Jul 21, 2022Liked by eugyppius

Good news is that self-isolation shouldn’t change his normal day-to-day routine.

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Reminds me of Dorothy Parker’s remark when told that Calvin Coolidge was dead: "How can they tell?"

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Trouble is, if he dies in the job, he will go down in history as a covid martyr - even a Saint. If he lives, I doubt anyone will ever remember him at all.

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He'll forever be associated with The Stolen Election of 2020, which will be studied by Political Science scholars for decades.

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I'd like to think so, but history is written by the victors

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Events prevail, and truth eventually begins to surface.

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Eventually can be a long time. We still hear the Roman version of the Punic Wars.

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And we the people will be victorious over the collectivist cabal. So we will, be the writers of his demented history.

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That's a nice dream. One we share. But ...

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Not any more; now we have the internet. And it's memory is flawless.

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Don't forget the George W one with Al Gore! That one went right to the wire too. What will happen next time? Mind you, if it's a choice between Trump and Biden, it won't really matter.

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Trump was lied about from day one and yet he did some great things, despite what the media would have you believe.

The US was energy independent for the first time ever and then "installation Joes" owners, destroyed that legacy on day 1.

Imagine what he could have achieved if the entirety of the evil empire hadn't been attacking him every day.

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Jul 21, 2022·edited Jul 21, 2022

trump made it very clear just how Crooked the SWAMP PPL are! Why do you think they've vilified and spent years on russian lies and now Jan 6 lies and a circus show. THERE WAS NO INSURRECTION, IT WAS ALL STAGED AND CAUSED BY PELOSI ETAL...trying to forever silence trump. They fenced the capital for fear of retaliation because they know they are guilty. He shook the hornets nest and they FREAKED OUT BECAUSE THEY WERE EXPOSED! God will prevail.

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No credit at all for the Abraham Accord.

Imagine if the Abominable Obamanoid had pulled that off? He'd have been beatified.

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Harry, loving your monica. You're not that geezer married to Meghan Sparkle are you?

As a limey, I seem to remember The D opening up a million acres of national parks for fracking plus oil and gas exploration. And he wanted to buy Greenland and massively increase drilling for oil, gold, minerals, diamonds and basically anything flogable in the Arctic.

Apparently the U.S. already uses TWICE the energy resources per person compared to us Europeans. What the heck do you do with it all?

And you're all going nuts because gas has reached $5 a gallon - ours is $12 a gallon! Yours is almost free!

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Actually, D lies kept it "close." Gore NEVER led in any Florida district. Ask Dan Bongino.

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Step away from the keyboard and get involved.

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The 2000 mules resent your comment :P!

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If there’s any justice in the world he will be numbered among the worst US presidents of all time. Along with Wilson, Buchanan, Carter, and of course our current REAL president, Obama.

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Rascal, I think your list is a little short? What about Jan 6th Trump? And Geaorge W with his WMDs and Axis of Evil - he was an idiot. And don't forget Mr Clinton who was caught on the job with his pants down and went on to become one of paedo Jeffrey Epstein's besties...

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Ooops! I forgot to add on the end: ...along with Billy Boy Gates!! (And he thinks he's the President - of The World!!!)

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Johnson has to be the worst ever. McNamara and Kennedy were trying to end the war in Vietnam before 60k soldiers were killed. Then Johnson gets in there and tasked McNamara with keeping the war going. What a stooge.

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And LBJ passed the "Unified Budget of 1968", which destroyed the lockbox in the Social Security surplus, and NOT ONE PREZ SINCE HAS PUT IT BACK...Until the surplus ran out in 2010.

Now, every month when SS has to cut checks to retirees, the Treasury has to BORROW MONEY TO DO.IT.

Politicians have done this with other govt "trust funds" and cleaned them out, too.

Giving politicians power and money is like giving alcohol and car keys to teenage boys"... The inimitable PJ O'Roouke.

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I Forgot about Johnson! I would rank thusly worst to better:

1) Obama/Biden (literally partners with Chicoms, corrupt, and evil; literally destroying this nation as founded)

2) Wilson (a true evil tyrant, but arguably a patriotic American in some sense)

3) Buchanan (amoral bastard, waste of a human and a presidency)

4) Johnson (amoral bastard and a short but extremely damaging tenure)

5) Carter (ideologically blinkered and inept, but mostly a decent human, and a patriotic American despite his many faults; difficult tenure and his damage was not long lasting like others has been)

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Jul 22, 2022·edited Jul 22, 2022

LBJ committed treason by ordering US Navy planes not to fly to the defense of the USS Liberty when the Israelis were attacking her, almost certainly because he inspired them to make the attack to provide a reason for the US to enter the war on Israel's side. US bombers were flying to Cairo to nuke it when their mission had to be aborted because the Liberty refused to sink.

