
Also open thread, this short because I'm working on a longer piece for tomorrow.

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Do you know why masking will come back:

Because they'll never explain to the kids (or adults for that matter) that not only do they not work; that it was WRONG and quite possibly DANGEROUS to do so.

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When I mention "dangerous"; I'm talking about "last" showers...followed by furnaces...followed by ditches.

So easy to see. Incredible that very few recognize the danger.

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Now now, it’s not a furnace. It’s a pizza oven. You want some pizza, don’t you?

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What? Nonsense, how can you put a furnace in a tent? It would burn it down. Oh, wait....

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The only difference this time is they'd take you to the billowing gas furnaces in a zero emission train of of boxcars.

What's interesting to me is the more obvious something is, the easier it is lost on these people. There has to be a name or psychological term for this phenomenon.

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I think it’s called “Leftism.”

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I don't have empathy for fools, we all can read.

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I don't think there will be any mask mandates; people do not get their covid shots, why should they mask up? Obviously everybody in charge knows that and realizes that forcing people to comply with new "measures" would take a lot of effort, which nobody is willing to take. Besides, the German government has a bad reputation by now (if I remember correctly, 27% of Germans think it's able to handle problems well), and nobody wants to aggravate more voters.

So we'll have dire warnings now and then, which everybody but the scaredest will ignore, and that will be that.

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Sep 3, 2023Liked by eugyppius

Regarding your note ¹: "fall" is "autumn" in King's English.

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yes, I just don't know what a "Covid Autumn/Fall" is supposed to be.

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A friend of mine in the USA asked me if we were prepared for the fall? It took me a minute to realize that they were asking about the season and not the coming shite show.

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Sep 2, 2023Liked by eugyppius

A covid fall is like a covid winter of discontent, only with pumpkin-spice candles.

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In the US, president Brandon wished us a winter of death. The soy bugmen want to cover their hideous faces forever. Perfect timing for basement campaigning and mass mail in vote dumps because it’s not safe to vote in person!

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"New, Pumpkin Spice Booster Jab!"

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In Canada we have a coffee shop, affectionately know as 'Timmies'. They offer pumpkin spice donuts, muffins etc. I can see them offering 'pumpkin spice shots' with your pumpkin spice coffee and donut at the make-shift clinic in the parking lot.

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Watch out because they are trying to (and perhaps already succeeding in) get away with putting things in our food via animals, just to make sure they also “get” those of us who refused the shots.

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Another reason to support our local farmers.

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Or you get a free donut and coffee of your choice with your vaccination.

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Is the pumpkin a spice in Canada ?

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There may very well be people who think it is.

Actually, pumpkin pie is popular in Canada and there are spices that go well with the pumpkin in the pie (or so I've heard, not a fan).

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Yes I like pumpkin pie ,but I also see when driving outside of Vancouver that most pumpkins go to waste

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Yes, the CDC is recommending “boost up before Halloween” like “change the batteries in the smoke detector” it is sad the type of creatures we are like cattle headed for the barn at night.

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83% of the U.S. said No Thanks to the last booster push (this stat USED to be on the CDC website)... the new one will get less acceptance...

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So banal, kinda like they used to say about the flu shot.

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Yep, make that mRNA top up routine … the same dopes who go for flu every year will likely add on this other new thing … it is an absolute travesty. It is the only way they can get any new takers at this point I think … folks who dropped off the booster train might consider an annual thing now

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Indeed, the purveyors of mRNA jabs are desperate to stay relevant now. I had predicted that they would try to roll that into the annual flu shot ritual.

Before the plandemic, it was about half of Americans and a third of Europeans that did that ritual. Now? They would probably be lucky if the could convince 10% to get either, let alone both.

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Glass, I hope you are right … I sense it is palatable somehow to take the covid top up w flu injection. For vaccination fans, Covid somehow really cemented this belief system. It also woke a lot of people up including me. I suppose injection fans will continue on their way and become notably less healthy than their uninjected friends … it can’t go on forever but it certainly can go on for much much longer. I am grateful for being jarred from my slumber and it is hard to believe I ever believed in that nonsense … the heroic Salk, humanity om the brink of death then … the polio shot saved us all, average lifespan has powered up since the Dawn of “modern medicine” and on an on, garbage for the gullible. I have five kids and merrily shot them each up dozens of times with whatever I was told they “needed”. OY

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I'm resisting both because I dont trust the " providers."

