May 14, 2023Liked by eugyppius

Am sorry, but radical ecologists are basically 1 step removed from terrorists. These people are supposedly pro earth but are anti humanity. I am not going to talk shit about human civilization - I exist because of it and I am alive because of it. Its not perfect, but ill be dammed if someone is going to try to send me to the poor house just to save some fucking frog or polar bear

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Amen, modern day pagans. All must worship gaia.

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(Anti-humanity that's ultimately based in self-hatred.)

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Interesting point about their being terrorists. If you believed that shutting down a power station or blocking a road was moral because you were saving millions: what restraint would you have? Why not kill politicians and judges who imprison your fellow radicals or allow new roads to be built?

After all, when you're saving millions (probably brown people as well, nice moral bonus there) then what is a murder or two?

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The dudes who flew the planes into the towers also thought they were right. Its a human superweapon, the ego. Its capabilities are limitless

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As an aside, actually the planes were remote controlled. You can actually see the US military issue communication pod on the bottom of the one plane hitting WTC2 that there is decent video.

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Please post a link. Would love to see it.

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I would add that clearly Flight 93 was a case of a control system anomaly causing the plane to veer off course so it had to be shot down, spreading wreckage over a large area. The story about the plane flying into a hole in the ground at Shanksville is so ridiculous I can't believe anyone would accept it. Even hitting soft soil, even water, @ 530mph the plane would shatter on impact spreading debris over a large area.

Obviously Flight 93 was meant to fly into WTC7 which was also wired with detonation explosives and thermite charges. Forcing them to absurdly collapse the building many hrs later claiming some mickey mouse office fires caused giant steel columns to buckle like they were made of paper.

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9/11 PODs and Remote Control Plane Theory:


9/11 PODs and Remote Control Plane Theory - video Dailymotion WTC2 video, Flight 175, Boeing 767-222/ER:


Gallery | 9/11 Anomalies Plane Boeing 767 crash into WTC2 pictures, remote control pod


"....First off, all serious researchers aside from Morgan Reynolds (a former Bush economist) agree that planes actually hit the towers, however the planes that hit the towers had no windows and extra equipment attached (PODs) and are believed to be remote control drone aircraft. In fact, a similar plan was devised in 1962 by Robert McNamara called OPERATION NORTHWOODS which detailed flying an aircraft filled with FBI agents (allegedly college students on vacation) in flight the plane would switch transponder signals with a drone aircraft which would then be shot down over Cuba. The FBI agents on the plane would then land safely and resume new covert identities. There is evidence that a similar plot was hatched on 9/11:

Thomas Deatherage, Former Airline Captain B- 747-400 and B- 737-300: "After viewing many posted videos on "Youtube" I can tell you without hesitation that clearly aircraft # 2 B-767 - was radio controlled into the building Tower 2. The "pod" mounted on the bottom of the aircraft, is manufactured by "Martin Marietta" Corporation in Los Angeles. The pod has been used extensively by the USAF for outfitting drone aircraft for over 22 years, and you can clearly see it in (4) of the amateur videos- just before impact, with tower # 2. Also, I would like to find an insider A and P mechanic at both United and America to cross reference the A/C serial number of flight 77 and 93. I guarantee that they change the N issued tail number. However, one could trace and find this original A/C, from an insider employee, at these companies- leading to the smoking gun these aircraft were not destroyed."

MARTIN MARIETTA LANTIRN NAVIGATION AND TARGETING SYSTEM: The system consists of two externally-mounted pods carried on some fighter aircraft. LANTIRN was first employed during the Persian Gulf War.

Development of LANTIRN began in 1980, and the first production pod was delivered in 1987. The AAQ-13 navigation pod contains a Forward Looking InfraRed sensor (FLIR) and a Terrain Following Radar (TFR). FLIR imagery provides the pilot a view of terrain ahead of the aircraft at night. The TFR allows "hands-off" flight as low as 100 feet above the ground while avoiding obstacles in the aircraft's path. The AAQ-14 targeting pod has a FLIR and a laser designator/ranger to "illuminate" or mark the target for laser-guided bomb deliveries. The USAF ordered LANTIRN pods for F-15E and selected F-16C/D fighters. ..."

