Aug 7, 2022Liked by eugyppius

We would have seen more cases, quicker herd immunity, less rebounds, less inflation, less unemployment, less suicide, less voter fraud, and lived a normal life with real doctors treating us early and properly if not for the lockdowns and vaccines.

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Aug 7, 2022Liked by eugyppius

As a Canadian I can tell you Teresa is a liar. Our whole government is full of of fact-covering, stat obfuscating, self-congratulatory narcissists. Only those with LNP infused brains still believe their BS.

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All. Models. Are. Bullshit.

End of Quote.

Repeat the line.

get well.

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Aug 7, 2022Liked by eugyppius

The Neil Ferguson of Canada.

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Get your bifidobacterium probiotics and get well soon!

I'm convinced that Tam is a CCP asset.

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These people are insane. Like the American Democratic Party, only they know what is best for you. The true sign of a psychopath is they must be in charge because only they can determine what we all need to live in their model of the world. Guess what? All I need is balanced information from all perspectives and I can make my own way. Covid 19 is a bad respiratory virus and is most dangerous to the usual suspects - Old, frail, sickly and fat. Gosh, who could have known? Why these same clowns are pushing experimental shots on children otherwise healthy and as young as 6 months is blatantly stupid and evil. I will never take their shots. Those that did to keep a job or by other methods of lies and coercion should be mad as hell. Immune systems damaged, fertility issues and long term unknown risk rolling up more and more daily. Time go sharpen the pitchforks and soak the torches. Pray, plan, prepare and RESIST.

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Aug 7, 2022Liked by eugyppius

Wonder how Ms Tam would square her model with the data from Sweden, which had no lockdowns and came out of the initial Covid infection wave early and with low casualties?

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The evidence is clear that NO “measures” of any kind were appropriate.

The very idea of vaccinating our way out of an alleged pandemic was always an unworkable fantasy.

If there really had been a new & unusually lethal respiratory virus around, early treatment would have been the rational approach.

Real pandemics, if such things are really possible (& I’m not sure they are), simply don’t last very long in any one spot. In 1918, in most cities, not much more than two and a half months saw it arrive & leave.

Not two and a half years.

It’s all fraud.

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I hope Karma kicks in soon. My heart goes out to those in Canada. However we have similar problems right here in the USA. I never realized how many red-blooded, freedom loving, Americans turned out to be sheep who would follow Fauci over a cliff.

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None of this garbage will end until people realize modeling is just computer-aided thought experiments and that without some means of checking the results against reality they aren't evidence of anything.

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Isn’t this just the epidemiologists version of “it could have been worse if I wasn’t vaccinated” mantra we so loathe and despise?

Though it is fun to ..say it..say it…say it, whenever someone bigwig finally gets the Rona. 😝😝

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This kind of thing has become laughable. The lunatics are running the asylum. We've gone from lockdowns, stay home, school closures, no contact, 6 feet, no flying, wipe your groceries with bleach, walk this way in the grocery store, close that little store but keep walmart open, open all the car windows, leave granny to die alone, and every other idiotic useless idea to "OMG, we are saved, the vaccine is here." Then not for the first 2 weeks after the vaccine. Then thank God I got the vaccine caused I would've died when I got the Rona the first or the second or the third time. Now we've got young people, including doctors dying after the vaccine and people like Tam are telling us we all would've died without doing what she says. I'm so relieved we have a covid saviour. We need to stop the vaccines now and reassess. Will we? I doubt it.

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Aug 7, 2022Liked by eugyppius

theresa's making shit up and she's run out of modelling clay

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Aug 7, 2022Liked by eugyppius

If I could bring anybody in history back from death to get their reaction from the last few years, it would be George Carlin. Forget the great philosophers, it would be Carlin. Then we'd force him to run for office.

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Can we take a collection to send this idiot to India? She can author a paper on how many millions would have died if India wasn’t 90% fake vaccinated and opted to pass out Ivermectin like aspirin. Oh ... forgot ... India is like 5% vaccinated and the states that passed out ivermectin had far fewer deaths per million than idiocracy led Canada.

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These folks need to keep convincing themselves that they did the right thing. It is a pathology.

The past two years or so truly damaged human relations. Not only on the family and friends circles, but at a society level. While I notice this at work, it is at the grocery store that I witness more clearly the change. Gone the casual chat; gone the squeezing past somebody else’s grocery cart. People now stop on their tracks and tip- toe around one another; the faces seem more hostile, and there is a willingly avoidance of interactions. Not everyone behaves like this, but laughter and smiles are out. Reporting from suburban Vancouver, BC, Peoples Republic of Kanada.

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