Sorry for low-energy post. Must rest a bit from long review yesterday still, but wanted to report on these developments as Germany increasingly becomes Euro outlier in containment insanity.
We are just glad to be kept abreast of what’s going on. Saw that Italy wants to mandate vaccines for folks over 50 or fine them. So for all the people who believe covid is isn’t.
It will never be done Cynthia Bowers…. The mass psychosis “test” was their way to attack and never stop… the end game of passports/ NWO is on the way ….all for the shills to control the sheep , all for the love of money and power.
Unfair for the many millions of us who in our 60's and 70;'s who already have naturally aquired immunity: which I believe I do.
I recently spent three days and nights on a long weekend with my young family members sharing a house, car, pub, and restuarants: - they were all vaccinated, but none of us older and immunocompromised people were.
They both tested positive, none of us did. So I think we already had it in January 2020: it was just like a mild flu.
Both of us remain unvaccinated. However, we both had the virus a month ago. My experience is that it is very strange and debilitating. I still do not feel well. I wouldn't classify it as flu-like. I can't imagine what taking a shot would do in addition to already having the illness.
It seems to affect different people differently: but its hard to work out how exactly. I don't recommend it, but my daughter and her partner (BOTH EARLY 30'S) seem to have made a 100% recovery, as indeed have hundreds of millions of people.
Same here with my wife. Like the first two rounds of covid I had, one in India, and on in Tanzania, this last one, in Feb in Virginia, was the same in one regard. I had symptoms I have never had before in 50 plus years. All three episodes were weak overall, no meds needed, but the symptoms were bizarre. But I continue to travel regardless, no vax needed, plenty of natural immunity to get.
I think it is 100 Euro. As if the money will keep you healthy. Or rather the giving away of money.... if they do that here I have to move. I cannot afford that!
They already did, Cynthia...but fortunately enough, the great majority of them resisted, got suspended from work, but didn't give it came out like a sort of nothingburger
Your low energy post has 10x more energy than our useless, listless, clueless president who thinks Tony Fauci is the last word in epidemiology and engages in war brinkmanship while extending his face diaper decrees for air travel.
Naw, it is a quaint relic of our government that anyone who has had the title still retains the title. Granted it would be less confusing to add an Ex- or something in front of it, but GW Bush is still refferred to in government as 'president' as is Obama and Trump. I guess their wives are still 'first lady' as well.
Despite all this is could just be Brandon doing Brandon, we'll never know.
It is even worse if one is able to follow the speeches in the German parliament. The hysteric posturing coupled with a lack of coherent argumentations which some members of parliament displayed is at first hilarious, but on second thought truly frightening.
We descend into a state of ideology, where objective argumentation is impossible.
Unfortunately I see this also privately. Many of my acquaintances are now just repeating verbatim the MSM opinions, and you cannot reach them anymore.
Not only that they do not know anything that may contradict the official narrative; they don't want to know and look with suspicion at anyone who is interested.
One would have thought that e.g. the publishing of the Pfizer internal papers would have lead many to reconsider their opinion of the vaccines. But it fell completely on deaf ears.
I know what you mean about suspicion of anyone interested. I was talking with my brother and law about landfill and recycling. I mentioned that we should find a way to recycle face masks because there are surely at least ten billion in landfills now. He looked at me very suspiciously to see if I was questioning the narrative in any way, acknowledged it was true and moved the conversation on.
Discuss with him the side effects of the vaccines, and tell him that you looked up VAERS or the Pfizer papers.
Looking this material up is suspicious already. After all, only someone who has doubts in the official narrative would do that...
Much of the propaganda of the official narrative is not about giving evidence for its validity, but in ridiculing or demonizing other opinions.
This is now done on many topics (at least here in Germany).
Hence the "red Pill" metaphor is very apt. once someone is willing to question any topic which has an "official narrative", he will see that he has been lied to, and then be open to the possibility that she is lied to in other issues as well.
Are you really sure it's an outlier? I'm of the opinion the others have just backed of for a while. They, like Quebec have plan B up their sleeves to be unveiled in the near future.
I'm so glad I got to visit and explore Germany a number of times in the 90's. I enjoyed my time there and especially interacting with the German people. I'm sad that it has gone insane.
Berlin, from what I hear there, is the best place and where those are congregating who refuse. I have a relation there who can't even go visit her parents in Hamburg because of the restrictions.
I was relieved to see you wrote this as the sensationalist headlines on the topic ("Germany drops all restrictions") felt extremely suspect. Thanks for the clarity
It looks like pretty much all countries are on board. A friend just emailed me a video (don't know the source) where a couple of morning news hosts talk of digital ID's coming to Ontario later this year. They see the problem as 'there's no way I'm having that much personal info on my phone' which of course is a valid concern but definitely not the only concern. They're don't look ahead to the government control issues.
No, Eugyppius..Italy, for once, is way ahead of Germany in this infamous state of affairs..if you really want to ruin a good day, have a go at Draghi's 17march speech..
