I wrote in February about the plans of Interior Minister Nancy Faeser (SPD) to combat “right-wing extremism,” by re-purposing the regulatory state to restrict the speech, travel and economic activity of people with inconvenient opinions. She wants to use state resources to intimidate “those who mock the state,” and she has proposed legal innovations to interfere with the bank accounts and finances not only of those who break the law, but also of those who represent “a potential threat” and who exercise undue “social influence.” At the same press conference, Thomas Haldenwang, head of the Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution, announced his intention to police the “thought and speech patterns” of the German people, lest uncomfortable ideas and words “become part of our language.” Separately, Green Family Minister Lisa Paus addressed the problem of “
On the one hand, I feel very bad because that girl went through something which certainly was not pleasant. On the other hand, I smile because the powers that be just burned through another big, big chunk of political capital. My message to them: Keep going, you´re doing just fine...
What % of people are currently in this dangerous state of psychosis? Here we see a teacher, 3 police officers, and presumably the officers' boss all willing to go along with this stuff - only 35 years after the ending horrors of Stasi in their own country. Are they simply too young to remember what that was all about? Is it not taught in German schools as an important part of national history?
Unless someone stands up against absurdity these types will keep the insanity going. We had something similar here when zero tolerance policies in schools meant kids suspended for carrying an aspirin by mistake into the school building.
To be fair, she posted an AFD clip that had smurfs in it. Still, the AFD is a legal party and posting their clips must therefore be legal. As the police have said.
I object to neither. I object to the way in which the headmaster handled the situation; and I object to the way in which AfD is framed by the political establishment.
exactly. the hubris they are not just exuding but are throwing at people is going to be their downfall. i wonder how the parents of the young woman reacted to that? i sure hope that they didn't side with the tyrants!
The mother is super pissed: "I'm horrified," the mother tells JUNGEN FREIHEIT. And the woman's voice trembles with indignation: "This is such a violent, if I may say so, Stasi shit, I would never have thought it possible in my whole life what was done to my daughter here.
Try to home school in Germany, and your kids will be taken from you. German children are the property of the Federal Republic of Germany. The Biden administration may deport this German family: "In 2008, dad Uwe and mother Hannelore Romeike were spurred to seek asylum in the United States, where homeschooling has gained popularity in recent years—because this form of education is illegal in Germany." https://ckeeganan.substack.com/p/biden-administration-may-deport-german
yes it is forbidden in Belgium unless one of the parents is a teacher, or that is how it was when I lived there. Here in the US you only need a high school diploma to homeschool and it is quite frequent. I know several homeschooling families.
I know home-schooling parents whose son and daughter were accepted at Princeton and an equally "elite" university. Without the advantage of being "of color" or any other protected class. Imagine!
they are bringing on a total collapse of the system... but that will achieve their goal of reducing the population by 80%... and ten years from now they can come out of their bunkers to a new world which they will then lead on to even greater things
Yes. CO2 is rising ever more rapidly. The CO2 level is getting high enough to affect their thinking. And it will only get higher. To say that we are below a 1.5 increase they now use 1980 rather than 1880 as their baseline.
Goes without saying that this is utter delusion yet some do appear to believe this. I’m about as certain as it’s possible to be that bunker life and any possible aftermath will not be the envisioned picnic.
I struggle to imagine how they believed that having police pull her out of class and threaten her was supposed to *reduce* her level of opposition to the government...
Off topic ... but Eugyppius's readers might be interested in my in-depth feature story on Richard Hirschman, the famous/infamous embalmer who first showed the world images of the “horrifying” clots he was seeing in up to 50 percent of the bodies he embalmed.
If you read or skim the story, please note the link I added about a medical professional who recently became a whistleblower and reported that doctors and nurses are removing these worm-like substances from patients “three to 10 times every week.” They are NOT forming only “post-mortem.”
