Aug 9, 2022Liked by eugyppius

Lauterbach is a pathetic shite stain on the carpet of life. But those 48%. Jeez.

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It's not that crazy. How many jabbed people do you know that said something to the effect of "I did this so I can get on with my life." Why wouldn't they continue to do so?

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Everyone I know who is over 50 who are jabbed, with the exception of a small handful, have continued to be jabbed.

"Because my doctor says so."

This is what doctors believe:


Many are lining up for jab 5; they have not had problems yet and believe they will never have problems.

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A) they're awfully lucky they haven't had problems yet; neither of my elderly parents have social circles where no one has suffered a serious injury post-booster.

B) At this point, they will not change their mind for any reason unless every single authority tells them so.

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You are 110% correct. They will not change their attitude until the TV and/or doctor tells them to.

Anecdotally, my nephew died after the injection. His parents blame his earlier drug use, although he had no drugs in his system when he died. Currently, his Dad has had shingles for something like 7 months. But, if you ask him, that has nothing to do with the vaxx.

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Shibumi, did you hear that poor anguished father's call to the pharmacist who injected his child (the wife brought the child in against dad's wishes) and the child now needs a heart transplant due to vax-induced myocarditis? Hearing the pain and the devastating consequences confirmed for me that people who voluntarily subjected their children to this death and destruction are preserving themselves through cognitive dissonance. Otherwise, how does one reconcile all of this and still forgive oneself? It's so terrible. I'm sorry for your nephew. 🥺

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If I remember correctly, it was in three parts; I only made it through the first one. It was heartbreaking. I don't see how this couple can stay together, given the circumstances.

And yes, they are jumping through all kinds of psychological hoops to stay sane. It's sad.

Thank you for your kind words; our nephew was a lovely man, and is greatly missed.

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Aug 10, 2022·edited Aug 10, 2022

An American who may regret moving to my country without any proper research as to what it actually is like.

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Aug 10, 2022·edited Aug 10, 2022

I lost my best friend the same way. He was 51 very healthy worked out, did martial arts and had little fat. Dead within hours. We couldn’t get the coroner to do an autopsy, even with his private doc requesting it. Gee, I wonder why? He had no other health events before the day he got the clot shot. He was just trying to keep his job. Mandates will end up illegal after those injured sue those responsible. From what I read there are a bunch of sick or dead people.

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I am very sorry for your loss. And no, the CDC said no autopsies...and most coronors obey.

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That’s horrible.

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My whole generation. I am fed to the back teeth with them.

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A friend lost an ex in similar circumstances. Ironic to think he survived all kinds of stuff, but two weeks after the second shot he died of a heart attack.

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that should be a red flag for everyone around him

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of course not all shingles are due to vaxx. I have a friend who did not get jabbed, but has had shingles for months on end.

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In the UK there are constant adverts explaining shingles symptoms and how to get treatment. Amazing coincidence!

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yeah. Not only the recent "vaccine" F's your immune system so bad that shingles has a party

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The shingles shot causes shingles. That and no ongoing natural immunity “boosters” from the kids who would have had chickenpox if they hadn’t been vaccinated against it or exposing adults to the vaccine strain of the chickenpox for which older adults don’t have natural immunity bcz they didn’t have that strain.

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I'm so sorry about that

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Aug 9, 2022·edited Aug 9, 2022

In sales, no frame or "narrative" is more effective than the "superior morality" framework (It makes you better than them). The second is the "appeal to authority" (God himself does it). Both of these are being highly utilized in the Covid vax con.

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I lost my dad. After 2x Pfizer it went downhill.

He told me that decision was a mistake. He regretted it.

He was brought to the hospital when I took a break, and they put him on morphine without sustenance the moment he was admitted and their PCR test showed Covid-19. He had a mild pneunomia the week before. He was very strong. It took them 5 days to kill him.

I was there and I couldn't do anything.

They're murderers and the Nürnberg Trails must be honored.

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My father spent nearly three months of torture. It was only his good fortune that it did not kill him.

I am with you. These monsters must pay in blood.

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I'm so very sorry JC. I can't imagine how hard this must all be for you.

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that's horrible. So so sorry. Who took him to hospital during your absence (I'm sure it was short).