Many other countries have been pretending that everything is great while cases (UK) and deaths (Denmark) are the highest they've ever been. Which begs the question: why did we have all these restrictions and lockdowns for two years if the cases/deaths are at its highest?
I am actually perfectly ok with pretending that everything is fine if they remove ALL restrictions that were introduced and they strip ALL emergency powers they gained during the past two years.
But, spring and summer are coming to Europe. It's time to have fun, travel, vacation.
And then come October, let the clown show begin again. Which country will be first?
SimulationCommander …your right he knew. My brother and I saw him in a small theatre in New Brunswick, New Jersey in the early 70s , I was 14 and he was 18. He told me to listen well and ignore the curse words. 😆
I've loved Carlin since I found his albums at houses I babysat at in the 70's. Years later, about late 90's I remember a FOF complaining about the latest Carlin show he attended. "He's all political! He's Angry! He's not funny anymore!". I could only think "What? You never noticed that before?" In retrospect, I think that Carlin was goring this man's own smug complacent politics that night and he couldn't handle it.
Sorry for the editing. Proper subjects for sentences don't always occur pre-coffee.
The ‘mandatory’ focus on 50+ group is happening in a lot of countries - I suspect it is because these people are more likely to push back as they are more comfortable making their own decisions based on data and with a regard for history, some of which they or their parents have lived, rather than younger people who have grown up on social media and lack good reasoning skills and any knowledge of history, apparently
If that were true why do all countries keep landing on identical solutions and roll them out with identical language? The YT channel Unherd Lockdown TV interviewed the Swedish Health Minister one year after Corona started to discuss whether Sweden had chosen the right path. Interestingly, he commented that when it was decided to adopt some of the measures recommended by the WHO, all ten (10) government parties supported the decision, a unity never achieved previously in Swedish politics
Me-too Freakoutism. 14 year old girls afraid the cool kids won't let them sit at the lunch table if they don't do what the cool kids are doing. Seriously. That's it. Humans have evolved to perpetual tweens.
Globalists don't see countries or citizens and have been at war for 2 years now. The casualties pile up, but no one wants to admit it for reasons I can't understand.
We do tend to be a bit iconoclastic, don't we? I think it's a good trait. Gen X has been getting a bad rap since forever for being rather 'silent' compared to other generations. Thing is, we were all DIY and hands on. I think our generation has a story to tell yet. Hold fast, perhaps we are meant to shine in what is yet to come.
"State governments will be allowed to impose additional restrictions, including vaccination and testing requirements for restaurants and public events, in the case of so-called “hotspots.” "
With vaccination exhibiting negative efficacy, the State can now create "hotspots", ensuring that the emergency never ends!!
I agree entirely with your earlier comments, I think on twatter, that it is just mentally draining to listen to these unprincipled halfwits reciting mantras that even an unprincipled halfwit should be able to see through.
I have built a life here over more than 15 years, that I guess I will now have to leave behind if I ever want to go into a shop without a fucking FFP2 mask on. Or get on a local bus. It doesn't help that the only place Mrs Viv would be prepared to move to is somewhere I don't want to, with double the cost of living on half the salary.
But as fucked up as Germany is now I still can't abandon this. Wherever you go this sword of Damocles now hangs over the entire formerly semi-free world, whenever they can detect this virus (or in a few years some other) on the mucous membranes of sufficient numbers of terminally ill 87 year olds, they can take it all away from you.
And almost everyone will believe, and comply, and enforce the rituals.
It's suspicious how many areas are refusing to completely withdraw all Covid-19 restrictions. With the WHO drawing up plans to take over the medical plans of member states, I'm expecting a worldwide continuation of vaxports and restrictions. It'll be easier for governments to simply point to the WHO as the reason they must enforce them.
Good post, but this gave me a chuckle: "Anytime you encounter English vocabulary in German law, it is a sign of bad things." We say the opposite thing in America!
Remove Germany from future visits. Do not support countries that continue to issue draconian mandates. . They don’t deserve your hard earned money. I feel sorry for the Germans they appear to be powerless.
Well, one necessary thing that's come out of our Global Catastrophe is discovering that We Are All Germans. Where I live now is an extremely blue, extremely highly-educated area of an otherwise strongly libertarian red state, and the people in my locale continue to express the sentiments of "Build a Better Genocide Theme Park" slaverers with orgiastic abandon. I never in my life thought I'd be as grateful for a Republican governor and mostly Republican state legislature to hold the line on madness as I am now. Unfortunately the demographics of my voting wards mean only Democrats will be elected here. (And I note for emphasis that I'm a registered independent, voted for Bernie twice in the primaries (before I saw him turn into a Hillary and Biden shill) and voted for "none of the above" in the 2016 and 2020 general elections.)
How did abstaining work for you? We don't get the government we want by casting an occasional vote. We win by active participation. Passive citizens submit to those who are active.
