Dec 7, 2023Liked by eugyppius

I like the posts about German politics and your retarded Health Minister.

Many parallels to what is happening in Canada.

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Eugyppius had me at RETARDED.

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He had me at “Smeagol”😂

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Lol. Good one!

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I like the posts about German politics too. One of the silver linings of the pandemic years was discovering fellow travelers around the world. Now I follow writers and podcasters from Canada, South Africa, Australia, Germany, Brazil, the UK and of course my homeland the USA. We’re all dealing with the same BS. It feels like we’re in a global brotherhood of sanity facing off against globalist Covidian cultists.

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I like that phrase "global brotherhood of sanity...". Yes, it has been a bonus to virtually meet people in other countries and learn about how they are resisting and/or coping.

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A real source of strength to cope with evil insanity - a small voice of thanks to all contributors

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Globalist covidian cultists.... all evil and stupid .... although one assumes the wealthier ones who publicly gave themselves placebos thought they were smart (er). This Lauterbach even looks insane... ugly mind ugly face now morphs into unfit race?

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That’s so true.

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Except ours are more in the spirit of "the banality of evil". Canadian politicians are small minded bitter humorless trolls forever virtue signalling us towards outright civilizational collapse.

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Lauterbach really is too. He is known to be in the pocket of the pharma/hospital industry for two decades.

He tried the same panic already in 2009 with swineflu.

He is evil AND stupid.

A sign of our times that this is a successful combination.

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The three Stuges could not run this show any better .

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That sums them perfectly.

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I don't think he's retarded. He's just an idiot-savant, without the savant.

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The terms aren't mutually exclusive. If those photos aren't confirmation that he's both, nothing is.

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I'd say that Karl looks like he needs a diet of bratwurst und bier, some sunshine, and plenty of vigorous exercise. It might change his outlook on life. Then again, maybe not.

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Agreed. His loved ones need to do an intervention.

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I love the pieces re Germany too. No one else I know gives me access to this kind of info. I live in Ireland and it's important to know what's happening in one of the biggest countries in Europe.

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Do you think we could ask Eugyppius to increase his coverage of Teresa Tam?

Our BC clown show is likely too provincial for his audience.

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Moronicity and evil afflicts so many of these dangerous officials.

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Love that word..."Moronicity".

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At least retarded has an excuse. Canada is full speed ahead evil at this point, no?

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Eugyppius knows his "attack the man" pieces are always well received. The more scholarly "attack the idea" pieces are fine, but take a little more effort to digest.

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Yes, keep them coming. We all need to know what is happening outside of our own countries.

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Eugy, I must admit that one of the reasons I subscribed to your 'Stack is exactly because you are not based in the USA. I want a view from someone not drinking the Kool-Aid every day. So, thanks for that. On the matter of this brilliant piece, I must admit that I laughed at your descriptions of Lauterbach repeatedly. I loved it! Frankly--and this will not come as a surprise to you--I think that many, if not most individuals who ascend to such positions as his are better at deep, focused, brown nosing than analysis. My personal theory is that when a person leaves graduate school, he decides if he is made of the stuff of "real work" or if he is capable only of peddling bullshit for fun and profit. Dr. Fauci took door number 2. POTUS did the same thing. (I know, from a buddy of mine, that Sleepy Joe actually said as much in law school!) Apparently, Lauterbach has bested them all, plumbing to depths the other losers can only imagine. I have long felt Germany did many things better, e.g., BMW, Mercedes, and the like. Apparently, you guys make assholier assholes too. Congrats!

(I must also admit, however, that Canada, my neighbor to the north, is giving you a run for your money. That said, my state, of New York, is in a battle-to-the-death with California, for crappiest crap-meister in U.S. public office. We've even got a woman representing us!)

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"My personal theory is that when a person leaves graduate school, he decides if he is made of the stuff of "real work" or if he is capable only of peddling bullshit for fun and profit."

My personal observation is that this decision becomes obvious before they ever leave grad school.

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You’re correct about NY. I spend the summer there by my family. We hide out by Lake Ontario in conservative apple country, shaking our head over the shenanigans going on in Albany and NYC. Comparing NY to CA, both, whew, what a shit-show.

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No kidding. I shared on another 'Stack yesterday this quote from Roger Garrison. "Sooner or later every president makes you nostalgic for his predecessor." Apparently, this sentiment applies to governors and mayors of major cities as well.