I wouldn't call Johnson's 5-year tenure short.

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Jul 21, 2022·edited Jul 21, 2022

I've always had a hunch he'd die and they'd blame covid

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Yup but then that would blow the vax thing out of the water.

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They can still blame climate change. Survived covid due to the vaccine but climate change eventually got him. Go get vaccinated against climate change

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Lol. Humor is so powerful. I like to spread that kind of love around in mainstream message boards like Yahoo and daily mail.

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Sounds right

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Good point. I thought that before but yes if he did it would completely obliterate the whole thing. But. Since the media controls the message it wouldn't likely matter

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We can hope

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*Never let a crisis go to waste*. Imagine how they can exploit his death ( by any means, even if they dispatch a fake MAGA-hatted bad guy, if they do it that way) for sympathy and capitalize on that and the ever-present *outrage*. If by covid, they can still turn the outrage to *Trump mishandled covid blah blah blah*. Whatever happens, you KNOW they are going to milk this to their benefit.

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Idk, Carter was so much more likable and is still remembered as the worst President in 100 years (except now, of course, for Biden). I don’t think he will be remembered well at all.

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Jul 21, 2022·edited Jul 21, 2022

Not a Carter fan, nor was I a supporter, however, the differences in our "2nd" worst president and our present one are really glaring:

.. Carter was a superior academic student

. U.S. Naval Academy graduate who served 10 years

. He had, and has real world work experience; understood independent small business (farming), to my knowledge, the family farming business was never under investigation for questionable practices

. In his post political life he engaged in useful volunteer work

Again, not in any way to "defend" his practices in office, compared to our present president, Carter was a stellar intellect (physics major I believe) , and my guess is, based only on observation since no one can see into a person's sole, but my guess is his spiritual foundation is genuine, not just a "window dressing" he changes from day to day depending on the political "winds". Not a Carter fan, but have to be fair when comparing IMHO.

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Really great summary of Carter. When people were complaining about Trump, I always pointed out, that Carter was maybe the nicest human being in my lifetime who was President. He was also our worst President. Until we got Biden, of course (mind you Obama is right there too).

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Yes, the list of "worst" is growing, I agree. And though I certainly did not agree with Carter policy, I do believe he was, and is, genuine, fully actualized so to speak. Nothing like the "blow with the winds" type of purely career politicians...of both parties, who seem to "drift" and have no deep moral or ethical anchors... just situational ethics !

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probably a nice person is not cut out of the right wood for president. We need more of a bull dog. Not a nice face or even a nice character, but someone sturdy with character and some charisma. Unfortunately most people with these characteristics are dictators, but not all.

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Carter flailed about because of ideological convictions that hamstrung his ability to devise solutions to the problems of his day, in addition to fairly difficult issues beyond his control, but he actually did some decent things including losing his illusions about the Soviet Communists when they invaded Afghanistan that set stage for Reagan’s confrontations with them. Plus he didn’t seem as eager to destroy and enslave the middle class as Biden does. The Dem Party used to be ok with confronting Commies but now they are basically partners. https://townhall.com/tipsheet/spencerbrown/2022/07/21/house-dems-block-bill-to-ban-strategic-oil-sales-to-china-n2610580

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Jul 21, 2022·edited Jul 21, 2022

The more I read, the more I think what we’re told about all of these guys is irrelevant. Power cannot be had by just anyone, it is given, temporarily, to figureheads to do the bidding of those truly, but quietly, in charge, such as the central bankers. The entire system is a farce that we’ve voluntarily bought into because we think it only natural. And rights are chipped away slowly, one decade at a time to the point where we’ve lost sight of how it should be.

Not arguing that Carter didn’t do some “good things” but I just think it’s much bigger than that. If you do TOO good for the people, you’re outta there!

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Since WW2 America federal government has been run by the Deep State. With some input from relatively popular politicians. It used to be against Communism, but now it is in partnership. And the Democrats run the Deep State now. They won’t be giving up that power anytime soon. Sundance at Conservative Treehouse has some great commentaries on how this all came about. https://townhall.com/tipsheet/spencerbrown/2022/07/21/house-dems-block-bill-to-ban-strategic-oil-sales-to-china-n2610580

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I'd rather have Carter as president than Biden.