I live in downtown Chicago. Our elections are rigged and the winners installed. My ballot truly does not count. I know, because I once served my precinct as an election judge and enjoyed a front row seat to the chicanery.
No vote with more than one voter counts. Your vote is canceled by the next contrary vote. Fraudulent elections (not limited to Chicago, unfortunately) result when complacent voters ignore the process. It persists as long as you tolerate it.
The only meaningful vote is in local and micro-local elections which are the birthing grounds for aspirants to higher political office.
You ought to know by now that both parties are equally vile and stand for nothing but power, its acquisition, its continuation and its doling out to adherents.
There's no "lesser evil." Hillary and Trump were equivalent, and Trump and Biden were equivalent, because they kept all the same people in power in the functional administration of this nation.
I might not be a genius, but I ain't no whore, and my vote isn't for sale to stinking hands claiming they washed a little more than the other guy's.
There is always a lesser evil. This ain't Burger King -- we can't have it our way. Life is full of unlikable choices. Successful people choose the best available. Ambitious people work to find better choices. Those who think Trump and Hillary were equivalent weren't paying attention. There is not and never has been an equivalent to Joe.
Trump did write a few good executive orders among them banning CRT which I think Biden reversed. I understand what you're saying about 'they're all the same'. Yes they are but I still think none of them like losing so at least use your vote to punish the party currently in power if you don't like what they're doing. At the moment, your Republicans seem to be pushing hard against the Democrats using that as a way to score points. Don't underestimate that: Americans are the most free nation right about now and it's a result of this interplay. Actually, Bosnia Hercegovina might be the most free but ...
In Canada, we have 2 parties where one supports the other and the rest of the parties are very weak as a result. Even with that, Trudeau had to end his Emergencies Act invocation sooner than he wanted to partly because the very weak parties pushed against him.
These days I spend a lot of time saying "Damn it, Trump was right...". Guy's a walking Shakespearean tragedy. If only he hadn't been taking all his advice from thugs and morons--including not least his idiot children. If he'd followed his instincts, and gotten just a wee bit of therapy for his parent issues, he'd have been a transformative President in one of the better examples of the phrase. But these damaged-from-the-beginning men are always cutting off their own dicks.
Well, next election I'm coming out of retirement to vote for the 'other' side just to sweep the useless scum that have been in for way too long. We'll get new useless scum, but whatevs. Party on!
Two doctors in a rural, poor county document in their book that they treated 7,000 patients with none going to the hospital if they were treated within 7 days. The county is in California, on the border with Mexico and Arizona.
"Overcoming the COVID-19 Darkness: How Two Doctors Successfully Treated 7000 Patients Paperback – January 7, 2022"
They were interviewed on Trial Site News which might be behind a paywall.
Early on in Nov 2020 when they had treated 1,700 patients successfully, Brian Tyson spoke at the Calif Supreme Court and said that there is early treatment that works, no need to be afraid, can go back to school, etc. No mention of IVM or HCQ. Got 400,000 views in 4 hours on Facebook and then it was taken down. Just one of the many examples of suppression.
One would think with the increases in cases and vax not working that they would look to early treatment. All of their patients were in person and they used X rays for diagnosis and treatment similar to the cocktails l like Peter Mccullouch or
Someone needs to round up Frau Merkle's many muslim minions and get Sharia Law implemented. I am no muslim, but I suspect vaccines with aborted baby tissue would not pass muster with them. And they fight, maim, kill, and burn stuff down, Govt drones wouldn't want another Reichstag fire. Put some backbone into the German people still living there.
Jab Gelatine? Sounds like a weird dessert. Or maybe something to slick down your hair and beard. Possibly a 'perfectly safe' alternative to 'toxic' shaving gels...huuum... I think I need to get back into marketing.
what would be a good source? My few muslim friends are atheistic and didn't know. All they would tell me is that anything involving pigs would make their hair catch fire.
From the Islamic point of view, preserving life is aligned with preserving religion. Muslims who refuse to receive COVID-19 vaccines may be regarded as acting against Sharia law. Yet Halal certification is only one of many issues that may affect vaccine uptake. The anti-vaccination movement, concerns about long term side effects, accessibility and mis-information pose additional challenges. Effective scientific discourse and communication, including regular engagement with Islamic law scholars, Ulamas, and national regulatory agencies, will be critical for achieving vaccination targets.
Individual decisions about accepting COVID-19 vaccines are multifactorial. The Halal issue may pose a significant challenge amongst Muslim populations. Fatwa councils worldwide have used both sharia and scientific approaches to grant Halal certificates for COVID-19 vaccines. Yet there have been inconsistencies across regions. For example, the AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine is considered Haram by the Indonesian council but Halal by other councils. Nonetheless, all fatwa councils agree that vaccines are necessary in the context of our current pandemic, and thus receiving a COVID-19 vaccination is actually a form of compliance with Sharia law. Broader use of ACF reagents during manufacturing may further increase acceptance among Muslims.
