From my perch deep inside the vaccine church, do you know what I hear? Not a soul bragging about the miracle mRNA shots. Not a soul.

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"Take the vaxx to experience the same symptoms you get from the virus" is a weird argument. Someone's losing ground here.

Very much looking forward to the book, you must get back to that.

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Jul 12, 2023Liked by eugyppius

Meanwhile in Canada, our retarded health agencies and so called health professionals are starting to spread the message that people should get back in the fall for a booster. The insanity is mind blowing. This will never end.

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I had a depressing chat with an old friend recently where I said I'm glad I can travel to Europe now that they got rid of all the restrictions, which he claimed was because the vaccine worked! We did it guys! This is an Apple engineer, fwiw, so not an absolute moron at least in terms of raw IQ—though I do note that he is a childless shitlib who will therefore die alone, so he's not that smart.

More and more, I am led to believe that the human animal has bifurcated into at least two entirely separate species that live in at least two entirely separate worlds, and that the ability to live in one or the other is not a matter of culture or psyche but rather of biology and physiology. BAP talked about this, and I think it explains 2020 and beyond better than any other theory.

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First COVID caused cardiovascular injury, then it didn't, then the Vax did...


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Jul 12, 2023Liked by eugyppius

Whenever You Hear The Consensus Of Scientists Agrees On Something Or Other, Reach For Your Wallet, Because You’re Being Had.”

Michael Crichton hits the nail on the head.

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Jul 12, 2023Liked by eugyppius

"Unapproved noticing"

...an instant classic!

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Jul 12, 2023Liked by eugyppius

But Long CoVid doesn’t include death from ‘Sudden’ as does Post Vac Syndrome.

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Jul 12, 2023Liked by eugyppius

One of my clients was telling me about her teaching partner who got sick with Covid and it developed into “long Covid.” Since he had the shots and a booster before getting very sick with Covid, can we really call it “long Covid” or should it be an adverse reaction to the safe and effective vaccine?

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Just at the right time Scholkmann and May( 10.1016/j.prp.2023.154497 ) published a review on this matter.It was expected ( mimicry of symptoms, as defined by Magro et al.) that the vaccinators would blame long -covid as explanation for long- term side effects of the injected modified spike mRNA.

Unfortunately for the vaccinators ,they have left a signature in their bioweapon, namely : G614D, K986P, and V987P substitutions.Therefore, skin biopsies or certain subtypes of monocytes may help to prove that not natural infection but injection is the underlying cause.

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On social disease, something that could not have escaped my attention while living in Germany: the natives have a voluble preoccupation with their "circulation" (Kreislauf). It seems that any general feeling of illness is attributable to poor circulation. A notion I have only ever encountered in that lovely country

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The "authorities" are just sticking to their only strength...Lying endlessly to cover up their previous lies....They're consistent, anyway...

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Jul 12, 2023·edited Jul 12, 2023Liked by eugyppius

kind of like how "kiev" was somehow renamed "kyiv" and now chicken kiev is a throw back to the old, corrupt regime, not the new, rich one

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Jul 12, 2023·edited Jul 12, 2023Liked by eugyppius

Uuh. I think the real story is that Germany seems to have half or more of the world's Long Covid cases and that/as the vaccinators were and are desperate to rebadge any vaccine injury as Post Vac and almost all PV as LC. See Marburg LC/PV clinic head Prof. Schieffer's various Interviews, all can be summarized as: 'The goo is super, any vaxx damage is PV. PV is very rare and anyway essentially LC. LC is very bad though, and I need much more money to rx LC.' Which he got today at his love fest with Lauterbach.

As such, they are already spinning this as German Vaxx hypochondria, not as an own goal or any recognition that the goo is the problem and LC mainly a mental health - aka German Angst in particular- issue and problem.

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Hmmm? What caught my eye is a reporting system that is easier for people to access. This informs more reporting than in the US where doctors refuse to report and often go out of their way to deny the vaccine injury. So Germany may not have more injuries, just more reporting with the press also providing more information to the pubic. Publicity always encourages people to come forward on any issue being discussed. The US represses information heavily. Can't speak for other countries and wonder how Germany's reporting and publicity compare to other nations.

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Jul 12, 2023·edited Jul 12, 2023Liked by eugyppius

Another well written article. The absolute incompetence of health officials world wide is staggering. The Health minister of one Australian state at the height of the pandemic even suggested that football goers should not catch the football in the event it enters the crowd for fear of catching COVID. The best part is that this fool EARN's close to $500,000 per year.

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