On a happier note, all that sunshine is probably doing the protestors a world of good.

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I think they wanted to get some sunshine subconsciously. It probably sounded PRETTY DARNED GOOD to them ladies when someone mentioned laying out on the lawn. I lived in Western Washington for a couple years and my legs were screaming for the sun.

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We lived in Germany for seven years; It was the only place with less sunshine I ever encountered outside the British Isles.

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Good luck with that, Gabe!

Finding sunshine in WA can be a chore!

I love that the new Seattle Kraken hockey rink is called "Climate Pledge Arena".

I gather they are pledging to continue the Seattle climate—rainy and foggy all summer, and icy all winter. (LOL)


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It is also their sponsor on the helmets. Dallas has Energy Transfer as helmet sponsor, which is a "midstream" pipeline company. So it was Climate BS vs fossil fuels. I also happen to own quite a few shares in ET. Needless to say, I was rooting for Dallas.......

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I'll give you twenty bucks if you'll give me your last name.

SHAPUTNIC... I like it.


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Oh you know they've slathered on 150 spf cancer-causing sunscreen. You can never be too safe.

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And when they take their mask off, it will still look as if they are wearing it.

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Soaking up all that natural Vitamin D.

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I love your writing but I think you lack nuance on this topic. I’m one of those myalgia afflicted women and I don’t think it’s purely a made up silly conceit. In fact I’ve researched and thought long and hard on this for 10 years (my chronic fatigue and pain condition onset after my Gardasil vaccination, interestingly). Mind-body is not the same thing as ‘in your head’, and while I agree that much of this bundles with a nervous disposition, I can’t agree that blanket hand waving and mockery is a helpful response.

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It's insane how many of our afflictions were created by childhood vaccines (especially vaccine induced auto immune disorders). And we never put the pieces together until covid fascism made us rethink our entire lives...

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I never made the mental link with the Gardasil timing until I was interviewing the Covid vax injured for Jab Injuries Australia. I kept hearing my story in theirs. Specialists used to always ask me - did anything happen to trigger the pain? And I’d always looked baffled and say no. Then the penny dropped...

Obviously I can’t prove it and I’ll never really know for sure. And materially in doesn’t relieve my pain to know what caused it. But psychologically it helps to have an explanation. Otherwise you can feel a bit like Job, begging God to just tell you whyyyyyyyy...

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A lot pennies are dropping. I recognize now that one of my dogs is vaxx injured, for example. But it was hard to recognize these injuries when the doctors, and Western culture in general, went lock-step for "vaccines are safe & effective & totally wonderful modern-progress-yay, only crazy ignorant poors don't want them." That show's over.

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Pet vaccines are a whole new thing I’ve been looking into and wow

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We don’t vaccinate our dogs. There’s a video out there, I will try to find it, of a Veterinarian speaking to his city council exposing the fraud of Rabies vaccines. It’s amazing and it forever changed my view on vaccinating ANY living creature, especially us humans.

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I don’t jab my cat either. It’s bs just like human jabs. No one needs a jab. We did just fine before the Rockefeller Cartel took over AND hid truths.

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As an owner of 4 small dogs, I would appreciate any links...

I've been selfish, researching only human health.

We take care of our pals, but maybe not enough...

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My beloved dog was vaxx injured, too. Lifelong painful autoimmune condition triggered by a Lyme vaccination at 6 months old. Took me 8 years to put the pieces together; meanwhile I continued vaccinating her every year and watching her decline, thinking I was "keeping her safe." So much regret.

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So sorry. We were manipulated into "doing right" for those we loved. Had an exuberant cat needed to be put to sleep for pain from multiple tumors age 8. I hate the vet who told me those jabs were required for my indoor cat. No more vaxxes for my cats and dogs, they all live happily into late teens. It's just another racket. Most vets are part of a publicly traded entity now, and they push the other products (vaxes, food, etc.) onto the client.

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But you figured it out! Don't beat yourself up. You wanted the best.

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I feel for you...my cat went blind and ended up with seizures (she had to be euthanized). I look back and I believe my use of "flea medication" on the back of her neck caused her neurological problems. I hate that I didn't do research on the toxicity of "flea medications."

I now have a new cat, and I use a flea comb on him. No toxic medications and no rabies vaccines, or any other useless vaccines.

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A neighbor has a very small dog that was always sickly. At age 9 a fill-in vet said no more vaxxes his liver can't take it. At 16 the dog runs around like a pup.

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my pup had quite a reaction to a vaccine too, that made me look into vaccines 20 years ago. and even there it was astonishing what i found

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May 16, 2023·edited May 16, 2023

the idea of having to take boosters over and over (some of those demons wanted infinite boosters!) was a major factor in me saying no to the injections. even then , it took me more time to realize that getting my animals "boosted" couldn't make any sense and was probably harmful. they won't get any more boosters and probably no more vaxxes either.

