Nov 21, 2021Liked by eugyppius

The data are clear and readily available to support the following: the vaccine doesn't stop you from catching Covid, doesn't stop you from spreading it, doesn't prevent you from dying from it, and the vaccine bring some health risks of its very own. This is undisputable undeniable if you take one second to look at data and not rely on a one sentence executive summary from Big pharma. what on earth are these people talking about. Whenever I hear this I just believe they have been successfully brainwashed by big pharma on the "safe and effective" bullshit

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well said, thank you.

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It has become very dystopian. California just rolled out their vaccines for 5-11 year olds. The TV and radio are flooded with propaganda ads from the state government pushing vaccinations for kids...a happy voice saying how great it is that you can now get the vaccine for your 5 year old, and the vaccines have been "proven safe and effective" (and will keep the kiddies safe from the big bad virus), so not to worry, run to the jab chambers and inject your kids right away. All accompanied by cheery, tinkling music in the background. These ads play frequently and are designed to burrow into the brains of the vulnerable by force of repetition.

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I was listening to music on spotify and suffering through some ads and there was an ad for this drug for psoriatic arthritis. At the end of the happy talk about how it was going to help and how it should be used there was a litany of side effects and warning about using the drug. I thought about how strange it is that when the Covid Vax commercials are on, there is none of this. It certainly is dystopian when it comes to Covid Vaxes.

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Liability, right? They have to list to side effects to cover their asses. Not necessary with vaccines. Everyone needs to WAKE UP.

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Over here on the U.S. east coast, our local paper has been showing images of frightened children being injected while their guardians hold them and smile under their masks. Some of these photos show children explaining to other children that it wasn't bad. Others show healthcare workers bribing them with toys and treats.

It makes my pregnant stomach churn.

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How much money will Big Pharma make selling all the jabs for kids???

Kids who have such a low risk from Covid as to be hard to even quantify. Basically, if your kid is healthy and running around he/she is at essentially zero risk.

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perhaps we should slap little signs up here and there: 'the vaccines have been proven to be unsafe and ineffective' ? like maybe they need to hear from us? they never do, you know. they don't frequent places like this.

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There was actually a small roadside rally yesterday in my town...about 50 people set up shop with flags and signs that were anti-vax and some of them were about the dangers of the vax. Encouraging, and people were honking their approval as they drove by.

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There is also the not so subtle message that if you don't have your child vaccinated you must want to KILL GRANDMA!!! As if the state needed any help with that goal.

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How do we snap people out of their cognitive dissonance? This has officially become terrifying. If getting this clot shot also poisons my brain and erodes common sense, forget it. Not happening.

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The Vaxx is a state-sponsored religion.


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I suspect the psychological hooks of this new religion are very deep. The 'injectors' self-identify with the religion's morality. The two are inseparable, so if you question the latter it is the same as attacking the former. On top of that, there is a large fear factor associated with everyone outside the religion, effectively making them the enemy. So anything coming from that enemy, whether it be sweet reason or facts or empathy, will be automatically suspected and summarily rejected out of fear. Allowing the enemy to breach any ramparts whether it be emotional, intellectual, or physical, is a direct threat to the self-identity of the injectors.

The purveyors of this religion have really done their work well. They've seized on innermost undifferentiated fears already in extent in the sheep-like populace, and guided it to their own ends via a mixture of behavioral conditioning, and almost magical spells and incantations disseminated through mass media. I think the rest of us are going to have a literal hell of a time trying to break through that religious fervor.

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I disagree. Almost. I paraphrase and expand upon a treatise I came across right at the beginning of the covidiot scamdemic:

When an acolyte joins a new sect, he has certain obligations, almost universally observed. First, the ritual cleansing, embodies in public life by washing hands and/or feet at public portals, such as a supermarket entrance or school gate. An acolyte is usually required to isolate, there to ponder upon sin and virtue, good and bad, life and death, alone, secluded, often lost and afraid. Another universal requirement of all sects is keeping their secrets, "sealing the lips", often accompanied by a cowl or veil hiding the face. There is always a requirement for blood sacrifice of some sort. The genome sample taken for PCR analysis probably covers that, but we daily see more blatantly militant threats from the vaccinsaned and their puppeteers, literally calling for the elimination of the unvaxxed.

In the near future, I expect a call for x-number of young, healthy virgins and an equal number of strong young men to line up, and we will march them off in tribute to our New Temple.

Of course, taken in context of that cell-block-residence for that US university, and Baal Gates' obsession with re-engineering our planet's atmosphere, it could just be a rather sociopathic ad campaign for life in Space. But that's a long story I shall write for my own site.

