My father is visiting my family this week on the farm we fled to from NYC to escape COVID tyranny from our blue tyrant governor (previous and current one) and even bluer tyrant mayor.

He is a devout believer in the vaccines. Lined up the night before, like kids getting concert tickets. Goes on and on about how they're the magical solution to everything. If we get 100% vaccination, COVID vanishes tomorrow. I love him. I largely don't argue, because he doesn't harass me to get the shots.

He got his first booster right before driving here. Then went to the hospital about a day after arriving where he was diagnosed with congestive heart failure. It's apparently moving slowly enough (?) that they allowed him to sign himself out AMA to get it looked at at home after his visit.

The day after he came home, he reported to me a TV "news" interview where "people on the street" who refused the vaccine were being asked why, and allegedly, a person said, "because I'm a Republican and Republicans don't get vaccinated." I expressed strong disbelief that this person was real and that this statement was unscripted. Dad said that regardless, it made him furious and angry at refuseniks beyond return, and wanted this guy to be punished. "He's walking around killing untold hundreds of people."

How, I asked? Should they jail him? Beat him? Take his home, etc.?

No, he said. He should be given COVID so he can "face the consequences of his choices."

I asked, if the desired punishment is to GIVE him COVID, then it means this unvaccinated person who doesn't currently have COVID is still somehow walking around "killing untold hundreds"? How does that work exactly, dad? Who is he a threat to without actually having COVID?

No answer. But his wheezing is getting worse and he's spent about half his visit in bed. I can't force him to get emergency care, but I'm getting a creeping feeling that the booster is killing my dad and there's nothing I can do about it.

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My father has not left the house for over a year. He watched US baseball on TV everyday. I asked him why all the people in the stadiums in Florida and Texas aren't dead yet. Unless it comes from a screen. it's not real.

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Such a sad tale. So sorry to hear it. I'm praying that booster "mandates" will be the end of this insanity. But the people who willingly want the shots just don't understand the people who don't. Forcing people to accept medical treatments they don't want is the issue here. Nothing else matters. But because they want it, they don't understand. My sister loves medicine," and she enjoys "picking" the "nice" doctor and the "best" drugs etc. How would she feel if the govt sent a rude, ugly, stupid "doctor" to her home and dispensed medicine she didn't want? I'm sure she would hate it, but her lack of imagination prevents her from seeing that this is the same situation.

"Why are you refusing the very things that I want?"

"Because I don't want them."

"Why are you not the same as me?"

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My sister is of similar mind, I think. We just skirt around this subject as she goes silent, when I raise it. Why does she spend her time berating her government, on all subjects, but then falls into compliance because she believes them in this one instance?

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Why should her opinion about the government be 100% the same for every issue? We've been conditioned into polarization, I guess.

I've been noticing this tendency in myself lately—even though pretty liberal most of the time, my opinion about the pandemic has turned very skeptical over the last year and a half. It's disconcerting to find myself agreeing with people I ordinarily abohr, but at least it's just on this one subject.

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It's irrational to distrust government in all things, only to then blindly trust government with one's health by accepting this hastily contrived treatment with no transparency, poor efficacy and grave side effects for a flu virus that has almost no chance of causing serious illness. It's a non-sequitor.

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Because Johnson is as good a liar as Trump was. So 99% of the time, you can show he's lying. Are you really going to believe the remaining 1%?

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I find myself in this same strange boat...

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The mind virus is so much more lethal than the corona. Sorry for your dad.

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I sympathize for you and wish I shared your unconditional concern for the well-being of a person who would rather see his own son in chains than face any amount of uncertainty. This is the "war of all against all" and weak spirits will not prevail. I've had to resign myself to the coming self-immolation of various family and friends over this issue. I won't delight in their suffering but I accept no responsibility for the consequences of their actions.

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The war of all against all is the most terrifying symptom of this madness. If even families can be broken by this, we are all truly facing a total dissolution of all meaningful bonds in favor of approved narratives and fracture planes. If this is successful who will stand in the way?

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The war is not a symptom. It's the goal.

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Me.... and you... and...

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you guessed it... Frank Stallone

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I'm so sorry to hear this. It's hard to watch our loved ones, who are usually intelligent people, succumb to this delirium, even at the risk of their own health.

My dad and husband are the same. I can only hope that they will see that the jab hasn't worked for them and forego the booster.

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He's 80 and has had other health problems through the year, mainly relating to his weight and old injuries, but absolutely NOTHING involving his heart.

For the first time I'm genuinely scared this insanity is going to hurt someone I actually care about.

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I feel he and all such are hurting even to dying from lack of confidence. They pin all their hopes on a vaccine against some terrible enemy.

Like you see - they have no ability, no strength, no chance themselves?

If only they knew, would understand, would take it in that all the vaccine can do is provoke your immune system into working and then your immune system will 'save you'.

A bit of pride, you know? 'My immune system is good!' 'It's the greatest!' 'I am great, it is great, we are great, we can do, we will do..!'

All that sort of stuff is what they need.

Agency. Feeling of power. Empowerment. The knowledge that they can do it, they must do and they will do if it gets done - no vaccine is going to do, any vaccine does no more than, in fact, actually attack you in order to bring you up to fighting pitch.

So why not get up to fighting pitch now, yourself?

Get the things your immune system needs to sustain itself.

Get the adjuncts it can use in its fight: like IVM and HCQ and NAC and all that.

And get the positive 'go get 'em' fighting spirit that's so essential, too.




Is the ONLY way.

No vaccine will do it for you or for anyone. It hands it over to your immune system. Deny that ! Prove that wrong ! Look that in the face !

Vaccine or no vaccine you are going to have to do it yourself!

And 'you' means your heart, your courage, your sense, your reason and your immune system.

Sitting down and waiting for a vaccine to save you is simply giving up. Making a nothing of yourself.

And that's what the nationwide call of the vaxxers is: a call for us all to make nothings of ourselves.

