I want to highlight the article Jefferson references from David Sackett, it is a phenomenal read:


And another piece of his "The Arrogance of Preventative Medicine" is fantastic.


It's surreal to me that "The Science" has turned on the founders of Evidence Based Medicine, which prior to 2020 was considered the greatest achievement of modern medicine as it was the practice to separate the wheat from the chaff.


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Oh lordy, thank you for this.

As a young RN fresh and brilliant out of nursing school, I got my first job in the local hospital. What a horrible place to work but never mind about that.

The year was 1978. We had patients in hospital beds with peptic ulcers. The Doctor Gods would come in and fill out the patients charts and just toss them willy nilly around the nurses station. we had to find them and read their holy words.

All of the GI docs ordered MILK on ice right next to the bed. These patients were told to drink a certain amount of milk on the hour.

I was young and not so secure in my standing against these men of vast knowledge and their fancy golden pens with gems on them!

But...... milk is acidic. .. you know, science. Remember that? Do you actually remember learning about acids, bases, salts in .... gosh, science class.

I brought this up several times to a few of the doctors (I was only 26) and they would not give me an answer, nor the time of day. Why would a stupid nurse engage with an expert doctor with a golden pen? They had no reason or rationale to prescribing milk to these patients at regular intervals. Of course, none of the patients recovered either.

That was such a long time ago.

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That's a great illustration concerning why we shouldn't be so quick to accept the words of experts.

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They had no idea about acids and bases. That was boring as hell.

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Thanks for the two articles, they are very beneficial, and I would be tempted now to link them any time someone makes an "appeal to experts" argument.

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You’d love this then if you haven’t seen it. Richard Feynman on pseudoscience.


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I love what he said about "really knowing something." The thing is, it works in reverse. If I walk around, and for most of my life I saw no one wearing masks in society, it will take something easily observed in nature to convince me that masks are needed, first of all, and second ,that they are effective.

Phones are something we carry with us all of the time now. They have demonstrated to be effective. No one needed to convince me to carry around my phone with me most places I go. I just do it because they are effective on many levels.

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Many thanks for the great links, Michael DAmbrosio!

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Feb 6, 2023Liked by eugyppius

Thank you for sharing. What an incredible human.

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Excellent and useful references, thank you.

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Thanks to (ex-?) nurse for giving the ulcer story. Who would have guessed that a bacteria might be involved in some ulcers? Yet a few doctors, against all odds, proved this and won a Nobel in the process.

Allow me to add another example Just a layman here, but one that has done a bit of research, especially on statins. In the 80s and 90s when the drugs were new, they were hailed by (supposed) experts as the greatest thing since the discovery of antibiotics. They were (and are) heavily promoted, now one of the most widely prescribed class of drugs in the world. And yet if one looks at "the literature," to include the stereotypical study that presumably is heavily biased to be pro-Pharma, one will learn that these drugs offer very little benefit to the average patient. Apparently this is true of a great many medical interventions.

All this is just in support of your last statements. In other words, greed and abuse of political power (e.g. capture supposed "advisory" committees that have de-facto power to mandate your products or services) are a chronic problem. And yes, science takes a backseat in this sorry environment.

In the near future I plan to ask my cardiologist, if he expresses disapproval at my newfound distrust of medicine, what his opinion is on mandate best rest for victims of heart attack. 😂

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I agree with you on the statins.

Take it easy on the doctors.

I am fortunate that I have a private practice medical team. They are not in a medical group. Just four medical doctors, a couple of PAs and NPs. They are great. They read and learn. Anyway, it is difficult to predict what your cardiologist will say to you.

They could possibly be "out of the loop" or still in denial. It is amazing what happens when you get sucked into a group - gosh, any kind of group, medical or otherwise. They will provide the information that they have been given.

At this time, it will take some effort to find a doctor and advocate that will be fully honest.

Yes, ask away and when they refuse to engage or can not offer factual information, then back off. I believe we must do our own reading and learning. It will be tough and that is when our doctors can be so helpful.... unless they simply do not have the time to learn.

I have let my RN license expire at least 25 years ago. Now I offer plenty of unsolicited advice :-)

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Yes, you're right. I am going to try and be balanced with them. Indeed I've been "rehearsing" it for hours, in the form of letters that haven't sent and probably shouldn't. A boiled down set of notes for the appointment, though.

