Virus moron Eric Topol and snakeoil saleswoman Akiko Iwasaki plug mRNA nasal spray hocus pocus, demand a second Operation Warp Speed to further tinker with billions of human immune systems
E, you once wrote that the eradication of smallpox was wonderful, but that the creation of an army of vaccinologists with nothing more to do was anything but wonderful. I found that comment very insightful. And it explains why we now "need" this new shot.
So they're working on a grant meant for diseases that disproportionately affect the third world, yet the places with the most persistent and widespread reinfections are the richest countries on earth? That have had more than their share of vaccines?
One of the most amazing facets of this pandemic is the fact that literally ALL of the folks who are so concerned for us seem to be ENTIRELY oblivious to the fact that Omicron BA.5 is not your grandfather's wild-type virus. These folks seem to be in a panic over something that's not a whole lot worse than the common cold.
I know a 92 year old woman in a nursing home, albeit healthy, who had this and was just fine.
This is why the permanence of so many government bureaucracies is so pernicious. When they accomplish their mission, they realize it's a gravy train and that they need to keep coming up with new causes. Thus more and more energy gets focused on smaller and smaller problems. This also applies to private organizations. Why has the civil rights movement now focused itself on life-threatening issues such as "misgendering?"
We need to declare victory over severe covid and all just move on.
Not sure, I refuse to use the test so I can only judge by my body and I did cough a bit for two days but I am really healthy, take massive amounts of Vit. D & C….im one of those people who never get sick. Although I did get Shingles in summer of 2019!
IIRC, there was a (Rockerfeller?) vaccine administered to US troops, which may then have created a "Spanish flu" illness in all of those who were treated.
Except there never was a spanish flu vaccine before the outbreak(or after?) a paper/link....anything or just stop killing the thread with gibberish...
A possible European origin of the Spanish influenza and the first attempts to reduce mortality to combat superinfecting bacteria: an opinion from a virologist and a military historian
Right? Direct shot to the brain. Can you imagine the loss of olfactory function? And who knows what else. Who in their right mind does that? O wait, common sense is dead.
If Fauci said that they should load all chambers in a pistol put the barrel up their nose and pull the trigger... I reckon over half of the MOREONS would comply
Honestly, I wouldn’t be at all surprised if that were to become their next move. “You’re dead? That means it’s working. It would’ve been so much worse had you not taken the (literal) shot.”
Well now you know, if things really go south during the evening, hammering yourself in the forehead is a relatively painless way out. If you just say you have a headache, they might not believe you.
Please, if you ever do step out of that herd, it's those very same "livestock" that will gleefully and relentlessly seek to crucify you. They make the choice.
Nobody knows this gene technology was first developed for cancer treatment - and failed miserably there. So let's repurpose it for healthy people! What could go wrong?
Totally. I say that about the current intravenous shots. Better to shoot up with heroine - at least you get a high, some benefit from the shot. Plus if you overdose there is always Narcan, which actually works, unlike the snakeoil Pax.
The protein p180-200 if it is translated from the jab mRNA by the body seems to indeed bind to the ACE-2 and cause inflammation and may affect homeostatic mechanisms in the body etc
Hey Eugyppius - have you seen this? I mean, you and I would both say that the regulatory agencies have transitioned from watchdogs to enablers. But to hear the Chief Executive Officer of the MHRA - the British equivalent of the FDA - proudly trumpet exactly that, in those words -- well, I just don't know what to make of it. A new frontier in bizarre.
It's called a private-public partnership. Considered a good thing. Kinda like, “What was good for our country was good for General Motors, and vice versa.”
I guess that's the only way to understand it. Still - do the regulators now believe that nobody needs to play the role of watchdog? That such a function is no longer required?
I'm also taken aback by her choice of words. In American English, "enabler" has a distinctly negative ring - nobody in this country would want to be called an enabler. Maybe in British English it's different.
These people still believe that corporations look out for the common good because their oldster thinking is from the last millennium.