There is a person on substack named abdullah that addresses this although I suspect that officially, Muslims like Catholics allow the jabs while in reality they should not be allowed. In the Catholic world, the rational is if there is no alternative then they allow even abortion tainted products. I think most of us know of alternatives including vitamin D. I actually wrote letters to a few doctors, priests, bishops, even to the apostolic nuncio for Canada pointing this out. I didn't expect to change minds but at least they can't say they weren't aware.
Some of us in NZ wrote to our bishops about this too and about their appalling decision to exclude unvaxxed from Mass. Like you say they can't pretend they didn't know. I wrote to my parish priest explaining that as Id been excluded from choir I would no longer be attending Mass. (There are some mid-week Masses we are allowed to attend.)He replied that he hoped I would return when I felt 'comfortable' . Am attending traditional Latin Mass now.
yes, am a little reluctant to start this discussion, because ppl will accuse me of being a grifter etc, but i think either a) we are just entering new phase or b) there will be new catastrophe.
Cant grift off the truth though. I see either or both of your theories having great merit. They’re already trying to make Ukraine the next catastrophe & if the idiot running my country manages to push it into nuclear WWIII, a castastrophe it will certainly be.
As to the other, it seems like the new phase right now is the easing of restrictions…Walinsky said the CDC needed to give Americans a “break” a few weeks ago & now Faux-Xi is already back to re-tighten the yoke (or threaten it, for now)
it could also even be something else. it could be some environmental contaminant that means we’re only allowed to eat on thursdays or something. sounds ridiculous, but we’ve just been through so much arbitrary and totally unjustified political hysteria, anything is possible.
In 2019 or in any year before that, I could never have BELIEVED what has happened here & all over the world - in lockstep, no less, which has been the most horrifying, maddening & frighting of all because we realize none of it was random & that something wicked this way comes.
For any of us with common sense, a brain, rationality & a desire for reality & truth, it has been deeply, spiritually damaging.
No, in the US this was a fortuitous practice run for the real target: global warming. The people are being conditioned. In the US, because of the upcoming election, I don't see Covid mandates going anywhere in any red or toss-up state. They are going to push the global warming stuff now so that they get their nose under the tent before Congress changes color. That's why no oil production and no action regarding lowering inflation + Ukrainian sanctions that hurt US citizens: all lower CO2 and must be kept through the election, with the hope that the bureaucracy and executive branch can be passive-aggressive about these issues after the election.
I just had a mild flu the last few days. I am interviewing for jobs right now and getting this sinking feeling that if I were working now and called in sick they would require a test to return meaning that I will have to keep illness to myself as much as possible, because I refuse to test or do anything to accede to this.
Sorry for low-energy post. Must rest a bit from long review yesterday still, but wanted to report on these developments as Germany increasingly becomes Euro outlier in containment insanity.
We are just glad to be kept abreast of what’s going on. Saw that Italy wants to mandate vaccines for folks over 50 or fine them. So for all the people who believe covid is isn’t.
It will never be done Cynthia Bowers…. The mass psychosis “test” was their way to attack and never stop… the end game of passports/ NWO is on the way ….all for the shills to control the sheep , all for the love of money and power.
Lol I know that! I thought my comment said that.
Unfair for the many millions of us who in our 60's and 70;'s who already have naturally aquired immunity: which I believe I do.
I recently spent three days and nights on a long weekend with my young family members sharing a house, car, pub, and restuarants: - they were all vaccinated, but none of us older and immunocompromised people were.
They both tested positive, none of us did. So I think we already had it in January 2020: it was just like a mild flu.
Both of us remain unvaccinated. However, we both had the virus a month ago. My experience is that it is very strange and debilitating. I still do not feel well. I wouldn't classify it as flu-like. I can't imagine what taking a shot would do in addition to already having the illness.
It seems to affect different people differently: but its hard to work out how exactly. I don't recommend it, but my daughter and her partner (BOTH EARLY 30'S) seem to have made a 100% recovery, as indeed have hundreds of millions of people.
Same here with my wife. Like the first two rounds of covid I had, one in India, and on in Tanzania, this last one, in Feb in Virginia, was the same in one regard. I had symptoms I have never had before in 50 plus years. All three episodes were weak overall, no meds needed, but the symptoms were bizarre. But I continue to travel regardless, no vax needed, plenty of natural immunity to get.
Living fearlessly! 😁
I remember reading that Greece had a mandate like that for the over 60's. Vaxx or get fined. And it was a significant fine applied monthly.
I think it is 100 Euro. As if the money will keep you healthy. Or rather the giving away of money.... if they do that here I have to move. I cannot afford that!
They already did, Cynthia...but fortunately enough, the great majority of them resisted, got suspended from work, but didn't give it came out like a sort of nothingburger
So in Italy will those who refuse to (or can't) pay the fine be imprisoned?