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Well they are quite mad. And they are terrorists - terrorism being destabilisation of a polity by use of fear, disruption, threats of violence, actual violence so the people will give in to demands just to feel safe again. Terrorism is blackmail, and like blackmailers no matter his much you pay them, they always come back for more.

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deletedMay 14, 2023Liked by eugyppius
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May 14, 2023Liked by eugyppius

I read that in the last 100 years the temp has raised 0.7 degrees. And that is all we know because before that there was no measuring. We do know about ice ages and warmer periods though, climate changes on its own, not because of people. And look at all these rich people, would they have houses on the coasts if they believed their own crap???

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The conversation always stops when I bring up Obama's two houses (Martha's Vineyard and Hawaii). With some people stopping the conversation is the goal.

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I think he also has one in Chicago. And several other high ups have 3 or 4 or even more houses. Don't forget Zelensky just bought a large house in Florida with American taxpayer's money.

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Really, Florida? I wonder if Florida's unlimited homestead exemption has any bearing on that choice.



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Yes!!! I'm surprised none of the Ukraine supporters I know has mentioned that. If he cared about his country, if the whole thing were legit, he would never have even thought of doing that. What a scandal.

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he needs a place to go when the whole thing collapses. Don't forget he is placed as president by the US, instead of the ligitimate president who was overthrown in 2014. I don't know details but he is a US marionet.

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You might like my thoroughgoing deconstruction of climate-change alarmism: https://ernestdlieberman.substack.com/p/climate-change-alarmists-ignore-how

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thanks Ernest - a great article to send to my climate hysterical former friends. Yes former, because they also are covid hystericals or rather, jab hystericals, and the former friendship is now down to - you guessed it, a mayor cooling LOL

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Actually we don’t know by how much temperatures have risen at all. The numbers purporting to show this are mathematical calculations from computer programmes based on averaged (therefore not real) temperature readings from less than 10% of the Earth’s surface. The truth is, it is impossible to measure temperature changes across the entire Earth’s surface to a give a ‘global temperature’ because the means to do it are not in place, and in any case it would produce an average and averages are not real. Also the temperature transition from the last ice age to the next tropical age, is so slow, so incremental and non-linear, it is too small to detect. Furthermore, since we don’t know what the ‘global temperature ‘ SHOULD be at any time, we cannot make a comparison to determine whether the ‘global ‘temperature’ - if we could measure it - was too high, too low or just right. So we have a confected temperature record and even it has failed to show the predicted warming, in fact some cooling, which is why ‘global warming’ was replaced by climate change, because climate is an abstract and unlike weather/temperature it cannot be observed and compared. When every weather phenomenon becomes ‘even more proof of climate change’, it is the ultimate unfalsifiable ‘science’. Thus it’s fake. A scam.

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Well stated! Very similar to what I heard from a small non profit climate research group here in Canada who actually follow real climate science and have some pretty knowledgeable members.

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Very appropriate and good points

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May 14, 2023Liked by eugyppius

In the US, the corporate interests have co-opted the green movement to the extent that it is a wholly owned subsidiary of energy and banking companies. Read their corporate reports, look at their lobbying for green subsidies and regulations to kneecap their competitors and look where the $1T or so of "green" government "investments" are going.

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Is very similar here, basically the Greens are portrayed in the media as a lot of hippie activists, but their actual policies are straight from these corporate funded think tanks and grant-making foundations.

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Subsidiary? Or parent?

Who is controlling whom?

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I have little doubt that the ultimate goal of the "Green" movement is to increase government control at the expense of individual freedom. However your comment makes me wonder: Where the hell is big oil? Why haven't they been fighting against this on every front? Have they lost all of their political influence to some sort of bureaucratic coup?

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May 14, 2023Liked by eugyppius

"Once the electrical grid becomes the only source of energy, the state achieves near-total control of emissions."

And near-total control of you and me.

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Once they force everyone to install smart meters, they will have the ability to literally control home heating centrally. These things directly manage your heat settings via some algorithm and they charge you like 50 Euros/month for the privilege. This is truly wild stuff.

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May 14, 2023Liked by eugyppius

My friend in Sweden was actually forced to install one! She also bought a wood fire stove...

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May 14, 2023·edited May 14, 2023


Wouldn't hurt to learn to knit, either, if one doesn't know how already.

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We need to revive many of the old survival skills and crafts.

