Oct 26, 2021Liked by eugyppius

I am here for a paid subscription. I've canceled my New York Times and magazine subscriptions (never again, Rolling Stone). Love being able to support quality, truth seeking independent journalism among all the current propagandist noise.

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thanks so much, Kimmy.

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I appreciate your work very much. Could you please give some info regarding who you are, background etc?

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Oct 27, 2021Liked by eugyppius

No he's secret! And we like it that way.

We need him safe to keep reporting.

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After witnessing what had become of those who’ve countered the mainstream POV on the vaxx hoax, it should be clear why Eugyppius must remain anonymous.

What a sad commentary on the state of the free exchange of information that those of a particular, non-mainstream point of view must go into hiding.

Those who pursue others of opposing points of view only reveal the tenuous nature of the confidence in their OWN point of view by destroying the person presenting an opposite one. Destroy the messenger if you can’t refute his message.

No clearer example of the insufficiency of an argument can be exposed than that of his resorting to ad hominem attacks against an adversary.

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Yes I understand totally. I should have been clear that I simply would like some basic info doesn’t have to out this person. I agree wholeheartedly.

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Eyes Wide Open - it's interesting having these anonymous writers - Eugypius and El Gato in particular. I kind of LOVE that we DON'T know their "credentials". It's kind of like judging a singer based soley on voice, without seeing them. We can purely judge these substacks on content - no appeal to authority allowed.

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Oct 26, 2021Liked by eugyppius


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I am curious to know if there was anything specific that caused your shift away from the NYT etc, to say, this subscription that promotes data and opinion at clear odds with those mainstream publications.

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When I noticed the statistics were being manipulated always in favor of vaccine efficacy it raised my hackles (ie CDC date ranges starting December when almost no one was fully vaxxed). The Ivermectin hit job in May confirmed my suspicion that MSM had abandoned truth. The current suppression of adverse reactions is horrifying. It's statistically improbable that so many of my peers are having these health problems coincidentally.

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Thank you. It makes perfect sense, and seems so obvious. I wonder why people like you are able to change your mind when presented with information, while others (like my immediate family per se) cannot. It seems like so many are blind to the truth.

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Oct 27, 2021Liked by eugyppius

Euggypius writes about "Original Antigenic Sin" and its effect on immunity, right? Well, I think most people are blind to the truth about COVID (including illness, treatments, and vaccines) because of what I call Original Information Sin.

Look, when my baby had disastrous adverse effects from a vaccine, a friend recommended a book that dismantled the myth that vaccines are safe and effective. I was so shocked by what the book said that when I got to the end of the book, I had to turn back to the beginning and read the entire book again, asking myself at every page "Does what I'm reading really support the conclusion that vaccines are neither safe nor effective?" I had to admit that yes, the book really supported that conclusion.

But my whole life I'd been told, and believed, that vaccines were safe and effective. So...fast forward...hundreds of hours of study later, and I do mean hundreds of hours, I had finally found answers to all my "But what about...?" questions and finally felt secure in my new knowledge that vaccines are neither safe nor effective. Except that I do give the anti-toxoid vaccines (diphtheria, tetanus, and -- surprise -- pertussis) credit for protecting people from awful symptoms while allowing infection and (in the cases of diphtheria and pertussis) transmission of the disease to others.

So many people have been so thoroughly and skillfully propagandized from the beginning of the pandemic that now they are blind to the truth about COVID because of Original Information Sin. And they are unable or unwilling to invest the time to dismantle the lies they've absorbed and learn the truth... and/or unwilling to face the emotional challenges involved.

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What book was that?

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Viera Scheibner Ph.D. "Vaccination: The Medical Assault on the Immune System" (sometimes a much longer subtitle is given).

When Scheibner and her partner's research on SIDS produced clear evidence that vaccination was causing severe disturbances in babies' breathing during sleep and sometimes resulting in death, Scheibner set out to read every case report, study, etc. re: vaccination published in orthodox medical journals. At that point in time, this meant reading about 30,000 pages of material. The book lists every paper Scheibner read and reviews and discusses many. Her goal was to reassess risk vs. benefit of vaccines. She also discusses how the "nonspecific stress response" described by Hans Seyle occurs in response to vaccines and predicts the "critical days" when crises and death are most likely (this also applies to some adverse events following COVID-19 vaccines, btw).

The book may be out of print, but here's a link to a good article by Scheibner: http://whale.to/v/scheibner.html (Btw, she continued reading new case reports, studies, etc. after completing her book and I believe she eventually read over 100,000 pages of material.)

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Kimmy, you are going to love this substack. 😀

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maybe all the fake news over the years,....like; "Weapons of mass destruction!"...FAKE, or "Trump Russia collusion!" .....FAKE, basically everything out of their mouth is tainted with leftist bias if not outright gas lighting to obfuscate what's going on to their cult members

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Exactly. I stopped reading the NY Times - other than arts & leisure and dining in (now food) sections as soon as they (with their scribe Judith Miller) started obviously boostering for the Iraq war by just passing along clear lies from the then administration. Then, their coddling of an actual plagiarist (maybe not coincidentally, in the same timeframe). So, no - haven't been reading the NYT for news (and stopped watching CNN, reading the Wash Post, etc) since the early 2000's. And, I'm much more informed as a result. At least I knew that DJT had a 50% chance of winning......

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Good for Kimmy. I had been a reader of the Times since the 80s and cancelled my subscription due to their (and pretty much the entire MSM) losing their collective minds (and credibility) with the advent of the Trump administration. And certainly the MSM approach to Covid coverage has been more of the same. It is all security state / corporate narrative. Ignore.

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After a while you have to start thinking that maybe this was the point: " Indeed, their policies threaten to bring about a semi-permanent pandemic state for generations to come." I hate to be there. I generally find "conspiracy" theories laughable, considering humans have trouble arranging a potluck, much less a scheme for world domination, but at some point . . .

And I will gladly subscribe. Among you, El Gato Malo, and Alex Berenson, I stay sane, not because you give me "good news," but because unlike the more traditional outlets, I actually feel like I know what's going on and have information. And it also seems like you read the comments, so you just aren't talking at us but this is, as much as it can be, a conversation.

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The more I learn about immunology, virology, vaccines- I’ve realized how very little I knew, how very little most people know, and how easily we have our ignorance and trust of the ‘experts/authorities’ exploited against us. For months now I’m asking how they didn’t know so many things. Of course they knew!! They knew and pressed forward anyway. The next questions pertain to motives. It doesn’t look good.

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It’s an excellent point. Almost no one can understand this stuff. My wife who’s been around me for almost 40 years says the “science-y” material foxes most physicians.

Obviously to someone who’s lived this material for all those 40 years and operated as a PhD research scientist in this field (immunology, inflammation, toxicology etc) the fraud is starkly evident.

Trying to explain it to those who won’t see it is very difficult.

I have had my faith in people sorely tested but my basic training hasn’t let me down.

There’s no peace in denial. I’ve often wanted to stop as I’m so tired but I can’t even retreat to my workshop, there is no peace anywhere while this pre-Holocaust is running.

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Thank you, Dr. Yeadon for your service to humanity. My only quibble with your comment is that you and many other preeminent scientists, physicians, researchers, etc. HAVE been explaining how these injections work, the latest knowledge on the virus itself, the dangers of the injections, etc. in unbelievably clear ways. That is why millions of us who are lay people but possessed of reading capabilities and common sense are refusing these injections. You have laid out the risk/reward scenarios in ways that are clear and compelling and then we've been able to make our own health decisions. That many people won't hear you isn't because you aren't explaining it well. They are covering their ears and refusing to use their own common sense because they are either overcome by fear or overcome by the comfort of being in a crowd. You can't reason people out of a cult. But, you and others have saved countless lives by speaking out and up.

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Well said!

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Dr. Yeadon! What a wonderful surprise to see you here! It hasn't been lost on people paying attention how forthright and courageous you have been in trying to get the warning out to people. I just wanted to say thank you from the bottom of my heart that you made the sacrifices you did in order to get the truth out. You are a principled man and you have my greatest respect. Without people like you, we'd still be cowering under our beds waiting for the next scariant :) I read somewhere that you were hoping to come to Florida and work for De Santis' team. That sounded like a great idea and I hope it happened or will in the future :)

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Thank you 😊

Unfortunately we were not able to finalise visas, so had to return to Europe.

The Florida stay was the best few weeks of the last two years.

Biden is I read introducing a vaccination requirement for all non-US citizens from Nov 8. So the window for us appears to have closed & we must face winter from here (grim prospect & unhelpful to campaigning: I’m needing to work hard to prepare for what seem inevitable, deliberate food shortages & power outages.

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Well at least I will know why. Everyone I love is injected and even worse, they think I got a manic episode. Maybe I do. Maybe I cannot stop because of all the lies and propaganda and the *WHY* behind all this is not that clear.

And maybe i'm finding things that... just fits. Like the fact that Blackrock consultants basically stated that the economy and the central banks have painted themselves into a corner + the US FED stress-testing the banks and failing badly. This happened late 2019. The report from Blackrock stated that extreme economic policy is most likely the only way out, however it would be politically and socially impossible to implement it. Imagine the luck these people have, 4 months later a crisis shows up that would make it possible to get wide support for the fiscal policy that were deemed impossible.

I'm not educated and might see things that simply are not there because I want an answer. So on the one hand you "soften" the economic burden when we "reset" this by crushing everyone except your friends who run the big global and national corps. Perhaps this was what they planned to do until someone just suggested that a "vaccine" would be more humane.

Fits well with the indoctrination and absolute comical stupidity of the middle classes of the west. We are going to have to "tighten" the belt and we swear it's about carbon dioxide or what ever shit we make up as we go ahead. You could probably get most people to accept that killing people was the right thing to do in the end. How else do we save the planet? Anyway I wish I had been jabbed instead of the people I love.

The empty surreal feeling you get when something LIKE this (or more complicated) is more likely than not to be true. PCR-test lecture on the Dellingpod did it for me. Just kidding ill add you to the list of people who decided that life was just boring. Global defaming is clearly beneficial. Just look at the amazing comments you get from some random crazy person in a substack comment section.

