Nov 25, 2021Liked by eugyppius

Way back in the spring of 2020 , non-expert me knew this was all BS. I railed at the craziness put out by the Pence task force, especially its lack of a timeline with hard criteria for reopening. When it became even more obvious in summer 2020 that this was a scam, I said that those in charge must know it but needed the phased reopening and mask kabuki theater to avoid admitting their mistakes and making themselves, in their minds, look foolish. The longer they kept it up, and amplified it further, the harder it became for them to reverse course. Then at a certain point, many got Stockholm Syndrome and in self-defense believed their own nonsense.

The good-ole-boy types I talk to in the grocery store checkout line have less fear and more common sense than most politicians. I'm 67, am immunocompromised, have been out and about sans mask for the duration, have not had COVID (or if I have I never noticed it) and am afraid only of the creeping totalitarianism I see engulfing the western world.

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I am 63 and have M.S. Generally do not wear a mask, certainly not just when out and about. I never have gone around snotting and hocking on people so I feel guilt free about not wearing one. I have no plans to be vaccinated. I don't dismiss the risks of COVID but I do weigh them and have decided preventative measures and plain common sense is my best defense. I also plain have a visceral reaction to how much authorities are pushing it despite more and more risks being exposed. There is more to this than just battling a virus.

I also came to the conclusion that the whole COVID panic was B.S. I mean why was it unsafe for a small store to remain open but box stores with extensive surfaces and more customers were somehow granted "essential" status? That to me meant the powers that be were picking winners and losers. That does not happen unless Cui Bono? has been asked and answered. Guess what? It's not us.

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Who are you to doubt the wisdom of Great Leader? If he says that it's essential to public health that all workers be vaccinated, but for unspecified reasons the Judicial, Legislative, Postal Services and others, or private corporations of less than a hundred workers are at no risk of catching or spreading the virus, who are we to second-guess his decisions? 🤪

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Well if the Chosen People could put up with 40 years of wandering in the desert to reach the promised land and be free of Pharoah. I suppose some meanderings on the Fauci highway in order to be free of Covid is a small enough test of faith. After all we too have manna from heaven to sustain us. Bread or boosters it's all one to the other.

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If I may ask in all seriousness, what is the nature of your immunocompromised status? I find the phrase "I'm immunocompromised" of late to be about as rigorous as "I'm gluten intolerant."

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Nov 25, 2021Liked by eugyppius

I agree that the phrase is nebulous and probably need to find another way of putting it. I have a rare autoimmune condition only recently named - GFAP Astrocytopathy - and must take immunosuppressant drugs to stop my body from attacking itself. The experience running up to the diagnosis was horrific, the symptoms being much like the neurological adverse affects of the COVID "vaccine', only worse. Even before its rollout (!) my Mayo neurologist suggested I take the shot but I chose not to, given that I'd not been ill and that there were known therapeutics. I had no intention of volunteering to play Russian roulette with the chance of reigniting my immune system.

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THAT's immunocompromised. :)

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Yes. Autoimmune disease treatment and transplant recipients are my definition of immunocompromised people. The rest gets a little funny.

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Reading in MedPage recently (http://www.medpagetoday.com/infectiousdisease/covid19vaccine/95859), transplant patients have minimal antibodies even after the 4th jab. Perhaps the drugs used to suppress the immune system are effective in suppressing the jab effect. Given the complexity of the immune system not surprising, since not long ago Medpage said 3rd shot was helpful (http://www.medpagetoday.com/infectiousdisease/covid19vaccine/93255).

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I have Rheumatoid Arthritis and have been on a biologic for 11 years. It’s kept this wretched autoimmune disease in check and given me a remission status. I declined the shot as I was told the nature of the immunosuppressant would also suppress my body from making antibodies to the spike protein, providing minimal benefit. I follow the Frontline Doctors protocols, use common sense, am on hydroxychloroquin for RA and have a supply of ivermectin on hand. Also, because my health insurance cares so much about me….they informed me this week they will no longer cover my biologic…goodbye remission. I’ve learned over the years to never depend on any govt agency or corporation for help. I’ll take my chances with covid, at least I know where I stand with that…

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Thanks for pointing out what your doc said about the suppression of antibodies by immunosuppressant drugs. As logical as that is, I never thought of it and it makes me wonder even more why my Mayo neurologist recommended getting the jab, especially in that the recommendation came before the COVID vaccines were even rolled out. I guess even many docs saw COVID as the plague, or as Cuomo claimed, a death sentence.

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When I questioned my rheumatologist about this aspect, even though the “vaccine” offered me minimal benefit she still recommended it. Her thinking was in terms of risk/benefit that at least I would have some sort of protection…it just didn’t seem worth it to me since the immunocompromised were never included the clinical studies. I agree with you concerning how docs were most likely looking at this …no one knew anything and decisions were being made on a emotional level vs logical.

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I too have a rare condition thought to be autoimmune. In my case the only treatment (not a cure) is immunoglobulin infusions. Anyway, in 2012 I asked my Mayo neurologist about the flu shot. I later created an online forum for people with my condition and we had discussions about whether to take vaccines. Answers from doctors were all over the map.

Translation: they simply don't know so they make something up.