Good question. The story I read didn’t specify. Just suggested fines may go up if not paid.
too hard on yourself, this an informative update as regards my german friends
Never apologize.
Your low energy post has 10x more energy than our useless, listless, clueless president who thinks Tony Fauci is the last word in epidemiology and engages in war brinkmanship while extending his face diaper decrees for air travel.
Did you hear him say ‘the first Lady’s husband has covid.’ He is admitting this Obama’s third term. (Of course Obama was a puppet too.)
Naw, it is a quaint relic of our government that anyone who has had the title still retains the title. Granted it would be less confusing to add an Ex- or something in front of it, but GW Bush is still refferred to in government as 'president' as is Obama and Trump. I guess their wives are still 'first lady' as well.
Despite all this is could just be Brandon doing Brandon, we'll never know.
True. But what a weird way to word it.
I don't know how but this country always manages to disappoint me even more.
Thank you for the update!
It is even worse if one is able to follow the speeches in the German parliament. The hysteric posturing coupled with a lack of coherent argumentations which some members of parliament displayed is at first hilarious, but on second thought truly frightening.
We descend into a state of ideology, where objective argumentation is impossible.
Unfortunately I see this also privately. Many of my acquaintances are now just repeating verbatim the MSM opinions, and you cannot reach them anymore.
Not only that they do not know anything that may contradict the official narrative; they don't want to know and look with suspicion at anyone who is interested.
One would have thought that e.g. the publishing of the Pfizer internal papers would have lead many to reconsider their opinion of the vaccines. But it fell completely on deaf ears.
i watched and just found it too emotionally and intellectually exhausting to even post about.
Mass formation psychosis
I know what you mean about suspicion of anyone interested. I was talking with my brother and law about landfill and recycling. I mentioned that we should find a way to recycle face masks because there are surely at least ten billion in landfills now. He looked at me very suspiciously to see if I was questioning the narrative in any way, acknowledged it was true and moved the conversation on.
Discuss with him the side effects of the vaccines, and tell him that you looked up VAERS or the Pfizer papers.
Looking this material up is suspicious already. After all, only someone who has doubts in the official narrative would do that...
Much of the propaganda of the official narrative is not about giving evidence for its validity, but in ridiculing or demonizing other opinions.
This is now done on many topics (at least here in Germany).
Hence the "red Pill" metaphor is very apt. once someone is willing to question any topic which has an "official narrative", he will see that he has been lied to, and then be open to the possibility that she is lied to in other issues as well.
Are you really sure it's an outlier? I'm of the opinion the others have just backed of for a while. They, like Quebec have plan B up their sleeves to be unveiled in the near future.
No problem. It was enough to invoke a comment out of me. But then, I’m easily excited. Even your off days beat the MSM garbage. Carry on!
I get it. It’s not enthusiastic news.
I'm so glad I got to visit and explore Germany a number of times in the 90's. I enjoyed my time there and especially interacting with the German people. I'm sad that it has gone insane.
I lived in Berlin for a while in the late 1970s. It was amazing.
What has been done to us, the good people of planet earth, is demonic.
Berlin, from what I hear there, is the best place and where those are congregating who refuse. I have a relation there who can't even go visit her parents in Hamburg because of the restrictions.
I was relieved to see you wrote this as the sensationalist headlines on the topic ("Germany drops all restrictions") felt extremely suspect. Thanks for the clarity
It looks like pretty much all countries are on board. A friend just emailed me a video (don't know the source) where a couple of morning news hosts talk of digital ID's coming to Ontario later this year. They see the problem as 'there's no way I'm having that much personal info on my phone' which of course is a valid concern but definitely not the only concern. They're don't look ahead to the government control issues.
Don't ever apologize for your work. It is always a beacon of light in darkness.
No, Eugyppius..Italy, for once, is way ahead of Germany in this infamous state of affairs..if you really want to ruin a good day, have a go at Draghi's 17march speech..
I've already posted this but I'll repeat: Canada here and we're all in the same boat pretty much.
Austria seems to be following the same.
oh it’s the language of empire mainly, but also in america i noticed very often foreign vocabulary (often french, sometimes german) was a bad sign
If they don't have a word for it in their native language, beware ! (unless for food, then it might be okay)
Don't forget the made-up English-mimicking terms, like »Infopoint« and »Handy.«
Yes, I was thinking the same and laughed out loud when I read that. Not a low energy post at all Eugyppius when it makes you lol.
We do suffer the same stupidity here in the states. "Flatten the curve" and "essential workers/businesses" comes to mind.
Disgusting. They just can't admit they aren't in control of the virus, so they will control you instead.
"You'll own nothing and like it, prole!"
The Globalist Neo-Fascist Eugenicist Oligarchy
Many other countries have been pretending that everything is great while cases (UK) and deaths (Denmark) are the highest they've ever been. Which begs the question: why did we have all these restrictions and lockdowns for two years if the cases/deaths are at its highest?