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bidens covid winter of death for the unjabbed - which turned out to be the contrary. Just read an article of hundreds of people with skin rashes and irritations, by outraged human.

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Hundreds infected at athletic event near me. I'm guessing they're mostly (if not all) vaxxed.


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Among its many deliberate harms, masking is also a part of an initiation ritual. In this case, our initiation into the demented new normal the parasite globalists have planned for us: https://bitchute.com/video/BwPEFErJ3zE7 [12.36mins]

Masking is a constant reminder to those wearing and those watching that we are subjects rather than sovereigns. We are not, of course, we are free men and women. But subconsciously we doubt it when we are surrounded by face muzzled people. This is why the CDC paid schools millions to enforce mask wearing for students. They are conditioning the next generation to embrace their servitude while weakening both their minds and bodies with a lack of oxygen and and corrupted/stunted social interactions.

Maskerade: ABC Reports 364% Surge in Baby and Toddler Speech Therapy Referrals: https://bitchute.com/video/SCpz3FFkDgKs [1.25mins]

Masking is driven by all of those injection efficacy numbers, the case counts, and COVID deaths stats which are 100% fake. Nothing more than a thin flimsy 2D fiction they’ve managed to pass off as solid 3D reality with endless pearl clutching news coverage brimming with lies, damned lies, and statistics.

The only real thing in all of this is the deadly and super contagious mind-virus emanating from the TV, the ongoing overwhelming harm and death these bioweapons and lockdowns are and have caused on a mass scale, and the looming dread and damage from the inevitable harm they’ve yet to cause.

And all of this carnage has stemmed from highly calculated vapid propaganda leading frightened people - at first - to away hide in their homes, and later toward syringes filled with poison. All of this - the catastrophic lockdowns and deadly injections included - are geared toward maximizing pain and death, while destroying economic, social, physical, and mental productive capital on a vast scale. All designed to lead directly to global dependence-based enslavement where you will eat ze bugs and own nothing and be happy about it - or else.

In other words, their goal is to demolish our ability to support ourselves, transforming us into abject slaves reliant on their "generosity" for our survival.

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This is likely the best video you will see on the deliberate psychological effects of masking:

Manipulation And Control - Will You Be A Victim: https://bitchute.com/video/jMao6kKfhu7A

It is apex class psychological warfare against mankind.

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Thank you

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You nailed it, TriTorch! People without financial means are people without options, except to be slaves of the tyrant class.

Masking is the "gateway drug" to more effective pysops. Without mass compliance with masking mandates in 2020, we would never have had Deathvaxx mandates in 2021.

Anyone with eyes to see knows by now there is ZERO individual or community effect on transmission from masking. And, there are significant side effects to the mask wearer. Thus, ZERO risk/reward. All risk and no reward (unless you're ugly).

Anyone masking now is engaging in "superstitious virus rituals," negatively affecting their health, and most importantly, sabotaging their fellow citizens' freedom and independence by signaling the tyrant class that we can be "ruled" as if we're slaves.

May posterity forget they were ever our countrymen.

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So true. Masking is the "gateway drug" to the psyop. Of course, in most of the West, the lockdowns and related restrictions came first, and then the masks were sold as "safe way out" of lockdowns, but nothing was further from the truth. Masking only begat further lockdowns and the threat of them, which together with masks then begat the jab mandates and passports. Masks were always the hill to die on, and of all of the greatest regrets in my entire life, my initial falling for the whole ridiculous masked carnival phase of the psyop in Spring 2020 would have to be in my top five regrets.

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Lets cheer up ,they changed the distance between me and my wife from six feet to five feet .

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That could be considered a victory or a defeat depending on the quality of the relationship.

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Tri Torch the quality is changing by the minute .

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For the better I hope. This road is best avoided:

She cried—and the judge wiped her tears with my checkbook. ~ Tommy Manville

My husband and I have never considered divorce. Murder sometimes, but never divorce. ~ Joyce Brothers

Ah, yes, divorce . . . from the Latin word meaning to rip out a man's genitals through his wallet.~ Robin Williams

Let's be blunt: If you hire a divorce lawyer today, there is a good chance you will hire a bankruptcy lawyer within two or three years. ~ Gene Meyer

In every marriage more than a week old, there are grounds for divorce. The trick is to find and continue to find grounds for marriage. ~ Robert Anderson

I married Miss Right. I just didn’t know her first name was Always. ~ Unknown

We came from mud. And after 3.8 billion years of evolution, at our core is still mud. Nobody could be a divorce lawyer and doubt that. ~War of the Roses

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Normally the number of devorces we encounter after the first marriage qualifies us as movie stars .In my case I sure qualify to be a super star even though my name is not Tayler or Dollar .