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Even apart from that, digital tech is famously buggy. "Oops we pushed a bad update from our Indian programming team so now you can't turn your heat on in the middle of February" is not a problem that happens with analogue tech. Current goes in, homopolar motor spins, and usage is recorded thanks purely to physics.

But then analogue technology doesn't offer all those delectable opportunities for micromanagement that the PMC by their very nature salivate over.

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May 14, 2023Liked by eugyppius

Smart meters are the devil's own work. They should be opposed by freedom seeking people as vigorously as if they were asking you to go through life wearing shackles.

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May 14, 2023Liked by eugyppius

So should smartphones. And those stupid Ring doorbells.

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deletedMay 14, 2023Liked by eugyppius
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May 14, 2023Liked by eugyppius

What's sad is all those folks who don't decline the offer.

Too easily nudged by pennies.

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No doubt the day will come when declining the offer = power disconnection.

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It is already coming in many jurisdictions.

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I bought a new car 3 weeks ago, because I am so worried that by 2026 they only cars on offer will be electric.

The idea of being tethered to a car, reliant on an electrical grid, in Canada where it is winter 6 months of the year, was terrifying.

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May 14, 2023Liked by eugyppius


It’s all a con game. It goes without saying that we all want a clean environment. The rest of this is nonsense. Forget about global warming and climate change from the thirty thousand foot or satellite perspective. What evidence do you see in your own immediate environment of irreversible climate catastrophe? For example when you drive down a busy road or highway, are all the plants and trees dead? No they’re not. They grow well. How is that possible with all the deadly emissions and combustion engines producing deadly CO2? Read even a cursory amount about climate and you’ll find that temperature is cyclic. Rain is cyclic. Solar activity is cyclic. There aren’t more catastrophic storms. There are fewer. When the world shut durn for COVID, CO2 levels did not go down. This is a wealth redistribution and centralized control scheme to benefit the wealthiest 0.01% of mankind and dump the rest of us into third world poverty. These dingbats, as usual, haven’t even gamed this out far enough to see that in the end they’re just screwing themselves. Who is going to support their extravagant lifestyles, magic robots? And furthermore, the rest of the planet is NOT interested. The “global south” is not going to play ball. The biggest risk to mankind is mass ignorance and stupidity coupled with psychopathic opportunists.

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May 14, 2023Liked by eugyppius

'The biggest risk to mankind is mass ignorance and stupidity coupled with psychopathic opportunists.'


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Well, their objective is a techno-feudal Totalitarian World Malthusian Oligarchy. So no they don't expect they are screwing themselves, in fact they believe it will save them from losing their vast power & privilege in a World where centralized Western power is being eroded.

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They're in for a nasty surprise. When, and IF, they ever get the level of control they salivate for they will be less happy than today even. I bet we'll be somewhat happier because of all the working together and resourcefulness we'll have to muster up. I refuse to go into a dark space about this. I wasted three perfectly good years pining after the illusion I had a lot of solid friendships and complaining that everyone was MIA instead of moving into the next phase of life's adventure. (Haha! I'm still struggling to figure out what that is!)

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Understood, and you are basically correct. But the elites are wrong. This approach would actuallylower their standard of living and it’s a non starter anyway for a number of reasons. It’s mathematically impossible for them to achieve their goals with their chosen low density energy technologies. The amount of resource extraction - mining specifically, and electrical grid, solar panel,windmill and power plant construction necessary are astronomical and well outside the realm of possibility in any reasonable time frame, not to mention the economic and societal upheaval required along with impossible geopolitical problems which are insurmountable. Finally this whole thing is an environmental Armageddon. Mining and refining minerals, building batteries and windmills on the desired scale will require massive amounts of fossil fuels and create permanent environmental damage and hazards of unimaginable proportions. The Malthusian utopians either understand this and it’s just a front for a power play or they are retarded. I think it’s the latter in this case.

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May 14, 2023Liked by eugyppius

I won't either defend or criticize "big oil", but I know for damn sure that their hustle never resulted in the draconian health and economic assaults we've endured over the last several years by the "green" agenda or the "healthcare" criminals.

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Unfortunately Big Oil has been all onboard the Green Energy scam, just go to their websites and see how much they tout wind & solar, while they completely ignore nuclear. Shell Oil even had a video out touting how their natural gas is the "Dancing Partner" of Wind & Solar.