And I'm not talking about 1970s Jimmy Carter.

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Carter has nothing on Brandon. The thing about Carter is that he was bad because he was so ineffective at solving problems. And didn’t recognize that his solutions wouldn’t work. Presidents like Wilson, Obama, and Brandon are so much worse because they not only didn’t (don’t) solve problems, they create(d) more.

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Carter also has a soul. He is not a soulless manipulater. I agree with SimulationCommander I much rather had Carter now, even at his advanced age he is all there, and I suspect he would have never let the jabs be obligatory. I even wonder if, being the religious person he is, he would have agreed at all to have them roll out.

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Carter at least hired Volcker.

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Carter promoted the use of Ivermectin in 11 poor countries - over 160 million doses. You don't hear anything about that now! Then, he was hailed as a hero. It's still up on YT.

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I was not here in the Carter period. He seemed to be a very likable person, and I read some of his speeches he gave at his church, well done. May be he would have been a better minister than president. I was still young then and politics were about as interesting as a sore tooth.

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I was around during Carter. He seemed true to his principles, mostly. I think of him as the last Democratic pres. The Reagan/Bush maneuverings to win Election 1980 and the rise of Big Banksterism after that, to me mark Carter years as the last in which the Middle Class wasnt a target for plunder.

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Yeah he seemed like a decent man, but I suspect he’s part of the cabal. Another “throw away” President like Biden when the Fed. Reserve and Central bankers were broke and backed into a corner. He did his part for the mob.

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That's actually a good point, I don't know why Carter didn't come to mind first. It really is like 1977, in the worst way right now

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Worse. At least Carter seems to be a nice person. Biden is just evil while putting on a facade.

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That was my point above when I said I was not a supporter or defender of Carter, but.... and time has proven... his values, business ethics in running his own independent business of farming, his spiritual foundation, etc. all seem to be genuine, not like a chameleon changing intellectually, spiritually, and morally every other day, and he;s what ....97 now ? So to blame every weak and moral failing (like doing business with arch enemies of our country, failing to put the country's best interests first, etc. can not be dismissed with "age". Carter is a great example, made poor decisions, but, from observation of behaviors, probably a more genuine person.

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Carter was a much better president than those who succeeded him, with the exceptions of Reagan and Trump.

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I respectfully disagree. I think he was a decent enough person and too kind for the job. He meant well, but he made horrendous decisions. I remember the horrible gas shortages, long gas lines, where you were afraid to not have gas to drive to work. Add the pussyfooting on foreign affairs and you get Iran's hostage crisis. It's now clear, in 2022, that whoever is in the White House, the deep state will mislead that person to their own goals. Clearly, Biden is too addled to be running anything, even a bike.

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Years from now, someone can do an American History Thesis paper, "Who was worse, Ulysses S Grant or Biden?"

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Biden. Not even a contest

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He can't even remember himself now...

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IMHO I don't think anyone is going to want to even mention him again when it's finally over....

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YES! Ms. Parker, this Limey says, a GREAT American. My parents now, long gone, loved her and introduced me o her way back....

"The gamut of emotions from A toB". Genius. And a Dry Martini drinker, like Mum and Dad, who taught me how to mix one at the age of 6, at their cocktail parties.

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Ice cream and adult extra absorbent Depends, Brandon's best friends!

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... nor his sex life.

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Tough week... first cancer, now covid.

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Slight correction...first dementia, then cancer and now COVID. Thank God he picked Paxlovid and not Ivermectin!! We need to appreciate these little blessings.

And...thank God he's married to a doctor LOL!

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Maybe it was...first dementia, then...was I supposed to say cancer or covid, then...repeat statement.

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Jul 21, 2022·edited Jul 21, 2022

Just like the boosters.


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Comment of the day!🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

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If he got cancer from his windshield, then where did he get Covid from?

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My money’s on fist bumps with MSB

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The perfect vector for monkeypox

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The Covid vaxxes, that is.

The gift that keeps on givng.

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Nah... he probably drank water from the golden toilet bowl.

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Wish there was a laugh reaction

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🌟 A star for your fine effort!

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We all should pray for our beloved Prez

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Jul 21, 2022Liked by eugyppius

Let’s go COVID! I know I’m not supposed to say that 🤷‍♂️

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Back when COVID first hit and nobody knew how bad it would be, but there were some worrisome signs (and some fearmongering), I hoped that at least lots of our elderly politicians would die. A glorious silver lining to what could have been a very dark cloud. Turns out, no such luck. Killed old people, fat people, and unlucky people. Barely a single politician!

