Dec 24, 2021Liked by eugyppius

I printed some of your work and left it for my children with a note on my kitchen table. I noticed that my 15 yr old not only read it but took it to her room and is now sharing (digitally of course) with others. Wonderfully worded and beautifully written messages -you are gifted and we are the beneficiaries. Thank you so much. Merry Christmas

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Dec 24, 2021Liked by eugyppius

Thank you for your measured and inspiring writing, at all seasons. As a physician, I believe that people would lose their fear, and return to life's joys, if early treatment were readily available. In the U.S., doctors who treat early are blocked at every turn. In our state, pharmacies refuse to fill prescriptions for hydroxychloroquine or ivermectin. Most recently, while a COVID injection is available on every street corner, the rare monoclonal antibody infusion centers have so few beds that they reject the majority of prescriptions as "not high enough risk." It is difficult not to feel that the authorities want people to die, when you seek help from systems and authorities. Part of the way back will be letting physicians be physicians once again.

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Miriam, so many physicians have revealed themselves to be unthinking bureaucrats that your profession has done itself generational harm, unfortunately. I hope thinking, caring healers like yourself can regain control. Merry Christmas!

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Sadly, I think that many people have lost their trust in the health care field, not excluding their primary care physicians.

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Thanks , and the same from here.

You and similar brave and wise people have helped keep me sane (well I think I'm sane...) in Clown World. You are much appreciated.

Keep going. We are many.

Hold the Line.

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I forgot to add that similar to eugyppius in the UK there is a site " The Daily Sceptic ".

Please read/join it.

They sometimes have an inhouse Doctor - " A Doctor writes ".

Brilliantly insightful and dripping with visceral sarcasm.

- Maybe it's eugyppius in disguise !

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have been subb'd to The Daily Sceptic for a long time, cheers!


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Dec 24, 2021Liked by eugyppius

Also, Merry Christmas from Idaho. You have made the world so much smaller for me . Like a family feeling blessed in companionship and mutual affection, safe from the storms raging outside.

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A net of sanity spanning the world. Hands and hearts reaching over the waves to each other

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Dec 24, 2021Liked by eugyppius

Thank you, eugyppius, for all the diligent and time-consiming work you've done for us. It's been profoundly meaningful to me and I'm sure for the many other people who have followed you. It's been a huge comfort to see that there are people in the world who have not succumbed to fear, and who analyze information carefully. Our hearts are with people everywhere who are oppressed by governments. We should not trust them or pharmaceutical companies with the running of our lives. Truth will out and God-willing liberty will be restored to our world. Merry Christmas, the ultimate message about deliverance from darkness and the gift of true light and the hope of all.

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Dec 24, 2021Liked by eugyppius

Fröhliche Weihnachten! I remember with great fondness the Bavarian Christmas seasons that I was privileged to enjoy as a child, especially being at my Oma’s home in Nurnberg. Here’s to hope for the new year, renewed courage, and an end to the fear and insanity.

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Dec 24, 2021Liked by eugyppius

I am going to copy your message and send it to family and friends. A dose of calm and reason. Merry Christmas and much gratitude for your work. To 2022 ... may the pendulum swing.

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Dec 24, 2021Liked by eugyppius

Merry Christmas, thank you for all of your impecable articles. My best purchase of 2021 was the sub

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Merry Christmas! I find comfort in our small corner of the internet, as you say. The hardest part of this pandemic has been feeling alone in what seems so obvious to me- looking around wondering why others do not see the corruption, manipulation, greed, power grabbing and plain incompetence. Having writers like you has kept me sane and confirms what I see. My appreciation for this gift cannot be overstated. Thank you.

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I sit here feeling the same as you. Everyone around me does not see at all what is happening. When I open my mouth and try to talk to my adult kids their eyes roll. They call me a conspiracy theorist and tell me I get all my info from radical sources. My daughter tried to talk to me the other night(26). She wanted to know why I’m doing this. Why do I care so much. She thinks it’s cause I’m selfish and just want people to believe the way I do. I told her I fear most for her and all my kids. What will happen. If my son is forced to get the booster to remain at Berkeley. Will he get myocarditis. Will his life be shortened by heart disease. Will my kids be able to have children?? She told me I need to just stop worrying about all that. I can’t. I just can’t. It’s not just for them. It’s for all humanity. I cry to think what these vaccines could be doing to so many people and how it will never be revealed that it’s the shots making people sick. I want to scream. I honestly don’t know how to sit here and watch all this happen!! How come everyone cannot see the sheer evil of all this!!! I thank this group here that I have somewhere I can speak and not be mocked like an insane idiot.

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Deb! I'm so sorry that you are wrestling with your kids so. They haven't yet reached the point to understand what you do. Just love them and pray. You are NOT alone. Merry Christmas!

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Well. If u have not watched the ew movie don’t look up. Watch it!! It may open some eyes to the lie we are living in.

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Can you give us a little more of a clue as to the movie you’re talking about. Thank you

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Oh my goodness. I feel exactly like you do.

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Hang in there, momma. I'm in a similar boat with my 19 y.o. who refuses to talk calmly about the data I've shared with her. I pray that she holds out until the passports are totally revoked. Fortunately, the dangers of these gene therapies is surfacing in msm, albeit slowly. This and a few other substack subscriptions plus Telegram channels keep me sane. Hugs and Merry Christmas!

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Dec 24, 2021Liked by eugyppius

Merry Christmas to you, and to all my fellow readers! Take care and do not worry. That little baby has already won.

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Merry Christmas to you all, too!

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It aint over till the last fat lady sings ... lol

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Wisdom is a gift... Rationality is a gift... Here you provide a modicum of both mixed with the blessing of the humane. Thank you for the Voice of Sanity to lean on over the last 12 months. And thank you for working so hard to interact with you audience and bring them in as a part of the solution. As our Fearless Leaders are wont to say.... "We are all in this together."

Thank you, Eugyppius. ---EJD

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Dec 24, 2021Liked by eugyppius

You said it all, so simply and elegantly. Thank you for bringing the light and the love.

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And a Merry Christmas to you too (in one hour and a half as of writing this). May you be blessed and refreshed for the fights ahead to come.

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Henry Louis Mencken (12 September 1880 – 29 January 1956) wrote:

Civilization, in fact, grows more and more maudlin and hysterical; especially under democracy it tends to degenerate into a mere combat of crazes; the whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, most of them imaginary.

In Defense of Women (1918)

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Dec 24, 2021Liked by eugyppius

Blessings to you and your family. Thank you so much for providing this oasis of sanity and refuge for the sceptical and marginalised. May you have a wonderful Christmas, with just enough lebkuchen!

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oh lebkuchen ! one of the things I miss from Europe LOL

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One of the many reasons why I love Germans! They do Christmas and Easter like nobody else!

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They are doing people re masks, lockdowns, and vaxes like nobody else!

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Yeah, there is that, but we know how they have been paralysed by fear and propaganda.

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Dec 24, 2021Liked by eugyppius

I'm a recent arrival on this particular site (I highly recommend The Daily Sceptic for UK readers) and want to thank you very much for your insights and measured, rational approach. Let's hope for common sense to stage a revival amongst our leaders in 2022. Best Wishes to you all for Christmas and the New Year.

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