Nov 13, 2022Liked by eugyppius

Their fundamental emptiness makes them very useful perception management props. I've met their counterparts in many countries. The smarter ones, head girls mostly, eventually angle for NGO jobs. The blokes tag along in the hope of fucking a head girl.

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Head girls and the mating strategy of beta males.

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Most Head Girls have very few if any children, so as a mating strategy it's not very effective.

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Does the U.S. have Head Girls? If not, is there anyone similar to a Head Girl who I might recognize?


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Dr. Emily Oster, who penned the now notorious "pandemic amnesty" article in The Atlantic, is described as a kind of uber "Head Girl". A Head Girl is described as someone who is ambitious, excels at academics and athletics, highly educated and credentialed, values consensus over truth, supports and enables the status quo, and is profoundly unable to think out of the box.

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All the upper-middle-class girls with degrees who shut entire conversations down at the dinner table by saying, "oh my God, that's, like, so inappropriate." These creatures are now in charge of your life.

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They are only in charge of your life... if you let them.

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It's harder to avoid the reach of the QUANGOs these Head Girls inhabit the upper echelons of than one might think. Gas prices are only partly what they are due to the RU/UA fight, and Biden's appalling drilling policies. These Head Girls and their Head Boy associates have pushed ESG crap that makes it difficult for oil companies to access liquid capital, which is the third leg of the tripod of current high fuel prices.

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Head Girls would describe themselves best in one word - sensible. AOC is not a Head Girl, just a special kind of stupid.

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Where are these head girls and how might I find them? Find even one? My cause is just.

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Never stick your $#&@ in crazy....

- Mahatma Gandhi

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Did he really say that...

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OMG. Thanks for making my Sunday. LOL James!

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I once worked for a charitable foundation whose program officer (later President/CEO) was an heir to an oil-related fortune and these scions of the evil black gold have all found the perfect way of continuing to enjoy every privilege it's bought them while proving their worthiness to sit at the correct contemporary table.

This is what happens when people have no real work. They've got to justify that continued attendance at the debutante ball by claiming a perpetual moral virginity.

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it also bears emphasising, how cheap it is to buy this kind of activism. the climate emergency fund has an annual budget of like 800k and Getty's founding donation was around 500k i think. the activists themselves look to be mostly Uni kids who are paid for incidental expenses, and the few full-time organisers make like 20 or 30k a year. all that gets you multiple headlines in all the major press outlets, interviews on national news programs, etc etc

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Putting one's conscience in the wash on the economy spin cycle.

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Re. cheapness: it's not just about the hard cash though is it, it's about having the funders having the kind of elite status where people in the MSM smell the delicate scent of real power wafting around the astroturf and know which way to spin the coverage.

Mainstream environmentalism was ever thus, a cult built around a conclave of quasi Malthusian aristocrats. (Robert Stone's "Earth Days" is a great retrospective.) This itself does not reflect on the reality of climate change, but it does prove how cynical and/or deluded these people are that they all oppose nuclear.

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plus a shiny new halo made from organically sourced free-trade sanctimony

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In responding to all these climate shenanigans as if the underlying premise was indisputable, I think it’s way past time that we start “outing” the real scientific facts – not the ones endlessly repeated in the MSM for so many years that the Goebellesque repetitiousness has become fact in the putty-like minds of the impressionable young especially. It’s way past time to stop dealing with the consequences and start elaborating on the facts, otherwise we are all playing into their hands.

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Agree. But it's got to be a really sharp accurate side-by-side comparision of hysteria to facts.

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No, we need fanatics.

Who hate as hard or harder.

We have tried facts and failed long enough.

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Thanks, I'd not heard of Anthony Watts before

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Yes, I've been a frequent visitor to his website for many years and to many others. The problem is his (and their) lack of exposure to the "general public" who only get to hear one side.

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"that gets you multiple headlines" AND a well paid job in an NGO!

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It's also so cheap because media is free. Between 24/7/365 cable TV and infinite pixels on the internet, media is effectively starved for content. As compared to, say, three decades ago when newspaper content was self-limited, and TV (US) had 30-minutes each for local and national news, stories about protests throwing food or gluing themselves to the wall/floor are reported seriously, rather than ignored as equivalent to a college prank.

Three decades ago, it would have taken a massive PR and outreach campaign to obtain media coverage, much less public notice. Now, it's all performative, designed to engender emotional responses--and social media reposts and linking.

It's all sound bite and no substance.

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Wow, that is cheap indeed!

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Can't we just leave them glued to the wall for a few days?

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It'd be modern art!

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And also a reply "statement"! LOLOL!

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More like Medieval than modern. Juvenile behaviour, but yes I wish no one harm but to leave them in their own predicament maybe until they pee their pants would be a funny payback for such a nonsensical stunt.

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That would've been my approach from the start. Didn't the VW protest go that way?

But let's not ignore the museum mgt. letting all this go on unimpeded.

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Idle hands are the Devil's workshop. Having no critical thinking abilities also helps.