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Your "lack of education"seems to have saved your mind from mass psychosis. Just remember, the Bolsheviks see absolutely no difference between education and indoctrination. None. Part of their dogma.

I salute your perspicacity... I have found my dictionaries good defense against their anti-human gobbledegook.

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"The empty surreal feeling you get when something LIKE this (or more complicated) is more likely than not to be true." Yes! Empty, surreal, and at the same time horrified and heartsick.

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Just a big Thank You Dr Yeadon and to all speaking out…and a hug ;)

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A hug is always welcome. Here’s one in return! It’s 2am here & as is conmon, I can’t sleep.

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Ditto ;)

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Dr Yeadon, I have several questions that I'd like answered, and I've not seen this discussed anywhere else. a) Is the blood supply safe? Can the toxic spoke proteins invade my body through a transfusion? b) Can these toxic spike proteins gain access to my body through the exchange of bodily fluids during sex? c) Giving the success of Ivermectin in treating covid-19, is research being done to determine if Ivermectin can be used to treat other viral diseases, such as HIV, herpes, the common cold, and so forth? Perhaps even rabies?

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I don’t know if donated blood is safe. If it wasn’t, it wouldn’t be a surprise.

I doubt you’d get much of a vaccine dose from a transfusion, just on dilution principles. It’s diluted in me, the donor, then diluted in you, the recipient. The t might work though.

I’m sure sex is fine (see dilution principles).

I was aware of ivermectin long before Covid, but didn’t know if it’s utility in respiratory viral illnesses. I don’t know if it’s being trialled more widely.

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Re:my friend has been donating plasma and blood (different times lol) throughout all this. She has antibodies (the natural immunity type), so didn’t get the vax, but they told her she couldn’t donate blood or plasma if COVID vaccinated… maybe the danger to our blood supply is not enough unvaxxed to keep up the supply needed? Just a thought.

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That could well be true, yet the monsters running this will not care.

They seem entirely happy with my death & yours too.

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Kenda in my area I keep beating about horrible blood shortages. Not sure what's going on but I'm watching this situation unfold.

Another sign of impending Healthcare collapse

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Dr. Yeadon, I have been curious about your take on ivermectin. I examined the disinformation campaign as well a lot of the peer-reviewed papers on it in my last piece (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/letter-to-a-scientifically-minded).

I know Kit Knightly recently wrote an article (https://off-guardian.org/2021/09/29/coronavirus-fact-check-12-ivermectin/) cautioning against the advocacy of ivermectin, partly because it feeds into a narrative about needing protection from a virus that either is fictional or poses minimal threat to our health.

I have a lot of respect for Kit and gratitude toward him (and not just because he/OffGuardian were the first to publish my work :-), but I have seen such an overwhelming amount of both scientific and anecdotal evidence demonstrating the efficacy of ivermectin (and the fact that BigPharma is afraid of it says worlds, too) for whatever it is people are suffering—whether it be SARS-CoV-2 or something else—that I feel it is important to champion it as part of an early-treatment protocol should anyone come down with COVIDlike symptoms. Even if the majority of the population faces minimal threat, it doesn’t hurt to take precautions and to be equipped with successful treatment protocols if the need arises.

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I favour ivermectin whether or not this particular virus exists, because there are literally scores of respiratory viruses which can cause illness in a susceptible person.

I don’t subscribe to the view that viruses as a class don’t exist. And if that did happen to be true, I strongly recommend that is dealt with at an appropriate time, which isn’t now.

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Hi Margaret, I'll add my personal anecdote. After getting covid19 around march 2020 (I believe it to be covid, as almost everyone around me caught it at that time and had a very intense flash-flu), I was fine. Queue June/July when most of my friends were getting vaccinated, after visiting freshly vaccinated parents, my wife, my son and I felt oddly ill for 24 hours. I ended up with a few months of long covid symptoms, while everyone else was fine. I do believe the spike protein shedding is the true culprit of the spread of LC (which is started by the vaccinations). I do think a small subset of the population is positioned to get really sick from the spike protein (younger / male / athletic), and that vaccinating this subset is akin to playing Russian roulette. Ivermectin seemed to help, but personally it seemed like it mainly focused on stabilizing the immune system. I bet it does help with acute symptoms if it inhibits ace2 receptors from binding, but there has to be AE possibility with continuous use. The best I felt was when i tried to regulate my iron levels (chelate) and used the Niatonin protocol (niacin and melatonin).

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Dr. Yeadon, a quick question: If Ivormectin was a cure for the cold, would we not have known years ago? This is an anthelmintic, active against parasites, but it appears to make people better in their millions.

Now: what exactly is this parasite it is curing, because it sure ain't the flu...

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We wouldn’t necessarily know. In the absence of foreknowledge that IVM might have clinical utility in at least done respiratory viral illnesses, it would never be prescribed in the setting of a common cold, for which nothing but mild, over the counter medicines are generally used.

Though there may be something in what you say. When we were trying to find “new medical uses of existing drugs, we might have come up with this one.

Given IVM has been prescribed in billions of doses, it might be asked “do people with parasitic illnesses, with or without treatment with ivermectin, suffer common colds at the same rate as other people?”

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I think it may well have activity against a range of viruses which cause the common cold.

Incidentally, about 1:6 to 1:5 common colds are caused by endemic coronaviruses.

HKU-1, OC43 & others.

Though I don’t recall it right now, we do have a decent understanding of the “mechanism of action” at a molecular level.

It’s very common for drugs to interact with more than one molecular target, like a receptor, an enzyme, a transporter etc

Nearly half the drugs listed in a national formulary have, as their lead medical use, something different from what it’s inventor originally had in mind.

The medical utility of ivermectin in covid19 has nothing to do with its actions as an anti-parasitic.

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Dr. Yeadon, here's an article that reviews research on Ivermectin re: treatment of Zika, Dengue, HIV, and at least a dozen other viruses; no human trials, though. All the in vivo studies discussed were in animals.


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Check out this article (link below). It's a review of research on Ivermectin re: treatment of at least 15 viruses, including Zika, Dengue, and HIV -- both in vitro and in vivo studies; but all the in vivo studies reviewed were in animals, none in humans. I'm guessing there's just not enough potential profit in using Ivermectin to treat viruses in humans, so the research hasn't been done. BTW, some of the doctors treating COVID vaccine injuries say Ivermectin is useful because it binds the spike proteins...so perhaps it could be useful in preventing injury from spike proteins transferred through blood or other bodily fluids? Just a thought...


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Just from a basic clinical standpoint, the push to vaccinate pregnant women and kids seems... not really evidence-based, shall we say. If you look at the available vaccines in terms of the old categories, the mRNA ones are sort of "in between" inactivated and live attenuated -- perhaps a little more toward the latter, since they're actively manipulating cellular machinery, rather than passively exposing the immune system to novel antigens. J&J IS a kinda sorta "live" virus. And last I heard, the basic rule of thumb for live vaccines in pregnancy was... No. Unh unh. Don't do it. But they started pushing to vaccinate pregnant women very early on.

An easy way to put the pediatric threat of COVID in perspective is to compare it with respiratory syncytial virus. Which one has killed more kids since early 2020 again? And it does that EVERY year. Yet we're still waiting for an effective RSV vaccine -- more than 50 years after that little ADE problem back in the 1960s.

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Unfortunately, clinical trials on an mRNA vaccine for respiratory syncytial virus are now recruiting trial subjects. If I understand correctly, RSV is another coronavirus so an mRNA vaccine for it will be another opportunity for people to be poisoned with designer spike proteins.

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My faith in people has been tested as well. I feel such deep disappointment sometimes.

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Careful! That is exactly what the Enemy wants: We must lose all trust, all faith, all moral substance, so that we will turn en masse to THEM as our only possible saviours out of this mess THEY created to make us lose trust, faith and even personality.

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The injected seem to be able to find peace; they feel safe and virtuous. Lucky them they can enjoy Netflix. Bread and circuses for them.

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Good morning, Dr. Yeadon. Thank you for your care and concern for so many. It is greatly appreciated.

I have a 13-year-old boy who has not hit puberty, and who since the vaccine push in the spring has gotten sick several times and for very long stretches. He is unvaxxed, but I suspect was shed on by vaxxed people. In regards to the article above, could he be full of these spike proteins by proxy and since he never had covid prior, could his body be unable to fight these mutations? I treated him with ivermectin, which didn't lessen his symptoms, and have found more success with high dose melatonin paired with quercetin, zinc, c, and, d. If he takes those four things daily (Q+Z+C+D) he doesn't relapse. If he forgets, goes out in public, he comes down with something. He asks in tears what is wrong with him (beforehand was a healthy, active kid). I am about to try an elixir made from star anise, which some have found to be effective at binding to the spike proteins and purging them from the body. I pray this will help him, but the above article begs the question, can one have their immunity ruined simply by having contact with vaxxed people? Do they have us coming and going? I ask these questions to get your advice and to start a discussion with those who may be experiencing the same issues. My poor guy is missing everything and I want so much to help him. But, I need first to be armed with knowledge, even if I'm faced with bad news. I have been fending for myself to advocate for my kids' health for decades, so I am used to researching for remedies. Thank you for any thoughts you can share.

And, not to trouble you further, but I have a son who has been accepted to a school to become a D.O. However, how in the world would one even become a doctor in these crazy times? He will not get the jab. Will medicine ever become an option to those who don't buy into this evil? He would be great. I know there are practices who are cash-only, and I hope that there will be a revolution in medicine going forward. That's the optimist in me speaking. Thanks again for your time. I will be praying for your safety and peace.

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Surely would be good to know if "shedding" is a thing. Sounds far-fetched, but so does everything else that is happening.

Wish you and your sons all the best Seeking_Truth.

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I can somtimes smell vaxed people. Is most often the fat ones, but not always. after reading articles about what the spike does to diabetics and pre-diabetics I wonder if it's them that smell the worst.

The worst cases have a toxic miasma around them and leave a trail as they walk. It burns the nose and can cause irritation and nosebleeds if you get a lot of it.

So I believe shedding is definitely a possibility. I also suspect people who have had their body chemistry altered to such a level might not have long to live.

