Sep 22, 2023Liked by eugyppius

I'm reminded more of the Nordstream pipeline... Seems German officials are more loyal to Biden than to the German public

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Pretty clearly, German officials are practically owned by the US Deep State...Not one seems to be on the side of Germany and Germans...

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Well then, Germans and Americans are rowing the same boat because the US Deep State doesn’t give a damn about Americans either

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Quite true! You can throw in the UK and France as well....

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Western democracies are now trying to succeed where the Nazis and Bolsheviks failed

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They are more loyal to the Western narrative than they are to Biden.

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They are most loyal of all to themselves.

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The Nordstream fiasco was definitely the CIA and the UK , with the tacit permission of the Greens/CDU. However, here I think many of the countries are going to dodge any accountability for their stupid decisions that led to countless deaths. I think some with say things like “National/State Secrets” to keep their stupid decision making under cover so we don’t see how they made these decisions affecting millions with very little information. Another angle could be to dodge with contract law. That would appeal to German bureaucrats tremendously. we know the Pfizer contract was so onerous that it could be struck down in most courts. But they can hide behind it, even though Biontech was a partner!

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Still, the question remains - WHY?

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Because they're controlled by Globalists just as they've been since WW II.

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Looks like a pretty good webpage at a glance.

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The global corporate state aka the ownership class has been having an unprecedented and seemingly endless nervous breakdown since the Peasants' Revolts of 2016 (Trump and Brexit).

They are determined to make sure we smelly proles never get our hands anywhere near power again—after all, the elite class went to all the right schools, knows all the right jargon and has all the proper beliefs, why should they listen to anyone else when they know everything already?—and they will destroy the village called Western liberal democracy in order to "save" it.

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The US holds a lot of power. Undoubtedly there is some sort of back scratching going on or just pure denial of thinking people can't handle the truth.

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Please watch and listen carefully.

The above is from yesterday. This CANNOT take two or three more years to open up and investigate!! All of our countries must heal. It’s going to take sunlight for that to happen.

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As far as I can tell, contemporary Europe is little more than a colony of the USA. Sad!

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I’m aghast at how the German officials that once targeted people outside their clan has now turned on its own citizens and is causing harm to. There must be a name for this, but I can’t think of any. They also had a way to make the unjabbed wear a yellow star like they did with the Jews back then. Well they say that history never repeats itself, but it often rhymes with it.

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I can easily visualize Heiko Rottmann-Großner being dressed as an SS officer.

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Biden may have gotten in on a coup by vote fraud (as he announced before the "election"), etc., but he is the Commander in Chief of the power occupying Germany.

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Sep 22, 2023Liked by eugyppius

You know what is funny? The disconnect between how amazing they all felt when they were "saving the world", versus now. They MUST realize it will all come out now. Also funny: the true believers are not safe when the Scheiß starts rolling downhill.

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Doesn't this strengthen the notion that the COVID response was organized and ordered by entities operating outside the sovereignty of nations? In the beginning, they were all, well, sounding sane. Then -poof - within two weeks all hell broke loose, including lockdowns, masks and vaccines.

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yes, I think China was an important force in the very beginning and this remains a very delicate matter for the German government.

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And Canada.

And many countries since they all reacted in the same manner other than Sweden of course.

So are we to conclude China is the culprit? Some say it's the U.S. military.

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Sep 23, 2023·edited Sep 23, 2023Author

The "US military coup" arguments emerge because of a kind of epistemological "one drop rule." Whenever there's a single dollar in grant funding or a single actor who can be connected in some way to the defence sector, many will just automatically conclude that the whole thing is a 'military operation' of some kind. The weight of untold thousands of civilian actors, bureaucrats, grantmaking operations, papers in academic journals, is wiped away the second somebody finds that one person with "biodefence sector" somewhere on their CV. (Often the "finding" is not even necessary and it is sufficient to have dark suspicions.)

