jobs back. The kicker is that we are government employees who wanted to continue working but were not allowed to but have ended up getting about four months pay for doing nothing. At my transition back to work meeting (online, of course), I told my manager that I had an exemption and never wore a mask so therefore wouldn't be wearing one in the office. I don't think he knew such a thing even existed. By the way, my manager and some other colleagues were generally okay about it all, it was was big boss who was not. Lots of people just trying to keep their jobs and not rock the boat.

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sorry I meant boss not boos

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The "punishment" fails me, lol. It's not like they're blasting me with Barry Manilow 24x7. 😆

Actually, they tried to punish me by withholding half&half for my coffee. So I bought deep chocolatebrowniechip ice cream. Best hot mocha evah!!!!

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You're right. No one has suffered at all as a result of public health mandates.

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Yes, we have. Financially (using our tax monies for all of this bullshit; basically transferring my money into the hands of the wealthy pharmaceutical industry, and the like).

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Don't worry, it's about to be completely worthless.

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I said the punishments failed *me*. Can't speak for anyone else. Except the jabs where mandated, which are killing. 🤷

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Beautifully circular illogic. It's up there with:

The vaccine is effecting against infection and transmission, which is why you have to get vaccinated, because my vaccine doesn't protect me against infection, because the vaccine isn't effective against infection.

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deletedApr 21, 2022·edited Apr 21, 2022Liked by eugyppius
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Some of us live in a world where models are challenged by data.

The people running our world live in a world where data is rejected if it violates the models.

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Herd immunity protects the unvaccinated, right? Here they want to vaccinate the unvaccinated to protect the already vaccinated.

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Also the small matter that 95% vaccination apparently still doesn't reach the herd immunity threshold.

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There are doctors that are now saying herd immunity is impossible because the vaxxines are leaky; they keep sprouting new variants, and the vacxxinated keep sick. It would appear now that the vaxxinated with never get real immunity, so they will be endlessly sick of the new variants.

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If we had a cold or flu last winter we can get it gain next winter .It seems there is no immunity against the flu. So no point to take flu shots or similar shots. Healthy living /cooking ,eating is a better choice . I cook all my meals from scratch using spices and herbs of all kinds .Be selective when shopping ,don't by junk food . When I was younger I went hunting for moose in norther B.C. Prime moose meat the best there is .Always made sure I get the meat out ,or don't shoot .Now i'm old and all I have is the memory .

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Actual herd immunity with natural immunity or a true sterilizing vaccine would have worked. This vax crap has actually destroyed any hope of herd immunity. There just aren't enough of us who came by our immunity honestly.

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My understanding of the theory is that the effectiveness of an intervention in preventing transmission has to be above the herd immunity threshold. That's what vaccine manufacturers typically try to find out before getting their products approved. If a vaccine is 40% effective in reducing transmission, but the herd immunity threshold is 50%, then the rate of disease transmission can still increase. The clot shots were not tested at all for how well they prevent transmission. Since they clearly performed so miserably on that regard, they would have had no chance of achieving herd immunity even in theory.

That being said, I share much of the same skepticism that you express in this thread. Modern epidemiology looks more and more like a pseudoscience as time goes by. I think you are right that there is still so much we don't understand about the spread of diseases, and the reality of it may not be very intuitive.

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Mandates have nothing to do with public health. They are simply laying the ground for a new world order wherein freedom is drastically curtailed, ostensibly to reduce our carbon footprint (but really just because they're morally insane elites akin to those featured in The Hunger Games).

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deletedApr 21, 2022Liked by eugyppius
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Apr 21, 2022·edited Apr 21, 2022

We've had politicians for thousands of years. Ditto doctors. Something else is obviously at work. Life in the US is changing drastically. It was not a always thus. Ergo you are undercomplicating things in a manner that is self-evident. You can't account for such drastic changes through the inherent qualities of politicians or doctors. Otherwise we'd always have lived in these conditions (especially during prior pandemics)

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Apr 21, 2022·edited Apr 21, 2022Author

doctors were a standing joke, basically like lawyers today, until their big wins in hygiene and penicillin in later 19th / early 20th c. They were routinely lampooned as incompetent hypochondriac quacks. we are now, ever so slowly, regaining that ancient understanding.

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Apr 21, 2022Liked by eugyppius

I was thinking maybe I should start a leech farm and make a fortune.

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Apr 21, 2022Liked by eugyppius

My grandparents, who were born just after the turn of the century, would NOT go to the hospital and were incredibly paranoid about the medical industry. In fact, not seeking professional treatment cased them both to lose their lives, since they went to the hospital too late.