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Vaccines can and do work for certain specific pathogens (not rapidly mutating RNA viruses) but without 10 years of hard objective data on willling human guinea pigs you'd have to be insane to try one. And now NOBODY should ever trust these bastards in BigHarma again. Ever. I won't even get a tetanus shot at this point since I have no trust in whoever manufactured it, packaged it, etc.

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No they don't. Wait, wait - see what I mean: the IMMUNE SYSTEM works for specific pathogens. Vaccines do not 'WORK' for killing, weakening avoiding viruses. They do not.

They are not meant to and they do not.

They MIMIC them. Or sometime they ARE them, weakened or killed (hopefully).

Then NEVER 'work' the way you mean.

The actually do the SAME thing as the virus does.

That's their whole modus operandi.

So then your IMMUNE SYSTEM jumps into gear and disposes of the enemy.

Well of course there is not real enemy there to dispose of. So it just kinda runs through its 'cycle' and then lapses back in waiting.

In that cycle is supposedly creates specific antibodies and such to defeat that particular enemy and it creates other proteins that can identify that enemy. Quickly. And call on these specific troops.

So when the real enemy turns up it is quickly identified and swamped by an immediate callup of specific troops trained to deal with just that enemy.

What has the vaccine done? In all that? Dealt with what?


It causes trouble.

Vaccines cause trouble. That's their entire purpose.

Sometimes we expect it works out alright, just as planned.

But sometimes it doesn't.

Sometimes the 'mock attack' turns into a real attack.

And whatever happens it is the IMMUNE SYSTEM that does the work.

So if your immune system is on its last legs, is severely compromised in some way it doesn't matter how many time you vaccinate you'll never make it strong enough to defeat a real attack.

Excuse me if you know all that.

Comments thread, you know, I put it in for the sake of casual readers who perhaps don't know.

Vaccine NEVER 'work'. They at best prompt the immune system to work. They themselves never do any work.

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Dear Arthur, you are correct again.we will need The Collective to fight this tyranny. I said that it will take 6 months for many to come to the realisation that their vaccinations will not work. Here in Australia people are only just getting their booster shots. They will work in the short term. The very short term. Maybe only 12 weeks. It will only be after this time that they realise they have been duped.

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I encourage everyone to have their DB levels checked. New research out of Germany reports that D3 plus K2 at 5000 mg per day is essential to fight covid-19 and survive. If you can't get ivm and hcq your next bet is vitamin D3+K2.

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Need Vit D blood levels of 50-60ng/ml (125-150nmol/l) for maximum protection.

Requiring a daily vitamin D supplement of 4000-10000iU

vitamin K2 (ingested naturally from fermented foods like Sauerkraut/Kimchi) or supplemented at 200mgs/day prevents the theoretical possibility of calcification of artery walls.

Though it is virtually unheard of in studies , it is a theoretical risk. Especially if diet has high diary content or Calcium supplementation (eg Adcal )

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Blood level should be above 50

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What is K2?

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Australians a very familiar with rugged physical sports. They know about exhaustion and effort. I hope with exposure to and revelation of the facts of the Immune System they will see the whole picture and know that 'booster' shots are 'boosting' nothing but simply putting the boot into a dying horse.

No 'booster shot' anywhere in this wide world should be administered to any person at all if you really have any concern for therapy without some proffered assistance for their immune systems - something that really will 'boost' it - and some education such as perhaps some blood levels or assessment of their particular Immune System - and some attempt to make them psychologically more able and strong by explaining to them the effect happiness, love and feelings of empowerment have on the strength and ability of the immune system as against the passive victim mindset.

No such happens. Totally no such.

Which is no 'boost'. It's a kick in the guts. A 'kick int he guts to your immune system, another provocation of it, and a kick in the guts to your own psychology and a kick in the guts to your rights and identity as a free citizen.

'boost'! Don't make me laugh.

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This is a wonderful perspective.

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My 89-yo dad’s first wife (still considered a family member) had a cerebral thrombosis the day after her booster, then a stroke immediately following her surgery. She’s alive, but she’s my poor (older) sister’s responsibility…

What a nightmare.

I’m so sorry to hear about your dad; my younger sister is of the same mindset as your dad. She’s tough to be around since my husband, son, and I are the lone vax holdouts in the fam (we had COVID last November; blood tests show that antibodies/lymphocytes/T-cells are still going strong).

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Prayers for your father and his recovery. Thank you for sharing this tragic story. May clear thinking and wisdom prevail, along with respect for people's rights.

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Hear, hear

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My 80 yr old Dad got the booster on Friday (2 weeks ago) and died suddenly on the following Sunday. He was not is good health, but nobody thought death was imminent. He was a stauch independent thinker and didn't give a damn what others were doing, but got the booster because he generally trusted health officials and "didn't want to get covid". He had no reaction to the first two jabs back in March, so I didn't foresee a problem.

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I'm really, REALLY sorry about your dad. I'm not ready to lose mine.

I think my hate and anger would boil over if I lost him to these monsters.

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I’m so sorry about your dad. What a tragedy.

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Now he knows the truth.

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You’re delusional if you think these people will realize anything.

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You also will know once you reach the other side.

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I suspect the toxic shanks are killing the old and frail en masse but that nobody cares or dares call out the Covidian baptism ritual as the cause.

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This is why this whole thing is so insidious. I went to a funeral last week for a friend of mine in the village. Was he old? Yes, 84. Was he sick? Yep, multiple co-morbidities. Did he die extremely quickly after his booster? Yep. Post-mortem? No, he died of "old age". His wife was horrified he deteriorated so fast but she doesn't know what we know, so it's just "one of those things".

I am disgusted with this Nazi T4 death program. Make no mistake, that is what is happening.

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It should show up as a huge uptick in all-cause mortality in those age brackets then. Although since those are gov't generated stats, I'm not holding my breath.

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How awful on so many levels, I offer my prayers for your father.