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they all got ivermectin thru the Congressional medical providers

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What can you figure out from all that? Maybe that covid was never such a big threat for anyone at all and most of the elders were KILLED in the hospitals due to the medical protocols.

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Omicron is mild. It will disappoint.

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Unless you're in your 80s, suffering from dementia, have a history of brain aneurysms and take a complex cocktail of medication which likely includes stimulants and meds that have a "rebound" effect. It may be mild, but I wouldn't want to wager on a prognosis.

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Common respiratory infections kill older folks all the time, they just never make a big deal about it.

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Yes, and we know he has difficulty swallowing, which is dysphagia. Having dysphagia significantly increases the risk of aspiration pneumonia. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/31528251/

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Common colds are like that. Irritants.

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...but we can THINK it! Although...Kamala Harris ascending to prezzy...with possibly Gavin Newsome, Michelle 0bama as VP....any way you look at , or asy it, or think it...we are so effed.

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Jul 21, 2022Liked by eugyppius

Biden will come out and say he is so thankful for his vaccines.

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Expressing gratitude for the shots after getting infected is the GAE pledge of allegiance.

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And probably say he let down his guard by taking off his mask & voila! Hello national mask mandates

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Comment deleted
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End of quote -Repeat the line

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I wish he would. That sound byte is only sounding more ridiculous each day.

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Jul 21, 2022Liked by eugyppius

Weird. His “avoiding the virus” defied the odds.

That statement somehow clashes with the concept of an effective vax.

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and of masks and distancing and the rest of it mattering at all, lol

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How will they know if he dies?

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Well, he allows his imaginary friends to get pretty close, and just can't resist to shake their hands ever so often. Maybe one of them gave it to him?

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His last booster was at the end of March. Data seems to be showing a flip towards negative efficacy around month 4, so perhaps it played out just as the odds predicted.

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Jul 21, 2022Liked by eugyppius

But schools/universities/colleges are still mandating the vaccine as are many businesses. The Washington DC school district just announced a vaccine mandate for their students. Make it make sense

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As J J Couey said last night on his [epic] cast, we have one month to wake parents up (before school starts). The stakes are tremendous....

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Hey, y’all, here’s the archived version of Jonathan’s talk with Kevin McKernan...mindblowing stuff here. Please pass it on.


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i live near UCLA and the zombies are still shuffling around w their masks (in july in socal!) and soon they will be rolling up their sleeves for more mandated jabs...i can only attribute this level of docility to the fact (conjecture?) that since the students only experience life thru their phones 1) they will do anything their phones tell them to do as long as everyone else in their phone is doing the same; and 2) as long as they have their phones, u can do anything else u want to them.

in 21st century computer programs u!

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818 here. Same here.

Go online, or call as the L.A. Board of Supervisors Agenda is published - they want to sack Villanueva (elected position - unconstitutional) and they want to bring back masking, also. http://bos.lacounty.gov/LinkClick.aspx?fileticket=8k2Szkg9iAs%3D&portalid=1

ALSO - see change.org - there's a petition going to FIRE Ferrer. Help me spread the word.


IF you are not aware, Ferrer's daughter wrote the report (with some actual scientists) that changed the CDC guideline. Jennifer Van Laar broke the story. https://redstate.com/jenvanlaar/2022/07/20/study-cdc-relied-upon-for-school-mask-mandates-was-authored-by-la-county-public-health-directors-daughter-whos-also-not-an-md-n575405

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JoeBiden is “the gift that keeps on giving”. No way do I want this buffoon gone before the mid-terms.

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don't worry, chances he dies are pretty low. best would be another drawn-out paxlovid-enhanced experience like Fauci's, and then ideally (I am wishing for the world here) a reinfection within a few months.

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Tend to concur. ~ 1 month ago I was offered Paxlovid for a mild case, my first that I know of. As I did not think I met the "high risk" category, as well that it was EUA and brought to you by Pfizer, I declined it, wisely I think. Later I found a study and while it trumpets that 90% (or whatever) "relative risk reduction," I did my own figuring using the provided statistics. Even for the control group, the hospitalization was (IIRC) 6.5% and deaths were 0.67%. Keep in mind that the study participants were selected as being at high risk. I concede the drug may have slightly improved outcomes, but it fails to address any downside (toxicity, side effects, etc.)

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Hopefully, there will be a better strain circulating by the time he gets reinfected. Omicron is too mild to do us any good.