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Can i ask what is the biologic ? Thanks

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I copied this from the Enbrel site, which is the biologic I use (TNF inhibitor)…hope this helps. Biologics are genetically engineered proteins. Unlike other RA medications that affect your entire immune system, biologics zero in on specific parts that control the inflammation process. Biologic drugs are harder to make than conventional medicines. While most traditional meds are made from chemicals and have known structures, biologics are more complex. They’re typically made from living materials, like animal, human, and bacteria cells.

There are several…

B-cell inhibitor. They affect B cells, which are white blood cells that carry a protein that can trigger your immune response.

Interleukin-1 (IL-1) blocker. Stops production of an inflammatory chemical your body makes

Interleukin-6 (IL-6) or interleukin-17 blocker.Stops inflammatory chemicals from attaching to cells

Janus kinase (JAK) inhibitor. Blocks proteins that trigger the inflammation process

T-cell inhibitor. Blocks communication between T cells, a type of white blood cell

Tumor necrosis factor (TNF) inhibitor. Blocks a chemical your body makes that drives the inflammation process

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You were not alone - I knew the minute the MSM began blaring and shrieking that it was nothing but the usual b.s. I was wrong, though, in believing that the whole scaremongering orgy would evaporate within 60 to 90 days. I refused to go along with the masks, and OCD-like hand-washing, social distancing etc. and haven't had so much as a cold or anything else.

The saddest part personally was learning how many people I know were so easily taken in and willing to follow the rules no matter how draconian and tyrannical. I thought Americans loved freedom and would vehemently resist being made fools of, but I was so, so wrong. The only way I will be vaccinated is forceably.

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They're working on it. The WHO is encouraging a global "debate" on the subject.

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Things like this happen slowly, and then all of a sudden. (I am getting a bit tired of the slowly part, but I wonder what will be unleashed in the "all of a sudden" part.)

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Another inch...eventually, they will take the last one and then ka-blooooey!

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And that creeping disease absolutely threatens us all.

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"Stockholm syndrome" is a survival mechanism to survive captivity. Their "Stockholm syndrome" would backfire on themselves and is maladaptive.

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True that, but then everything the Left does is irrational and against their own self interest.

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Well said, Paul. Exactly.

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Nov 25, 2021Liked by eugyppius

Well said, blogger. At the beginning I wondered whether the dictatorial reaction by the Chinese government was mainly a reflection of the ages of the ruling classes there.

The reaction of Mrs Merkel to the virus (like the reaction of Mrs Thatcher to Global Warming) shows that the belief that the world needs more politicians who have a scientific training may well be wrong. What politics needs is more people of a sceptical disposition and a critical intelligence. In other words the sort of people who are almost certain to avoid politics.

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Thatcher recanted - I think it's in her book Diplomacy (or some such) that she discusses this at some length. As Prime Minister at the time, she didn't have time to dig into the AGW business, which, incidentally, is not straightforward. In fact, you really have to go through the history of the field as well as following the irregularities unearthed by skeptical bloggers to have a good grasp of (1) the problems with the AGW thesis, (2) how the data that seem to support it have been corrupted (and were problematical to begin with). After all, it took Steve McIntyre some time to get to the bottom of the Hockey Stick business, which he would not have had the time to do if he were a head of state.

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Well put (your penultimate sentence in particular).

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I noticed that too. Most top CCP officials are old and male.

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Well said. All these politicians are old, weak & unhealthy. Why they have become tyrants. Look @ Biden, cannot even complete a coherent sentence, will keep getting boosters, then blame the unvax if he has a severe bad reaction. Meanwhile. 99% of the global world, fully recovered.

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hard to avoid comparisons with the late-Soviet gerontocracy

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I survived NYC 2020, it was wild. We all got “it”, myself included. It was rough, but we recovered.

NYC, now has mass natural immunity. Why we are not spiking, while many other US states are & badly. Virus gonna virus.

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Hi. what is your one piece of advice to survive covid. I'm pretty sure I got it in august 2021, but decided not to get tested and stayed at home for a month to make sure I didn't infect anyone else. I took the home FLCCC.net protocols and stayed as active as much as possible. As I said, I don't know if I actually got covid, but just 2 days after my daughter was vaxxed I came down with something very unusual. She didn't want to tell me she had just been vaxxed, and of course I always give her a big kiss and cuddle when I see her. Shedding????? who knows???

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Just don't be obese. BMI is the biggest factor, being old is second, being a male is third. Science says that not me.

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The best thing would be to find a doctor who will prescribe theraputics; that way you'll benefit from the latest protocols. If you're in the US, see if you're in a state where they're considering laws to protect the doctors who are willing to do this. (In many places right now they're being driven from their occupation in what looks like a coordinated action. [This is not speculation; according to Robert Malone, this is actually happening.]) You can also buy ivermectin via the Web.

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Zstacklife.com offers a "supplement" proven out in Dr. Z's practice among observant Jews that refused to lock down.