Glad you noticed that new interview Bill - i was pleased to see you mention it the other day in your article - it is game changing in my view. Until now, senior pathologists in freedom movement assumed it must be a post-mortem phenomenon. (It does seem extraordinary that people can still be alive with this stuff in them - so one speculates whether it somehow suddenly starts forming rapidly - god only knows....)
Is there some way we can bring that interview to the attention of Steve Kirsch? That doctor's podcast is slightly obscure with not many viewers so Steve is probably unaware. He could then probably alert people like Ryan Cole to look into it.
I'm going to write my own story just of this interview ... and I'll plug and link it to Steve and other's sites. I've already asked Alex Berenson to do a story on this whistleblower's claims.
I've seen a video somewhere of Roger Hodgkinson (who I hugely respect and is a top pathologist) being asked about the white clots - at that time he said his best guess is they probably form post mortem. I'm not sure what Ryan Cole believes - but we know he has been analysing samples from Hirschman. Anyway very glad you are highlighting the new whistle blower re ante-mortem.
Will any of them be fired? Pay any price - nope. This is not a victory for us, it's a flex for them. They don't care about the law anymore. I see this 100% the opposite. It's a sign of their willingness to abuse their power for political control.
I've been calling them "mentally ill" for some time now ...but I think I'll stop because it lets them off the hook too easily. Not a popular opinion, but mine is that they are (most probably unknowingly) in service of the father of lies, the prince of this world.
Hell Zimmerman probably called the attempted intimidation "democracy", because nothing screams "democracy" like government punishment without due process. These statists revere "The State" as their god, and the human damage as offerings to their god. Not coincidental 90+ percent of these people believe in abortion right up to birth
... and after birth. This case is a case of metaphysical killing, devellish if not hellish killing. Even democracy will undergo killing, which is good, because this was always just a belief, never a reality. Schools are the antithesis to what democracy really could mean. So let's bury it all: schools, democracies and find confidence that within us we can find resources to make most institutions obsolete. The future might prove it ...
Hmmmmm where have we heard that before. Just recently, Uhhhhh Putin, Rwanda, Bosnia, Mao, Hitler, The Ottomans, The Crusades, The Romans..... Find the rest in World History , and the Bible.
That's it Rudy knock yourself out, see how that works out for you.
They have changed the meaning of "Democracy" to fit what they have decided it is: adherence to the party line. If you deviate from that, democracy is therefore threatened.
I’d like to see the question(s) that they asked to get a 90% positive response. Something is wrong, even though, in my opinion, Americans yearn for death and would welcome a nuclear war if they could be sure their tormentors would fry.
Hold it. Think about Zimmermann hosting a "Strengthening Democracy" exhibit. He's supporting democracy, yet using "stasi" tactics.
Marx said: Democracy is the road to Socialism.
People - this is why we were designed as a Constitutional Republic and NOT a democracy.
Stop praising pure democracy. And appreciate this Republic. And call this out EVERY time you hear it and see it. This endless calling out of "democracy" as something to be preserved is brainwashing.
Here in Canada the government is going for 25 years to life for hurting someone's feelings and house arrest if they think you might speak out of turn.
It seems the WEF and the globalists are serious in enforcing the narrative....er fighting the greatest threat of the century. in other words, the kulaks speaking up.
Perhaps, B, this lamentable lack of awareness as to who and what kulaks were, (and are), is a symptom, rather than a cause. Most of the "West" has deliberately eliminated history and civics from the travesty that currently passes for education.
They Remove History and Civics so kids dont remember how to be Civil to one another, Their Parents, their Siblings,Their Grandparents, Their Teachers, Classmates, The Public in General.
Sadly, I think many in the most progressive countries want us shut up. They're already doing this the best they can informally, but I think they'd like an official stamp of approval thrown in for good measure.
Iirc, herr schwaben-klowns spoke of needing a nano particle variant of the mRna gene thera...ah..'vax' to be able to scan who was in compliance. Combine that with already developed micro chips ..'.gutfot ze credit score,ya? ' And thrn there's Musks neurolink testing...