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Sep 2, 2023Liked by eugyppius

"No. Fuck off."

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That’s the EXACT answer worldwide

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No need to even waste the energy vocalizing--the MIDDLE FINGER is universal sign language...

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I kinda' jab my finger frantically in left arm, followed by index finger across the throat, whenever I see a copper, politician, masked up idiot etc.

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Lmao. Perfect

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There are over 150 papers written on why masks don't work and they are dangerous, especially for kids. That moron leaves me speechless, Lord help us if all the moronic "leaders" start that crap again, I, for one, will not comply. I didn't comply the first go around so its safe to say I won't now.

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high time we fill a retirement home with our members of congress

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Ingrid would you object if it was a labor camp prison .?

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I was thinking if Alcatraz is still available ? Does that sound like a plan? No boats of course.

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Ingrid if they are in prison they still have to eat ,I would call them useless eaters ..If they do hard labor ,at least the earn their daily can of beans .

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Food? I would leave them there with a seed kit and a hoe. Let them homestead the island and live off the land. Eat bugs, seaweed and anything they can catch or grow, live in a pod and be happy. Of course they wouldn’t own the hoe, it would be on an annual lease paid in labor or food goods and crafts from their clan.

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They will own nothing, and they won't be happy, lol.

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that goes for those that can still work. what to do with the handicapped CA woman, and the one brain cell WH inhabitant?

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Soylent Green!

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Jail, Ingrid

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then we have to pay for this crap ! if it is a retirement home let them pay themselves they are rich enough !

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Well true except you know those people don’t pay for an f’in’ thing, including health care nor subjected to what they pass for we masses of the great unwashed in any area

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Sep 2, 2023·edited Sep 2, 2023

@Hannahlehigh absolutely! It's a source of dismay for me to see young children, preschool age where they are just learning about emotions, how to be social, etc., wearing masks. Especially the kids who are on the spectrum or who struggle with learning disabilities. How will they discover how to recognize facial expressions or indeed, what a human face looks like?!

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Sep 2, 2023·edited Sep 2, 2023Liked by eugyppius

Yes, the mask fanatics are making a comeback. There are still those of a particular psychological disposition for whom the illusion of safety is preferable to the risks of liberty, and these people are keen on seeing us return to a pre-vaccine paradigm.


Here in the U.S. the media class is right behind them; their calls for renewed mandates are growing louder because an election year is approaching, and exploiting people’s fear of covid has proven beneficial for Democrats. As the mask spazzes begin to test our willingness to acquiesce to renewed restrictions, appealing to our sense of solidarity or inducing paranoia in an effort to bring back pandemic-mitigation measures, it’s incumbent on all of us to unambiguously refuse.

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I was on a bus trip very recently where out of 40+ people, only 1 woman had a mask. 60% of the time, she was maskless. 30% of the time it was under her chin. she wore it probably about 10% of the time.

There is hope. I truly believe more people have seen the light.

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Out of all the doses administered in the US, only 1.3% in 2023.

We are winning alright. Rather, the truth is winning.

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You should have helped her wearing it correctly and tighten the strings ,to make her blue in the face .

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I have done this, when it has been mandated - pull it down over the nose, then breath in through the nose/out through mouth or nose.

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I have been thinking to always wear a full face mask whenever I enter a bank .

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“Risks of liberty”. Well said. It is hard to believe some people are wearing masks again. At least the rubes are self-identifying.

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Because nothing says “environmentally friendly/sustainable/green”

Like wearing processed plastic 24/7 and producing billions of these masks worldwide

These people are insane...

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Absolutely. The environmental impact of 100 billion masks is never ever mentioned. Yet a couple of plastic straws lead to Turtle Genocide apparently.

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As for plastic straws, Canada has replaced them with cardboard straws which apparently are full of toxins.

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Helen cardboard strews can also be smoked ,politicians can use them for blood sucking .

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Yup. Same here in England. And they fall apart. Pointless.