Old people running a country when things change drastically every few months is a major problem - they have few inputs and their acquired position insulates them from direct reality and from loss. Being secure in their position with no need to upgrade they've stopped learning and adapting. Mental blinders narrow their focus by keeping new information out. They believe they're doing the right responsible thing.
Their informational programming comes solely from the mainstream media, and confirms accrued biases. Opposition is understood as from those with less experience than they and thus uninformed, wrongheaded, and naïve, so they ignore it. Their conventional mind set of beliefs is aligned with and reinforced as correct by their peer group.
Underlying their psychological state are declines in speed of processing, working memory, inhibitory function, long-term memory, and white matter integrity. Note the decline in inhibitory executive function increases the probability of nuclear war. These reality processing deficits motivate wrong moves as one might see from a poker player who's had too much to drink. According to a March research note by BCA research, "Although there is a huge margin of error around any estimate, subjectively, we would assign an uncomfortably high 10% chance of a civilization-ending global nuclear war over the next 12 months." Note that even the smallest nuclear war, as between India and Pakistan, would end all civilization due to the nuclear winter created. Nuclear weapons are not like other weapons.
Yet we've given the keys to the Kingdom to people past retirement age who shouldn't be allowed to drive a car.
Most of the people killing us are over 65. Those under 65 are riding their coattails for profit and status. We need more covid to wash the oldsters away. The function of a virus is to continually upgrade our operating systems; we should let it run.
I'm 65, I understand your point, don't completely disagree but there are A LOT of under 50's that have a lot of space between the ears and got where they are who knows how.
In my opinion, it's best to judge someone by their achievements and merits not by age, sex, appearance, race, religion etc.
PS: A fairly recent, extremely popular, well liked and respected mayor of Mississauga, Ontario was Hazel McCallion who served from 1978-2014, retired as mayor at 92 in 2014, continued to teach after retiring at a local college and now, at 101 years old just renewed her employment contract for another 3 years for a major Canadian airport. Those who can, do (and should).
PSS: those over 55 who are killing us probably would have done the same at 30 had they had the money and power.
Nope. Oldsters degenerate, it's a fact of life. Exceptions do not disprove the rule. Those four youngsters you mention are all - every one - WEF members, programmed by Klaus Schwab. Google them along with "world economic forum".
People should be judged by everything that affects their ability to be competent in the job, not just that which is politically correct. That includes achievements, merits, as well as age, sex, appearance, race, religion, and whatever else you can think of.
Age affects everything in many ways. Appearance less so, but yes it does. I don't like ugly people. Race, religion, and sex affect everything also.
Don't fall for the foolishness of, "But it's unfair!" You are not voting on a friend, you have a higher responsibility to choose correctly with a leader. The standards are completely different because the consequences are far greater. People who don't understand that should not vote.
Let's go back to the very beginning of the Plandemic.
9 out of 3,711 passengers on the Diamond Princess cruise ship died, 0.24% fatality rate, for everyone on the boat, after they were locked in that petri dish for over a month.
We don't need more vaccines. We don't need more lockdowns.
We need Topol and his buddies to take their own medicine over and over and over, until they are done.
Yep. Proved at the start this was a bs pandemic. I actually know a guy who was stuck on the ship, friend of my father. Guy is old, diabetic, overweight, you'd think a stiff breeze would do him in. Nope, just fine after the internment, but pissed he had to quarantine for so long. And, he got his vaxx as soon as possible later on. Stupid is as stupid does.
