When will German citizens stop behaving like sniveling cowards? Lunatics like Lauterbach are symptom, not cause.

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Mar 5, 2022Liked by eugyppius

Not very likely. They are not the bravest bunch.

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Yeah, well..very similar to their American counterparts. Twins maybe.

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Yeah, I was going to say, "As soon as Americans do," but you beat me to it. Cheers!

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Especially governors.

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They need more truckers!

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Once I again I find myself embarrassed to be German.

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Don’t be. My mom was German my dad was Chinese and I am now a Canadian Citizen in Fascist Canada. Put THAT in your pipe and smoke it.

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Here in the U.S. we have so many immigrant citizens that fled from commie countries, and although they often speak up and say they are witnessing things like they fled from, the morons just won't listen. "Oh no, that couldn't happen here in America", they say.

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Ahhh!! I am so sorry. I love Canada, I hate what is happening up there.

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I was actually just washing the dishes thinking that if they don’t stop this vaccine mandate shit I’m going to have to move permanently. I mean I can’t be a prisoner in my own home and pay taxes and stuff. I’ve lived in Libya I can live elsewhere again.

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Well Texas and Florida are free and have a rebellious attitude. There are many trying take these states down. But money can only buy short term victories. So come to Texas if you are ready to hitch up your gypsy wagon and travel.

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South Dakota's also good, though it doesn't get the press that Florida and Texas get.

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Even though it is sad, you made me laugh. No one knows where you will be safe. Elon Musk might go to Mars but is that any better?

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If he takes all the woke, yep.

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The WOKE are a scourge of the earth.

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I just laughed and thought I should send 🙏 and 💓 too. It’s scary how many Canadians support little Castro Jr.

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It’s INSANE. I’m convinced the folks from CHAZ are all now dancing on the steps of Parliament.

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Well, Soros and Gates fund a lot of them and they have been laser focused on destroying Canada too………

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TWO years into this, with proof and still people deny, ignore, comply..smh

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More embarrassed than us Australians watching our police use rubber bullets and batons and being supported by a decent % of the population and media here?...

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Indeed this 'plandemic' of isdues has shown human psychology at its worst...and this drama of the ages is certainly not over...

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Horrid. My brother (who is an EX-pat living in Australia, so yeah not even FROM THERE) thinks it’s all for the Greater Good. SO a guest in your country thinks like this, yes he is a piece of shit.

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Probably will have to do like New Yorkers and Californians, leave the poison country.

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Many many citizens really like him. We had two years relentless propaganda, IMO much worse than in the US.

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In the US we have a kinda f-you attitude towards our government, and literally more privately owned guns than people. Tons of people rolled over, but a good 30% of the population was basically daring the government to send people door to door with shots or Covid enforcement…………the risk of a different kind of shot would occasionally come their way is over 99%. Excepting in a few dumb woke cities, people paid to enforce Covid rules, like the local police, were mostly mask feee and unvaccinated themselves. In most of the US no one would play Covid enforcer no matter the pay.

It’s also hard to enforce stuff everyone knows won’t be enforced because everyone knows a good chunk of the population are just naturally anti-authority and anti-government…….. and it’s not all “rednecks.” My husband and I sat around with friends all summer at our country club laughing about how we’d moon tracking apps and show our conceal carry license if anyone ever wanted to see our papers. Neither ever happened because that’s how literally millions and millions of Americans would respond. (We are also all unvaccinated).

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Very good description of our experience and attitude. We wore masks the first week in March. Then my wife and I and our adult kids declared the pandemic over and lived normally in a crumbling abnormal world. Still have Margaritas chips salsa and church is open. So things are fine here in the great Republic of Texas.

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I have much more hope in the people of the USA, who are much more self responsible and individualistic than we here in Europe (or at least Germany, where I am).

If you are in the USA, it is probably not that apparent how much natural resistant to totalitarism you have there. But come to Europe, and you will see the difference.

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Well, it’s interesting here. In the vast swath of the country by land mass, our anti-government, anti-totalitarian founding is evident. It’s clear that most are descendants of free settlers, freed slaves, and immigrants seeking freedom.

As a population we are deeply divided because those who long for far left totalitarianism and those who would lay down our lives to keep it at bay. A huge issue is the former has taken over every major institution - government schools, government bureaucracies, most major corporate c-suites, and worst of all, the media.