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Manmade climate change is both a hoax and scam on every level. Here's why:

1- there is no hard proof CO2 can cause global warming. There are many other causes such as solar cycles, earth's tilt, water vapor, and magnetic field.

2- there are many other sources of CO2 besides by man, such as volcanos and decomposing plants, and its levels have been much higher in earth's history, while life actually started and thrived.

3- no matter what is done to reduce CO2, the percentage reduction achieved is miniscule at best.

4- the damages and price of reduction of CO2 are catastrophic to economies, food production and survival, for the poorest.

5- it is simply frauduIent when the climate change activists claim all the things like storms, floods, and droughts are results of not just climate change, but climate change caused by man. All these phenomena have always happened to varying degrees from year to year.

6- almost all the results by the "climate scientists" consist of computer modeling. Essentially, they write a computer program and feed it with cherry-picked data to get a desired result. This is as much science as is any video game or simulation. A simulation is not the real world and cannot predict the real world with millions of times more variables.

7- many of the "climate scientists" have financial or ideological ties to radicaI environmental and political groups which force them to find data that support the political positions of those groups. This is also why the concept of "peer review" has been broken in this field.

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There seems to be a lot of overlap between climate extremism and covid derangement. Perhaps they will take it well when they realize how much they reduced their future carbon footprint by taking covid shots.

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Brilliant response, thanks

The only thing I'd add is Geoengineering & weather warfare. These are rea;l UN funded attacks on us that the climate alarmists interpret in the way they're told to

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Right? Morgellons is an environmental disease and most doctors call it Delusional parasitosis! It’s very scary and painful.

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And i recently heard someone say we all have it now, as we are breathing nanoparticles in every breath we breathe. It freaks me out completely, as I have seen footage of it on people.

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I think we'll be guided to ways of healing all these disgusting assaults on nature. If we live in fear, they've won on a whole other level

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I find there are already people (and other entities) here who are helping us. They absolutely want our fear, so finding answers to those fears is essential. The answers are here, so we must search without cease, without fear. Know that fear is conquerable, be courageous and find others with courage to inspire you. Dane Wigington is one of those people. There are many doctors standing up to the tyranny, as well.

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Dane us great. & so many Dr. Prayers help my fear. I was getting anxious every time I got in the car.. now I pray first.

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They thrive on our fear !

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Agreed, it empowers them I think

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A few years ago, I was pulling red , blue & metallic fibers out of my legs , hideous sores… started drinking distilled water, as much organic and non gmo food as possible, no processed foods, and lots & lots of baths with borax in it. As few chemicals as possible in house and cleaning& personal products . Eventually I did a heavy metal detox with my integrative medicine doctor. Very very painful 2 weeks (? 10 days?, it was a blur) but so helpful.

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I have wondered if my natural approach to food, healing and lifestyle for about 46 years--following the standard north american diet and pharma my whole early life--has made a difference in how I seem to be holding up pretty well, which seems amazing. I have health challenges, for sure, so there always seems to be room for improvement, and changes, and I feel challenged dealing with aging. Many times in my detox early on were hard. I can remember having to just go to bed. It took about 10 years before that really stopped. It is good to hear you have also had success with the more natural ways. May you continue to heal.

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Glad you caught on early. & thanks, it’s great to have hope again , even if healing is slow.

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Thanks, that's interesting. Are you in the UK? Interested to hear who your doctor was if so...

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I was in upstate New York, Florida now.

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Have you listened to Harald Kautz on this subject? It's all very dark. Better than we know about it though

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Absolutely, his work is invaluable. Also Elana Freeland's work.

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Not heard of her, thanks

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Yes , thanks for mentioning him.

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I recently heard that it is likely we all have it now, as we are breathing nanoparticles in every breath we breathe. I have seen footage, and it freaks me right out. Scary and painful indeed.

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I was just about to add geoengineering/weather warfare when I came to your comment. It is the biggest elephant in the room, and it is almost invisible. "What lines in the sky? Those are just con-trails..." Riiiiight. Dane Wigington says on his site geoengineeringwatch.org that if it does not stop, like NOW, our lives are a moot point. He also allows that without insects, we cannot live on earth. How many insects have you seen lately? I get very excited seeing any insect these days. The nanoparticles are of course overwhelming them, as they will us. I know a handful of folks who know this. No one else I could talk to about it--I have tried--can handle it. The sadness is beyond belief. Our once beautiful home...and we didi it. Well, earth may recover after we completely f*&% her over, at least there is that.

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I can relate! I’ve heard that they even put the con trails in movie tracks.. I’m fortunate to have a friend online I can vent (& pray) with. & my husband of a few years listens to my rants. I’m doing what little I can in our new yard, just bought butterfly bushes. The gmo ‘s are hurting everything. Glad you know about Dane , he’s really good to listen to. I apologize often in my prayers, how we are wrecking the beautiful perfect always changing world.

