What the hell is wrong with these people.

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I am afraid it is my fault. I volunteered on career days on a number of occasions at the local elementary schools and encouraged young children to study Science because of its relevance to our existence. I told them it can very exciting to unravel mysteries to help people. Some may have not paid attention to the last part of the previous sentence. I really did try to make the presentation about helping people. Having said that I suppose we should know there are ALWAYS going to be a few bad apples in a given audience that will ruin it for everyone. We as humans should have learned how to deal with that by now.

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My question is "why are these bad apples not being dealt with?" Surely there must be a deeper evil at play here.

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Maybe because the apples that are in charge of doing the dealing-with are also bad?

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They had stellar 2.5 years - grants, feeling important, media coverage, you name it. Omicron stopped the music for them so intentionally maleficent or just by virtue of broken incentives the virologists, immunologists, pharma and alike are fighting back.

Peace and prosperity seem never to pay off for the elite but only for us, the 99,99%. What we have now with regard to covid, inflation, energy, global warming, Ukraine is a war of the so called "elite" against the vast majority of beautiful, sensible and compassionate human beings. We have to win this one, one way or the other.

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No money in peace, love, and understanding.

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Looks like they used the injections to create a highly contagious mutation -- that was not particularly lethal....

And now they are adding the lethal component -- before releasing this nightmare on the world ...

Exterminating us.

Remember this :

Today Marek's disease has a nearly 100% infection fatality rate for the unvaccinated, killing all infected chicks within a few weeks of infection.


There is no vaccine that stops transmission of Covid (or this Devil Covid)....

Bossche was not quite correct -- the deadly mutation has been helped along in a lab...

Why are they doing this to us? Here are my thoughts on this https://www.headsupster.com/forumthread?shortId=220

And please don't insist that there is plenty of cheap oil remaining ... cuz there isn't ... we have been burning through our reserves for years...

According to Rystad, the current resource replacement ratio for conventional resources is only 16 percent. Only 1 barrel out of every 6 consumed is being replaced with new resources


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They are doing this just in case we survive the pending nuclear holocaust over Ukraine. Fall back plan.

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Maybe the first strains weren't deadly enough, and big pharma needed a big media boost in order to peddle their "vaccines". They're hoping for even bigger sales numbers next time around.

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Oct 18, 2022
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Deadly for who? I have over 500 employees. All of us had it and the worst outcome was someone who had chest congestion for a month.

Be clear about who is at risk.

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Oct 19, 2022
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We all had covid...or whatever the heck it is.

I am one of the very few good guys. I did not require my employees to get vaccinated at great personal and financial cost to me. I also would not allow masks in my offices. Only two people bitched about it and I basically let them "find" another job.

Anyway I think we're on the same side.

Only 8 of my employees received the injections. I suspect this is largely due to my influence.

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Oct 19, 2022
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Hell is the keyword. Dark Arts is the see also reference.

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According to this early 80s gem (?) by the LA punk band X*, none of your goddamn business 😛


*Who, much to my surprise, is still around > 40 years later. Well, why not? The Rolling Stones still are too, and I'm only a year older than them.

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According to the world news ,Pfizer got a vaxxine ready that keeps evil spirits away .The people lining up for the shooting spree are true believers in science .

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Thumbs up for X.

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But what we really need is the X-Ray Specs. Songs like "Genetic Engineering" and "Germfree Adolescent." I wrote on them once on my stack.

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It's pretty sobering when one finally can't ignore it or deny it, any longer, that the world has actually gone insane. Nothing is taboo, nothing is too macabre, too horrifying, too shocking... kind of remind you of the "experimentation" during WWII ?

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It takes a lot to gast my flabber these days but this one has done it. It is as if the last three years haven't happened for these people and they are just beavering away in their little white rooms creating doom for humanity without a care in the world.

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No the last two/three years have done at least two very important things

1) much MUCH more money at their disposal, and 2) removed almost any pretence of safety or rigour ie; the normalisation of EUA, no more years and years of strict testing, no more debate about GoA or mRNA.

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Most of us do no longer have a religious framework or moral compass that would keep us from creating doom for humanity with the most bright-eyed and bushy-tailed of intentions...if the pursuit of knowledge is king - and it is, - any other considerationor concern takes the backseat.

I wish I had a solution, but I don't think at this point we can go back to the frameworks we had.

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Not without severe punishment for those who do.

Look at Singapore for example. Kids don't do drugs and they don't spit their chewing gum on the side of the streets. It is called Consequences. The Libtards and the Destroyers are abolishing these. What do we expect? The answer is here and it is clear.