My doctors are in a group; I think it is a private practice, but they must still obey bosses, I am not sure of particulars (but that's on my list to ask them about). I vaguely know some of the issues - hospital privileges, insurance co. requirements, to say nothing of government agencies. I want to keep them as my provider, since I was satisfied ("innocent"!) with care until they tried to poison me with Paxlovid last year 😒. I have "Obamacare" insurance so I'm limited on providers. Now it might be possible to find a "better" doctor but on the other hand, for those that are prisoners of the system, so to speak, I suspect I wouldn't do much better at a different practice.

I've not lost ALL trust in medicine in general or my provider in particular; I just have become aware of some (surely not all) of the limitations they are forced to operate under and the risks (e.g. of EUA products) but also the promotion of dubious regimens. To the profession's credit, they really do cure or at least manage many illnesses. I've benefited many times in my life and no doubt will need them in the future.

I don't want to "burn bridges," but metaphorically, in the past half-year I've discovered that what for most of my life seemed a sturdy steel and concrete pedestrian bridge with high guard rails (which wouldn't burn anyway 😛) is actually a half-rotten rope and plank bridge, swaying in a gale, over a dark foreboding bottomless gorge. 😟

That said, I am fortunate that in Florida there are true independent doctors (integrative? naturopath?) that are strictly fee-only. I even visited one for a consultation. They aren't cheap, but for the occasional visit might be worthwhile. I didn't ask, but got the impression that Dr. Independent would write me "forbidden" scripts like Ivermectin, but I would probably buy it cheaper at the farm supply store if I were so inclined.

My latest discovery: I was thinning out old papers yesterday and found the print-out from an office visit March 2022. Among my past health issues were listed various heart issues I was unaware I had! In Spring 2020 I was seen by the doctor for a cough complaint. An initial X-ray indicated a possible heart issue but this was (I understood at the time) cleared following a PET? CAT? scan, EKG, etc. I'm hoping these were past diagnoses. In any event, I am going to clarify this with GP and I will be nonplussed if I was put a statin if I was really diagnosed with cardiomyopathy. 😡 I'm already pissed at taking a statin for 2 1/2 years and it required an outside consult and some "alternative" heart health books to learn that I should have been supplementing CoQ10 and Vitamin D at a minimum.

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okay so that was last March. Yes, at the very least, ask any like minded friends and doctors for a heart doctor referral (cardiology). Or if you think this doc you have is okay, request an echocardiogram and specifically a carotid artery sonogram, many times they can do both tests with the echo being the primary request, but confirm getting the sonogram of your carotid. both of these tests will reveal any basic problems, weak valves or clogs : to add, they should also take a look at your aorta.

My hubbs (70) is on a statin. My daddy (99) is on a statin and my SISTER (70) is on a statin. Most doctors do not like statins because there are some side effects that can be irreversable but, if you take the very lowest dose ..... well, you might do fine. Clogged arteries do not unclog. Weak partly calcified heart valves do not repair. So, get those things discovered and base lined. Do not stress over it. My daddy is 99!!! I manage his healthcare and he is on very few drugs. He does have a-fib but he is only taking aspirin. As you age, enter into the 70's 80's and 90's, you need evaluate the meds you are taking. As an example. My dad gets labs done twice a year. There is NO normal range of blood work at his age. I look closely, and monitor the changes. at 90, you have to take care of your kidneys too.

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Oh another thing. Rehearsing is fine.

Keep a notebook at home with all of your medical crap together

Carry or take a small notebook with you to your medical visits, always.

Have a list of questions. number them, go down the list.

date the page.

I am really good at this now haha I have a notebook for my father in my purse (bag of stuff) and one for me. My dad wears hearing aids and it is hard for him to concentrate and remember. So you know how that goes. I write a report for him after the visit. I am not the boss of his visits, so I am more like the secretary. He needs to still feel in control and informed.

When I am 99, I think I will be more "what the hell" but maybe not

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Feb 6, 2023Liked by eugyppius

I sense a pattern with masks as well as with the vaccines. As long as there is almost no (publicly) known evidence, then assert without absolute confidence that we are 100% certain about our conclusions. Once real evidence comes in, flip the script and begin cautioning about how we just don't know enough yet and need to be responsible before making judgments.