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I had it in October of last year, and for me it played out much like a cold. I could tell it wasn't a standard cold, but the severity and discomfort were comparable to a mild to moderate cold. For the 2 days of chest congestion I experienced, I kept a heating pad on my chest, which really helped. Vitamin D, Zinc, and fresh air are hugely important, so I'm always mindful to get an adequate supply, but I upped my intake a bit while I was sick. That's how I got through my bout of Covid. Of course others have it much worse, and I'm not diminishing it, just saying that was my experience. Sadly, the role of vitamin D has been underrepresented by the powers-that-be, so that's something I advise everyone to really pay attention to.

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My wife is sensitive to people who have been injected, it acts like an allergy. I showed her the post a couple of weeks ago from a man who reported "allergy-like" symptoms at work with his "Vaxxed" colleagues, better when he reached home.

I have searched for original research on "shedding", no luck so far. The mechanism will be the same as pheromonal activity. Any positive research will be suppressed or mocked.

if you are one of the 99.97% who survive, do not take a shot in the next 4-6 weeks, the ADE seems most active in that time frame. If you re in the northern hemisphere keep your Vit D levels up. I haven't found a formula for neutralising circulating "Spike" protein yet.

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I also got a reaction when in very vlose quarters with two vets who were recently double jabbed-we were all restraining my pet faces inches from each other, closed exam room, maybe an hour… Both my cat and I were suck w/in dats. She got cystitis and peed huge blood clots. I got a week-long cold-like illness. Mid-summer. Super irritated throat/nasal passageways.

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There were stories in the spring of 2020 that felines and mink could be infected and spread Covid. I think the leftists are having the mink farms here "Depopulated" and I remember that Denmark did so as well. Ferrets are used as lab models.

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And hardly any cases of virus in Africa, where no one is jabbed. It is high time we put an age limit on officials. Everyone else has to retire, why don't they?

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Sadly, looking at the rising generation of young educated idiots, I'm not sure that would help.

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True. The youngest generation is almost illiterate. We joked about that with some friends. In 30 years from now hardly anyone will be able to read our cards and letters! Writing a check I wondered if we would be able to do that anymore.

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"he youngest generation is almost illiterate." Why? Because the "3 Rs" are racist and bigoted!

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American children don't learn how to write anymore. Only typewrite. They can't read handwritten letters

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Imagine the excitement in the future when a Rosetta Stone for cursive is unearthed from a tomb of the Spencerians.

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I get the impression that many don't even know a bank can exist as a physical structure.

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I by far prefer the physical ones. I had a card from an online bank, but the first problem that arose, had all the trouble in the world to settle it. I ended up closing the account.

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Used to be the old who were the wise but the fear of death, which they are unprepared for , has turned them into cornered frightened rats. If they believed in a heaven or hell we would all be better off with them as our leaders!

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It is one thing to see this fear manifest in our secular leaders but to see it in our faith leaders is disheartening indeed. I have read little mention of how the anti-COVID measures assault the dignity of the human person. Souls are being lead to despair. Which Christians once knew is a sin against the Holy Ghost. Yet that truth has been lost in the hurry of faith leaders to show their true allegiances.

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They have lost their 'true' allegiance and now follow the lord of this world, sadly. Although some are standing up and fighting -God Bless them.

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Wanting a leader is a direct path to hell.

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But Canada and Trudeau... maybe more to do with the pathology of those in power than their actual age...

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Oof. Justin. A shameless ideologue, and cocky, dramatic, divisive, deceptive, remedial, amoral buffoon. I have no idea what Canadians see in this imbecile. I don't know why he took the shot since he had natural immunity. Though it wouldn't surprise me if it was staged. With Justin, there is no truth. As you can tell, I didn't vote for the putz.

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His good looks maybe ?

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Very similar to the US. Even though Trudeau is not vulnerable, he represents a Leftist party that bought in totally to fear and panic - probably because the Leftist media promotes fear and panic and speak to his party base. Compare that to Trump, who was obviously afraid himself, but had to cater to a party base who were much less fearful. That explains why Trump was so schizophrenic about COVID.

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Didn' t Trudeau and his wife have a very mild case of the virus early on? He should not have been afraid. Well not of the virus that is. He probably is more afraid of WEF superiors and/or party base indeed.

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He is one of the WEF people, I suppose they kind of take orders from the seniors of that organization

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because I'm aged and don't want to be forced to retire. it's not the age that makes them insane. they come like that. look around - there's insane of any age. easy to see nowadays, they wear masks so you can identify them.

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What is particularly interesting to me is that there is no set personality profile. Everyone (young, old, middle aged, tough, weak, intelligent, street-wise, rich, poor) is potentially in the drift net of this insanity. All of my friends and family have prostrated themselves before the vaxx gods......much to my surprise. I would have thought they would have at least waited for some signs the vaxx was going to work, but all jumped in asap without any hesitation or questioning of the narrative.

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It is curious. Today I had Thanksgiving lunch with occasional friends (aged 60 and up) that are, unlike me, liberal and vaccinated. We're probably friends because I only see them a few times a year 😁. Someone else brought up the vaxxes and we had a brief discussion. For me, it was illuminating to hear some of the pro-vax arguments, since I rarely would seek them in the major media. I did plant what seeds of doubt I could. Why wouldn't I take the vax? Approval too rapid, new unproven technology, no safety record. "We're all here, aren't we?" was the answer. 🙄 Or "Why would you knowingly risk infecting your neighbor?" Well, I pointed out, the vaxxes don't seem to prevent infection or spread very well, do they, so what would be the difference? Anyway, the point is that these are to all appearances sensible, intelligent and well-educated older Americans. But they've bought into the Vaxx story as if it were a religion.