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Well it would be nice if they could be reminded that overreaching government power has never been benign. After all its most common use is in war. The thing is that propaganda puppets are getting out the lie that the government is at war against COVID. Which is only partially true. What the governments are truly at war against is those pests of humanity who refuse to let the elites inoculate them against resistance to Utopia. If one fear one keep y'all in check others will be found.

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I wouldn't call this cognitive dissonance. This is heavy-handed social construction of reality.

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Did you say "Pig" pharma?

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Do you really think "big Pharma" has the power to do this all over the world? I worked in pharma -- believe me they do not have any such power. This goes FAR deeper than merely a few corporations (although they are deeply enmeshed in the greater evil).

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Well if you have first-hand experience i that's hard to refute, but I've learned recently that the board of every major media outlet in the United States has a member of big pharma on it, looking out for their interests, and I've never heard a story that they recuse themselves for a conflict of interest, in fact probably the opposite, have you seen the "sponsored by Pfizer " video?, also 4.3 billion USD the largest settlement in U.S. history for what big pharma did to our country over oxycontin, and 2.3 billion USD settlement against Pfizer, the exact same company, for...Fraudulent marketing for another drug! So yes, I do think they have the power to mess a whole bunch of shit up in their own best interests. (Also see U.S.. food studies if you want to know how easily they can be bought and how they can ruin American and others' lives)

Also, and ultimately, please remember that their protection against lawsuits from adverse effects from the vaccine runs out soon, I'm not sure of those details but at some point very soon they will be able to be held liable for any damage done by the vaccine, but anything that happens now during this preliminary period it's something they can't be touched for, and the best way to eliminate any findings later is to eliminate the control group now, that is make everybody get vaccinated so there's really essentially no way to pin anything on them later because it will be happening to everybody then they'll most likely just blame covid, their standard playbook.

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I work for big pharma too and they absolutely do have the power. In fact look at the pharma companies sitting with the pope, Rothschild other helping with "global inequalities" they are part of the great reset. Now go look at the top private share holders are for any stock. You will see Vanguard, Blockrock, & state street capital........ the global cabal........ Pharma spends close to 5 billion annually on advertising. This buys a lot of influence......

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I am currently reading Robert F Kennedy Jr's recent book : "The Real Anthony Fauci....."

This goes into a great deal of detail as to how the pharma corporations and the USA medical institutions have intertwined themselves, to the financial betterment of both, but the health detriment of the public. Highly recommended.

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So have I. At one level below executive committee. The overriding aura is one of people flailing around trying to grow earnings, keep shareholders happy and not look like total idiots in the press. This is what they care about.

When it comes to governments - their biggest customers - the goal is to squeeze out as much money as possible, and they will bend over backwards to do this. So if that involves gaming studies that you would normally never dare game, you can be sure someone in government has tipped them the nod that this is something they will be allowed to get away with. Likely why those Pfizer contracts are so comprehensive in absolving Pfizer of liability. They know they’ve done wrong. They would never normally risk this (as blatantly or deliberately) because they’d be sued into oblivion.

Big Pharma are complicit, but this is definitely government driven.

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I would love some links to studies demonstrating the complete ineffectiveness of vaccines.

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The pharmaceuticals own studies show that the absolute, NOT relative rate of effectiveness is approximately only 1%.

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I don’t understand that distinction so I apologize. I would appreciate it if you might explain it to me.

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Here's my attempt: Assume a trial of a drug; 10,000 participants given active drug, 10,000 given placebo. Say the first group has an incidence of the undesirable effect being tested, an 'attack' rate, of 100 (out of the 10,000 active group) and the latter 200 (out of the 10,000 placebo group). The former proportion is .01 (100/10000) and the latter .02 (200/10000); or 1% vs 2%.

Relative Risk Reduction (RRR) is therefore 100% (the relative difference between 1% and 2%.) Very convenient statistic if you're the pharmaceutical company trying to demonstrate the efficacy of your 'wonder drug'. And so that's what's usually quoted.

However arguably the more relevant statistic is Absolute Risk Reduction (ARR) which takes the view that the important concept is the likelihood that an outcome will occur. That is, the active group had an outcome of 1% and the placebo group 2%. The appropriate inference is that the already low incidence in the placebo group of 2% is only reduced, in absolute terms, to 1% in the active group. A 1% difference in the ‘likelihood that an outcome will occur’ is not nearly as impressive, but is factually more useful in evaluating the efficacy of the drug (or vaccine). It may be that, in these made up numbers, you would consider that sufficient to justify using the drug, but in the real world the ARR for say, the Pfizer vaccine, is somewhat less than 1% efficacy.

