Mar 13, 2023Liked by eugyppius

To me, this is the key sentence, gaslighting, reframing, message and their cop out strategy here:

... "I believe that it was due to the situation at that time that people wanted to get the vaccines as quickly as possible, and so the state assumed liability."

So it's all the peoples fault, not mine/politicians/public health officials.

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If everybody wanted the vaxx so badly they wouldn’t have needed the mandates though…

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"People wanted these vaccines so much that we had to threaten people's careers and finances to get them to take them!"

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They did not only threaten ,they where very active taking peoples jobs careers and treated as outcasts .I wanted to enter a restaurant with a relative ,but was refused entry without a vaxx passport .That was in B.C. Canada .In general I have no desire to go to a restaurant ,since I cook all my meals myself .I drive myself ,because using public transport is a reminder of being treated like a poison snake having to wear snot pouches and keeping distance .For some time it was impossible to enter a store without the snout pouch .I was confronted and warned there will be violence if not wearing the pouch correctly .All that from the victim slaves ,acting as enforcers for the big MAN . THE STATE .and its pharma exterminators

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Mar 13, 2023·edited Mar 13, 2023

Yep. I hear you. "Threaten" doesn't really cover the full feeling of it.

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It's always the people's fault. And the people always pay the price.

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By "people" he meant "our people".

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I think, in Germany, the political class were actually doing what the MAJORITY of the electorate wanted. Looking back, I suspect the politicians must have performed regular secret polling, designed to get an accurate picture of that the majority wanted. The rollback of the masking, mandates, stupid 2G/3G requirements clearly (to me at least) seems to have happened in conjunction with their waning popularity.

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It is the other way round: people where indoctrinated to demand what the politicians wanted to do.

The German press is totally in the pocket of the state.

It is much worse than in the USA, and also the UK.

This is why our democracy does not work anymore in Germany: the state can quickly persuade the majority to clamour for anything they want to do, and then claim they just doing what the people want.

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It is the same in Canada. Our dictator Justin Trudeau bought all of the mainstream media for millions of dollars back in 2015 when he was elected. Only now with proof positive of Chinese interference into our 2019 and 2021 federal elections where he did nothing about it after being informed by Canada’s various intelligence agencies are these bought and paid for news reporters and journalists angry and pressing him hard for information and Trudeau looks absolutely shocked his bought news media have actually turned on him!

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Where's the evidence of Chinese interference in the 2019 and 2021 Canadian federal elections? It had better be overwhelming and I'll bet it's zero. Otherwise it's on us.

I know most women will vote for the "cute" guy (especially old ladies). That's the only reason JFK ever got elected and in Canada today it's enough to throw the vote in Trudeau's direction.

And how do you explain all of northern Ontario voting NDP? Are they really that stupid? Actually, the entire 2021 election was decided by Montreal, Toronto and Vancouver. I thought I'd almost forgotten about this heart wrenching disaster.

And how would anything have been different if Poilievre had won in 2019? Nothing would have been different except there would have been zero transfer payments for lockdown so we'd already all be homeless and every non-corporation business would have gone under. We found out during the Emergency Measures Act inquiry that all decisions in Canada are made in secret by the Privy Council.

And how do you explain the hard right Conservative party in Ontario murdering over 3000 nursing home residents through dehydration and mandating the jabs while later admitting on Feb. 17, 2022 that they'd never mandated them?

And how do you explain how the entire world went along with this? Iran, China and Russia never took the mRNA jabs but they went along with everything else. It looks real bad. Is the Ukraine war theater?