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So many lies and gaslighting about the ongoing boosters. I remember at least one video of Fauci selling the idea the third shot could make the covid "immunization" complete, similar to the hepatitis 3-course vaccine. This was despite Israel already on number 4, the entire western world already signed multi-year vax supply deals, and vax cards were printed with lots of space for future shots.

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Let us hope that farmers come to the same point.

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We are water batteries. See Dr Gerald Pollack videos below - 99% of your body is not unemployed. Your electricity is broken. Gotta fix your water. Vitamin C gives 2 electrons that Oxygen takes. Get Dr Mercola's Liposomal Vitamin C, 1000mg/day. Vitamin C also helps lose weight in your sleep because of the L-Carnitine in Vitamin C is needed for digesting fat cells. Linus Pauling was right. Also Dr Suzanne Humphries, Dissolving Illusions book and her great Vitamin C videos too. AND right now, my new hero, Dr Gerald Pollack, (via MidwesternDoctor substack!) The 4th phase of water https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i-T7tCMUDXU and Water, Cells and Life - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p9UC0chfXcg

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A Midwestern Doctor is one of my favorite Substack reads but I did not know his true identity😉.

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I think that was referring to a video available via A Midwestern Doctor's stack, not the identity of the author of the stack. (Whoever A Midwestern Doctor is, I wish they were my doctor!)

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I wish he were mine too:)

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I believe this is just a link to another doctor whom a Midwestern Doctor wrote an article about. Not an outing, actually.

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Yes makes sense. The little bit of investigating I did, did not add up to this being the same guy.

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I will bet he is ......distressed to be 'outed'

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Yikes! No kidding.

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This sounds hopeful thanks for these references

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Exactly my experience with TDAP! Couldn't have said it better myself.

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Would you be willing to come out with some of those symptoms? My youngest daughter, now 36, took the Gardasil at 18 (when she did not need a parent okay), without any discussion. She has had a few problems which seem unusual in such a young woman. Perhaps....

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I’m sorry. There is heaps online about it. Gardasil Girls. I don’t want to get too Cry Me a River in the comments and I’m hardly an expert on Gardasil but if it would help you to hear my experience, feel free to email me at mail@rebekahbarnett.com.au

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RFK, Jr says the same thing. He did not connect his vocal cord damage that affects his speaking voice to the flu vaxx until he began investigating the history of vaxxed kids. He has since found out that his exact injury is a known side effect of the flu shots.

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My aha moment came in regards to the HepB vaccine I had received as an adult. After reading on Covid vax injuries and also so much immune system information available, I traced back the start of my autoimmune symptoms and right there before it all started was that damn vaccine.

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same with my relative with cfs/ me/ fibro. We are all hypermobile with things slipping or getting nerve entrapment and I gather there's crossover

.. but she recently realised her onset was after rubella jab.

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At least it is one good thing, perhaps the only good thing that happened.. the awakening. Never thought twice about vaccinating my children, it was just part of the clinic program... but not anymore do i think the same about the necessity of it.. they acted so gready about the vaxx/treatment that anybody with common sense shoukd think "why?". Never happened that autism skyrocket as well, i read somewhere 1 in every 35 children have autism..

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I want to tell you a story that confirms your comment. In the late 90's I started a job as CFO of a small college. My chief deputy was a very competent and diligent women. I was told she was suffering from fibromyalgia and had to be off work for doctors appointments and sometimes for severe fatigue. It turned out that my predecessor, her former boss, was a very bad person - lazy, corrupt, incompetent. Among many other things he dumped most of his work on her and as a result she was very stressed out. Without seeming immodest, I was the opposite of the former boss/asshole and within about 6 months she went into remission on her fibromyalgia and stopped seeing a doctor. Stress is a very serious hazard to most people's health and eliminating a severe source of stress for this one woman seemed to be a cure for her ills.

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AND think how much stress has been amped up in the last 3 years of our lives!! Still people wearing masks ,alone,driving in their car! Or out on the ocean ,alone , in their boat !! Oncology docs and nurses,seen today, upped to wearing those super -duper cone shaped masks!! 🤷‍♀️We have been ( tried anyway lol) turned into a world of fear and stress driven people!!

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Beautiful! And blessings upon YOU Chris. 🌹

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You sound like you're vax injured. Which is terrible. But don't you think a significant portion of people complaining of "Long Covid" are psychosomatic?

Incidentally I stopped my daughters from getting Gardasil this year...