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I think Eugyppius posted an article about the data in this link recently and I know Alex Berenson did: "Vaccinated English adults under 60 are dying at twice the rate of unvaccinated people the same age" ( https://alexberenson.substack.com/p/vaccinated-english-adults-under-60 )

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The problem is the studies come out and they are outright lies, You have to look at the follow-up reports the footnotes within the studies and people who actually read and analyze the methodology used to see the massive gaps and fraud. Here's a good example "URGENT: Pfizer failed to report six deaths of Covid vaccine recipients when it updated its clinical trial results in July" ( https://alexberenson.substack.com/p/urgent-pfizer-failed-to-report-six/ )

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This is probably true but the UK vax rate is now 80%. Do the math.

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Yeah but check out excess mortality since vaccine roll out and causes: ischemia and heart attacks, etc., all leading causes. This is new in 2021, specifically the last few months. Not in 2020, so cannot be named on Covid, as they’d love to try to do. Again, all on UK gov website.

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The right version:

“To all the stupid politicians that bought these lousy vaccines:

Thanks a lot. Thanks to you, it looks like we’ll be spending this winter in lockdown. Once again, many places won’t have Christmas markets once again, and we may not be able to celebrate the Christmas holidays with our families. The measures announced in Saxony and Bavaria are a slap in the face to all those who believed this shitty vaccines were a miracle, in recent months.

No question, the restrictions are necessary. But they wouldn’t have been necessary if you, the idiot politicians, had acted responsibly. And all those you have fooled, must realize that they’re also to blame for this situation.

By accepting all your bullshit, they’re also responsible for the fact that society is again under pressure, for the fact that doctors and nurses are again pushed beyond their limits.

Once again, restaurants and shopkeepers must fear for their existence. The ones who accepted everything this corrupt politicians did, must also ponder the joint responsibility they bear for the likely thousands of victims of this Corona wave.

People have hesitated for far too long. They should have increased pressure on the politicians much earlier. But they were probably afraid that this would anger them and they would start with lockdowns and restrictions, earlier.

That was negligent – and it’s one reason things are like this now. The wave can no longer be stopped. But Germany must get out of this endless loop of Corona, because at some point, even the vaccinated, those who have trusted the ridiculous politicians, will no longer put up with it.

They also don’t want these anti-Corona measures anymore. Politicians must be shown a way out. A winter like this must never happen again. How can we do this?

Not the way our neighbouring country, Austria, is doing. Compulsory vaccination with a lousy vaccine is not the solution. What we should do is elect decent people, not corrupted by Pfizer, Moderna and others. “

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excellent, thank you

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Nov 21, 2021Liked by eugyppius

They will NEVER admit error. When does this miserable ORC come up for re-election??

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It will just be another gaslighting opportunity. '*We* never told you the vaccine worked. It's your fault for reading disinformation online.'

And on to the next narrative

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won't they be driven to it eventually simply because this insane developed world of ours for all its hubris is NOT the whole of the world and in the rest of the world there'll be many places and many millions going about their business quite happily as normal when we're taking three monthly vaccinations are muzzled like dogs, confined to our kennels and frightened to get near each other?

surely it'll just become too obvious to deny?

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They are in the denial phase. “No… no… vaccines are amazing… Faucy said that they were very efficient.”

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Nov 21, 2021Liked by eugyppius

Plus the drug companies who produced these "vaccines" and the agencies that approved them.

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Nov 21, 2021Liked by eugyppius

Well said, VSN74!

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Gee, where have I heard something like this before …

“One crucial factor in creating a cohesive group is to define who is excluded from membership. Nazi propagandists contributed to the regime’s policies by publicly identifying groups for exclusion, justifying their outsider status, and inciting hatred or cultivating indifference. Nazi propaganda was crucial in selling the myth of the ‘national community’ to Germans who longed for unity, national pride and greatness, and a break with the rigid social stratification of the past. But a second, more sinister aspect of the Nazi myth was that not all Germans were welcome in the new community. Propaganda helped to define who would be excluded from the new society and justified measures against the ‘outsiders.’”

—Defining the Enemy (https://www.ushmm.org/propaganda/themes/defining-the-enemy/), United States Holocaust Memorial Museum

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Yeah, that just applied to the bad guys.

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I did Natzi that coming.

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Wonderful. Please continue to puntificate.

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You're doing the reich thing.

