You are so right on your last statement. For us in Texas we saw a summer of bad infections in 2021 after most people stopped masking in April/May of that year. My worst summer ever as a pediatrician. RSV was awful, and in toddlers in addition to infants because they had no chance to build immunity in their first year of life due to the isolation forced on them. Our pediatric practices, urgent cares and EDs were overwhelmed, in contrast to the summer of 2020 when no kids came in. I suspect that is what China is seeing now. And I have no doubts that your assessment is correct- your vaccine advisory board was way too independent during the previous three years and so the masters need to control them better. I am quite disillusioned with our American counterparts and no longer trust anything they say.

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I too wondered how STIKO got away with being against their gov recommendations. I see it's catching up to them now.

Putting aside inexperience, how likely are new appointee's to be independent minded now that they've plainly seen the consequences of such a mind set?

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MSK. Loved your observation about the immune systems of children. I remember an article years ago about a child who was known as " bubble child". It appeared he was susceptible to everything, hence keeping him in a bubble of safety was an effort to keep him alive. Folklore or truth?

Your reference to young children not having the opportunity to deal with and recover from viruses really resonated with me. I believe at this point in my life, 73 and still counting, that based on my own personal experience that being exposed to viruses and recovering is beneficial to the immune system. Being born in 1950, I had very few vaccines, with the exception of a polio vaccine, a tuberculosis vaccine and a few others.

Consequently I contracted mumps, chicken pox, German measles, red measles and a variety of stomach flus between the ages of six to eight years of age. After that onslaught on my immune system I became pretty much invincible to subsequent pathogens.

I have had the great fortune to experience a healthy life outcome given my age.

I have been exposed to lots of viruses thanks to 7 grandchildren and never caught anything from them.

As far as I'm concerned I think our immune system is one of the most fascinating aspects of our biology and one of the most important to ensure our survival.

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Remember when everyone understood that it was a "good" thing when children got snotty noses?

There was no debate on this because we all knew instinctively (and through science) that our immune systems are in a perpetual arms race with pathogens.

We understood that taking a snotty nose when you were 6 was your best defense against allowing a similar (or evolved original) virus from snuffing you out at 60.

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Exactly. It seems since our governments have discovered a lust for our medical well being, that common sense and instinct are being ignored, and in some cases, actively being discouraged.

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Same here (born in 1949). The last few years I haven't really been sick at all...healthy as a horse, as they say. All during Covid I tempted "fate" and went out continually, ignored all the crazy stuff, never wore a mask unless I absolutely had to in order to get into some place or another, no vaccines, but I never got anything.

I remember my 99 year old grandmother once saying that she never got sick because by her 90's she had probably been exposed to everything out there!

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"- your vaccine advisory board was way too independent during the previous three years and so the masters need to control them better."

In Hebrew, STIKO translates to "keep quiet" when run through google translate.

Maybe not enough people are keeping quiet.

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I hope you're also following revelations by Matt Taibbi and colleagues over at the Racket and Public substacks, about the Censorship Industrial Complex. They are also testifying at a Congressional hearing today. It kind of folds into this.

Good starting point: https://public.substack.com/p/ctil-files-1-us-and-uk-military-contractors

Congressional hearing: https://judiciary.house.gov/committee-activity/hearings/hearing-weaponization-federal-government-4

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I feel that this is not the smartest move on the part of the vaccinators. Seeing as the "independent" STIKO caved in sooner or later to every single demand by the "health" powers that be, the STIKO´s initial and ostensible "reluctance" to immediately rubberstamp everything right away preserved an aura of "independence". Thus, when the STIKO eventually agreed to recommend whatever their masters wanted on the pretence of having given it much serious and "scientific" thought, this lent some appearance of legitimacy to their aboutface. For me this made the STIKO one of the more successful "controlled opposition" operations for selling as many jabs as possible. If the reshuffled STIKO now just shoos in everything right away, it will lose credibility, even among the mainstream media consuming crowd, thereby dimnishing its capability to convince people who end up on the fence for one reason or another.