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@Bash- Thank GOD there's a parent out there with some sense.

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Phew. Yes I suspect I’m vax injured, sadly. I also fit the disposition profile - prone to anxiety, sensitive. I think vax injury accounts for much of these kinds of presentations, but as I wrote in a recent article on the topic of Long Covid specifically, it could be just about anything.


I covered more on the mind-body aspect here:


And I agree that’s a factor.

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I have a similar problem as you calling those that fell for the Covid narrative "sheeple" and various other pejorative names. Were it not for whatever reason, so would I have fallen for the narrative. I had every reason to be. Everyone else fell for it, the MSM repeated it on it's 24/7 news cycle. Previously trusted institutions asserted it was true. Some of the smartest people in my life fell for it.

To those that really believed the narrative seeing their governments "abandon" them must be coming as a big shock to them. This is one of the unintended consequences of employing such arbitrary and capricious policies based on nonsensical reasons. They will lead to "the faithful" who will attempt to maintain devoted consistency in spite of changing circumstances which in terms of government is finally either realizing they were wrong...or more likely, that many are no longer buying into them.

I would love to know the long term effects of falling for a narrative that is false, I suspect long term cognitive dissonance can lead to brain fog and fatigue. I felt at times tired myself having some of the same conversations repeatedly. I am not saying that this alone is the source of a lot of these cases.

Since I am diabetic, Fatigue usually occurs post food intake. Depression also presents similar symptoms.

My objection is mainly calling it "Long Covid." I prefer "Post Viral Syndrome." It isn't because I don't believe Covid could be a source to it, just I am done, have been done for almost three years with making this disease the plague. I understand the reasons why this is being done. Because to realize that this one thing was wrong means questioning "what else has the government been lying about?"

I also like to take different strategies to display this by saying I have "Long Diabetes" and that others suffer from "Long Depression" and "Long Mass Formation." And yes, we definitely need to throw in "Long Vaccine Adverse Reactions."

What do you think the chances are that most self proclaimed long Covid sufferers are vaccinated?

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That is what we believe… long Covid is vaxx injuries which when you become to familiarize yourself with the absolute massive myriad of vaxx injuries sounds much more likely.

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And I wouldn't argue with you about it. Still, pre-vaccine, there were others who suffered from Long Covid, and I am skeptical that all of their syndromes could be directly sourced to Covid.

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You sound reasonable. Yes, like maybe Covid disrupted someone's immune system, and then latent EBV or Lyme (or accumulated toxicity from 100 previous vaxxines) got the upper hand... >>> CFS or "Long Covid."

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May 16, 2023·edited May 16, 2023


You may find this article by a Midwestern doctor about the Gardasil HPV trials interesting. It's posted on Robert Malones sub but is all amwd's words. I can't find the link to his direct article for some reason.

Either way, the take away is that they put harmful adjuvants into their vaccines, and they use those adjuvants in place of placebos to make the vaccines seem safer than they are. It's a really interesting read with links to a book on the subject as well if interested. Probably won't help you find any solace, but hope it helps in some way.

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A Midwestern Doctor is amazing. 👍👏

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I am reading Turtles All the Way Down at present

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"Prone to anxiety" and "sensitive" are not just emotional states, but possible indicators of nervous system dysregulation, which has massive physical impacts on all body functions, particularly in this case immune dysregulation. Correlations between anxiety and depression and CFS/long covid/post-viral syndrome, etc, do not mean the conditions are "in one's head," but more likely "in one's brain and nervous system causing widespread dysfunction in the body." Ashok Gupta has an excellent hypothesis and program to treat these conditions, which he calls "neuroimmune conditioned syndromes." https://www.guptaprogram.com/causes/explanation-of-your-condition/

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Another Aussie. I feel like there aren’t many of us- the rest seem to have glass shield of I don’t want to know and I’ve just had my fifth vaccine...

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I have tried EVERYTHING https://youtu.be/eUFDy4VrGpM

These days I maintain the following and this helps me keep pain in the manageable zone for the most part:

- organic food

- natural fibres

- yoga and other movement

- meditation (tapping and other woo woo techniques help)

- occasional plant medicine

- lots of rest

- service to others (focus on others not self important aspect in mind-body pain relief)

Working on the EMF aspect this year.

Also looking further into the Dispenza style school of thought.

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I will pray for you.

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Don't forget a nice juicy, fat-marbled steak. (I am NOT joking.)

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I recently started making 1/4 cup of raw honey, 3 tablespoons of turmeric, and 1/8 teaspon black pepper. You can also add ginger if you like. I eat a spoonful of it everyday and it has helped so much w/inflamation and fatigue. I like it straight up off a spoon, or it can be put in a cup of tea or milk.