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Boy you sure seem agitated you should probably try and chill out a little as not healthy and I’ll try and answer some of your questions. The Chinese influence and election interference I have on good authority from someone with 30 years of intelligence work for the federal government has been going on since the 1990’s starting with Brian Mulroney and has been deliberately ignored by all of the 4 major political parties since then as it’s always in each party’s political favour so personal political gain valued higher than defending our democracy. Pollievre is also controlled establishment opposition, he and Trudeau are cut from the same cloth as he just made clear when he panicked hard and threw Christine Anderson German MEP (love her)under the bus which definitely opened the eyes of some of us. I think Pollievre would have also provided financial support payments for Covid specifically targeted to the population that needed it and for small businesses as well but he would have done a far better job of it as he is a conservative and fiscal policy is very important where Trudeau has actually doubled our national debt in the past 3 years and just keeps on spending.The CRA reporting it “lost” several million dollars by sending money out randomly to people who didn’t actually qualify but now they are not going to look for it cause it’s quote too much work! The evidence is in the possession of a Globe and Mail reporter and a Global news reporter in written form I’m assuming directly from CSIS, and a parliamentary intelligence security service and one other intelligence security service that all collect intelligence on foreign interference and report that directly back to the Government of Canada. Don’t know who’s in the shadows pulling the strings through covid and ever since but someone I follow and highly respect thinks it’s possibly a momentum created by principalities and powers versus one cabal of evil elites.

I agree our voting representation totally sucks particularly for the West as do the provincial transfer payments and I strongly feel the formula needs to be changed and modernized. I’m going to vote for Max Bernier and the People’s Party of Canada because Max hasn’t flipped and flopped once but steadily maintained his positions on everything whether they’re popular or not and that is what I am looking for in a politician to represent the people and to hold the government to account. I’m sorry I live out west so I don’t know firsthand what went on in Ontario during covid to the residents in the nursing homes and I didn’t know firsthand that northern Ontario voted NDP( the socialist party) in the 2021 election. Hard to fathom how people vote the ways they do.

I follow The Duran as they are my sole source for all of my geopolitical news and information and insights into what is going on in the world including the proxy war in Ukraine as Chris and Christopher are that good! Btw I absolutely loathe Trudeau I can’t even bear to watch and listen to him anymore, he just makes my skin crawl. I hope I answered most of your questions and I hope you feel better soon too. One must shut it all down sometimes the constant barrage of daily shit assaulting our systems to escape to a nice quiet place in order to rest and care for oneself.

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A very astute comment regarding Canada. I have lived in British Columbia since 1978 but was born in Quebec and spent the first 28 years of my life there.

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Where did that little bastard get all that money from since he is as useless as a sloth .

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Fingers crossed this latest scandal will take Trudeau down. However he is like the Teflon man and nothing seems to stick to him. The only way I can see him not running again is if enough people in the Liberal party oust him before another election.

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It occurred here in Australia too - The Gov gave media tax breaks to be their cheer squad throughout this ruse. Even now, only the odd story gets through MSM..

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Same here, only when the story is so big they HAVE to report on it. I believe the mainstream media in every single country in the west has been infiltrated and corrupted to work in lockstep with their government’s propaganda to support the agenda. The news media is supposed to call the government out on their misdeeds not become their head cheerleaders!

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Exactly like Canada. Actually the world. This is global corruption so now the Globe must be on the same page to tell these delusional Gollum’s to go Eat Shit, we will not comply ever again

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It seems to be rampant only in the Western world.

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The Middle East seems ta have been pretty draconian. And China has been mental with it's lockdowns.

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I think mainly Israel went crazy.

The authoritarian regimes all took the opportunity to be authoritarian, its fun (when you are in power).

But they let it be fairly quickly again, and it was forgotten without much trace.

I heard the population took it much easier and didn't went crazy like a sizeable percentage in the West.

China of course is another matter. Who knows what is going on there. I doubt it was much about Covid.

While Africa seems to be almost a gleam of hope, there was so much resistance against the WHO&Co even from their elites.

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In some countries outside the western world it was worse .I did read a report that in the Philippines if you did not comply the police could shoot you .It seems extreme to us in the west ,but extreme measures are quite common in some countries we never hear much about .I did a lot of travel in south east Asia and looking back I count my blessings ,having survived with my life .

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Yes. Those bastions of " democracy"!