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Yes, we don't have inner convictions that keep us from doing very stupid and dangerous things, and we don't have very strict global laws that keep us from doing them. (Anything else than gobal laws doesn't make sense because some s*thole here or there will certainly be ready to finance and protect all kinds of experiments.

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I think the very simplistic solution is for each one who is morally/ spiritually lost to start actively seeking inner convictions. That might mean holding one's breath and entering a church, or seeking a church that might help.

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"gast my flabber" That's a new one for me.

It's a good point you make - there is something about our larger cultural context (that is not just lacking in human values like life and care) but is fully off-the-rails and disconnected from basic personal ethics. Like these scientists don't even get the potential objections and consequences - they have an idea in their head - so they pursue it rather than feel through, think through it all like responsible humans. Seriously WTF? Not even informed by super-recent-past. How do we explain this?

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I suppose if we are looking for an explanation, the 'optimism bias' fits the bill, which is the belief that bad things (such as a lab leak) won't happen to me. Its friend is the representiveness heuristic - lab leaks happen to bad scientists, not scientists like us.

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Lack of Intellectual curiosity, spoon fed education.

Thé Neurotoxins that are being taking in from the vax schedules ( injecting mercury ) purposeful pollution, chemtrails, water, medicines, damage the neurons and dendrites and impair cognitive thinking. The Evils have planned for this and the Bioweapon causes prions ( varying levels of dementia until death ) and other specifics that cause us to loose CNS function. The fluorides in everything are also a neurotoxin. People are literally loosing their cognitive abilities per design.

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Points for " gast my flabber".

The true pandemic, as I have maintained for over two years, is STUPIDITY! The idiots savant "beavering away in their little white rooms" seem to believe that they, personally, are in some way immune to the effects of their genetic tinkering. As do the narcissistic sociopaths who fund their "research".

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Paul, Highly encouraged and financially supported by Fraudci and fellow depop friends ie B.Hates

Looks like Prince Philip has been reincarnated as he wished to be.

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Safely within the Death Star, secure in the knowledge that no Rebel Virus can ever reach them.

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"none of this research will have any meaningful payoff to compensate for the incredible risk, or any real salutary purpose at all [...] scientists need publications to secure grant funding and further their careers and SARS-2 is a hot topic right now. That is the only reason"

I love this particular point because it is absolutely true. People often like to imagine elaborate conspiracy theories run by mysterious villains. But in reality a lot of Stupid Stuff or Scary Stuff happens because some rank-and-file with highly specialized competence in one domain and complete ignorance of 2nd order effects and complex systems takes initiative to promote his/her own agenda. I am sure this is true also at the highest echelons of power, where arrays of mid-managers can effectively filter (and distort) information towards the top

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exactly. you can follow the pre-history of SARS-CoV-2 in the studies, as different virologists at UNC and elsewhere discover furin cleavage sites and start sticking them in different viruses and watching their behaviour in cell cultures. this is all done with USAID grant funding, but there's not even a clear line to vaccine development or emerging virus threat anticipation or anything in this work. they're just dicking around, helping their postdocs rack up publications so they can get an appointment somewhere, that kind of thing. there is really no purpose.

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Yes, we need a self cleansing.

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Without yrusses and venoms the economy would go kaput .

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On one level the purpose of gain of function is to instill fear. Fear is a form of control, and the vast majority of people have lost their fear of covid-19.

On another level the goal of gain of function research is to create a problem while also trying to create the solution. With covid-19 we saw the intended destination, totalitarianism under the excuse it's for our health. We saw how the vaccine passports made no sense before they got rolled out, and the US is still enforcing the stupid idea.

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I'm conflicted. I am all in favor of basic research because I value information and knowledge. But clearly it's backfiring in this case.

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Excellent observation. While of course many discoveries did require huge teams and great funding to achieve some goal, the truth is a lot of discoveries, at least the initial ones, were done by a solo observer, sometimes not even with formal training. What came to be known as the laws of genetics are based upon a monk who had the hobby of growing flowers. Vulcanized rubber was discovered* by a man named Goodyear who had mixed latex with sulfur and accidentally dropped it on a hot stove.

*As in many cases, there is some dispute about who invented what when. In any case, Goodyear became a household name.

Alas, much the same principle will apply to disastrous discoveries, as Lorenzo noted.

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The real mysterious villains are quite good at orchestrating complex systems and steering the second-order effects. They've had plenty of practice, with centuries of banking and blackmail under their belts.