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Biden sure has caused me to desire to have his predecessor in office. But I must say I never wanted to see Obama in the Oval Office again!

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Obama was Bush's third (and fourth) term.

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Indeed. I have non-ironically commented about pining for the halcyon days of the Clinton administration. And I hated Clinton.

Likewise, I *thought* I hated Bill Richardson as governor of New Mexico... but the current power-mad Karen is far, far worse.

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Heil Hochul is working overtime on virus concentration camps. And the looney tune courts just overturned the ruling denying her. I will never set foot in NY again.

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Smart move and I get really get your point. I am not a NYS resident, but return there occasionally as my 95 y/o mother is still hanging in there. The politics suck, the gun laws suck, the taxes suck, masking sucks, the roads suck, the state restrictions suck……. Did I mention the politics suck?!

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We are surrounded by Peters Peter-Principling. The old F-up, move up model.

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Was about to post the same thing.

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I have seen the distinction described as being between those who are dedicated to the purpose of an organisation ( this could be making cars, or teaching physics) and those who are dedicated to the organisation itself and their position in it. The first time I saw an example of this was at school aged 16 , when our retiring headmaster, a history scholar, gentleman and true inspirational teacher , was replaced by a dull grey bureaucrat who had ascended the career ladder as swiftly as possible. I have never liked the latter type ever since.

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Am surprised you guys do not think Fauci is the worst of the worst as he was financing and directing much if it as well 😡

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Make absolutely no mistake, I think Dr. Fauci is a worthless POS. Unfortunately, there are many worthless POS profiting from the Great Covid Dumpster Fire.

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Dec 7, 2023Liked by eugyppius

Nice to see Crazy Eyes Lauterbach get his head handed to him.. Now do the current Crazy Eyes CDC director.

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OMG, I actually thought Dr. Walensky, although evil and FOS, was somewhat qualified. This latest lady seems like a vapid, Karen-wannabe. Geez. The likelihood is high that they pick them all based upon the lunacy they can peddle with a straight face.

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Lady? A misnomer if ever I saw one ...

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I am relatively sure he will not even be aware that he got his head handed to him.

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The only and proud pusher of jabs for 6 month olds. While wearing a cloth Fraudci mask. What a winner.

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Your entire government, top to bottom is infested by clowns.

(Like ours in the USA).

Solution: get rid of clowns. Whatever it takes.

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First, we need to shutdown the clown colleges. The Ivey League make Barnum and Bailey look like small potatoes.

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Here's a tweet from Geoffrey Miller, evolutionary biologist at the University of New Mexico, author of The Peacock's Tail and other books on the current president of Harvard;


Geoffrey Miller


A little rant about American universities, in the light on the recent Congressional testimony debacle:

Today I learned that Harvard President Claudine Gay seems to have published only 11 peer-reviewed journal papers in her entire academic career.

'So what?', you might ask.

Well, that's about the number you'd normally need to get hired as a first-year tenure-track assistant professor at a decent state university.

It's the number I published in the 12 months before I got tenure.

It's about the number that my more workaholic colleagues publish every year, decade after decade, throughout their careers.

And it's less than 1% as many papers as get published by outstanding researchers like behavior geneticist Nick Martin (with over 1,500 journal papers).

The situation at Harvard is not unusual. The leaders of academia are not typically leading academics, in the sense of highly productive researchers or widely respected teachers.

One might say they are career bureaucrats - but that would misunderstand their crucial ideological function.

The American people need to understand that in modern universities, both public and private, administrators function more like party political officers in communist Russian or Chinese universities. They are selected, throughour their careers, largely for their political commitments, and their willingness to enforce them. Like Cold War commissars, their allegiance is to the party, not to academia where they happen to work.

I mean 'party' quite literally: the Democratic party. Most American university administrators are loyal Democrats, and can't really imagine why anyone wouldn't be. Very few are Republicans or Libertarians.

And an increasing proportion of them are fully woke identitarian Leftists: they often launched their careers with a short series of papers on woke topics, using woke ideological frameworks, published in woke journals - before turning to the administrative track that offers much more political power to propagandize, indoctrinate, and control.

'So what?', you're might ask.

I've seen many calls for university administrators to enforce the rules of classical liberalism and free speech more fairly. This is like asking a Soviet-era commissar to abandon their Communist party allegiance, and to develop an entirely new identity and ethos grounded in an ideology that they have spent their entire career fighting.