Im in Quebec, all the French Newspapers are onto this, so is the National Post, Writers like Margaret Atwood are speaking out ,this will not go unchallenged, this will be withdrawn from the Bill.
WE will not Surrender On This Part of the bill.Never Surrender, It Must be removed. This is the hill i will die on.
I agree about the child porn part but fear it's being used as a vehicle to ram through other restrictions which have no bearings on child porn. The devil is in the details.
Helen, I just went over it, spent some time reading through it.
First let me say that it sounds good on paper, but as you say the devil is in the details.
Put this into law as is, and I as a Free Speech Absolutist am going to jail.
And that being said, let me give you an example, let some person wave a Palestinian flag and Scream From The River To The Sea Palestine Will Be Free..
Ie; Kill all the Jews, we are going to have a field day with that, Or some Muslim Mullah like in Montreal calling for God to Kill all Jews, everywhere. ?????
It's worth remembering that the State, in its purest essence, is the 'monopoly on violence'. It follows that its first purpose is to preserve its monopoly and shore up its own power.
ANY State, whether subject to democratic scrutiny or not, will not hesitate to use its monopoly on violence to preserve itself if it feels threatened.
Does the German State currently feel threatened? I think it does. I think it understands that it no longer governs (and is no longer capable of governing) with the full consent of the people. Thus threatened, it will resort to all and any means to protect itself from this threat. That includes ending democracy and imprisoning anyone whose speech contributes to an erosion of State control.
This is, by the way, the main reason why the State must always be kept in check, its resources limited and its reach curtailed. I cannot stress this enough: even in cases where a potential State intervention can yield unambiguously positive first order effects, we should think twice about letting it do so, because the second order effect of said intervention is always an increase in the State's own power and control and therefore an increase in its monopoly on violence.
It depends a lot on what context you’re looking to use it in.
If you’re looking for something to carry on foot in a bugout situation then just get a backpacking filter but if you’re looking to something to process pond water at home while bugged in or even at a place you bugged out to then you can get more elaborate. I have two 55 gallon blue water barrels filled with tap water and I cycle through them twice a year. That covers, at most, 2 months of water for me. Beyond that I have a 350 gallon metal tank on a trailer I got from a farmer friend that I can use to get untreated water from my local natural sources. That water is suitable untreated for animals and garden. For human consumption I have a series of filters that I made. At the collection source I use a cloth to filter out solids as it goes into the tank. Then back at the farmstead the water flows from the tank through a bucket filled with clean construction sand as a secondary solids filter, then into a bucket filled with zeolite, then into a bucket filled with activated carbon, then into a 500 gallon holding tank. This water is fairly safe but I keep going. From there I pipe it into a small steam engine that runs a generator that charges a battery bank that is also connected to solar panels, the grid, and several other generators (wood gas, propane, and manual {bicycle, man-powered “wheel of pain”, and a horse/ mule/ ox-powered “wheel of pain”}) (I also have solar thermal panels, a shallow geothermal system, all plumbed to a set of insulated storage tanks acting as thermal batteries). The effluent steam that exists the steam engine passes through a radiator/ condenser then is collected into a metal tank. From there it is plumbed into a water softener/ remineralizer tank and then into a 1,500 gallon primary cistern. I also have a gray water system that collects all the non-toilet effluent water from the house and stead. That goes through a series of ponds that grow cattails and duck weed. There’s also a rainwater collection system and separate cistern.
Also, water towers for pressure.
Also, swales and ponds and permaculture-inspired water systems.
Lots of ways to get and process water.
Also, working on a passive atmospheric dehumidifier/ condenser/ dew collection system.
Multiple redundant systems mimicking nature enhance survivability.
Honestly I would just go with the Berkey. I know it's probably overpriced and there are for sure others out there that can perform as well for less, but I just went with the Berkey. Works a treat on rainwater.