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Heil get back to you on that.

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Nov 21, 2021Liked by eugyppius

It is just a rant, repeating falsehoods in a never ending loop without any logical argumentation whatsoever . It is a pure propaganda and the mere fact that it is on the government official TV channel says it all: mandatory vaccines are the plan and they will push it through. It will be an easy job - the vaccinated will need a scapegoat for their bad decision that didn't help at all and even made it all worse.

How can we prevent this dystopian future? That is the real question now. We need the arguments but even more we need to act. The free choice of a medical treatment and the bodily autonomy are among the most fundamental freedoms. We cannot give up those.

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If we have 20% opposing the mandates and those 20% are organised and act together it will stop immediately. Those are 20% nurses, plumbers, truck drivers ...

20% anonymous armchair activists won't do. We can start as simply as wearing yellow jackets on Sundays. Meet each other locally ...

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Nov 21, 2021Liked by eugyppius

They really are trying to turn everyone against those smart enough to avoid the scam of a 'vaccine'. Hitler style.

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It is the goal of the elete to turn people against each other. The media is their servant.

We need to recognize that the eletes gain when we are distracted. Forget political sides and come together as one free people. Don't let them win!

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Nov 21, 2021Liked by eugyppius

How long that would last here in Idaho: zero seconds. Nations without personal protection have no personal protection.

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You're right. There are too many well-armed civilians in the US. That's why defaming this nation's founding/founders and fomenting racial division is the globalist's tool for destroying America. They are doing their best to incite people to violence by explicitly showing that justice is now unequal. The police was ordered to stand down and take a beating from regime-approved rioters last summer in contrast with the manhunt and draconian actions against those who wandered about the Capitol in January. I live nowhere near the Den of Vipers on the Potomac, yet I was treated to billboards asking for help in identifying the "insurrectionists" on my daily commute to work.

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Disagree. Xiden plainly told us he's not worried about 2A because the gubmint has nukes and F-15s. Dissenters are branded as "domestic terrorists," "white supremacists," and "racists," to make it easier for the same evil Marxists turn our woke joke brainwashed military against us. Military patriots are being flushed out for their jab refusal, will be branded with dishonorable discharges, which removes their 2A rights. They aren't so worried about normal people with guns, only those with real military experience in force multiplication. The shit will hit the fan here, too. Just more violently.

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America can't be disarmed. That's why it must be destroyed from the inside. They want a civil war.

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I disagree. I do t know much about Idaho in particular, but there are many people here who would agree with her 100%.

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Idaho ain't as red as it used to be. Just ask CO, WY, MT, ND, SD. Californians have spread their money and poison all over.

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If you admittedly “don’t know much about Idaho”, disagreeing is - interesting.

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She surely looks to be out of her mind due to anger. Her anger is in part prompted by dishonest statistics alleging that the vaccinated are to blame for the latest pandemic.

I just caught Santa Clara County, CA in publishing basically fake (and weirdly retroactively changing) graphs of case rates in vaxxed vs unvaxxed. I saved cell phone photos of graphs and show how now (in November) they are suddenly inflating unvaxxed case rates for AUGUST (and for November also).


You might give the German statistics a close look also. It may be as fake and made up as Santa Clara County.

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So if you repeat it enough, people will believe that only unvaxxed spread COVID. They’re really hitting the accelerator on this now.

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I know 3 people who have had covid the past week. All were vaccinated (philadelphia area). The vaccines don't work. When will people wake up?

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A Canadian politician died a few days ago, fully vaccinated. Haven't seen Newsom yet. Hoards of sportsmen and women are having heart problems and have to quit their sport or die. I can 't believe this is happening in Germany and Austria again. Haven't they learned anything from the Hitler episode? There are still enough living to remember!

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The Canadian politician was a Senator. The media said she had autoimmune issues before getting the shots. It seems to me that the shots were the worst thing she could have taken given her previous health issues. I wonder how this will play out in the media.

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I have a friend, or should I say former friend, who has autoimmune disease. I read up on it and they should not get any immunisations at all. But this person is first in line. I have no idea how come they don't read up on their own illness.

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This is happening all over the world. If we want to find an episode in each country’s past, we will, but I find it pointless. And also can somehow harm the people in those countries.

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You are right. But this is recent history. Most countries have the same awful episodes, but very little this recent and this enormous. And this time it is world wide, and still so many run into it with open eyes I am just trying to figure out why

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Same story in Berlin! 3 out of 3

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A lot of them appear to believe that not only are the unvaxxed the only ones spreading covid, but that they're all or mostly infected. People talk about the unvaccinated as if they're necessarily all biohazards. How many comments have you seen or heard that are some variation of "you're not allowed to kill us by just walking around unvaccinated"?