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neither will my father. He has 4 jabs and certainly will go for a fifth. He says something of the tenure of, at the age of 88 the jabs won't hurt him anymore !

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So many people think it's just magic stuff with no bad stuff in them

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It's crazy. Five shots in 24 months?

I bet even if you did that with the flu shot you might get some weird side effects. But freakin' mRNA?!? I guess most people STILL have no idea what's in these shots.

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nobody pays any attention, it is discouraging. I just met someone who still said masks had done such a wonderful job at protecting us from the virus... a biologist of all people.

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Then neither should covid hurt him...No?

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that is what I have been trying to tell him all this time ! He has been doing flu shots for 15 years, but before that, he never had the flu. I have never known my dad sick, and he is 88

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Of he has survived four he has an excellent chance to live through another! He might be right?

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Probably ! he has lived through the war as a kid, and sometimes all the family of 10 lay sick in bed but him. He remembers one bad flu season where he did all the errands for everyone in the street. My dad will die from old age I am sure. Of course there is always traffic and he still drives.... I hold my heart...

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Aug 9, 2022·edited Aug 9, 2022

IMHO. That defies logic, as you consider the adding more and more toxins and spikes to the body would cause more problems.

To me, it's like saying "I smoke 3 packs of cigarettes a day, so I might as well smoke 4."

Damage accumulates for one thing.

And then there is ADE and other effects.

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Thanks for the link, BTW, McCullough was very edifying.

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My Dad is done and suffering from the first two, which I tried to talk him out of.

I know so many people of all ages throwing clots, discovering cancer or bad tickers, rashes...

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Well, you know my dad's story. Thankfully he's done, too.

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I'm glad he's done. Can you refresh me? So freaked out about family being sick, that am overwhelmed.

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Several doctors (young ones) have recently died suddenly. All temporally related to getting the shot/booster. There IS a problem. The rest of the docs oughta take heads out of asses and look around.

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I'm shocked. Nobody I know is getting boosters, save the loonies who bought in full bore. The ones who "had to" for some (bs) reason have stopped.

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For what it's worth, these are all people over 60, and some over 70. They are, for the most part, firm Democrats who are addicted to cable news.

I've tried talking people out of it. Typically I get "but I have to get it if I want to see my elderly parent." Sad.

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Maybe many finally decided to start reading the numbers or just believing their lying eyes? Maybe by now everybody knows somebody who was effected or one of their clan? I’m seeing the same thing in the US.

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"Better living through chemistry."

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Aug 9, 2022·edited Aug 9, 2022

human time bombs. and Pharma will milk their diseases for yet more profit

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Shouldn't be too many more jabs for those poor souls until the true intention of the vaccine works its true intended purpose. We all know what that is.

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My husband and I had it early-- late 2020 and might or might not have had it in late June/ July. IDK; the test said no, but they are unreliable. We are both unjabbed as are his sons.

The jabbed I know are aware of what is happening to some people, but do not relate it at all to their situations. "Vaxx adverse effects" are the same as "starving children in Africa." Nothing to do with them, they are fine and will continue to be fine, no matter how many injections they get.

My husband and I talk about who will be the first to succumb to the jabs, and are waiting for the calls to come.

It is... Satanic. There is no reason anyone should have to live like this.

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Lots of people with rashes that they don't wonder about and loss of balance.

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I feel that way too.

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There are a lot of us

we are all trying not to worry

and trying not to say anything

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The most I have said to the jabbed is "if you get sick from c0vid or want information, call me." That's all I can do.

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My father (82) nearly lost his life to his third (booster) shot. It finally convinced him.

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Oh worse: a friend who took it in early spring/late winter '21: "We got vaccinated because we might want to travel." Might.

Brother took it to keep his VA benefits--wishes now he hadn't (My unspoken thought 'Couldn't you have waited to see whether VA would really kick you out?' ). His wife, who had the bug, and had confirmation with a positive test (as if that were definitive) still took the vax.

How often, in how many varied circumstances, do I appreciate having read the Essay on Criticism--'be not the first by whom the new is tried..." Well, I guess that is the essence of a conservative. I wear that badge proudly.

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Aug 9, 2022·edited Aug 9, 2022Liked by eugyppius

I have dipped in and out of the tech industry at various periods of my life. I've also been in the public sector and seen how things like drugs and technology are purchased (with your tax dollars at not very competitive prices).

