"Circumstantial evidence is occasionally very convincing, as when you find a trout in the milk"

- Sir Arthur Conan Doyle

I guess it can't hurt to have studies that prove the obvious.

You have to suspend disbelief to think there isn't a reason that governments across the world don't seem curious about the origins of c19.

Maybe it's for the same reason that most countries in the world employed all the same policies and censorship at the same time.

That doesn't sound like a coincidence.

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some of the responses from the zoonotic-origins people have been funny at least.

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They should be forced to donate money into a pangolin rehabilitation press campaign.

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40 billion towards pangolins would be a better choice than where it's been going the last few months.

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And what became of Jeffrey Sachs and the Lancet's theory that this was in fact developed at Ft. Detrick and then transmitted to Wuhan during the 2019 World Military Games? Sachs is a very credible economist and professor at Columbia University, not some crackpot. And the Lancet isn't entirely crackpot either.

Seems like this story has gone awfully silent. I'd love to know more.

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To qualify as a theory there needs to be more substantiation. Sach's theory is a hypothesis - speculation.

We know that WIV was doing exactly this kind of passing and gain of function, with these these viruses and techniques. We know they've been covering up the data.

And we know it was partially funded by Peter Daszak with DoD and NIH money.

All I've heard from Sachs is 'Ft Detrick was closed, so I think that's suspicious'.

That doesn't begin to qualify as evidence for something.

The documented WIV GoF work on exactly these things does.

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That being said, it's great that Jeffrey Sachs is a high profile person critical of the GoF 'research'. Tinkering with no proven medical use.

Yes, I agree with him that US agencies have been drivers of a lot of outsourced dual-use research of concern. In Ukraine, Congo, China and elsewhere.

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'a pangolin rehabilitation press campaign.'

And the poor bats, who already struggle with pretty abysmal PR.

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I made sport of how stupid the PHA'S and regular people were, in the beginning, until it became unhealthy.

I guess for politicians/bureaucrats/PHA'S stupidity is not a handicap.

Common sense is like deodorant. The people who need it most never use it....

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a truly great comparison. Seems like the people you would expect to know don't

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It probably was, though bats rather than pangolins, with a lot of help from the virus' friends on the way.

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And let me give the analogous rejoinder to the Conan Doyle that you are seeing the roaches use:

"Have you demonstrated that a trout in the milk isn't a common occurence in nature?"

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- there is no trout

- this trout is classified

- trout in breastmilk is protective

- I'm grateful for my trout in my milk and need another

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The trout only lasts a few days and never leaves the cup? Even if a trout were to accumulate in your ovaries that hasn't been demonstrated in a rand9mized peer controlled study to be harmful. Typed it out then started thinking about the control group that can't tell if they have a trout in their crotch or not, might be hard to blind that study, might have to unblind it and trout them all

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💬 I'm grateful for my trout in my milk and need another

🤣 This last line is pure gold! 24K 🤩

ETA ...and we do need another 😇

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If it is not in their interests to be curious about the origins of C19, they won't be. Bureaucrats are all about self-interest and CYA, and always have been.

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Complacency and intellectual laziness by the public allowed the covid debacle and will probably prevent the fraud from being exposed.

The conditioned desire for safety nets invariably become hammocks.

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Ryan, I think another reason the fraud may never be exposed (OR punished) is that in the same bovine fashion that so many acquiesced to the mandates idiocy, many of the same want to “oh never mind” & forget it, move on, etc. The true believers don’t seem to be at all outraged that they were horrendously duped or will never believe they were.... But you also sure don’t see them smugly boasting on social media much anymore about their latest jab.

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If people would've stood up and refused then the rest of the mandates would've never happened. Even if 15 - 20% of the public had resisted and not backed down they would've rendered the mandates unenforceable.

They were the first testing of the waters. They are a multipurpose tool that allowed officials to restrict a person's time and space in society....and so much more.

This allowed the PHA'S to foster and maintain "belief" in their nonsenseical protection. This belief turned into dogma...which allowed the subsequent machinations and manipulation to plant roots.

When they claimed that they protected others...it was over. No going back after they manipulated the "greater good" as some moral obligation.

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Masks made people hidden, socially restricted, anonymous & therefore not individual human beings. It has deeply damaged the development of babies & children of any age. It is demonic but hand in glove w/ abortion, tranny shit & teaching twisted sex to any child. No words….

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and money of course

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Interesting Ryan that this seems to have taken on the look and feel of a legal inquiry, rather than a scientific one. The natural origins side seems to be insisting on a "beyond a reasonable doubt" standard of evidence. Perhaps they also believe that O.J. didn't do it.

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Seems that way.

