Sep 16, 2022Liked by eugyppius

‘Massive overuse of a treatment (ventilation) with no solid evidential basis, now known to be extremely harmful.’

Now known? At the time, I recall reading an article which reported critical care physicians and anæsthetists pointing out ventilation only functions to rest muscles of chest and diaphragm fatigued by rapid breathing in certain conditions or post-surgery, but is no use where lung tissue is damaged as in CoVid, as it cannot repair tissue damage, and since forced ventilation actually causes some lung tissue damage would exacerbate the situation and be contra-indicated for CoVid. It was also reported that the reason given for using ventilation on patients was to protect medical and nursing staff from virus exhaled to become airborne on the ward, so it was acknowledged it did not benefit patients and was used for staff protection. This was before the amazing new scientific discovery that SARS CoV 2, uniquely among respiratory virus, could only be spread in water droplets which fell to the ground in 1 metre or 2 metres or pick a distance.

Once again we have well known medical knowledge simply ignored as with every aspect of this sorry saga.

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Why did the hospitals continue to use the Remdisivir/ venting protocol?

1. It is part of the official FDA/CDC/NIH hospital protocol

2. If you divert from that protocol and someone dies, the hospital can be sued

3. Bonus $$$ for every CV death

Now tell me that this isn't depopulation.

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Isn’t the point that knowing that ventilation was likely to be detrimental, why did the protocol include it? It was also initially used on Countries other than the US, like the UK where the medico-legal environment differs.

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I chalk it up to stupidity. My personal experience is that genius-level doctors can't be bothered to read medical literature. The intellect is wasted if they won't take in new information.

That said, I agree they knew ventilators were not the solution.

Remember this gem when Elon Musk was criticized for donating BiPAPs instead of ventilators to NY? (BiPAPs WERE appropriate).

(apologies for linking to Business Insider ) https://www.businessinsider.in/science/news/elon-musk-is-being-criticized-after-apparently-sending-bipap-machines-instead-of-ventilators-to-a-new-york-hospital/articleshow/74956424.cms

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I have 30 years experience with the medical profession and concur. The older and more senior they become, the more resistant they become to new ideas and new intelligence which replaces the old. I suppose if they accept that their knowledge and understanding is obsolete, it affects their superior credentials as ‘most expert’. There are some really good doctors and I know they despair trying to convince colleagues to re-evaluate, think anew.

But science has now become a branch of politics.

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Critical care physician for 35 years.

Many of my senior colleagues were deeply cynical about overturning 3 decades of hard won advances with noninvasive vent.

But it was almost impossible to swim against the tide. There was a lot of momentum behind early ventilation

China was advocating early intubation on 2 grounds

1. Patients rapidly deteriorated and would require it anyway, so May as well bite the bullet

2. Safer for staff with less exposure to virus.

I sat in on several web based seminars where Chinese clinicians shared their experience and said to intubate early.

This set governments on a global search for vents as no one had enough. Mostly made in China.

It wasn’t really until the 1st wave hit NYC that doctors there said we were on the wrong track.

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Rather than canvassing a wide range of opinion from ‘front-line’ workers in critical care, infection control, virology, Government relied on ‘experts’ whose ‘expertise’ was decades out of date, who had never seen a patient or at least not for years, or with no practical experience of infection control. Policy was rooted in Mediaeval times determined by anecdotal evidence, folklore and superstition like the belief that masks would ward off evil virus mich like the belief that garlic wards off vampires, that virus doesn’t spread if you are sitting down in a restaurant, but suddenly becomes active when you stand up. Then there was a deliberate policy of ignoring evidence from observation. Pandemic Plans, decades in the making and refining were ignored and in fact the very opposite of what they recommended was done, the very things they warned against.

Science in its ethic, in its process has been abandoned in favour of a new godless religion as delivered by a cadre of High Priests. We see exactly the same with so-called climate change. These people are evil.

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I remember that distinctly. One NYC doctor in April 2020 said stop venting and was removed from his job. Not sure what ever happened to him. I watched his video and knew right then 98% of all NYC covid deaths were medical negligence/malpractice. I also knew they were following CCP protocols. Me-too covid freakout.

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Sep 17, 2022·edited Sep 17, 2022

Thanks. So, regardless whether the CCP have released covid-19, they somehow imposed intubation. Wish their medical innovations had stuck to skin plugs for burn victims, and acupuncture.

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Yes! I wish more people would go back to the original reporting to analyze the mix of oddball political scoring and medical misinformation that obviously caused the health catastrophe that was the initial response to the declaration of the pandemic. It’s all there in the reporting.

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Lot of people want to keep that quiet. Nothing good (for them) will come out of opening that box.

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Alas, many prospective doctors will lack the needed intellect from the outset. At least here in the USA, it's viewed as a "problem" that there aren't "enough" blacks, Latinos, or transgender lesbian Martians, entering (say) medical school. Turns out their test scores (MCAT) are too low, or their grades were, and most likely it's due to "white supremacy," "institutional racism," or whatever the Left's boogeyman of the week may be. We long ago discarded the pretext of "equal opportunity," although that phrase still exists in law and regulation. Nope, it's different standards depending upon your skin color, with the precise cutoffs often a closely-guarded secret.

This problem is hardly new; it's been going on here for at least half a century. But it's expanding, and I can't see how the results will be anything but a disaster for medical services.

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I have only had to deal with one black physician, at the Harvard Health Center when I was a graduate student there. He diagnosed me with hypertension (high blood pressure) and prescribed drugs that would not have allowed me to remain an officer in the Naval Reserve. So I didn't take those drugs, and was able to stay in the Naval Reserve, and to retire a few years later with a military pension and access to the military medical system.

But a few years after that, I was diagnosed with serious heart disease, of a kind that must have been caused by high blood pressure. So that black doctor had been right all along.

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To me, the logical answer is that venting was included to harm people.