This illustrates the dynamic we face perfectly. Even as people are themselves injured by the vaccines they are still incapable of facing the truth. It’s a cargo cult.

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In some cases, *especially* if they themselves are injured. If you think about vaccination as a draft, then the unvaccinated are the draft dodgers, and those injured by vaccines are those who heroically served the country. I think that's how many of them see it. Never mind that the war is pointless and unwinnable.

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You're absolutely right. And when their kids die after the 6th booster the message will be the same: it's the fault of the unvaxxed that I was forced to vaccinate my child and it's your fault they are dead. This is why we need to pivot now to protecting ourselves in any way possible.

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Brilliant analogy!

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That's true of those who continue to vote for the same politicians who never improve anything too.

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Brutal story. Praying for your dad’s recovery. Both of body and mind.

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Guttermouth - LOL your dad is kind of stubborn like you are I think. ;-) Too bad his stubborn landed him on the wrong side of this argument.

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The tragedy is, my father was the person who taught me to be a relentlessly critical thinker, to question authority, to be really passionate about the founding principles of my country. But in the last few years his old age and the passing of a lot of his family and friends have dramatically changed his personality. He's become quite afraid of life and doesn't want to fight things anymore.

It's been a very complicated thing to deal with.

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My father is very similar. He was on national television for standing up against injustice when I was a child. Now, I've been ostracized for being high risk. A year ago he said the idea of vaccinating children was ridiculous. Today, I'm selfish for not getting vaccinated or vaccinating my kids.

I know so many people that originally questioned the risk of Covid or the need for vaccines only to see them get vaccinated. I've also seen many people who were upset about boosters cave and get the booster. Now they pretend like those early conversations never happened.

My circle has become very small which is rather sad. However, I know in the depths of my soul that there is something very wrong happening and I will not comply.

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Once you accept needle-rape, in any form or fashion, you will accept the boot in your face forever. And you will grow to love Big Brother. Masks were an early conditioner. Those who embraced the absurd holy rags surely bent over and took the needle.

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You precisely describe my situation (with the exception of your father's celebrity) in every word.

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My FIL got GBS from the Moderna vaccine. It has already harmed someone close to me. My father died several years ago and my mother is 86; she's 100% with vaccines. It's been very difficult to me to see them -- the people who taught me to examine everything, and to be wary of government -- to see them become extremely trusting of what they see on the news and that "the government" says. My father was a newspaperman! And though always a Democrat, he was never a progressive or leftist until his last few years. I stopped discussing politics with them about 10 years ago, and I no longer discuss vaccines iwth my mother. But she keeps discussing them with me...

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Guttermouth - I totally understand. I have seen that happen with a lot of elderly people. I have often lamented that the stalwarts that taught us to critically think and to believe in autonomy are NOT in this fight. It has been a surprise to me.

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What that generation was missing was what should be one of the basic tasks of reaching adulthood, let alone old age - coming to terms with your own mortality. As soon as it becomes real to them, nothing else matters except remaining alive. Not life-long principles they allegedly held, nothing. It was all built on sand.

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A lot of them, like my Covidian parents, also cast off organized religion early in their adult lives that their own parents held dear. I think that spiritual gaping hole caught up with them in the end. Not to say one needs organized popular fables to think critically, but I do think that spiritual void they once prized spooked them in their waning years.

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Many of that generation are Viet Nam veterans and hippies that protested the war. I can't understand how so many of those groups in that generation can go along with all of this.

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My old boss/now friend is of that generation. He protested the war, hated “the man”, and lived communally for years.

Now he’s a frightened old man who believes everything CNN tells him to. He told me that “‘Antifa’ is just an idea,” and breathlessly reported that “Covid has killed more people than the Civil War!” When I asked him how he knew that, he told me, “The news.” I suggested he turn off his TV.

I recently remarked how paradoxical it is that he is unquestionably following the same government he used to fight against. He blames Trump. 🤦‍♀️

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Stay strong everyone😇✨🙏🏻💖

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This is amazing. Just amazing. It produces in me a mix of wonder, repulsion, and slight nausea. What has happened to people?

I have an aunt who is a former registered nurse. Her elderly husband has dementia. She refuses to let anyone in her home who is unvaccinated. Her husband’s children and grandchildren have chosen to be unvaccinated so I guess he will fade into dementia without seeing his kids and grandkids again. My aunt is one of the most wonderful, loving people. She really is extraordinary. So it leaves me unable to understand her position. The vaccines do not prevent transmission. Her husband is almost 90. We all want him to spend the rest of his life in the best way possible but what is the goal? Life at any cost?

I don’t recognize human beings anymore.

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It’s fear. We have the Gov. and the MSM to thank for her unrealistic fear. I suggest you all sit her down and tell her to allow each of you to visit. Tell her you will spend the $30 at Walmart to get a test before you go to see him. If she refuses still, I would probably just tell her to get out of the way and go in and see him. Plan on a visit from the police but for me, it’s my dad and nobody is going to keep me from him if he were still alive, unless he was able to speak and tell me he didn’t want me to come, I would go. JMHO

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If it were my mother that is exactly what I would do. But it is my aunt.

I think of my own husband and his boys. We would have to be battling a hemorrhagic plague with a much higher CFR before I would prohibit his kids from seeing him. It’s is unthinkable.

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There are no easy answers but maybe she will bend with the tests. Good luck.

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It's a mass psychosis, a phenomena that has happened many times throughout history although not in most of our own lives until now. Professor Desmet explains it well here. https://m.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=6&v=Qj5bo_KFqgo&feature=emb_logo

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So sad. People have been brainwashed by the media that the vaccines DO prevent infection, and that natural immunity doesn't count. It's hard to break that spell -- the word "vaccine" beng so powerful. Maybe the booster mandates will change that idea.

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I am sorry about your father. I hope he is under the care of a cardiologist. You might find this of interest. "Cardiovascular Adverse Events Reported From COVID-19 Vaccines..."