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Everything has a NATURAL reason. Since CONvid (lost my job after 23 years, bf after 17 years), I no longer trust doctors-AT ALL. It’s absolutely amazing what clean water, healthy food, staying away from chemicals, and SUNSHINE, EXERCISE, AND NATURE can do to cure someone. I know!

You must take the time to cure yourself and research!

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Maybe some are psychosomatic; do some lab tests, and see where there is physical pathology going on. Not really someone's place (like this Substack writer) to label them ALL crazy, with no Science, is it...?

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I think I will go out on a limb and label the ones in that protest as crazy, yes.

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Cool; and I would suggest some lab testing, to try to illuminate the "fatigue" issue and possible causes.

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Good for you! I didn't even know it existed when the young female doctor pushed it on my young female daughter---who still has not engaged in premarital sex.

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Why was gardasil necessary? One of their treats again? Treats to their pocket linings?

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Good for you! I didn't have the chance--daughter went to our practice for a regular check-up, new, young female doctor, encouraged (?) her to take shot. I l only heard of this a long time later. Had daughter seen the physician in that practice who had cared for her from her birth (as in, first seeing her on day 3 of life) ...I think there might have been a different outcome. My suspicion is that young female doctor assumed that every young female is 'screwing around.'

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There is likely an over-correction on our skeptic side.

Unfortunately, the media and public health have blown Long Covid out of proportion by such ridiculous lengths that it is now negatively impacting the people who truly do suffer from Long Covid - which is certainly real - just like PANDAs and Post Viral Syndrome are real. It's just that PH is off by several magnitudes.

It's interesting the 180 Public Health has done on the chronic fatigue family of illnesses - just 30 years ago William Shorter argued in "From Paralysis to Fatigue" that this was psychosomatic, drawing upon the history of other psychosomatic disorders which he dubbed "culture syndromes" [1]. When my wife went through medical school 20 years ago this was still largely the prevailing notion. Honestly I bet if you polled 10 physicians in 2019, 8 or 9 of them would say Chronic Fatigue Syndrome was psychogenic.

Now, if you feel cranky, CDC says it's Long Covid. If you have a rash, Long Covid. If you enter "6" for your daily energy level check-in on your Long Covid app, you have Long Covid. [2]

It's a disservice to the few people who do have actual Long Covid.

Reminds me of the gluten hysteria a decade or two ago - where everyone suddenly having gluten intolerance made us not believe the rare person who truly suffers from the condition.


[1] Fascinating book regardless https://a.co/d/28vY9dF

[2] This is real, and a key source of how we got the ridiculous "20% of people with Covid get Long Covid" nonsense. https://health-study.joinzoe.com/app

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And I recently (via the Novak Djokovic book ) wondered whether that gluten intolerance outbreak might be related to the use of glyphosate? My understanding is that it was the development of cereal agriculture which gave rise to 'civilization'--as farmers could now grow more food-calories than needed for subsistence, and hence, feed others, which allowed others to engage in other activities to which they were more suited. So if that be true, having a great number of people all of a sudden in 21st century find themselves allergic to an essential component of wheat just doesn't make sense. Glyphosate came on market in 1974.

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Yes, glyphosate use really ramped up in the 90s and we see strong correlations with chronic disease rates, so this hypothesis deserves exploration. Wheat is not a GMO crop (or at least not broadly), but wheat is sprayed with glyphosate as a dessicant prior to harvest. Stephanie Seneff at MIT (though persona non grata as a result of her controversial research) has done amazing work elucidating the mechanisms by which glyphosate adversely impacts health. It's a BIG DEAL.

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Glyphosate effects our microbiome. Testing glyphosate for toxicity to our microbiome was not tested or previously even considered a source of toxicity.

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I concur! Our long-neglected microbiome, which it turns out is absolutely key to ... well, to life!

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"Stephanie Seneff at MIT (though persona non grata as a result of her controversial research) has done amazing work elucidating the mechanisms by which glyphosate adversely impacts health."

Ah, that's her! I've been trying to remember her name for years! Thanks so much. I vaguely recall her claiming way back then that she had found a correlation between glyphosate-exposed wheat and gluten intolerance (the suggested mechanism was a chemical change of some kind or the peptide amino acid sequence and/or internal bonding configuration, but I'm groping in the dark), and I remember that she was broadly shouted-down, which had happened to her enough times already by that stage of her career. I remember reacting to that kind of institutional disparagement of a dissenting voice as I almost always do, that is with an intensified chariness towards the establishment. But I've been lucky, I suppose, because of my innate scepticism, while my upbringing nurtured in me a healthy disrespect for authority which has been paying dividends, particularly during these past few years. But I digress ... thanks again!