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Jul 21, 2022Liked by eugyppius

There is more to this story I humbly believe. They need to get people off the cancer comment yesterday and need to prepare for the midterms with more Covid hysteria.

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My former employer just announced a new mask mandate due to high case load. And they're vaxd and boosted to the hilt, so not everyone has moved on from The Plan.

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good to see it was a FORMER employer. hope you're good with that.

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I got fired for not complying with their mandate

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thank you exemplary courage......hope you are managing

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It forced me into a (possibly temporary) career change and was pretty rough, but managing

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I'm sorry that you're going through some tough times.

In such a situation, I always think back to an episode of Dallas (the old TV show) where JR Ewing loses the company he built to his brother. As he and a friend are looking at his company headquarters from a distance, the friend asks how he can look at it so calmly. His reply was "Darlin' never look back". Image a Texan drawl.

I pray things go well for you moving forward!

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I've never actually watched that show (my parents loved it) but I appreciate the comment and agree with the sentiment. Onward to new things!

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Sounds like my former workplace. A prison camp ruled by power hungry stupid guards with stupid rules. I'm glad I left for being an unshotted leper.

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Bless you for your courage and resolve. All I can give you is my respect.

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If they got waxed to the hilt and are not dead yet ,than they did not work .Shots are needed until they do their job .

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While I know little German, I lived there a few years, and am aware that it (and no doubt other languages), the sounds of letters is different, e.g. English "v" -> German "f"; "w"-> "v" ).

In Army I accustomed to Germans calling our "vodka" "wodka," but what confuses me is you and others do this in writing too?

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amazing, bless up and hope for a full recovery as the President should not be able to escape the crumbling narrative said individual tried to drop on the "unvaccinated" he deserves all the criticism of being wrong on vaccines that humans can muster, they lied, and are still lying. End the EUA.

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In the AP article you link they say "The unvaccinated are at far greater risk, more than two times more likely to test positive and nine times more likely to die from the virus than those who have received at least a primary dose of the vaccines, according to the public health agency."

When was the last time the case rate for unvaccinated was higher than the vaccinated? A year ago? These people are such fucking liars.

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Jul 21, 2022Liked by eugyppius

Nobody bothers to think masks do anything but the Los Angeles county board of health that is

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The city of Vienna is enforcing their FFP2 (aka N95) mask mandate on public transportation via the police.

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my cousin Roland lives in Vienna. They deserve this. hahahahhahaaa

He is totally buying it all

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We certainly have a LOT of people buying into the propaganda.

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Jul 21, 2022Liked by eugyppius

Any thoughts on how Plaxovid might affect dementia drugs he might be on?

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i would guess the answer is they won't, but what do I know

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I can’t answer that (I’m sure these kinds of things were certainly studied prior to mass-inoculation) but I know it didn’t help Fauci much. He couldn’t clear the virus and I think did 3 rounds of plaxovid. We need Biden to stay healthy!

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I actually don’t think ANYTHING was studied prior to mass inoculation or we wouldn’t be having all of the vax’d getting sick, “adult death syndrome” & excess deaths all over the world & esp in countries w/ high vax compliance….

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I am still wondering why Fauci would have taken it, unless he knew it was slow motion suicide, and that was his choice

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AJ, at 1st I thought he was part of the Davos cool kid club but now I’m not so sure. I’m thinking more & more he is a true-believer-covidiot & the reason he got as sick as he did is because he’s been jabbed 4X. And then took another untested med in Paxlovid that I believe he admitted himself caused rebound. I could be wrong tho. Maybe he just got so sick because he’s in the vulnerable age bracket 🤷🏼‍♀️

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He's not actually taking Paxlovid any more than he took the hot Pfizer loads.

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I am not sure what meds he is on at this time. Media certainly will not share.

Oh the leftists are so full of poison

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I’ve heard fentanyl prices are falling, contrary to inflation, maybe a box of goodies for the junta’s fake inflatable sex-doll will help the crumbling republic.

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Presidents used to work through colds and never made any press releases when they had one.

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they've created a country of hypocondriacs! Bring out more tests...we need more tests. Can't live a day without knowing if I've contracted something. Next thing you'll be hearing are ppl running to the doctor with mosquito bites thinking they have monkey puss.

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No kidding. I have my usual bout of poison ivy right now and I'm sure people are crossing the street when they see me thinking pox pox!

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Jul 21, 2022·edited Jul 21, 2022Liked by eugyppius

Supposedly one of the side effects of this new “variant” is lethargic behavior, so in other words there is no way to know if Biden is symptomatic.

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