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Although cardiovascular events have been reported with the COVID-19 vaccines, the causality is yet to be established because such CVS AEs are also usually associated with the general public even without intervention. Hence, people should be administered these vaccines, and sustained monitoring of these AEs should be done."


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Did they at least prescribe him a diuretic?? The wheezing getting worse I'd guess not. There is no "allowing" you to sign out AMA. Hospitals can't stop you and you are signing paperwork absolving them of responsibility. Because you are signing out "Against Medical Advice".

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Yup, I think you’re right. There’s nothing to be done.

I am so sorry this is happening to you guys.

(I feel like I’m living in Fahrenheit 451 or some other dystopian horror show.)

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Nov 19, 2021Liked by eugyppius

Here is my take on forced vaccinations.

As the government(s) must know about the adverse effects and excess mortality figures and in general the dangerosity of these products, imposing vaccination is equivalent to actively trying to injure and/or murder people.

In this case, I believe that a right of self-defense applies.

It is urgent that lawyers get their act together and flood the courts.

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Nov 19, 2021Liked by eugyppius

someothercat - you should definitely follow Coffee and Covid substack. He is a lawyer in Florida and they are MAKING A DIFFERENCE. It's inspiring to read. Today he had all of us donate $12 to Ron DeSantis to let him know that we approve of his legislation yesterday (banning mandates, amongst other great things).

I HIGHLY recommend this substack:


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Nov 19, 2021Liked by eugyppius

Susanna ~ Thanks for the recommendation! A fun/informative read.

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C&C is great and so is "bad catitude". All the cool cats went to substack when they were kicked off twitter.

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Do you mean the continental Europe or the US?

As far as the former is concerned, with the public opinion this far in the crazy territory the lawyers won't do much. And the courts will just rubber-stamp whatever the bureaucrats decree.

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One fellow had a picture of himself at a table with a sign saying:

"Forced vaccination is assualt with a weapon that justifies lethal self defence"

"Change my mind"

I wonder how many stopped to chat? LOL.

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I'd stop to agree. For the first time in my life, I'm sad we have firearm restrictions in the UK.

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This is sadly another piece of evidence for my growing belief that there's not really such a thing as the moderate or centre left in politics. COVID isn't the first time I've seen this effect whereby apparently "normal" left-leaning people suddenly turn out to be closet authoritarian crazies. All they needed was a little push, encouragement from those around them or simply other more extremist people to start acting and they become all-in on the most shocking acts.

The problem is the left's general "society above the individual" worldview. Leftism comes in all forms but that's one of the great unifying themes throughout history. Because individuals are real, concrete things but society is a vague abstraction, this incorrect mental framework can easily lead to shocking evil, which then naturally blurs into shocking lies as the affected people struggle to rationalize to themselves why they are not, in fact, bad people but merely more caring, wiser and blessed with a longer term vision than other 'selfish' people.

Unfortunately this is difficult to fix, but I feel that in future those of us who aren't of this mindset but push back much more strongly against anything being justified by reference to "society". Almost every totalitarian evil in history has been justified by this, or the very closely related "greater good", a Roussean "general will" and so on. Because society doesn't really exist as a thing, it invariably ends up being used to mean the will of the state, and thus naturally leads to dictatorship.

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The left's "society above the individual" is at odds with the very idea of America. I'm not American but even I can understand that "a society of individuals" is a better concept of society. We are being led down the path to totalitarianism. That's where the "greater good" always leads. Totalitarianism is a societal psyche before it ever coalesces into an actual regime. Hannah Arendt wrote about this in her book 'The Origins of Totalitarianism'.

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Well said. This is true ideology at work. Left vs right, East vs West, Collectivism vs Individualism. The Cold War inside of our own country. Someone outside of the US Tweeted (not exact words I'm sure) - "In America when you look at left & right, you're only viewing the right half of the ideological spectrum. " I think he right historically, but not anymore.

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This will be no dictatorship but some quasi-technocracy cabal (with the same banking scum behind the scenes of course).

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Nov 19, 2021Liked by eugyppius

"Their empathy towards people beyond their own milieu and belief system was practically zero."

This is something I've observed in the liberals around me and the media even prior to covid. It's always astounded me; now it's terrifying me.

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Yes, I think of this every time I see the "Hate has no home here" yard signs in my neighborhood. We all know what they're code for.

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My favorites are the BLM signs on perfectly manicured lawns of 2+ million dollar houses with whites in 'em.

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Sources tell me they're considered insurance.

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Not around here so much... just idiots living their vapid lives through screens and "working from home". Triple maskers.

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Nov 19, 2021Liked by eugyppius

As I sit here and read this, I am in tears. I feel so helpless. What in the hell is this world coming to??!! OMG.

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It's a feature and not a bug of the human condition. Be thankful you now know who has a soul and who does not, now you know who to spend your time and energy on.

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Excellent points. The people who discount us now, were never that important to begin with. Friends who ghost people for being “unvaccinated” can go on their merry way. We will see who’s the last man/woman standing in time. All in good time.

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This too shall pass.

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If this hasn't made you cry at least once, you're either a sociopath or not paying attention!

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Me too. It's like living in Europe in the 1930s and seeing the war clouds gathering. Or seeing the dystopian novels that were warnings, coming true. It's horrifying. On the micro level, it is so sad to experience the interpersonal conflict with family. I'm getting tired of holding the line. I will keep holding the line, though. I think we are still just at the beginning of this thing.

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Nov 19, 2021Liked by eugyppius

I am afraid as it’s getting worse, not one bit better. Mass vaccination in the midst of such high infectious pressure with such a highly mutable virus has been a disaster, just as Geert Vanden Bossche has said it would be. We must support each other through these terrible times.

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Nov 19, 2021Liked by eugyppius

UK’s impressive virus-genetics tracking data shows clearly that presence of mutations exploded in the weeks immediately following the first rollout of vaccines there, with delta eventually taking over. Prior to the vaccinations, virus was relatively stable in alpha version.