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Exactly. Terrorize people into "wanting" them.

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I think it's a mixture of both -

as Andreas points out, people were brainwashed into believing into the measures and the vaccines AND political stakeholders did listen to the most vocal and most upset segment of the population, i.e. the hyperventilating twitterati. Plus, there are a lot of polls according to which people demanded harsh measures. One of them is the infamous poll according to which +60% of Germans said they would continue to wear a mask once the mandates were lifted....almost no one does now. I honestly don't know how you can get such wrong results in a poll, did they only call their friends whom they knew to be pro-measures?

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Brainwashed? I'm still unclear. Threatened pressured by propaganda forced coerced lied to lies by omission there's so much going on and it is by design is the best explanation

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As far as I've experienced it, a large part of the population didn't have to be forced and coerced because they had been threatened* and pressured** by propaganda - they were quite happy to oblige, thankful for the vaccine and felt they were being protected by government, which they regarded as caring and concerned for citizens' welfare. There's still a part of the population that feels like this, but on the whole the craziness is wearing off a bit.

* "distance is caring" (Ex-chancellor Merkel in spring 2020), hug your granny and she dies

** only by your putting on a mask and keeping your child at home can we save the most vulnerable. Blatandly untrue, of course.

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In the US the authorities held everyone hostage with lockdowns, and pushed mass vaccination with the promise of freedom. Here we call that extortion. It sounds like the situation in Germany was similar, if not identical.

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In Germany a much higher percentage is gullible.

Imagine us the same as in the USA, only 80% of the people are Democrats from California and New York. And everyone is watching CNN.

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Where I live every one gave up watching T.V. ,since the chines balloon invasion ,every one is watching the sky for hostile balloons .Canada will ramp up balloon manufacture to fight back with balloons of our own .

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Freedom was implied but never actually promised. In a way I am glad of that, as if they had agreed to everything going back to normal I might have actually taken one. Best decision I have ever made not to bend the knee.

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I was happy to let everyone else be the guinea pigs. The second mouse gets the cheese.

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I watch Teevee news only to see and find out what the enemy is up to ,what I often learn is scary .

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Believe this - in Australia they called the period when the lockdowns were ended as 'Freedom Day'... The media promoted it far and wide, it was pathetic and disturbing all at once...

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This why we must always demand deliberative democracy, not public opinion democracy. See the seminal piece by the American pol scientist Joseph Bessette, in a book analyzing the Federalist Papers, and way before lefty profs got their mittens all over the term. In coming weeks I'll share a piece of mine about the concept and its neglect during the Covid/Vax Disaster, on the substack i write for.

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That sentence stuck out for me also.

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Mar 13, 2023Liked by eugyppius

Lauterbach has the ideal physiognomy and rhetorical style for Cornered Rat Leftism. He's perverse perfection.

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he is like the entire pustulent essence of the whole SPD distilled into a single person

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"pustulent essence." Excellent visual!

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Every country has a lot of Lauterbachs . In Canada we have BLACK FACE , with a black heart .

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In the US it's the demon mass murderer "why would anyone prosecute me?" Fauxi.

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Is that like a boil?

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Bringing in "Leftism" shows an obsessiveness with the so-called "ideological divide" - rather than a genuine concern. So, he's evidently a Social Democrat, which isn't particularly Leftist in my book. But - Big Pharma has been driving this operation, and Big Pharma is Capitalist, not leftist.

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Big Pharma is capitalist when they're operating in a free market, not when their products are being bought by the government and forced on the population at gunpoint. Once the government starts mandating purchase (or even acceptance with the government footing the bill) it ceases to be capitalism.

Oligarchism? Fascism? But Big Pharma regarding the vax is no more capitalist than Zil or Lada or MiG under the Soviets.

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Capitalism (good) vrs Corporatism (bad) is actually a distinction without a difference. That's because in EVERY Capitalist country those that accumulate vast sums of money EASILY capture the State. So whatever your image of capitalism is. I can assure you that it's an abstract, imaginary one.