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I don't think we, the ordinary men & women are wrecking the planet. It is being terraformed & made hostile to life by some very evil entities

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I have to agree with you, though I seem to "forget" this, so the programming has obviously gotten into my brain to some extent. I appreciate this reminder!

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How wonderful that you have a garden, and some people to listen to you. The eugenicists are behind the GMO'S, they are doing exactly what they have been saying they wanted to do for a long time. I am pretty used to being careful about this, and am amazed that some still do not really know or care about it. Yes, Dane is a living treasure. I have listened to him for a long time. He is inspiring in his dedication, and his love for this planet.

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I read an article a few months ago about China and Geo-engineering. It is a real thing that few folks are willing to talk about.

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Stopping the wireless radiation is key I think. They are making our atmosphere more & more conductive so they can use frequencies to control & enslave. The internet of bodies where we are reduced to nodes in a global digital prison

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Yes, I remember those days too. I no longer have a car, but I hear that there are almost no bugs on people's windshields now. Remember how many there used to be , like you say, 50+ years ago. And as little kids, we would see all the bugs in the grill, too--so many. We know now that the bee is responsible for something like 70-75% of all of our food. And I do not want to eat any fake food, or insects--if there are any.

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Well cars are not shaped like bricks anymore, so smother airflow that makes it more fuel efficient also reduces bug strikes if I was a betting engineer.

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That makes sense!

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I don't know where you live, but I'm in a relatively rural area of Maine, USA. Plenty of the usual bugs here. I often tend to think that these climate activists typically live in cities and do not get out to experience nature enough. They live on their phones sucking up the propaganda and actually have little experience to question let alone refute the messages of alarmism. My point being that cities seem to allow for people in them to have views of the world that would change if they spent more time in rural areas. I've experienced those changes in myself from where I grew up to where I am now.

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Hmm , good point about the bugs.

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We still have loads of bumblebees, bees and wasps around our house. Too many wasps, in fact.

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Sounds like you are in a pretty good place. I just looked up natural predators of wasps: perhaps those have been compromised in your area, as I am fairly sure they have been where I am, and I tend to see more wasps here, too.

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We also have hornets here but not that many. Hornets kill loads of wasps for food. We have two wasp nests in the wall of our house. They left us alone so we ignored their nests. For now, may get rid of them next year.

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That's good to hear, not the wasps perhaps!

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8 - China and India are biggest offenders, but let's look the other way and punish the developed nations, bc wealth transfer is soooo easy. China and India are exempt from outrage bc someone has to build wind generators and cheap stuff. The whole situation is ludicrous.

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Yes wealth and guilty redistribution.

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In Germany, we are tearing down windmills to expand the harvest of brown coal. Oh, an s they have decimated all but the last 10% of the "ancient forest," relocated towns to harvest the most dirty coal that exists, Lignite. Of course, Nuclear plants are being closed down, so we can buy nuclear energy from the old plants in France. There is such a thing as "Clean Coal", however. It involves the use of algae to digest the CO2 to produce diesel as well as other usable products.

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Good thing the *sanctions on Russia* happened. Just speeded up the Plan. My money is on Germany to snap out of the absurdity bc this affects Industrial Europe, hence the Euro. All EU nations (plus developed nations - gosh "developed" has a whole new meaning now) have been beaten into Climate Change madness, ignoring the hypocrisy. It is so sad to watch.

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Plants thrive more under higher concentrations of CO2. The diabolical nature of what they are trying to do is so cloaked in smoke and mirrors. Their goal is depopulation of the planet.

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Agreed. Depopulation & slavery of the homo borg genesis underclass. Pure evil. They ultimately will fail

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I always warned the Eskimos are making to many camp fires in the arctic ,melting all the ice . Demonstrations must be done in all the biggest cities that the Eskimos must go back to wear bear skins and put the fires out or we are dooomed .

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We are all one big volcanic eruption from a very very long unsurviveable dark winter. All 7 points well taken!

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The problem is that the people touting & financing Climate Change Alarmism could care less about Climate Change. That is just an excuse to enforce Energy Poverty. Like their Plandemic and their Ukraine War, another manufactured crisis for them to exploit in pursuit of their nefarious objectives. Our ruling elites are Malthusian, Club-of-Rome Psychopaths and ain't interested in solving Climate Change, their interest is in making energy scarce & expensive by foisting the nutty wind & solar scam down our collective throats. Nuclear is the effective solution that doesn't cause energy poverty, so they despise it and spend $billions/yr on nuclear FUD & Fear Porn. Even in Canada the CNSC takes 11yrs to approve a new reactor design. Is that bungling incompetence or malfeasance? I say the latter. If you want to know about the politics of Nuclear power look at Robert Zubrin's latest:

Nuclear Energy, Space and Humanity's Future | Robert Zubrin | The Human Progress Podcast Ep. 30:



How to liberate nuclear energy, with Robert Zubrin, Alex Epstein.


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oh, look, another shill for the genocidal nuclear power/weapons industry.

it's almost like the whole point of the global warming hoax is to keep those fascist scumbags in business.