Never, EVER be an early adopter if you don't have to. Early adoption is ALWAYS an ideological gesture that marketers count on to complete their product development cycle. It is NEVER a wise position as a consumer of anything.

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At SIEMENS they call their early versions 'banana versions' because they 'ripen with the customer'

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In Automotive - same thing. Don't buy the 1st model year of a new vehicle. We say we are using our customers for "vehicle development".

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that's so rich!

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Aug 9, 2022·edited Aug 9, 2022

Exactly this. It applies in every sector/industry basically. First generation video cards? aka the Founder editions of the new Nvidia line? Typically has a single fan. Wait 3 months, a triple-fan with better cooling version with overclocking capability will come out for 20% less. By those 3 months, a good ten percent of the Founders are sitting without a video card, waiting for their replacement, as their card overheated and bricked. Possibly from taxing their cooling or power supply too much but still.

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HOWEVER, only the "true believers" will stand in line / pay a premium for that suboptimal MVP, and that is worth big social credit in their subculture.

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I have a bunch of gadgets due to first adopters throwing out perfectly good equipment so they can upgrade/first adopter syndrome. Crazy people.

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...unlike those selfish pragmatists, I REALLY believe in public health as performative morality, so I'm putting myself in the line of fire- not really to protect you (though that will be my rationale) but to present myself as someone willing to absorb risk (which I actually believe to be negligible) for the greater good.

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I've never heard that said out loud and you did it so concisely

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People will take jabs every day, as long as they get a free ice creme with it .

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Is that how they got Joe Brandon to take his?... (Did he really take it? Huh.)

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Thank you so very much for that vote of confidence coming from your experience! Indeed, aforementioned brother is an early-owner of a Tesla.

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MIL is an early owner of a Prius and went through tens of thousands of dollars in new batteries before replacing the vehicle.

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Hah! Thanks! House was built 1828; piano 1884.....ya think maybe?

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Aug 9, 2022·edited Aug 9, 2022

The conclusion is that governments use behavioural science strategies because the work. Sadly, people respond to nudges and threats! There doesn't have to be an actual rule or law that mandates certain actions. You don't even need enforcement. Dangle incentives and veiled threats in front of people and they will line right up.

I kept telling people: "Just wait. Call their bluff. Let's see what happens." And, most pertinently, "If you don't actually agree with submitting to a medical intervention in exchange for permission to do things you've always done, why don't you take a stance? Don't you think that if enough of us do, then the Govt won't be able to follow through with these types of plans?"

Of course, most people lack courage and seek the path of least resistance, so most of them rushed to get injected.

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It seems to me that my heretofore intelligent and discerning adult siblings just sought the path of least resistance. I have to say, the nudging, threats, and incentives got pretty hot n heavy there.

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In aviation we say "Never be the launch customer for a new aircraft!" and "Don't buy the A model of anything!" 😉

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Especially a prototype drug. Drugs authorized under Emergency Use are for people DYING of some disease that should be allowed to try anything. NOT for healthy people without a disease or get a disease that has a 99.8% survival rate. Simply mind-boggling how nobody understand this.

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Agreed 100%!

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Another popular reason given is that many actually believe that the jab prevents severe covid even after having caught twice

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Yep. I've heard that multiple times from jab enjoyers, spoken without an iota of admission that a year ago they were insisting the shot would protect them against getting infected.

The goal posts keep moving and they keep chasing after them with no notion that they've moved.

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The recent viral videos of Biden, Fauci, Trudeau and other leaders promising the shots prevent infection and spread, followed by their covid infection announcements are perfect for sharing with people like that. The media has been gaslighting them to the point they sincerely don't remember how it was originally sold to them.

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I don't think they even have memories. Their memories get overwritten with whatever the latest update was.

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Covid to BLM, to the most secure elections, to the threat of the unvaxxed, to the Ukraine, and then Roe. So many current things.

It is enjoyable watching the current thing machine struggling to hoist up the Taiwan flag. Chinese cash throws too much sand into the propaganda gears.

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deletedAug 9, 2022·edited Aug 9, 2022
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The videos of him laughing about the ineffectiveness of masks, or speaking plainly about how unnecessary a vaccine is after natural infection are also time capsule gems.