I once looked up the D.P. figures and 0.37% of those on board (average age 59) died. In addition the medical care that one receives on board a cruise ship might not be quite up to the standards of the average hospital.
n a study by Grifoni et al.1, reactivity was detected in 50% of donor blood samples obtained in the USA between 2015 and 2018, before SARS-CoV-2 appeared in the human population. T cell reactivity was highest against proteins other than the coronavirus spike protein, but T cell reactivity was also detected against spike. The SARS-CoV-2 T cell reactivity was mostly associated with CD4+ T cells, with a smaller contribution by CD8+ T cells1. Similarly, in a study of blood donors in the Netherlands, Weiskopf et al.2 detected CD4+ T cell reactivity against SARS-CoV-2 spike peptides in 1 of 10 unexposed subjects and against SARS-CoV-2 non-spike peptides in 2 of 10 unexposed subjects. CD8+ T cell reactivity was observed in 1 of 10 unexposed donors. In a third study, from Germany, Braun et al.3 reported positive T cell responses against spike peptides in 34% of SARS-CoV-2 seronegative healthy donors. Finally, a study of individuals in Singapore, by Le Bert et al.4, reported T cell responses to nucleocapsid protein nsp7 or nsp13 in 50% of subjects with no history of SARS, COVID-19, or contact with patients with SARS or COVID-19. A study by Meckiff using samples from the UK also detected reactivity in unexposed subjects5. Taken together, five studies report evidence of pre-existing T cells that recognize SARS-CoV-2 in a significant fraction of people from diverse geographical locations.
Hard to say. That 9 estimate is from the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine. The usual estimate is 13, but there are others. The range is 7 to 14, depending. Reuters reported 7 on March 7th, 2020. If the range is so large within the closed system of the Diamond Princess, how large is it everywhere else, with people being paid to write in covid as the immediate cause of death?
I really, really, really wish this platform would show the post that the response is directed to in the email, instead of making us rely on "Return(ing) to thread."
So JUST NOW they realize that a deltoid injection has no chance at immunizing against against a respiratory virus? These are our best scientists?
Not to mention that they’ve injected people with experimental technology in the midst of an mutative viral outbreak, causing further mutations, most of which are potentially more likely to escape adapted immunity and potentially cause more deadly disease.
Not to mention the harm these injectables cause. The death, disability, and general levels of harm never seen before in a mass inoculation.
I will never trust public health ever again.
These people are incompetent or malfeasant, or both.
They must be held accountable for their stupidity and the damage they have caused.
It’s amazing what money can buy... paid millions to skew the data, paid millions to publish the skewed data as settled science, paid millions for pushing the so called “research settled science” 24/7 on network media news..... brought to you by Pfizer... but they can’t disclose the 1% VAERS reported numbers because, hmmmm oh geez.... Pfizer and Pfauci will cut there grants and golden goose income streams!?!?
Agree with everything you said - except one. I have never trusted public health or the medical industry to begin with. Decades of watching family members killed by cancer treatments will do that to you.
I feel like I'm the only person in the world who remembers that Moderna had to switch to 'vaccines' because repeated jabs of mRNA were killing animals..........
Yep, I recalled this when they trotted out the news of the new "miracle mRNA" vaccines. Naively figured at least we'd have a discussion about the possible dangers . . .
Is there really any evidence of the "initial and striking early success of the covid vaccines against the original strain" or was that all lies as I suspect too? Regardless, the spotein damage continues to unfold and ruin any "saved" lives.
Or people could just inhale the actual Omicron virus, suffer mild cold symptoms, and get full robust immunity that way.
E, you once wrote that the eradication of smallpox was wonderful, but that the creation of an army of vaccinologists with nothing more to do was anything but wonderful. I found that comment very insightful. And it explains why we now "need" this new shot.
vaccines didn't eradicate smallpox
Thank you
So they're working on a grant meant for diseases that disproportionately affect the third world, yet the places with the most persistent and widespread reinfections are the richest countries on earth? That have had more than their share of vaccines?
One of the most amazing facets of this pandemic is the fact that literally ALL of the folks who are so concerned for us seem to be ENTIRELY oblivious to the fact that Omicron BA.5 is not your grandfather's wild-type virus. These folks seem to be in a panic over something that's not a whole lot worse than the common cold.
I know a 92 year old woman in a nursing home, albeit healthy, who had this and was just fine.