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Eugyppius, I hate to keep dropping these things off, but will until I can get through.

Substack has no good way to contact an author which is just ridiculous. So I have to hope you see this comment. A US think tank very much aligned with you is planning a private session in Europe. No more than 50 people. Chatham House rules. You would be a major contributor to these discussions, I think. And I am sure you would appreciate meeting like souls you did not know existed. If you will send me a note with an email I can use to reply, I will tell you more. You can surely decline, but I expect you will find this meritorious and enlightening. Many thanks.

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Your arguement makes sense but this was not the case in Canada where the Canadian Medical Association got into controversy in 2009 over a partnership with Pfizer. People still take their advice, memories are short, even for those who pay attention.


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Yeah, Canada.

"Govern me harder Daddy."

Not much better in most of the US either.

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Official petition now launched seeking 250,000 signatures to present in parliament for a vote of non confidence in Trudeau and his Liberal Party demanding that they “be gone” as he and his party have by now successfully alienated almost everyone in this country coast to coast. 4 out 5 Canadians believe Trudeau government spends more time on issues that divide us than unite us and that he doesn’t represent every Canadian only the ones who share his Marxist views.

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Sonya. Thanks for being here. I've already signed the petition The petition in itself won't change the current situation but it is a way to express our discontent and I don't think they will freeze our bank accounts but you never know!

Honk. Honk.

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KlarkashTon said "If the reshuffled STIKO now just shoos in everything right away, it will lose credibility, even among the mainstream media consuming crowd ..."

- Darling, the Government says that we all have to get the SuperPanicJab2™ because we may be asymptomatic superspreaders of the sniffles.

- Ah, but what does STINKO say, dear?

- STINKO says the same, darling.

- Just like all the other times, dear.

- Yes, darling, it's good to see that the Government always follows the science.

- Yes, dear, that's very reassuring. Let's go for our dose of SuperPanicJab2™.

- Do you think the dog can get one too?

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Lauterbach's move is going to further separate the bien pensant/liberal left from, essentially, everyone else. Their echo chamber is already a disaster. So naturally they double down...

Biosecurity cannot fail. It can only be failed. Real biosecurity has never been tried.

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we've got a charity here in the us called the tunnels to towers foundation, which pays off the mortgages for families of fallen or gravely injured in the line of duty police officers and military members.

perhaps we need something like that for principled public servants and scientists who, regardless of their individual moral stature, usually have families to provide for. it's hard to protest too much if your aged infirm mother will be thrown out of the decent nursing home your govt. salary is paying for.

i've been fired from plenty of jobs in my time for refusing to compromise my conscience, but i was only a secretary and it was always easy in those days to find another crappy place of employment, and i didn't have to feed a family then. i don't know how strong my principles would've been if my kid's wellbeing would've been put at risk.

how much are we willing to do to protect those we want to protect us?

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I think a major problem is that most people have no idea that we NEED to be protected from a certain "public servants" and "scientists" and, of course, "politicians." How can we protect those who will protect us if John Q Public is clueless?

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to be sure, John Q Public has been a strong believer in all sorts of things I regard as idiocies and a considerable number of Johns and Johnettas believing in those things are regarded as intellectual leaders there to correct me from my errors.

so maybe we all ought to be more careful in whom we scorn for their credulity and a failure to use rational methods of discernment.

the average person likes to be part of what, boiled down to its essence, always turns out to be a cult even if that person denies to the utmost that's what it is. atheists, for example, apocalypsing about the climate are responding in the most primitive and venerable way to the fear of unmanageable forces that reduce us to puny specks of matter.

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Shibumi. I can always count on you to make an astute observation.

I couldn't agree with you more. I am beginning to think that most people have chosen to become clueless.

I'm not sure why. Perhaps the reality of what is happening is too much to bear or cope with. First World Countries are slowly evolving to the status of third world countries. I think for the next few decades we are going to witness a geographical migration that will have profound effects on most first world nations.

Why are we not as a world government trying to find a solution to keep these people from fleeing their countries.

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Thank you for your kind words Helen, they are greatly appreciated.