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In fairness, there are some genuinely left wing people who have opposed the junk science, cruelty and profiteering of the last three years. Unfortunately, they are a minority. The overwhelming majority of the left, establishment and nominally/notionally radical, have been cheerleaders and apologists for the vicious measures. They're stooges for the bourgeoisie and in this they're running true to form. Their hostility towards the establishment right is just the narcissism of minor differences.

The dissident right has been much better on this. They've also shared their platforms with the genuinely dissident left. It would be great to have a populist left that didn't consist of stooges and, who knows? maybe it'll happen someday.

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Genuine left wing people ought to unite with the dissident right. We can work out our differences later.

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Tucker Carlson expressed some of that sentiment recently on the "Redacted". He specifically mentions his respect for Naomi Wolf and Matt Taibbi. Only problem there - from my point of view - is that all three are in denial about the 911 (obvious) Inside Job. And that is an absolute litmus test, imo. As for left and right - some of these categories are fluid and rather arbitrary. In general though - in my 55 plus years of political activism - beginning in the Viet Nam period - I have NEVER seen the conservative right stand up to War, Police murder and mayhem, fascist coups around the world - El Salvador, Chile, etc - so, I guess we'll see if that changes.

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Very nicely put.


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Lately, big Pharma is a fav of the leftists--rooting for mandates, screaming at unvaxed and cheerleading for them everywhere

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tell them as they enable it

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Mar 13, 2023·edited Mar 13, 2023

Then your book is not the German book, David.

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Mar 13, 2023Liked by eugyppius

I wonder how long it will take for US officials to start pretending that they didn't mandate vaccines.

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like that surreal period in 2021 when they tried out the "what lockdowns? there have never been any lockdowns" line

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Mar 13, 2023Liked by eugyppius

Where I live, I'm surrounded by people who swear that nobody ever claimed that the vaccines would stop COVID. They'll repeat the lie they're told to repeat.

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I heard that one too. Also, it is now Republicans who want to defund the police. It is incredible how easy it is to deceive people.

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It was Trump who caused the rail disaster in Ohio!!!

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I admit I'd be happy to see the FBI defunded - or at least shrunk back to its original function of cops and robbers.

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Corruption should be cut out and this and CDC seem corrupt throughout

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Luckily a lot of them posted it on social media as part of the usual shameless virtue signaling. Watch them rush to take those posts down as soon as they're confronted with them, though.

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Ah, yes. No-one's been hanged for refusing the juice, ergo, the juice wasn't mandated.

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Mar 13, 2023Liked by eugyppius

Karl repeats "1 in 10,000" three times in the interview.

Archive that, and revisit in coming months.

I fear this will approach "1 in 100", as believers continue boosting.

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Mar 13, 2023·edited Mar 13, 2023Liked by eugyppius

yeah, birth rates are already concerning, and i fear cancer rates may increase

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It will be very, very hard to link any of this to the vaccines.

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well, when the 12x boosted are gone, we can just shrug & say "you know, i still think it was all those boosters, but who knows - maybe one of their other nonsense things like kale did it"

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Do not underestimate the evil power of kale, especially in its raw form... :-)

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With government-incentivized autopsies that use the methods of Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi, it will be fairly easy to directly link quite a few of the deaths to the vaxxes. The hard step will be to get the govt to incentivize, and to craft the needed law in a way that will stop medical professions from penalizing those who administer the autopsies.

If the political will is there, it can happen. Entire hospital wings of "Post-vac syndrome" (Lauterbach's term) doctors can be created.

However, I'm not sure about how hard it will be or not to directly link cancer-caused deaths or fertility-harms to the vaxxes.

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I agree, it's a question of political will.

However, in case of miscarriages it's often hard to establish cause anyway. My mother knows three young women who lost their babies after getting vaccinated - truly tragic. They do suspect that the vaccination might have played a role, but say their doctors wouldn't establish this link. So both political will and a lot of research might be necessary.