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c/p of part of a comment I made on AMD's stack:

"Hydrogen seems to hold a lot of promise, but has been suppressed by the oil and auto powers. Once they can develop enough control over it, and make enough money from it, I think we'll see it come to fruition. Toyota has been working on it for a long time, and claims their newest models are vastly more efficient than previous attempts."

Big oil wants to make money, just like the greenie, healthcare big auto and big pharma criminals do. Behind closed doors they talk about how to keep making that money and act accordingly. Does Big Oil care about the environment? No. They care about money. Does Anheuser Busch care about DEI? No. They care about money.

I think most of us fall into one of two camps: The alphas who have the abilities to get what they want and don't care about anything else, and those of us who genuinely care about humanity but lack the abilities or desire to force our will on those around us. There are a few who have the abilities to affect real change in the world, and also care about humanity. Eugyppius, and all the other warriors for Truth; we appreciate you!

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As for money, the people who largely own and control Big Oil can print all the money they want. They wouldn't be destroying our energy infrastructure if they really cared about making money on Oil, gas or coal. They are interested in Power & Control, money is secondary, they have so much wealth, they really have nothing to buy.

Even the Elon Musk sacrificed a couple hundred $billion for his social & political beliefs. When you are that wealthy, money may not mean that much. Musk has other motives, including things like a colony on Mars. He isn't doing that for money. He has a dream.

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Hydrogen, NO. Replace hydrogen with Methanol and you are on track to a real solution. Hydrogen is a crazy idea, even the best rocket scientists, like Musk and even Blue Origin have rejected H2 as a fuel, because it has so many problems. Instead they chose methane. If there is one place you would want to use H2 it's for Rockets. H2 has the most energy per unit weight of any fuel. Every kg of weight you can replace = an extraordinarily valuable kg in orbit. That tells you a lot about H2.

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Good to know!

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May 14, 2023Liked by eugyppius

Where to start. That “greenhouse gases” warm the planet is a lie. Water vapor is the main “greenhouse gas.” Why don’t we go to war with water vapor? CO2 is a trace gas and its effect on trapping sunlight is logarithmic and it’s space is already co-opted by water vapor. Increasing CO2 has no effect on “global warming.” Many historical periods of time on earth were warmer than

today. Like the medieval warm period. Not a lot of SUVs around when the Vikings settled “Greenland.” The “Greens” started counting the temperature rise on earth soon after the “little ice age”. The coldest period in the last 10,000 years. Talk about cherry picking your start date. As measured by satellites, the average “world temperature”. If there is such a thing has dropped by a half degree centigrade since 2016, when we had what was referred to as a “super El Niño.” The “greens” seemed to skip over the fact that we had record snow totals in the Northern Hemisphere this last winter. We were over one standard deviation above the 30 year average for snow in the Northern Hemisphere. Snow, you remember, that white powdery stuff that our kids were never going to experience. Had a friend text me that when she drove by Lake Shasta it was full to the brim. I told her “who are going to believe the climate experts who say California is in a “permanent drought”or your lying eyes.” Al Gore said at Davos this year that “seas were boiling.” Maybe he should get out more instead of flying around in his private jet. This whole “climate change” thing is about political power and controlling the people. It has nothing to do with the climate. Similar to the Covid lockdowns, all about population control and nothing about “science.” You “Greens” that have been brainwashed need to pull your head out and think for yourself. It’s way beyond obvious that this is all about population control. Your battle cry should be “safe and effective.” You know that most recent government lie. Get a clue, the governments worldwide are lying to the people.

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Well said. I would like to add that the illumination of corporate questionable, even bad practices (I taking a risk saying that) are usurped by other to increase corporate profits. It’s a corporate game. It makes me angry that the companies who caused the initial concerns have found a way to profit. THEN THEY BLAME THE CONSUMER. I agree with the comment to come that we over consumed.

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It's a sign of how inflexible, if that's the right word, left wing discourse is that they're still insisting that any criticism of "green" policies must be due to Big Oil bankrolling or influencing people. That talking point was stale a decade ago if not more.