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This might be nothing, or unrelated, but is cause to ponder from Eastern Canada


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The basis for everything I have learned about human immune systems was my high school biology class. I was fascinated and read the entire textbook cover to cover in the first couple of weeks. Even though some of the contemporary science has since changed, that foundation has stood me well in both reading and discussions of the topic. I knew immediately, for instance, that the 2020 COVID panic was the result of scientific fraud, dishonesty, and a large-scale propaganda effort.

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With others, I thank you for your part in exposing our danger. While I understand that "The Holocaust" is a popular metaphor, the continuing belief in that lie, is the very basis of the current lie. I beseech all thinking people to find better, real-world, true metaphors for evil. Baal Gates and his best fiend Antonchrist Fraudci comes to mind easily. Why blame gas chambers no-one can prove the existence of, when Baal has entire national chains of privatised hospitals killing people with radiation and chemotherapy and dirty vaccines and underpaid staff...

His "cocktail of seven" vaccines has provably, PROVABLY, caused more deaths and microcephalics than any mass grave you can find at Babi Yar or Treblinka.

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I can't fault you for having the opinion that it's possible the holocaust was exaggerated or made up. However, when you sit down and philosophize regularly, it's pretty logical that it could have occurred, as a similar pre-cursor is happening around us right now. People are ignoring logic and common sense, doubling down on their pro-stance after taking a vaccination, and literally behaving as if they were mind controlled. To think this couldn't have happened in Germany is farfetched imo.

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What you are doing is philomaybees

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5 years ago I didn’t believe in conspiracy theories. Rigged elections in the US, DOJ/FBI taking sides etc… The last 5 years has been very instructional.

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The last five years has been enlightening, in all the wrong ways.

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Agree. I have had my faith in George W. Bush & Co shaken and also any trust in what is said by government agents. I suspect part of the horror we are living is, "Who to trust?" I don't have a science background so I am at the mercy of anyone throwing "science vocabulary" at me.

I sense, as do others, that we have had a trap sprung on us and there is no voting ourselves out of our situation and no other way, besides bloodshed (which will be ours and like-minded "wrong-think" folk).

I am old enough that it doesn't scare me, but have beloved children and grandchildren who will be the victims from my lack of doing enough, politically, to prevent this situation.

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I wonder which conspiracy theories you find laughable? It actually always interests me that people seem so susceptible to disregarding either a theory or an argument as soon as it's labeled (either by themselves or others) a "conspiracy theory." Maybe it's the lawyer in me. Conspiracy as a criminal matter is very well-settled in law. Just ask the thousands of people in prison for decades based on conspiracy convictions how hard it is for humans to both develop, conduct and get caught for conspiracies... I would always question myself if I find myself using the phrase - "oh, that's a conspiracy theory" dismissively. Is it because what I'm hearing/reading is too hard to believe because it couldn't happen? Or, is it because I just don't want to believe it because it's too scary?

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The idea that they have a cure for cancer but won't use it, that the oil companies have patented a perfect perpetual motion engine just to keep us from the ultimate clean energy source, the Illuminati and the One World Government, that HIV was deliberately released into the human population, that Bill Gates is behind COVID and the vaccine, the latter of which is a Trojan Horse for depopulating the world (though that last one at this point . . .). But you are correct in that conspiring is a very human activity and you can see many examples of it in our more entitled and elite classes to keep their power, though how much they set things in motion or how much they just never let a good crisis go to waste, I don't know.

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You might want to do some further research on what you consider laughable conspiracy theories. Many of the ones you mentioned have, if not been proven true, have pretty well grounded evidence for them. Ivermectin, as just one example, has shown remarkable efficacy against many cancers, but - like with it being used as a covid 19 therapeutic - it's effectiveness has been suppressed or ridiculed by pharma companies and our "public health" authorities. Bill Gates is well known as having contributed millions to covid 19 vaccine development as he is, very literally, obssessed with vaccines. His private investment office also invests significantly in mRNA vaccine development and he's used his global platform to hype vaccines for years now (although has been quieter lately since his high profile on vaccine pushing has been backfiring). Literally, there are books published and conferences held annually where heads of state and other nabobs talk openly about pushing for OWG and citing China's dystopian system as a "role model." Where have you been? The idea of the Illuminati has been discussed openly by people going back to George Washington. It certainly wouldn't be the first such cabal of global people from the Treaty of Paris to Bretton Woods who got together in a small, powerful group to plan out the monetary, health, social and political lives of the rest of the world. And, since we know now that c-19 was manufactured in a lab and either negligently or intentionally released while everyone involved lied about what we now know as fact, why is it so hard to believe that other viruses, including HIV don't have similar trajectories. Again, don't know where you've been but maybe come up with some "conspiracy theories" that are more laughable - like faking the moon landing or the earth is actually flat. (BTW - if the oil companies had a patent for such an engine - it would be pretty easy to check and prove or disprove so don't even know how to address that one!)..

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well said

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the word "conspiracy" literally means planning to coordinate on a goal or project. So you don't believe in planning? there is no planning among government and interest groups?

what naivete .

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Since you graced me with an English lesson, allow me to do the same. First, quote marks around a word in English mean that you are using the word in an ironic or nontraditional way. It's not meant to be taken literally. However, Webster's dictionary defines "conspire" as "to join in a secret agreement to do an unlawful or wrongful act or an act which becomes unlawful as a result of the secret agreement." "Conspiracy" is defined as "the act of conspiring together." "Conspiracy theory" is defined as "a theory that explains an event or set of circumstances as the result of a secret plot by usu. powerful conspirators." Pro tip: If you're going to pretend to be smarter than you are, buy a dictionary.

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While I agree with you on almost all counts, I have to point you to the true definition of "conspiracy theory".

The term was invented by a CIA think tank to ridicule anyone that notices anything amiss betwixt reality and Bolshevik propaganda. It has no dictionary meaning, it is a nonsense term. It's like cattle believing the farmer is conspiring against them. In reality, he breeds them, he feeds them, then he eats'em. No conspiracy needed against the goyim, they are mere beasts... gristle in the satanic mill.

...and you did not actually addressed the point wwww made, only insulted him/her.

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Actually it does have a dictionary meaning. I literally pulled that definition from Webster's Collegiate 11th edition, which sits right on my desk and has an entry for "conspiracy theory." It gives an origin date of 1909, at which time the CIA did not exist in any form. And the other person's point is that conspiracy and planning are the same, and he/she felt quite clever in pointing that out to me while suggesting that I am adorably naive and he/she is definitely the superior of us two by dint of his/her superior worldliness. But planning and conspiring are not the same (or quite frankly we would not have two words--English hates waste). And for your information, what you are seeing is not religious destiny. It is the age old desire of a the few to rule the many for their benefit and their benefit alone. It's as old as time and takes many forms, and it should not surprise us that as the globe shrank, some would step forward who decided that they quite literally want to rule the world. Anyone with any grasp of human nature would have seen this coming.

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Well played by you Lillia.

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"I generally find "conspiracy" theories laughable, considering humans have trouble arranging a potluck, much less a scheme for world domination, but at some point . . ."

thank you, i finally found the words to describe the transition that my mental state has taken in the last year. very well put.

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How well would the potluck go if every attending individual had a private caterer, event consultant, and a police escort for their chauffeured entourage?

Also, they have a journalist covering the event for the TV stations that several of them own, so the potluck will be a stunning success in the media.

People who can't imagine conspiracies because they observe how people manage to organize on a volunteer basis have not really thought this through. Plutocrats are not like us.

They are rich. They aren't just well-organized; they have organizations at their command.

They don't have to depend on people autonomously acting on their own accord.

They have professional staff to make sure their will is done.

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Beautifully explained. The uber rich are not like us, or rather they ae often like the worst of us with the means to get their will accomplished by staff.

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Pandemic panic is very good for the Democratic Party.

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The world economic forum owns both out parties . that way of looking at the world is false . the dominion voting machines will make sure they will all the important ones . Last weeks virginia elections show the sophistication of their system . the new new Virginia governor is every bit the Globalist any democrat is . The "losing" democrat Terry Mcullif Will move to a cushy job in the biden administration of into a seven figure lobbying job .

any good con man know that you have to let the mark win a few to keep him in the game.

the casinos set the their machines up so that the customer wins once in a while. Our political system is owned from top to bottom and voting on anything but the local elections is just theater.

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The local elections are not all as clean as you might hope. Depends where you live and how the votes are cast and counted.

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"....but at some point . . ." For many of us that point was passed some time ago. When you consider the marvels that humans can actually achieve, why are people so reluctant to believe a corresponding level of organisation and effort isn't won't be applied to the seamier side of life. .

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Consider Taibbi. Consider Greenwald.

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I subscribe to both. I enjoy many writers on Substack and subscribe to as many as I feel my budget will allow. But thank you for pointing them out.

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You assume those arranged against humanity are also human. We urgently need to revisit that assumption.

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Oct 26, 2021Liked by eugyppius

I doubt it is coincidence that you published this piece today- the morning of the FDA's Advisory Committee meeting on 'vaccinating' 5-11 year-olds with Pfizer's product. Even if they decide to not recommend jabs for children, I fear that Woodcock and Walensky will charge ahead anyway. My city's public health authority and my child's school have already sent out interest surveys, to gauge how many vials they need on hand. It is either wishful thinking on their part or mine. I hope like hell, I'm right. Ruining the immune systems of children and setting them up for whatever consequences lie ahead from this technology is an evil that I am having trouble accepting as part of our world. The parents that choose to inject their children are ignorant of the risks, and/or selfishly offering up their children to 'protect' themselves. Neither is defensible.

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Oct 26, 2021Liked by eugyppius

If I had children I would move to a more vaccine free country. When I came here I had no idea about the needle worshipers. When they obligatory vaxxed me when I applied for a green card I was appalled. When they did it again a second time, when the first application was denied, I was disgusted. If I had been told beforehand, I would have urged my fiancee to come to my country instead of me going to his!!! (but now my former country is worse than here LOL)

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What vaccines were you required to have? I came to the US in 1994 (is that what you refer to by "here", or is it the UK or something else?) and can't recall needing any vaccines. Later, due to working in a hospital, the MMR was required, but I still had immunity to those (per blood work) so I didn't have to, and later I accepted (ugh) the Hep B vaccination, which I don't recall being compulsory at the time, but perhaps it was.