I have invested in a Sagar water filter. I have an 18ft above ground pool. I plan on filtering. Plus rain barrels. Hopefully something is better than nothing
Friend of mine in the U.S. -- wildlife biologist, herbalist, hunter -- recommends this brand: https://www.katadyngroup.com/int/en . He's the only person I know who's most likely to be the last man standing if it comes down to walking out into the wilderness with only what you can carry on your back.
The second amendment alone isn't much, but it is something. It is like the recent purges from the police and military due to covid, fentanyl Floyd, and general anti-whitism. It is all well and good that Whites no longer are serving masters who don't act in their interest, but now we have a police force and military, however less competent, full of only enemies and complacent people. It would be another matter entirely if those who left the police and military formed or joined their own, superior, more friendly, organizations. Until that happens, the right to bear arms is not much of an impediment at all to systematic nudging and legalistic control used in the dispossession of us and ours. That is, organization comes prior to the utility of weapons.
Nothing is perfect, I completely agree, and the situation could be far better. However, consider the fact that we are able to possess weapons individually and compare that to essentially the rest of the developed world's restrictions. We start in a far better place.
Agreed. But I think a lot more is needed than just guns if one is to curtail the power of the State. For me, it comes down to sovereignty - sovereignty of the individual, the family and the community. The more control we have over our own lives, the less power the State will have over us. The good news is, there are a lot of things we can do, esp with some of the new tech out there. Power walls attached to solar arrays can help reduce grid dependence. And anyone can put in a garden/orchard to make your veg supply / fruit supply independent of glyphosate. Around my way, we and a few neighbours share a minitractor which we use for rotovation of our gardens, and for hauling firewood from the woods nearby
Lately there's been mainstream media chatter by "prominent" Americans openly calling for abolishing the U.S. constitution. Also an undercover video of a Pentagon official calling for abolishing the U.S. senate (James O'Keefe, formerly of Project Veritas). Things seem to be accelerating, safe to say.
On the one hand, I feel very bad because that girl went through something which certainly was not pleasant. On the other hand, I smile because the powers that be just burned through another big, big chunk of political capital. My message to them: Keep going, you´re doing just fine...
it is hard to imagine a bigger own-goal than this.
I can see a West German police chief reading this and going: "Hold my Bier"
What % of people are currently in this dangerous state of psychosis? Here we see a teacher, 3 police officers, and presumably the officers' boss all willing to go along with this stuff - only 35 years after the ending horrors of Stasi in their own country. Are they simply too young to remember what that was all about? Is it not taught in German schools as an important part of national history?
They will. No one with an ounce of self-awareness would ever call the police on a child for a Smurf meme. These people will keep digging.
Unless someone stands up against absurdity these types will keep the insanity going. We had something similar here when zero tolerance policies in schools meant kids suspended for carrying an aspirin by mistake into the school building.
To be fair, she posted an AFD clip that had smurfs in it. Still, the AFD is a legal party and posting their clips must therefore be legal. As the police have said.
Is it the smurfs you object to or the political party with 20% support.
I object to neither. I object to the way in which the headmaster handled the situation; and I object to the way in which AfD is framed by the political establishment.
Good point. It probably IS the Smurfs
It's because Smurfs are French.
Mon Dieu!!!
exactly. the hubris they are not just exuding but are throwing at people is going to be their downfall. i wonder how the parents of the young woman reacted to that? i sure hope that they didn't side with the tyrants!
The mother is super pissed: "I'm horrified," the mother tells JUNGEN FREIHEIT. And the woman's voice trembles with indignation: "This is such a violent, if I may say so, Stasi shit, I would never have thought it possible in my whole life what was done to my daughter here.
that is a wonderfully appropriate and honest reply. thank you for sharing.
stasi shit indeed. Happening all over the place.
Good grief people are getting obnoxious as heck now
I sure hope they found a less communist school for the girl. This is just beyond believable!
Home schooling has been illegal in Germany since 1919.
I doubt if there is an alternative school available.