I live in a blue city in a light red state. Overall we are actually more moderate because enough people don’t have this silly thing of conflating their personal identity with their political identity. Not a lot of people ran out to get their kids vaccinated, and most who did are transplants from left wing 💩 holes that never realized they left because of the policies they supported.

It will be my kids generation that determines which way we go. Mine attend an academically excellent conservative private Christian school that was full before Covid, and has had an enormous waitlist since it started. At significantly over 1,000 kids k-12 it’s a large private school. They stayed open and allowed parents to sign kids out of masks from the beginning. A local charter school the same. In our area many opposed masks in public schools, but ultimately didn’t accomplish getting them lifted, even on the little ones, until recently.

Overall the country is split, with nearly all kids in CA, big cities particularly in the northeast or west coast, NY, MI, MA except rural counties, masked like Taliban women. The reverse through the middle of the country, the south, and the east coast from Virginia South where Covid mostly didn’t exist outside of far left cities, and even in the few cities there was a class divide that meant poor and service class got masked while the wealthier and Zoom class ignored it indoors, and no one masked outdoors or at parties or outside of work/ public school/ big boxes. The compliant in Florida didn’t come close to complying the way New Yorkers did. The compliant in Texas didn’t come close to complying the way Californians did. FL has a slightly higher population than NY and TX slightly lower than CA - those are the 4 largest, by population, US states.

My hope is that those children like my own children who were told the truth throughout - that masks can’t work against an aerosol respiratory virus and are dehumanizing, and it’s literally insane to force young people to take an experimental medical procedure with unknowable long term side effects that doesn’t actually work for a disease that poses almost no risk to them, will gain a deep appreciation for it. My hope is that those kids masked and injected and whose futures have been stunted will be angry and demand it not happen again.

My fear is the reverse - the kids who were valued will more often be successful because they weren’t stunted or discarded, and won’t see the threat from the far left while the kids who were forced to comply, particularly the youngest, will be intellectually stunted as the studies show, and honestly, too dumb to be angry or even realize the harm.

If the USA continues down our insane totalitarian path, there is no place for freedom to survive. If we can turn it around, we can inspire a resurgence of individual liberty and limited government and prosperity through merit and determination and innovation around the world. I wish I had a crystal ball because I don’t have a clue which way we will go……..

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That's the beauty of America: Its wide variances. Canada has some but way too small. So if we plan to move from Canada, we'd pick a reliably moderate to red state to move to. We're discussing but this ain't the pre-9/11 days when it was much easier to move to the USA. Now it's a lot more strict. But Covid is forcing my hand and I see all the states and provinces and how they coped. Not liking Canada at all. I'm actually a little surprised. I thought we'd be far more sensible while I expected Alberta to not roll over like it did. Saskatchewan ended up being the most resistant. Anyway, we're hoping we can figure something out in the future in New Hampshire. Even if it's six months out of the year.

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Good luck in New Hampshire, but if you have kids run from the schools. They really like race and gender theory, but it’s a beautiful state.

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Great points. I’m so glad we have somewhat sovereign states, so one can move within the country to the best places. Our founders were brilliant.

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Agree completely. Mix in the thousands of civil lawsuits being filed personally against individuals in public & private institutions who coerced vaccinations based on actual scientific data which they can no longer lie about and you have the entire phony apparatus collapsing like a house of cards. Trial lawyers are going to feast for the next decade on carcasses of idiots and totalitarians who forgot who the the real bosses are. Those of us who don't view themselves as serfs are not going to let this go.

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May it be as you say. Can’t say I like the stupid legal ads, but Covid legal ads I will delight in

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😂 I can count the number of times I’ve joked with friends about Covid ads replacing the asbestos ads

“Did you take an experimental vaccine for Covid in 2021? Did you take it to maintain employment or enrollment in school? Have you suffered from chronic heart conditions, extended brain fog, infertility, or new autoimmune diseases? If so, you might be entitled to compensation. Call Covid Health Law at 1-800-FJB-pain, again that number is 1-800-FJB-pain for your free consultation today.”

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At least the next decade!!!! My kids go to an academically excellent private Christian school (one of the top 50 in the country). It’s crawling with anti-mandate people, many of whom happen to be employed as doctors and lawyers. The latter have been collecting studies, gathering names for expert witnesses, advising on things like “can you provide me with the FDA approved version,” and salivating for about now to begin knowing the data never matched the narrative and neither regulations or executive orders carry the force of actual laws (even there the constitution exist). 😂😂😂.