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No one told me which ones they were, and no one asked me had I had them before, they just pulled out the shots and put them in my arm. I came here in 2004. No blood work was done. I had all these sicknesses as a child and Belgium vaccinates for Polio. I also had pock vaccination, that was also required when I was a child. The least they could have done was tell me which ones it were!

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I got my green card right around that time. I had to go to a doctor and show them proof of my past vaccinations. I then had to get the Hepatitus shots because I hadn't gotten those previously. I also had to get a chest x-ray to show that I didn't have TB which I thought was crazy because I was already living in the US since 1988 so if I had TB, I would have already spread it. (And I did have to get a TB test before coming here in 1988.)

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Yes I had to get an Xray the second time, but not the first time LOL. There was a year inbetween.

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Wow, that's awful. Hep B is another politically motivated vaccination, driven by the homosexual lobby because it is mainly sexually transmitted by anal intercourse in the developed world. It was not given as a childhood vaccine in Western Europe but I think it may have started to change in recent years.

I guess they treat everyone equally as if they come from a "third world shithole" to quote our former president. Is it possible that you had to do the X-ray because you were positive to a Mantoux test for TB? The US never used the BCG vaccine so Western Europeans would test positive if born before ca. 1980. They still give it at birth in E. Europe, I believe. If you are BCG vaccinated then you are likely to test positive for TB using Mantoux. Today, however, there is a high tech blood test, but not in 2004. I am American but born and grew up in Europe so when I went off to university in the US, I faced this issue. The doc in Europe just signed off that I passed the X-ray examination without doing one and called the requirement stupid.

It is also interesting that the US rejected BCG partly because it is ineffective and does not stop the spread of TB...... ahem, CDC....

p.s. I actually faced the TB issue again a number of years ago when I wanted to volunteer at a US school. My US doctor, however, just signed off that I was free of TB, just like his Euro compatriot decades earlier.

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So sorry to hear that! I had what can only be described as a painful medical rape (“gynecological exam”) with the pretext that it was required, performed by an elderly physician that was the only one approved in the area to perform medical exams required for the green card. There’s a lot of psychotic people-hating wrong-doing in the medical system.

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ppl who objectify themselves allow themselves to be objectified by others (govt's/religions/predators and now pharma vaccines worship), they also unfortunately objectify their children. The only hope is that the Jesus message sent here from God breaks that generational curse of shitty relational bonds. You see ppl as loving relational beings worthy of respect and capable of giving and receiving love, or you control and manipulate and train them to be objects who will be easily taken advantage of later in life.

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Important note: It is very very (politically) interesting that no data exists to track how many illegal immigrants have come into our sovereign nation with Covid19 and unvaccinated, and how that affects the national trends of Covid cases, hospitalizations, and deaths. IMHO, this factors significantly into the rise of reported "cases" of Covid19......like the Communist US Government WANTS to keep the Covid fear going.

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Oct 26, 2021Liked by eugyppius

Great article on what may be happening within the adaptive immune system as we mass vaccinate within a pandemic. However , I think we need to take a step back and remember that a “healthy” immune system can fight off infections, including COVID. What makes for an effective immune system? Adequate vitamin D. Indeed, it is accurate to state that the adaptive, and innate (via calthecidin) immune systems “run” on vitD.

First of all, we’ve entered the Dark Ages of scientific information. We can’t believe anything we are “told” from official sources. So, having said that, we need to use our best judgement based on pre-Dark Age science. Yes, the vaccinated’s immune system’s are weaker because they’ve introduced toxins via the injection...that stresses the immune system reducing its effectiveness in fighting off the wild virus. So, yes, the vaccinated are more susceptable to the wild virus. Not a big surprise here. The bigger issue is an unappreciated third variable in operation that can explain the outcome of infection by Covid in both the vaccinated and unvaccinated. That variable is vitamin D status. If one is deficient in vitD, they are at risk of a severe outcome from Covid...whether vaccinated or not! Conversely, if one is sufficient, I might extend that to say optimized at 50 ng/ml vitD, then Covid is a not issue whether vaccinated or not. In fact, in optimized vitD individuals, they have nothing to fear from Covid OR the vaccine (which is a biohazardous toxin). The study to do...which no one will ever do because of politics... is to assess vitD status in all relevant groups of interest. You could then predict which groups will have a negative Covid outcome based on vitD status. We already know the results because we already know (co morbidities that predict poor covid outcomes like age, dark skin, obesity) are all linked to low vitD. VitD protects from the Virus AND the Vaccine!

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Exactly. In my book The Defeat Of COVID I cited 130 peer-reviewed studies on these effects of vitamin D alone, covering the points that you so well summarized.

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Colleen - I loved your article on the possible mechanism behind vaccine-induced myocarditis. Thank you for work!

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Is vitamin D the active ingredient, or is it a marker for other variables also squired through sun exposure? Dr Ryan Cole mentioned studies that reveal D supplements are no substitute for actual sun exposure uninhibited by sunscreen. Y'all agree?

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Dr. Cole is mistaken, as many hundreds of peer-reviewed studies show. The dozens that I cited in my book on this question repeatedly correlate high vitamin D supplementation with lower incidence of COVID as well as better outcomes and very significantly lower mortality. (I must boast: Extensive nutrition training, as advanced biochemistry, is a major component of the naturopathic medical curriculum, but not yet a part of the MD curriculum.)

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What do we do in frigid north? I take supplements

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There's a lot we don't know, correct? The frigid north bred very fair skin as an adaptation to absorb sunlight. Closer to the equator, complexions get darker to prevent over-exposure. I take supplements too, but apparently there are studies showing vitamin D levels obtained through supplements do not have the same health effects as people getting lots of sun. And D is very difficult to obtain through diet. High D may be a marker, as I mentioned above, but it may not be the actual source of immunity we think. Correlation vs causation.

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VitD is necessary for T cell activation.

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May I suggest the recently publicised research on water, and how it turns into hexahydrotrioxide under the influence of (sun)light? If one contemplates the electrical nature of such water, in context of the electrical nature of our metabolism, including the nature of cellular/molecular motors that actually carry around things like immune cells, I tend to disregard the value of chemical concoctions trying to pose as living matter. Sunlight rules, Pharmafia drools!

But in the end, all this boils down to what you put into your mouth. And ears? One cannot help but note the over-representation of obese diabetics amongst the covidiot dead. I also cannot shake the observation that every single symptom of covidiocy can be found on the looooong list of adverse reactions to artificial sugars... a favourite of obese diabetics!

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I went to my Doctor in NZ in July to get my Vitamin D checked. She looked puzzled...why do you want to do that? I explained that I heard Vitamin D was important for the immune system. She agreed to the test, but commented I know what the results will be, you will be low, just like everyone else at this time of the year! I tested at 42. She gave me three tablets each 125000 IU, to take one per month. On completion I went back to get a followup test. She resisted at first, trying to tell me that it wasnt necessary. I insisted. My test came back at 84, well above the 50 minimum. I asked her now what will you advise me to do if I get tested positive for Covid? She looked at me puzzled. I showed her the FLCCC protocols. What will you prescibe me? Nothing. You will go home and if you cant breath you will go to the hospital! I said thats very dissapointing! I pushed further and asked is there NO protocol that you are going to follow, 18 months into a pandemic, when other countries have lessons we can learn from? She looked uncomfortable and said there is nothing. Wow. Looks like its "No treatments for you" NZ version. God help us.

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NZ is not allowed to skip any of the idiocy stages. We have to have a few more lockdowns yet to catch up.

And still need the numbers to be killed by respirators.

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Absolute clown world we're living in.

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Thanks for sharing and renewing my faith to never trust my doctor or the medical system. I think they would all have heart attacks if they thought for a moment that these mRNA injections could actually harm millions of people. They are that dumb.

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Great comments. The first indicator of how we are in the "dark ages" of scientific information is that we haven't updated basic science. Where are the principles of energy and quantum physics? Since 1900 it has replaced Newtonian physics yet we still use Newtonian and germ theory (not terrain) principles. Terrrain is why Vit D and Zinc etc. support the innate immune system to respond to all the bacteria and viruses that could undermine our immune systems.

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I would argue a healthy immune system is encouraged by not smoking, little drinking (alcohol), some exercise, even just walking, decent sleep and the biggy...better eating by avoiding processed snacks, junk food and fast food. Herbs, supplements and other natural substances are always welcomed.

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Sunlight is great for the immune system and not just for the vitamin D it creates. This is part of why quarantining old people inside, often in windowless rooms, was the most counterproductive way we could possibly have handled Covid, plus a technique so cruel only a government bureaucrat could think of it.

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Absolutely. I'd go as far as to say that every single measure governments have mandated have been detrimental to the health of the people. Every. Single. One. And still are. And now they plan more. I am not a conspiracy theorist but I do believe in 'herd madness' and I think herd madness could even wipe out the western world. In the extreme.

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I'm a conspiracy theorist AND a believer in herd madness! The combination explains everything...

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How about; the litany of mutually exclusive lies we are asked to believe dogmatically has caused mass psychosis. Once the herd goes mad, you need no conspiracy for them to stampede, trampling their own babies in their search of some saviour, any saviour, just save us from this (un)reality!

Once the farmer doses the feed enough to calm us down, we'll return to bovine apathy, defecating on the corpses of our children as we shoulder our way to the trough.

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Agree, the sun provides healing energy...no sun screen required.

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Sunlight also has mental/mood benefits. Those evil thugs put a double whammy on the elderly.

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Isn't there a problem with vitamin D and calcium if there isn't enough K2?

There are a number of people who think that if you supplement with D, you better supplement with K2 (not the green vegetable derived K1), as it could increase problems with calcium being ending in places we don't want.

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Eat the foods first (fish, oils, eggs etc), get it from the Sun then if you have to supplement. Hippocrates" Let food be thy medicine"

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:-) Full quote, Hippocrates:


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and...? My point was start with nutritious food first--everything you need is there

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...but you insinuated that sunlight is only a secondary consideration, while not defining "nutritious"in context.