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Pulling crap out of your ass. Nuclear power has nothing to do with the nuclear weapons "industry" which almost entirely state owned, beyond the type of energy. In the same way filling your car with gas is related to the Ukraine War carnage. The global warming fear crowd hate nuclear power far more than they hate fossil. In fact Big Oil is a major funder of the anti-nuclear, climate change alarmism movement. So in fact CC fascist sumbags are on your side.

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A very poignant and correct response. I am over 60 years old, and have read all the predictions from the "experts" for most of my life. The Earth is a terrarium. No energy in or out, unless you want to take abiotic oil into account. The current "warming" is a natural phase of the sun. (I forget the name for it). It will start cooling down, starting next year.

I also agree that the paving of green areas are detrimental to the weather changes. In addition, I am wondering if the wind farms are also having an impact on the natural flow of wind. Sure, it is not the jet stream, but...

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There is an aspect to green energy/windmills that I have never seen in the press: A windmill extracts energy from the wind, meaning that the wind slows down (kinetic energy = 1/2mV^2). The reduction in wind velocity is significant - we're extracting as much energy as we can to make the windmill profitable. What is the climate effect of reducing wind speeds? How will this affect the weather? Cloud formation? Rain? Storms?

Also, the sun doesn't shine at night and the wind doesn't always blow. This means there has to be an alternate power plant in the background that can be spooled up when the wind doesn't blow and it's dark out. Power plants can't just go from zero to full power instantly because they have to warm up to operating temperature and this takes time.

Even worse, they have to raise the temperature of the plant gradually to minimize thermal stresses (fatigue life) to maximize the life of the power plant. The net result is that a power plant has to be almost up and running in the background to take over when the windmill and/or solar panels stop producing electricity. I suspect that the net electrical contribution from windmills and solar panels is very low when the cost of the backup power is considered.

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Thanks. I might have mentioned this in another comment. My Father-in-Law, an environmental Engineer, spoke about this many years ago. He also pointed out that the energy required to produce and install the wind turbines would never be recovered with the revenues from the energy they could produce. He did not take into account the maintenance costs. Here is a link to the company he founded. My brother-in-law brought it kicking and screaming into the modern age, and from what I can see from the new website, it has really moved in a direction that I feel Papa Canzler is turning in his grave. https://www.canzler.de/

Mother Canzler was a "Powerfrau." She championed for women's rights. On last thing, they both were interred after the war.

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6- is actually a huge scam. The problem is that all of the climate models by the "experts" over the last 30 years have predicted much higher temperatures increases than have actually occurred. Every ten years they modify these models and back test them, yet ten years later they are still always wrong, and always on the high side. Each time they also reduce the expected greenhouse effect of CO2 in order to make the new model work in back testing. CO2 does not have the strong greenhouse effect that we are told it does, and climate scientists have admitted as much, though they keep this on the down low. No problem, the Green activists have found new gasses like methane and nitrous oxide to blame and subsequently control.

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Yes and the worst of it is now they want to use this complete bulldust "man-made climate change" lie to bankrupt us all. What was the latest at Cop27?

"World's richest nations must pay for natural disasters in developing countries" What a joke. I know they're not that stupid, they just think we all are!

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I'd have to disagree with what you say about the scientists who have devoted their careers to trying to understand these issues. Of all people, they are very aware of the complexity of the data and of the models they are trying to build and interpret. Data sets that are thousands upon thousands of inputs, that have to be poured over for months if not years by teams of people challenging the data with the best methods available, and developing new methods, and publishing those new methods -- all very dull and complicated to most people on the outside. This is not your cherry-picking, media-savvy crowd.

They are historically among the lowest-paid and least glamorized in the scientific world -- the environmental sciences have always been in a position of begging for money and getting by on scraps. People working there are caring and committed to their work, despite often living at near-poverty levels to continue doing it. The hallways of these institutions are dull and quiet -- the people working there as well -- these frumpy cardigans and button-up shirt engineering characters are not rubbing elbows with the radical figures that feature in the news. They feel just as uncomfortable as we do, reading about these ridiculous schenanigans by apparently not-very-smart activists.

Eugyppius had a post recently in which he reminded us, not everything is fake. To that I would add, some people are actually on our side. Among those, our somewhat dowdy but very appreciated scientists in the dusty hallways of the environmental sciences.

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Nice try but James Hansen, of GISS fame, and the rest of the Warmingistas are not poring over data. They make a model and if it doesn't show enough warming they change some parameters. Not one of their models has any real world predictive value. Science says whatever pays the most. Is it all fake? No. Is it all made for a patron to please the patron? Yes.

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I'm with you, Jon. A model that doesn't accurately predict things is worthless. The climate models have been wrong for decades. They're crap. To add insult to injury, they're trying predict out 100 years. I've done enough modeling to know that extrapolation is dicey at best and flat out wrong most of the time.

Predicting 100 years out with 40 years (at best) of real data is a fools errand. The only reason it gets traction is because the scammers in government are willing to subsidize it with our tax money.