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this is exactly how it works.

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I recall there was also the 'Danish Mask Study' (the first published post-COVID RCT test) in 2020 which showed that there was no benefit to mask wearing. Of course the authors were pressured to change the language of their conclusion to be less of a threat the official narrative, and the public was given condescending guidance to the effect of "Here's How to Think about the Danish Mask Study." https://www.medpagetoday.com/opinion/vinay-prasad/89778

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The cult of mask cannot let an experiment that disproves their notions go unchallenged!

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exactly. Cults do not care about evidence. These are rituals of loyalty upon penalty of death. At least that's what our subconscious understands, and the cabal knows exactly how to create cults.

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Like the swiss cheese model. It doesn't matter how little it works, if you do enough of these things, it "might" help. In other words anything no matter how ineffective it is, is still justified.

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The Swiss Cheese model is laughable in that it assumes that it is "mostly cheese and little hole" whereas it is more along the line of "different patterns of mesh" which to a virus are still laughably small.

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It would be like trying to catch grains of sand in a fishing net

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Yeah, but if you lined up 3 fishing nets together...that would catch it, right?

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If it saves just one life....

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As I keep on saying about the state of the world... Everything is inverted.

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It's the fundamental nature of evil. To "call evil good and good evil" - Isaiah 5:20

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Nothing at all deficient with your pattern recognition, Joseph. The sort of rhetorical legerdemain you reference, is a classic manipulation technique. The way the terms "responsible" and "irresponsible" are deployed, is one of the patterns that reveal intent.

Those words are always evocative, but meaningless when used without attribution. Responsible for what, and to whom, are the questions that must be asked whenever encountering an assertion using them.

Once we see the pattern, we cannot "unsee" it.

The word "responsible" associates with authority and compulsion. It is often used as a cognitive compliance tool, in a similar fashion to the word "listen."

When a parent says "listen to your mother," they mean "obey your mother." It is unfortunate that parents misuse words in this fashion, because it inculcates poor mental hygiene that inhibits the development of critical thinking skills.

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Exactly. Go back and watch ANY commentator who was talking about masks.

It always started with:

"We know masks work"

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I must disagree. In some cases masks do indeed prevent illness.

In the photo above, one cannot see Anthony Fauci's face. This truly does prevent me, and millions of other people from feeling sick.

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I feel the same way when I see Justine Trudeau . Good point of observation .

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We should create a petition so that for the health of the nation, Trudeau must always wear a mask. Always.

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Turdeau is such an exceptional case that the only effective course of action would be the complete separation of his head from his body, although I could settle for him being hit and run over by a slow-moving truck convoy. Now that would really test the limits of the best facial-recognition technology currently available!

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It's always amusing or more like sickening ,when the mighty Godzillas of sickness and death goes to the microphone masked and than take it off to unload a pile of lies ,while around him the snot pouched nod in agreement .The guy on the microphone often the ringleader of the sharks around him has the whyruss well trained ,the bug will not attack while the mastermind is talking unmasked on the mic.

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I believe going in a room filled with maskers ,is like going to the latrine ,because of the fumes.The sludge behind the snot pouch ferments .The mask does not keep the whyrusses away it is the stink .

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Plus, don't forget sulphur.

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Imagine actually listening to any "authoritative source" ever again

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Feb 6, 2023Liked by eugyppius

Yep - not quite sure that there is any government agency left with any credibility whatsoever

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Let me assure you, credibility or lack thereof, will not be a deterrent to more assholery. Recall, Dr. Rochelle Wallensky, CDC Director, went on TV and recommended total vaccination and boosters for everyone AFTER the FDA vaccine advisory committee voted 16-2 AGAINST boosters for people younger than 50. They cannot be shamed or dissuaded.

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If any good comes from the last 3 years of tyranny, it will be that.

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Never again.

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The true experts or people that you want to listen to are those that are always in the process of learning something new. They aren't on the summit of a mountain, but down in the trenches with the rest of us working hard, seeking answers, and expanding whatever knowledge they have.

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It has also been said that the true experts are the ones that are self educated and like you mentioned seeking answers and expanding whatever knowledge they have using critical questioning . I totally agree because once one admits to him/herself that they don't know everything it allows that space for something new to come in . Just my thoughts .