These bioscience nerds are simply responding to incentives, and absorbing the blame. Same with the vast bulk of mid-rank bureaucrats and businessmen. That doesn't make it OK, but let's give credit where it's due: pay some attention to the man behind the curtain!

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Great comment and very true.

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If only someone would do us the favor of incinerating every single biolab on the planet, preferably within a two minute window ala Breaking Bad, so that we can also be done with these mad scientists who won’t stop until they kill us all.

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If I were a politician I would run on one and only one issue. End all viral research. Destroy all labs, life imprisonment to everyone up and down the chain of command. President of universities, directors of NIH & NIAID, researchers, big pharma execs... everyone.

100% full stop. World-wide.

One spilled vial, one escaped humanized mouse. One cage with a speck of mouse poop or spittle could kill 6 billion humans! Not to mention one emotionally unstable lab tech who hates humanity.

This research is the height of arrogance.

There are not enough exclamations to make this point.

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'100% full stop. World-wide.' That was a good idea after the Cold War, regarding Weapons of Mass Destruction, like nuclear, chemical and biological. It never caught on, because you couldn't trust the other part. Treaties, limits and inspections became the closest to that.

But back then the nations could fully control their own actions. Now with supra national interference on all levels, this seems impossible.

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Excellent idea..i agree 100%

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Re "I do know that the pandemic has left us with a serious problem, namely legions of eager virologists tinkering with SARS-2 in labs all over the world. These guys were a serious problem before the pandemic, but now there are many more of them and they have never had so much funding."

Who is funding these dangerous people?

The US National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases / National Institutes of Health for instance...

It was the NIAID which funded the controversial H5N1 studies which emerged in late 2011, see: What really happened in Malta this September when contagious bird flu was first announced? Scientific American: https://blogs.scientificamerican.com/observations/what-really-happened-in-malta-this-september-when-contagious-bird-flu-was-first-announced/

The NIAID was funding studies into making H5N1 more transmissible, this became known as dual use research, and then gain of function.

It's unbloodybelievable what the US has been doing in laboratories over the years, and goodness knows who else.

I complained about this reckless research at the time, questioning if it contravened the Biological Weapons Convention, see my emails:

- An open letter to the NSABB re the political and ethical implications of lethal virus development, 31 January 2012: http://users.on.net/~peter.hart/Open_Letter_to_Paul_Keim_NSABB_31_Jan_2012.pdf

- A submission to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) re Opposition to Lab-engineering of Potentially Lethal Pathogens, 17 December 2012: http://users.on.net/~peter.hart/Submission_to_CDC_HHS.pdf

Anthony Fauci has been director of NIAID since 1984 - has anyone tried to calculate the damage this man has caused in the world over the years, e.g. by funding gain of function research?

It's incredible this guy is still sitting in that position - 38 years!

Fauci should have been on trial years ago...it's mindboggling to think about the amount of damage he has wreaked upon the world.

Wow, just thinking about his impact re Covid alone is incalculable...

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And here's something interesting to think about re the Fouchier H5N1 research and "a deadly new flu strain", as reported in the Scientific American article linked to in my comment above.

As I note in my email dated 17 December 2012, linked to above: "Subsequent to the furore surrounding his controversial research, Fouchier did a 180 degree turnaround on his claims about the lethality of his lab-engineered virus. Apparently the virus he created was neither as contagious nor as dangerous as people had been led to believe."

Interesting to think about in relation to Covid don't you think? Another manipulated 'deadly virus' that didn't turn out to be so deadly after all, despite all the fear-mongering and propaganda...

So what was it all about?

Creating the highly lucrative Covid industry...out of thin air...by subjecting billions of people to unnecessary medical interventions...over and over again...including via jab mandates...

Biggest crime of all time.

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H5N1 was discussed back then in relation to the Ukraine labs and human experimentation. The Morgellons community was aware of this. Interesting about H5N1, it has a multi-arginine sequence echoing HIV-1 Tat, a favorite lab tool used for gene delivery because it penetrates all membranes and heads for the nucleus. (Also wrecking havoc in brain causing syncytia and neurodegeneration, etc.) Anyway, Spike protein happens to use this same trick. Its multi-arginine site has been discussed in terms of furin cleavage, but I'm interested in it in relation to the Tat history of gene transfection.

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The devastation of this world wide holocaust will become much clearer ,when we look back 10 years from now ,provided we are still alive than .