Here's one: Stop trying to find nutritious food, rather get hold of fresh food, I will match my sidewalk-harvested quickweed salad against any of your superfoods, any day.

But who wants free (worthless?) stuff like sunlight, when you can buy colourful packets of promises?

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paranoid goy-- no insinuation read again

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Get your levels checked before you start supplementing with vitD. But keep in mind that skin will make 10,000 IU in 15 ninutes in summer sun. And that our bodies ‘use’ about 3500 IU per day as a reference.

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Is that right? Makes my daily 1,000 seem entirely superfluous. But what about the doctrine that the sun is only effective at certain elevations, i.e. between certain hours on any one day?

10,000 in 15 minutes !! Quite staggering. And the implications: minimal effort required to get every ICU patient, every hospice patient out in the sun for 15 minutes. And presumably pro rata works? So even 5 minutes per patient might have enormously positive effects?

Being tried anywhere?

Dr Kory and the FLCCC tried this, got any interest in this? Or perhaps being big city types ( I think, I guess ) their clinics are in the concrete canyons and they simply can't do it.

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...and far off, I hear the Capitalist Pig's oinking an answer to your suggestion of parking the patients in the sun;

"Buh, buh, but who's gonna pay for eeeet?"

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"Get your levels checked before you start supplementing with vitD"

Is too much vit D damaging?

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One would have to take hundreds of thousands of IUs for a long period to result in adverse effects. Then the treatment for any vitamin D toxicity is simply reducing the amount taken. VitD toxicity (which most MD's have never encountered in their practices) is a scare tactic to prevent people from getting adequate or optimal vitD.

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Not true. Too much D can result in bone fractures, falling more frequently, sleeping less well and dying much sooner. Look at independent sites like Consumer Labs (subscription required) which cite the studies.

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Humh? Higher amounts of vitD (5000-8000 IU) foster fast-twitch muscle fiber growth which is essential for preventing falls in the elderly.

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why are you promoting "consumer labs"?

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Thank-you -- it amazes me that people don't trust their bodies to absorb and eliminate as necessary.

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Note that your levels can change daily. Don't spend the money.

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Adequate vitD keeps calcium in your bones and teeth and out of your blood stream where it can then adhere to vitD deficient inflammed epithelial cells that result in vascular disease. VitD solves all.

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Vitamin D might not be what boosts health from sun exposure could be nitric oxide https://www.outsideonline.com/health/wellness/sunscreen-sun-exposure-skin-cancer-science/

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Sure NO plays a role but it is vitD that controls NO.


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Get a subscription to Consumer Labs to get fully informed instead of spouting your personal "knowledge."

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Heh stop the bullying-- authority is not an "independent" mag. Check yourself

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"Bullying?" Please !

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Consumer labs is a fabulous site, seconded.

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Going out in the sun is dangerous according to you and consumer labs. You’re a fool☠️

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from whence cometh the K2 then?

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Red meat, unless you can develop a taste for Natto.

Here's a good article on both K1 and K2


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The thing I always have with declared 'need' for odd things is 'where did our ancestors get them from then, in the previous millenia' ? How can a thing be 'essential' if the only place to get it is some remote Amazonian rainforest plant kind of thing.

Now you're not saying that but you're not too far away from it. No Australian aboriginal has ever eaten natto, gouda cheese, grass fed beef or butter from grass fed cattle. Yet they lived healthily for 60,000 years.

There's got to be another answer. If it's true it's a necessary thing.

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If you eat enough red meat a day (not the 2-4 oz as some idiots are pushing), you will get enough K2.

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2-4 oz? They really say that? I call that a mouthful, at best. A bite. So, thanks. It is in read meat. Explains all. :)

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Love Weston Price 💗

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You rock for eating natto!!! I have tried, I really have! 😆

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Can't make myself try it but then I don't like tempeh due to the aroma.

Does make you wonder, along the findings of a brilliant researcher, Clara M. Davis, that if you are deficient in something, you will eat foods rich in that nutrient and when your stores are good, you no longer crave it. http://bitly.ws/hYhM

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Being pregnant really drove that home for me!

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Gabor Erdosi @gerdosi is a scientist on Twitter who writes about the microbiome and also covid stuff.

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Just my small number of people I’ve talked to but most vaxxed people I know have at minimum had fever aches. Those taking vitamin D haven’t noticed anything. Any studies on this?

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This is anecdotal: Out of a group of respondents (~850) that take a custom-formulated high dose vitD product (~5100 IU), none, zero, reported contracting COVID while some close to them who did not take the vitD did develop COVID. This is "catching" COVID, not just mitigating the severity of COVID. These people also report not getting seasonal flu either. Again, not a controlled study but nevertheless highly suggestive of a protective effect of high dose vitD against COVID and the seasonal flu.

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Fascinating piece and I learned a lot. It's so hard to not be suspicious that there is "another agenda" behind all of this madness when we can clearly see just how incredibly efficient and beautiful the human immune system is. Whether "evolved" or "designed" it is nearly perfect. Somehow humans lived for thousands of years without all of this "vaccination" insanity. Yes, sometimes people die. Sometimes a lot of people die. But, in the end, even that only serves to continue to preserve the species. Amazing stuff. I really wish people would wake up.

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You’re right. Of course it’s a conspiracy. Nothing theoretical about it.

I’ve been trying to warn people for almost 18 months.


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Dr. Yeadon, thank you for your input on Covid as it has been the sustenance that has supported my continued rejection of this vaccine and its antecedent pandemic and has allowed me the strength to remain strong in my support against vaccination. I also agree that it is a conspiracy! Scientific truth would have shut this pandemic down long ago so the only conclusion can be is that the powerful class want a pandemic as a control mechanism.

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Dr Yeadon. From the bottom of my heart, thankyou. Please continue to do what you do. Humanity needs you. God bless you and your family.

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Thank you. All I ask is that we each do our bit in waking up others, it can only succeed with team effort! 😊

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I followed you on Twitter. Indeed, EVERY day, you were the FIRST & LAST person I read. I follow no fewer to 400 dissident analysts and commentators but, many days, you were the ONLY person I read because you had all the bases covered.

Your daily thoughts are irreplaceable and sorely missed. I implore you to continue discoursing, more frequently and more at-length. Here, on this thread and anywhere and everywhere that is not a cess-pit of animosity.

In the meantime, WHERE ELSE MAY WE FIND YOU?

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Telegram: “Robin Monotti + Dr Mike Yeadon”.

Frankly, there is no point in new interviews, I’ve nothing new to say.

We must wake others up very fast or we’re done for, and I cannot do more than I have. I’m not a politician or campaigner. As Mr Eastwood said “A man’s gotta know his limitations”

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OMGoodness, Hello Dr. Yeadon!! It IS you!! It is an absolute Honor to be present in this online community with you. ThAnk you, a bazillion times over, for all you've done, shared, and your continued efforts to wake others up!! I have been desperately trying with my very large extended family one, sadly mostly unsuccessfully to date. I'm close to "waking up" my Father and one sister, who's becoming concerned now about vax injury. If I may ask for your thoughts please, as my entire extended family has gotten the jab (minus the young) and just this week now, my Husband, due to his employer's (Tyson) mandate (NO exemptions, NO natural immunity, which he has)... I've been tirelessly researching for substances thought to neutralize the Spike Protein, along with other components of the vaccines, and have come across several, one of particular interest - CL02. I would SO greatly appreciate your perspective on using Chlorine Dioxide (i.e. as part of a Parasite type Cleanse), or any of the other supplements I'm seeing talked about, to aid in detoxing the body and perhaps protecting one from vaccine injury.?.? Or any guidance you can provide/direct people to, that have either had to succumb to the mandate pressures, or have loved ones they desperately wish to help?.? I've literally been physically, mentally, and emotionally ill over my husband giving in. As angry as I am at the situation, I just want to try and protect him from harm. Immensely grateful to you, Dr. Yeadon!!

Sincere apologies to you, to aLL, for my wordiness.

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Naunie, I wish I knew the answers to your good questions.

I’m not a medic & genuinely recommend you chase down superb interviews given by Dr Peter A McCullough of Texas, the worlds most published cardiorenal physician.

With others, he’s focussing on treatments both for covid19 & vaccine injuries.

There’s a good argument that some covid19 treatments might also be useful in vaccine injuries, especially ivermectin.

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ThAnk you for your input! Much appreciated. You did validate part of my thought process, research, and who I've been following, so thank you!!

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WOWsa. That was rEALLY long. I'm so sorry all!!!

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Goodness, no need to apologize for the length of your post, as far as I'm concerned anyway! Often it takes more than one short-to-medium paragraph to say what needs to be said. Anyone who doesn't want to read a longer post can simply skip over it...

I'm very sorry about the situation you're in, particularly with your husband having gotten vaccinated! I understand why you are physically, mentally, and emotionally ill over this. I have a few suggestions for you. One is, your husband could ask for a D-dimer test, preferably between 4 and 7 days after the vaccination, to check for blood clotting. Dr. Charles Hoffe of Canada says about 62% of patients he tested before and after vaccination developed blood clotting (positive D-dimer test) after the shot, and in some people the clotting appears to continue for months. A medical sonographer has reported seeing many people with blood clots in the legs (dangerous if they break loose and travel upward to heart, lungs, or brain) about 5 months after vaccination. Working with a doctor who is treating people for COVID-19 vaccine injury would be a good idea, I think, if the D-dimer turns out positive.

Ivermectin is said to bind with spike proteins, which experts say are damaging. In addition, Dr. Vladimir Zelenko recommends prophylaxis against COVID-19 for anyone who's been vaccinated because of the risk of ADE. Some doctors are using Ivermectin for prophylaxis...so perhaps it would be helpful for 2 purposes in your husband's case?

Dr. Sheri Tenpenney has additional suggestions for prevention and treatment of COVID vaccine injury, which I'm sure can be found on the internet.

I'm sending you a hug, praying for you and your husband, and wishing you both the very best!

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Yes, first and foremost, we must each tend to the preservation of our own individual peace of mind and physical well-being. And to achieve that, we need to develop a keen sense of discernment about the limits of what it is possible to accomplish in the grand scheme of things; and the limits of what it is personally possible to do without burning ourselves out in the process. You are setting a good example in all respects :-)

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You got my attention, Dr Yeadon! I distinctly remember listening to you on a road trip, mouth agape, as you confirmed my suspicions. Thank you.