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Nov 19, 2021Liked by eugyppius

This is where it gets truly frightening. It starts with one, and will slowly trickle to other countries that are easy to control, and expand from there. It will come here unless we push back as hard as we can now.

"As for the vaccine-faithful, who are in the majority and fully empowered, and who have the political and the media apparatus behind them – they made up their minds long ago and can no longer be dissuaded by argument. They’ll never leave the unvaccinated alone; they’ll pursue them everywhere, to the last corner. They have erected mental defences to shield their doctrines from every doubt. They are especially convinced that all the irrefutable scientific arguments are on their side."

This is the scariest part. The bad guys have "hearts and minds." Nothing in this world will convince them this is wrong. It's not only embedded in the most primitive parts of their brains, they have been injected, and cannot be un-injected. It's brilliant.

I feel done with the reasons why this vaccine is neither safe nor effective. I've heard it all, I understand it all, I am convinced. The subject of this substack article is where we need to be focused next. When the country's Chief Executive tells the people of an advanced society (the U.S.) to ignore a high court's ruling banning mandates, we have lawlessness, i.e. authoritarianism. It may look like we get a few wins here and there, but they are in it for the long haul. They have all the money, they have control of all communication.

So what do we do?

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“The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.”

― Lao Tzu

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Yes, but I think we may also need some guns and ammo. (Just half kidding)

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Locked and loaded.

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The USA has no chief executive. The head puppet spot is currently vacant. By design.

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I watched a video by Dave Cullen today from Ireland (https://www.bitchute.com/video/5bHtiAVxdSBc/) called "The only way out of this". He makes the case that at this point, persuasion won't work with the vax-faithful. Facts, figures, logic cannot break the spell. He says the only way out is for these people to have personal experiences of the vaccine failure to get them to see things differently. Of course, I am sure there is a certain, maybe very small, percentage that can be reached with information. But on the whole, I think Dave may be right. Arguing just may not work. Instead, only real-world experience can change their minds.

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Unfortunately, this won't work with the truly devout Branch Covidian. Even the death of their child won't break the spell in some cases. Even their own impending death won't break them out of the trance. Their very identity is deeply interwoven in the narrative. To discard the narrative is akin to suicide. This is one of the tenets of mass psychosis, or mass formation.

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Yes, but I feel that between the fact that few people overall see any immediate ill effects that they can obviously connect to the vax and the fact that all of that info is blacked out by the media, they'll never see anything. The vax has already failed, but people aren't bothered a bit--willing to take more shots probably knowing that those wont work either. But they are so desperate to do SOMETHING, something that will help them sleep at night because they have been convinced that they will die (or kill someone they love with their germs) that vaccine failure is irrelevant, In other words, I'm not sure they care if it really works, they just need to do something.

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The [mRNA] "vaccines" are a medical miracle! After years of fruitless efforts to get a mRNA therapy even approved, Moderna and BioNTech somehow hit upon the perfect solution in early 2020, just in time to bring to market the "vaccines" that would halt the pandemic in its path. Without exception, all of these products were tested on small populations, over a period of weeks, and rush approved for a declared "emergency." This declaration (EUA) had the added bonus, from a business point of view, of being a monopoly market, all the better because governments were buying boatloads of product and even starting to mandate its use. Any potential or alternative treatment was frozen out and otherwise discouraged, if not made outright illegal by regulators. This being a crisis and all, there was no need for all those stodgy old concepts like control groups, long term studies and proofs of efficacy and safety and so on. Being old fashioned, they were probably racist and white-supremacist in some way, so why would any progressive administrator do anything but show them the utmost contempt? The new products were so safe, having been developed with innovative technology, that there was not even a need to collect, much less act upon, any reports of adverse effects. Finally, an informal public-private partnership between governments and big media ensured that dissenting information would be quashed to the maximum extent possible. A new era had arrived, a true win-win for all! [Sarcasm, if it was not evident.]

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I think the point of the video is that eventually -- and it will take time, who knows how long -- through immediate personal experience it will become undeniable to many people that the shots don't work and are dangerous. They or someone known to them will have an "adverse event" that will shake them up. Maybe I'm wrong, but with this news from Austria I sense that the clampdown on the uninjected has somehow accelerated this week. Where last week I felt like, "Well, I just have to ride out this vax hysteria for a while and deal with some hassles from being unvaxxed ... it's going to be a dark winter", now it feels like the pressure is on I could be in serious trouble soon. So, the eventual realization among many of the vax failure may not come soon enough.

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Same. I am in a privileged position to ride things out, but things are ramping up in scary ways and there's always a breaking point. I find myself wishing for more AEs so people wake up before my life becomes truly unbearable. We are all just selfish in the end.

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Read the list with WEF people. Don't vote for any of them.

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You’re still clinging yo your delusion about “votes matter”… open your eyes!

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The nonvaxxed are the new Jews. We are living in the 1930s again.

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Latest data out of UK is crystal clear: the vaccinated now have higher Covid infection rates than the unvaccinated. And, as Alex Berenson pointed out yesterday, the Swedish study covering millions of people show that the vaccine leads to negative efficacy. With these things in mind, there is no other way to frame the tyranny being visited upon the people of Austria & Germany as anything other than demonic sociopaths attempting to kill you. They have attempted to hide behind lies, cons & manipulations since the entire scam was unveiled, but there is no place left for them to hide. The only way to avoid what is coming their way is to eliminate the control group. There really is only one response when sociopaths have publicly announced that their intent is to injure, maim & kill your yourself & your family. Will pray that the free people of these countries understand that their lives are on the line and do whatever it takes to defend it.

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As I look for a rational thread to the Austrian Vaxers argument, I can find only one. It's that the booster will (temporarily) reduce severity of symptoms, thereby taking pressure off of ICUs? Have I got that right?

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It doesn't though.

