When we, as sane, civilized human beings who built Western civilization, become fully tired of the moronic lunatics we have allowed to infest our governments, this will end swiftly. A new liberty movement is growing and will end with the trash being taken out.

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I'm resigned to this being a permament cycle of humanity. Good, creative, risk taking people develop institutions and products that improve everyone's life. They succeed. Then along comes a whole different class of person. They seek to capture the successful institutions and bend them to their will. They succeed. In the worst case there is collapse. In the best case the old ways are always passing and new ones are always being born.

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That's my view of anthropology. Humanity contains a certain percentage of people on the sociopathic/psychopathic spectrum (lacking empathy) who will game any system that's created, for their own benefit.

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Couldn’t agree more. Parasites always look to steal what they have not earned. When we allow looters & parasites to use the coercion of government, bad things happen. Why on earth we would trust so much to these worthless idiots is simply laziness.

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You missed the decadence phase between the good people and the parasites in the cycle.

The good people have someone else "manage" the parasites while they're busy being successful.

The good people become so successful and so good, they conveniently forget there are parasites; at the same time they are so convinced of their goodness, they decide they can "heal" parasitism.

Then out of the blue a parasite walks up and punches a good people in the face; the good people is so emotionally and physically unprepared they scream out loud for a pap smear and prostate exam at the same medical appointment.

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Thats very perceptive.

Actually I spent most of my NHS career demolishing the Grand Victorian institutions set up to 'treat ' the people with mental health problems and learning disabilities. They also totally failed. Luckily their land was quite valuable, releasing many resources to buy ordinary homes in the community for these poor people, but that didn't bring their lost years back, really.

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I hope you are correct. Per this article from Armstrong Economics, Klaus Schwab is openly bragging about how he has penetrated cabinets around the world to promote/enforce his economic (and other, my add) philosophies:


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Klaus Schwab and his ilk are vile pieces of garbage. Now that he has shown his wicked plans for all of the world to see, the pushback has started. It's building daily. Every few generations has to re-discover why freedom isn't free and this is our time. It's time to stop reacting to what a bunch of idiots are brewing up in their basements and call them for what they are. Decent, sane people make up the vast majority of the populations of the west. Winning their hearts & minds will crush the Schwabs of the world like the bugs they are.

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The truckers in Canada are showing a way. The police have been confiscating their fuel. Citizens are arriving with jerrycans of fuel, 5 gal at a time. Their efforts along with a supportive public show the way.

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Here's an update from the freedom convoy today. It's about 13 minutes and quite moving.


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Oh my. Don't they look ferocious! Seriously, they are like most of us - concerned that our governments have failed us but can't admit the failure. Many are increasingly fed up with the nonsensical phrases and notions that anybody can control nature. Omicron may be the reversion often predicted for the lab created variant.

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Thanks for the link. I saw a video saying as much but didn't save it.

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If only it were so. Sadly society has become risk adverse and expect government to be their parent. We must first return to self reliance and accept we are responsible for ourselves. I am not responsible for the Karen down the street and can only ask her why she is so afraid, but I can't 'fix' her - she is the only one that can do that. Perhaps, the government might help her understand that?

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What shocks me, although by this point it should not, is that not even everyone on "our side" understands that vaccination is a fool's errand. I think it always was, but now the reasons--which are relatively obvious when one understands the MoA of the mRNA treatments--are being widely expressed across the spectrum. And yet, vaccine mandates continue, almost unabated? WTAF?

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Too many people have been conditioned to instantly reject an opposing opinion. It's a knee-jerk reaction and they don't/won't/can't even take a look at what the other ideas are. It's kind of astounding as well as distressing to watch.

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I think it is because it is called a vaccine: this was a very clever sleight of hand.

Its a bit like saying than Menthol filter cigarettes are 'cool as a mountain stream' conveniently forgetting that all the filter does is forces the poor smoker to suck harder to get their hit. Or redefining Cadbury's Dairy Milk as chocolate, when in fact it is a vile concoction of chocolate flavoured dairy-based fats, preservatives and sugars that rot the teeth and the arteries.

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Interesting fact: cigarette filters used to contain asbestos.

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Yes you can get a cold more than once. You can not vaccinate against a common cold, it has been tried for 100 years and has not worked. How are we going to tell that to these people?

PS I got a warning from security browse, that your site is very dangerous.... would i want to proceed? Yes.

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Exactly! And most people realize you can't do anything to prevent a cold. Yet they can't extrapolate a similar outcome for covid and other viruses. Disconnect anyone?

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'Corona policies have always been absurd'. 100% true because the policies were never about health or well being, only about control.

This is completely on display in the Canadian city, Ottawa where the Freedom2022 protest continues. I live about 5 hours away, attended that protest and a 2nd in Toronto this past Saturday. Even though the vaccines in general are not very effective, not very safe and omicron is not very dangerous, countries are lifting covid mandates and even some Canadian provinces have started to lift mandates, the local police, local government and federal government continue to escalate to the point of INSTIGATING violence rather than sit down and discuss matters with the protesters who remain peaceful.