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You and me both. Some listen. Others are sheeple.

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Dr Y if they get the 5 to 11 yo without a struggle would you consider a voluntary depopulation (human sacrifice) rather than a forced depopulation?

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How do you mean?

If I for example said I’m ready to go, and millions agreed ( life’s hardly worth living at the moment, with this burden on my shoulders 24/7) how would that help?

I should add that I think the perpetrators are completely wrong,

I do not believe the planet is over populated.

I think ‘they’ see us as useless eaters, consuming ‘their’ non renewables. It’s not about climate change but rebooting a Smaller human race the way they want it.

It’s entirely possible they no longer want this to happen but have no means of halting the juggernaut

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I agree with this analysis, most of us are viewed as breeders and eaters, fouling up the utopia to which they feel entitled. I trying to fit the pieces of the puzzle together and wonder if they’ve perfected AI/robots to the point they believe the rest of us are expendable? Here in the US one has to question the number of illegals pouring in unvaccinated, while mandates are forced on the citizenry. Are these our replacements? People with so little that they’re the perfect subjects for manipulation and control? When I write these thoughts it sounds far-fetched, I know, but based on the evil I’m seeing nothing would surprise me.

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It won’t be a novel idea that the very sage people who put up the manifesto in the Georgia Guidestones are currently perpetrating this global fraud.

If so, the target maybe reduction in global population to 500 million.

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Sir, I am no fan of nobody, but your stature has just escalated by denouncing the overpopulation rubbish. If you have a god, I implore him to bless you and yours.

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It seems to me that when you are talking about people who have poor immune systems - like people who are elderly or otherwise sick - giving them a vaccination that spurs their immune system to be ready for a new virus could make sense. However, this push to vaccinate the young and healthy who are at almost no risk of dying from Covid is pure insanity. And the tyrannical measures that are being taken in order to push the young and healthy to get vaccinated - denying them the ability to work, to dine, to socialize unless they get the shot - gives away the real agenda. It cannot be about public safety. It is about control.

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Those with poor immune systems are, paradoxically, the very individuals incapable of responding well even to a properly developed vaccine.

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Also, paradoxically, the most 'at-risk' cohorts are the elderly, the multi-morbid, and the obese, all of whom, typically, fail to mount a robust immune response to vaccination. Given this understanding, it was counter-intuitive to have prioritized those vulnerable people for the first vaccine rollouts, was it not? I figured that the idea was to see the extent to which this population died-off after vaccination and if it was not way too big to gloss over, they'd just keep pressing on with this process through successive age groups, right down through the newborns. And, so it goes.

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Exactly. That's why I insist vaccination promotion should always go hand in hand with promotion of immune system enhancement. Which, in fact, it NEVER does.

In fact the very fact that vaccines merely provoke the immune system is widely ignored or not understood.

It seems to me vaccines are presented to the masses as active antivirals in themselves. A magic bullet that will kill a virus. A total misrepresentation.

I wonder if you have any knowledge of the use of mRNA vaccines in animals to try to 'defeat' a virus? Attempts which failed. I think I read of such but I'm uncertain. I may have mixed up that information with information about vaccine attempts to

wipe out viruses in chickens and which led to Marek's disease or phenomenon, whatever you call it.

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This is the first time an mRNA vaccine has ever been used on humans. There were no animal trials.

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When this "vaccine" business began, the stated purpose was to offer it to the vulnerable population. It was shocking to see the greedy madness of healthy young people, who generally worked from home, pushing front line care workers and elderly aside to get their shot first! For 99+% survivable flu! These people were probably never too mentally stable.

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Yes it seems to make sense to 'spur' the immune system alright. But wouldn't it make even more sense to do things to try to enhance that immune system at the same time? Like make sure it has adequate levels of all requirements, minerals, vitamins, whatever?

And give it some help with whatever anti-virals we can find? Like Ivermectin?

So it would seem to me that all 'vaccine pushes' should be part of a concerted effort pushing those things, too, at the same time.

If you were truly aware of what you were doing.

And if you were truly trying to heal and help people.

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When I am offered a reward/bribe for getting the experimental jab…… there is something insidiously wrong here!!! Pharma made $32 billion last year as is using the money to create misinformation messages and firing employees. REALLY????? HELLO!!!! REALLY?

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Anyone with even the smallest sense of logic would realize that there are many more "variants" out there other than just the "Delta" one. In fact, the word, "variant", is a soft-peddled way of saying that from the original Covid19 virus, there are now many evolved forms other than just one (delta).....many many more mutations......

.......and the powers to be have accelerated this viral evolutionary march towards more mutations by introducing an evolutionary selection pressure (the experimental vaccine) RIGHT IN THE MIDDLE OF THE PANDEMIC (RATHER THAT AFTER THE VIRUS HAS RUN ITS COURSE AND HAS SUBSIDED).

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COMMUNISM IS The final Variant.

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There's SARS-COV-2, and the Beta variant, and the Epsilon variant, and the Mu variant... but they are all just Ba variants. You know, Baaah?

All hail Koch/Rivers!

Or are we going to continue ignoring simple truths?

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You might find this website .... interesting.


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Hey, excellent. thank you for that.

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It seems India and Sweden are taking the covid party followed by a vaccine.

Dr. Michael Mina at Harvard has a different take on immunity as evolving versus what is described in this article which is its set at childhood. What is your take on that?

"I’ve always said that we’re going to age out of this virus. People are going to keep getting exposed. And whether it’s to Delta or to a variant in five months from now, every time you or I or anyone else gets exposed — they’re really building up a decent cushion of immunity with each of those exposures. So it’s only a matter of time before we actually have not only vaccine-derived immunity but natural infection-derived immunity, too.

When you start coupling all that together, you can picture it kind of like a sandwich, just continuing to stack up. Then we can start to say, okay, now, you know, even if the virus changes a bit, I’ve built up so much protection already. I’ve got all these antibodies that not only recognize the spike proteins from the virus, which is what we see with the vaccines, but I’ve now been exposed three times. And so even if the virus mutates this part, I already recognize these other parts. That’s kind of how we’re going to get out of this. That’s how our immune system learns. It’s going to be maybe a couple-year-long endeavor still, and everyone who’s been vaccinated probably will get exposed — eventually, hopefully, without causing any symptoms. I think we’ll get there, but it’s going to be a longer road than we’d like to believe."

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Everyone in my workplace who’s had Covid this past year has been fully vaccinated , young, & sick.

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Eugyppius does't imply that your immune system doesn't evolve, only that the evolution is directed and limited by your original exposure. Also, the assumption that continued exposure strengthens immunity is not necessarily true. In fact, that the opposite is sometimes true is the basis of OAS. This is shown in his example of the evolution of Marek's, as well as our common cold and annual flu for which enough people never develop an exposure-induced or vaccine-derived (flu) immunity.

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Mareks was a leaky vaccine. Natural Immunity is not. So repeated exposure only builds your ability to respond.

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yeah, not so sure the vaccinated are going to fare so well, especially after 4 or 5 vaccines of who knows what!

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Interesting. I would ask her about eugyppus' assertion that old flu strains come back and reinfect people once the old people who have the appropriate antibodies age out.

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does "age out" mean DIE ?? please use normal language

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Yes. It means die.

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The term refers to the immunity, not the people?, I think it means the people "immune"to it dies of old age, leaving the "virus" to infect a new generation with no acquired immunity (yet). At least, that is what I think the article is about?

In the end, it still comes back to nutrition. I can simulate "the flu" with one bad meal, no-one can demonstrate the existence of viruses as per Koch's postulate. All pictures I've seen, are either "artist's impressions", computer models, or micrographs of bacteriaphages, or vacuole waste, or just plain cellular debris, including shards of toxic metals wrapped in organic matter that forms an undeclared part of all vaccines.

Anyone here qualified to discuss those bits of neurotoxic metals in ALL vaccines?

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Good thing we have not seen that from the 1918 flu pandemic. The last time I heard they saw that T & B cell in a person was in 2010.

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I would guess that not enough of the new folks have been exposed to establish herd immunity.

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Oct 26, 2021Liked by eugyppius

There is a much darker side to this. I believe the vaxxed will suffer greatly from a new "release" sometime soon. And by design. This will cripple the population and the economy allowing an economic reset. Look for a new digital currency, zero cash society. Also look for confiscation of gold and guns. We will be on our knees and subject to whatever the elites decide to do from unfettered immigration (replacement with cheap, compliant labor), takeover of certain industries and suspension of constitutional rights. Martial law is probably coming. Far fetched? Down the rabbit hole conspiracy? Maybe ... but I don't think so. Prepare. Resist.

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You may be on to something. All of this lines up nicely with the Great Reset vision of a future two tiered society of serfs and Lords. Pre Magna Carta.

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I don't think anyone is smart enough to pull such a thing off. On the contrary, this ongoing mess is the result of bumbling idiots who think they are SOOOO smart.

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I think you’re wrong.

Watch Paul Schreyer’s documentary on YouTube called Pandemic Simulations.

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Just watched it and shared it with others. Thanks. Wow.

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I agree with you Dr. Yeadon.

I think they're are certainly lucky bumbling idiots that have benefited, but this has been prepped and planned for many many years.

Thank you for your work, and for doing what you can to spread the word.

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Hi professor, It’s an honor to meet you on this site.

Keep up the good work and thank you for standing up for those who have no voice to speak.

If you need some more inspiration, visit my page and read my posts.

Thanks again and

Have a great day/night

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Yes they are. They’re long game complex chess players. Plans within plans within plans within plans while thinking decades and centuries down the road.

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Centuries? Long enough for them to not enjoy the fruits of their labor?

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I'm with you, sort of. THEY are so smart, they call us cattle, sheep, any type of "grazing livestock". My hope (and yours?) is that their hubris will cause them to expose themselves before we are all dead. The new generation will not bother to fight back at anything that does not trigger their TwatFaceGram intersexionality.

Unfortunatley, THEY have the Independent Judiciary to hide behind, making a joke of all our governments, laws, traditions and beliefs.