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Well the quality of the dataset is the biggest problem. I don't know much about modeling but I know using 1 thermometer to represent the Temps over I believe it was 1200 km in some places is gonna produce a hell of a lot of noise when you are looking for a 0.1 degree C signal. The comtinental US is the only place where there is temp data collected with any resolution and it is littered with siting issues that scream 'all the warming is Urban Heat Island Effect'

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At least James Hansen, unlike most of them, critiques wind & solar power and emphasizes only nuclear power is capable of replacing fossil fuels. For that he is ostracized by CC crowd and gets peanuts in funding comparatively. The vast majority of the CC promoters are hypocrites of the worst sort, opposing the only form of energy that is capable of replacing fossil fuels, while promoting the giant solar/wind scam that so far has blown over $4T with zero results. So what are they doing? Doubling down and demanding >$100T more spending on the same nutty scams.

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Are you speaking as someone working with those scientists on the inside? Because that doesn't match what I've seen.

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It's been awhile since I was a researcher but I haven't forgotten what it was like. Try surfacestations.org to see the quality of the 'data' they are obsessing over in your fiction, and notice that the completely nonsensical nature of the dataset has been public knowledge for almost 20 years.

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I did too Gary but by the time I learned about it some more intrepid volu there had done all of my local sites. To me though Watts' work is still the ultimate debunking of the climate nonsense. The dataset is just garbage. Also an amazing early example of crowdsourced research that we should all study

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I'd like to hear more about your experiences with that.

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A model with no predictive value is just masturbation and should be judged solely on whether or not you get off on it. I don't.

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All great points. When I am attempting to help people to understand the lies of the United Nations "Man-made climate change" hoax I cover these 5 simple points.

1. It's the claim it's man made that is important.

2. CO2 is the source of all life as it is plant food.

3. The percentages show the lies.

4. It's all based on IPCC computer models and they 'own the Science™'

5. Heat and the tropics creates more food

#1 The use of the simplified phrase 'climate change' is deliberately misleading. The claim is that climate change is being driven by mankinds emissions of CO2 and other greenhouse gases, therefore CO2 and carbon are dangerous. But are they?

#2 Carbon dioxide is plant food - plants take it in and through the miracle of photosynthesis create plant fiber, which is food for all animals and life, and oxygen which sustains all life. Ergo the more CO2 in the atmosphere the more plants grow, the more food, and the more oxygen and therefore the more life can be supported. If you reduce it you are reducing the elements of life - less food, more famines, less oxygen less life.

#3 The percentages is the most important part of showing the lies.

Carbon dioxide in total makes up just 0.04% of the entire atmosphere. 99.96% are other gases. Mainly oxygen, nitrogen and water vapour.

From the 0.04% - 97% of it comes from the natural world and just 3% comes from mankind.

Which means nature, the things you mentioned above like volcanoes, creates 33 times more than mankind. So when climate change terrorists make grand statements like agriculture makes up 10% of all Greenhouse Gas Emissions - that's a lie. It is 10% of all mankinds emissions. Which are 3%. So it is 0.3% of 0.04% of the total which means its nothing.

#4 Computer models IPCC - the United Nations International Panel on Climate Change claims that it owns the Science™ on climate change. They are not wrong. They own the computer modelling that is done to fake the appearance of science. All policies of the UN and all statements about climate Armageddon come from their fraudulent computer models. And we know how well they worked out for Covid-19. They are not using science, they are using The Science™ - which they will use when they make broad statements to lie to the public like "The Science™ says that....(fill in the gap)" It is propaganda. But the insiders understand the deception.

#5 Heat and the Tropics - if the temperature does rise, and there is more CO2 in the atmsophere the net result is that there will be more plant life, meaning more food, and more oxygen meaning more life can be sustained on the planet. In fact the tropics bears this out. the zone on earth which has the greatest abundance of plants, life, food and animals is where? In the tropics. Think of the Amazon. Think of Africa. Think of Thailand. Think of New Guinea. So the fact is that a warming planet will sustain more life not less.


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Con poker wins by bluffs.

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And every other field

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Nov 13, 2022·edited Nov 13, 2022Liked by eugyppius

I came up with the term "Teacher's Pets Rebellion" to characterize these people. My theory simplifies it further down: no need for astroturfing, that's way too much assumed organization.

All you need is a green (literally) light that individuals can understand: you can do this, it won't hurt your career prospects, you won't be blacklisted, the law will treat you with kid gloves.

The case in point is the British girl who poured sewage on a veteran's memorial to protest private jets.

That girl, seemingly a very simple soul, got the message that this kind of stuff is in. If she did, so did thousands of others.

You don't need to astroturf Black Friday crowds at megastores.

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Nov 13, 2022·edited Nov 13, 2022

Here in Mexico City, obviously the capital of the country, there are tons of demonstrations of all kinds by all groups all of the time. While I'm a free-speech absolutist (hate speech is free speech!), I draw the line at blocking traffic, defacing public monuments or private property, destroying property, or any kind of violence. Ghandi defeated the British via power, not force.