I have a feeling that even if they doggedly pursued they'd come to the conclusion that the gloves didn't fit...therefore they had to acquit....

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Like no one is interested in the nord stream attacks neither!?

We live in the biggest psyops theatre of the history.

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Science is awesome. Thanks!

PS: Hang fauci and everyone that knew about it.

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Jut now there was a knock on my door ,I went and found a note ,that said that the lady two doors over from mine suddenly dropped dead .My wife knew here well She was about 40 and took two shots plus the booster .Was it another Faussi kill? I'm very worried about my wife ,she may have taken shots and not tell me .She knows I'm totally opposed to anything Pharma magic . In previous posts I made on this site I describe how my brother was murdered in a hospital with the Faussi treatment . thanks Joe

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Hope your wife did not fall for it.

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If you believe in God, pray. If you don’t, I would pray anyway. God is so good and can soften your wive’s stubborn ways to listen to you. Rebuke any evilness in your house, in Jesus’ name. I’m totally serious. His name has power that’s unimaginable. Satan HAS to leave when you do this. And tell your wife how much you love her. This “ authority” is not our friend. I never thought I’d say that. I love my country & always felt safe here. Not anymore. We need to push back against all boosters & not allow children to be forced to get these. ( to go to school) Hang in there & keep holding onto your truth. These vaccines are poison & I received both Moderna before I realized it. No more boosters, no more flu shots either. I’ve learned so much in last 2 years. FLCCC guidelines if you get Covid are the best & Ivermectin works! No doubt. Joe, just know you’re not alone in this fight. 🌈😇

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I agree and without God there would be no universe ,no us . I never took anything offered by big Pharma and enjoy reasonable health ,why would I change that .I know now that my wife took shots and I worry about that .I love her and if something happened to her I would be devastated .Children being forced to be injected is another mega crime .Next will be forced injections for us all ,without it we will be outcasts not allowed to enter a store to by food .I'm fully aware of the plan to exterminate most of us and only God can put a stop to that . Joe

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I.m afraid she did .She is the most wonderful person and does more for me than I do for her However when it comes to anything Authority she is very obedient ,something that is directly in opposition with my Philosophy .

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Oct 23, 2022
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Depending on your definition of scientist... If you mean by scientist someone that works in universities or publishes in academic journals, I agree 100%. But a scientist can be anyone that woks with science (with very little overlap with the group that I mentioned). In this case, I say that the proportion is the opposite.

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we might need to redifine scientist

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Hello Friends and scientists .I have decided to be a scientist and here on my work bench I have a virus that I want to change from bad to good and than release it to infect the world . Since the virus is many times smaller than a spec of dust I can't find no way to slice and dice it ,like Fauzi does . If you give me some hints as to how ,I promise to keep it a secrete .

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Kari Mullis said that Fauci is so stupid that he thinks he can se a virus in a microscope. You never need to 'see' the virus, even if it is possible with advanced methods to se its contours. Use methods to discover its properties and parts instead and how they must fit together.

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Oct 23, 2022
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Add me to your short list of unvaxxed, unmasked, engineering Ph.D.

In my opinion, the highly credentialed are so because they find the most reward in hierarchical, rules-based organizations. Thriving on credentialism.. some of their CV/Resumes are farcical.

AKA "team players". In their book.

AKA "pussies". In mine.

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Fine analysis, but unimportant at this stage. If we had evidence that Joe and Tony whipped up sars2 themselves in the kitchen of a local ice cream shop, it wouldn't change our situation or improve our outlook. Someday we'll have time to track down all the perpetrators and issue the punishments they deserve. For now, our focus needs to remain on making it stop. Maybe showing people that agents they trust caused their problems will convince a few to resist their propaganda, but so will showing them the medical recommendations are hurting them and not helping them. Rational people quickly learn when they're being attacked, but we seem to have an unusually large population who hasn't figured it out. We need to help them learn this disaster was avoidable, and only they have the power to correct it. We're in a war for civilization, and we need an army to win it.

The virus isn't our problem, and never was. Our problem is the concerted efforts to terrorize the population about an insignificant virus. We can make it stop.

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While I don’t disagree with your analysis. I believe it is important that folks understand the intent of the powers that be. Maybe we are dwelling too long on the subject but as I read some of the nasty comments; it may be an important to hammer this down.

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As Sun Tzu taught, know your enemy. But that's a strategy question. Warriors need to focus on tactics. China hasn't hurt me, nor fauch, nor Klaus, nor Joe, nor the other popular villains. They have no power, except to coerce. My enemy is my local politicians, health board, and the businesses and institutions that enforced their insane demands, and can use the police to arrest or shoot me. When I get them off my back, I'll turn my attentions to them.