Try to home school in Germany, and your kids will be taken from you. German children are the property of the Federal Republic of Germany. The Biden administration may deport this German family: "In 2008, dad Uwe and mother Hannelore Romeike were spurred to seek asylum in the United States, where homeschooling has gained popularity in recent years—because this form of education is illegal in Germany." https://ckeeganan.substack.com/p/biden-administration-may-deport-german
yes it is forbidden in Belgium unless one of the parents is a teacher, or that is how it was when I lived there. Here in the US you only need a high school diploma to homeschool and it is quite frequent. I know several homeschooling families.
I know home-schooling parents whose son and daughter were accepted at Princeton and an equally "elite" university. Without the advantage of being "of color" or any other protected class. Imagine!
In Germany I fear that will be a search for the proverbial needle in the haystack. Hope I'm wrong.
they are bringing on a total collapse of the system... but that will achieve their goal of reducing the population by 80%... and ten years from now they can come out of their bunkers to a new world which they will then lead on to even greater things
bunkers will not keep them safe.
People keep reminding them, bodyguards have families too 😉
🤞🤞🤞🤞 !!! Just weld the main doors from outside with 4-6mm rods. They will NEVER see the sunlight again ... A bunker-coffin so to say.
Somewhere those bunkers have to have air intakes. Just sayin'.
YES !!, just fill' em with concrete ...
Bunkers? Bonkers!
Yes. CO2 is rising ever more rapidly. The CO2 level is getting high enough to affect their thinking. And it will only get higher. To say that we are below a 1.5 increase they now use 1980 rather than 1880 as their baseline.
Hold your breath - don't add CO2 to the air.
When they come out of their bunkers, instead of an empty country, they will find the place populated with Muslims from Africa - oopsi!
They’ll reinvent slavery at that point
Have you been reading Farnham's Freehold?
as long as it is them who are the ones eliminated, it is not too bad.
Goes without saying that this is utter delusion yet some do appear to believe this. I’m about as certain as it’s possible to be that bunker life and any possible aftermath will not be the envisioned picnic.
I struggle to imagine how they believed that having police pull her out of class and threaten her was supposed to *reduce* her level of opposition to the government...
My thoughts exactly. I feel bad for a 16 year old girl who is harassed like this.
On the plus side, she is helping to bring down these corrupt political parties by exposing their idiocy and hypocrisy.
Each story like this makes me smile as it just brings them closer and closer to their destruction.
Winning hearts and minds for sure.
Off topic ... but Eugyppius's readers might be interested in my in-depth feature story on Richard Hirschman, the famous/infamous embalmer who first showed the world images of the “horrifying” clots he was seeing in up to 50 percent of the bodies he embalmed.
If you read or skim the story, please note the link I added about a medical professional who recently became a whistleblower and reported that doctors and nurses are removing these worm-like substances from patients “three to 10 times every week.” They are NOT forming only “post-mortem.”
Glad you noticed that new interview Bill - i was pleased to see you mention it the other day in your article - it is game changing in my view. Until now, senior pathologists in freedom movement assumed it must be a post-mortem phenomenon. (It does seem extraordinary that people can still be alive with this stuff in them - so one speculates whether it somehow suddenly starts forming rapidly - god only knows....)
I agree: This should be game-changing. We're going to have to do more to make it become game-changing.
Is there some way we can bring that interview to the attention of Steve Kirsch? That doctor's podcast is slightly obscure with not many viewers so Steve is probably unaware. He could then probably alert people like Ryan Cole to look into it.
I'm going to write my own story just of this interview ... and I'll plug and link it to Steve and other's sites. I've already asked Alex Berenson to do a story on this whistleblower's claims.
Great - thank you so much for your efforts.
I've seen a video somewhere of Roger Hodgkinson (who I hugely respect and is a top pathologist) being asked about the white clots - at that time he said his best guess is they probably form post mortem. I'm not sure what Ryan Cole believes - but we know he has been analysing samples from Hirschman. Anyway very glad you are highlighting the new whistle blower re ante-mortem.
Will any of them be fired? Pay any price - nope. This is not a victory for us, it's a flex for them. They don't care about the law anymore. I see this 100% the opposite. It's a sign of their willingness to abuse their power for political control.