And save the government $$$ on social welfare programs for the elderly; how many years have we been hearing that social security is bankrupt:

Finally... this:


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My view - venting was used because people are lazy. As John says above: "It was also reported that the reason given for using ventilation on patients was to protect medical and nursing staff from virus exhaled to become airborne on the ward."

Throw a person on a vent, shove them in a room - drape the cords and monitors out into the hallway and VOILA! you never have to see or touch that person again until they expire. Safety first.

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in June of 2021, I did a back of envelope calculation and figured they had killed 3% of the over 80s at that fairly early date. I wish someone would do a full analysis comparing Census data, not just excess deaths.

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It is more a matter of giving hospitals economic incentives to ignore what is medically efficacious.

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I asked a noted Covid narrative dissident in academe about where the infernal rundeathisnear/high-O2/vent/death protocol originated, and he replied:

“I'm not sure. I think Chinese and Italian doctors played a role in the vent protocols. As well as some NYC doctors. I've heard rumors that Jonathan Howard played an important role in NYC.

Remdesivir is Fauci.”

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Yep. I remember reading EXTREMELY early that 85% or so of people who went on the vent never came off. As far as I know, we're still paying extra for ventilated patients.......

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Sep 16, 2022·edited Sep 16, 2022

In October of 2020, a friend [age 68] of my SIL and her son got COVID and went to the hospital in Cincy. She was in bad health to begin with, and on oxygen. He was obese, had diabetes and we think high blood pressure. Neither made at it alive. My guess is one or both were killed by the vent.

And... because of that, my SIL is addicted to the vaxxes, even though her own husband is vaxx injured.

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I have a pretty clear memory of events at that time.

It wasn’t that we thought intubation and ventilation was great. Very early data was that 85% died. So it was seen as a desperate measure with dismal outcomes.

BUT we were being told that

1. Less aggressive measures (NIV or BiPAP) were futile due to the rapid and inevitable progression

2. That NIV posed a higher risk of infection HCW - meaning the whole system would collapse.

I distinctly recall a 2-3 hour online seminar with critical care physicians from China sharing their experience.

That is why residents in aged care were often not brought to hospital. If they were not appropriate for ventilation, then they were going to die. It was decided that it was better for them and fit the system to leave them in their aged care facility.

In aged care, many staff felt frightened and abandoned by the rest of the health system. Some simply walked away from their jobs - literally did not turn up for their next shift.

Things were pretty chaotic and no one really knew what to do. A clear direction from the country with the most experience was pretty compelling.

This looks at some of what happened in UK and zCanada.


Dark times. And a lot of people would really rather try to forget it and move on.

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Using a ventilator to inflate a lung beyond its capacity causes the same kind of damage as pumping air into a balloon or a tire until it ruptures.

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Wow Slats - this again is a very relevant piece of information. It certainly explains why, in my country of Australia, the elderly infected with Covid in nursing homes were left to die there in many cases. It shocked and distressed many people (of course their families were stunned) & was never explained.

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Similar things happened in all of the Western countries.

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Viruses are in the air we breathe. A virus is roughly 1/1000 the size of a grain of rice and they live in the air for days, weeks, years and I theorize they might get lifted up into the upper air layers and distributed by the air currents, up there, far and wide, which is why infections occur where previously no evidence of infections, were noticed.

You have to accept that "we" air breathing animals on this planet are animals, like all of the other animals too, but in our case of the species "human", so we are as vulnerable to viruses as is every other animal on this planet and we can pass viruses to each other, without being aware of that occurring, which is why "Herd Immunity" is a fallacy.

I can prove the point, but that is a story for another time - the snake and the boy, who was it, in a previous life - proven. Be careful what you wish for!!

When an animal sneezes, the contents of that sneeze are picked up by the air currents and blown hither and yon and if you happen to walk through an invisible cloud and breathe the virus into your head, you are likely to catch it too, whatever it is.

Nobody can predict if droplets drop to the ground - I personally think it is highly unlikely, but in life, most things are down to luck and being in the wrong place at the wrong time - such is life - however, it is immaterial, if you do Richard Noakes's free salt water cure for all viruses - above/below.

There are 2 approaches to viruses - 1) Big Pharma's approach - they WANT you to get Covid in your body and this usually occurs during the period of self isolation - they don't consider the head at all, as the breeding ground of viruses, because there is no money in it for them.

You don't get a head cold (Covid potentially) and clear it and get Covid.

You have to wait 2 - 3 weeks AFTER you cleared the cold symptoms and the first you know that, is when you can't breathe and have to go into hospital and breathe on a ventilator.

Ventilator settings are on high, to force the air into your lungs, which are clogged by the Covid infection (think Pneumonia) and the force of that air into your lungs, causes scarring, so if the Covid infection does not kill you, then the ventilation scarring, probably will.

I read somewhere that 25% of those on ventilators actually survive the experience - 75% don't.

Taking all of the above into account - answer me this - is it better to do Richard Noakes's free salt water sniffle which takes 3 minutes of your time - or do nothing and hand your body and potentially your life to Big Pharma, to do with as they please and probably for the rest of your life, however long that might be for - and fuck you?

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Denis Rancourt wrote about this back in June of 2020:

“All-cause mortality during COVID-19 - No plague and a likely signature of mass homicide by government response”

“These “COVID peak” characteristics, and a review of the epidemiological history, and of relevant knowledge about viral respiratory diseases, lead me to postulate that the “COVID peak” results from an accelerated mass homicide of immune-vulnerable individuals, and individuals made more immune-vulnerable, by government and institutional actions, rather than being an epidemiological signature of a novel virus, irrespective of the degree to which the virus is novel from the perspective of viral speciation.”


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Funny - I just posted a comment with this. Great minds...

This was an eye-opening paper for me the first year

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My mother didn't die from Covid, but she was put in a care facility because of Governor Whitmer's stringent orders. She died about two weeks after she was put there. I think the people behind this wanted to eliminate as many older people as possible by exposing them to a different environment.