I am actually perfectly ok with pretending that everything is fine if they remove ALL restrictions that were introduced and they strip ALL emergency powers they gained during the past two years.
But, spring and summer are coming to Europe. It's time to have fun, travel, vacation.
And then come October, let the clown show begin again. Which country will be first?
That's what they wanted, anyway.
Yes, what used to be rights have become privileges; privileges that can be rescinded at the whims of our governments.
George Carlin knew.
SimulationCommander …your right he knew. My brother and I saw him in a small theatre in New Brunswick, New Jersey in the early 70s , I was 14 and he was 18. He told me to listen well and ignore the curse words. 😆
I've loved Carlin since I found his albums at houses I babysat at in the 70's. Years later, about late 90's I remember a FOF complaining about the latest Carlin show he attended. "He's all political! He's Angry! He's not funny anymore!". I could only think "What? You never noticed that before?" In retrospect, I think that Carlin was goring this man's own smug complacent politics that night and he couldn't handle it.
Sorry for the editing. Proper subjects for sentences don't always occur pre-coffee.
Loved him! He was way beyond his time. Most people just thought he was being funny.
The ‘mandatory’ focus on 50+ group is happening in a lot of countries - I suspect it is because these people are more likely to push back as they are more comfortable making their own decisions based on data and with a regard for history, some of which they or their parents have lived, rather than younger people who have grown up on social media and lack good reasoning skills and any knowledge of history, apparently
Or they are the most expensive to the state as they age.
Both of these things can be true and likely are
Or neither of them are true. And no one has any idea what's going on, so everyone is making it up as they go?
If that were true why do all countries keep landing on identical solutions and roll them out with identical language? The YT channel Unherd Lockdown TV interviewed the Swedish Health Minister one year after Corona started to discuss whether Sweden had chosen the right path. Interestingly, he commented that when it was decided to adopt some of the measures recommended by the WHO, all ten (10) government parties supported the decision, a unity never achieved previously in Swedish politics
Me-too Freakoutism. 14 year old girls afraid the cool kids won't let them sit at the lunch table if they don't do what the cool kids are doing. Seriously. That's it. Humans have evolved to perpetual tweens.
Globalists don't see countries or citizens and have been at war for 2 years now. The casualties pile up, but no one wants to admit it for reasons I can't understand.
Health costs is the argument they make. and it is easy to make, since costs for health treatment increase with age, for all diseases.
But it is just a ruse to get the mandates to everyone.
The +65 are almost all vaccinated, so now they try to force the next lower age cohort.
after that it will be 30, then 18, then 5, then everyone.
I think Unsure has a point though as well:
My impression in Germany is that most of the millennials are vaccinated now, as this generation is on average very obedient to the state.
While the Gen X tend to be a bit more suspicious. This is also what Howe's "Fourth Turning" mentioned.
This gen-xer is unshotted and will remain so even if it means I am never employed again.
We do tend to be a bit iconoclastic, don't we? I think it's a good trait. Gen X has been getting a bad rap since forever for being rather 'silent' compared to other generations. Thing is, we were all DIY and hands on. I think our generation has a story to tell yet. Hold fast, perhaps we are meant to shine in what is yet to come.
"State governments will be allowed to impose additional restrictions, including vaccination and testing requirements for restaurants and public events, in the case of so-called “hotspots.” "
With vaccination exhibiting negative efficacy, the State can now create "hotspots", ensuring that the emergency never ends!!
I agree entirely with your earlier comments, I think on twatter, that it is just mentally draining to listen to these unprincipled halfwits reciting mantras that even an unprincipled halfwit should be able to see through.
I have built a life here over more than 15 years, that I guess I will now have to leave behind if I ever want to go into a shop without a fucking FFP2 mask on. Or get on a local bus. It doesn't help that the only place Mrs Viv would be prepared to move to is somewhere I don't want to, with double the cost of living on half the salary.
But as fucked up as Germany is now I still can't abandon this. Wherever you go this sword of Damocles now hangs over the entire formerly semi-free world, whenever they can detect this virus (or in a few years some other) on the mucous membranes of sufficient numbers of terminally ill 87 year olds, they can take it all away from you.
And almost everyone will believe, and comply, and enforce the rituals.
It's suspicious how many areas are refusing to completely withdraw all Covid-19 restrictions. With the WHO drawing up plans to take over the medical plans of member states, I'm expecting a worldwide continuation of vaxports and restrictions. It'll be easier for governments to simply point to the WHO as the reason they must enforce them.
Good post, but this gave me a chuckle: "Anytime you encounter English vocabulary in German law, it is a sign of bad things." We say the opposite thing in America!
I'm half German, so I suppose I shouldn't be so glib...but I'm a quarter Irish, so yesterday was fun!
Remove Germany from future visits. Do not support countries that continue to issue draconian mandates. . They don’t deserve your hard earned money. I feel sorry for the Germans they appear to be powerless.