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Yes. Know someone who went through elimination diet, move from USA overseas where glyphosate isn’t used, discovered they could eat pasta again with no problem, returned to USA, had pasta and was back to old illness within days.

Apparently it’s not only the roundup ready gmo aspect of the wheat itself but the dousing of the crop at harvest as desiccant so a second crop can be planted in the same season. Therefore residue persists.

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Yes, I knew of the desiccant use. The only answer, I think, is to purchase my bread flour from a regen ag farmer like Janie's Mill, although I prefer the feel of King Arthur. Yes, I can avoid a deal of commercial crud because I do my own baking.

Thanks very much for your addition to my "knowledge base" w. tale of friend. So, does buying Italian pasta let you avoid glyphosate? Easy enough to do in many grocery stores.

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I’ve read research that suggests the glyphosate link too.

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Thank you, Rebekah--I haven't read anything on it--my suggestion of a connection simply came out of my head.

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Celiac was around before 1974. (it affects 5 generations in my family so I know)

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I can understand your position: my concern is why has gluten intolerance so quickly become a factor in so many lives? My church(es) used, all my life, to provide little cubes of bread at communion. But in 2010, of a sudden, gluten-free crackers had to be in the plate of bread. I was the one preparing the communion bread, so wondered. Timing?

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Great commentary as always Mike.

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Rebekah, your point is perfectly legitimate. However it sounds like your symptoms are due to a vaccine injury. (I only very recently learned about Gardasil’s grim adverse-effects profile.)

It is also quite possible, as a previously comment suggested, that many of the protesters napping on the Reichstag lawn are suffering not from ‘long Covid’ (for which, last I checked, there are not even any formal diagnostic criteria) but from Covid vaccine injuries.

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Yes I agree with that, but I don’t then agree with the take that these women are ‘foolish’ for misattributing their symptoms to the wrong cause. It took me a decade to learn to manage my symptoms and get some sense of mastery over them. It’s horribly disorientating to go from feeling well to losing that, and have no idea why, and it’s invisible, so you feel like… maybe… like constantly questioning yourself. So I don’t see these people as fools. I see them as victims (albeit, some of them may also be fools).

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Why are they wearing suffocation devices? Is that part of the nonsense, on purpose?

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*previous comment. Damned autocorrect!

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May 16, 2023·edited May 16, 2023

I take a slightly different view.

What if Long Covid is a shortcut to new legislation that subsidizes life/health insurance companies, on our dime, to disguise vaxx death/injuries?

Don't all of us, over 45, have the potential to be inflicted with long chicken pox, in the form of shingles?

Have you ever had shingles? It is awful.

Our immune systems are always in an arms race with pathogens. When a pathogen finds a breach our immune system fights back and necessarily adapts. However, part of the adaptation weakens the immune system given enough time - and sometimes leaves an individual compromised by just one infection.

Are we to go back and redefine the sequela of all previous pathogenic infections that have carry-on effects as "long"?

I think we have to be very careful in what we blanket under this so called long covid.

Is it real? Perhaps. And if so it is a vanishgingly low percentage of people that actually suffer from it.

Fibromyalgia, etc. diseases do exist from what I can tell from my brothers experience. However, it is clear to me that half of it is in his head and his life revolves around it, instead coping with it.

So are we to stop the world and pay homage to those who claim to have long covid? Because if we do that group will miraculously grow and you'll be paying more than homage; you'll be paying for something we will all experience at some point:

Being unlucky or the natural boomerang effect of prior pathogenic infections.

Who do you think these folks are, by in large? I would venture to say those who were most likely to succumb to fear during covid and demand you sacrifice for their unwarranted fear.

Lastly, would you trust the medical industrial complex to conduct any research that would come to a conclusion other than long covid being a crisis?

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Totally agree. When the first vax injuries started presenting I remember some friends said triumphantly, “now people will realise!” And I laughed and said, don’t be ridiculous, they’ll call it long Covid. I think Long CovidTM is a massive con, notwithstanding that it exists like all the other post viral syndromes. And I concur with Eugyppius’s take in this regard.

But that doesn’t mean that a) the symptoms people are experiencing aren’t real or, b) that therefore they’re fools/idiots.

It would be helpful to acknowledge the role the mind plays in creating real symptoms and help these people gain some agency over their symptoms as much as is possible, but of course this won’t happen because it’s unprofitable. So they’ll have to figure it out for themselves.

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Yeah. Agree. And they'll be victimized by The Complex for profit.