“You probe with bayonets: if you find mush, you push. If you find steel, you withdraw”
― Lenin
They will pause, but never roll back. Police will be making many more such "visits", but not in the very near future.
My thoughts exactly.
"As Zimmermann denounced his student, his school was hosting an exhibit on 'Strengthening Democracy'..." of course it was.
End democracy to preserve democracy. Right. Got it.
Better yet, become fascist to preserve democracy. Smurftastic.
Papa Smurf was a benevolent dictator!
Variation on: "We had to destroy the Village to 'save' it!"
Now you're catching on, Citizen....
Understanding at this level is not for the layman. It requires great erudition to grasp this logic.
"Erudition", OR a particularly loathsome form of mental illness?
I've been calling them "mentally ill" for some time now ...but I think I'll stop because it lets them off the hook too easily. Not a popular opinion, but mine is that they are (most probably unknowingly) in service of the father of lies, the prince of this world.
Hell Zimmerman probably called the attempted intimidation "democracy", because nothing screams "democracy" like government punishment without due process. These statists revere "The State" as their god, and the human damage as offerings to their god. Not coincidental 90+ percent of these people believe in abortion right up to birth
... and after birth. This case is a case of metaphysical killing, devellish if not hellish killing. Even democracy will undergo killing, which is good, because this was always just a belief, never a reality. Schools are the antithesis to what democracy really could mean. So let's bury it all: schools, democracies and find confidence that within us we can find resources to make most institutions obsolete. The future might prove it ...
Great Thinking There Herr Rudy
Hmmmmm where have we heard that before. Just recently, Uhhhhh Putin, Rwanda, Bosnia, Mao, Hitler, The Ottomans, The Crusades, The Romans..... Find the rest in World History , and the Bible.
That's it Rudy knock yourself out, see how that works out for you.
They have changed the meaning of "Democracy" to fit what they have decided it is: adherence to the party line. If you deviate from that, democracy is therefore threatened.
I’d like to see the question(s) that they asked to get a 90% positive response. Something is wrong, even though, in my opinion, Americans yearn for death and would welcome a nuclear war if they could be sure their tormentors would fry.
Hold it. Think about Zimmermann hosting a "Strengthening Democracy" exhibit. He's supporting democracy, yet using "stasi" tactics.
Marx said: Democracy is the road to Socialism.
People - this is why we were designed as a Constitutional Republic and NOT a democracy.
Stop praising pure democracy. And appreciate this Republic. And call this out EVERY time you hear it and see it. This endless calling out of "democracy" as something to be preserved is brainwashing.
"My problem with democracy is that it doesn't exist. I'm not opposed to it. And I'm not opposed to the tooth fairy either." ― Charles A. Coulombe
Oh it exists - just not for very long.
I can't like this enough
Thank you.
Thank you
We had a really nice funeral for Irony. But sadly, the bloke is dead.
Here in Canada the government is going for 25 years to life for hurting someone's feelings and house arrest if they think you might speak out of turn.
It seems the WEF and the globalists are serious in enforcing the narrative....er fighting the greatest threat of the century. in other words, the kulaks speaking up.
Sadly, most people today do not even know about the kulaks. Maybe that is why we're in this situation.
Perhaps, B, this lamentable lack of awareness as to who and what kulaks were, (and are), is a symptom, rather than a cause. Most of the "West" has deliberately eliminated history and civics from the travesty that currently passes for education.
"The West" has removed those things... because the commies own the school systems.
"Long March Through the Institutions" wasn't just a catchphrase.
They Remove History and Civics so kids dont remember how to be Civil to one another, Their Parents, their Siblings,Their Grandparents, Their Teachers, Classmates, The Public in General.
Great point, Andy! Well said. Very true.
Sadly, I think many in the most progressive countries want us shut up. They're already doing this the best they can informally, but I think they'd like an official stamp of approval thrown in for good measure.