This is why the permanence of so many government bureaucracies is so pernicious. When they accomplish their mission, they realize it's a gravy train and that they need to keep coming up with new causes. Thus more and more energy gets focused on smaller and smaller problems. This also applies to private organizations. Why has the civil rights movement now focused itself on life-threatening issues such as "misgendering?"
We need to declare victory over severe covid and all just move on.
How are we going to make $10 billion off of that?
It is your failure to promote properly if you can't build your own crystal cathedral.
What a novel concept; she said sarcastically.
Assuming that its anagram of "moronic" doesn't apply.
I remember when my kid got the vid, I was kissing her goodnight, sharing drinking cups, utensils…anything to get it.
You just need to sit in bathroom as they blow up the toilet. All absent from licking the toilet, of course.
And did you get it?
Not sure, I refuse to use the test so I can only judge by my body and I did cough a bit for two days but I am really healthy, take massive amounts of Vit. D & C….im one of those people who never get sick. Although I did get Shingles in summer of 2019!
Yes, but where's the money in that?
You are very much alive.
What actual virus???
The Covid "vaccines" are working out much like the Spanish flu vaccine with most of those dying of both being those who took the vaccines.
Except there was no Spanish flu vaccine...
IIRC, there was a (Rockerfeller?) vaccine administered to US troops, which may then have created a "Spanish flu" illness in all of those who were treated.
The Spanish flu vaccine is what caused the "disease."
Except there never was a spanish flu vaccine before the outbreak(or after?) a paper/link....anything or just stop killing the thread with gibberish...
A possible European origin of the Spanish influenza and the first attempts to reduce mortality to combat superinfecting bacteria: an opinion from a virologist and a military historian
You would expect a massive public poisoning to follow a public announcement of the poison's introduction to the public domain?
Given Dr. Anthony Fauci's presence at NIH, their content is, at least, highly suspect.
How do you think it started..?
A form must have been around and carried into the trenches to remain the same and/or to mutate in the cramped wet and filthy conditions with hundreds of thousands of hosts ready to super spread around the might be the precursor.
Again, most of those who died from the Spanish flu got vaccinated for it.
Of course I want the most toxic, inflammatory, immune dysfunctioning part of this virus DIRECTLY into my brain.
Did I forget to mention the structure of the Spike itself is a membrane piercer ? Oh yeah who needs blood brain barrier integrity.
And the fun fact is, this will still fail to induce decent mucosal immunity. So you just get closer to death. Nice 😎
Right? Direct shot to the brain. Can you imagine the loss of olfactory function? And who knows what else. Who in their right mind does that? O wait, common sense is dead.
How was it murdered?
First we had the ice bucket challenge. Then the Birdbox challenge. Then the Benedryl challenge. Now we have the brain-blood barrier challenge.
How long until these folks are daring us to smash ourselves in the foreheads with hammers?
If Fauci said that they should load all chambers in a pistol put the barrel up their nose and pull the trigger... I reckon over half of the MOREONS would comply
I'm fine with that. That's where I am.
Honestly, I wouldn’t be at all surprised if that were to become their next move. “You’re dead? That means it’s working. It would’ve been so much worse had you not taken the (literal) shot.”
Guess that ends my dating days.
But that's funny
I have had worse dates.
Truth be told, so have I. But I am more discerning now . . . I think
I hear Billy from the Gates of hell is single.
No Kill Gates does have a partner a Demon
Well now you know, if things really go south during the evening, hammering yourself in the forehead is a relatively painless way out. If you just say you have a headache, they might not believe you.
Lol..and the post adolescent checker at the Walmart entrance screaming at you to do it.
I know! He could put the chemical crap in a tide pod!
Natural selection…
Thank you for making the central point.
Well that's fucking scary. 😕
if you're fucken dumb enough to snort this you literally deserve to die
It would be funny, but it’s snot.
So, it's a Darwin challenge?
not their fault, they're drilled from birth to be livestock, and beaten brutally by the school system if they ever even think of stepping out of line
Please, if you ever do step out of that herd, it's those very same "livestock" that will gleefully and relentlessly seek to crucify you. They make the choice.