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Yeah, well we can tell 'em where to stick 'em. Why do we need straws anyway, unless 3 or under.

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I wonder like many nonsensical fanatical movements, if the mask paradigm can be linked to CA. In LA, fast food line workers are forced to wear disposable plastic gloves. They often switch them, sometimes after every order and sometimes when someone is ordering vegetarian items and the worker previously touched meat. I have stopped asking them not to bother with the gloves. With pained confused looks, they always reply they must. That the gloves possibly spread more contaminations and are environmentally unfriendly somehow didn't make its way to whatever officials concocted the stupidity. To make the stupidity even clearer, the workers in the kitchen do not wear gloves from what I have observed. It is all bizarre virtue signaling.

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Amen. Drowning in plastics...

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I don't worry about their cloves ,since I never took any shots I have immunity for a whole zoo full of whyrusses .

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They wear snot pouches get sprayed with venom ,carry a tape to measure the six feet ,between you and him and drive a battery powered car .

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Keep us in a state of permanent fear instead of revolt.

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Don't "fall" for it.

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I'm in a permanent state of anger and revenge ,not fear .

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“This anxiety about Fall viruses overburdening the healthcare system is everywhere now, and I find it very obnoxious. If the system doesn’t have the capacity to handle the winter virus season, then people like Dahmen should either figure out how to fix it, or shut up. What they shouldn’t do, is demand that Germans engage in superstitious virus rituals that won’t do anything about infections, but that will effectively shift responsibility (and more importantly: blame) for crowded clinics from the elected politicians who set policy onto the daily habits of random ordinary people.”


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Yes, yes but we've all been 'vaccinated', how is this happening?

You would think they would ask

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They are in such a bind. If they question the “98% effective!” narrative, they will be admitting they were tricked, that they bought into a marketing scam while shaming and brow-beating others to buy it too. They were so DUMB, so NAIVE, so CHILDLIKE in their hero worship of appointed authorities.

The shame of that type of person is terrible, they lack character and cannot face this fact of public error.

Instead it is easier to parrot the shifting party line and pretend they were privy to the reality all along, that the wary were the silly ones to think “vaccination” meant any form of immunity. Ha ha ha whatever gave you that idea?? Then they repeat a few lines of CNN expert science to each other and line up for another booster.

But, there are many people among those initially fooled who have chosen the more honest path of anger and remorse … the ones still repeating after Fauci are the lowest mentality humanity has to offer. My own two cents

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But, there are many people among those initially fooled.....

Yes, it really is good news - sort of.

Out of the 676,728,782 (Jeez) doses administered in the US, only 1.3% have been 'given' in '23.

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Sep 2, 2023Liked by eugyppius

Covid fools, not Covid fall. Nothing will change until every European government is replaced by realists.

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still trying to figure out how to do that.

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I think it will be a process of undoing, maybe step by step intentionally or maybe Steghorn21 is correct and we come undone suddenly.

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Probably economic collapse will bring it on. Most people don't really care about outside events until they get hit personally very hard.

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Wouldn’t that be nice.

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"A cold day in Hell!"

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are there any left? I mean, politicians? people who want to go in politics? with brains? (not two marbles like the man in the white house)

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I think that is kind of the point. We are being demoralized. The question, is it by design or is it in order to ensure that the head of state will not act in ways counter to the unelected officials entrenched within.

There are a variety of ways to interpret what is going on. In some ways there is hope. If the deep state feels they HAVE to elect someone who has the shaken etch o sketch for a brain, it means that there is a chance we could elect someone who could do some real damage to the "cathedral."

A less white pilled way of looking at it is...it never really mattered who we elected, and to display that, they've installed someone who spent all his time campaigning from his basement. They made the campaign look so lopsided that by the end of it..one will be in a state of cognitive dissonance.

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Presidents, Prime Ministers, are all preselected, not elected. I think they show new one the real video of who killed JFK.

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I would love to see some damage done to the cathedral. I sincerely hope that is truly possible.

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Where do you think he got that second marble?

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It's not his own...in fact I doubt anything he does, he does with autonomy.

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You're probably right. His public appearances certainly don't inspire confidence .

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In the late night T.v. news I listen in horror that hell has only standing room left .Politicians will send gazillions of our money for a enlargement ,or soon they will have no place to go .

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Why cant we be guided by service dogs ,if we don't know where we are going ,instead of politicians ?