If you're in a hospital for an unrelated reason and you're unvaxed, the doctors will almost certainly require you to get tested for covid.

They are far less likely to require this if you're vaxed.

That's where your "vaccines reduce hospitalizations" data comes from.

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Dear God. This gets more sinister by the minute.

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Nah, it was pure Evil over a year ago.

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It reduces severity for some. Allegedly. More likely there's a bias in the statistics since healthier people are more likely to get the vax, and healthy people don't get very sick, anyway, with or without the vax. But many people get vaxed and die anyway, so it's not as protective as they would like us to believe. Reliance on averaged statistics overlooks the stark fact that most people aren't average. Above average people don't need vax. Below average people aren't helped. A few in the middle might benefit, and provides statistical evidence it works overall, while ignoring that it doesn't work for most. Liars figure.

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Yes, I was wondering often about the statistical bias... I can see in UK data despite all the protestations in the blurb from UKHSA lately that cases are much higher, in terms of 'apples-for-apples' rates, in vaccinated.

When it comes to hospitalisations/ deaths it SEEMS rates are worse in unvaccd, but everyone until 2 weeks post dose 2 seems to be counted as unvaccd (& those two weeks have been specifically lifted from the tables which show 2 periods post dose 1 and 14 + days post dose two.

I am now wondering, as ALL those periods are likely called "unvaccd" in 'rates' calculations, then is this going to be pushed further re dose 3... with people who were formerly "vaccd" as in 14 days plus past dose 2 being then in the unvaccd group for rates calculations, as per the rhetoric re what constitutes "vaccinated".

I must say the nudge unit have played a blinder... the plan is akin to a nuke in terms of social cohesion.

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Careers will be made analyzing the data and piecing together what actually happened, and why. Data autopsy.

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I imagined after a century or five, people digging up our ancient civilization's records of this and thinking "how could anyone have ever thought/ believed that.. "

but then I realised most of it would leave no trace whatsoever, being digital.

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Digital records last forever. Even if you purposely delete them.

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Hi Joseph! Thank you for the thoughtful comment. I agree with you, but just for the sake of argument: "Latest data out of UK is crystal clear: the vaccinated now have higher Covid infection rates than the unvaccinated" .

This is completely true, but when I tried to make this point in a discussion, people always tried to counter it with "of course rates are higher among the vaccinated because overall majority of the population is vaccinated, therefore they will make up a higher numbers.." .

While their point does not change anything about my opinion of the "efficacy" of the vaccines (it is pretty clear by now that the vaccines do not really make any significant difference between the vaccinated and unvaccinated group in terms of transmitting the virus), it is still true. When we look at the data it shows higher number of infections among vaccinated, but their overall number is higher in the population.

What would be the best way to approach the statistics in the least bias way from both sides of the argument?

I am just genuinely curious about what would be the best way to make a logical point about this statistic. Because the "opposite side" has a point as well: vaccinated numbers are higher and let's say if the data shows about 50-50 (like in some countries) in infection rates, then 50 percent comes from a bigger pool of people and the other 50 from a smaller pool..

Anyways, I am just curious how others would approach these observations.

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No. Both are per 100 000. So, the *rates* of infection are higher among the vaccinated. In absolute numbers, there are many, many times more infections among the vaccinated.

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Sorry I just want to make sure I understand everything well. So you mean that in both cohort, per 100 000 people the rates of infection are higher among the vaccinated?

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Yes. They look at the number of infections per 100 000 in the unvaccinated, and also the number of infections per 100 000 in the vaccinated. In the UK at least, that number is higher among the vaccinated.

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I understand. Thank you for the good information!

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Nov 19, 2021Liked by eugyppius

I spent a bunch of time in Austria this summer. I am truly at a loss for words as to how they can do this, and think that it will end well. It won't end with the unvaccinated, since the shots don't actually end the pandemic. So then it will be boosters, shots 3, 4, 5, 6, god knows what.

People need to understand something, and clearly - if you ask any public health official, anywhere on earth, "how does this end", they will present a set of parameters which they know are impossible to achieve - hence, "Never"

I actually don't see how this end without serious unrest and public disobedience and defiance

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Litigation is the quickest nonviolent solution. Next best is elections.

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I no longer trust elections.

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They're better than the alternative. Always go with better. We can't have it our way.

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Ok but that's still a cope. Your way would imply that elections would solve the problem, and we can't have it that way either, because they don't. It is certainly better than to not attempt change through that mechanism. But no, there are alternatives that would be better by virtue of them working while voting doesn't.

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If you mean violence, that works for some, badly for most. If you mean coup, that never works well for anyone. What alternatives do you prefer?

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They are not *always* better than the alternative.

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What alternative do you like better? A better education system would do it, but that's unlikely for a while, and takes a couple generations to make a difference. An honest press would make a difference. That's likely eventually, but unlikely for now. Other alternatives involve violence which is better for a few, much worse for most.

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What I prefer depends on the circumstances. I would prefer civil war to totalitarianism. To say otherwise displays an ignorance of history. Note my response: "elections" are not *always* better than the alternative. I did not say we were there yet. But you can see it from here.

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I was hoping for global military coups and Nuremberg 2. One can dream I suppose.

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It's not over yet.

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It hasn't even started yet..

"The U.S. aims to lift Covid vaccine manufacturing to create a billion doses a year"


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Your tax dollars at work. But like most of your tax dollars, it will go to waste. Fewer people are interested. It will take sterner measures to increase uptake, which will make more people more hostile. It's not over get, but will be soon.

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I wish I shared your optimism. What makes you so confident?

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Elections are no longer valid and the courts proved that. There are a million ways to fight this war prior to outright violence. It is duty now to wrench the gears, to destroy their machine in any way possible. A little creativity and a pair of cable cutters can go a long way.

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I'm really drunk and have no idea what thread I'm posting in, hope this is the right one. ;)

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"And so it begins." ... But never ends?

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I can't believe it either. Vienna is the most civilzed place I have ever been to.