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Hi. My husband is about to have his weekly meet up with old work colleagues (65 and older). You and he are in exactly the same place but on different Continents. His says the exact same things to his Australian colleagues. His other statement to them is....'I'm in the control group, so if I go first, you can all be smug that you were on the correct hill'. One big difference though......they are all hiding out at home, and we just continue to live our busy life, unmasked and unhindered.

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I think the idea that 'the powers that be' are as dreadfully broken and corrupt as they clearly are is more than a lot of folks are willing to digest, so it's easier to go along and get along as if medical and other authorities are as worthy of our trust today as we thought they were years ago.

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It is.

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We are the heretics and thus subject to the usual treatment.

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nearly everything about it all amazes me. every little bit. a big thing for me is the simple 'vaccine' thing: they all seem to think it is something in itself rather than simply an immune system (imperfect) starter.

they just don't seem to have any idea of what's going on.

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I know a person with an auto immune disease, a very well studied person, who runs whenever a vaccine is available. Pneumonia, shingles, you name it they had it all. Of course already double jabbed, may be already 3 times. And these are people whose immune system is already overworked. No one does any research anymore, they just trust the government in this. They don't trust it for anything else but now they do.

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Long ago, government wisdom was not to doubt,

Held in esteem far above mediocre.

But today? I'd sooner gouge mine eyes out

With a flaming red hot poker.


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It all came out of nowhere, seems to me. One week I was living in an ordinary world - with all the usual horrors in it, wars, famines, floods, thieves, rogues, scoundrels.... whatever... but the backdrop was a sane and reasonable struggling to cope with madness here and there within it...

then suddenly it was all inverted.....

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Strange isn't it? You would think they had that much brains, to wait for a new and unproven med to work. My family in Belgium got an 'invitation' and had to confirm their appointments. All of them did. Even for their third jab. Even though a few were very sick of it. I just don't understand, when you are so sick why would you want to get it again? Most people are barely sick from the virus.

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That is true. And dumb of any age. But I still think we need younger people, especially people who do not come from wealthy families, how do these rich people know what goes on in poor neighborhoods. They probably never saw one.

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I recently read their low cases might also be attributed to many Africans taking malaria drugs??

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Medicines and demographics certainly can be factors. But what about the unreliability of data? Technical issues (inaccurate tests, how widely the testing is done, inconsistent standards, etc.) and political (adjust case reporting for greed (e.g. in USA = more government money 🤑 ) or to look good (e.g. China had only 5,000 deaths in the entire pandemic, really? 🤥) Much of the world embraces corruption on a scale that would appall most Westerners, who live in comfortable cocoons of relative affluence as well as blissful naivete about how the real world operates. And even if intentions were pure, there are daunting logistical challenges to even collect the data. Sorry for all the pessimism; my point is that it's basically a fool's errand to try and compare data from nations as dissimilar as Switzerland and Swaziland.

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Yes, just like in India, it seems parts of Africa take Ivermectin as an antiparasite. I don't know about malaria drugs, but they probably wear off the virus too.

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I think it's HCQ that they take. I recall Dr. Stella Immanuel saying this.

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"All these politicians are old, weak & unhealthy." Many of them are also childless and thus they alone are the center of their universe.

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Just saw a wonderful short video by Sharyl Atkisson on the Amish in Lancaster PA. They refused any and all government covid restrictions/mitigations and went full on "natural herd immunity". They didn't claim it was easy, but they maintain they are much better off than the rest of society. I'll bet they are. No doubt YouTube has already taken it down.

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Thank you for such an elegant description of why the "hive mind" is performing in superior fashion. It reminds me of Hayek's observation that spontaneously organized markets transmit information far better, and with far more richness, than central planners. The internet is perhaps a real-time experiment in Hayek's economic theories applied to information.

I life in a city (SF, USA) that is governed top to bottom by the apparatchiks of Official Information which is why one of the world's shining beacons of opportunity is now like living in a third world country. But, I look forward to moving my family out of this bubble, where I will only have to pay lip service to it virtually.

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SF is tough.. my sister lives there and watching the city decline has been painful. It was and could be such a beautiful and vibrant city. I live in Santa Barbara.. still tough in CA but outside SF/LA there’s definitely a different feel.

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Right on. A new hire in our group is in San Diego. She said it is quite different even there, she doesn't see a lot of masks or the street-crossing-to-avoid-unmasked crap I still see in Berkeley.

She and her husband both have jobs in SF but live in SD and just come up for the occasional meeting. That is the new world we are in and why I don't have to put up with this s**t and we are moving to SLC.

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My brother is in SF and has seen the deckine - everything you hear about literal human crap and needles on the streets. He lives across the street from a HS so 3-4 pm is near chaos. He’s seen packs pushing older residents around. No cops of course.

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Internet has made wonders for all kind of information. How to train properly, grow a garden... The quality of information available for free is amazing, just for likes and YouTube subscriptions.

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I'm in Florida. If you decide another coast sounds good there are two big advantages to living here. 1. Our current governor. 2. We know way in advance if a hurricane is in the offing.