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In fact it are the vaxxed ones that are spreading now. And indeed, whether vaxxed or not, if you are not sick you are not sick !

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We even have Boris Johnson on a video admitting to a reporter that vaccinations don't prevent infection or transmission. But then he says, "Get your booster!"

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Hahaha what do you expect. You can only use the brain cells you got.

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Yes exactly. Did you see the video of the woman on the flight to London who was screaming because the man seated next to her would not show a vax card? Screaming as if she was being murdered by him. Total hysteria.

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I think that was a training video and didn't actually happen.

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My bad. It was too real a depiction of a Marxist Mom.

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Nov 21, 2021Liked by eugyppius

Fascists like her should be hung from telephone poles. End of story.

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Fascists only wanted to murder other peoples. She wants to murder her own people too

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She doesn't consider the unvaccinated her people.

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And yet fascists always end up murdering their own people. Often before they make war on other nations.

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Nov 21, 2021Liked by eugyppius

This is when I love the German language the most. Even when Germans are expressing love for one another, it will always sound as if they’re demanding papers. I do miss. Being there.

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Hilarious meme about the German language. Whenever my kids get rowdy I threaten them with the 'krankenhaus'


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Looks like there's a few other words that could do with being shortened: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Oy-cArjg3t0

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Looks like they are desperately and deliberately targetting these messages directly at the amygdala, the 'fear centre' of the brain. We're almost back at medieval levels of superstition and hysteria.

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Not sure whether they are desparate.

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I sense the desparation in the total lack of any facts, science or statistics to back up their assertions, because they know there aren't any.

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Yes there is that lack, but they are in power and their power is not threatened

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Nov 21, 2021Liked by eugyppius

I am so sorry for the state of your country which might also one day be the state of mine. Currently residing abroad where restrictions are less so I am both fortunate and fearful for those back home. I grieve for the loss of humanity and successful perversion of truth. Many are using their common sense to protest now, thank God. Perhaps it hurts more to have the research skills to know the details but it is encouraging how many are showing up who just know simply, something is very wrong. As a trusted source said, do what you have to to get through this. Lie, protest, move. It is a completely immoral scheme and hopefully can not last long. I urge all to use every nonviolent method possible. Violence will play into their hands though, it’s just the excuse the tyrants need to use force.

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I think we need to take a cue from the Netherlands. I never thought I would be applauding the Dutch, but peaceful protest is sadly not a very viable option at this point and never covered by the msm. These tyrants will stop at nothing to push their agenda forward. Time to push back.

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It's worth noting that the people behind all this are wine and cheese types, so I don't think they're up for serious resistance. It's like the War of the Worlds, where the Martians had enormously powerful machines, but they themselves were so weak and infirm that once something got to them directly they quickly succumbed. The key may be to turn the police - after all, the latter are not likely to salute a vaccine mandate that applies to themselves, especially if the rates of hospitalization and death ramp up significantly in the coming months and years.

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She says the unvaccinated are partly responsible. Where does the rest of the responsibity lie? Face it, if you're unvaccinated and have successfully navigated the last 20 months without getting Covid you're doing something right. Unfortunately if you come down with it now it's not your fault. Most likely you were infected by one of the vaccinated superspreaders. When are they going to learn that if you have a vaccine that permits infection and spread, it's not the unvaccinated that's doing the spreading.

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Yes, these people haven’t gotten covid, but, as they are not vaccinated, they are spreading it.


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Sadly science is proving that the vaccines are marginally useful and perhaps their benefit is outweighed by the negative side effects.

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We have to wonder if they can really be that ignorant, or if they know better but are just doing their job as propagandists. Ignorance is a persistent problem, endemic in medical terms, so it's always a high probability guess. But the histrionics shown by many pundits indicates captive propagandists are a big factor in current reality, as it has been in every dictatorship. Ignorance is self correcting, so the greatest effort should be to identify and publicize the propagandists. If we tolerate them, we'll get more.

Absolutely avoid twit and face and whatever rag frau fruhauf works for, and others like it, and openly criticize and ridicule those who use them. Eugipius' excellent post "How to Argue" gives a good recipe for doing that.

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Nov 21, 2021Liked by eugyppius

It boggles my mind that people will accept this when it is blatantly obvious now that these shots do not stop transmission, and in fact, they probably increase it once they start to wear after a few months. Utter madness!

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