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I am so sorry. I am really suspicious about what really went on here in Detroit, Michigan. My neighbor drove for a funeral home when the pandemic hit, and he, who had no reason to lie to me, said he transported 700 bodies. The ones that weren't claimed went to a place guarded by the National Guard. He asked one of the Guards why they were guarding them, and the guy didn't know. Maybe just hygiene bureaucracy. I have so little faith in anything we are told by the "experts" any more, that I question what the vectors were (3 waves here), what the pathogen was, if there were outbreaks of anti-biotic resistant bacteria that were covered up? My sister got CDiff at a Kaiser in the heart of wealthy Silicon Valley years back. I'm not saying I believe alternate explanations, just that I don't believe anyone at all any more. My mother went off the cognitive cliffs from lockdown in California, then died, so I am deeply sorry about your mom. We are a few out of millions of griefs and losses. It is unfathomable.

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...” I have so little faith in anything we are told by the "experts" any more, that I question what the vectors were (3 waves here), what the pathogen was, if there were outbreaks of anti-biotic resistant bacteria that were covered up? ...”.

Yes one of many ‘wonderments’, Cynthia.

My first thought looking at the Italian locality data is that some type of toxicant was deliberately released into selected populations to feed the story. Perhaps Nat guardians were needed to keep bodies from being examined.

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Or, to conceal the *number* of bodies.

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Sep 16, 2022Liked by eugyppius

> It’s worth asking whether the flu and other common respiratory viruses are actually protective against novel pathogens because of interference effects, and whether our panic measures didn’t, in most cases, simply reduce the competition SARS-2 faced from other viruses.

I don't know how it works in Germany but something that has bothered me for a long time

They say there's like 250k flu deaths in the US every year. But I've _never_ been tested for flu before, nor has anyone else that I know. There does not exist a flu testing infrastructure the way there is a covid testing infrastructure, at least not at scale and in regular use. So how do they know how many flu deaths there are?

Well, last I checked, the way the US CDC compiles data is that it's "Flu _and Unexplained Pneumonia_" deaths. The basic logic is: we know flu is widespread, we know flu causes pneumonia, testing is expensive, if someone dies of pneumonia and we don't have a better cause of death, we just put down "flu".

So when covid comes along, suddenly there's a new explanation for all of those previously-unexplained pneumonia deaths. Which means that deaths that would have happened in the absence of covid and been counted as flu, were instead counted as covid deaths.

The fact that we saw a complete and total collapse of flu mortality statistics but NOBODY has pointed out this obvious explanation, is damning.

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Sep 16, 2022Liked by eugyppius

The covid testing infrastructure relied upon PRC, which technically is NOT a test but a method for discovering or matching DNA in a sample. Kary Mullis stated that his invention (PCR) could not be used to test for viruses or diseases.

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well, he said it can’t diagnose infection. PCR can definitely establish the presence of viral RNA.

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Robert Malone said most circulating bits of virus are meaningless and non-infective, and they exist in copious numbers, but are picked up and amplified by PCR. As Kary Mullis said "if you do enough cycles you can 'diagnose' anybody with anything". In response, they are doing shorter cycles and claiming to have accurate results.

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Sep 16, 2022·edited Sep 16, 2022

And to my knowledge, corman-drosten never justified their decision to specify the unusually high 45-cycles in their protocol that the WHO adopted. Since Drosten was a participant of the 'Event 201' exercises, we may legitimately suspect he received instruction to create a too-sensitive test.

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I understand Drosten and his credentials are not held in too high a regard by his peers

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As I recall an Italian study of swabs collected all over a hospital found PCR detected SARS-2 particles nearly everywhere. Those collected that required cycle counts over 30 could not be cultured, thus were not infectious. Further none of the swabs resulted in detection at lower cycle counts proving that Fomites were not likely a vector for spread.

It took quite some time to convince people to stop wiping down nearly everything to stop the spread. I think some are still actively doing that. Some Chinese guys in white suits spraying runways!

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The PCR test reminds me of one of those "Lie Detectors" that react to the sweatiness of your palms. Squeeze the device hard enough and every statement causes the "Lie Detector" to go off. Anyone with a basic understanding of science would immediately see that PCR tests are being misused. That medical science professionals didn't acknowledge this must be deliberate.

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PCR obviously is a useful tool. But allowing cycle counts > 30 to establish meaning was of lower utility. In India they were able to use cycle counts to assess whether the patient could recover at home.

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I know it's not a test, but that's a separate point. My point is, with covid, there is giant infrastructure of PCR tests that generates a stream of data that we can identify. That data might be hideously misleading and noisy, but it's still real. When we say, for example, "there were 5,329 new covid cases in the US yesterday", that number might be wildly inaccurate or misleading, but we know where it came from: positive PCRs

To the best of my knowledge, no such parallel infrastructure exists for flu, or, if it does, it is clearly not widespread at the same scale that COVID 'testing' is. So when someone says "there were 5,329 new flu cases in the US yesterday", it's not even clear at first glance where that number comes from, or what it could possibly mean.

(Feeding in to my point that what those numbers actually are, the raw data that's actually being collected, is essentially just counting how many people die of pneumonia without a more obvious explanation)

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By "pneumonia" you must mean "any unidentified respiratory illness". There are also cardiac-related and other types of deaths attributed to Covid because of a positive PCR test. The PCR test has succeeded only in obfuscation of the real causes of death during the pandemic.

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You probably meant to type "PCR" there and not "PRC." PRC (the People's Republic of China) is where this whole damned mess got started. ☹

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Actually I think PRC - he inadvertently got it right. Everything leads back to the PRC with this whole dismal, long-playing episode.

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they had plenty of help in the USA. Baric has papers going back 20 years on inducing myocarditis in rabbits with coronavirus

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Flu deaths are modeled and complete BS. Starting ca. 2003 the CDC did this to promote vaccination after Sanofi complained.