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Nov 25, 2021Liked by eugyppius

"All of the terrified Angela Merkels of the world act within an environment of outdated, poor-quality information, all the time."


Peter's Principle (promoting people to a position a power that they are officially incompetent to hold) is at work here to an extreme. If you have an absolutely incompetent boss, the immediate underlings must be Yes Men by default. If you are a sane person, you walk away from that post. The current posts of control around the world are supported only by Yes Men and the entire system operates in a hive-mind echo chamber.

The good news is that the echo chamber is becoming increasingly more ridiculous, therefore everyone outside the echo chamber walks away.

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Nov 25, 2021Liked by eugyppius

This might seem a little off-topic, maybe even mean-spirited (not meant to be so); but we have eliminated courage as a cardinal virtue and sign of great character, and let it be replaced by it's inverse, the vice of safety and the impossible childish goal of security.

Our ancestors would roll in their graves to see how pathetic and weak a collective group of people we appear to have become.

Get rid of the current crop of cowards, and replace them all with real leaders who have demonstrated and developed real courage and character in their lives.

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Do you want someone else to get rid of the current crop of cowards, or do you plan do it yourself?

The former will get you another crop of cowards, the latter would make you the leader.

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Perhaps. Many of us onlookers would like to take actions that might improve matters, but all the ones I can think of tend to have the phrase "life without parole" as a likely cost 😐

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It's a good thing you aren't in China. Would you prefer a "life without kidneys?"

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We have endured their nanny state 'nudge's enough, and I am not really 'nudging' back, it's much more direct - it would be more firm and confrontational in calling out the desire to control everyone else while not controlling their rampant fears and cowardice I see, especially when they seek to shroud it in 'science-ism'.

I am more than happy to continue mocking, maligning and making life uncomfortable forever for all all little mini-despots...until they either knock it off or we make them do so.


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I agree that the Corona measures are stupid and pointless, but I'm not convinced that Merkel, Johnson, Ardern, etc., are afraid of the virus. Maybe they were in the spring of 2020 but no longer. I watched video of Merkel as she arrived at the G7 last month. She got out her limo, put on a mask, walked across the courtyard in front of masked guards, walked into the building, and then took off her mask. Macron was wearing the mask when he exited his limo, but he did the same thing. It was viral theater...like they were giving the rest of us the middle finger. Biden regularly violates 'mask protocol', but that could be the result of his obvious mental impairment.

I remember the initial reaction of the UK and Germany. Given the scenes from Wuhan and Lombardy, it was hard to know what to think. Were they being reckless?

And, then, suddenly, they changed their approach. Why? Why did they throw out a hundred years of pandemic response wisdom?

"All the while, though, Team Lockdown was hard at work behind the scenes, to bend policy in their direction."

Who is Team Lockdown? Why were they pushing lockdown? How did they convince so many governments to go along? What power do they have over them?

I've been down a few rabbit holes in the past year, and I've heard many "crazy" ideas. I've made a policy of not judging...for the most part. I just put them on my "WTH is going on? Shelf" for future consideration.

Something is very wrong is the world. Nothing makes sense. I don't know who. I don't know how. I don't know why. But I'm not convinced that the bizarre times we live in can be explained by greed, incompetence, avarice, CYA, hubris. I joke that we will all wake up one day to learn that "our leaders" have been replaced by space alien lizards because it would make more sense. Perhaps I've watched too many sci-fi shows.

It's hard to suss out why so many governments aren't acting for the benefit of their people. This is a global phenomenon...and that doesn't make sense.

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> "Who is Team Lockdown? Why were they pushing lockdown? How did they convince so many governments to go along? What power do they have over them?"

Here's an answer, try it on for size and see if it fits.

Lockdown is not a new idea. It isn't actually true that governments threw out decades of pandemic preparation and suddenly changed their approach. Team Lockdown was proposing it in research papers as far back as 2005. Here's an example paper, published in Nature:


"case isolation or household quarantine could have a significant impact, if feasible"

So to ask where lockdown came from we must really enquire about the history of Team Lockdown and why they reached these conclusions, independently of COVID. Because - and this is critical - lockdown didn't come out of nowhere. It happened because for decades a small but influential group of people were arguing for it as the only thing that could work to stop a large scale pandemic. When COVID happened, they stepped forward with pre-baked arguments, models, papers, networks, alliances and policies, all on a plate ready for delivery to panicked politicians who didn't know what to do. The preparation for this happened out of sight, so when it was suddenly implemented overnight it caught everyone off guard. The reasons, arguments, essays and data showing why lockdowns were catastrophically stupid had to be worked out from that point on, so Team Lockdown had a massive head start.

Who were these people? TL was primarily academics and other people in public health who started experimenting in the late 90s with a new approach to epidemiology. Maths had first been introduced to the field in the first part of the 20th century, but the mathematics used up until that point was very basic and mostly used to measure the correlations between things. Around the turn of the millennium a new generation of researchers started to dominate the field through their use of extremely complicated mathematics, enabled by a mix of cross-overs from other fields (e.g. Prof Ferguson originally studied physics), faster computers and the creation of software packages like R which made use of advanced statistical modelling much easier. The papers these scientists produced were far more impressive to fellow academics than the older generation of epidemiology papers, largely because they claimed the ability to not just measure the correlations between things like smoking and lung cancer, but to precisely plot graphs of the future of any epidemic using very intimidating maths. And not only did these researchers promise knowledge, they also promised power: by adjusting the variables in their models, they claimed to be able to understand the effects of near arbitrary political policies. This is catnip to any politician because it appears yield unarguable, scientifically "proven" policy.