When protestors do the above, they lose all my support and I'm inclined to politically oppose them.

I'll treat the climate situation as an emergency when it's supporters treat it as an emergency, and not as an opportunity to fly hundreds of private jets to some far-off location to debate useless strategies. Whatever you believe about the causes and solutions to global warming, it's pretty clear that until the Chinese and Indians stop building new coal-fired power plants, the entire rest of the matter is a complete waste of time.

And why aren't these folks shrieking for the immediate construction of nuclear power plants?

A: Because they don't really know what they're talking about, have no interest in real solutions, and are just having fun "getting the man. "

It's all beyond sickening.

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I get your point and frustration, but there's no need to be mad. You either believe the NPC meme or not, but can't have it both ways.

I assume it's mostly true, therefore I don't expect average people to weigh the merits of nuclear power or the realities of outsourcing CO2 emissions to China, or the carbon footprint of a vegan's diet in Northern Europe in December.

I tried to look for a simple reason why this shit is so popular for the less philosophically inclined individual, and it's something like this:

"How would you call a demonstration that is so risk-free, poses so little danger to the status quo that no harm would come if you were to partake in it?

It won’t end your career, you won’t find yourself ostracised from clubs, zero negative impact whatsoever. You can put it on your LinkedIn and your boss will like it. You can set it as your avatar."


"so little risk it’s unprecedented in history. The safest tantrum ever, with the best possible press imaginable. The teacher’s pets rebellion."

It boils down to a cost/benefit analysis for the individual: it's safe, there's only upsides. Why not?

Anyone can name a downside of being an outspoken climate activist? Just one? Oil companies will reject your CV? No, on the contrary. There's no downside!

It's as frustrating to me as a Black Friday stampede. I ain't mad.

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One can compare it to the protests against Covid lockdown in the same city last year.

The police was sometimes extremely brutal, the politicians out of their minds against this "undemocratic behavior", the press saw the rise of the 3rd Reich brought on by the unvaccinated.

It illustrates how well regarded by the chattering classe the climate protest are.

The clip linked in Eugyppius' article also shows how ordinary folk hat it and see the hypocrisy. But there were all non-intellectuals, so they don't count.

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Case in point. Trudeau invoked emergency powers against the truckers due to so called violence. This act is similar to martial law and most would expect this to be used in a state of war. The act requires a review of its use and no actual violence was documented but pressure from local authorities who 'felt' unsafe. That's all it takes

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Now, given that these cultists enjoy the endorsement and protection of officials, what can we do about them?

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Remind them that they're not rebels, that they are the teacher's pets.

Start shouting twice as radical climate activist slogans to prove to them that this is totally risk free.

Or maybe offer your sympathies if they're willing to back actual dissidents in exchange, like Canadian truckers or anti-lockdown protesters. The kinds whose skulls the police might crack even in Germany. See if they realize how much their rebellion is elite approved.

Kindergarten-level empathy exercises that might provide them some self-reflection. It might work on 1-2 out of 10. Some might get angry and will call HR on you. Some are in HR.

You're facing Red Guards here, so they can get murderously hostile and have near zero sense of humor, but they're not aware of their useful idiocy, so it's every decent person's duty to try and help them, even if they hate you like a child having a tantrum.

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They are not the Red Guards, because you need violent energy for that.

Those people are much too soft. Their protest relies on their upbringing in an extremely non-violent country. (This is why out will not see those protest outside of Western Europe).

They will happily agree with any totalitarian regime that exerts violence on behalf of "the right cause".

They may even join in.

But they are unable to be violent themselves. They are much different people from the RAF we had hear in Germany 50 years ago.

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I disagree.

I personally had ideologues wishing me to lose my job, lose my social contacts, lose my life. Wishing for my erasure.

The more persistent even acted upon it, fortunately to no avail (I do live in Hungary).

Many of these people are sadistic to the core. They act up on it in a feminine, passive-aggressive way, which makes it no less vicious, as far as their preferred outcome is concerned.

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yes, many of them are evil. And they will happily applaud when you are lead away to be jailed or killed.

But they are only followers.

Their power comes from being on the side of the authority, and pushing the envelope just a little bit.

If the authority tells them it is enough now, they will be gone in a second.

But yes, they are also more vicious people who are willing to take action. We see it her in the a Antifa, which has some real terrorists in there midst.

But it does not seem to me there is any solidarity of Antifa and Climate-gluers.

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So they are like Red Guards.

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We let them run, and will see how this winter and then next year goes.

If the majority of people get cold and much poorer, they will (hopefully) not take up with that nonsense anymore.

If the majority of people will be persuaded that they have to suffer willingly for the climate, nothing will save our society. And those people might just keep on glueing themselves to the street, it doesn't matter anymore.

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Well, insisting that they be penalized for any acts of destruction of property, blocking traffic, or violence. In short, apply the law equally to all.