A slight majority seem to be in favour of COVID restrictions. This is who politicians want to please.
It's easy for polltakers to get the answers they want by the way they phrase their questions.
Who puts out the polls though. Nobody in my family wants those restrictions.
Reiner Fuellmich notwithstanding...
Well, one necessary thing that's come out of our Global Catastrophe is discovering that We Are All Germans. Where I live now is an extremely blue, extremely highly-educated area of an otherwise strongly libertarian red state, and the people in my locale continue to express the sentiments of "Build a Better Genocide Theme Park" slaverers with orgiastic abandon. I never in my life thought I'd be as grateful for a Republican governor and mostly Republican state legislature to hold the line on madness as I am now. Unfortunately the demographics of my voting wards mean only Democrats will be elected here. (And I note for emphasis that I'm a registered independent, voted for Bernie twice in the primaries (before I saw him turn into a Hillary and Biden shill) and voted for "none of the above" in the 2016 and 2020 general elections.)
How did abstaining work for you? We don't get the government we want by casting an occasional vote. We win by active participation. Passive citizens submit to those who are active.
I live in downtown Chicago. Our elections are rigged and the winners installed. My ballot truly does not count. I know, because I once served my precinct as an election judge and enjoyed a front row seat to the chicanery.
No vote with more than one voter counts. Your vote is canceled by the next contrary vote. Fraudulent elections (not limited to Chicago, unfortunately) result when complacent voters ignore the process. It persists as long as you tolerate it.
The only meaningful vote is in local and micro-local elections which are the birthing grounds for aspirants to higher political office.
You ought to know by now that both parties are equally vile and stand for nothing but power, its acquisition, its continuation and its doling out to adherents.
There's no "lesser evil." Hillary and Trump were equivalent, and Trump and Biden were equivalent, because they kept all the same people in power in the functional administration of this nation.
I might not be a genius, but I ain't no whore, and my vote isn't for sale to stinking hands claiming they washed a little more than the other guy's.
There is always a lesser evil. This ain't Burger King -- we can't have it our way. Life is full of unlikable choices. Successful people choose the best available. Ambitious people work to find better choices. Those who think Trump and Hillary were equivalent weren't paying attention. There is not and never has been an equivalent to Joe.
Trump did write a few good executive orders among them banning CRT which I think Biden reversed. I understand what you're saying about 'they're all the same'. Yes they are but I still think none of them like losing so at least use your vote to punish the party currently in power if you don't like what they're doing. At the moment, your Republicans seem to be pushing hard against the Democrats using that as a way to score points. Don't underestimate that: Americans are the most free nation right about now and it's a result of this interplay. Actually, Bosnia Hercegovina might be the most free but ...
In Canada, we have 2 parties where one supports the other and the rest of the parties are very weak as a result. Even with that, Trudeau had to end his Emergencies Act invocation sooner than he wanted to partly because the very weak parties pushed against him.
These days I spend a lot of time saying "Damn it, Trump was right...". Guy's a walking Shakespearean tragedy. If only he hadn't been taking all his advice from thugs and morons--including not least his idiot children. If he'd followed his instincts, and gotten just a wee bit of therapy for his parent issues, he'd have been a transformative President in one of the better examples of the phrase. But these damaged-from-the-beginning men are always cutting off their own dicks.
Well, next election I'm coming out of retirement to vote for the 'other' side just to sweep the useless scum that have been in for way too long. We'll get new useless scum, but whatevs. Party on!
Continual denial of early treatment
Two doctors in a rural, poor county document in their book that they treated 7,000 patients with none going to the hospital if they were treated within 7 days. The county is in California, on the border with Mexico and Arizona.
"Overcoming the COVID-19 Darkness: How Two Doctors Successfully Treated 7000 Patients Paperback – January 7, 2022"
They were interviewed on Trial Site News which might be behind a paywall.
Early on in Nov 2020 when they had treated 1,700 patients successfully, Brian Tyson spoke at the Calif Supreme Court and said that there is early treatment that works, no need to be afraid, can go back to school, etc. No mention of IVM or HCQ. Got 400,000 views in 4 hours on Facebook and then it was taken down. Just one of the many examples of suppression.
One would think with the increases in cases and vax not working that they would look to early treatment. All of their patients were in person and they used X rays for diagnosis and treatment similar to the cocktails l like Peter Mccullouch or
10 days to go until the Coronavirus Act in the UK expires. There are already many rumours that there have been calls round Westminster to extend it.
Someone needs to round up Frau Merkle's many muslim minions and get Sharia Law implemented. I am no muslim, but I suspect vaccines with aborted baby tissue would not pass muster with them. And they fight, maim, kill, and burn stuff down, Govt drones wouldn't want another Reichstag fire. Put some backbone into the German people still living there.
It seems they only care about the gelatine in jabs being from pigs or not.