It's important to understand that this new generation of epidemiologists had no deep biological grounding. Their understanding of viruses, the immune system etc is no better than the average person who has spent some time reading Wikipedia or a few textbooks - and sometimes not even then. Their actual expertise is statistical. Thus when they started produced models of epidemics, they were applying generic statistical techniques to an entirely theoretical understanding of often rather hypothetical viruses. A virus, in the mind of this new generation of academic, is merely something that transmits between people given some probabilistic weighting. A typical academic disease model could just as easily model the spread of ideas as diseases.

What did they see, when they ran their models? They saw a single giant wave, growing exponentially until it saturated the population, and they saw this again and again. The fact that real epidemics don't work like this and never did posed few problems for them, because academic culture is sufficiently corrupt that it simply didn't matter. At some point journals decided that pure modelling papers were "scientific" enough to be published, and because the only thing that matters to academics is getting published, this meant there was never any need to verify or measure predictions against reality. You could just make predictions, again and again and again: they discovered that nobody would ever ask awkward questions about the accuracy of prior predictions. No paper would ever be blocked because the previous paper was wrong, nobody would ever be fired for inadequate work quality. Meanwhile the older generation of epidemiologists, who were perhaps not au fait with computer programming or advanced statistics, steadily retired out, left the field or became second tier.

In 2001 this new approach to epidemiology had one of its first big outings in the UK, where Ferguson modelled the spread of foot-and-mouth disease amongst livestock. Because their models always predicted disaster, they told the government that the only thing to do was ... wait for it ... kill all the animals. Massive funeral pyres of animal carcasses filled the skies with smoke, farmers were destroyed financially, it was terrible. In fact their models were wrong about the future course of foot-and-mouth, but just like with COVID today, nobody ever admitted fault and in the end the academics and government together simply announced that they'd done a great job. For years afterwards vets and others wrote papers analyzing the scale of this disaster but nobody was listening - the population is trained to regard anything "mathematical" as equivalent to "true".

Emboldened by the fact that the British government had literally engaged in mass animal genocide on the back of their models, epidemiology rapidly descended into a form of madness. They began modelling influenza, which for decades they had been predicting would soon repeat the Spanish Flu and mutate to become a global armageddon virus. But their models were too simplistic. With only a few variables, there were only a few things they could tweak. One of them was a variable they claimed represented "probability of infection", also phrased as contact rates - often with elaborations like contact rates in different kinds of "place" e.g. school, home, work etc. The size of the wave their models drew depended heavily on this variable and little else. How do you reduce the probability of contact? Well, you have to reduce the amount people meet each other. Hence their newfound belief that the only thing that could control pandemic influenza was home quarantines ... what we now call lockdown.

Why doesn't it work? Their models rest on dozens of assumptions about biology, most of which are unstated and the authors may not even realize they're making them. An especially problematic one is the complete absence of any adaptability in the immune system. Modellers assume any virus starts with a 100% susceptible population because they have no basis on which to calculate otherwise. And due to their corrupt culture there's no feedback loop - for example, their models cannot explain why flu appears everywhere almost simultaneously every year instead of spreading outwards from a single index case. It doesn't matter. They just start their simulation running by picking some people at random and marking them as "infected", then assume purely contact-based transmission from there. This spontaneous infection doesn't have any kind of physical explanation, but nobody ever calls them on it.

So - that's the history of Team Lockdown. They are characterized by a naive belief in mathematics über alles. Ferguson has actually described epidemic curves as mathematically beautiful! They exist in a world in which being right doesn't matter at all, only being "respected", and in which respect can be obtained by simply staring down anyone who disagrees or bullshitting them into submission. It is a world devoid of connection to ours, a world in which delusional beliefs are rewarded instead of penalized. It is a world in which lockdown seems to make sense, because you re-ran a fancy Excel spreadsheet and got a better score. It is their world, not ours.

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Something similar happened in the case of the alleged "hole in the ozone layer" that was blamed on human use of chloroflourocarbons. The entire thing was manufactured (and was scientifically strictly impossible) aided and abetted by various cabals. Nobody calls them on it, save for one expert in the field who wrote an exhaustive and thorough account of the entire sad story. I don't believe Amazon even carries his book any longer. We're beset by lies as never before in history.

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The ozone hole was a lie...chlorofluorocarbons as the cause was a lie...or both?

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You nailed it. And it's not only in epidemiology that you see this. The plague, I.e., the replacement of hypothesis testing with maths that are nothing but conclusion of the premise, affects all scientific fields. It's especially pernicious in humanities and social sciences, and in medicine, because most practioners, lacking the background to assess the maths, take them for the TRUTH, without even considering the assumptions underlying the calculations and their results. It's the white coat effect, a show of "magicians" playing tricks, only ones that the audience is unguarded against, and actualky believes.