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My daughter is 34, and took Gardasil when she was about 13. I recently found out that I won’t be a grandfather because I ok’d that silly boondoggle, without knowing the difference between relative and absolute benefit (Gardasil = 1% absolute benefit) and was not aware of the vaccine controversy. The pediatrician wasn’t either. My daughter was exposed to side effects unrevealed by pharma in exchange for negligible benefit. (sound familiar?)

What works for long term effects from c19 “vaccines” are: IV EDTA Chelation, ivermectin, nattokinase, pycnoginol, and (wow!) methylene blue.

There are probably others. Good luck, and thanks for speaking up. You’re brave!

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I am also a woman with similar fatigue and myalgia, and family history of certain health problems. I don't agree with blanket hand waving and mockery either. I suspect at least some of these women are seriously ill, have been gaslit, and have very few answers. I feel for them.

However, I doubt that protesting will do them any good. If Germany's medical system is as socialized as Canada's, then the government doles out the research funding and sets the Healthcare provider guidelines, so it seems like you have to go to the government.

Furthermore, they may be directing their energy at the wrong things. Likely a majority are vax injured, and/or had underlying health/genetic problems that resurfaced or became worse with the stress, fear, and illness of the last two years. If they were protesting the vax or the fear mongering we would all be on the same page. I hope that some or most of these women realize it was the jabs some day.

I am a cynic and suspect the government/pharma wants to keep the fear mongering with covid going, and eyes off the jabs. And so this protest becomes "news." Whereas a jab protest would not be.

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My take away from this writing wasn't to minimize everyone universally, but that the way the funding is being used won't produce any useful information.

Looking specifically at chronic fatigue syndrome, it's long been a catch-all of sorts, similar to long covid actually. The biggest challenge with a "catch all" is that it assumes that everyone with the same symptoms, has the same root cause. But consider, for a moment, if you believed that everyone with a runny nose had a cold - that that was the only possible cause of a runny nose. You'd have millions of people taking cold medications, instead of perhaps not spending time around cats, or avoiding heavy pollen, or maybe even having the physical structure of their nose checked to make sure that air was moving through it properly.

Long covid and chronic fatigue syndrome are even bigger baskets than a runny nose. That doesn't mean the people with those diagnoses don't have symptoms, it just means that researching CFS is not likely to net a cure or solution if some are vaccine injured (like yourself,) others have prolonged post-viral effects (like EBV,) food allergies, or emotionally-rooted causes.

Until someone actually does the work to say "oh, this isn't long covid - this person has low B12, this person has low iron, this person is allergic to dairy but eating it anyways, this person reacted to the covid vaccine and has something neurological going on" etc etc. There's lots of funding to be had by putting everyone in a large basket so that the number of people affected is high. However, the individuals in those baskets don't benefit because they're in the wrong basket.

Wouldn't it be fantastic if we could have actual "fatigue caused by a vaccine injury" research teams, rather than lumping everyone together with a general label that is more of a "I don't know what's causing your symptoms so I'm going to put you in this big basket" label?

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I had this decades ago. I was part of Lyme that was undiagnosed for years.

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Michelle, you and others might be interested in Mary Beth Pfeiffer's recent excellent piece in the RESCUE Substack,

"A Child Can No Longer Walk. Before Covid, There Was Lyme Disease Denial."


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I believe you and feel sorry for you. Just read a few days ago about someone’s daughter who in 2017 contracted an autoimmune disease from her Gardasil vaccination, and (highly likely after a covid jab) had now contracted an aggressive form of lymphoma which could not be treated. She died this month at 21 !

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That’s tragic, I’m sorry 😢

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Eugyppius has no idea what he is talking about. Read Walter M Chesnut WMC Research substack if you don't already do so. Appoximately 50% of long covid cases may be psychosomatic. The other 50% are neurological. If you've had "covid" your symptoms may have little if anything to do with your Gardasil jab. Many unjabbed get "long covid." "Covid" itself may be merely the prodrome of a serious disease that has yet to manifest. Many serious diseases, such as HIV, polio and many others begin with a mild flu-like illness. When people contract HIV they typically experience an illness similar to mild "covid" about 3 weeks later and then may have a mild "post-viral syndrome" or not notic eanything for about 7 years on average. Then they manifest full blown AIDS. SARS-CoV-2is looking increasingly like an immunocompromising and oncogenic virus that progressively attacks every organ system and is made worse by jabs and repeat infections.

"Characteristic structural imaging changes of the thalamus and basal ganglia underlie the persistent fatigue experienced by patients with post-COVID syndrome. Evidence for pathological changes to these subcortical motor and cognitive hubs provides a key to the understanding of post-COVID fatigue and related neuropsychiatric complications."