Note how the predecessor theory to Covid-as-military coup – the Schwab/Gates/whoever else-driven 'Great Reset' – depended on basically identical styles of argument. All anyone had to do was find the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation somewhere on somebody's CV and suddenly they were a paid Gates goon.

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Canadian here. I'm far more worried about the US and Canadian govts than the one in Beijing. Ron Unz has a series of articles outlining his thesis; that COVID was a US bio-weapon attack against China ( and Iran ) with unexpected blowback.

But either way, it definitely wasn't an independent response from Ottawa. The notion that Canada is in any sense a 'sovereign' nation is something the entire world increasingly knows is absurd.

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A "Bioweapon" that kills .1% of old frail fat people? That's an evil economic gift, not a weapon....

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If you had large long position on pension companies it's a grea outcome t

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Covid was created by some idiots at the NIH, DARPA, EcoHealth and WIV wanting to play God.

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And that's the biggest revelation of them all: That Canada remains a colony. It hasn't matured all that much. Arrested development. Mostly because we're neighbours to America which does a shit ton of the heavy lifting. Not that Canadians see this.

I think those of us who have followed Canadian history closely 'kinda knew' or had a hunch it wasn't really a true nation. Everything is done so amateurishly here and nothing ever of note ever gets done.

For example, our Constitution is a wishy-washy attempt at the American version. It's long on ideals but very short on actual protections. We saw plainly how useless the Charter is during COVID. It's only as strong as the will of the people who wish to back it and there was no will to protect fellow Canadians. So the judges and courts obliged.

We don't have property rights. We never updated our national security apparatus. We refuse to pull our weight in NATO. We never did anything about various terrorist groups who operate in plain sight. We're a hub for Mafia activity. We never create a true indigenous economy often relying on American capital. We sold out our natural resources to foreign countries - which points to us being a colony. Our intellectuals always focused on fighting about which model/country to follow: America or Britain. At the expense of a national identity. In this vacuum, we cling to lame things like public health and hockey. We don't have much of an identity but we do know we're not American.I won't even get into the current state of affairs under this buffoon in charge. Boy does he love to lecture the world with his verbal flatulence.


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I agree on all points. I will say, however, that the truckers showed genuine courage in standing up to the govt, and several pastors were willing to be arrested multiple times. All is not yet lost.

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As a native Minnesotan who always harbored great affection for our neighboring country to the North, the current state of Canada to me has been deeply distressing. This is NOT the Canada I used to know and love.

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Gain of function was made in China by Usa,vaxx was made in Germany,it was tested by Israel,only chinese didnt use Mrna..are we close?

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Chinese didn't use mrna, but they didn't they approve the use of the biontech shot in China - for foreigners only? If I recall correctly, Scholz himself traveled to China and announced that deal.

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I doubt it's China.

The videos of people falling were from western funded groups.

The ridiculousness of China being cool with Western gain of function is another idiotic false premise.

China jumped on the train, like Russia did in order to gain power over their people.

The real planning was started by Western interests that blew up the China sick story (most likely from pollution in Wuhan!).

Sadly, most of the medical scientists and doctors just repeated their big pharma training and went along to get along, even if it didn't make sense at all.

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I'm sorry but this isn't right, I've spent years now researching this, I've read every last scrap about lockdown origins. They come from China, they're related to SARS-inspired containment strategies from 2003, the WHO is initially noncommittal about them in early February 2020, something changes late in the month and their joint mission endorses them, and then in the subsequent 3-4 weeks everybody locks down.

Nobody in the West is talking about lockdowns before China, these are Chinese SARS-related policies. They have to be transmogrified by Neil Ferguson and IC London before they even make sense for Western institutions, and that happens relatively late. There is indeed some kind of conspiracy here, involving China, the WHO, and probably some other actors (tech sector people??? pharmaceuticals???).

The significance of those January videos is hugely overestimated. They're interesting. They *may* have come from Chinese-critical factions, but even that is unclear. I very much doubt they're Western: they're PRC or (maybe) ROC content targeted at western audiences.