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Our creed today holds that truth is relative. It's no accident that all great scientific minds in the formative era were Christian minds (virtually without exception), nor accidental that all of the great Western universities were founded by Christian orders. The mush that passes for first principles epistemological axioms) today -- even among our brightest and most "rational" is flat out incapable of sustaining Science (which came about -- could ONLY come about -- among people for whom Truth is in principle both absolute and intelligible).

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There is much truth to that, but it ignores the great contributions that non-Christian (primarily Jewish and Moorish, in the "West") brought in. Prior to roughly 1500, the most advanced learning and even technology was NOT in, or from, Europe. For various cultural reasons, however, it largely stagnated. Much of what the Renaissance adopted, like from the ancient Romans and Greeks, came by way of non-Christian scribes and thinkers. Even today, we use "Arabic" numbers, only one of many worldly wisdoms that passed through their hands.

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It's hardly a new problem. Even Nietzsche wrote about the problem with philosophers. Perhaps unconsciously, they know what conclusions they want and they craft a dialectic to support it. His critique was directed at Kant and perhaps Schopenhauer, but clearly it could be extended to any discipline. I don't claim to follow it, nor have I studied Kant, but I think one of Nietche's core criticisms against Kant was the impossibility of "a priori synthetic knowledge." As I understand it, Kant argued that real-world wisdom could be known absent any empirical (synthetic) knowledge! Kant (or maybe it was Schopenhauer?) created a verbose explanation that at bottom was a fraud; such a "faculty" cannot exist, and without, many metaphysical claims (religions? morality?) collapse.

Nietzsche even went so far as to suggest that everything -- morality, values, anything -- be questioned. He didn't always provide answers, though!

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It wasn't a fraud. It seems obvious to me that evolution has provided us with a fundamental cognitive framework that we build upon. That's a reasonable interpretation of the Kantian a priori - and it does solve the problems posed by Hume.

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Zounds! This deserves a page all by itself, Michael!

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An excellent comment -- thank you for posting this.

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Thank you for this comment. I am aware of Mr. Ferguson and his projections (and his extra-curricular escapades). I refer to the whole process (whether by him or Ioannidis) as "epidemiological voodoo math". I especially love when some claim to have saved millions of lives through their interventions. Yes, that homemade mask stopped the greatest plague in a century. Standing six feet apart in the grocery store surely saved hundreds of lives. I'm also aware of Event 201 and the other viral war-games.

I'm more focused on the government actions. I fully expected, naively, that my government (the US) would try to calm the public...instead they threw gasoline on a fire. This reaction was a global phenomenon. Why are so many governments, especially Western democracies taking actions that are destroying their economies and their countries? In my opinion, these actions cannot be explained away by the usual suspects: stupidity, sunk cost fallacy, greed, avarice, hubris, fear. Why are so many governments acting against their own people? Why are they pretending they can control the virus when, clearly, they know they cannot?

As I said above, I've been down many rabbit holes. I've heard many theories. Something is wrong in the world that is bigger than scientific incompetence and medical fraud. Ferguson and IHME played their role, but they are not the playwright.

So, who is? And what is their final act?

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Thank you for this.

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Thank you for the link to the "Nature" article. The difficult thing after a quick review is that we now suspect that anything from Neil Ferguson is a lie. Even if the lockups look useless and instantaneous treatment ( from 4 decades of clinical experience) not achievable (parallel graphs in Fig.2) the modelling is so divorced from reality as to be risible. Our political masters have sucked this up, their advisers are attached to their jobs and pensions, and the propaganda campaign would make Joseph Goebbels jealous.

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I would like this 1000 times if I could.

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I am thinking the central bankers may be key along with the security services. Who are they? Powerful and rich global elites who see the need to change the world's financial system and control assets? This blogger has looked in to who is running the show and why.


They want digital IDs and centralised banking which leads to more control. If money and population reduction follows, all the better for the likes of Gates. I guess they wouldn't want a powerful country like the US to take on China. They seem to be copying and co-operating with China.

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I'm aware of the theory. It is fantastical, but that doesn't mean it isn't true. Biden's nominee for the comptroller of the currency, Saule Omarova, has indicated she favors doing away with private banks...everyone would have an account with the central banks.

Why is this person Biden's nominee?

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Because Biden's handlers are literal communists.

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"The prime minister of Austria is so afraid that he has confined all unvaccinated Austrians to their homes. When asked, he declared that this measure would have no end date. The Chief Minister of Australia’s Northern Territory is terrified. New Zealand prime minister Jacinda Ardern is terrified."

Do you really believe these people are afraid of the virus??

May I suggest that they are much more afraid of something worse if they fail to deliver on their promises/orders?

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Nov 25, 2021Liked by eugyppius

Great insight about the fear of our leaders. You could smell it in the air at the very beginning: for the first time, here was an outbreak of a dread disease that could affect THEM! There was a slew of high-profile infections. Tom Hanks. Boris Johnson. A bunch of jet-setting ski bunnies. Unused to personal danger, the laptop class crumpled with terror, including of course the politicians, who are the ne plus ultra of the laptoppies. It was a mass betrayal of self and duty. A disaster.