Real numbers of flu deaths are in the low 100s per year in the US. Same BS with corona where real deaths are 7% of the official numbers and that might even be an exaggeration.

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All over Substack and talk radio is "NOBODY"?

Yeah, I'd wondered why the local "public health" department kept braying about flu tests, but gave no hint how they could be obtained. They claimed they even differentiated incidence of various strains.

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my doctor's office has a machine they do rapid flu antigen tests on

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Denis Rancourt has been saying for like a year now, if not longer, that mortality has been largely response rather than pathogen driven, based largely on time series data that do not resemble any previous pandemic outbreak. As he puts it, the state murdered large numbers of seniors, to create the impression of a pandemic, to scare the population into giving up more of our rights.

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And in the meantime they saved a lot of Social Security and Medicare dollars.

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Don't forget sheer negligence, laziness and "we don't give a flying f@#k. If the result of such actions creates more fascist edicts to be obeyed so be it. Never attribute to malice what can be explained by sheer incompetence - or something to that effect.

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Sep 16, 2022Liked by eugyppius

You don't think covid is repackaged flu? Since PCR testing could/can not distinguish between them? Has anyone found the actual covid virus anywhere? Asking for a friend.

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no, influenza really disappeared, and there are multiple proofs of this.

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Sep 16, 2022Liked by eugyppius

they stopped testing for flu, they only tested for covid, with a 90% false positive PCR that was never designed for diagnostics. They were told to do the PCR first, and if it was positive there was "no need" to test for flu. But *some* doctors went ahead and did the flu test first, and sometimes got positive results. There are influenza deaths recorded for 2020-2022. It is highly probable that some deaths recorded as covid were flu. Flu also preferentially kills frail old people in nursing homes. Wolfgang Wodard said if they stop testing for covid, the pandemic would be over. Seems some have gotten that message, but not some blue state governors who still have their states of emergency up.


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many jurisdictions maintained active flu surveillance programs throughout the pandemic, including Germany. also influenza has a characteristic signature in a small seasonal spike in child hospitalisations/deaths - of the common reap. viruses, it’s more dangerous to young kids. that signal is missing almost everywhere, and it confirms the lack of positive flu swabs from flu surveillance.

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good point

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Exactly my point. At least in much of the US that occurred anyway. And throughout the "crisis," as early as May 2020, I was watching my state's numbers constantly doing screenshots and there were almost as many "assumed/likely Covid" as there were "confirmed" every week. I posted way back in May/June 2020 that unless you're over 70 or with SEVERE comorbidities to stop worrying about it and to refuse Remdesivir and ventilator if you got sick. And, the big one, "it's going to be awful if when all is said and done we find we destroyed our economy for what was really essentially just a very bad 'flu' season", which in effect was very accurate - - No, it wasn't influenza, but death numbers would be equal to a very bad flu season if CDC hadn't changed reporting methods and, like severe flu, it predominantly killed the elderly. The difference is it did not kill children to the degree severe flu often does.

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it is good to remember that even the over 80s have something like a 94% survival rate with covid; probably much less with Remdesivir and vent.

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Very true. My job was working with the elderly and I stay in close touch with my residents (independent living apts for elderly and disabled) since my retirement. Not one of the 101 residents died from Covid in all this time. Many have significant comorbidities too. Most got the first 2 shots right away. At least one died likely from the jab (sudden unexpected death, 'no known cause') and several others now have bp and heart issues as well as cancers reoccurring and autoimmune flare ups. Many got sick after the 2nd shot so many have not gone back for the boosters (thankfully).

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On the other hand, the "vaccines" have killed many people of all ages.

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the fast antigen test for flu is quite accurate, and has been around a long time

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Sep 16, 2022Liked by eugyppius

I see this comment everywhere and know that it is false. PCR tests absolutely can distinguish between flu and Covid. My household has had various viral infections since the advent of the home PCR test. One time, we all had classic Covid symptoms. And guess what? We all tested positive for Covid with home PCR tests. The other times, we had classic flu or cold symptoms. And guess what? We all tested negative on home PCR tests.

Policies around testing are ridiculous, but that doesn’t change the fact that the tests work. The best response to establishment lies is the truth, not anti-establishment lies. Some of the ideas I see in the comments here are ridiculous. But you, Eugyppius, are doing a great job sticking to evidence and logic. It’s appreciated.

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There is no “at home” PCR test unless you live in a professional lab with extremely expensive and sensitive equipment. I think you are talking about rapid antigen testing which use a very different technology but are miserably prone to false negatives

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Sorry. I mean home ATK. In my experience and in my community, the high quality ATKs return the same results as the in-hospital PCRs. I’m sure with a large enough sample, there’s be divergence. But they are both overall fairly accurate. This “they don’t distinguish between viruses” narrative is false.

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And false negatives are preferred for this virus with a low IFR over the false positive of an overcycled PCR. Agree?

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Please define. "Instrument Flight Rules"? "Integral Fast Reactor"?

However, false negatives are unavoidable as the antigen test has a delayed response, so is usually negative early in the infection.

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Infection Fatality Rate.

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From my perspective absolutely but those home tests, an outcome of omicron, were a disaster to the mechanics of covidiamism … an integral part of the death blow that was omicron. If you were riding high on covid the advent of false negatives ended all of your fun

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My husband's doctor told him the PCR tests are accurate 40% of the time. They used the serum test at the VA to determine if he had Covid.

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I think your doctor was not correct … perhaps for symptomatic testing, the accuracy rate is that high but they are incorrect for virtually all asymptomatic positives

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I have to agree. Husband had corona type symptoms and tested Covid positive on RAT test. I had no symptoms & tested negative. We went to local hospital for PCR tests with same result. However I guess it’s possible he just had a bad cold or the flu. He was sick for only 3 days & tested negative on Day 5.