It will not happen. Political animals do not change their spots.

University presidents who have prioritized amassing ideological power over producing academic research will not suddenly rediscover the merits of open inquiry.

They need to be fired, and replaced with academic leaders who are actually leading academics - rather than party political officers.

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Unfortunately, leading academics rarely want to be, or are proficient at, being administrators. Most need administrative assistants. Every top research professor I knew had a research associate who served as their "cheif of staff" if they ran multiple programs and employed more than a handful of people. No doubt Dr. Gay was one of those people who knew before she finished grad school that she was destined for the "administrative track". He advisors knew as well. I've witnessed first hand that it's pretty much impossible for faculty to tell an African-American female, who's been coddled throughout her studies, that she will never make tenure because her research is sub-par. Administration track is the perfect way to deal with that.

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Couldn’t agree more but there’s no one to fire them - they’re all woke ideologists in their nihilistic allegiances or criminally insane but I’m afraid that now applies to a woke judiciary, too 🤔

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I watched a podcast today with James Lindsay. He said some large corporations are beginning to actively avoid hiring college graduates, particularly those from Ivy League or "good colleges."

Some corporations are devising their own "apprentice" programs for high school graduates--or hiring consultants to develop apprentice programs.

From personal experience, I can say that college graduates are much MUCH more trouble than they're worth. Here's an example: a new employee kept calling in "sick." I reviewed his time card and saw that he hadn't worked a full 40-hour week in more than two months. When I questioned him, he said, "What do you care? If I'm not here, you don't need to pay me."

I suggested that perhaps he would prefer a part-time job, but that would mean he'd lose medical insurance and the company's 401K contributions, but he'd have more personal time since it seemed that's what he wanted.

In response, he reported me to HR--for "upsetting" and "threatening" him.

I just LOVE being retired so I don't need to deal with this sniveling, self-absorbed brats.

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Someday, for that young man, karma will be a minimum wage bitch.

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We can hope.

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When my kids were applying to colleges I warned them about the Ivy League. Conversely, though, I gladly hire women with worthless 4yr. degrees once they've been on the market for awhile. After a few months of rejection, unemployment or hard knocks in the service industry, they've seen the light and will accept less money just to be in a low-pressure office environment.

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I too have experienced the joy of "working" with recent graduates of our sadly misnamed "institutions of higher learning". Case in point: One young lady replaced productive work with months of long, semi literate rants re the injustices foisted upon her victim group of the day. Which drove me to request she be terminated. Much drama ensued. I retired.

Apparently, one may not require admin support staff to actually provide admin support services. Especially if said support person is female, and diverse.

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When Ivy League universities openly state their (currently unstated) motto, "There's a sucker born every minute!" we'll be on our way. BTW, and apropos of your mention of P.T. Barnum, here's a fascinating analysis of that quote, often (apparently, mistakenly) attributed to the great circus master: https://medium.com/skeptikai/the-real-story-behind-the-quote-theres-a-sucker-born-every-minute-1db9a7220d34

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It's going to take a gallows at every light post on Constitution Avenue. Why Constitution Avenue? For the irony, of course.

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I'm seeing signs that the madness is waning. The rumblings of anti-immigration policies are spreading--along with ignoring the pronouncements of the lunatic medical bureaucrats.

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Yes! Slowly, far too meanderingly but floodgates opening 🔜 👍

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I pray that you're right. Things are moving forward too slowly for me to feel reassured.

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Comments like those will get you put on a terrorist watch list by numerous 3 letter agencies.

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I suspect everyone who subscribes to these 'stacks has found their way onto many, many lists.

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Heck, just 'liking' it might do it.

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It's easier to not comply then to get rid of them! These politician's from both parties are like a cancer!!

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you’ll never get rid of the clowns. at least not in germany as they kling their brainwashed idea of voting. even if you have shit a, shit b, shit c, shit d, shit e, shit f — as is the case in german party politics — the entire country thinks that voting for shit c over shit f is the better solution. they’re caught up in that einstein theorem.

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I think the German ones are clowns without compare, absolute world champions of embarrassing stupidity.

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Hi Jim! It’s good to see you over here on the Substack!

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Lauterbach's photo alone... It had me laugh out loud. Thank you.

And ohhhh my, our good old Germany, ruled by nothing but nincompoops...

