Great post! Thanks for sharing. "I'll be back"

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"Come with me if you want to live"

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I'd like to hear that modulated voice deliver one of your articles that mention Christian Drosten or Karl Lauterbach. I think it would capture thinly veiled contempt nicely.

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I was about to listen to your intriguing voice modulation when I crossed paths with this article- looks like your last article was prescient- monkeypox is racist.. and it comes from Africa, but it now doesn't come from Africa... LOL


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haha i saw that too.

i recommend reading the virological.com discussion board if you want to get a sense of what these guys are talking about/ planning before it hits the news.

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Also seems to be homophobic. Very narrow class of victims. Of course, most people these days are terrified to mention it. Apparently keeping your pants on is perfect masking.

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I listened to the first few minutes and was dismayed to hear your undue modesty in promoting your substack and web site. They deserve better marketing.

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Yeah, you didn’t even say, “I’m looking for Sarah Connor.” 😉😁

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In which Eugyppius shows an appalling lack of film knowledge by not knowing where "Hasta la vista, baby" comes from.

Otherwise you did a great show. I hope you will appear again.

The voice was somewhat disconcerting in the beginning, but one got used to it.

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Who gives a flying fuck about that awful man? For Christ sake, I’m embarrassed myself to know.

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Terminator 2 is a great movie. It is also my prime example for a perfect soundtrack.

Schwarzenegger was a good fit for the role then. Later he became a girlie man without any pumptitude, and he is dead to us now.

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it's fun to have the sound of your voice now to pair with your posts

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We can get the rhythm, if not the modulation.

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Well done.

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Here in New Zealand there is a court case coming up on the 27th and 28th June to challenge the roll out of these "vaccine" products to children. I believe it's an important case not only for New Zealand but for all around the world who are concerned about this subject. Please support it if you can. https://thehoodnz.com/

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Love your posts. I grew-up in Bad Aibling and love the photos too. Enjoyed the UO talk immensely, but AA is wrong if he thinks this is over and no longer interesting. If you're a parent of a college kid in the US, you are still praying thousands of Universities will drop the vaccine mandates and the boost before school starts this fall. Military, Police and Health Care are still losing jobs over refusals. And they're trying to pass the jab <5 yrs old . This is not 'what were they thinking - all over now' This is a very real fight and it's going to get worse in the fall.

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They are passing vaccines for 6 mo to five years today. Many, many, maybe millions of us have NOT dropped the issue.

Right before the war started - the Democrat Marketing Agency put out a memo that told all of them to stop talking about COVID19-everything. I have a copy of it somewhere. And covid was over.

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Court case coming up in New Zealand to challenge the roll out to children. Please check out https://thehoodnz.com/about The group has a 27th and 28th June court date. This is an important case for everyone around the world concerned about the administration of these "vaccine" products to children.

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Thank you so much. I look forward to reviewing the doc you sent over. I hope I can be of some service somewhere. I keep up with as much as I can - which is a lot. I work all day - in an accounting job, but would love to be more active in all of this - doing something. I am absolutely angry about all of it and extremely disappointed in our federal agencies, and the mass psychosis. I simply cannot believe we are living through this.

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It's an incredibly important case. The NZ government of course funds the defence, while the group taking the case to court has to self-fund. As the group points out - there are questions to be answered and the case forces the NZ government to answer them, something which simply doesn't happen at the moment. Our media are certainly not coming to the party in that respect!

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Same here. Such a strange phenomena. I hear it is the same in places like Thailand. I used to live there as an American teenager - so took a serious interest when I listened to Dr. Peter McCullough speaking to a doctor there on the McCullough's podcast. People have been so utterly brainwashed. The gov here spent billions of dollars on marketing (our tax dollars), and of course Bill Gates and Pfizer spent another atrocious amount of money giving to almost all of the media - "Safe and Effective" everywhere! It would seem - the media would be concerned by now.

RFK (Robert F Kennedy, author of The Real Anthony Fauci) is also suing the FDA here. Just waiting for the hammer to drop today. Another legal group, the people working with Naomi Wolf, will also be suing them. Just initiating the suit should stop the shots until case is over - as I understood (at least in the RFK lawsuit).

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Another open thread topic: Fauxi has the vid. I thought he was juiced to the max and wore his slave mask religiously. What gives? May God grant him what he deserves.

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i listened while working

was interesting thanks

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Is the filter providing the accent or it's in the original?

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I think the filter is for comedic relief or privacy. Either way, I want to ask that voice to fix my watch or if they fancy a pick-up game. I peg Eugyppius as a late 30s-early 50s lifelong bachelor from and living Germany. Old enough to know what he's doing and young enough to do it. I follow him on Twatter—he's accomplished. Chelsea Clinton called him a science denialist, for example. I'm on the opposite side of that horrible family personally, trailing blood like the Gates Administration and sniffing out Assange now...

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Ha! Was E. going to blow his cover?

Meanwhile. "Voice modulation?"

They make you sound like an uber-German cousin of ... Helmut Kohl or someone. I imagined a big, old school, German central banker.

Bless those people (old school, German central bankers). We need such people--adults--to save us now.

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