Yes, initially the spike was developed to facilitate chemo to brain cancer victims, as it was problematic to cross the blood brain barrier.
Nobody knows this gene technology was first developed for cancer treatment - and failed miserably there. So let's repurpose it for healthy people! What could go wrong?
Just when we thought we'd hit rock bottom on stupidity....
We’d all be better off if he simply gave everyone a snort of cocaine. At least it wouldn’t kill you plus you’d have the energy to run away.
Totally. I say that about the current intravenous shots. Better to shoot up with heroine - at least you get a high, some benefit from the shot. Plus if you overdose there is always Narcan, which actually works, unlike the snakeoil Pax.
the 'spike' shape itself is almost certainly an artefact of electron microscopy prep and staining
The protein p180-200 if it is translated from the jab mRNA by the body seems to indeed bind to the ACE-2 and cause inflammation and may affect homeostatic mechanisms in the body etc
Hey Eugyppius - have you seen this? I mean, you and I would both say that the regulatory agencies have transitioned from watchdogs to enablers. But to hear the Chief Executive Officer of the MHRA - the British equivalent of the FDA - proudly trumpet exactly that, in those words -- well, I just don't know what to make of it. A new frontier in bizarre.
my god, just unbelievable. thanks for tip bro.
june raine should be charged with crimes against humanity, she is a repulsive piece of scum
It's called a private-public partnership. Considered a good thing. Kinda like, “What was good for our country was good for General Motors, and vice versa.”
I guess that's the only way to understand it. Still - do the regulators now believe that nobody needs to play the role of watchdog? That such a function is no longer required?
I'm also taken aback by her choice of words. In American English, "enabler" has a distinctly negative ring - nobody in this country would want to be called an enabler. Maybe in British English it's different.
It's not, really. Brits would use the word 'facilitator'. If she uses the word 'enabler' it's because she can't help herself.
It's like the regulators at the Foie Gras farm, watching over the ducks
These people still believe that corporations look out for the common good because their oldster thinking is from the last millennium.
Old people running a country when things change drastically every few months is a major problem - they have few inputs and their acquired position insulates them from direct reality and from loss. Being secure in their position with no need to upgrade they've stopped learning and adapting. Mental blinders narrow their focus by keeping new information out. They believe they're doing the right responsible thing.
Their informational programming comes solely from the mainstream media, and confirms accrued biases. Opposition is understood as from those with less experience than they and thus uninformed, wrongheaded, and naïve, so they ignore it. Their conventional mind set of beliefs is aligned with and reinforced as correct by their peer group.
Underlying their psychological state are declines in speed of processing, working memory, inhibitory function, long-term memory, and white matter integrity. Note the decline in inhibitory executive function increases the probability of nuclear war. These reality processing deficits motivate wrong moves as one might see from a poker player who's had too much to drink. According to a March research note by BCA research, "Although there is a huge margin of error around any estimate, subjectively, we would assign an uncomfortably high 10% chance of a civilization-ending global nuclear war over the next 12 months." Note that even the smallest nuclear war, as between India and Pakistan, would end all civilization due to the nuclear winter created. Nuclear weapons are not like other weapons.
Yet we've given the keys to the Kingdom to people past retirement age who shouldn't be allowed to drive a car.
Most of the people killing us are over 65. Those under 65 are riding their coattails for profit and status. We need more covid to wash the oldsters away. The function of a virus is to continually upgrade our operating systems; we should let it run.
Justin Trudeau was only 46 when he took office,
Emmanuel Macron was only 40,
Sanna Marin is now only 36, became PM at 34,
Jacinda Arden was 37 when she took office.
I'm 65, I understand your point, don't completely disagree but there are A LOT of under 50's that have a lot of space between the ears and got where they are who knows how.
In my opinion, it's best to judge someone by their achievements and merits not by age, sex, appearance, race, religion etc.