I used to think they were stupid and crazy. Now I'm not sure.

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People knew that going into the hospital meant death so they avoided them.

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150 years later they still are a standing joke...standing firmly behind the drug terror inflicted upon us by big pharma.

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Whether or not doctors were a joke in the past (exaggeration at the very least) it still doesn't come close to accounting for what is happening.

Germans were never able to account for the Holocaust either. Bossy politicians and risible physicians just doesn't cut it.

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I think you're going overboard with the attacks on doctors. We all have our anecdotes. Mine is a family member who would certainly be dead today were it not for a diligent oncologist and talented surgeon last autumn.

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and I've had very good lawyers too, but that's a different matter from the profession as a whole.

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So your explanation for the current state of Western civilization is that politicians and doctors and lawyers suck.

Ok then.

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There's no doubt some of them are super smart and super talented, but I bet there are dozens here who could equally tell stories of people who are now dead BECAUSE of their doctor.

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Man goes to dr for annual checkup. After full exam dr tells him he’s good to go , no issues. Walking out the door the patient drops over dead. Nurse yells back to dr “the patient you just saw dropped dead in the doorway. What shall I do?” Dr says back” turn him around like he’s just walk-in ‘IN’ the door....... and don’t forget to bill him for missing his appointment”.

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I love the "basically like lawyers today" ~ two birds with one stone.

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Instead of looking at the water, why not look at the universities?

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Apr 21, 2022Liked by eugyppius

Everyone currently in power, should face being forcibly removed, as they have proven time and time again that they are not to be trusted.

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Apr 21, 2022Liked by eugyppius

And they would’ve used it to show how the vaccine uptake magically rose up by nearly 10% “because of the mandate”. I guess after that they would’ve used it to force vaccine legislation for younger people citing the “success” of this one...

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Remarkable how quickly we went from lockdowns as a tactic to stop the spread, to lockdowns as an inducement to get vaccinated (to stop the spread), to vaccine mandates as an inducement to get vaccinated (to stop the spread), to vaccine mandates as an inducement to get vaccinated (in order to ... get vaccinated).

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You have to wonder... WHY is there this manic push to get the world vaxxinated against a disease that has a 2% or less fatality rate for most people under the age of 50?

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Why? Let’s cut to the chase….The Bioweapon exists to destroy western civilization and as many people as possible. Pure evil.

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Did you mean .02%?

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LOL. You are probably right. I was just trying to give the broadest sense of who might be at risk, since I haven't seen the stats for a long time.

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Who is at risk for the flu or a cold? There’s your answer. At 58, I haven’t been sick in over 10 years. I’ve also never had a flu shot. Why would I get a substance put in my body if I’m not sick? Get sick and get better. Remember those days????

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People overthink these things...God gave you an amazing immune system. Don’t screw it up.

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Apr 21, 2022Liked by eugyppius

Power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely...

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That would mean an omnipotent being would also be omni-corrupt, and that the only way to achive freedom from corruption is to become completly powerless.

Don't you think it's rather that corrupt individuals use power to further their themselves via corrupt means and thereby spreads the corruption to entire systems?

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Apr 21, 2022Liked by eugyppius

Honestly, I think it's much like DEI in education or public policy. The decision makers are INCOMPETENT and they try to hide this by prattling on in their new vocabulary about made up problems. They don't know how to do their jobs, or fix real problems, so they bluster their way through made up issues in double speak to sound sophisticated. It's ridiculous and disheartening.

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At one point the UK claimed there were only 5 million people still unvaxxed. They recently admitted the number is more like 20 million. In the US, multiple states claimed 100% of their seniors were vaccinated for covid, a ridiculous claim anywhere for anything.

The most reliable data is held by public health officials, and they have shown repeated willingness to lie "for the greater good." I would question high rates claimed anywhere, especially as they still desperately try to force through mandates.

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Apr 21, 2022Liked by eugyppius

This is just to make sure they also get their 7th Booster!

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Apr 21, 2022Liked by eugyppius

"Has been" - one that has passed the peak of effectiveness or popularity. They just can't let go and are still seeking the fame and attention they covet.

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Apr 21, 2022Liked by eugyppius

Western elites:


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We as a society are in a death spiral. We must think about the consequences and how we can escape/survive as an individual.

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God The Father is my medicine. God guided me through this CONvid nonsense: TRUTH is something you can’t buy, it’s something you know.

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The mandates aren't about the disease. They are about control. Establishing the precedent that the government can force something into your body against your will.

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Two thumbs up. Way up.

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