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David, there is a popular modern saying in war....."Amateurs talk strategy, Professionals talk logistics" . . . .this is playing out in the latest proxy war but is germane to this debacle.....the professional thugs are logistical geniuses in deploying their fear and greed messaging to meet their goals all under the guise of 'saving Humanity'....we who hold a different and more realistic view of what is happening need to recognize this as much as strategy. As long as they keep us as a fragmented set of disparate voices they will continue this financial rape of modern governments and the taxpayer.

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Professionals talk strategy, too. Sun Tzu was a professional general. But he wasn't directly in the fight. His warriors were more interested in knowing the enemy directly in front of him, intent on killing him.

Logistics is important before the fight, but can't help much during the fight. In a knife fight, you fight with the knife you have.

Another popular saying is no strategy survives first contact. Your opponent also has a strategy, probably different from yours.

We need to recruit more warriors. We're currently outnumbered.

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"We're in a war for civilization" I completely agree. But I think continuing to talk about every sordid detail pulls us in the right direction. The lab leak theory for example is significant because if covid is man made, then human error or perhaps malicious intent is to blame. From there one would question why such research is being done, what value does it have? And since the answer is none, the individuals involved become highly suspect and no one will take their advice or respect their edicts. This is also a path that concludes this was an avoidable disaster.

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I agree, the war is not against a virus. It seems that we are going to have to adopt a new word for science now, since the word has been perverted beyond acceptance.

The other belief that no one seems to be talking about is God. Just like the virus, (and science) it does not matter if you believe in the entity. Enough people do, so it should be considered.

God is being stripped from our society along with science.

That is a tactic. If viewed as an attack one would see the premeditation and manipulation involved. We do need to make it stop.

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Science is sound. It's scientists who have corrupted it. If we allow corruption, we'll get more. It's profitable. If we punish it, it will stop. Science can save us, or destroy us. It's up to us.

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"The average age of the world's greatest civilizations has been 200 years. These nations have progressed through this sequence: From bondage to spiritual faith; From spiritual faith to great courage; From courage to liberty; From liberty to abundance; From abundance to selfishness; From selfishness to apathy; From apathy to dependence; From dependence back into bondage"

- Alexander Fraser Tytler

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These ScientistsTM are God -- just ask them

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Well said!

*The virus isn't our problem, and never was. Our problem is the concerted efforts to terrorize the population about an insignificant virus. We can make it stop.

I would add that complacency and apathy by the public led to this. The PHA'S were all to happy to unhesitantly endorse it.

The utilization of mental brutality by government officials is a direct result of compliance, complacency and intellectual laziness.

I put just as much blame on the public. The most insidious enemy of freedom is not a would be tyrant, but complacency.

The public of any civilization can be "bought" off when their drug of choice is ease.

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The virus was insignificant to most people, but not to the elderly, obese, and infirm. Well, guess who is in charge of most sectors of society - old people, and they are often not in the best of health. They put in place lockdowns and restrictions to protect themselves.

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Any society that puts those that are short for this world over children is doomed

It has been hard for me to get over the selfishness .

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Reading https://helendale.substack.com/p/one-of-these-things-is-not-like-the brought clarity to the loss of civil liberty nearly worldwide, irrespective of the science. As Berenson noted "virus gonna virus" but what we did in response created the damage.

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I look at this as a potential way of waking up folks who need to know that was a bioweapon gone bad. Especially folks who worry about things like heart problems and cancer and HIV, which has been mentioned in a few papers and substacks.

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Those who are receptive to learning about the source of the disaster are also receptive to learning about the results. Many aren't willing to learn about either.

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I'm sure they will make the next one more significant - like putting the spike of an Omicron strain on a MERS backbone.

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That's why exposing the gain-of-function work and making everyone understand it is critical.

They will keep making them unless it becomes politically too unacceptable to do-so.

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The public is increasingly wise to the scam, so much so that a real plaque might not generate much concern.

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Andrew P. Don’t give the cullers anymore ideas. 😉🙈

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Don't worry. They already have this idea.

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Your right Andrew P . Us poor useless eaters.

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Your ideas look good and nice on paper ,but how would you get it into peoples head if the majority does not or can not read .For more than two years there is information that shows all one needs to know that what is forced on us is not to our benefit ,but designed to destroy us . If the public would be intelligent and understand this ,we would not be in the mess we are in . I don't bet on the rest of humanity to come to our rescue . The ones that are on our side now will be all there is .Just look around and you see the maskers ,what you don't see is that 70% or more is filled with the Pfizer venom to top it all off .