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I don't understand why climate change activists would protest against private jets. It is after all the transport of choice for the high priests of the climate movement.

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“why American non-profits funded by oil money are paying climate activists to disrupt traffic and demand speed limit and transit policy changes in Germany in the first place; and how it is remotely acceptable or even legal for them to do this. “

Why? Part of the same agenda as the Covid PlanDemic.

Legal? 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣. Seen the American elections recently?

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Nov 13, 2022Liked by eugyppius

Over 500 million lottery tickets were sold in the US in 4 days last week.

Within hours of the drawing, lottery officials knew how many winning tickets were sold and where they were sold, down to the specific stores.

6 days after the voting closed we still do not know who has won in many races.

Nothing to see there....

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Our "elections" are that way because those in the political arena want it that way.

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Exactly. No arguing here.

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I make an election selection every day on a variety of issues and I vote for myself every time . Turns out I also win every time .

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Nov 13, 2022Liked by eugyppius

OMG that poor woman and her family. I am horrified.

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They should sue the climate action fund or whatever it is.

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Nov 13, 2022Liked by eugyppius

Because Germany is a conquered vassal state covered in nato and American bases. The freaks in your political class are destroying whatever independence you had for covid, nato and begging for the scraps of the dc-nyc-la empire. If they cared more for their people they would kick out the American presence and chart their independence. But since germans seem to be a conformist people to whatever ideology is ascendant at the moment along with denying any personal freedom through threat of prison such as speech or home education, you can deal with the ramifications of being a vassal state.

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I'm slow on the uptake, but the German silence to the UK/US destruction of Nordstream made even me appreciate how conquered Germany is.

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You know ,writing like that is a crime and for that Germany will now be totally overrun and occupied by u.s. girl storm troopers ,they have no mercy with you .Their make up alone will make you surrender a second time .

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Nov 13, 2022Liked by eugyppius

"Our next history lesson will cover the early 21st Century. This is one of the most bizarre and frankly hilarious periods in human history. The sheer ridiculousness of it all is often forgotten, in light of the horrific events of the Sino-American War. But an important theme this class will seek to explore is how the seeds of that much more memorable conflict were being sown, as early as 2016..."

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Nov 13, 2022Liked by eugyppius

"But an important theme this class will seek to explore is how the seeds of that much more memorable conflict were being sown, as early as 1966..." you mean.

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Precisely! When I was a student, (over 50 ears ago), the primary goal of state funded schools was basic literacy and numeracy. For all. Civics, economics, and history, (albeit "Eurocentric"), were still included in the curriculum. By the time my kids were being "educated", the focus was shifting. Literacy didn't matter. Nor did numeracy. Education was was all about "self esteem", and "working with others". My grandkids, (and now great grandkids), are no longer exposed to "irrelevant" topics. They learn that government is the source, and arbiter, of all things. They are taught "communications" by watching music videos. And, were they restricted to what they are taught in school, they would be unable to spell literacy or numeracy. [disclosure: great-grandkids are actually homeschooled - for obvious reasons]

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Last I heard, the local elementary schools had decided to stop teaching spelling, 'because automatic spell-check exists.' We know how well that goes. These are the same schools that assigned children a bar-code number and wouldn't allow them to write their name on papers - it had to be the number (bar code badge to be worn around the neck at all times); and children were required to be in school until noon on Christmas Eve. Only 5 absence days allowed per year, even if deathly ill: pediatric patients would literally leave hospital beds to get back to school. This is an affluent area whose only disarray is the occasional roadkill, so these decisions were stemming from utter lack of wisdom and financial greed rather than desperation.

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"these decisions were stemming from stupidity, utter lack of wisdom, and financial greed rather than desperation" Fixed it for you, Bird.

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Thank you. But you forgot "cronyism and ego."

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That sounds awful. Where is this?

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That is describing an affluent area in the middle of the country. I find that situation interesting because they were not encountering some of the less controllable variables and financial constraints that different regions in, for instance, California have to deal with. So it was pure home-grown grand ideas rolled out. The bar-code neurosis bloomed during the airport security and NSA craze following 2001.

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The real seeds were sewn at least as early as Rousseau, with his "Noble Savage" bullshit.

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Not going to argue against Rousseau needing a proper dressing down, but I put the arbitrary mark in the mid-1960s because that is when the seeds of the Frankfurt school had germinated and started to bear fruit in the US, with college campus radicalism, self-hate, exotification of any asian fatalist mumbo-jumbo (as opposed to actually study one if the multitudes of cultures there), and so on, and also since the mid-1960s marks when europan leaders-to-be studied in the US when they were young, becoming infected with that garbage called the civil rights movement and bringing the sewed US reasoning on race and culture over here.

Since then, we have bought the US logic on culture, race and so on hook line and sinker, causing people like swedes or danes (#of swedes is about 8 000 000) to talk about "the rights of minorities" meaning awarding anyone sufficiently not-white (whatver that means) as if arabs or indians or nigerians were minorities - most european peoples are minorities! The entire population of all of Scandinavia is a rounding error in India's national demographics.