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Just like "experts". Or "official" news releases. Believe the opposite!

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Not even Brandon. ?

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Feb 6, 2023Liked by eugyppius

> Like all pandemic authorities, Nuzzo had sensible ideas right up until the moment her ideas became important.

In a way we’ve been privileged to observe a speedrun of the kind of intellectual decadence and corruption that took place over the course of decades in fields like economics that gradually became populated by court intellectuals.

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Economics indeed! It's not economics anymore; i.e. a social science to explain the causes of economic phenomena--and more deeply, human choice and the deductions drawn from such--so that we can better understand our world and be more prosperous.

Now, it's a domain of a new class of 'court intellectuals'. They use historical statistics and call it economics, to nakedly buttress political goals or cravenly "have a seat at the table" for the "important issues" facing our governments and where it should direct its badge and gun next. They also use fantasy-world mathematical modeling, what with "tractable" assumptions that attempt to turn uncertainty and free will into a formula. Which is impossible because economics is not a physical science.

Mises warned us!

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As a fellow Mises guy, I think that the problems with empirical/mathematical techniques in economics are actually features, not bugs; they allow the court intellectuals to reach arbitrary, politically predetermined conclusions from any data. "If you torture the data long enough, it will confess to anything."

In fact, this is true across domains. Computer modeling and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race. Whether it's economics, climate science, public health (remember Neil Ferguson's Imperial College model), even ChatGPT--the computers strangely always spit out progressive conclusions!

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"In a way we’ve been privileged to observe a speedrun of the kind of intellectual decadence and corruption "

Spot on. As I wrote on Sensible Medicine earlier today [1]: "There's a certain magic of being able to witness this first hand, as I ignorantly assumed we were "better than that". The superstition phase of medicine, whether it was bloodletting, electroshock, lobotomies, mercury elixirs - all of that quackery could never arise again now that we had "science" and EBM to shield us from such irrationality."

As frustrating as it is, you are right, we are privileged to have witnessed this. It's to pseudoscience what the Moon Landing was to science.

[1] https://sensiblemed.substack.com/p/lets-do-the-cochrane-review-of-physical/comment/12550135

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I lost all respect for Nuzzo long ago when she said the “public health risks of not protesting

to demand an end to systemic racism greatly exceed the harms of the virus.”

That’s when I realized it was never about the virus.

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Feb 6, 2023Liked by eugyppius

Exactly- they gave it away early

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But they also gave away that giving it away changed nothing. That is terrifying. Even when they tell you the truth, and at times more bluntly than this, people still did nothing to stop what is here now.

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Watching people attend the seemingly endless (it was several times a week for two months) massive gatherings for Floyd -- parades for floyd, bikerides for floyd, fireworks for floyd, chanting singing marching bands for floyd, "protests" for floyd -- etc day in and day out, and then for the next year, people just kept pretending like C19 was a deadly virus that could kill you outside, masks on all times, people having bike rides with masks alone in the woods, I saw people having picnics with masks. Then the vaccine nonsense comes in.

I know people who attended these mass gathering events in summer 2020 and then on a dime returned to pandemic mode and later became ?vaccine segregationists". It is actually somewhat terrifying.

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I know people like that too. They are impossible to reason with

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deletedFeb 6, 2023·edited Feb 6, 2023
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Only that it is not really a ticket. They have been told it is, but it is not true.

These people are the "useful idiots" of today. They serve the same purpose they have served since Lenin invented the name.

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No, the useful idiots are the ones parroting what they say -- the TV newscasters, the government officials terrified of "not doing enough," the police officers who arrested people for being OUTSIDE, ALONE, the pastors and bishops who said, "sure, close our churches for as long as you want to."

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Part of thinking outside / inside the box phenomena .As long as one is inside the proverbial box ,one does not think or question what is manipulated by the thoughts of others ,especially if one is in good herd company . A peek outside of the box provides for the possibility of thinking for oneself and opens a new world . An analogy but appropriate for the topic . Also once outside the box ,usually never to be put back in .If you have ever put a cat in gunnysack bag and let it out ,try to put it back in . But I digress.

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Exactly. Well said.

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Masks were always a political thing - a very visible form of showing who was behaving and who wasn't. Masks also kept the fear stoked - masked people look strange and traditionally masks were a way of disguising your appearance.