PS: A fairly recent, extremely popular, well liked and respected mayor of Mississauga, Ontario was Hazel McCallion who served from 1978-2014, retired as mayor at 92 in 2014, continued to teach after retiring at a local college and now, at 101 years old just renewed her employment contract for another 3 years for a major Canadian airport. Those who can, do (and should).
PSS: those over 55 who are killing us probably would have done the same at 30 had they had the money and power.
PSS: those over 55 who are killing us probably would have done the same at 30 had they had the money and power.
Actually they did, with conventional wars. Biden loves him some wars, even in his 30's and 40''s.
Nope. Oldsters degenerate, it's a fact of life. Exceptions do not disprove the rule. Those four youngsters you mention are all - every one - WEF members, programmed by Klaus Schwab. Google them along with "world economic forum".
People should be judged by everything that affects their ability to be competent in the job, not just that which is politically correct. That includes achievements, merits, as well as age, sex, appearance, race, religion, and whatever else you can think of.
Age affects everything in many ways. Appearance less so, but yes it does. I don't like ugly people. Race, religion, and sex affect everything also.
Don't fall for the foolishness of, "But it's unfair!" You are not voting on a friend, you have a higher responsibility to choose correctly with a leader. The standards are completely different because the consequences are far greater. People who don't understand that should not vote.
The youngsters are the scariest to me as they often to try to make up for their lack of perspective and wisdom with enthusiastic zealotry.
You're making a lot of assumptions about me; again, I partially agree with you and those four youngsters don't make up an exhaustive list.
Truth. Born that way.
As a Brit, "enabler" is neutral and I have heard it used in this way in business contexts
It's called something else too...starts with an 'f'...that Mussolini fellow was a fan of it if I recall
Extraordinary. If anyone can screen capture the cover slide, it should be published
That was truly bizarre. “Millions of people are alive today because of this university”. But do they really know who their daddy is?
I cant get past Brit lady calling this a vicious virus....omg...
If 0.5% is vicious....what world am I living in?
Let's go back to the very beginning of the Plandemic.
9 out of 3,711 passengers on the Diamond Princess cruise ship died, 0.24% fatality rate, for everyone on the boat, after they were locked in that petri dish for over a month.
We don't need more vaccines. We don't need more lockdowns.
We need Topol and his buddies to take their own medicine over and over and over, until they are done.
and let’s not forget, Diamond Princess was a worst-case scenario, with a bunch of hypervulnerable olds, and nothing much happened.
Yep. Proved at the start this was a bs pandemic. I actually know a guy who was stuck on the ship, friend of my father. Guy is old, diabetic, overweight, you'd think a stiff breeze would do him in. Nope, just fine after the internment, but pissed he had to quarantine for so long. And, he got his vaxx as soon as possible later on. Stupid is as stupid does.
I once looked up the D.P. figures and 0.37% of those on board (average age 59) died. In addition the medical care that one receives on board a cruise ship might not be quite up to the standards of the average hospital.
But dead people on a boat is great optics for marketing departments to work with. Couldn't ask for more.
n a study by Grifoni et al.1, reactivity was detected in 50% of donor blood samples obtained in the USA between 2015 and 2018, before SARS-CoV-2 appeared in the human population. T cell reactivity was highest against proteins other than the coronavirus spike protein, but T cell reactivity was also detected against spike. The SARS-CoV-2 T cell reactivity was mostly associated with CD4+ T cells, with a smaller contribution by CD8+ T cells1. Similarly, in a study of blood donors in the Netherlands, Weiskopf et al.2 detected CD4+ T cell reactivity against SARS-CoV-2 spike peptides in 1 of 10 unexposed subjects and against SARS-CoV-2 non-spike peptides in 2 of 10 unexposed subjects. CD8+ T cell reactivity was observed in 1 of 10 unexposed donors. In a third study, from Germany, Braun et al.3 reported positive T cell responses against spike peptides in 34% of SARS-CoV-2 seronegative healthy donors. Finally, a study of individuals in Singapore, by Le Bert et al.4, reported T cell responses to nucleocapsid protein nsp7 or nsp13 in 50% of subjects with no history of SARS, COVID-19, or contact with patients with SARS or COVID-19. A study by Meckiff using samples from the UK also detected reactivity in unexposed subjects5. Taken together, five studies report evidence of pre-existing T cells that recognize SARS-CoV-2 in a significant fraction of people from diverse geographical locations.