Iirc, herr schwaben-klowns spoke of needing a nano particle variant of the mRna gene thera...ah..'vax' to be able to scan who was in compliance. Combine that with already developed micro chips ..'.gutfot ze credit score,ya? ' And thrn there's Musks neurolink testing...
I don’t think I’ll be trusting anything new for a while, given that almost everything new has a dark underbelly.
You're probably right, that even though Ukraine is constantly in the news, that many people are unaware of origin of the term "kulak"
Well if the kulaks aren't on Netflix ... and don't even have a Facebook account.
Why would Edward Bernays grandson (the godfather of modern propaganda ) allow knowledge of kulaks on Netflix?! ha
Im in Quebec, all the French Newspapers are onto this, so is the National Post, Writers like Margaret Atwood are speaking out ,this will not go unchallenged, this will be withdrawn from the Bill.
WE will not Surrender On This Part of the bill.Never Surrender, It Must be removed. This is the hill i will die on.
Still, if your Christian and don't have a protected characteristic, rape, torture and murder are just fine. Nothing to see. Do please move on.
Thanks for mentioning what is happening in Canada. As a Canadian, I am horrified it has come to this. This proposed bill is insane.
Not the Child Porn Part. That has to be put in there like Concrete. Unbreakable!
I agree about the child porn part but fear it's being used as a vehicle to ram through other restrictions which have no bearings on child porn. The devil is in the details.
Helen, I just went over it, spent some time reading through it.
First let me say that it sounds good on paper, but as you say the devil is in the details.
Put this into law as is, and I as a Free Speech Absolutist am going to jail.
And that being said, let me give you an example, let some person wave a Palestinian flag and Scream From The River To The Sea Palestine Will Be Free..
Ie; Kill all the Jews, we are going to have a field day with that, Or some Muslim Mullah like in Montreal calling for God to Kill all Jews, everywhere. ?????
The Bible? The Torah? The Quran? ......
That's Just a Start......
I haven't read the whole bill.
I will
It's worth remembering that the State, in its purest essence, is the 'monopoly on violence'. It follows that its first purpose is to preserve its monopoly and shore up its own power.
ANY State, whether subject to democratic scrutiny or not, will not hesitate to use its monopoly on violence to preserve itself if it feels threatened.
Does the German State currently feel threatened? I think it does. I think it understands that it no longer governs (and is no longer capable of governing) with the full consent of the people. Thus threatened, it will resort to all and any means to protect itself from this threat. That includes ending democracy and imprisoning anyone whose speech contributes to an erosion of State control.
This is, by the way, the main reason why the State must always be kept in check, its resources limited and its reach curtailed. I cannot stress this enough: even in cases where a potential State intervention can yield unambiguously positive first order effects, we should think twice about letting it do so, because the second order effect of said intervention is always an increase in the State's own power and control and therefore an increase in its monopoly on violence.
This is such an excellent description of the importance of the 2nd amendment in the US
Secure weapons, ammunition, water and food, in that order, and keep them all dry.
Maybe unvaxxed gametes too?
We may have to repopulate....
Water, yes. I forgot to mention the water filters available these days. I mean, they are just incredible.
Always remember the "Rules of Three", as you can go without:
- Air for 3 minutes
-Food for 3 weeks
-Water for 3 days
Generally, water is your most immediate concern.
3 minutes without air
3 days without water OR sleep
3 weeks without food (or information)
Ah, good addition, Danway!
But then that makes it "The FOUR R's"......
Any recommendations? I'm looking for one that will filter lake water.
Check out the UZ-2
It depends a lot on what context you’re looking to use it in.