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1 in 10,000 vaccinations is 1 in 3,333 per "boostered" vaccinee. Lauterbach claims this has been a stable rate of severe adverse reactions (i.e. vaccine injuries) and that he has been aware of this the whole time. That is a horrendous safety profile for a pharmaceutical product and it is utterly contemptible that Karl Lauterbach and the German government wanted to make such a product mandatory for every adult.

They knew it would not stop transmission

They knew the young and healthy had little to fear

They knew the risk profile was unacceptable

They knew why they were indemnifying the manufacturers

They knew the advance orders for unproven products were excessive

They knew pharma was going to make exorbitant profits

They knew...

"Unlimited power in the hands of limited people always leads to cruelty." - Alexander Solzhenitsyn

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It would've been nice if they had pinned him down on the exact definition of "serious" and "side effect". Some authorities only count side effects that happen within a very short period of time after the vaccination, although that appears not to be the case here, because he acknowledges Long Vax. It may, however, be relevant in how the 1 in 10,000 number was calculated.

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It is always relevant to understand how government numbers are calculated. Which is why we are seldom told.

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At least not for 75yrs!🤔🤫

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I'm nowhere near ready to do a victory dance, but it feels like the tide has fully turned...and they say that when the tide goes out, you find out who has no clothes on. This kind of momentum tends to feed itself. Let's hope.

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Depending on which country. Spain: we were told one week ago essentially that my wife is going to die because she didn't get the jab and now she is expecting. Is she gets covid 100% chance of death. Worries me a lot, not because I think it's true, but because they may make it true, remdesivir or whatever.

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It sounds as if you were told things by people that you should not listen to.

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Yes, but it was her doctor LOL

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Mar 13, 2023·edited Mar 13, 2023

Find a new one, if you can.

And either way, good luck and congratulations! :D

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The doctor didn't insist. That's something... Not so easy to change doctors in socialized healthcare systems.

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You're not alone here, and despite a lack of prominent reporting, there is a LOT of momentum in Spain against the current regime, and "healthcare" is synonymous with "COVID policies" in this day and age. Stay strong and keep pushing your neighbors to keep this momentum going. https://www.dw.com/en/protesters-stage-huge-rally-in-madrid-for-better-healthcare/a-64680747

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Make no mistake. They are leftists protesting against the local right-wing government; which by the way was the most anti-covid lunacy in the country.

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That's a pity, friend. I'm right on the border with Spain and was dismayed to see how long they kept the masks-on-planes policy in place, among other things.

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Still masking in hospitals. At least we got rid of masks in public transport last month.

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I hope it will not be a 360 degree turn....back to the same direction but with a different label.

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Mar 13, 2023Liked by eugyppius

I don't think I could ever actually manage an interview with someone like Lauterbach, or his equivalent, because I honestly don't believe I would be able to restrain myself from jumping across the table and beating them within an inch of their lives. Not too keen on a long jail sentence I have to say. Qudos to the interviewer for maintaining composure but taking him to task as well.

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Mar 13, 2023·edited Mar 13, 2023Author

it helps that Lauterbach was only there on video link, though it's nice to see state media reporters delighting in confronting the man with his past idiotic statement. until now it was just Bild reporters doing that.

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The media had a lot of true believers and is likely more vax damaged than the general public. It would be beautiful to watch them seek revenge on the perpetrators.

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Much about the media people is ugly, and they are ugliness personified whenever they seek revenge. I know what you long for, it is called Justice, but whatever moments of beauty it has will not come from the media class.

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Mar 13, 2023Liked by eugyppius

Sie haben etwas, worauf sie stolz sind. Wie nennen sie es doch, was sie stolz macht? Bildung nennen sie's, es zeichnet sie aus vor den Ziegenhirten.

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Bash is right though: few can stand Lauterbach's monotonous, winching voice spouting his inane drivel.

I can listen for less than a minute before I get physically sick, it is very repulsive.