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What's even stranger is when you confront them with the truth. I've done it and had people stare at me blankly and say "really? I don't remember that."

Brain. Washing.

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I see no reason not to believe they're telling the truth. Brainwashing? Hell, more like brain-bleaching at this point.

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my covidian family members would answer that they always knew it would not prevent infection! When I tell them but that's what they promised then the answer is "you do not have to believe everything"


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A friend of mind told me "oh, it was never supposed to stop infection, just keep you out of t he hospital." When I told him what was promised, he just looked at me and said "really?"

The brainwashing is strong.

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ahhh the perfect imagery that

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Oh, I can confirm that.

The vaxx is the Magic Juice that will keep them from dying of c0vid. No matter how severe their case is, as long as they don't die, the Magic Juice is the reason.

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They recite this mantra with great delight and enthusiasm.

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I show them excellent data from UK, as published in "The Exposé". Today they published data on deaths in England which shows that in every single age group, far more vaccinated people per 100K die compared to unvaccinated.

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No matter how they try to monkey with the term "unvaccinated."

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Wonder how many are injured and refuse to accept reality? My CNN watching retired civil servant step mom just admitted her ultra rare blood cancer is a vax injury! A doctor must have told her, we aren't sure but in her world authority reigns supreme.

Wow has the world turned. I know she thought my bother and I were antisocial lunatics ( i am being nice) for going unjabbed. Who's got the last laugh? I have very little sympathy.

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What is being done to society is, in my opinion, Satanic.

Families are being torn apart, parents against children, siblings vs. sibling, wife vs. husband and so on. It's extremely hard to be sympathetic to people who have made your life miserable, even though it was out of fear. Many of us have tried to keep people from taking the injections, because we know it will hurt them. Yet they do, and we have to stand back and wait for them to get sick. It's evil.

For a long time, I bought into the mass formation psychosis, but maybe it's just a simple fear of death and brainwashing. I don't know.

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I wouldn't say it is fear exclusively. Most people who make other people's lives hell do it out of meanness, sanctimony, or 'go along to get alongness." I guess it's a human trait to go along with the pack and to think that one is the leader of that pack.

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Aug 10, 2022·edited Aug 10, 2022

Many tyrants found their voices and soap boxes these past 2.5 yrs. and they were allowed to push people around. Probably not a good idea today, the mood has changed since many have learned they got screwed.

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Doctor tells you to get the jab.

Doctor later tells you you're injured.


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I'm betting it was the hemotologist.

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People forget that a doctor is your employee.

You can always fire them and get a different one.

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Yes. Almost everyone I know under 50 only got jabbed to make travel easier. I'd say only a handful were genuine vaccine enthusiasts.

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I know a lot like that.

Some are having trouble traveling with the side effects

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Everyone I know who is shotted did so to be like everyone else, and to go to a broadway show or some other dreadful activity of life.

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The wide variety of those that I know did it because "their doctor told them to," "for work," "it's the right thing to do" or "it's my part in getting back to normal."

Normal. Riiiight.

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Ironic considering the last thing they’re actually getting on with is life. They’re more like getting on with the business of dying.

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These middle-class ladies of leisure have risen to prominence in many places owing to the nature-destroying technologies of modern science and the stupid politics of liberation that somehow goes hand in hand with that science. How stupid the Enlightenment project to rid us of priests and kings now seems; all it did was replace them with nervous ladies and their unending hysteria. And by ladies I also mean men called Karl Lauterbach.

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Like x 100.

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Makes one wonder how the days of priests and kings compares to the modern utopia.

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I'd take those days over this narcissistic, feminized, crappy nightmare.

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In 200 years, should we even survive all of this, it will be recognized as having been the exact same thing.

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Hans-Hermann Hoppe wrote an interesting book that touches on that subject: "Democracy: The God That Failed" https://mises.org/library/democracy-god-failed-audio

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Our founding fathers said the same thing...people need to believe in God and have morals or no government by the people can survive.

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We're doomed. As we should be.

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It's impossible to feel bad for them anymore.

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Left side of the bell curve.

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You just can't fix "foolish".