By the rules of democracy, we should call a referendum on this, but the result will be considered an attack on said independence of the judiciary, hate speech against our betters and an insurrection by internet-radicalised uteral caregiver domestic terrorists.

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I'm not saying they aren't dangerous. They are VERY dangerous, precisely because they are stupid. Great video here that I coincidentally saw last night about how stupid people are far more prevalent than we think and way more dangerous. Take a look. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3O9FFrLpinQ

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I have enjoyed thinking about the Idea of stupid, so I thank you HLG for the link.

The "Injected" think that the "non- injected" are stupid because they believe that injections are good for the individual and for society.

The "non-injected" think that the injections are bad for both the individual and for society.

So each group views the other as stupid.

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Yes, I believe every institution is corrupted & non functioning, so it’s down to us.

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Yup. This is most likely vanity, will to power and greed. Progressives like the CDC director have zero insight into themselves and are never accountable for mistakes.

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It's not a matter of smart, its a matter of are they able to predict human nature and behaviour-- economic forecasters have been trying to do that for decades with very limited success. Models like technocrats (WHO, CDC etc) are not very accurate nor predictive.

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Not that many of them need to be smart. You control the direction of the river not what happens in the water (so much).

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Great point!

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It’s not a mistake. Please don’t give them a free pass.

I’m 100% sure it’s deliberate.

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Exactly what is deliberate? For the sake of those of us who came in late could you spell it out, please? Bring us up to date?

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I’m afraid you’re going to have to watch some interviews!

The whole thing is a fraud.

Look at the ‘measures’. Compare them to ANY previous pandemic preparedness plans.

Lockdowns, masks, PCR mass testing & asymptomatic transmission are utterly absurd (if you’re an experienced biological scientist).

I’ve been 40 years in the fields of immunology, toxicology, testing etc.

I knew we were in serious trouble the moment they started using prison language.

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Yes, the "prison language" clearly messaged that our compliance would be obtained by way of brute force, if need be. Thus, governments, worldwide, uniformly chose the term LOCKDOWN because they knew it was already frightfully familiar to us, from news and entertainment, as an extreme measure to drastically restrict the movement of prisoners in order to quell a prison riot. That brutal term and practice effectively communicated the same crushing message to every citizen, in every country, on the planet: resistance is futile. It "shocked and awed" us into a deep state of pre-submission. But still, we resist, as best we can.

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iirc, they tried using softer language "shelter in place" or "stay home" but the people who felt oppressed by it won with the reframing to the prison language.

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Humans who have a conscience often can’t relate to humans who do not. It’s hard for them to imagine other people actually doing horrific things that they would never do (Genocide for instance). Even with knowing historical or current instances of it. They want to believe people are good. I finally pulled myself out of that thought process.

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They will scapegoat the pharma companies, of course. Same way they do when any other drug gets yanked. It's all part of the game. The pharma executives know it's part of the game. Their bank accounts don't care.

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They will never do this-- you are assuming they are empathetic or frankly humanist.

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ejsmith, My husband died six months ago and though I miss him terribly and my life seems hollow and pointless without him, I'm glad he's not here on earth for the hell I think is coming.

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In the USA, emergency status activated national guard (Idaho governor did declare martial law, quietly, when he declared himself king - er when he issued the emergency edict) if I understood correctly. The vast majority of states are still in some stage of emergency.

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I live here. Please provide specifics. We have been wide open the entire time.

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Yes, I live here too.

Time line of emergency orders and suspension of rules:


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46-602. PROCLAMATION OF MARTIAL LAW. Whenever a state of extreme emergency has been proclaimed by the governor, the governor if in his judgment the maintenance of law and order will thereby be promoted, and in addition to the proclaiming of said state of extreme emergency, may by proclamation declare the state, county, or city, or any specified portion thereof, to be in a state of insurrection and MAY DECLARE martial law therein.

MAY DECLARE. He didn’t.

I believe no governor should have the power to declare emergency orders (not martial law) and we should amend our legislative laws to strip our governor/future govs from that power. However it’s important to be accurate about our state history. Martial law was *never* declared, and Brad Little left it to individual cities to decide how to proceed with Covid. Not as conservative as I’d have liked, but not blue. But let’s agree on accurately representing out state please.

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*nor martial law (replace “not”)

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You're much better off than Washington for sure (where I am).

But when I visited last spring - kids had to wear masks in school. I think maybe they still do. 😥

Also in Moscow Idaho in summer 2020, 2 or 3 church people were arrested for having a church service OUTSIDE.

So, even a generally free state like Idaho has tentacles of totalitarianism in it.

That said, it's SO much better than my state! No comparison.

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In Idaho.

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I have a question about the "cheap compliant labor". Most of the people coming across the border have low or no English language skills. What on earth are they going to do? Even warehouse jobs require reading and cashier jobs are rapidly being automated. Anybody??

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Short term, you are correct. But the left plays the long game very well. Soon, all the kids will be enrolled in public schools with ESL classes (all paid for by you) and they will emerge as a fresh generation of lightly skilled workers. The parents will do what migrants have always done and find a way to get ahead. Most will not sit idly by collecting government benefits. Some will for a while but even those will be out and about doing something to get ahead. Remember, anyone with enough ambition to walk here from Central / South America is ambitious enough to carve out a place in the USA.

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Building construction is one of the biggest.

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Oct 26, 2021Liked by eugyppius

Maybe semi permanent pandemic is just what the authorities want $$$

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Oct 26, 2021Liked by eugyppius


Why doesn’t ANYONE report the detailed CDC data showing virtually NO EXCESS DEATHS from all respiratory causes in 2020 or 2021. All the excess deaths are in Alzheimers and Circulatory diseases. How can that be if COVID is a cause???

Source: https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/nvss/vsrr/covid19/excess_deaths.htm

Go to the “Options” section, click on the “ Weekly Number of Deaths by Cause Group” button then on the “Update Dashboard” button.

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interesting. thanks for the tip.

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Genevieve Briand, PhD and I have each, separately, been giving evidence of this for months. Her article: https://pdmj.org/papers/Briand_look_at_US_data/

And mine: https://pdmj.org/papers/is_there_a_pandemic/

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Covid has been acknowledged as a vascular disease more than a respiratory disease. The spikes attack the epithelial cells in very tiny vasculature of the lungs, producing a respiratory response, but it attacks the whole body's vasculature as well, resulting in heart, neurologic and thromolytic problems as well.

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thanks for this.

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Oct 26, 2021Liked by eugyppius

I'm more than willing to pay for these gems of knowledge

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thanks so much :)

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Oct 26, 2021Liked by eugyppius

Ditto. I'm happy to pay for continued revelation and analysis.

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Masterful writing. You rich descriptions of the mechanism behind OAS give me a sense that you understand the deep implications of this process.

My understanding is that a decent minority of the inoculated still were able to generate N-protein antibodies following infection. So perhaps, as mRNA antibodies fade, and the spike protein continues to evolve, the proportion able to develop N-antibodies and other features of natural immunity, will rise.

Or maybe they'll all get cancer, just making it up as they go along, with everyone's life on the line.

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I agree-- reason is that a "decent minority" had. very different concentrations and concoctions of the "vaccine" (sic). Add to that varying innate immune responses and like "real" vaccines will see a varying antibody response. We aren't all the same in any way - right?

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Our immune systems are just as variable as our fingerprints.

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Oct 26, 2021Liked by eugyppius

Where is the public discussion of these problems by our public health doctors? Why has public health become so politicized? In any event, thanks to you for an informative article. And yes, I'll be happy to pay...

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thanks so much linotype.

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Pay to play business model, and create a problem- charge people for it, then create a "solution" charge people for it. Naomi Klein calls it disaster capitalism. This is just the health version. Follow the money.

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Oct 26, 2021Liked by eugyppius

The claims of rising covid cases is being verified how? With the faulty PCR tests? All the labs have to do is ramp up the cycles past 30-35 and suddenly there are a lot of false positives. How are the various so-called variants being differentiated? The PCR test may find signs of corona virus RNA but cannot distinguish them, nor find live viruses.

Furthermore, there have never been any independent (not preformed by big pharma) studies to my knowledge that prove any flu vaccine works as described. This is certainly true of the extremely experimental mRNA injections that are not anything close to being regular flu vaccinations.

I have read/viewed several accounts by nurses working in hospitals who are saying pretty much the opposite of what the TV and social media news outlets are saying. I would trust this source before any TV news source. Many pretend covid cases are nothing more than regular flu or other viruses. It begs the question of whether we will have a non-existent flu season like that of 2020-21.

I am starting to believe that the mRNA (and others) injections are designed to weaken immune systems and open the door for other viruses and diseases to be introduced with much less natural ability to combat them. I am hearing that once you get these injections, you will never be able to have natural immunity, which for any disease or virus is superior to anything big pharma pumps into your precious body.

If you do some research, you will find that many big pharma drugs and such are derivatives of herbs and natural substances occurring in nature. Aspirin in nothing more than adulterated willow tree bark. Big pharma regurgitates these wonderful natural substance and creates a marketable product that is extremely overpriced in many cases...not to mention the resulting undesired side effects. Even aspirin can create severe side effects, like internal bleeding. Why not get smart and use the real thing?

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just briefly on rising infections: indeed individual countries can (and do) manipulate official results all the time, but when you see a trend across jurisdictions with different testing authorities and policies, in all likelihood infections really are up.

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I still doubt it. So many jurisdictions and testing authorities have been moving in lock step for the last 20 months. But in Florida, where the governor has set limits on PCR testing cycles, new cases do not seem to be rising much, if at all.

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I think we often fail to take into account the seasonality of the flu. It's no longer flu season in Florida, it's now coming into flu season in the North East.

Don't get me wrong, I think DeSantis and Florida had an excellent response, despite what people will say (a myopic response focused only on covid fails to account for all the other problems you cause through lockdowns etc.).

I just think it's dangerous to look at certain jurisdictions using a snap shot of a specific time and not looking at it in the wider context. Just my two cents.

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Florida had pretty high case rates in August – typical of other US Gulf states – but they're way down now. The most powerful influence on Corona, outstripping everything else, is seasonality.