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Give me instead the lack of civilization of my Ulster Scots forebears from Appalachia. It isn't enough to be civilized -- you must be ungovernable.

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Nov 19, 2021Liked by eugyppius

While not as pronounced, one can see the same rabid intensity from the pro-mandate, pro-corporatist mob here in the states. Perhaps I risk being hyperbolic but I fear a legitimately logical conclusion to this mass psychosis event is genocide.

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Agreed. This hysteria is fully present in the US, especially big cities in blue states. We have slightly less Teutonic efficiency to work with, but our government leaders are just as eager to impose totalitarianism as their overseas counterparts. They're waiting for the right moment. Urban populations here have adopted the same sadistic mindset, for the most part. It defies reason.

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Up to this point (in the U.S.), we are fortunate to have a fairly substantial "Red State" counterweight against the blue totalitarians...

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I think that is a perfectly reasonable prediction.

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Maybe I need to move from Oregon…. This place has a Blue Anon Governor who just won’t stop until everyone is marching to her orders.

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Nov 19, 2021Liked by eugyppius

I think multiculturalism will make things tricky in Germany and Austria. Minority groups in the Uk, NZ and the USA for example have low vaccine uptake numbers.; eg African Americans have vax rates that are impressively low ie -30%. They are described as generally mistrustful of government. If that bears out here…It would not be a good look for the German state to be seen excluding Turkish-Germans from society. Same goes for Austria. The game being played by Germany and Austria is a losing game, albeit ugly.

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yes, i‘ve wondered about this too. no question that the lowest vaccination rates are among recent immigrants also in Germany, even some suggestive leaks reinforcing this point. problem is whether the media ever lets that come out.

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Nov 19, 2021Liked by eugyppius

And that in Israel there is an opt out rate of over a million double vaccinated from the booster shot in a an eligible population of 7+ million. That would translate into at least several million double vaccinated not taking up the booster in Germany. It’s a long game. But a losing game for the state. Though i now concede that we will suffer retribution before the vaccine program goes up in smoke.

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i agree. more and more will opt out, but there will be a lot of pain first. well, i can do it I think. i have taken the steps in my personal life that i think are necessary.

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Tonight I sat at dinner with members of my family, two of which were lamenting over their very negative reactions to the booster. But bragging about it. My partner gleefully itching to get his booster next week. Me: NFW! I never said a word as they clamored about Austria and the bad unvaxed causing the problems. 🤦‍♀️ Inside me, my blood was boiling- as I refuse to start another family brawl. 👿. I throw out statistics, remind them of nazi Germany and losing our rights, it falls on deaf ears. I dread to think what will happen at the thanksgiving table.

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I am sorry to hear that. Deaf ears. Exactly. I think Pfizer’s magic pill is the only way that vaccine advocates can be placated.

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Interesting. How so?

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Hell. I keep thinking about those steps too. But I can’t for the life of me figure out if turnips grow on trees or in the ground :) I’m

Prisoner to all the worst aspects of dependent modern life. I’m no survivalist. Still one remains hopeful.

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It's not turnips so much as a like minded community/neighbors. Get out of cities if possible.

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As adults I can see the way forward. Even if the Internet ceased to exist I could surround myself with books and live frugally. I worry for my kids though… how do they forms bonds when the majority of the world is against them? When they build relationships with likeminded people through digital platforms it isn’t in the Wild. It feels like becoming rebels within an immense, dark forest

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Nov 19, 2021Liked by eugyppius

Frankly, it occured to me that Sweden did not lock down because of their huge migrant population. The already have serious problems with them, without locking down. I believe they knew that they would not have been able to control the migrants in a lockdown and that would have been very bad optics.

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I've heard the admonition lately to resist the covid tyranny: "be ungovernable". Could it be that the immigrant groups are the ones who will be most ungovernable in this brave new world, and they represent a bloc of resistance that could help save Europe?

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It's ironic that they may become our last hope

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Here in the US, we already have this racial dynamic in full swing. Those crossing our boarders illegally are not tested, vaccinated or masked. They are immune to any trouble with any Gov. Official anywhere in the country. It’s sickening and demoralizing the citizenry that is paying for all of it. You are correct, it’s very ugly and as a modern society, we are failing miserably.

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Nov 19, 2021Liked by eugyppius

Excellent article, again! There really isn't much to say in response to what is happening in Europe, other than never underestimate the power of many small minds working together! Clearly, those that refused the vaccines outright, or on a wait-and-see basis, have been vindicated. Faked Pfizer vax trial data (BMJ), lack of effectiveness, safety, endless boosters and now the outright strong-arm tactics serve to cement their resolve against EVER getting this shot. As a result of this nonsense, all of the conspiracy theories as to what the real purpose of the shot is have to come to the forefront. Unfortunately, we will soon see what result, intended or inadvertent, of these shots are on the long-term health of the population. I do wonder about the 10+M job openings in the US...are these positions that are simply undesired or is there a lack of able-bodied people available to fill them?

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Exactly on the resolve to never get the shot. I will not submit under any circumstances. I am preparing manually and financially to exit society if they are successful in compelling vaccines. It seems that there is a chance that will not happen in the US but there is no bound to the ambition of the vaxxers. If possible start considering relocating to more favorable jurisdictions. Texas or Florida if you’re in the US.

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Florida resident here. We welcome people to our state. Just leave your socialist liberal ideas behind.

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Why are they pushing the vaxxes so hard? Why is it getting to the point that we have to be prepared to be excluded and persecuted like this?

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Do share specific details about how you’re preparing.

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A lot of the job openings in the States are fake. They only put them out to comply with the loans they got from the gov't, they don't actually plan on filling them.

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Absolutely untrue. Within a 10 mile radius of where I sit, 95% of the businesses are advertising for employees right now and would hire willing workers in a heartbeat.

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Here some businesses probably would. And you would be making less than 8 bucks an hour.