In terms of economic motivations, I should think it's obvious. As with the jab, if the regulatory state can be made to mandate use of a product, that's a lot of market share. Especially when no one would use it otherwise. The push to replace internal combustion engines with batteries is very much a case in point. Electrical technologies, at least at this stage, are vastly inferior in terms of cost, range, and recovery time. For example, a gas-powered lawn mower will go for an hour or two on one small tank of gas, and when it runs out it takes a minute to refill. An electric mower gives out in 20 minutes and takes 3 hours to recharge.

By and large it seems like much of the green nonsense is just corporations trying to make a profit by 'innovating' worse solutions to solved problems, and then relying on government force to gain market share. Instead of actually coming up with genuinely new technologies that are superior enough that people will adopt them without being brow-beaten into it.

Of course, acknowledging that their entire movement has become one giant exercise in regulatory capture and rent extraction would rather conflict with their image as warriors against the plutocracy bravely saving the planet from cow farts or whatever.

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This is all bilge water to me.

If we survive as a species this period of history has to become known as the most asinine and deceitful design against humanity by any power group ever.

All that they are attacking... the stepping stones of our lives in a civilization now capable of supplying the basic needs of everyone they had no hand in creating. . These are the doings of non creative people living high on the surplus created by the genius and vision of men in comparison to whom they are nothing.

Vicious and without even a minimum of gratitude or empathy for others in the realm of humanity they need to be stopped in their lust for mastery over all.

Stopping them by any and all means is necessary, they mean to do utmost harm to as many humans as they can. This is the only stock in trade that they know, they have no other talent. History is proof of that. There is no future having them live alongside the rest of humanity because they are first and foremost destroyers, or thieves of everything created by others that they desire.

All this environmental and climate hullaballoo red herring is just another ploy to have the dumb sell themselves out as one of Lenins useful idiots. Lenin's useful idiot or Lemming are one and the same.

Now.. those so inclined can go on doing intellectual feats of high wire gymnastics all you want on this subject. Just like the Covid farce I'm not going along that path... No needle, no mask, no lockdown, I side stepped it all.

But as with the damage done ( much still to come for many years ) by this planned and engineered phoney pandemic, so it will be with the phoney Eco/Climate, if the paramours of deception of this are not stopped, and real problem solving talent is brought in. Get rid of the problem makers and call in the problem solvers.

There is a way to solve the current social regress spreading around the globe. The Justinian code of the Byzantine Empire, which lasted well over a thousand years largely because of the code.


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May 14, 2023·edited May 14, 2023Liked by eugyppius

In my view, lefties focus entirely too much on money and profit as the prime motive for the evils they decry. They seem to forget (or deliberately ignore) that people can and do have other motives beyond wealth.

In high school, one of my social-studies textbooks showed what the authors claimed were photos of Mao Tse-Tung's modest room with a simple bed and spartan nightstand. The caption underneath stressed how Mao was less interested in personal luxuries than in advancing the welfare of his people. (Yes, this was a textbook by a major American publisher. 🙄) As if that made him somehow less destructive.

Like their leftist comrades everywhere, what the authors of this book omitted is that Mao sought POWER, not money -- the power to tell everyone else how to arrange their lives and to order them around. (Decades later, I learned that Mao spent the heroic Long March being carried to and fro on a sedan chair.)

Beyond money and power, people can be motivated by ideology; by the feeling that they are somehow "making a difference;" by the accumulation of influence and prestige: this last pair of motives is particularly applicable to the "scientifically minded" among us who push climate and Covid drivel. They don't do it for the money, or even for personal power... and yet they are more destructive and oppressive than the private businessmen that they exclusively focus on.

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May 14, 2023Liked by eugyppius

The gas physicist James Moody notes that CO2 has a specific gravity of 1.62 (62% heavier than air), CO2 cools rapidly and falls to earth to be absorbed by oceans and by plants (for photosynthesis). It is not a greenhouse gas. Vilifying CO2 as the enemy of the earth by notable non-scientists (Al Gore and John aka Cadaverous Kerry) is the biggest scam of all time. The horrendous child slavery occurring right now in the Congo by raping the environment for cobalt(needed for recharging your lithium batteries so they don't explode into flame) goes completely unnoticed by our jet setting elite. No country should ruin their economies based upon the CO2 scam.