I'm not 100% sure that people wouldn't just put the damn things back on if told to. I went to a private hospital in the UK recently and they were handing out masks at reception, along with hand sanitizer. Apart from me, everyone else dutifully took the mask and put it on. Nobody had brought their own mask, which was good, but everyone just did as they were told. The receptionist offered me a face visor instead of a mask! So much for hospitals being full of scientific and medical people - full of idiots.

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I agree with Stuffysays .Just going to a hospital can often make us sick .We go in to see or visit a relative and come out sick ,or we are lucky if we come out again at all .These places are the killing centers for profit as presented by Dr. Mercola on feb.2nd. on the Lew Rockwell website .Also my brother was murdered about 4 month ago in one of their hospitals when he went in there for a flu . Sedation Isolation ,remdesivir and ventilators = DEATH .

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The people will do it all over again.

Do not question that.

If WE do question that it WILL happen again.

You know how you could verify my point?

Go ask someone not involved on these Stacks if they're concerned about masks mandates in the future.

They will shrug their shoulders and ask you (or something similar) ; who's talking about mask mandates?

They do not understand that masking a humans face is DANGEROUS.

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Some never really take them off.

I hung out with a great guy, an Uber driver, who also wore his mask most of the time in his interactions with me. I told him once he didn't have to wear it, he decided to continue wearing it citing that he had a lot of customers for Uber he met all the time.

I could have broken how effective masks are, and I bet he himself probably had Covid.

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Jimmy Are you sure he is a great guy ? It seems he has the ass in the wrong place .

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He's honestly a great guy, just deluded. Completely utterly under the misapprehension that masks work.

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Was it here that I read that ugly people tend to be the ones who cling to masks?

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Oh I wear a mask because I'm so handsome all the girls want to kiss me .My wife got very upset and mandated I wear a mask .

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deletedFeb 6, 2023Liked by eugyppius
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Here is Spain they have kept the mask mandates on public transport until today I think. Hospitals and pharmacies are still mandated as far as I know. I was starting to feel sorry for doctors and nurses workers being forced to wear the muzzles, then I remember how few of them spoke out against the insanity of the last three years. Serves them right.

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The dumb thing about the UK is that there are no mandates! In fact, the odd NHS boss pops up now and then to say that hospitals etc should stop telling people to wear them. I think the medical people got themselves in so deep over how effective masks were that they can't bring themselves to stop trying to enforce them. And people are dumb sheep - all they have to do is say no thank you when offered a mask because there is no legal requirement to wear one. In fact, nobody needed to wear one even when they were mandated because no one could question why you weren't wearing one! Humans are so dumb!

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Feb 7, 2023·edited Feb 7, 2023

I challenged a nurse who headed up a ward on whether masks were a legal requirement.

She couldn't answer but she said my partner and I wouldn't be allowed into the ward to see a sick relative without a mask or face shield. I saw a security guard patrolling the corridor so we agreed to the face shield in order to avoid any trouble.

But they really are just making this shit up.

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I have always, right from the start, just said that I don't wear a mask or face shield. They can't ask you why not - you don't have to explain yourself. You never did! Never ask if you should be wearing one or why you should - just say you don't. If necessary, look a little upset at the idea!

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I know. I didn't ask whether I should wear one and I didn't explain myself either.

I simply chose, on this occasion, not to enter into a dispute with the head nurse because seeing my partner's sick relative was more important.

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In my doctor's office, only the receptionist wore a face diaper. None of the doctors, nurses, or other employees were wearing them, despite the fact that the warning signs were still posted on the front door.

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Having to look at snot pouch wearers turnes my stomach . They are not only full of the Pfizer venom ,but in addition are permanently retarded ,not worthy of associating with .It is possible as some Dr,s claim that 10 years from now most of them will not be around anymore ,or even sooner .

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Feb 6, 2023Liked by eugyppius

The purpose of masks is and always was to keep up the illusion of a pandemic.

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Visual cue for everyone to maintain the minimum recommended anxiety levels

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Feb 6, 2023Liked by eugyppius

I hate this comparison but I feel like I ate from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil and my eyes have been completely opened. I’m suspect of everything now. I have a very hard time believing or trusting any of these experts now.