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I think most everyone knows PCR does pick up corona vs flu, two different tests and diseases - however I've read 2 things about Covid PCR and home tests and both continue still unchanged as far as I can find:

1) it can't determine between a common cold, also a corona, vs C19

2) they are still all 80-90% inaccurate

Anyone know different please do provide links because I'd like to know if those statements have changed

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Sep 16, 2022·edited Sep 16, 2022

I can't provide an authoritative answer, but I know there are several different PCR tests, using different primers. The one we all criticise is the Drosten-Corman test, that got stovepiped into a journal and out to the WHO, for general adoption.


Of note are the three genes used as primers: RdRp, E and N.

The supplemental table seems 404, for me at least (perhaps a browser issue)


The supplemental seems also to be missing from archive.org.

I don't recall reading of any researcher criticising Drosten-Corman for picking primers matching common cold coronavirus, and it would have stuck with me like a bad case of PTSD if I had.

A search reveals many other PCR tests being proposed and evaluated since Drosten's 45-Cycle-Fraud. But what tests were actually used, and whether they were performed acurately I don't know.

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Well isn't this interesting? "External peer review of the RTPCR test to detect SARS-CoV-2 reveals 10 major scientific flaws at the molecular and methodological level: consequences for false positive results". They requested a retraction


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Thank you. Excellent info. My understanding was, if I recall correctly, that it was because of the high # cycles it couldn't really tell a cold corona virus from Covid-19 corona virus. It's been awhile since I read that so I can't pinpoint where I read it. (I read way too much. My head spins sometimes). Thank you very much for taking the time to find and post these.

This is one article about the early PCR test and flu. I haven't drilled down to more scientific article yet.


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i notice: "Viruses not present in these alignments have been removed because their binding sites are 100% identical to one of the members of the alignment."

Well if Drosten's primers are 100% identical to, say, HCov, the test is invalid. So why not list 100% identical matches?

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Sep 16, 2022Liked by eugyppius

And what will be the explanation if it reappears?

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Sep 16, 2022·edited Sep 16, 2022Author

it will reappear this fall, already made a brief appearance late this spring. sars-2 and the flu cannot coexist, it seems, unless sars-2 is in some kind of endemic state and/ or influenza immunity has waned enough that it can overcome whatever obstacle sars-2 poses.

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Since I started taking megadoses of Vitamin D in early 2020, I have not contracted any respiratory infection. Apparently, the evidence is that people with a Vitamin D blood level over 50 ng/mL do not contract respiratory infections.

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Doesn't the implication from SARS-2 and the flu not co-existing add credence to the hypothesis that SARS-2 started out as an attempt at a vaccine?

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Very plausible

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The R. Edgar Hope-Simpson book, "The Transmission of Epidemic Influenza," talked about the phenomenon. He observed, where different strains of influenza would suddenly disappear and a different strain would emerge as the dominant strain.



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I have thought for many years that respiratory viruses are widespread in the community and everybody gets exposed repeatedly to them all the time. If you are healthy you repel the infection, until your immune system gets weaker for some reason, or you receive a higher than normal exposure.

In that situation, only the more successful strains can prosper. Those that are more transmissible, for any reason, rapidly overcome the rest.

It is one of the reasons why lockdowns were doomed to fail.

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I agree that large outbreaks of Covid and flu are unlikely to appear at the same time, but I have friend who got sick, went to the doctor, and tested positive for both Covid and flu.

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I see this theory for the first time. I know for sure that the statistics for flu have been stopped in april 2020. Maybe that is why flu and covid can not "coexist"? Somebody knew back then what to do all over the world in the same way and how it will be?

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Isn’t the problem that none of the pandemic modeling or theories can account for this tradeoff?

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Mehhh haven't read this anywhere but will keep an open mind. Imo, they mostly quit testing for flu and called everything Covid - more money that way. Although it's a given that with no school and lockdowns flu wouldn't have had as big as opportunity to spread as usual (except... then why did Covid still spread?!)

It's ALL fishy

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In the early days of the COVID debacle, there was no available COVID test, so doctors used flu tests to assist in the differential diagnosis between the two. Many flu tests were administered at that time, and even though it was flu season, there was almost zero incidence of flu.

The replacement effect of similar viruses is not new. It is a known phenomenon that has been studied long before COVID appeared.

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Sounds reasonable. Bugs that kill can kill other bugs. Something "easy to understand" I've used to try to explain about IVM to the ignorant CNN watchers, if it can kill parasites it can kill other stuff too.

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At least two reasons:

1) People still must go out; to work, buy food (or have Ubereats deliver it) unless you lived on your food and TP storage, etc.

2) Long-distance atmospheric spreading, esp. in winter when little UVB is present

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Yes. It was more of a rhetorical question. But you're right. I think the covid basically devouring the flu bug makes sense.

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I was going to write the same thing. I do think that CV is the flu that has been tweaked in the lab with the intent of vaxxinating the masses. A two stage bioweapon with the second stage being the killer.

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The killer is their incompetence. They tried for a long time to come up with a legitimate vaccine for coronavirus. Never succeeded. Saying they went from that level of failure to successfully concocting a two stage bioweapon seems far fetched.

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Why assume the best and brightest are bumbling along making most stupid and dim-wittedest mistakes (sic!) ... why mot assume they are trying to accomplish more that what is visible?? By your logic, you and I can see from our lowly stations what cannot be seen by those ideally positioned to see. It does not make sense. These are not well- meaning morons ... these are gangs of thugs who are never satisfied with what they have and will always always be scheming for more and who cares the human toll. There is plenty of evidence for that.

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I'm not arguing we are witnessing dim witted mistakes across the board, and I agree many of the people involved are acting in bad faith. But to propose they came up with a two stage bioweapon is building up a boogie man that doesn't exist. Their technical skills are nothing like they pretend it to be.