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May 14, 2023Liked by eugyppius

Back in the 60’s and 70’s when the enviro movement really got going, even I have to admit there were some serious pollution problems. But as far as I can tell, most of them have been dealt with pretty satisfactorily. Now, however, the green agenda has gotten increasingly psychotic to where it seems the real agenda is impoverishing and controlling, in particular, western societies, because the rest of the world’s developing countries are hardly likely to kowtow to this lunatic BS.

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Here in America polluion problems were solved by ending the tracking.. afrer 9-11 Dubbya Bush shut it down so Ground Zero air could be declared safe and in 2020 the online achive of toxic releases maintained by UC Davis was pulled.

Don't look don't find remedy.. no chance it has improved!!

"Over 4 billion pounds of toxic chemicals are released by industry into the nation's environment each year, including 72 million pounds of recognized carcinogens. Scorecard can give you a detailed report on chemicals being released from any of 20,000 industrial facilities, or a summary report for any area in the country. Scorecard spotlights the top polluters in the U.S., and ranks states and counties by pollutant releases. "


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May 14, 2023Liked by eugyppius

"But to take the side of [anti-vaxxers] (fossil fuels) when the [people are dying] (world is burning up), and [hospitals] (Eco systems) are collapsing every day in plain sight of all of us as a direct result of [virus transmission] (fossil fuel combustion) is beyond astonishing."

I don't believe any science until I see the TikTok video

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"Corporate" interests can coerce consumers only when imposed by government force. Did private corporations "force" customers into enjoying cheap electric power and two cars in every suburban garage? Or did these things come from economic progress resulting from voluntary association and market-based choices? By contrast, windmills and solar panels will never be adopted unless they are crammed down our throats, by law, without regard to the economic hardships they cause. There is a crucial difference between economic power and political power. The first functions by voluntary choice, the second only by force. When "corporate" and political interests combine and connive, political power masquerades as capitalism. When analyzing economic events, these two kinds of power should never be confused with each other.

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May 14, 2023·edited May 14, 2023

Maybe not completely. Don't monopolies ellminate some choice?

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I know of no monopolies that got to their position without government leading the way.

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May 14, 2023Liked by eugyppius

"Once the electrical grid becomes the only source of energy, the state achieves near-total control of emissions" Very interesting thought!

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And true.

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May 14, 2023Liked by eugyppius

I think the unifying feature of all the proposed electrified "solutions" are that they allow for central information collection and, ultimately, central control over anything that would otherwise provide some modicum of individual autonomy. With most of the policies it´s impossible to argue with a straight face that they are about reducing "CO2 emissions".

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Couple it with digital surveillance and digital currency and we have the complete totalitarian state with no escape possible.

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It's also a given that there is not enough 24/7 power available to provide at-will operation of the all-electric appliances, cars, trucks, trains, airplanes, etc. However, methods of load shedding have been developed over many years at the substation/transformer level, and now can be digitally controlled, perhaps at the individual meter level. Oh, did you want to charge your car tonight?

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May 14, 2023Liked by eugyppius

On Twitter and for debunking green dream lies, Alex Epstein is the guy to read. He posts all day and night facts that obliterates the green arguments. https://twitter.com/AlexEpstein/status/1657778017668677632

Germany is supposedly responsible for 2% of carbon dioxide that is man-made. But carbon dioxide is only .04% of the atmosphere and “man” supposedly only even is responsible for a small fraction of that number to begin with because we have natural events like volcanoes and un-natural events like dumb asses blowing up Nordstream and releasing Lord knows how much crap into our atmosphere. It’s so obvious that this entire venture is solely based on money, power and control. Whenever I hear about carbon credits, I roll my eyes- its so obvious it’s a chit system that only corporations and billionaires can afford to buy, these green followers are the ultimate symbol of sheep- they are helping to facilitate into reality the absolute opposite of what they virtuously and very seriously are purporting to seek- saving the environment.

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I thought this was a pretty good “Eugyppius” style meme- they forgot to mention that the dude in Nebraska was ultimately fired because he wouldn’t get the jab.


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May 14, 2023·edited May 14, 2023

I just went down the rabbit hole trying to find that meme, because that site doesn't allow linking in from the outside. Instead of clicking on the link, just copy and paste it.

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Thank you for that effort! They changed a lot on that website and now it’s really difficult to share memes which is so annoying!

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