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They made a very big mistake, pushing so hard on mask mandates and the other NPIs, in the total absence of any evidence or justification. It may not be easy to tell right now, but it cost them a lot in terms of credibility and political viability. We're far from the only ones, whose eyes have been opened.

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Feb 6, 2023Liked by eugyppius

The Science went from "Literally your dirty underwear over your face will cut your risk of transmission by 86.47%" to "Cloth masks work but only if everyone wears them" to "Actually cloth masks don't work, but surgical masks totally work if everyone wears them!" to "Actually KN95s and FFP2s are the only masks that are effective" to "Population-wide masking doesn't work, but individual-level masking still works, we promise guys!" in a period of a year and a half.

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It used to be that kids played Halloween for one day ,but now adults play Halloween ALL YEAR .

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Well... If you wanted to rob a bank, this would indeed make it harder for eyewitnesses to recognize you. I don't think viruses care about that sort of thing, though. :-P

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If masks are not scaring off the whyrusses ,why not go black face every one .Trudeau did and scared many of us away from him .So going black face will work and scare the evil bug ,like Trudeau when he went black face .It would also solve many of the racial problems we have with the migrants .

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Feb 6, 2023Liked by eugyppius

That is the only thing that comforts me when I think of the past three years.

I hope it is true and not our wishful thinking.

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It was about creating fear and removing a President from office via mail in ballots. They succeeded.

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I have said it before, so might as well repeat myself. Once a practice becomes an article of faith, the opportunity to disprove it, or dissuade its use via facts, logic, data, or discourse, is gone, likely forever. Of course, that is where we are on the absolute barking lunacy of masking. Sometimes it angers me. Most of the time though, I just shake my head in bemusement at folks wearing a mask, often outdoors. One quick personal story to show just "how deep the rabbit hole goes" on masking. I was out for a run yesterday. In the distance ahead of me, was a woman, walking along the sidewalk toward me. As she approached, she clutched her outer garments about her mouth and face, as if she were trying to shield herself from a bad smell. After we passed, I realized that she was fashioning a make-shift mask, in anticipation of being in the space of another human, a known disease vector! The bullshit has piled up so high as to barely be able to be seen over. #WeAreSoScrewed

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Best I saw was a masked woman walk down the street, remove it to sneeze then put it back on.

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She understood, maybe at a knee-jerk level, that "saving" the stuff she would expel during a sneeze was dumb. She did not realize (apparently) that saving all the rest of what she expels on exhale is still very dumb. :-)

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At least she was wise enough to take off the snot poach for that moment . Many would doing so consider that as too dangerous and keep the poach on and the snot in . When I walk I have to step over dead bodies all the time in this emergency plague pandemic . All of the dead did not wear their masks .

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Let's see.

A saloon 40' x 20' = 800 square feet.

Each person needs 36 square feet; ergo 22 people.

Minus the waiters, barkeeps, and bouncers. 15 people.

Minus the booths, tables, chairs, and bar.

Now 10 people?

Oh darn some may need to go to a restroom, taking more space.

5 folks.

There is no limit to stupidity.

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Crankie is fucking mental.

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Good. Awful woman. Destroying the country with woke bullshit.

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"Phrenology is the only major pseudoscience I know about that once flourished around the world and has since faded away"

- Martin Gardner

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Feb 6, 2023Liked by eugyppius

I keep waiting for the whole damn thing (not just masks) to come crashing down & justice served. Are we ANYWHERE near? I keep hearing about acceleration on steroids of CBDC, digital passports, bugs, banning anything oil & gas, etc....

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I am very pessimistic that there will be any justice. Sooner or later they'll have to admit some version of the truth about their many lies, but it will be process of gradual admissions; they'll do their level best to ramp down the circus in a controlled way and keep anyone from being blamed. At best the line will be "well, if only we knew then what we know now...."

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Feb 6, 2023Liked by eugyppius

Theres already a blueprint in place. Look at agent orange, the plutonium files etc. Theyll admit error on a Friday some day in the remote future after all the bad actors are dead or in hospice

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Feb 6, 2023Liked by eugyppius

Justice for COVID is a coup-complete problem, I'm afraid.

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Feb 6, 2023Liked by eugyppius

I believe enough people here in the US are pissed off enough that the perpetrators of the hoax will never be let completely off the hook. The credibility of the media and the public health establishment has also taken a huge hit, and I don't see that recovering soon, either.