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These %$%#^'s have been working on this plan for more than TWENTY years!!!

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Agree. They are not that competent. Ever. However incompetence that still leads to power is even better - less work and intelligence needed. Incompetence and hubris is a bad combination.

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Granted. The truth is, any plan with multiple variables is difficult to execute even in a closed environment. The fewer people involved the less prone to exposure the plan. If this was a plan, it relied on a lot of people to come to fruition … only a small handful would be aware of any end goal. Not even Fauci but he would have a handler and would “understand” some larger objective was being carried out without knowing what it was. Need To Know … something like that.

But yeah! If this was an evil plan and honestly it looks like it from my seat, it went off pretty well? Useful data has been gleaned … There is a pretty definitive list now of families like mine who stand opposed to weird injections, who will not follow insane directions out of fear. Honestly, a coronavirus is probably not the right family of viruses to use for nefarious purposes … they are too common with a lot of cross immunity potential from cold and flu strains and they mutate way too fast and they just aren’t generally that lethal. This obvious fact makes me question that it could be a plan at all … an error at level 101

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I don't necessarily disagree with your views of their incompetence.

However... I do think they could tweak the flu enough to make it dangerous, and then use mRNA tech to hurt people. I also think it's easy for them to fudge the clinical trial data. They might have been doing that for years. To me, that's not a big stretch. Plus... ALL the governments in the world did essentially the same thing. When was the last time that happened? It all seems very.... suspect to me.

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Common, it happens all the time!

Take any crazy idea, such as the war on drugs. Or public education. Or whatever.

Someone implements it in his own country. When it becomes patent that it is a really bad idea, other countries copy it.

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I think hubris is as likely an explanation as genocidal psychosis.

It was The Best And The Brightest who led the USA into the disastrous and obscene Vietnam war. Some of them, at least, honestly (if not so wisely) believed they were doing the right thing.

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Breaking something is easier than fixing something.

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First a number of shots ,1, 2 and boosters than catching a respiratory infection anyway , send to a hospital and given Remdesivir plus the ventilators ,if that combination is not a deadly treatment to exterminate, only being shot by a gun would do a better job .Without my knowledge my brother went to a hospital and got the treatment I just described .We lived 800 km apart and had no idea of what is going on there until his son told me after my brothers death what was done there .Sadly his son is completely clueless as to how treatment in hospitals lead to death that is rewarded with a big bonus .If I had known I would have done every thing to keep him out of that place ,since I'm well informed as to what is going on in hospitals .

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I am very sorry for your loss. I imagine you are as angry as I imagine to be in that circumstance. I wish peace and healing for you and your damaged family. ‘Vengeance is mine’, said the Lord … i would not want to be one of those in any way responsible for taking the life of your brother. They will be very sorry

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Wilful incompetence is malice. See amidwesterndoctor about antidepressants. SSRIs only work for the overmethylating 20% of the population. Sadly, that is also the group mostly likely to suffer adverse effects such as amnesiac violence.

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True enough about governments, but that is simply an additional possibility, not one that rules out intent.

One thing that argues strongly against mere incompetence is the fact that all of these health agencies made an abrupt 180 from long considered policy regarding masks, lockdowns, and even vaccination during epidemics - - based on any evidence? None has ever been offered. It's a very strange bit of groupthink.

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All that you mentions AND a total reverse from prior cautions applied to new drugs and (especially!) vaccines. It all smells rotten to me. No way the people at the top are only well- intentioned imbeciles … their direct reports and down, sure, but not the top guys … those guys are working hand in hand w an evil force to destroy us.

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Then why doesn’t the gov act more strongly to preserve its citizens? I think you are being naive ... I agree that organizations act on the behalf of the most powerful individuals who run them but why do you conclude they are benign in this?? Are they not uniquely susceptible to being hijacked by external interests? Pandemic response efforts have been dangerous for politicians who rely on happy populations to grant continued power. Locking people in their homes is an exercise of extreme control yes but largely contrary to the health and well being of voters. I think a lot of smaller players ACTUALLY THOUGHT they were doing what was sensible and correct given circumstances but I also am convinced the highest levels (Fauci and co ... just read up on his sketchy sketchy past) knew exactly what they were doing and relied on fear at lower levels of gov to execute policy known to be harmful

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Dear BelleTower,

Maybe you are the one that is being naïve.

There are many reasons why governments can only do stupid things that create more problems than what they solve:

- Complex problems do not have single solutions that can be imposed top-down.

- Good solutions do not have to be imposed, they are voluntarily embraced by the population.

- Governments, first and foremost, look for their own benefit. Many private organisations act in the same way, but having to rely on the voluntary will of the population they have to provide clear benefits.

And the list goes on and on ...

Coercion has its place only when you have to stop someone from causing harms to others, using coercion "for you own safety" does not work. Never has. Never will.

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Evil always retains control, until the truth is revealed and embraced. Truth always wins in the end, but it usually takes a long, long time as evil and lies try to hang on.

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Governments only can do one thing: impose something that would not be done voluntarily.

It is no wonder that government interventions do not work. If they did, they would not have to be imposed.

It is really that simple!

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It is why I am suspicious… I am a lay person leading a quiet life … I was able to gather enough information way back in jan 2020 to know the virus wasn’t THAT bad and that any resulting vaccines would be untested due to rushing. I knew enough that early, as a commoner, to know my family’s approach to any “pandemic” would be to live as normally as possible. Later when the mRNA technology was breathlessly introduced, I was more than sure it wasn’t for us.

If *I could do such basic analysis as a lay person, what uncomfortable knowledge would the expert and high level person need to ignore to push the garbage they pushed? Mandates for untested injections that were treated very sneakily but the FDA with its carefully timed announcements and language surrounding EUAs … the willful withholding of early treatments …these are not actions of benevolent incompetent government! This was MURDER

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You have the God-given power of discernment. That is not one of the powers of government and those whole believe wholeheartedly in government.