It's not about health, it's about a QR code that is meant to identify and track us all.

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I have to give a bit of an update on Ottawa, Canada: El Gato Malo (substack) just issued a post that the police are mostly siding with the protesters. It's not confirmed yet but pray that it is true!

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If Lauterbach is truly this uninformed about the basic science surrounding the vaccines, covid and the immune system, he should be removed from office and locked up where he can't do further damage. If he's so stupid that he believes the old vaccines have any value at this point and if he is not aware of the potential dangers to the immune system, he should be removed from office and locked up where he can't do further damage. It is getting pretty intolerable to listen to this idiocy any longer. Do they all have brain damage?

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One of the reasons I think we feel so pained by utterances like those produced by Lauterbach is that we appear to live in not just a post-modern world but also a post-logical one. I lived in central Europe for several years and I know how important it is for things to "make sense", to be penetrable by thinking. In the UK with its pragmatism this is less the case; if something works that's kind of fine, even if it's crazy or not-understood.

The great Hannah Arendt, herself originally German, understood intimately this need for thought. She identified one hallmark of those who fall under the spell of totalitarianism, the inability to think. Though the thinking of academics or intellectuals was not what she had in mind; rather that everyday normal often untutored ability to raise a question mark towards any and every thing until it "makes sense". Arendt identified the inability to think in Adolf Eichmann, the unprepossessing balding bureaucrat who organised the "final solution" of the Jews under the Nazis. He was no more questioning of a request to organise the elimination of millions of human beings than he would have been of one to organise Hitler's birthday party. The methods he found were what counted. The outer insane evil never even occurred to him. He could construct things, but he could not think.

One doesn't have to be an Eichmann to fall into this category. Not thinking is also a state of comfort; even if thinking itself doesn't hurt, some of the thoughts we have, their ramifications, can be painful, as all of us who have penetrated the Covid disaster with our own thinking can testify.

I don't know Lauterbach; but I know politicians. They know it is not their role to think. Their role is to sell to the public the thoughts and plans of others. The less they can think, the easier it is for them to follow the script.

In Covid times this unthinkingness has reached extreme levels. I can feel eugyppius' pain. But I also think we are long past the time when logic and argument are going to make any difference; as I said, we are post-logic. Covid fascism was established through the feeling life, through fear. So maybe it can be dismantled also through the feelings? Maybe we should ask: what feeling do you think the establishment could not resist if a majority of the people (including themselves) felt it strongly? Confidence and trust in life is one. Any other suggestions ...

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You need to do some more research on Eichmann. He fooled Arendt with his dutiful bureaucrat routine (though not the Israeli prosecution).* He was an avid Nazi and anti-Semite, who had no compunctions about playing a role in the Final Solution. If memory serves, he once said to someone in Argentina that he was sorry he wasn't able to kill more Jews.

*(My interpretation of Arendt's book on "the banality of evil" is that it is another one of those NYRB-type "I'm more perceptive than you, dear reader" exercises that certain intellectuals are prone to.)

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After World War II and the new threat of nuclear war, the US had a great awakening – – think Billy Graham. That helped a generation get over their fear of nuclear doom.

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I sympathise with those trying to report on all this nonsense from a rational point of view, using clear arguments and logic. This must be wearisome to say the least. The simple fact is that the vaccine campaigns failed spectacularly, so much so that the majority cannot admit the simple fact because they are too heavily invested in their own mistake.

And so they twist ever more absurd knots out of the evidence until it resembles a Jackson Pollack.

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Whilst I have no doubt your health minister is bad (they all seem to be!), I would still keep an eye on omicron or future variants due to the fact the virus came from a lab. Omicron is more mild but how will the vaccinated fare against future variants trying to circumnavigate their specific, targeted protection.

What is your view on the current deaths in Israel?


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while the lab angle is bothering, the truth is that viruses are viruses. *we* didn't come from a lab, the viruses still have to interact with our cells naturally and they're still subject to natural selective pressures.

for Israel: decisive will be their all-cause mortality figures for January. until then is hard to know.

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true but we don't know yet how natural that interaction is when we have been unnaturally growing virus parts!

I'll keep an eye out for the mortality stats.

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I've been thinking about the lab aspect of the virus. Perhaps some of the hysteria on the part of "global leaders" was partly based on the unknown effects of their virus manipulation. They couldn't be sure of what it might end up doing in this enormous world experiment (or accident).

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Hello to E and everyone,

Not sure how many will read this comment, but if you are in the European Union, please consider responding to this public consultation:


This is a public consultation on the European Commission's proposal to extend the EU Digital COVID Certificates. Essentially, it creates a framework for interoperability for the Member States to operate their national vaccine passports. While the EU cannot oblige MS to utilise the system, it has proven a useful political tool for those who wish to normalise QR codes as a gateway to public life.