Jab Gelatine? Sounds like a weird dessert. Or maybe something to slick down your hair and beard. Possibly a 'perfectly safe' alternative to 'toxic' shaving gels...huuum... I think I need to get back into marketing.
Make sure it's plant-based, for Pete's sake!
Is there mRNA in plants? Have they started making Human-Dandelion hybrids yet? What about Jelly Fish? That would be natural. Asking for a friend.
You should go to the source and come back with the proven information. In Canada, no word from moslems in this regard.
what would be a good source? My few muslim friends are atheistic and didn't know. All they would tell me is that anything involving pigs would make their hair catch fire.
I am not a muslim either. Call Mecca? "Sharia Perspectives of COVID-19 Vaccines" (2021.12.21)
From the Islamic point of view, preserving life is aligned with preserving religion. Muslims who refuse to receive COVID-19 vaccines may be regarded as acting against Sharia law. Yet Halal certification is only one of many issues that may affect vaccine uptake. The anti-vaccination movement, concerns about long term side effects, accessibility and mis-information pose additional challenges. Effective scientific discourse and communication, including regular engagement with Islamic law scholars, Ulamas, and national regulatory agencies, will be critical for achieving vaccination targets.
Individual decisions about accepting COVID-19 vaccines are multifactorial. The Halal issue may pose a significant challenge amongst Muslim populations. Fatwa councils worldwide have used both sharia and scientific approaches to grant Halal certificates for COVID-19 vaccines. Yet there have been inconsistencies across regions. For example, the AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine is considered Haram by the Indonesian council but Halal by other councils. Nonetheless, all fatwa councils agree that vaccines are necessary in the context of our current pandemic, and thus receiving a COVID-19 vaccination is actually a form of compliance with Sharia law. Broader use of ACF reagents during manufacturing may further increase acceptance among Muslims.
There is a person on substack named abdullah that addresses this although I suspect that officially, Muslims like Catholics allow the jabs while in reality they should not be allowed. In the Catholic world, the rational is if there is no alternative then they allow even abortion tainted products. I think most of us know of alternatives including vitamin D. I actually wrote letters to a few doctors, priests, bishops, even to the apostolic nuncio for Canada pointing this out. I didn't expect to change minds but at least they can't say they weren't aware.
Some of us in NZ wrote to our bishops about this too and about their appalling decision to exclude unvaxxed from Mass. Like you say they can't pretend they didn't know. I wrote to my parish priest explaining that as Id been excluded from choir I would no longer be attending Mass. (There are some mid-week Masses we are allowed to attend.)He replied that he hoped I would return when I felt 'comfortable' . Am attending traditional Latin Mass now.
So, don't convert yet, unless you want to be stoned?
Now that coronavirus is dead and the pandemic over, I expect this blog to become just random short news pieces like this.
you think too little of me.
We can only wish...(that coronavirus is dead and the pandemic is over)
It’s not
yes, am a little reluctant to start this discussion, because ppl will accuse me of being a grifter etc, but i think either a) we are just entering new phase or b) there will be new catastrophe.
Cant grift off the truth though. I see either or both of your theories having great merit. They’re already trying to make Ukraine the next catastrophe & if the idiot running my country manages to push it into nuclear WWIII, a castastrophe it will certainly be.
As to the other, it seems like the new phase right now is the easing of restrictions…Walinsky said the CDC needed to give Americans a “break” a few weeks ago & now Faux-Xi is already back to re-tighten the yoke (or threaten it, for now)
it could also even be something else. it could be some environmental contaminant that means we’re only allowed to eat on thursdays or something. sounds ridiculous, but we’ve just been through so much arbitrary and totally unjustified political hysteria, anything is possible.
In 2019 or in any year before that, I could never have BELIEVED what has happened here & all over the world - in lockstep, no less, which has been the most horrifying, maddening & frighting of all because we realize none of it was random & that something wicked this way comes.
For any of us with common sense, a brain, rationality & a desire for reality & truth, it has been deeply, spiritually damaging.
That, & just waiting for the next shoe to drop
No, in the US this was a fortuitous practice run for the real target: global warming. The people are being conditioned. In the US, because of the upcoming election, I don't see Covid mandates going anywhere in any red or toss-up state. They are going to push the global warming stuff now so that they get their nose under the tent before Congress changes color. That's why no oil production and no action regarding lowering inflation + Ukrainian sanctions that hurt US citizens: all lower CO2 and must be kept through the election, with the hope that the bureaucracy and executive branch can be passive-aggressive about these issues after the election.
The “global warming” racket is still part of the WEF / NWO though. As well as a global digital currency / passport & the depopulation agenda
Look to china. Where China goes the world follows. I can already feel the US gnats starting to shiver and shake over the next common cold. Sad.
I just had a mild flu the last few days. I am interviewing for jobs right now and getting this sinking feeling that if I were working now and called in sick they would require a test to return meaning that I will have to keep illness to myself as much as possible, because I refuse to test or do anything to accede to this.