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Exactly--like how you used Corona-- ie cold/flu virus of which COVID (yet to be isolated) is also part of .

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This was totally political, and a huge pet peeves of mine! I'm in GA, and in the same boat as FL and other southern, red states. The "elite" "media" ignores seasonality over and over, slamming red states as stupid and ignorant because we didn't shut down and run to grab shots and masks. They claim to have it right following Fauxi. Sure enough, when covid comes a-calling on them in the NE corridor during respiratory virus season, they ignore our improvement and their declining health. Freaking seasonality.

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Excellent point-- so its not COVID--its the flu

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Really -- can you do a piece on that-- as a medical professional in Toronto , I am not seeing that. What I am seeing is the definitions of infection, case, who is "vaccinated" changing weekly. So how do you compare stats with changing definitions over time?

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If you want to hear what's really going on in U.S. hospitals, listen to the interviews with whistleblower nurses on the Stew Peters (TV) show on Rumble. Ignore SP's politics if you need to (very right wing). I'm learning things from SP's interviews that I'm not hearing anywhere else on the web.

Here's an example: How severe COVID vaccine injuries are turned into "unvaccinated" COVID deaths. Most severe COVID vax injuries hit within the first two weeks after a vaccination; and people aren't considered "vaccinated" until 14 days after their final vaccination (2nd for Pfizer or Moderna, 1st for J&J). So...Person with severe COVID vax injury goes to ER before 14 days after jab...recorded as "unvaccinated." "Unvaccinated" persons admitted are PCR tested with 35 to 40 cycles and a high percentage come back positive, though 97% of positives above 35 cycles are false positives. (It's also possible that the person actually has COVID -- because vax dysreulates immune system, newly vaxxed are highly vulnerable to COVID if exposed.) Person is diagnosed with COVID, put on COVID treatment "track", given Remdesivir. Remdesivir is dangerous: damages kidneys; causes flash pulmonary edema leading to breathing difficulties which are officially blamed on COVID. Patient put on ventilator with too-high pressure setting which blows out lungs. Remdesivir is continued and contributes to multi-organ inflammation. Patient dies. Death is recorded as "unvaccinated COVID death."

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This is a very interesting statement. I'm in Hamilton and would be VERY interested in some of your thoughts and observations regarding the constantly changing definitions. I've had this nagging feeling that they are "jigging the stats". Something has felt off for a while now. Especially now that they bring in vax passports and I can see no logical reason for them.

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Please read my reply to Carol Jones just above about what's going on in U.S. hospitals.

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Also very interesting! I had heard about the counting of people as "unvaccinated" until 2 weeks after their second dose (I don't think J&J is as nearly prolific as Pfizer/Moderna). I had also thought that the CDC or FDA had discontinued using PCR testing as it was unreliable.

That being said, the numbers out of the USA had always been suspect to me. Rumors / confirmed rumors that people hit by a car and die in hospital are then tested for COVID, come back positive and then recorded as COVID death. Apparently, hospitals would receive extra funding for all COVID related cases etc. so there was a very good financial incentive to be as liberal as possible with the definition. That doesn't necessarily happen in Canada as there would be no financial incentive.

The incentive though would be to vaccinate everyone if the vaccine does keep people out of the hospital. Under socialized medicine, resources are definitely finite. It's also incredibly political. For the last 19 months, all provincial governments have tried to keep ICU capacity at around 80%. Most USA hospitals run at 95%+ ICU, _all the time_!

Another interesting stat ... most studies show that less then 10% of people on a ventilator will survive. Optimistic studies show it around 15%. (Not saying it's the cause of death, although I can't say it isn't, I don't know of any studies either way... just that for most, the end is nigh.)

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A few more points of interest: (1) PCR testing's EUA is supposed to end at close of 2021. (2) Starting May 2021, CDC said vaccinated people should be considered positive for COVID if PCR cycle threshold was 28 or less; so there would be far fewer false positives. "Unvaccinated" were still tested at 35-40 cycles. This "asymmetric testing" is an obvious cheat.

(3) U.S. hospitals were warned to expect a huge wave of COVID cases in spring 2021, so they cancelled all elective surgeries... meaning only a patient entering through emergency room could have surgery; for a period of time, many hospitals cancelled heart surgeries, cancer surgeries, hip replacements, etc. This eliminated an enormous portion of hospitals' income. Hospitals got paid more (by Medicare and Medicaid) for COVID patients than non-COVID, and considerably more for patients who were placed on ventilators. So yes, as you said, there was great incentive for diagnosing COVID and putting people on ventilators. Many hospitals, by the way, ended up furloughing or firing "excess" staff because of lack of income.

(4) The current 10% survival rate in ventilated patients is a product of Remdesivir, in my opinion. At the height of the COVID holocaust in NYC in spring 2020, some hospitals had 10% survival but some had 50% survival among ventilated patients. A whistleblowing doctor started pressure which resulted in the NIH amending their recommendations to specify low pressure ventilator settings to protect patients' lungs, and this saved some patients' lives. I don't know what the current NIH guidelines say about ventilator pressure, but I do know the guidelines push Remdesivir hard. Remdesivir is another EUA product, BTW.

(5) On March 4, 2020, the Chinese Guidance on COVID, 7th edition, was made available on the web in fluent English translation. In my opinion, if the U.S. medical establishment had studied and followed that guidance, mortality from COVID could have been held to extremely low levels even among high-risk patients. The Chinese Guidance recommended early treatment with anti-virals and suggested high-dose Vitamin C, chloroquine, and several other options; also, cautious use of steroids to dampen inflammation; supplemental oxygen instead of ventilator; and in rare cases when ventilator use was necessary, lung-protective low-pressure settings. (BTW, the Guidance also gave detailed instructions for treatment with Traditional Chinese Medicine.)

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Maybe, but a better proxy for infection rate is hospitalization rate and then death as a subset of hospitalizations. These shots were developed presumably using PCR testing, making their claimed results even more questionable.

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Great post-- totally agree about the mRNA injections weakening the innate immune response. Nothing makes Pharma happier than a lifelong rent-- ie those with vaccine damage (heart, lungs, nerves) paying for all those medications so they can "live" 🥰

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Exactly. That is the game they have played for decades. You never get healthy and end up on the lifelong drug merry-go-round.

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Oct 26, 2021Liked by eugyppius

Yep, I will pay once you release that option.

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thank you - I'm enormously grateful.

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Oct 26, 2021Liked by eugyppius

Of course, I believe I pay for all the subs that offer that option. I know everyone can't maybe afford it or whatnot, but it's a fairly small amount of money overall. Just seems fair to pay people for their work.

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Oct 26, 2021Liked by eugyppius


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Oct 26, 2021Liked by eugyppius

If response is conditioned by the first encounter, why would the unvaccinated and recovered fare any differently than the vaccinated when encountering new variants? Aren't they conditioned to the same thing? Sorry for any misinterpretation. This is WAY above my paygrade.

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Our vaccines only give you antibodies against one protein, the spike protein – in fact a version of that protein that is now obsolete. Precisely spike is now undergoing rapid evolution.

Actual infection gives you antibodies against (current) spike but also against the membrane proteins, against the nucleocapsid protein, and against other SARS-2 proteins. Some of these are much more conserved. That is, they can't change very much, without ruining the ability of SARS-2 to function.

The worry, is that if your're vaccinated, your immune response is forever after focused on vintage 2020 spike protein. All SARS-2 has to do, to get around your defences, is change spike a little bit. That's what it's already doing. If later subsequent infections may never give you a wide range of antibodies against of the virus, you'll always have mis-programmed immunity.

With natural infection, sure -- the virus will mutate and you'll still be locked into that primary exposure. But things you'll still have good antibodies against things like the nucleocapsid protein, which can't mutate as easily, so over all your response will be more effective.

This is the theory, anyway. The PHE data strongly suggests this is happening, but as of yet we don't know for sure.

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Just for clarification England Public Health is saying that the vaccines seem to mute the antibody response from breakthrough infections? Why would not the breakthrough infection then produce some of the desired immune responses from other parts of the virus.

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Eugyppius just explained this above.

The theory is - if you get the vaccine (and didn't have Covid prior to having the jab) the vaccine is then kind of a firmware update on your immune system.

When you then encounter the real SARS virus your immune response is now narrowly focused on the spike proteins and not on the entire virus..

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Good question

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May I get clarification on what the immune response would be in someone who got and recovered from the virus, then (quite misguidedly) got vaccinated, and then gets exposed to the virus or a variant again?

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What I've heard from experts I trust (though I couldn't tell you exactly who has said this -- but I listen to people like Peter McCullough, Geert Vanden Bossche, Robert Malone) is that the defective vaccine immunity will override and replace the superior natural immunity (which came from infection and recovery).

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Thank you

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Oct 26, 2021Liked by eugyppius

The first encounter for the uninfected vaccinated consisted of the Wuhan version of the spike protein. They had no exposure to the nucleocapsid protein or any other proteins during their first encounter. Because of this their subsequent immune response will be characterized by an unusually strong reliance on antibodies and T-cells that recognize the spike protein, whereas natural immunity largely depends on T-cell recognition of the nucleocapsid protein.

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If you left large swaths of the population unvaccinated, when those people eventually came across a new variant, their immune response to the new variant would be that initial, powerful response that provided strong immunity to that variant. So if all you cared about was the best outcome for the overall population (not about any one individual) then you might choose to have some groups have a strong, initial immune response to different variants. In an unimmunized population, that would happen naturally over time. That would ensure the survival of the species. If you vaccinate 100% of the population all at once, then everyone only has the strong, initial immunity to the first variant. As new variants emerge, everyone in the population would be vulnerable. And no amount of vaccination or exposure would change that because once you have that first exposure, your immune system is "set". Of course, this is an extremely oversimplified explanation of a very very complex system so take it as you will.

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Some of us need oversimplification. Thank you!

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My understanding is that vaccinations were designed to trigger your immune system to attack the SARS Co-V 2 spike protein (S) while natural immunity, acquired through previous Covid infection, triggers the immune system to attach to other proteins, including the nucleocapsid (N) offering the host a more complete immune response.

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This was my question, too. Thx for asking!

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