It's likely some sort of cross-immunity based on similar-enough viruses. For example, AFAIK nearly everybody who had SARS v 1 was immune to SARS v 2.
THIS ^^^^ Get to the heart of the issue. There never was an emergency!
19% were infected. I believe 13 eventually died out of 3,711; 0.35% 13 out of 712 cases; 1.8%
Some say 14 died, depending on the version of causality. Average age 69 for passengers. 48% had underlying conditions.
Wikipedia says 9 died, and we all know tlthey ARE the answer to everything. The other 4 probably died of motorcycle accidents.
Hard to say. That 9 estimate is from the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine. The usual estimate is 13, but there are others. The range is 7 to 14, depending. Reuters reported 7 on March 7th, 2020. If the range is so large within the closed system of the Diamond Princess, how large is it everywhere else, with people being paid to write in covid as the immediate cause of death?
When will we finally be allowed to start hanging these people that openly advocate for theft (e.g, taxation) to support whatever they want?
It largely depends on how you define "allowed."
There are no members of the bipartisan dictatorship that don't endorse and practice the use of "theft" to support whatever their supporters want.
I agree. We need a lot of trees.
There are more acres of trees growing in North America than at any time in recorded history.
Great to know. Time to put them to good use!
I really, really, really wish this platform would show the post that the response is directed to in the email, instead of making us rely on "Return(ing) to thread."
Me, too.
haha Im sure this can be arranged as well. There are plenty of worthy candidates.
You can smell it decaying 24 hours a day for as long as it endures.
Do you have futures in flies?
When we change our notion of what "allowed" means.
Morally, I feel quite allowed right now.
So clearly we're not there yet.
So JUST NOW they realize that a deltoid injection has no chance at immunizing against against a respiratory virus? These are our best scientists?
Not to mention that they’ve injected people with experimental technology in the midst of an mutative viral outbreak, causing further mutations, most of which are potentially more likely to escape adapted immunity and potentially cause more deadly disease.
Not to mention the harm these injectables cause. The death, disability, and general levels of harm never seen before in a mass inoculation.
I will never trust public health ever again.
These people are incompetent or malfeasant, or both.
They must be held accountable for their stupidity and the damage they have caused.
It’s amazing what money can buy... paid millions to skew the data, paid millions to publish the skewed data as settled science, paid millions for pushing the so called “research settled science” 24/7 on network media news..... brought to you by Pfizer... but they can’t disclose the 1% VAERS reported numbers because, hmmmm oh geez.... Pfizer and Pfauci will cut there grants and golden goose income streams!?!?
A frighteningly large number of people will do....ANYTHING....for money.
Agree with everything you said - except one. I have never trusted public health or the medical industry to begin with. Decades of watching family members killed by cancer treatments will do that to you.
I feel like I'm the only person in the world who remembers that Moderna had to switch to 'vaccines' because repeated jabs of mRNA were killing animals..........
Mode-RNA. 2011-2020 failed company. 2021-2022 deadly company, ergo successful.
No.... simulation C... you have company... I remember too...
Yep, I recalled this when they trotted out the news of the new "miracle mRNA" vaccines. Naively figured at least we'd have a discussion about the possible dangers . . .
Is there really any evidence of the "initial and striking early success of the covid vaccines against the original strain" or was that all lies as I suspect too? Regardless, the spotein damage continues to unfold and ruin any "saved" lives.
No, they just took credit for spring.
But, but, but 95% [relative not absolute] efficacy! ... yeah, right.
"E.J.T. declares that he has no competing interests. " -who is buying this?
part of me wants to think he’s just a dumbass, but I am open to competing theories.