If you’re looking for something to carry on foot in a bugout situation then just get a backpacking filter but if you’re looking to something to process pond water at home while bugged in or even at a place you bugged out to then you can get more elaborate. I have two 55 gallon blue water barrels filled with tap water and I cycle through them twice a year. That covers, at most, 2 months of water for me. Beyond that I have a 350 gallon metal tank on a trailer I got from a farmer friend that I can use to get untreated water from my local natural sources. That water is suitable untreated for animals and garden. For human consumption I have a series of filters that I made. At the collection source I use a cloth to filter out solids as it goes into the tank. Then back at the farmstead the water flows from the tank through a bucket filled with clean construction sand as a secondary solids filter, then into a bucket filled with zeolite, then into a bucket filled with activated carbon, then into a 500 gallon holding tank. This water is fairly safe but I keep going. From there I pipe it into a small steam engine that runs a generator that charges a battery bank that is also connected to solar panels, the grid, and several other generators (wood gas, propane, and manual {bicycle, man-powered “wheel of pain”, and a horse/ mule/ ox-powered “wheel of pain”}) (I also have solar thermal panels, a shallow geothermal system, all plumbed to a set of insulated storage tanks acting as thermal batteries). The effluent steam that exists the steam engine passes through a radiator/ condenser then is collected into a metal tank. From there it is plumbed into a water softener/ remineralizer tank and then into a 1,500 gallon primary cistern. I also have a gray water system that collects all the non-toilet effluent water from the house and stead. That goes through a series of ponds that grow cattails and duck weed. There’s also a rainwater collection system and separate cistern.
Also, water towers for pressure.
Also, swales and ponds and permaculture-inspired water systems.
Lots of ways to get and process water.
Also, working on a passive atmospheric dehumidifier/ condenser/ dew collection system.
Multiple redundant systems mimicking nature enhance survivability.
Anything is better than nothing.
Honestly I would just go with the Berkey. I know it's probably overpriced and there are for sure others out there that can perform as well for less, but I just went with the Berkey. Works a treat on rainwater.
I have invested in a Sagar water filter. I have an 18ft above ground pool. I plan on filtering. Plus rain barrels. Hopefully something is better than nothing
Thoughts appreciated
Thanks for the recommendation, Graham. I will look into it.
Friend of mine in the U.S. -- wildlife biologist, herbalist, hunter -- recommends this brand: https://www.katadyngroup.com/int/en . He's the only person I know who's most likely to be the last man standing if it comes down to walking out into the wilderness with only what you can carry on your back.
The second amendment alone isn't much, but it is something. It is like the recent purges from the police and military due to covid, fentanyl Floyd, and general anti-whitism. It is all well and good that Whites no longer are serving masters who don't act in their interest, but now we have a police force and military, however less competent, full of only enemies and complacent people. It would be another matter entirely if those who left the police and military formed or joined their own, superior, more friendly, organizations. Until that happens, the right to bear arms is not much of an impediment at all to systematic nudging and legalistic control used in the dispossession of us and ours. That is, organization comes prior to the utility of weapons.
Nothing is perfect, I completely agree, and the situation could be far better. However, consider the fact that we are able to possess weapons individually and compare that to essentially the rest of the developed world's restrictions. We start in a far better place.
Agreed. But I think a lot more is needed than just guns if one is to curtail the power of the State. For me, it comes down to sovereignty - sovereignty of the individual, the family and the community. The more control we have over our own lives, the less power the State will have over us. The good news is, there are a lot of things we can do, esp with some of the new tech out there. Power walls attached to solar arrays can help reduce grid dependence. And anyone can put in a garden/orchard to make your veg supply / fruit supply independent of glyphosate. Around my way, we and a few neighbours share a minitractor which we use for rotovation of our gardens, and for hauling firewood from the woods nearby
Rights - Sovereignty - Autonomy - Authority - Agency - Ability
Time - Money - Skill - Will
and it comes out what those in government TRULY think of you
Associate Director in the Office of the Secretary of Defense:
Lately there's been mainstream media chatter by "prominent" Americans openly calling for abolishing the U.S. constitution. Also an undercover video of a Pentagon official calling for abolishing the U.S. senate (James O'Keefe, formerly of Project Veritas). Things seem to be accelerating, safe to say.
Agree with you Graham,.you have to think of precedent and long term governance. 100 percent of time the State certainly is