And we had the arrogance to laugh about the Americans for Trump (Bush), not taking a close enough look at our own disaster and embarrassing politicians, especially as of late

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I, too, laughed out loud. The single best example of CLOWN WORLD.

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He's channeling his inner Hotez.

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indeed quite alike those too

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Dec 7, 2023Liked by eugyppius

I love your updates. Makes me feel better that idiots are ruling all over & not just here in America 🇺🇸 🙏

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Three words for all this insanity moving forward: DO NOT COMPLY!! Do not let these sickos bully you. Take a stand no matter what!! Freedom is Not Free! I did not comply the first day this big lie was revealed!!

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How did a clown like Karl get elected and reach such levels of unchecked power? I guess you could ask the same question as many Western politicians, but this guy is next level. That's why I have updated Hanlon's razor about stupidity vs evil: https://yuribezmenov.substack.com/p/how-to-reimagine-hanlons-razor-stupidity-malice

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Great memes! I stole a few, and I plan to use them, indiscriminately.

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I think it is partially attributable to the German national character. Germans love formal credentials and Lauterbach is dripping in them

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The really sad story: he was considered a joke by most everybody in 2020, with his over the top panic. Even most of the the Covid believers just laughed about him.

And then he became minister, and all of a sudden everyone took him seriously.

It sadly showed how much most citizens believe not in intelectual authority, but only in bureaucratic titles and positions of authority bestowed by the state.

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Dec 7, 2023·edited Dec 7, 2023Author

it was when he became a regular talk-show guest, especially in 2021, that he was elevated to the status of Very Serious Person. this is interesting in itself, because his appearances on Lanz, Will etc. were not impressive and should have convinced any normal person that he is unstable charlatan. it seems for a lot of Germans, the mere presence of somebody in the media can make them popular.

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It was quite fascinating to watch how they pushed him. For a while he seems to be on every talk show everyday.

Which is even more surprising since e is a clownish figure, but with an extremely boring and annoying way of talking.

It is really strange how in Germany the representers of the system go to the most unphotogenic, boring, and stupid people. There are many smart and ok looking opportunists who could represent the regime, but they chose the strangest personage for the top positions.

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'We have seen the enemy, and it is this sad, stupid, Smeagol-looking loser, who thinks Eric Feigl-Ding is an authority and that clip-on bowties are fashionable.' OUCH!! That is harsh but funny and seemingly accurate lol.

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The photo of him maskless on the train... "Myyyyyyy preeeccciiiooouuuuusssss..."

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I know, so perfect, Gollum. I was thinking anorexic HItler crossed with Pinnochio. Truly, though, I think we need a global retarded rogue's gallery.

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As an American, I enjoy your news on Germany especially your health (?) minister. Keep up the work and thank you.

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Dec 7, 2023Liked by eugyppius

Karl Lauterbach and Sara-Jayne Terp…twins separated at birth?


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I sent that CTIL post to a friend and he opened it whilst in a bookstore. He said he laughed so loudly he scared the other shoppers!

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Dec 7, 2023Liked by eugyppius

"I know that some of you are impatient with my posts about German politics, and particularly my repeated pieces on our retarded Health Minister"

And this Brit says - No, don't stop! - I find them both highly illuminating and highly amusing!

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It's interesting (and very good) that Jay Bhattacharya has traction in the German media. In the USA, he is hardly noticed and mostly ignored by the left.

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Dec 7, 2023Liked by eugyppius

Great news. Where's that turbo cancer when you need it?

Apologies for the dark humor. Maybe.

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Ask Sterns buddy, Ralph Cirella. Who just passed. Too bad it wasn’t Howie

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Dec 7, 2023Liked by eugyppius

Bafoons abound. Tragic.

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Write on, eugyppius!! You write from Germany and I subscribe, partly, to get a little insight from my perch here in New England. I don't read everything you write about Lautenbach, as you sold me long ago on your incredulity over his stupidity. I agree we have to hound these running dogs , these maddening curs, so right on! As we say around here, Lautenbach seems number than a turd. It is indeed a sad reflection on the once mighty German nation that health for society could have ended up in the hands of this administrative state administrator. Does that, in an of itself, have an informational content? Did not covid everywhere (or practically everywhere) inform us that we now live in nincompoop states. Head girls and boys scurrying around making busy work to look good before their masters, who are no longer sentient beings and perhaps not even persons, just systems.

And the icing on the cake is you keep me uptodate on weather conditions in Bavaria and the Alps. Looks good to me!

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