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Here in California they rolled over happily.

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Yes California did. 😬🙏

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Nope. WRONG. Lots of USA Karen's were chomping at the bit to be Covid enforcers. They would do it for FREE.

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Maybe in some pockets but my family and I traveled throughout. We had all kinds of mandates in our county my husband, myself, and my privately educated kids ignored. The only real local enforcement was at our crappy public schools, but honestly, 75% of the people who couldn’t find a better option in the last 2 years don’t really care if their kids were masked like Taliban women.

We took half a dozen trips to the mountains and less than 20% wore a mask even during state wide mandates. About the same number to VA and the same no masks outside the DC circle. Twice to NC beach, twice to SC, twice through GA and FL. We even flew international over New Years at the height of the Omicron insanity and wore fake masks only through security and boarding/ deplaning…. They were off by the time we hit the runway. The only time anyone said anything was upon arrival to my kids “you should probably put your masks on when you get off the plane until you get past customs.” That hot ignored before customs. Family in TX the same with frequent trips to CO. Oh, I forgot a couple times into eastern TN.

We had friends likewise living free and traveling throughout. The only places people got more than an occasional crazy stranger making comments were NY and CA, though no one in NJ could find anywhere enforcing the mandates.

There are certainly pockets here. NY, CA, Chicago, etc. What I found more often was people complying for fear of enforcement as opposed to actual enforcement.

Being scared of Karen is silly. Karen’s can scream at anyone, but they can’t enforce anything. Angry woke women bitch about everything to everyone. The only time I ever had one really freak out was when I offered her my kid’s crayon’s to go make a sign so she’d feel better. 😂

I live in a woke are and only 25% of 5-11 year olds are faux vaccinated. Less than half 12-17 and that hasn’t changed. 4 in 10 the age my husband and I are never had a shot. There is high compliance in old people for the first 2 jabs, but that was because of early lies, not being compelled.

We found many people to be weak and comply for compliance. As I said, it’s about 30% of Americans that will simply ignore the mandates - and they own 60% of the guns legally. No one needs to even threaten to use them, just owning them sends a message. In most parts of the country that 30% of Americans went about their lives as normal from June 2020 onwards. 70% had the choice if they hadn’t been so scared.

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Many people were coerced with the threat of their livelihoods ending. Two in my circle. Not actually compliance.

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For the vaccines and in certain fields there was most definitely coercion. There were more choices. The physicians practice my husband and I go to never required masks and the physicians are mostly unvaccinated. They did drop most insurance and never took Medicare or Medicaid.

Compared to Germans and Austrians we arguably had far more choice, though with sacrifice. Compared to what have been tolerated pre-Covid that was obliterated.

I saw both. My husband’s job tried to coerce him, but as he uses their platform to run his 100% commission business off of it, as opposed to really working “for” them, he called their bluff.

I hate how totalitarian the US as gotten. It needs to stop. Still, I recognize it’s many degrees away from parts of Western Europe, Canada, New Zealand, Australia, etc.

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Karen can’t “enforce” anything. Karen’s are just annoying bats to be laughed at regularly.

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Mar 5, 2022·edited Mar 6, 2022

In the US. Nearly everyone just rolled over.

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Almost everyone in the western world rolled over in the beginning, as the lies and propaganda were all-encompassing, very hard to resist that push.

The question is which countries will be able to roll back, and which just keep on going into totalitaristic technocracy.

The coming months and years will be interesting in that regard.

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Have we in the States been any better w/ psychopaths like FauxXi?

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Maybe not better, although you have to admit we have some extraordinary psychopaths. And our madmen and women have way better publicity machines. But what helps us is our shear size and spacing. Lots of folks in my circles blow him and the other Frankensteins off. Those that don’t, seem to fade away. So when meeting people first time I often ask them where they get their news. This is a great filter we have here. Those that say they don’t watch TV get free coffee! Seems like other countries’ media is completely monolithic.

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Yes, we have. There’s been a vicious resistance which has forced them to abandon their lunacy. Now come all of the lawsuits.

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I don’t think any of this is over & that they will give up so easily. Walinsky herself made the mistake of saying they want to give people a “break” from all of the crap, which implies to me that it could all certainly come back - my guess Fall / flu season & just before midterms. President asterisk has said he’ll veto anything coming out of congress to do away w/ the emergency or mandate powers

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I’m curious if a individuals in a culture that scores highly in Conscientiousness and Agreeability naturally obey “experts” and shame the rest into compliance.