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Not only the government itself, but also the unelected aspect that remains in spite of elections.

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Sep 2, 2023Liked by eugyppius

This is one tired trope. Maybe they will get away with it again, but we are firmly into the land of diminishing returns.

More evidence that these people, for all their naked ambition, aren’t terribly impressive.

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They're basically admitting that NONE of the previous interventions work, but they're trying to force the public to do all that theater again. Can't make this stuff up.

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Sep 2, 2023Liked by eugyppius

I love this column because it points out the perfect amount of absurdity and has just the right balance of sarcasm and wit. Plus I'm a little slap-happy this morning in my sunny Canada where we face the same 'covid fall' and the same failing health care system and the same broken record of covid messaging.

Our wait times are so long that I am going to another country for a medical procedure in the very near term. I'm lucky I can afford it; not every Canadian could even though it's reasonably priced where I'm going.

PS: I love the foot note!

PSS: I could see this mask fanatic in another uniform and marching and saluting in a particular way, yes, fanatic is just the right descriptor. weird is too mild.

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Sep 2, 2023Liked by eugyppius

The mind virus is very real... I thought even the most devoted maskers had given up on defending the ability of masks to protect the wearer, satisfying themselves with "protecting others", (like Grandma), from a hideous death...

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I don't think they can give up. It's too hard to admit that you made such a big mistake. In some of Jordan Peterson's videos, he calls it 'doubling down', i.e., you make such wrong, stupid decisions, you can't admit it and so just work harder at the wrong, stupid decisions.

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This is a very well-known phenomenon in cult studies; the phrase that pays here is "disconfirmed expectancy" https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Disconfirmed_expectancy

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Also known as the 'sunken cost fallacy'.

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Too bad the ones commenting here are mostly always the same ones .I don't see many new comers .It's the ones not commenting that are the majority .Either we are born with common sense and the ability of critical thinking or we will always be followers of whatever the masterminds impose on us .

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And if all the institutions have been purged of ethical, high IQ, creative, innovative, heterodox and religious people, then you get Zimbardo's Stanford Prison Experiment, institutional conformity, and atmospheres like troglodyte Abu Ghraib, so the metronymic drumbeat of the worldwide message is seamless. I'm seeing signs of people who were under the spell awakening, though, laughing at the joke about the new variant making the rounds: BS 24.7.365. According to Paulo Bacigalupi's argument disguised as a YA novel, The Doubt Factory, the delay is part of the business model for pharma, so they keep pushing the drug as long as they possibly can, and they've got governments and media in on that business model, so it may never wind down, like one of those Twilight Zone episodes where the mechanized home appliances are still running long after the world has ended. The mammal young at one point in evolution evolved to emit high frequency signals to their mothers that the reptiles couldn't hear. That's what we need, whether the enemy are lizard people lol or just dark triad power psychotics and emboldened mall cop administrators.

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I recall in the distant past (circa March 2020 AD) that various governments went into panic mode because of lack of capacity to deal with an anticipated surge in patients.

The surge never happened, but where is the investment in extra beds and facilities to prevent such a crisis again?

(I am not going to bother comparing the cost of investing in healthcare facilities, to the money that was spent on masks, fear propaganda and those injections.)

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Yesterday Naked Emperor must read list had the answer to the hospital beds..

Hospital scandal exposed as hundreds of Covid Nightingale beds sold for just £6. The NHS has admitted that it lost £13million on unused emergency beds for up to seven of the temporary hospitals - it bought them for £2,500 each. “There was a small number of beds that was specifically tailored for the Nightingale that could not be re-purposed and they have been sold to private sellers to recover costs for the taxpayer.”


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Sep 2, 2023Liked by eugyppius

Definitely NOT playing this stupid game again ......

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I never played willingly that insane ,criminal ,deadly enslavement protocol that was forced on us and is just around the corner to be enforced again on us .Entering a store a doctors office ,hospital ,pharmacy or any public building was impossible without the mask .I could not put up a physical fight at ever entrance to an establishment .At 87 I was only moments away getting harmed with violence ,many times .People around me where not on my side ,they where hostile in most cases or cowards .I did try to correct a serious problem in regard to the virus drama and as a consequence had court problems for eight month .

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Some two years ago when a relative came to visit he wanted to go to a restaurant together with me .At the door we where required to present a vaccination pass ,my friend had one and could enter but I was not allowed to enter because I had no virus passport .

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