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OK. That's a more comforting alternative...fraud and graft. Thanks.

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And we won't know the real thing about the Pfizer shots till 2076. I will be long dead by then.

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Nov 19, 2021Liked by eugyppius

Time to dust off all the mothballed Hitler statues and portraits and place them in and around all public places.

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I don't think Hitler would have been in favour of injecting Germans with the products of multinational corporations.

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He definitively would. His ties to international corporations (e.g. Coke, IBM) are well documented. Until he started the war, he was the darling of the international elite. He would have gotten away with any genocide he liked, if he wouldn't have started the war.

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You are partially right. History is a complex thing, however. Hitler was by no means the darling of ALL the "international elite." There is much in history that is not taught and, frankly the powers then and now would prefer not even be known or available to research, much less teach. Please don't get me wrong: I am no fan of dictators no matter their political flavor. But it was not for nothing that the Nazis were going after the communists and socialists. There is evidence that the Soviet Union planned to invade the West (of course, you will never read such in standard history books!) and this is why Hitler invaded first. You can't always find definitive answers, but a lot of possibilities crop up if one does some critical thinking about such questions as: "Who financed and supported the early Soviet Union?"

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But don't forget Germany made a peace packt with Stalin and then invaded Poland to start the war first with the West.

Anyway, lets not talk about WW2, this is an endless discussion.

Suffice it to say, I am just surprised that Hitler is often seen as based and opposed to global capitalism. For me he is one of the genocidical dictators of the 20th century who destroyed the Western world.

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IBM providing technology services and Coca-Cola cosying up to Hitler so they could sell the Germans Fanta is not the same as corporations and supranational organisations dictating the medical policies of nations. In National Socialist Germany business was subordinate to the state, not vice versa.

I think we both know it wasn't "starting the war" that put Hitler on the wrong side of the international elite.

All of this is beside the point by the way. The idea that there is some kind of continuity between the Nazis (who lost the war and Europe put through a thorough process of denazification with 100 year old junior concentration camp staff hunted down to this day) and what is happening in Europe now is childish nonsense from people who can't accept that the governments imposing these measures have a direct lineage to the victors of WWII.

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Nov 19, 2021Liked by eugyppius

This is an absolutely terrifying account.

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I'm almost sure that in the upcoming weeks many other European countries will follow this dystopian mandates implemented in Austria. This is nuts! And they won't stop.

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it's coming for Germany, the noises are already there. we just don't have the case numbers for it quite yet. next week maybe.

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Nov 19, 2021Liked by eugyppius

Best of luck to you, and everyone else in those countries. (And everyone in other countries; this will spread.) It feels insultingly pithy to say that, but what else can I say? Words fail when looking at the magnitude of what's going on and what's been lost in under two years.

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Nov 19, 2021Liked by eugyppius

Germany post WW2 is primed to respond to the tyranny of Nazism. It does not recognise any other forms of tyranny. I thinks it’s what you call ADE.

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I think this is true for the West in general. As long as there aren't any swastikas involved, it can't be tyranny. (And even if there were, it's all justified tyranny, because covid's really really scary, okay? Jews were harmless, but the unvaccinated are ruining everything and putting us all at risk. It's different this time, honest.)

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A very apropos observation. People think that, just because the old political parties were banned, and so forth, that the same disasters cannot happen from their present political parties. Ah, how quickly people forget the lessons of history (that which hasn't been memory-holed.) Adolf Hitler began his career in a liberal democracy.

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Primed for totalitarianism or dictatorship maybe, but there's a critical difference. In 1930s Germany (Italy, etc.) the dominant political movement, at least that gained power, was fascism deeply based on nationalism. In contrast, the present world turmoil suggests one-world government, probably more on a communist or corporate model. Germans (and most other humans, to varying degrees) have a deep innate willingness to be led. It doesn't matter all that much by whom, or what the flag looks like, or even the tenets of the politics or faith. Civilized man is a herd animal. Sometimes to good effect, other times not so much.

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Ha. Then I have learnt something. Thanks. Feeling both stupid and informed all

At once :)

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Hello everybody, I live in northern Italy..we 'quietly' went through vaccine mandates for hospital & medical staff since jan 2021, vaccine mandates for teachers & school staff, green pass (which means being fully vaxxed or tested every 48h) to GET TO WORK, since 15 october, and now we're boosting the elderly..enter 2022 and they'll boost everybody over 40. There are discussion to end the green pass to those (like me) that get tested every 48h (and pay 15€ per test) because they deem it NOT SAFE ENOUGH...this is madness...while the vaxxed get around even if they test positive because apparently their green pass doesn't get deactivated while they're positive...we've got 85% of the vaxxable vaxxed, and they're going after the mean unvaxxed like crazy; I sometimes lurk on Fb to read comments under the news articles, and while a couple of months ago the narrative was predominant and couln't be debated, now is beginning to show some cracks..people doesn't believe the government anymore and many don't want the booster (while other would take 10 in a row, btw..) ..and wait till they go for the kids. But we aren't allowed to protest in the city center squares anymore, and sit-in only. This is terrifying me, I've lost my sleep and I'm worried for myself and my 4 yo kid...I can't afford to leave my job, anf they'd never give me the chance to remote work.I'm.the only one in my workplace without the jab. I really hope in a plot twist to end this madness. "Mala tempora currunt..sed peiora parantur". Keep up the great work, Eugippius!

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I feel your despair too. I thought I was so well informed but this article was a real punch to the gut. I had no idea the strength of Bad will towards people who do not want to be vaccinated. I am hoping that I get corona soon. If I can get that six month pass then maybe I can outrun the clock. Hopefully by then booster 4 is a bust or some other treatment gets made available. So practically my wife and I are asking family to let us know when they get the infection so that we might get it too. Never thought I would want to get sick:) good luck to you.

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Google Translate of only limited value: "Things go from bad to worse?" or perhaps more optimistically, "Bad times run [come and go], but be prepared for worse." ?

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