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This is happening all over the world as these unelected bureaucrats try to hold onto power.

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The US is doing the same thing. President Biden extended his emergency powers "just in case" with little notice or outcry as Ukraine provides a useful distraction

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"As the national emergency continues, the order gives over 130 special powers to the president, including the ability to deploy troops inside the country to tamp down civil unrest. He can freeze bank accounts, and shut down various types of communications during an emergency. It also gives the federal government vast powers involving other aspects of Americans’ lives, such as their health insurance premiums, deadlines for filing for federal relief or benefits, and the ability for the government to waive requirements for Medicare, Medicaid, Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP), and the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act, or HIPAA."

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My god. This is bad.

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Yes. It is. What are we gonna do about it? Call our legislators? Protest? Get arrested and thrown in prison with no bail like the J6 protesters? We are in serious serious trouble and might have passed the point of no return.

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deletedMar 5, 2022·edited Mar 5, 2022
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A time may be coming for the torch, pitch forks and lots of voices. We all may have to pull these rats out by their scruff and show them the door and state line. Enough is enough. It’s past time to rally around out Federal and State constitutions from a more sane time. All the remedies lie in our mostly settled law from these docs. Use them or lose them. The power lies in the consent of the governed, from what I recall.

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I really like that idea of yours...no one who earns a living from tax dollars has a right to compel anyone to do anything and yes, lets take it further have no right to write regulations etc.etc. etc. That leaves just the Legislature to write the laws, but they can be bribed...how about lawmakers can not vote or make any laws that effect anyone they take money from? They can only enforce or REMOVE regulartions, no new ones can be added. I agree with everyting you are saying, but the battle of ideas will not win it unless we get the emotions going too,...they use emotions to keep us down (look at Ukraine now and the fast pivot on facebook of all the useless idiots ruled by their emotions) I say we use fear and every other damn thing inlcuding mass fomation to get this country back. And I agree we have to start locally....

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Getting our representatives to start representing us, instead of themselves is exactly correct. There should be many more people from Main Street, vs mostly Wall Street and law schools representing us. Serve a couple terms and go back to main St. where they came from. I’m sure they could legislate a way for a small business person’s business to be protected while they serve. Besides they should be at home representing their voters until they go back in session. My emotions are running hot and I have to check myself. No reason to let them steal our peace. There will be a reckoning at some point, there always is.

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The welfare of humanity is always the alibi of tyrants.

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Mar 5, 2022·edited Mar 5, 2022

There is still a slim chance that Congress will not extend his power. It’s all so he can “legally” arrest and detain any truckers who make the mistake of entering the Blanco Canyon that is our nation’s capital and so become vulnerable to government planned and executed false flags. The government would like nothing else than to provoke violence from US truckers. And if they can’t they will simply false flag it. The Canadians were heroic in their restraint in Ottawa; I fear that Americans will not stand idly by while jack booted riot police (thugs) accost females or drag their fellow protestors behind the line and beat them senseless.

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I should add that an extension requires the affirmative vote of Congress. Fat chance it will vote nay.

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Uncle Joe will veto any laws reducing his powers. Only when the there is a 'veto' proof majority or a 2024 GOP win--will there be any stopping these tyrants.

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Mar 5, 2022·edited Mar 5, 2022

Biden wins because he can do all sorts of things without asking Congress, and Congress wins because they can say they didn't vote for these things, it was crazy Joe that did it. Win-win for both sides. And through it all, the feckless Republicrats sit on their hands and say nothing.

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And compare our feckless Conservatives in Canada. Three years of compliance, and we had an election September past!

Follow the money, the banksters pulled Justin's chain when we had the start of a run on the major (donor) banks.

Now the boy is off to Europe for further instructions from Klaus WEF Schwab.

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I really can't see how Justin won. There was too much opposition.

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Shout out to Blanco Canyon!

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IMO the US is still one of the least scary place when it comes to covid. Half of your states are wide open and won't lockdown again anytime soon. Biden and his administration are just senile old brainless crazies.

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True, and even in crazy sounding states like Commiefornia we have lots of smaller areas that function quite normally and ignore the dictates of Governor Newsolini. That said, I'd prefer to live in a solidly red state at this point.

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Jesus wept.

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Wow. Chilling, applicable and poignant.