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Aug 9, 2022Liked by eugyppius

My MIL is a life-long SPD voter. She is looking forward to having her heating turned down to 14 C (that’s 57 in Murican) in the winter. Proud to do her part. I pointed out that one does not actually build up immunity to pneumonia.

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Interesting how the supposedly Nazi-adjacent AfD is comparatively pro-Russia now, while the "mainstream" parties embrace fascist policies, Ukraine nationalism, and the use of heavy weapons.

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I live in Upstate, Western New York state which means our winters can get pretty flippin' cold. We keep our house (and have for decades) at 66 degrees during the day during the winter (62 at night). My husband has made it a priority to make sure our windows are good and the insulation is well-installed in our house. And even with all these measures, if you are not moving around in the winter even 66 can make you chilly (when I have to sit and do work, I typically am wrapped in a blanket and I always wear long-underwear). I cannot imagine 57 degrees as a day-to-day temperature. People will be mentally unwell, I think.

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I’ve spent enough time camping involuntarily in the army to appreciate our civilisation. A non-

leaky abode, inexpensive energy and proper plumbing are foundational, not just nice to have, particularly if you live upstate or in the Huertgen forest. If you don’t have these things you spend all day trying to get them.

Which may just be the point. A freezing, hungry populace is less likely to contemplate lamp post redecorations.

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There must be a Martyr Gene.

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could be.... but it seems more like a servile gene. true martyrs are usually motivated by faith to do brave things, whereas these people are just making cowardice into a virtue.

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Well said. I was going to call it a 'faux martyr gene'.

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i used to know a woman here in the u.s. who enjoyed filling out bureaucratic forms and paying taxes because it made her feel patriotic.

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I hope she has plenty of wool and silk unders. And outers.

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Hi , I live in Canada and there are too many black bears ,Trudeau may decide to send loads if black bear skins to the freezing Germans to keep them warm . Lauterbach could also claim the Germans dressed as dangerous bears will chase the virus away .

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How about we send the whole parliament to Siberian Gulag.

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I'm looking forward to these do-gooders enjoying their thermostats forcibly set to 14 as well! Being cold all the time wears on people, makes them cranky. Can't wait for them to reap their rewards.🤡

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Oh man, I know some people like this. My old friend is incredibly progressive (I’m in the US). She works for a social justice organization, which pays her hardly anything. She won’t look for another job because she believes all her student loans will be forgiven if she sticks in the public service sector (she may be right on this one). So, she never advances. All the gains she’s made have been made by the skin of her teeth. Now I’m looking around and seeing the ongoing inflation and watching her put herself back into poverty because she’s “over-qualified” for other jobs. The reality is that her social justice career has given her no real skills.

She ended up buying a property in a city that wanted to defund the police. We live near the same city and we’re on the way out. When I mentioned crime as one of the reasons we’re looking to leave, she tries to tell me that I’m wrong. It’s not really an issue, and besides, there’s crime everywhere. She supports anything her “team” supports. I used to be able to have conversations with her about politics, but that’s long past now. I’ve finally shut up. I figure she’ll finally learn a few things about life when she’s back below the poverty line.

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Well, reality is still infinity - 0 - 0. However, I also mostly shut up in such cases as I regard la politique d’abord as the original sin of our times. Plus there are many excellent people whom I’d never met if I had applied some kind of ideological purity test (I used to live in Park Slope ffs).

I just wish people like that had some grasp of second order consequences.

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She’s probably got some online group or boyfriend that fuels this.

I can’t help but think “why the F should I pay for her loan so she can promote city decay?

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Saint Greta doesn't care how mamny old grannies she is going to kill.

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True. Blond girls with pigtails have an impressive track record cheerleading for the elimination of lebensunwertes life.

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Aug 9, 2022·edited Aug 9, 2022

Your comment was hard/painful to read.

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Not a native English speaker. Sorry about that.

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No, your English was fine. I just edited my comment to add 'painful'. It was hard in that sense. It seems it's my English that's not so good!

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You really should just disregard any comment of mine. It’s typically 95% snark with 5% bile for flavour.

I’ve long given up with my MIL. Some people simply need a cross to bear and if the cross in question is particularly dumb, why, that makes bearing it even more virtuous.

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Matias Desmet makes this point in his book on totalitarianism. The absurdity of the rituals is a feature, not a bug.