Sometimes answer to the question comes about when you reframe the question. For example:

Question: Why are we not as a world government trying to find a solution to keep these people from fleeing their countries.?

Answer: We are not trying to find a solution to keep those people from fleeing their countries because our respective governments WANT their nations filled with third worlders.

Why would they want that? Well, for one, the random violence makes people call on the government for protection. Why else? Well, it starts to eliminate all feelings of nationalism. With no nationalism, it's easier to have a global government.

Crazy, I know, but really, there aren't any other sensible solutions, since everyone has seen the old video "poverty and gumballs."

I feel sorry for my stepsons and their children.

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Great comment and points

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“Federal Institute for Prevention and Education in Medicine”

More accurately, this should be the "Federal Institute for Prevention OF Education in Medicine”

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Why are these people only competent in the bloodsport known as bureaucratic knife attacks? Why is this their only skill set?

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it’s the only thing they’re really selected for, i expect

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In the never-ending “Are they stupid or are they evil” debate, the fact that they have brains enough to wage these turf wars at a high tactical level scores a point for the latter.

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Neither pistols nor sabres, but memoranda.

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Because they share two things with elites.

1. Common ground in the palace courts

2. Contempt for their fellow-citizens

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I've heard it said that to be senior in politics that that's a skill you have to have mastered along the way, not universally true; there are exceptions.

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There are still plenty plennnnty of innocent people buying into this garbage.

This is the definition of insanity - keep pushing more and more drugs

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"Covid has taught the Lauterbachs of the world that even the pretence of independent public health organisations and advisory bodies is too dangerous to be trifled with."

And the non-Lauterbachs should have learned that independent, publicly accountable organisations are crucial.

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I makes my head spin that any academic would be willing to serve on such a thoroughly discredited body. What other than a stain on one's reputation can come from this?

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Ah, but being able to afford to send your kid to that private school, or that vacation house, or that new EV car....or, to keep those compromising pictures of you out of the news. Seen as good things by shallow people though ill gotten gains indeed.

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You've pretty much answered mattpittsburgh's question: where there are no morals or scruples, anything goes.

Unfortunately, the ethical and moral scientists and doctors were largely silenced. I watched a John Campbell video last night that highlights this. Look for 'Expired with Dr. Claire Craig' on his channel, a bit long but has good information.

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When you believe you have enough people around you that you can rely on them to cover your reputation in the future and pretend it never happened

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I think the *benefit* to an academic is $$$$$$$$$$.

$$$$$$$$$$$ > reputation

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In other words, to force improperly tested, unnecessary and unsafe "vaccines" for the common cold on Germans, they will get rid of the opposition in advance....Germany really seems dedicated to reducing and impoverishing its population...

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You have identified demons and openly named them. What the masses of damned sheep do is no longer something anyone can control.

On a good note, a friend's wife delivered a healthy 8 pound full term baby boy yesterday. He was not named Karl. The baby received ZERO vaccines. Both parents are refugees from the failed health system here in the USA and lost their jobs for refusing the coof shots. Neither were "anti-vax" prior to The Madness. Now they are .... I see this trend growing.

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All these shenanigans just prove - once again - that not only do they not believe they did anything at all wrong during the Covid fiasco, they believe they didn’t do it hard enough, with even more stringent controls to quash the upstarts.

They can hardly wait to do it again except this time with even more fascistic gusto!

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This man is dangerous. I just don’t understand how he is still getting away with this.

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I had no familiarity with Lauterbach until I read this substack, but when I saw this picture (I don't know anything about the outlet, and the translation from German is pretty hilarious, and incoherent in a way that in an odd way is consoling, since it mirrors the incoherence all around us) https://www.extremnews.com/berichte/weltgeschehen/b10e191bf5b2ef6

Lauterbach taking a selfie with Tedros Gibberish, Ethiopian warlord made me think cognitive lockdown is coming. They are positioning their pieces ahead of time all over the board.

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STIKO would be a great name for Pfizer's mascot. Lauterbach with his ping pong mask frantically running around with a syringe trying to jab people.

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