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There are many lawsuits, and there will be lawsuits ongoing for years. It's going to be very ugly and very messy.

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Iven if the law suits are successful it takes for ever to get results .By the time it comes to a conclusion we are dead from the injections or of old age . The monster killers get their way in the blink of an eye .We are always the losers .

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To me it's apparent that the rate of deaths and serious injuries from the vax aren't going to result in anything like an apocalypse. We may not be satisfied with it, but eventually the perpetrators are going to pay a price.

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If we want to go to court we must pay a high price to lawyers and there is a big investment of time ,if we can even afford it ,to start with .success is not assured ,we may lose .The ones opposing us are payed to hurt and enslave us ,for them making mandates or laws of the jungle is accomplished in an instant .

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Patience and persistence and funding are not what everyone has bucketloads of, to be sure, however, in the US I see attorneys Aaron Siri, Bobbie Anne Cox, and many others, they do, and they have already won some important cases.

PS Keep an eye on Peggy Hall's lawsuit against Orange County California Board of Supervisors.

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Feb 6, 2023Liked by eugyppius

It’s like their excuse of “we were following the known science at the time...” oh - but then it changed

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Feb 6, 2023Liked by eugyppius

Sigh…I’m w/ you on the “Justice” part of it, E, although there does seem to be a lot of recent chatter about Pfizer getting closer & closer to fraud charges? That could open up an interesting can of worms & a mega-popcorn event as all of the bad actors (not just Pharma) form into a circular firing squad. I keep thinking all of it should’ve happened by now tho so I’m not holding my breath.

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It seems to me that the manufacturers tried to insulate themselves from allegations of fraud with "disclosure" of the risks of mRNA therapy. That information was in their 500,000 page EUA application to the FDA. That may ultimately backfire if it's discovered that hiding it was their intent, or that they exerted improper influence on the FDA. Both are likely true, but proving them won't be easy.

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Is all of that part of what they wanted hidden for 75 years? If so, that alone might make it easier to prove, since the only reason the info has come out is because they were forced to release. I keep seeing stuff on substacks about what Pharma &/ or FDA knew re dangers but minimizes or ignored

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We may see tiny bits of justice sooner than expected. Dr. Oveta Fuller, a fully vaccinated FDA official who was "instrumental" in getting the EUA for the vaccines approved is now dead at 67 from a "brief illness". No details on the illness, but the Twitter thread is suitably wicked: https://twitter.com/goddeketal/status/1621487158619000832

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It's possible that some people will get thrown under the bus. For instance, if actual fraud can be proven for Pfizer trials, then they can just lock up Bourla et al, and hope we forget about the "experts" and politicians.

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Wait. "If...?" Dude. That ship sailed, and yet Bourla is still giving the world the finger from the bar at the aft. :-)

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Well... We'll just have to wait and see.

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I dont see that happening because it'll be too big a black eye on the whole process. If Pfizer fakes the data, and the fda didn't catch it, what's the use of the fda? They'll double down until they're hanging from lampposts.

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Clearly, the FDA wasn't of much use throughout this process. However, think about it. You make a big media circus, incessantly discuss which of Pfizer's executives and researches said what to which sex worker (hehe), order various platforms to shut down any discussion of the FDA... It could happen. We'll see if it does.

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It could, but I have less than zero faith that an all out campaign of lying, manipulation, and lawfare wouldn't be used against anyone trying to bring data to the general public.

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They've been doing that for the last three years, at least. But the dam is starting to break. Substack and the Twitter Files have been leading the way. Tucker Carlson has been gleefully bringing it to mainstream cable television, as well.

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All with any authority are so corrupt ,who is left to do justice ? Has even one gone to jail for openly murdering for profit . No compensation or fine has been payed ,to the injured . The many dead are not coming back . The only protection we have is our self ,if we are wise enough to avoid any contact with the evil ,all around us .The ones who where black mailed and forced to poison them self to keep the job is the most sad situation and criminal .

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"At best the line will be 'well, if only we knew then what we know now....'"

This is the absolute best-case outcome. Beyond that, shrill pearl-clutching by the usual suspects is the likelihood. Hell, has Jerome Adams stopped posting "wear your mask" bits on Twitter? I have not seen his narrative-supporting ass in a while, but never say never.