Hence 1966 because while anyone with citizenship in the US is an american, only someone born to flemish parents is flemish themselves. We need to teach americans that, and we need to remember it ourselves, before we are made extinct by sheer demographic pressure.

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"But an important theme this class will seek to explore is how the seeds of that much more memorable conflict were being sown, as early as 1963, and the events of the Kennedy Assassination still had to remain classified for National Security Reasons as late as 2022" you mean. with respect to Rikard

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Nov 13, 2022Liked by eugyppius

There are two choices with those brainwashed spoiled activists:

1. We put a fence around and protection and let them starve and potentially die of thirst OR

2. We just rip off their hands without solvent and let them go.

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Force them to sign up to an electricity service that only supplies power when the sun is shining or the wind is blowing sufficiently. And they are free to add whatever battery banks they want at their own expensive instead of asking other utility customers to pay for them.

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Nov 13, 2022Liked by eugyppius

The story of the cyclist horrifies me. Anyone involved in that protest deserves jail time.

East Londoners know how to deal with these people. Enjoy: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9P1UXYS6Bmg

By the way, you all know that when they 'glue' themselves to things, that it's just mime, right? Radical Mime. Marcel Marceau meets Saul Alinsky. Just grab hold and pull hard, and remember it's mime. When they start screaming, it's just performance. Keep pulling.

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Here's the thing. It's not the skin glued. It's the pants. The pants are welcome to stay glued. Problem solved.

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What glue are they using ? is it gorilla glue ?. In Canada they could glue them self to trees with honey to the delight of the hungry black bears before hibernation .

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Poverty and destroying the peons' standard of living (not the elites') is precisely the solution to their climate ideology. More and more people are starting to put 2 and 2 together to see when they hear "climate change", it's not all kumbaya and nature feel-good stuff. They are talking about destroying your life as you know it.

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Climate change/Green New Deal taken to its logical conclusions will kill off 1/4 of the globes population. This is exactly what they want. Its not about saving but killing off humanity.

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More like 80-90% of the population. They don't hide the fact they want the Earth's population reduced to 1-2B.

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In the case of the woman who died in the cement truck accident, is there civil legal recourse on the part of her loved ones towards the individuals who disrupted the emergency vehicles? It seems to me that unless the activists start to feel the pain, and sometime civil judgement is the only recourse, there is really no disincentive for their actions.

As with most people, the logical connection of defacing art to climate issues eludes me. For them to tie up traffic and burn untold amounts of fuel in the name of CO2 emission reductions is both ludicrous and illogical.

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They should be charged with involuntary manslaughter. A civil lawsuit would be appropriate as well.

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Nov 13, 2022Liked by eugyppius

It shows what you can achieve very cheaply.

Now consider what kinds of foreign money may be quietly flowing to keep all kinds of currently popular nonsense, particularly the allegedly infringed rights of a 0.000001% minority group that everyone has peaceably tolerated for decades, at the top of the western agenda. For the sole purpose of causing intense division and destruction.

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Nov 13, 2022Liked by eugyppius

There is a parallel "protest" going on in the UK, where Albanian flags have been draped over war memorials during the remembrance weekend. Does anyone seriously believe this is a genuine

, merely horribly misguided "protest" against the UK's response to Albanian "refugees" arriving in dinghies? (Incidentally that response is mostly to block book four star hotels to house the arrivals).

Of course not. It is equally an AstroTurf event, timed and designed to create maximum disgust that can then be labelled as "racism".

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Nov 13, 2022Liked by eugyppius

You know what? These people are effective. When was the last time our side went to this much trouble, with this depth of resourcefulness and audacity? i

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our guys have organised huge protests, actually, but the truth is that even if we glued ourselves to the street or threw potatoes at monet paintings, the press coverage wouldn't be there. at best we'd be vilified in the press, and then we'd all just go to jail.

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Agree. There were huge, regular protests right across Europe for months and they seldom made the news over here in NZ. The amount of control over the media is frightening. People had believed that with social media and the ability to use mobile phones to record events, that the monopoly was broken. It appears not. Protestors in parliament grounds here were called 'a river of filth' by a government minister. Not ONE sitting MP came to talk with us.

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Great piece and great comments. Made me think that the best response to these protests might be to have a REAL protest within sight. Let the climate retards see a farmer's protest getting the Gestapo out and they might wake up to what a bunch of precious little Regime slaves they are. Also, it would solve the problem of real protests getting ignored, can't cover your pets without covering the Populist bear within earshot.

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Climate doom and its adherents are a doomsday cuIt based on fraduIent junk science. It is the most existential threat Western civilization has ever faced, perhaps even bigger than Nazism and communism. Their solutions inherently involve purposely starving people of their most basic needs in terms of energy, food and water. When things get really dire and they will, regular people finally will clue in how they have been destroyed by this cuIt.

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True, but they are useful idiots to the Davos Club's World domination agenda.

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These misguided nincompoops are not activists but criminals...


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