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Sep 22, 2023Liked by eugyppius

Neil Ferguson and the Imperial college angle is simply jaw dropping in the academic world- I mean they just gagged Kulldorf, Gupta, Ionnidis, and so many true experts to let this complete moron grab the wheel- that definitely smacked of the universities being captured vessels of China.

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Sep 22, 2023Liked by eugyppius

Thank you, Eugyppius.

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Also, have you not been up to date about how the whole thing was prepared in advance as Sasha Latypova and Katherine Watt have exposed?

No it's China. Seriously? They tricked us? Or did we set them up?

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look, I don't like to attack other bloggers who are more or less on our side of things, but those two people, and others around them, are very wrong about this and other things.

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Check out Neoliberal feudal review substack vs. Edward Slavsquat on the question of Digital transformation, Putin as WEF agent in energy and financial reset (Cyber Polygon - next incremental emergency declaration as segway to CBDC's?), war to further Multipolar world order, geopolitics as a form of kabuki theatre. There is a similar progression with "there is no conspiracy, well maybe but" with Surplus Energy Economics (Dr. Tim Morgan) vs. Our Finite World.(Gail Tverberg) regarding how all these shenanigans relate to planned Degrowth to mitigate energy, debt and complexity death spiral. Neil Ferguson is implicated in Michael Fumento's (now writes for AIER) 2010 Forbes article "Why the WHO Faked a Pandemic."


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So based on China's bullshit as we know PCR is bullshit, we believed them and went along with the idea that convid was the cause?

Hahahaha... we were fooled by China? GTFO


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you'll notice that I've thoroughly documented for evidence for Chinese involvement in lockdowns. you're welcome to address the evidence I've adduced at any time.

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"The videos of people falling were from western funded groups."

Which ones?

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I don't have the video now.

But let's say China faked the videos... Let's say it's them.

How the heck were we fooled by a non virus?. Blaming China is stupidity.


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Sep 23, 2023·edited Sep 23, 2023Author

Believe me, I'm very aware of this essay and many other arguments by Rancourt. He's just not right. But, it's also my experience that people who cite Rancourt (or Latypova, or the rest of them), as if I've never heard of these people or what they say, have entered a basically fictional world of argumentation and myth-making, and there's really no reaching them anymore.

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…And the USA!

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Sep 22, 2023·edited Sep 22, 2023

Because of Drosten and his involvement... and of course BioNTech.

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Same in Britain. Boris Johnson wanted it to rip through the population. Two weeks later we were in lockdown.

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Sep 22, 2023Liked by eugyppius

This seems to show fairly explicitly that not one western government cares anything about their native populations, period. They’re all seemingly beholden to someone else. The disturbing thing is it evidently has been going far longer than most have any idea of - except us of course…

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We are all ruled by global capital and its whims and needs and plans, everything else is a puppet show or shadows on Plato's cave wall...

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If one just needs to "follow the science" then why is so much draped in murkiness? It's clear as mud! Every time i hear "Ministry of Health" it brings a cold chill to awareness. They got something right, it is a "ministry." It does serve as a means...but I don't think the means is to serve the public. Serving the public would require humility. and it sounds to me like these people have anything but humility. When was the last time they apologized for anything?

This is the same type of people seen throughout the world. So if I appear to sound personally assaulted by events halfway around the globe, it's because they are here as well. This same type of "you don't know what is good for you" rhetoric is universal.

What we should do is create a fake summit, invite all these people to it. And as soon as they start bobble-head nodding about the restrictions and preparations they want to enact on the public we build a wall around them and give them carte blanche to regulate themselves and enact whatever ludicrous practices they want to push on one another.

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Yes! Just this week after some garden parties in which I listened to bureaucrats, the exact word for what these people lack came to mind: Humility. They have NO humility.

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Understating it; they're vile.

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Sep 22, 2023Liked by eugyppius

None of the worst (& even mediocre) bad actors anywhere in the world are admitting or apologizing for anything. The “hearings” everywhere are a joke

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That is because their interventions were seen as a roaring success. A technocratic or managerial elite want control. They got it. In Germany the people wanted even more. At times it was the politicians holding back as I understand it.