Structural brain changes in patients with post-COVID fatigue: a prospective observational study - eClinicalMedicine


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The Gardisil vaccine. I'm fighting my daughter's doctor every annual exam so my daughter, with nerve issues, won't get a vaccine that causes nerve issues. I get mad just thinking about it.

I would love to see unbiased stats on how much injury it has actually caused. My daughter had a cytokine storm reaction to a virus and it hijacked her nervous system. There is a name for what she has. It mainly effects girls in adolescene 11-15. And, on the boards, almost all the Moms will tell you it hit after the Gardisil vaccine. They can't prove it and no one believes them but every so often a Mom comes on and says, "I think this is because of Gardisil. Does anyone else have the vaccine and develop this condition?" The responses are all "yes."

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"Lack nuance"--that's a kind way of putting it...

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I too suffer from chronic severe fatigue ever since our own Govt poisoned us Dec 2020. The fatigue is on some days too much to bear not to mention the brain fog. I am UNVACCINATED. These are the effects of POISON. CHANGE MY MIND!

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What poison do you mean?

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I am a big fan but must take issue with your dismissal of chronic fatigue /ME. I have no view on the ladies lying on the grass but I can attest that living with constant exhaustion is no joke.

I developed what I call (always easier if you can give it a name) chronic fatigue at 23. I had just moved to Brussels from the U.K. and remember waking down the corridor at the international organisation I had gone to work for feeling what I imagined 83 most have felt with. Without boring anyone too much, I found many years later (when my first daughter had also been diagnosed with CFS) that I had chronic mercury toxicity after an orthodontic procedure. I believe that CFS is a condition of mitochondrial dysfunction hence the myriad of diverse symptoms. I always used to say given a choice of £1,000,000 or robust energy I would take the latter any day.

I wonder if those with long covid that just won’t resolve also have had their mitochondria poisoned by the ‘procedure’?

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They ought to be protesting that they're slowly dying from the shots.

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May 16, 2023Liked by eugyppius

Take some time off if you need it. It won't hurt us to wait.

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What *has* happened to Germany? The powerhouse of Europe. The richest country in Europe. The most educated and advanced in Europe. Home to Beethoven and Goethe. Vorsprung durch technik (as they used to say in the adverts to ensure we Brits knew exactly how advanced the Germans were).

Seems to be even more of a basket case than the UK now and that's quite an achievement - no wonder they all need to lie down.

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Yes,, yes but how about a little thank you to the folks who gave you the Jerry can and the easy turn can opener for free.

Besides you Brits have always had your island to escape to. The Germans have no such place to hide.

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Germany no longer exists. Rape by the Russians + suicide has created a new state with no real connection to the past. You will find true “Germans” only in Poland

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You may be right on that one


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The US of A wins hands down for being full of basket cases. Hell, we made the bioweapon (covid) and the bioweapon's bioweapon (covid vaccine), and no one in Congress gives a crap. Business as usual. Why the rest of the world puts up with the US of A and gives us a pass - is beyond me.

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Speaking as a German, it’s hard to shake off a past, both personal and national, that includes concentration camps, crematoriums, and Lebensraum ambitions... this un-masterable history needs to be reconciled at all levels of society and so far we have only dealt with the clearing of symptoms (think reparations, liberal immigration policies, good Germans mouthing “never again”), but not the actual disease which causes such atrocities to take place (ideological propaganda, mass formation psychosis, silence in the face of injustice, etc). Covid showed just how far Germany has NOT come since 1945, and unconsciously most Germans know this to be true. It’s why they are all sticking their heads in the sand and focusing on symptoms again...

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Island Cowgirl

Speaking as what kind of german?

You and any fellow Germans who think and believe as you do are hopelessly lost in a web of monstrous lies. I know what the German people went through post WW2. Total brainwash immersion through the entire education system from kindergarten on up. It was the German cities that were fire bombed to the ground all across the land. The wholesale rape of german women in eastern Germany 9 to 99, little girls to grandmothers by special filth soviet mongolian animals. My grandfather being the only male member in the household and who tried to protect the women when the mongols arrived was taken out to his woodshed and hung up like a slaughtered pig. Then the rape of the girls and women began. This happened to hundreds of thousands of women over and over again. I finally got the whole story as to what happened to that part of my relatives after the wall came down by an aunt who herself had gone through the entire de germanization Commie re education in east Germany. The allies are the true criminals in putting the world to war and organizing total war against civilians. Their claim that Germany struck English cities first is a lie. Germany suffered 144 night raids by the RAF including several raids on Berlin one of which was witnessed by Molotov the Russian diplomat. Churchill got what he wanted forcing Hitler to finally attack in kind.