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Aug 9, 2022·edited Aug 9, 2022

Love snark and sarcasm. Pour it on!!

I find it soothing

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I kinda like your snark and bile. Wish I could express it as well as you do!

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Well, it helps if you’re born already a humongous dick.

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Your comments (and English) are great. Keep them coming! Love snark and bile as long as they're not directed at me!

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As for your MIL, please be careful, she will turn you in if they come for the non-believers

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So true so true. Funny, I thought you were talking about my comments. You’re not alone York.

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Vanda of course can speak for herself, but I don't think you have a problem with English. Sounds perfect to me. I thought your comment was painful to read because it so clearly described your MIL's misguided fealty to the SPD.

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I thought it was quite well said, even more so now

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If English does not work out well for you than write it in German . As Hitler said at the end of his war '' ALLES SCHEISSE ''

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“Give a man a mask and he will show you his true face”……

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No shit! I've been amazed at how the donning of a facemask reveals true character.

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Lauterbach is a symptom. The disease is unfettered state power.

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How ... Just ... What ... My head....

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I am an expat...I live and work here temporarily....and if this "Infection Protection Act" goes through, I will highly consider moving away. I don't need the job, I can move back to US and find another.

If my kids have to wear a mask in school....this will be the last straw.

Masks don't do shit. Never have. Never will. Yes even the KN/N-95 junk....With a gap, which they all have when worn, have an effectiveness of stopping visible, yes visible particles at a clip of 3.4%!...

Farking junk

I just might lose my shit.....

But I have German colleagues that say.....and I'm not kidding..."When COVID comes back."....I quickly respond....a question...."Where did it go?"...blank stares....They are sooooo freaking brainwashed.....it's freaking scary.

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You took the words right out of my mouth.

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Aug 9, 2022Liked by eugyppius

first 10k to get their booster each season get free blood thinners for 3 months

come on down!

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It's wild hypocrisy like this that makes me wonder if he is really vaccinated.

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Aug 9, 2022·edited Aug 9, 2022Author

He's one of the figures who might not be. Much speculation in German twitter about this, but the evidence assembled by @holmenkollin is intriguing:

1) Lauterbach who can't even keep himself from tweeting his latest positive test result, only had the cameras there for Dose 1 (AstraZeneca). A few weeks later he suffered a retinal detachment. Side-effect?

2) Public statements suggest he received dose 2 (Pfizer) sometime in June 2021, but there's no specific date. No statements about dose 3 that I can find at all. He claimed on 10 May this year on a talk show, in passing, to be quadruple vaccinated, but without any information as to date. Again very strange for a health minister who is all the time promoting boosters.

4) The health ministry, in response to journalist inquiries, refuses to release any specific information about Lauterbach's vaccinations, other than to reassert he's quadruple vaxxed.

So, the theory: He had dose 1, suffered what might have been a side-effect, because he's a hypochrondriac he avoided subsequent doses while satisfying his cognitive dissonance by doubling down on the vaxx publicly at every opportunity.

EDITED TO ADD: If forgot the other big piece of evidence: He's on Paxlovid. It's not recommended for someone his age, unless he's a) unvaccinated or b) has serious (undisclosed) comorbidities.

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Aug 9, 2022Liked by eugyppius

There is no way a person like this passes up on all of the promotion opportunities he could have done with each of those shots, if he was actually getting them.

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yes, there's got to be something going on here.

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Aug 9, 2022Liked by eugyppius

He’s personally scared of the shots. No one wants to go blind. But, “your results mysteriously vary?”

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Aug 9, 2022Liked by eugyppius

Where's his vax card (yellow card?) Didn't Merckel disclose hers? If it must be presented to visit public places, why hasn't he shown his?

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No, presenting the yellow card no longer does any good. It was too easy to forge. People now have to present digitized proof a vaccination

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In Germany next winter ,when every one wears a mask again in the Wirtshaus ,will the Kelner [ Server] give shots in the arm ,containing Schnaps or Gluehwein. ?

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This theory actually makes a lot of sense.

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Aug 9, 2022Liked by eugyppius

Agreed. Very plausible. Eugyppius performs a "conspiracy"-ectomy, and a conspiracy theory turns into a regular theory.