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Yes. It suspends democracy. The USA as a democratic country is dead while such a declaration is in operation.

In the absence of any demonstrable Emergency, however, it is malfeasance of the highest order and clearly so and is grounds enough in itself for the removal from office of all complicit in it.

In every country this is so.

Tragedy is people don't know, don't care, won't be told.

When they do get agitated about some parochial personal inconvenience they then call for riots in the streets. Or trucks on the roads. Is all.

They apparently don't comprehend. They don't 'get it'. They don't know they're supposed to be in a democracy with certain procedures, operations, workings and commensurate significances...

'So it's 'malfeasance', whatever that is, so what...?' Get some truck convoys, get a mass rally of thousands, some police brutality, some reluctant authoritarian backing off of some egregious mandate - okay, you can take your masks off for two hours a day - and that's it. Honour satisfied. That's all they want.

They are not ready for it. Democracy. It is a notion in advance of its time. The population still doesn't know what it's about. They haven't caught up with the ancient greeks yet.

Is civics taught in the schools? Apparently not.

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It is visible. The schools teach compliance, not civics, and the worst are the mask-loving Karen's in the teachers' unions.

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As a teacher I can assure you that most of my colleagues are the opposite of mask-loving.

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How about "union"?

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Ours are provincial unions, each province has its own. I am not certain of the US arrangement.

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Welcome Cyberpolygon

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What? This has got to end. Insurance premiums is code for steal your money, and it starts with Medicare. Waiving requirements is code for no longer necessary for you to earn Medicare by paying throughout your working years, it now Medicare for All, without Congress. Bye bye, Republic! So sorry, Mr. Franklin. We tried.

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WO - What is this from?

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I want to extend my emergency special powers too! Where do I call?

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Mar 5, 2022·edited Mar 5, 2022

I identify as a superhero from the world of Marvel- I'd like my powers to be super-sized.

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What’s your pronoun? Don’t answer quickly, if you get it wrong you are turned into a normie, and off to camp you go.

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Just wave your magic pen before you write down and implement whatever edicts you want.

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Elections have consequences, and stolen elections have catastrophic consequences.

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One of the only smart presidents seems to be the one from Mexico, as has been for these 2 years. If he could be re-elected I would move there. But in 2 more years he is gone and what will come in his place? Might be another weffer.

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Government is the virus that must be contained.

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Mar 5, 2022Liked by eugyppius

Are there no protests there? No sign the populace has had enough and won’t comply with the edicts from this little powermonger? Just say no. They can’t arrest all of you.

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Mar 5, 2022Liked by eugyppius

There are weekly protests, large and small, but these protests have successfully been ignored by the mainstream media when they couldn't be arsed to label them as "right-wing extremist". Going there means people risk their reputation with their friends, family, co-workers. So many don't.

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I understand. My own friend group has been torn apart over these same issues.

However. Not protesting, not refusing to comply, being afraid to make waves…. These are choices. Choices that embolden the tyrants.

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You are absolutely right, 100% spot on.

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Refusing to comply is, along with voting, the only peaceful way out of this. (And I'm not so sure about the voting.) The protests have been going on for months now. They help with morale, sure, but in and of themselves they're clearly not working. National and state/provincial/etc. officials are simply not being deterred by a few thousand people waving signs and flags.

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I don't have a lot of hope for massive non-compliance. Look at how meekly such vast numbers of people submitted to all the restrictions and mask wearing. Not a peep out of most of them.

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Traditionally they are taking place on Monday evenings. The latest counter-move has been the organization of pro-Ukraine/anti-war protests on Mondays. So if you go to the anti-vaxx protest you are doubly evil.

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And don't forget to mention that the COVID hardliners Söder and Lauterbach, who can't be arsed to remove mask mandates for primary school kids because of the dangers of covid both, were both seen at large, large demonstrations - Lauterbach more or less hugged by fans, Söder after telling us how we have to keep distance from each other and telling us how many people we could meet. Have I mentioned that I hate them all?

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Indeed, Söder now officially allows 25,000 people at outdoor events, but thanked, on Twitter, the 40,000 present at an anti-war protest in Munich.

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Coronavirus knows when not to attack.. apparently, it stands with ukraine....

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Ardern is the same here.