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Thats always the excuse. See Jeb Bush in his 2015 interview with Megan Kelly. She asked him if the Iraq War was a mistake in hindsight. His answer was no, they made the best decision with the information they had.

Nobody ever seems to question whether making major decisions with shit information is itself a good decision. And it makes for a nice way to shed responsibility and claim success despite utter failure.

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If it wasn't all deliberately planned before hand then it has been one incredible cock up. There is no way anyone in positions of authority will admit to this and they will be worried about what happens when the majority understands this. Hence the authoritarian crackdown before the masses turn on them. That was the reasons for China's insane zero covid policies, to crack down on unrest.

Either that or it was all planned in advance to enable the authoritarian policies.

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My hope is that all of those in authority took the vaccine and every booster available.

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What's going on?

Just when we thought the evils were 'truing' around we get this.

The International Wolf Center, Ely, Minnesota, had removed their formal Covid protocols a year ago. When we visited and took a class a year or so ago, they suggested wearing a mask but didn't require it nor the jab.

Now, a few days ago, I saw the announcement for,

"Winter Wolf Ecology Weekend, Saturday, March 18 - Sunday, March 19".

It sounded interesting so I went to register.

Oh my! Now they require mask wearing at all times AND proof of being fully jabbed or get a negative test before entry.

In their words:


Please Note: "all participants must be fully vaccinated or test negative for COVID-19 no more than 48 hours before. Proof of vaccination or negative test will be required for participation."

Covid Requests:

All visitors are requested to wear a mask.

We ask that all visitors remember to physically distance themselves from other visitors and employees.

I sent them an email voicing my displeasure and briefly the science.

They haven't responded.

If you have moment here's the contact:

Contact: International Wolf Center <info@wolf.org>

Website: https://wolf.org/

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Good grief.

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The mentally will never remove their face diapers. This makes me happy because I know who to avoid.

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For the mentally ill it's a terrible thing, but a lifetime of mask-wearing is appropriate, self-inflicted punishment for the self-righteous assholes who wear them to virtue-signal.

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Feb 6, 2023Liked by eugyppius

I wish I had something clever to say other than 'I told you so'. I'm sick of it though. Fresh snow is falling here tonight and tomorrow I'm going to go skiing. I need a break from all of this.

Thank you E for keeping plugging away and I hope my Widow's Mite of 5 euros per month is sustaining you deep in the Bavarian wilderness.

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enjoy your skiing, and thanks for your support mr alexander. i am very well in the woods.

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Feb 6, 2023Liked by eugyppius

I continue to wonder: in the end, what is the point? Even the most ardent maskaholics admit that it is not 100% effective and they will catch the coof eventually. They don't even claim you somehow get less sick because you inhaled fewer virus particles, or something. Furthermore, you're supposed to be protected from severe illness by your nth booster dose. So why would you still continue to cover your face in perpetuity?

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Virtue signalling.

I always wondered how new religions managed to take hold and get enough followers to continue. I have seen it happen before my very eyes.

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"Plainly, the conviction that mask mandates were necessary came first; The Science followed."

The pattern is all too familiar. It is the same in the field of "climate science." A shred of truth is embellished to serve a despotic imperative.

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Feb 6, 2023·edited Feb 6, 2023

Indeed, I did fall for the climate scam and trusted the scientists until covid came along. I studied molecular biology at university years ago, and so little of what was said made sense. I noticed all the same tactics with the climate scam.

"Models" treated as as a source of truth rather than an unproven prediction.

Selective reporting of only one side of the debate.

What I call "whack a mole" evidence - "look a hospital ion Brazil is full, evidence of a deadly pandemic, keep us under house arrest in Spain". "Look an extreme weather event in Thailand, evidence of climate change".

Censorship, labeling of others as "deniers".

One absurd solution pushed above all else. No one taking the bigger picture into account.

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I will pluck the “facts” that support my desired objective and censor or suppress anything that is inconvenient.

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Feb 6, 2023Liked by eugyppius

Yes, it seems some cracks are appearing. Yet, the WHO continues in the background with the proposed IHR amendents as though nothing has changed. In fact, their addition of climate-change concerns to their brief is more alarming than helpful, suggesting as it does an almost unfettered grab at expansion of power...! 🤔

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