That level of delusion is success for those who wish to control.

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A roaring success if destruction, damage & death was the goal (& I believe it is). Also think we’re just seeing the tip of the iceberg; no knowing how many will be permanently damaged or dead 1+ years from today

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They don't care about the dead or the maimed. If push comes to shove there are many fall guys lined up. Plus many sick people are in denial.

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Of course they don’t care & I agree re sheeples still in denial

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The creation of dead ,[murdered ] in hospitals is a gold mine for the hospital .Treating and healing in contrast is costing them money ,a big No NO .

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For the elderly there is the addition of social security payments, state pensions etc.

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"In Germany the people wanted even more."

Like what, for example?

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Harder lockdowns, the unvaccinated banned from society etc

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Sep 22, 2023Liked by eugyppius

Are they hiding something truly terrible or are they just hiding something laughably embarrassing?

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But we can smell the corruption

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Both of course😉

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A person might wonder if any part of the German administrative state is at all concerned with the welfare of the German people. But I am not so naïve. So that would have to be another person, and not me.

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Sep 22, 2023Liked by eugyppius

The plot thickens … what are they afraid of?

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Irrelevancy ultimately.

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RemovedSep 22, 2023·edited Sep 22, 2023
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No no! Use the correct language. We're rootless cosmopolitans.

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Sep 22, 2023Liked by eugyppius

This is the smoking gun that shows that the health agencies absolutely were aware that the jabs were causing harm and that they were not safe.

"The PEI didn’t start evaluating adverse vaccination events yesterday. They’ve been doing this for many years, and yet somehow the world’s most safe and effective vaccine yielded so many adverse event reports that they literally broke their computers and made their routine safety evaluations impossible."

Walensky also admitted that the company hired to track adverse effects was having difficulty keeping up with the number of reports from people who were injured by them. And yet they continued and still are continuing to tell us that the jabs are safe. If we even get a court to hear the case there is already plenty of evidence against them. Plus all the amazing work that Aaron Siri has been doing.

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Sep 22, 2023Liked by eugyppius

But who from the Federal Ministry of Health attended the meeting to ensure Heiko Rottmann-Großner's compliance? And who attended to make sure that person complied and so on? An infinite regress of compliance monitors . . .

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indeed, who will monitor the compliance monitors

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Quid compliansiet ipsos complies?

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Sep 22, 2023Liked by eugyppius

Fascinating! Thanks as always, never see this anywhere else. Interesting again to see the AfD as the party poopers.

If (when?) something big goes wrong in the future, there is going to be a LOT of stuff to come out.

If they had any sense they would be doing a deal with Putin immediately and rolling back the green garbage.

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Sep 22, 2023Liked by eugyppius

What a bunch of chicken shits

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Sep 22, 2023Liked by eugyppius

Very troubling, but not so much unexpected.

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So.... maybe there was a national security/military coup against public health in Germany (as there was in the US, UK, Australia and elsewhere) after all?

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Sep 22, 2023·edited Sep 22, 2023Author

I'm pretty the international relations stuff is about China, and the constitutional rights of third-parties stuff is likely something to do with BioNTech/Pfizer. the stuff about federal secrecy and requiring approval from the government to speak on certain matters, may have something to do with the fact that the Interior Ministry (not the Health Ministry) was involved in early stages of lockdown planning. so it's not enough if the Health Ministry gives Wieler approval to speak on certain points where a whole other ministry is potentially implicated.

But, these are just guesses.

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Sep 22, 2023Liked by eugyppius

Or, in other words, we know we screw it up big time, so we need to deny everything and hope we get along with it.

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Thanks eugyppius for considering the various possibilities! To me, all the secrecy seems way too suspicious to be just an artifact of bureaucratic turf kerfuffles, but that just my feverish conspiracy theorizing...

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The whole think stinks like ludafisk.

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