But that is far from the end of the story. What happened next fits the pattern described in Naomi Klein’s “Shock Doctrine.” Whether a disaster is natural (tsunami) or man made (Iraq war), it’s chum in the water for the practitioners of disaster capitalism. They seize, have seized, on the chaos and disenfranchisement of disaster victims to grab what was formerly held in common by them.

In this case, our economies.

Follow the freaking money, guys. It’s not just Big Pharma. They are rather new to the disaster capitalism game. Look at the usual suspects, chiefly politically-connected financial outfits (the Too Big To Fail Gang). They’re the ones pushing for financial reconstruction and CBDCs, i.e. expropriation of the common good above all common goods, which we had hardly been aware of, taking it for granted: our freedom.

This could not have happened in a civilization led by Christians. Or in fact people who believe in anything apart from their own survival.

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"disaster capitalism"

Phrase du jour, thanks!

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Not enough postmodern people read Brothers Karamazov.

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So let me add an evil thought. Life extension technology appears to be progressing. The planet is getting crowded, Global Warming, etc. I suspect that only "important" people will be able to avail themselves of the very best, there are already enough of we peasants. It would be "unfair" to lose a chance at 150 years due to a cold.

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You are right. I read from several people in different states, that life is almost back to normal. Herre in Georgia, there are a few people still wearing masks, some probably because they work in government buildings. I read the same continuous panic in Belgium. 88 % vaccinated, and look at the numbers


Why are they so blind ? They must see that even with so many jabbed, so many already healed, with natural, lasting immunity. But no, now they are going to jab the 5 year olds.

Well hopefully, like here, many parents will frown on that. Only a handful pushed their kids. And I think a whole lot saw that 12 year old girl in a wheelchair at Senator Johnsons conference.

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Fear and Panic comes from Media. How afraid you are (especially if you are healthy) depends mostly on what media you consume.

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If you watch TV a lot, with all the commercials for meds, you begin to feel sick right away !

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I rarely watch TV. You are right about all the ads for drugs.

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I do not have one LOL. All I see is when i visit with friends.

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The ease with which New Zealanders have surrendered fundermental civil liberties in response to Jacinda Ardern’s curated panic porn is dismaying. Like Merkel, Ardern is terrified. She locked down her own city of Auckland for three months while hiding away in the capital, Wellington. When she was finally forced to make an appearance in Auckland it was laughably stage managed insincerity on display, together with gloves, masks, sleeves taped closed, and with a white dress and floral headpiece designed to create a messianic image. Truly the most narcissistic PM in our history.

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Nov 25, 2021Liked by eugyppius

She gives me the absolute willies. Wreathed in vainglorious virtue.

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Nov 25, 2021Liked by eugyppius

And she is a fairly young woman. She should not be afraid.

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She seized all the guns. Always an ominous prelude.

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Lawks. That doesn't bode well at all.

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They are functionaries for the Elites. Like the squares in the squid game. They know what they say makes zero sense, like vaccine mandates and passports, but they do it anyway like good orderly totalitarian foot soldiers for the coming global enslavement.

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That show traumatized me for weeks. While watching it, I too felt the same. We are the contestants, only few of us will survive their tyranny. Soon our friends will begin to turn on us. Good analysis.

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Yes, the will divide us all, separate friends, family, partners until the end, at which point the only winners are them.

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Wunderbar written. You forgot Bill Gates in respect of fear. - But, didn‘t Chomsky call for lock away the unvaxxed?

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yes, of course, chomsky's been terrible about this and a lot of other things. but, he still says insightful stuff occasionally.

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One of Chomsky's most insightful ideas (of course not original to him) is 'manufactured consent'. It's telling that even those perceptive to how the establishment creates consensus through propaganda can fall victim to it in the end.

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Nov 25, 2021Liked by eugyppius

An important category of people often overlooked in the epidemiology are those who had functional cross-immunity to Covid due to prior exposure to other HCovs. This class was estimated at 40-60% for UK and higher for Germany. In fact, the overwhelming number of current cases are those who took the useless 'vaccine' and haven't, up to now, had a chance to develop proper immunity.

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I asked this question to colleagues at coffee last year- "Why were 20% of the people aboard the Diamond Princess not infected? " One of the more hostile believers answered- "They were much more careful with their hand-washing!!"

I audited a "Zoom" meeting yesterday celebrating the rollout of the child injections. Great keenness and interest from the profession, well-curated written questions only, nicely buffed PowerPoints. Fluffball questions. So, no break in the medical profession here.

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At least that was one thing the Covidians I had holiday lunch with (mentioned above) had correct: At least they were aware that the virus spreads mostly by air. They have some grip on reality, except as regards, apparently the utility or safety of the vaxxes.

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Nov 25, 2021Liked by eugyppius

Bravissimo. Now we're getting somewhere...

The real data: Frightened old cubicle plankton throwing their grandchildren overboard so they can live forever in The Metaverse!


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Nov 25, 2021Liked by eugyppius

Also interesting is Merkel, Macron, Arden, Trudeau, etc have all gone to WEF "school"

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well yes, WEF is basically a conference circuit for elites to network and coordinate on messaging.

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WEF is Aspen for Bond villains.

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So to me their actions are more than just fear for their own safety, they've been trained to act like this.

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