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I think there are three groups of humans on the earth right now:

-vaxxed and ignorant

-vaxxed and terrified


If it all plays out as a depop event, the unvaxxed will be left. Will they want this world, or will they envy the dead?

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I am familiar with only a fraction of Elizabeth Hart's awesome efforts regarding the adverse impact of vaccination on humans and our companion animals. Her websites are: https://vaccinationispolitical.net and https://over-vaccination.net. Salute!

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Thank you Robin.

Elizabeth x

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Faussi gets away with murder ,because every one around him is totally corrupt, with a criminal mind .

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When the car companies did some gain-of-function research to better fit their engines to the emission test bench, everybody was shocked. SHOCKED!

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You would ask why do the do it? The answer is always the same - because the can! The consequences simply never come to mind.


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I am no technical expert but if this configures as gain of function research isn't it forbidden in the US? I have no issue with R&D so long the ultimate purpose is clear: if it is about creating vaccines pre-emptively than it should be about pathogens that can evolve naturally, otherwise it looks more as bacteriological weaponization or something along those lines.

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the problem is generally that GoF research is everything and nothing, and there are always arguments about why this or that experiment doesn't meet the definition.

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Well you see Mr. Eug, the people employed directly under the gain of functioners say it's not really gain of function. The virus is just acquiring new uhhh uhhhhhh functions. Totally different.

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In this case, we need an umbrella term that covers all these types of research.

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yes, we need a proper legal definition. let's bring some lawyers into the discussion. i'm sure that will help..... ;)

naa, what we need is to start putting the power of shame to work. call such "investigators" murderers, sob's, from twitter to writing on their cars.... bring back the good old tar'n'feather tradition.

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Yes, It is all BS. It should only be done in a defensive posture. We have weapons and spies to keep those in check if the research is not done solely in this regard. The Reality is we have some Deep State and Politicians that are advancing this, not to mention WEF, Soros, B. Hates and Fraudci. Cut out the ring leaders of the Mafia and things will get better. We constantly need self cleansing though. Checks and balances.

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according to Fauci this would be addition of functionality so not counting as gain of function

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Gan of function research like this should be banned outright with penalties commensurate with the degree of harm and death which results from actual lab releases, such as COVID-19. Leaks cannot be entirely prevented, so creating variants like this puts every human and probably many non-human animals at great risk - firstly from the novel infection itself and secondly from a world full of harm, death, government overreach, quasi-vaccines, mandates, lockdowns, social isolation, economic destruction etc even if they are not infected..

Anyone who is not transfixed by the allure of vaccines, quasi-vaccines, monoclonal antibodies, drugs and all the research funding and profits which drive work on these - anyone with an actual interest in humanity and our immune systems - will soon find that most people have only 1/10 to 1/2 of the circulating 25-hydroxyvitamin D their immune system needs to mount full-strength innate and adaptive responses to viral, bacterial and fungal pathogens, and to cancer, and to avoid wildly dysregulated inflammatory (indiscriminate cell-killing) responses. See Quraishi et al. 2014 cited in the two links below.

With this knowledge, drugs (including ivermectin), masks, lockdowns etc. etc. are of no immediate interest. All that matters is getting most people to supplement enough vitamin D3 to attain the 50 ng/mL 125 nmol/L 25-hydroxyvitamin D their immune systems need in order to work properly. Fortunately, this is a tiny amount - 1/8th of a milligram a day for 70 kg 154 lb body weight. Other nutrients are important, including boron, magnesium, at least some of the B vitamins, zinc and especially omega 3 fatty acids, but no nutritional deficiency is so acute, ubiquitous and easily corrected as vitamin D. This is a gram every 22 years, and pharma grade vitamin D3 costs about $2.50 a gram ex-factory.

All these doctors and researchers sincerely believe they are doing heroic work poking around with this drug, that spike protein configuration - and that they should be lauded and financially rewarded for these supposedly great efforts at saving humanity. If they really care about people's health, rather than their own careers, they should read the research cited in: https://www.mdpi.com/2072-6643/14/14/2997/htm (Prof. Sunil Wimalawansa's "Rapidly Increasing Serum 25(OH)D Boosts the Immune System, against Infections - Sepsis and COVID-19") and https://vitamindstopscovid.info/00-evi/ .

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On the theme of mad scientists I recall that during the theorising and making of the very first atom bomb some of the experts involved seriously thought there was the possibility of their dream of nuclear fission starting a chain reaction which would destroy the earth.

But they still carried on...