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This is the same guy who opined on some German talk show that vaccinated Germans has been “cautious” and that there is a now a need to jab the non—vaxxed now to teach them a “lesson.” That then is the endgame for him, undermining everything Covid he has to say. The lesson we learned is that we were the cautious ones.

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Slightly off topic, this makes me wonder about the years and years of annually-customized flu vaccines so many of us have been getting.

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I have heard that taking the flu shot is associated with an increase in mortality but have not delved into it.

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Feb 7, 2022
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Exactly. I used to get the flu shot religiously and would bully my family into getting them too. All three members of our household got colds regularly (never tested for flu, don't know if any of us ever actually had flu.)

About 12 years ago as a result of some other health issues, I read Gary Taubes and started eating low carb/high fat. Despite my other family members regularly continuing to get URIs, I have not had a cold since. This is a common anecdote among low-carbers. Point being not to push low-carb especially, but to point out that lifestyle can have a huge effect on your immune system. Evidence is mounting that metabolic dysfunction (a result of the standard American lifestyle/diet) is a major risk factor in bad Covid outcomes.

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I'd been aware of low carb via Atkins for a couple of decades, and found I always felt better eating that way. SInce I can't eat gluten, I had to radically change my eating back in 2006 or so. Taubes really synthesized all the relevant information and everyone should read his book. The American diet is disastrous, as you see from all the obesity and illness that plagues so many people of all ages, now including very young kids. I don't even go down most aisles in the market as they are pure processed junk, aisle after aisle. I keep thinking of the old adage, "You are what you eat." And ultimately, what you eat affects and damages the immune system.

Like you, I just don't get colds or respiratory illnesses at all, and in fact, I haven't had the flu in so many years I can't even remember the last one. I would sporadically get a flu shot, but not every year. After what I've learned the last couple of years, no way I'll ever get another flu shot.

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“Let food be thy medicine, and let medicine be thy food.” Whether or not Hippocrates actually said those words, I think it's excellent advice. https://www.drgoodfood.org/en/news/let-food-be-thy-medicine-hippocrates

That said, allopathic medicine does have its place. If I get a broken arm or an acute Lyme infection (which I did a few years ago) I'm grateful for the treatment. It's chronic disease where Western medicine falls flat on its face.

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My father was a pathologist and he was early to the low carb diet science. He called flour “white death”. To this day, I call the packaged cereal aisle “the death aisle”!!!

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Ha, that's what I called sugar. I don't even go in those aisles anymore.

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Feb 7, 2022Edited
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My ideas evolve. Mostly I try to eat evolutionarily-appropriate food. There's the recent interest in vegetable oils (linoleic acid).

Favorite blog is Hyperlipid—but then I like to get in the geeky weeds.

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Feb 7, 2022Edited
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Ha. As much as possible in today's world. Luckily I live in the boonies and can get a lot of locally-produced food, and don't care about eating out any more.

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I never got a flu shot until the year I completed cancer treatment. My internist and my oncologist told me I "needed" to get a flu shot now since my immune system was not the "normal." Well, maybe it wasn't back then but I feel it has recovered nicely in the ensuing 17 years. I focus on eating well and C/D/zinc supplements.

This was the first year I did not get the annual flu shot.

And of course no Wuhan shots.

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The mildness of Omicron is indeed truly dangerous...to the narrative of those constructing the scaffolding of the New World Order that 2 of the harridans in NZ and Australia inadvertently revealed. Without it, they will have to resort to brute force, as Canada's cowardly PM is in the process of doing.

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Great photo , he looks like a fine robust specimen of sapien , his ancestors would be proud of their offspring .

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I think he looks like a character in an F. W. Murnau film.

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Lauterbach versus Tegnell of Sweden. Sigh.


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Sorry- better link: https://metatron.substack.com/p/sweden-damn-sweden

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So, if I understand this correctly - they like the original spike-vaccine, because that protects you against the scary Alpha & Delta type strains, and Omicron is mild so it doesn't matter if its protective or not?

But I was under the impression that people who got Omicron generated neutralizing antibodies to both Omicron and Delta? Or is that not correct? I have heard all kinds of theories; including that the best booster to 2 mRNA shots is a dose of Omicron (virus); and that was from a pro-mandate epidemiologist...

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Yea, I can’t follow the changing narratives either. Seriously, what is the argument at this point for why original spike-vaccine should be mandated or encouraged or even allowed to be given at all? It seems like once Omicron hit the efforts at any scientific explanation (“follow the science”) evaporated.

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Question about the study about Omicron antibody response: Brian Mowrey writes that there may be a problem with that study in that the samples they tested for seroconversion were taken too quickly after infection, not giving enough time for seroconversion to occur. Normally seroconversion can take 3 weeks or a month to complete. Do you see any truth to that objection? https://unglossed.substack.com/p/original-antigroundhogic-sin

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sure, it’s not a perfect study, but evidence for some kind of immune imprinting effect grows every day more pervasive. the maqaque booster trials show the same effect, and the idea extends far beyond sars-2 vaccines to the whole history of Influenza vaccination, and more.

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