Merkel was similar. It is also very hard to listen to Baerbock and Scholz.

IMO, it is the secret of success for those people: being so obnoxiously boring to drive any sane people out of the party, and after a few years they are in the top positions.

Our system selects for verbose stupidity.

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Please tell my why you guys keep voting for these people. I can't vote in Germany and I am persistently being governed by people who sound like unpleasant, whiny shop assistants from middle Franconia.

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When you speak with "normal" people, they are usually quite satisfied with the politicians, because they are told to.

Lauterbach is a good example; in 2020 he was seen as a crazy cook, clamouring for Covid restrictions. Then his party got elected, he became minister, and all of a sudden people saw him as an intelligent, passionate politicians, fighting for the best of the country.

I don't understand it either.

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I for one didn't vote for them, I looked for an alternative and found it. 😏😄 I wished more Germans did.

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Well, they are in an unfortunate position, aren't they. The media and politicians did their utmost to destroy their reputation from the start. But then they do not seem to be very skillful at working to improve their image, either. Which is a shame, obviously Germany needs a proper opposition to force the governing parties to get their sh*t together.

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You can be absolutely100% certain, that this interview was staged and scripted and the journalist Christian Sievers was briefed beforehand how far to go and what not to say or ask and push.

Regardless of whether Sievers also was pushed into taking the vaccines or not.

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Is that how you got your name "Bash" ? Good thing you weren't in Washington DC on January 6!

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Mar 13, 2023Liked by eugyppius

Wow. Is there a chance the entire EU will have a backlash against the public health response to the pandemic?

Here in the US, the media and administration are pushing ahead. The NYT just had a feature doubling down on the whole catastrophic response: https://messaging-custom-newsletters.nytimes.com/template/oakv2?campaign_id=294&emc=edit_np_20230312&instance_id=87521&nl=the-next-pandemic&productCode=NP&regi_id=27031656&segment_id=127581&te=1&uri=nyt%3A%2F%2Fnewsletter%2F24993f67-3341-5292-b614-c836ed8396d9

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Mar 13, 2023·edited Mar 13, 2023

The US is pushing ahead like it’s still 2021 which is baffling. Does that mean that awareness has never reached a tipping point or are they still just trying to further embed the narrative at any cost? Most intelligent people I know here in LA still believe what they believed back then and still getting boosters. Hard to imagine, but here you can find plenty of news and media platforms that consistently ignore and black out what the rest of us see (most all of mainstream media, REDDIT, social media). It’s us vs. them-we live in parallel realities.

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Mar 13, 2023·edited Mar 13, 2023

The introduction to that article:

'Welcome to The Next Pandemic, a limited-run weekly newsletter from Times Opinion that explores the most pressing ideas and debates on how to prepare for future threats...'

Part of the ongoing propaganda, normalizing a state of panic.

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My head is exploding after reading NYT article. So the best and brightest medical minds have come up with "solutions" to our next pandemic, like: get vaccine shots in arms in 100 days, max. We all know how well that worked out last time. Oh and also, keep wearing masks to protect the elderly and immunocompromised! Because somehow masks will magically start working, next time. Wash, rinse, repeat. God help us all.

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Yes, the US public health establishment is doubling down on the failed Covid response. I mean, the response worked in that the response gave them more power and money. So they just want more, and the MSM is willing to push their propaganda. The only way this stops is a massive popular backlash that results in people losing their jobs and possibly going to jail.

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Jail. That's what is needed. Somebody loses their job with the government, they'll just go get a Pharma job.

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deletedMar 13, 2023Liked by eugyppius
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so true. in fairness to the general public, europe has become a byzantine mess and there is a real sense that one's vote doesn't matter...

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There is that exact feeling in the US among some, too…

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So true. This segways into a whole other discussion that our so called democracies and free societies are a facade, and an increasingly absurd one, but thats for another day

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Totally agree. I immigrated from the Soviet Union and came full circle.