It's nice to see that that thought process pervades the frontiers of virology.

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So, what further delights await us.

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Those delights are now brewing in the blood if the vaxxers .The outcome of that process will soon become visible for the unvaxxed to observe .

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Didn't they think that turning on the Large Hadron Collider might tear the fabric of space-time or something? We say that Man has a propensity to destroy himself but I wonder if it is just this strange Anglo hunger to always be looking at the horizon. I wonder where we would be now if we had continued our efforts in space.

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Efforts in space have continued. Non-government ventures in space technology are multiplying rapidly. Labs isolated from Earth in space would be safer places to conduct dangerous experiments. Example: https://orbitalassembly.com/

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I want to be shagging birds in zero gravity and discovering the ruins of ancient space-faring civilisations not repeating the same boring shite we did on Earth in a tin can smelling of foreigners' farts.

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I seem to recall that the probability they estimated was about three percent.

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Not just Boston researchers, university of Mainz, Germany as well. If you go to the actual paper, you’ll spot affiliation number 12: Mainz. Now who just happens to be headquartered in Mainz? Not that miracle of German vaccinology, BioNTech, whose partnership with Pfizer earned the city of Mainz megabucks in local tax revenues.

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Oh God. So we have some high security biolab in Future Blackout Country? *hangs head and cries

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Not necessarily a lab, I was thinking more along the lines of a certain vacc development company getting an early heads-up to miraculously discover the new magic potion needed.

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Perhaps this research conveniently finds the conclusion that "the pathogenicity resides outside the spike protein"..... to take blame away from the spike inducing vaccines??

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I mean it's obvious to me that the whole virus is implicated in the disease it causes, and I don't think anyone ever doubted this. spike is only part of the story. the paper also confirms what we already knew, that mutations in spike are significant for determining whether the SARS-2 is an upper- or lower-respiratory tract infection, and in which lung cells it can replicate most efficiently.

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Until recently I would've thought that after replication a wholey assembled virus is what is required to start causing disease. However last year I remember reading the Salk institute paper on their study showing the potential for the Spike alone to cause damage. There is a the question of the prion region on the original spike, and a lot of other doubts for me.

At this point in time as you know governments/experts are now quietly distancing themselves from covid vaccines and not recommending boosters for most people. Last week here in NewZealand it happened too, what turn around from our protests 8months ago.

So for me the timing of the research with the change in current narrative means i just have to ask that kind of question, it is who I am 😉

I do enjoy your sub stack. Keep up the good work

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yes, I agree the spike protein by itself probably has some toxic properties, but what really causes disease is of course the virus replication (which kills cells) and your immune reaction (which also kills cells, among many other things)

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Also this part in the wording: "... an ancestral SARS-CoV-2 isolate ... unlike naturally occurring Omicron, efficiently replicates in cell lines and primary-like distal lung cells" brings up the question again of Omicron's origins, and whether it was created and released as a mild version. From the time Omicron was first mentioned in headlines, there was a worldwide coordinated message of "new variant found that is highly contagious but mild and won't cause heavy symptoms." How can you make such an assured and widespread claim to the public about an 'unknown' new virus form?

If certain parts of the virus backbone, however, were removed in the lab first (as is done e.g. with viral vectors used in vaccines -- a common procedure), so that they knew that it would not efficiently replicate in cell lines and lung cells, that would be an entirely feasible lab project to then launch and announce, "Gee, in Africa, our high-tech surveillance program magically found something new".

CDC has people working down there after being on the Morgellons project who were transferred at the time that gain-of-function labs were sent to Ukraine etc.

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The thought that so much misery has been caused by curious people thinking "Well.. why not...?"

And we will keep doing this, trial & error is what our species is all about. Often we've been lucky - sometimes, mostly recently, not so much. And the stales are so much higher now than in the past, when a lot of trial & error did not end in the creation of a deadly virus but a slightly better plough design.

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Or in the past, 'well, if we draw-and-quarter these virgins at the top of a stone structure, our crops will be more productive'.

The difference today is a LinkedIn profile and a few paper certificates instead of a golden hat to vouch for credibility.

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What we need is a virus trap . We could use Fauzi as bait .

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Oct 18, 2022
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Sorry Jane your temptation is a bit late ,I'm married now ,so no more hanky panky .

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Oct 18, 2022
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Oh brave new world, that has such people in it...

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Why are we letting this happen?

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"And this year's Nobel Prize for Hubris goes to..."

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Me :-)?

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They're too afraid of me......

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