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Incompetence in government is a given; I hope those in power didn't do what they did with evil intentions, but I think some probably did. Fear of the truth coming out, as they saw the outcomes of their decisions, is most likely why those in power doubled down.

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Sep 16, 2022·edited Sep 16, 2022

To act as bioweapon, a pathogen need not be highly lethal - weapons can also be designed to injure or maim (e.g. some ammunitions).

What we call "Gain of Function" as performed by Baric, Shi, and funded by Daszak is adding harmful features to a pathogen. I am convinced by the analysis of Sars-CoV-2 that the evidence of lab origin is overwhelming.

"Gain of Function" tinkering (I hate to ennoble it with the term "research") has long been criticised as dangerous "dual-use research of concern" by the research community. The outcry against it was enough to drive the work out of the USA and into foreign labs, where it continued to be funded by a creepy clique of conspirators.

The evidence of GoF work on Sars-Cov-2 does not, in itself, constitute proof an intentional release into the wild.

But a manmade gun is still a weapon even if you keep it locked in a safe.

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What you say is absolutely true, but it is also part of the question.

As you say Gain of Function is dangerous, but in this case what has proved to be lethal is not the result of the "tinkering" itself, but the measures adopted to control the damage.

Possibly some of these measures were adopted to obscure the origins of the virus, and their consequences have been devastating.

In summary, don't play with viruses you barely understand, but if you do, don't try to solve the problem imposing "solutions" that are much worse than the potential harm that your creation would cause.

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Lethality drives fear … intelligent people who asked questions never were scared enough to act without thinking

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I think the spike protein is a real thing. Exactly how it spreads isn't clear.

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It spreads at your local Walmart and rite aid, under the name “Pfizer”

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We are still lucky that Trump did not spread it at the speed of light . He only spread it at warp speed .

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Warp speed is a multiple of the speed of light, assuming you are talking about the warp speed created by the Great Bird of the Universe.

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Correction: It was the Great Bird of the Galaxy.

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The most effective way to spread it , is to be injected with it .

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What has PCR "testing" to do with this? As conducted it provides near no information. Antigen and serotesting, perhaps...

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The late Dr. Kary Mullis, after receiving a Nobel Prize for inventing PCR said, multiple times, that it couldn't and shouldn't be used for diagnostic purposes.

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It can probably be statistically useful (done the way I suggest; other protocols are also suggested), but is not a specific diagnostic.

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PCR is a replication technique, not a diagnostic or identification technique.

Using PCR as a diagnostic technique is simply a fraudulent act.

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That's a massive exaggeration, and you know it! Occasional positive at 45 doublings is meaningless. Frequent positive at 15 may suggest a local outbreak. Just stop it!

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I stand innocent until you have produced substantial admissible evidence to convict me.

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"Polymerase chain reaction (abbreviated PCR) is a laboratory technique for rapidly producing (amplifying) millions to billions of copies of a specific segment of DNA, which can then be studied in greater detail. PCR involves using short synthetic DNA fragments called primers to select a segment of the genome to be amplified, and then multiple rounds of DNA synthesis to amplify that segment." genome.gov/genetics-glossary/Polymerase-Chain-Reaction

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Sep 16, 2022·edited Sep 16, 2022

A review of a New York hospital chain's records showed that 88% of patients put on ventilators died. How much excess death would remain if the ventilated were removed from the excess death statistics?

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That’s a good question. And I think Italy led the way for ventilation. If I remember correctly, we saw photos coming out of Italy of patients on ventilators before we started doing the same thing here.

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before the pandemic, you had a small chance of walking out under your own power after ventilation, since they are only used for the worst off patients. We were giving people sedatives that lowered their blood oxygen, and Remdesivir, that causes kidneys to greatly decrease work, causing fluid to back up into the lungs, then they 'needed' to put you on the vent. Best to take a look at why and who caused Remdesivir to make it onto the protocol. A failed ebola trial drug, pulled because it caused kidney failure. Then they had the MSM saying that the virus causes kidney failure. Shameful propaganda. Much like AZT.

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Watch the California rundeathisnear lawsuits. Should be interesting.

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So we can see ,hospitals keep making mistakes ,the 12% escaping where not correctly hooked up to the ventilators .

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Actually there was a NYC story where a nurse said one person survived the vent death SOP because the man literally ripped the tubes out and escaped the hospital. If hospitals want to reach 100% death compliance they will have to remedy that situation.

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Sep 16, 2022Liked by eugyppius

A lot of these were covid deaths though. We can tell that from the graph, where the mortality rates per million after the first wave are clearly lower than immediately before the first wave. This was covid bringing forward deaths of very elderly and infirm people by some few days to weeks in the "no covid" scenario.

Those provinces are all, except Bergamo, flat cisalpine Milan megacity hinterland. It is one big conurbation essentially. To tease out the effect of the Italian overreaction we could look at southern Swiss communes Chiasso, Mendrisio, and Lugano - this is also essentially Milan hinterland (lots of cross border workers, mostly from Switzerland to Italy).

I think the excess mortality we see now is more likely through healthcare deprivation the last 2.5 years. Diabetes deaths are up. Diabetes. Let that sink in. No one should be dying of diabetes in an advanced country.

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Sep 16, 2022·edited Sep 16, 2022Author

i don’t disagree that these are corona deaths, but i don’t think this excludes that they’re response-related.

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Sep 16, 2022·edited Sep 16, 2022

Agree there are two factors going on here. Which is why the comparison to an essentially identical and totally connected part of Switzerland would be interesting.

I don't buy the argument that synchronicity is a pure lockdown effect, because these are mere administrative units, various communies, of a crazy huge, continuous, rather anarchic interconnected conurbation (Bergamo slightly disconnected). You'd expect everything arising from natural circumstances (covid infection) to happen at more or less the same time. It's too small and interconnected an area to have any kind of "ripple".