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I grew up in the Arab world - same.

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I Vote many times a day always for myself and it served me well so far .If in the future I need someone to lead me I will get a service dog .I will trust a service dog much more than any politician to lead me .

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Maybe, but they are not lining up for the shots anymore. Nearly everybody knows now (even if they don't admit it), so the backlash will come, and it will be big.

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Alas many elders are still going for their jabs.

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Yeah, I've not seen any age-stratified data for this but it is quite believable that they would be the last to figure it out. I'm also sure a lot got jabbed in 'care'-homes, or were coerced by various 'health' professionals in their own homes. Did they know what they were doing? A good percentage, at least in care-homes, have dementia etc. We could also ask why do so many get dementia, even in pre-jab times.

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The same thing has happened in Canada. The only time we get large protests in Canada are for issues that occur in other countries. Nice and safe and an exercise in virtue signaling. We did briefly show some spine during the Truckers Convoy protest. But in the end our Federal government employed the emergency act and started freezing bank accounts from people who donated funds for that protest. I very much doubt we will ever witness a protest of that magnitude again in Canada.

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deletedMar 14, 2023·edited Mar 14, 2023
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I hope you're right. We're so far down the rabbit hole now I'm not sure we will prevail.

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"But the vaccine really does protect against serious illness and, by the way, very often also reduces the risk of Long Covid." He's still lying--the vaccine does none of that--in fact it produces more harm then actual C19. He should be fired then arrested.

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Mar 13, 2023Liked by eugyppius

'But in fact we have problems on both sides, because we don’t yet have the drugs for treating them. These are being feverishly researched.'

I'm not sure how much connotation got lost in the translation, but notice how his brain goes directly to *drugs* as the solution to a problem *caused by drugs*.

That way lies iatrogenesis.

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Brilliant business model though. Create the problem in the first place and then sell the cure.!

(Except there isn't one, you F.....ng sheep).

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As I taught in Marketing 101. Create the the demand, and sell a product to meet that demand.

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It's a tried and true model for the Pharma/Big Ag/Big Food triangle.

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And mucho Pharma $$$$$$$$$$$$$, which is much much more important.

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Herr Lauterbach should perhaps heed the wise words of Will Rogers:

"When you are in a hole, stop digging."

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The absolutely shocking thing is that they are admitting now that most of the measures were a mistake and completely useless - but if you listen to them, it's as if some strange, faceless entity had decreed that these measures be implemented - not them. There is not one who says: "I did this, I own this, I made a mistake, I am very sorry."

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In the modern Western democracy, nobody is ever responsible for anything.

"I didn’t negotiate the contracts; as far as my office is concerned, I inherited them"

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Mar 13, 2023·edited Mar 13, 2023Liked by eugyppius

Mostly I am glad we never got his WhatsApp messages.

They would likely kill my remaining faith in humanity as an absurd mix of lies, stupidity, and weird German porn.

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Mar 13, 2023·edited Mar 13, 2023

Lauterbach will be found dead in his flat within 10 years, of an alcohol/coke/meth overdose. No one will have noticed that he failed to take his backbench seat in the Bundestag for 3 weeks. The police will break down the door after neighbours complain of the unbearable smell and putrid liquid leaking through the ceiling.

Millions of unsold copies of his memoirs will have been turned into bookshelf filler in IKEA.

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Mar 13, 2023·edited Mar 13, 2023Liked by eugyppius

"As minister I have to be careful." For example, I had to publish on the most widely used and accessible media source a claim which I knew to be false and which would result in serious health consequences and unjustified confidence in immunity for many in the population.

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Some are referring to the process we are witnessing as The Great Walkbackening. Sounds appropriate.

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The Great ReReset.

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Mar 13, 2023Liked by eugyppius

Would it be wrong of me to suggest that those who wanted to force this vaccine on everyone pay the costs of treating the vaccine injuries?

In fact, maybe we should narrow it down to those who advocated withholding treatment from unvaccinated covid patients.

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