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They did that here in Dunedin, NZ too. As a new convoy of about 60-80 vehicles was heading through town on its way to the (since gone) Wellington protest a bunch of protestors about 20 strong (not 60 as per this story - I was there) faced off the anti vaccine mandate protestors on the other side of the street and then got all the headlines.


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I must admit I cried when I learned Lauterbach was going to be health minister. It was clear that with that obsessed hysteric him at the helm, measures would go on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on...

and that's where we are.

I hate them all.

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Mar 5, 2022Liked by eugyppius

Even the French and Italians are dumping everything this month. What are the germans waiting for

As an aside, what mechanism is there to resist this tyranny in the future? As far as I can see, they will just sharpen their blades for the next run

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Macron is lifting the pass vaccinal ahead of the presidential elections but I've heard the govt is still working on a more fraud-secure version. If he gets back in, will the pass in some form be back too?

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One thing is for sure, the infrastructure is not going to be dismantled

The real question is, did omicron do the job. I have been recovering from a persistent cold which was worse than covid was in December. My guess is the virus is done, and the vaccines are even more done, much to the disappointment of the covidians

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I would put on my Pythia's hat and forsee that the infrastructure , should it be quietly be abandoned now, will be resurrected "because of the climate crisis".

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Mar 5, 2022Liked by eugyppius

Instead of terrified Americans screaming the Russians are coming they would be better served realizing the NAZIs are back !

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They never left. The problem is they are going to be real popular soon. BLM antifa etc are all following the Nazi playbook, as is the media. They are rebranding but they are here, we’ll funded, and firmly in power through their various minions like Trudeau and the democrats NZ Aus. Even Macron. They don’t sport swasticas but they are national fascist atheists thirsting for power.

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The NAZIs arrived with Milty Freidman's Austrian School of Economic after WW1 and were rebranded In Hitlers Germany as NAZIS and imported imported into America by the Dulles brothers et al after WW2 , as National Socialism morphed into International Socialism as Communism began it inexorable collapse with the deaths of Stalin and Mao..

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Ardern (NZ) grew up a Morman. Daniel Andrews (Victoria) is catholic. So is Biden (Maryland).

Not sure that you can blame this on we atheists.

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Thank you for this report which makes it clear that we have reached a point where we need to act. If the law goes through, the artificially bred fear of bacteria and viruses will burden us, our children and our grandchildren for a long time. In doing so, Lauterbauch is on an absolutely crazy misguided path. While more and more people are realizing the importance of symbiosis with bacteria and viruses, he is going the opposite way and is fantasizing about a dystopian future with dark horrors and full of mutants.

Yet the only horror of the future is Lauterbach himself, who, if allowed to continue influencing our lives, will cause damage from which we will not recover for generations.

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He looks more insane by the day, that's what living in fear of everything and anything does to you. There is a sort of meme by now, "Lauterbach warns". I don't think there's much left he hasn't warned people against.

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What a nightmare. New Zealand also has this kind of "leadership" and I feel confident they will follow suit.

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Mar 5, 2022Liked by eugyppius

They are religious observances. But they're not worshipping the Christian God.

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They'll just adjust him for the 21st C. Like they did in the 4th C with Apollo ;)

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Mar 5, 2022Liked by eugyppius

What are your thoughts on the vaccine mandates? They'll be discussed in the parliament shortly before 20th of March.

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not sure they’ll go anywhere, but i guess we’ll see.

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I hope not. I would like to travel back eventually to my home country on an annual basis before this scandemic happened. Haven’t been back since Xmas 2019/20 😭

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The ancestors of modern European citizens used to know how to deal with leaders that didn't stop harassing them.

And there are hardware stores everywhere in Germany. I just don't get it.

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Excellent judgement in a Judical court in Canada. Divorsed . 2 kids with mom. Dad insisted that the kids living with the mom get the shot. Exellent to see the reasoned approach of the judge. Well worth a read.


There are [85] numbered items. Some have extensive discussion. Here are the first few. There are some italics in the original

) HEARD: February 18, 2022



[1] When did it become illegal to ask questions? Especially in the courtroom?

[2] And when did it become unfashionable for judges to receive answers? Especially when

children’s lives are at stake?

[3] How did we lower our guard and let the words “unacceptable beliefs” get paired together?

In a democracy? On the Scales of Justice?