As to the Holocaust I call it the Hollercuss it has been debunked time and again scientifically. Auschwitz concentration camp, where millions were gassed and cremated famous for the picture of the railroad tracks entering the camp gate which has the inscription: Arbeit Macht Frei is located in Poland and was liberated by the Soviets. Everything that was written about Auschwitz came from western sources( not the Russians ) who had no access to this camp and neither did anyone else from the west who might want to check out the story. Russia has released information about the Auschwitz liberation now, including pictures of army personel and camp inmates during that liberation. There are no stick bones, sunken eyes or emaciated bodies in these pictures. Poland allowed full inspection of the Auschwitz buildings and surrounding land.after the Russians withdrew. With the latest equipment of gas spectrometers and sampling and testing of material where millions were supposedly gassed and cremated, zero evidence. The ground was penetrated to a depth of 20' and the soil sampled for crematoria flume fine ash.. NADA.

I see no hope that this lie of blaming the murdered man for the sins of the murderer will ever be shown the light of truth, as long as the media is in the hands of those constantly promoting this falsehood.


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I believe South Africa was a dry run for marxist takeover of a successful country. Predictive of the collapse of a first world nation.


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Anecdote--daughter who went to uni (4 years at St. Andrews) with a number of DE nationals has spoken to me of noticing this same soul-killing spirit in her German friends. They are all ~40 now.

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It is caused by the covid death shots.

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May 16, 2023Liked by eugyppius

I thought that was a joke at first. Lol. Lie down to protest being tired.

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It must have taken a fair bit of energy to get to the Reichstag in the first place (says one who has just arisen from yet another nap brought on by fatigue (over-gardening in this case)

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Maskers are suffering from a mental illness at this point.

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Yeah. This is why I cannot take these ladies seriously. STILL masking outdoors, really???

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Security blankets. Makes them feel safe, plus it screams LOOK AT ME! Many hypochondriacs have large egos that need constant stroking.

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In front of the Reichstag. How appropriate.

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Congratulations on nearly escaping academia! I made a break as a result of the Nonsense, quitting both my university jobs... I flatly refused to accept the idea that universities were entitled to experiment on their students bodies, and tendered my resignation immediately that the mandates came into force.

I wrote to those in charge in an attempt to debate the issues and discovered "the decision was already made" - because nothing says 'university' like not letting the academic staff advise you on questions of knowledge(!). I am too young to retire, alas, but I have a consultancy business to fall back upon thankfully. I cannot imagine going back... but this leaves me worrying about what this process of distilling a heady brew of the worst collaborators will do to academia. Of course, I think we already have a fair idea now...

Anyway, best of luck making your escape!

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May 16, 2023·edited May 16, 2023Liked by eugyppius

Maybe you have long covid too, Eugy? ;)

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alas merely a head cold

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I suggest wearing two N95 masks at all times if you care about others. (Otherwise you are a fascist.) p.s.. I have seen this phenomenon around the Wash DC area.

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My favorite is the N95 inside the cloth. I guess the cloth is to keep out large bugs.

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I just went through some road construction where the guy standing out alone in the sun, holding the stop sign, was wearing a mask. Nobody within 50 yards except those of us in our cars.

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That could make sense if there is a lot of dust and car fumes. But more than likely it is his covid security blanket that he can't shake.

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No dust, and a surgical mask is not going to keep out fumes.

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This is the second time in one year for you, I believe

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I average two colds a year. Been like that as long as I have been alive (56 years)

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I meant Eugyppius--who had earlier spoken of a cold

I myself--while an at-home mother--had one bad, sick cold per year. Then while teaching in public school, had two, although usually only one bad enough to send me to bed for a day, at most two.

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Next they protest cloudy days and gravity

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Gravity is always "holding me down". Not fair.

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More people are having health issues. Food, water, air, EMF, pharmaceuticals, toxins. Something is up. We are going to have to find out for ourselves. Health institutions have no intellectual curiosity and likely may be the source.

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Look at those ladies! Healing themselves right in front of us with a big dose of Vitamin D!

Glad they'll be feeling better soon.

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Can’t get much D with all that clothing. I remember the days in Germany when many felt the freedom to be ‘clothed by the sun’.

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Probably covered what little skin shows in sun cream!

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Those were the days, my friend.

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...we thought they'd never end🎵🎶🎵🎶🎶🤣

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We'd live the life we'd choose, we'd fight and never lose ... those were the days, oh yes those were the days!

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They're also unconsciously "earthing", aka "grounding".

Equally beneficial.

Take off your shoes!!

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May 16, 2023·edited May 16, 2023

What time are their husbands collecting them?

Tea doesn't cook itself you know.

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I wouldn't hold my breath

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What's interesting is that no one that did not get the death jab is suffering from "long covid"

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