Covid was widely seeded around the world by the time it hit Lombardy all at once. There is some trigger to a latent unnoticeable infection that activates it. Why did going to a colder location trigger my own recent infection (and synchronously travelling companion)? That trigger, whatever it is, (and whether it "activates" hundreds of thousands of people with latent infections or produces better conditions for transmissions, or something we have not thought of is an interesting unknown) went off across the Milan hinterland simultaneously, and was noticed in a particularly vulnerable population where healthcare is notoriously crap.

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Sep 16, 2022·edited Sep 16, 2022

First, cause of death is a tricky thing.

If you have a car accident that puts you in a very bad state, you get an infection in the hospital and die from the infection. What is the cause of death?

Second, regarding your comment of the mortality curves decreasing after the initial wave, it does not prove anything. If the more vulnerable die more than usual, for whatever reason, you will experience the same effect.

At the end, there is a combination of a new disease that kills some people that are particularly vulnerable to the disease, mistreatment of said disease that kills other people that would naturally recover, and the collapse of the healthcare system that killed, and is still killing people. It is very difficult, if not impossible, to precisely point out what is the proportion of deaths attributable to each of these factors.

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A lot of them are, sure. That's what happens when you speed up the curve and infect all the at-risk at once.

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Intubation, intubation, intubation led to so many of these deaths. I wish they could find the granular data of each region and their particular rate of intubation- I bet there is a direct correlation. And again- mass panic and stupidity. The basic assumption that intubation was the right thing to do- without intellectual discussion or open debate. This is where good ideas go to die- they created a petri dish of intubation, old people already immune compromised and lockdowns and panic. Recipe for disaster. And of course, the US followed right behind- Fauci was thrilled to do it. And he added Remdesivir into the deadly mix. There was one lone voice on youtube- that one doctor warning how intubation was killing patients- he was met with wild dissent. And then Youtube admitted they wanted to pull down his video because it didn't meet the CDC guidelines!! Such a video would be deemed disinformation today and not permitted at all. This is the destruction of civilization- when voices are shut off like that during a crisis. And still no one wants to confront that now- even afterwards.

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I saw that video! It was so brave and amazing. And he was 100% RIGHT!

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If my memory serves me- they removed him from the emergency ward because he was so upset with the protocol of automatically putting patients on ventilation.

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A lot of us wast to confront that. Some of us even do, in myriad ways. Like making alternate video platforms like https://wtyl.live (Dr. Kevin McCairn).

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Just a thought. I seem to remember that in many of those places in Northern Italy they have a "strong recent tradition" of getting flu shots, especially among the elderly, and I think that someone suggested that many people had just gotten them. So maybe their immune system was already weak for that reason then.

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Important point. What was in the batch of 'flu shot' in any particular region? We just don't know what's in them, do we?

If i wanted to 'start the pandemic' putting sars-cov-2 in a batch of flu shots somewhere would be an effective way to get the ball rolling...

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But didn't the same spike repeat in other high panic regions like New York City and London, Spanish cities and France too? Iatrogenic mortality seemed obvious to me by April 2020, but the public naively believes that hospitals and doctors only heal, never kill. But they routinely in fact kill 100,000s every year in the US, for example., mostly through medical error of various kinds.

see: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/28186008/

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Only where we threw covid patients into nursing homes.

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The lockdowns and other "containment" measures--still being indulged in by China's leaders for purposes having nothing to do with Covid and everything to do with control--are themselves the cause of excess mortality. So why did the West model its response to Covid, on everything from masking and intubations to school closures and lockdowns, on Communist China? Western scientists trusted their "colleagues" in China, without realizing that their supposed colleagues had other agendas dictated by politics.

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Criminal and intentional. But by whom? Humanity does not deserve this evil.

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You may not be interested in the actions of the Luciferians, but the Luciferians are interested in you.

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The WEF, gates, fauci and schawb.

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Perhaps you should add in Soros, the Rockefellers and the Rothchilds for good measure. Just to cover all the bases.

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This is what I wrote in May 2020:

"It is a known fact that hospitals are important focus of infections. These infections are a serious and unresolved issue in normal times, but in the case of the COVID-19 disease, they have become the single most important problem."


More than two years after I wrote that post, I have to say that all its predictions have been confirmed.

It has been obvious from the beginning that covid has been a government/healthcare-made catastrophe.

Also, sadly, I have to confess that I do not think I was specially insightful. All you had to do was to disregard all the bullshit being propagated by the official sources of misinformation, look at the facts, and the reality of what was happening was patently clear.

Covid never was a substantial threat. New viruses appear periodically and they cause spikes of death until we incorporate them into our pool of pathogens. What failed in his case is that those in charge did almost the opposite of what they should have done.

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This is one of the sadder substack posts I've ever read, and there has been a lot of doom and gloom out there. I had already come to terms with the fact that vaccines have made this much much worse, both in adverse events and also in pushing the virus to mutate into more evasive variants. But now, to consider that lockdowns were responsible for the initial increase in all cause death...just, wow. Humanity has really screwed this up. I just hope that this information is not buried. Having to listen to 'we did such a great job' for the next 20 years will add salt to the wound.

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Is there a way to theoretically model what would happen if they did these measures for the flu? What the estimated mortality would be?

X number of people die from the flu, and X number of people catch the flu in a given year. What would be the estimated fatality rate if they force tested everyone with the flu, denied them flu medicines and stuck them on ventilators instead?

I have a sneaking suspicion it would look very similar to what we’re seeing now.

They even told people not to take OTC fever reducers….

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That is an interesting thought experiment.

My bet is that you are right.

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Engler should have a look at the CDC data on excess deaths in the US. They were virtually non-existent until April of 2020, spiked briefly for a couple of months in May and June, and then returned to normal, before really taking off in December once the vaccine was introduced. I'm not a statistician, but I bet he could go nuts analyzing it.

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