[4] Should judges sit back as the concept of “Judicial Notice” gets hijacked from a rule of

evidence to a substitute for evidence

[5] And is “misinformation” even a real word? Or has it become a crass, self-serving tool to

pre-empt scrutiny and discredit your opponent? To de-legitimize questions and

strategically avoid giving answers. Blanket denials are almost never acceptable in our

adversarial system. Each party always has the onus to prove their case and yet

“misinformation” has crept into the court lexicon. A childish – but sinister – way of saying

“You’re so wrong, I don’t even have to explain why you’re wrong.

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That judge is an hero. She should be at the supreme court of Canada.

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Here, a court has decided that if parents cant agree whether the kids should be vaxxed, the parent who follows the recommendation of the stiko gets to decide....

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Mar 5, 2022·edited Mar 5, 2022

Germany is far from being alone with the issue of ‘tyrannical ruler’…we in Canada are in the exact same boat, and I don’t think you can blame the population. I think even countries (or states or provinces) that are lifting CoViD restrictions are still stealthily working on their various versions of digital ID. CoViD was just the excuse to get everyone used to the idea. It’s been in the works for a looong time.

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Agreed. So is the EU.

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We'll see but if Canadian provinces bring back restrictions people are not going to be happy.... provinces PM just seem to go with the popular opinion. Alberta is now making laws so that cities cannot put back mask mandates. I personally know people moving there to escape potential future lockdowns.

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In B.C. we have the worst health officer, she said by the time mandates are lifted in the spring, it won’t be long till they’re re-imposed for the fall wave. Might just have to make the move to Alberta!

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Mar 6, 2022·edited Mar 6, 2022

I have heard her lecture, 6 years before she became (in)famous, and she is not the sharpest knife in the drawer. At today's Freedom Rally at the BC Legislature they announced weekly sit-ins in front of her office at 1515 Blanshard Street, from noon Wednesdays. This is to support the "Regulated Health Professionals" who will be purged from March 24 for declining the "ClotShot" or protecting their own ethics and autonomy.

The police presence was notable and oppressive. They parked their cruisers at all of the corners to divert the circulation of the truckers. I failed to get a rallying cry of "Stasi!" started.

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🇨🇦 I love those freedom warriors! Good to know people like you are out there 🇨🇦

It doesn’t surprise me that she’s not a critical thinker, I’m sure she’s just doing what she’s told by those pushing the agenda. I really hope the pressure from the weekly sit-ins break her. Her soft spoken voice isn’t fooling anyone anymore.

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There was good video from Wednesday in front of the MOH building. Up to 100 peaceful people with relevant signage. I can't find the link just now.

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When I heard the news yesterday that mask mandates have been lifted, and that the vaxx pass will be soon as well, I immediately thought that the protesters must have had a big influence! Yay 🎉 🎈 🎊

Of course I know it’s not the end, and they’ll try and find new ways of control (digital ID) but for now I am happy about this victory ✌️

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Local knowledge- 1515 Blanshard is the HQ of the MOH, one of 6 floors of

"Health" bimbocrats. If we have a side effect (adverse event) of intimidating a few of them it wouldn't be heart-breaking. Odds are 937:1 against "awakening" any of them, though- they are wearing the jackboots, and glorying in them.

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Oh that photo... those three... the Creme de la Creme of German politics. (the kind if cream you might see after ingesting too much of a sugar-alcohol based sweetener - in your underpants)

I'll label them for the non-German audience:

Left: Insane Looney drunkard who is the semi-official panic minister and would like to jab anything that (still) breathes. Center: complete idiot, and pushed by WEF Klaus as a chancellor candidate for her most developed qualities: being an idiot who is about as well spoken as 2020+ Joe Biden. Famous for saying things like "Germany is a rich country - and I'm gonna change that".

To the right: Another douchbag who knows nothing of anything (and according to the center idiot, he's a "peasant", lol), but thinks he knows better than experts e.g. w.r.t. Nuclear Energy.

The Looney to the left has studied "health *economics*" at Harvard, I'm not sure why he is presented and does so himself as medical expert all the time - years ago he helped ruin the German hospital landscape with his politics.

Now in hindsight, with the WEF "creative destruction of what is" idea, maybe it was not (just) incompetence. But, at least, he does actually have *some* hypothetical education. The other two are not just buffoons, but totally uneducated ones at that. (The center one pretended to have a lot of credentials when voting for chancellor was due, which all kinda crumbled and a lot of her bio turned out fake, but somehow she is still in politics...)

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health economics is not even real economics. It is even less scientific than regular economics to give some perspective.

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