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Aug 9, 2022Liked by eugyppius

The Paxlovid argument doesn't work. All my vaccinated friends who have gotten Covid have grabbed for the Paxlovid at the first opportunity.

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are they germans? i have no first-hand experience obviously, but reports are that it‘s not easy to get prescriptions here unless you meet the criteria. ofc for a member of the bundestag and cabinet things are different.

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I will be very happy if only politicians take that crap. let them all clot out

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They are literally handing out Paxlovid like candy on Halloween in America.

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That's certainly been my impression.

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Sorry, I'm in the rural United States. To be fair all my friends may have technically qualified for a Paxlovid prescription, given that we're a bunch of old farts. And these days, at least in the US, if you're old you perforce have a boatload of comorbidities.

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My sister tells me she hasn't. She helped talk my Dad into it. (Never will forgive that) and now I suspect she took paxlovid because she's positive, not positive, positive, sick, sick sick. But she lies to me a lot.

Why do people not see it is crap?

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Hmmmm…but he wants other people to get the shots, because…..???

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A while ago unvaccinated members of the Bundestag were denied entry and seated separately. Can't remember that Lauterbach was seated with the unvaccinated crowd (mostly, but not exclusively AfD members). If Lauterbach was seated with the vaccinated, he has presented a digitized vaccination certificate.

Maybe he is unvaccinated, but I'm pretty sure he has vaccination papers.

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Aug 10, 2022·edited Aug 10, 2022

I am also quadruple+ vaxxed, just not for COVID.

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Saline saline saline.

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Aug 9, 2022Liked by eugyppius

He does not consume any salt, so it would have to be sterile water for him.

He does drink one or more bottles of wine every day, maybe to make up for the joy-and salt deficient food he is eating....

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Aug 9, 2022Liked by eugyppius

Makes Canada look sane.


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Complete idiots doing completely idiotic things because they can't simply admit that the virus is beyond our control. And every idiotic rule drives this point deeper into the brains of the sleeping sheep, threatening to wake them from their slumber.

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drunk on the joy of f*king with people.

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Aug 9, 2022Liked by eugyppius

Loved ‘deranged antics’…..

Anyone who says something as stupid as ‘freshly vaccinated’ is surely turning people off their freshly ground (cafe) coffee.

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Aug 9, 2022Liked by eugyppius

My theory about Lauterbach and why Scholz won’t reign him in is because: Lauterbach is a test to see how far the German people can be pushed; if the populace genuinely told this guy to stick his jabs where the sun don’t shine he’d be pulled from the scene and lambasted by the wider media. Not because they care what the people think. Lauterbach is so absurd and contradictory he provides perfect plausible deniability if the German people ever woke up.

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hes just a puppet playing a role. "oh if only lauterbach wasnt so stupid".... no hes paid to do stupid shit and by god i cannot stand his accent

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He always sounds drunk, don't you think? In addition to the whiny accent, I really can't listen to the man.

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hes from the Eifel region where they speak like that but his accent is waaaay broader than most. i didnt actually think he was german the first time i heard his speak

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Aug 9, 2022Liked by eugyppius

Maybe chancellor Scholz cannot fire this comic because he knows too much about corrupt Scholz and the letters dealings in cumex?

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It's indeed a mystery why Scholz can't even reign him in or force him to turn his twitter account over to some banal publicist or do literally anything about this Mad Hatter health minister. It is unreal.

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My friend who’s from the old USSR says that the media there sort of played a game: they’d announce the official version of some event, and it was so preposterous that people would know that it was definitely NOT true. Maybe the Mad Hatter is there to EMPHASIZE the insanity, turn the public opinion?

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Sorry, can't help myself—that should be "rein".

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Scholz probably agrees wit him, and is glad someone else is handling it.

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Lauterbach is a good enough mascot of COVID tyranny, poor science, and incompetent political maneuvering as to be a fine regular feature of this stack, even for those of us who don't live under him.

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Why, Karl, do you say nobody recommends vaccinations every three months? I thought they were safe?! If they are so safe, then a vaccination every three months should be fine, right?

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Aug 9, 2022Liked by eugyppius

Totally 🤡🌍

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Every cult has a leader. Karl is the Covid cult leader in Germany. Keep pointing out his folly and maybe save someone from being sucked into this clown cult. Pray, plan, prepare and RESIST.

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