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Kirsch is going for billboards. That might convert a few. The most effective tactic is word of mouth. Peer pressure is powerful and most peers support the oppression. We who are convinced there is a problem need to impress them with reality. We're dealing with cult behavior, what Desmet calls mass formation, and breaking cults requires firm intervention. They don't want to recover, and won't without help.

If we're all there is, it's hopeless. Might as well surrender now.

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Oct 24, 2022
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I don't think it's unimportant, just less important now than solving the actual problems confronting us. We'll figure out the source and punish the perps eventually. For now, we have to stop the abuses. Priorities.

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I pointed this out over two years ago in, I think, a Boriagato twitter thread, I just didn't have the necessary skill of art to know exactly what a restriction site might look like. I even sent an e-mail to one of the Lancet authors who mimimized the idea of lab escape asking him if they even looked for this kind of genetic manipulation before writing their "paper". What is astounding is that it took two years for someone to be brave enough to publish an actual paper describing it.

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I hope you found Boriagato again on substack. El gato malo is awesome. 😺

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I did.

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Could it have gotten published two years ago, or even a year ago?

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Probably not, but surely other people have looked at this, even if they weren't brave enough to let anyone know about it.

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Alex Washburn's article is an excellent, reasonably understandable summary.

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indeed, he's done a good job explaining his findings.

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"This suggests that the SARS-2 was the subject of ongoing gain-of-function experiments at the moment it escaped". Just what I assumed. I think someone carrying it went shopping in the Wuhan wet market and spread it round, providing the convenient excuse later for zoonotic transmission.

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There were a lot of surveillance camera videos online in late 2019 showing people emptying vials of liquids on door handles or elevator buttons.

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Wtf? I haven’t heard or seen that.

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They were on the anonymous meme boards. A bit like how these days it's been handmade videos of fires blazing in strategic facilities.

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Putting virus on door handles and buttons wouldn't do much anyway. SARS-2 spreads best through the air, not on surfaces. A better version of monkeypox might spread on handles and buttons, though. If someone wanted to spread a coronavirus, the sneaky way to do it is to contaminate a box of masks, and put them out for for visitors to wear.

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Has anyone done the experiments to prove that?

Anyone you can trust?

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The sword of truth has been drawn from its sheath. May the battle begin.

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What are the chances of these beyond evil people going to prison?

Or, hopefully for us, even worse for them.

For the life of me I can see no justification whatsoever, on any level of doing this type of "research". It beggars belief.

If I had my way, if it wasn't for the judicial system ( or what's left of it) I'd burn every lab down, preferably with these bastards inside.

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I know of at least one person who agrees with your approach.

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The Sword has been drawn and the explanation was excellent, however, it is an irritating, maddening, rabbit hole which should scare people very much - the Pharma groups - Pfizer/BioNTech/Moderna, et Al. have a perpetual $$ stream to change as they please, when they please, as they please and only a few will know or even greatly care.

Only the few with interest such as our fine and determined Substack people who are willing and have the abilities and resources of never-ending perseverance to bring truth to the table with the lies and deceit that we have become embroiled in for these past couple of years.

The damage will continue unfortunately as Pharma wants to increase their largesse every few months or years or until the payments to politicians and governments become unsustainable.

- Ooops - that can’t happen though as they hold the control reins.

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Great article by arkmedic- Net Present Value: If you make more money doing it than it costs to get caught for doing it- continue doing it.


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Additional article by A Midwestern Doctor: 'Who owns the CDC', regarding payoffs etc.


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Who owns the jabs? In the USA it's the Department of Defense that is 'owner' of every vial up to point of injection.

Hows that for dark?

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Your last sentence lends credence to an escape theory versus intentional release theory ~ unless they thought no one would notice the restriction sites.

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Why didn't someone notice them 3 years ago?

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It probably was obvious to a number of folks, but they lacked the courage to call it out.

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The spike also interacts with a number of the most popular biolab targets that have been used for decades, as well as having HIV inserts. These are all flags.

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As Sun Tzu taught, know your enemy. But that's a strategy question. Warriors need to focus on tactics. China hasn't hurt me, nor fauch, nor Klaus, nor Joe, nor the other popular villains. They have no power, except to coerce. My enemy is my local politicians, health board, and the businesses and institutions that enforced their insane demands, and can use the police to arrest or shoot me. When I get them off my back, I'll turn my attentions to them.

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Chevron*Shell? Not so much as Biden's lip service to green delusion.

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Joe won't be with us long. Nor his delusions.

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Wow, wow, wow. Nicely presented. I read the twitter feed so far. It was well done. I was taken aback by some of the nasty comments though. Why they should surprise I can’t honestly say.

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So they fiddled with a virus for whatever nefarious reason then it escaped the lab.

So they initially panicked because it could have been absolutely lethal.

So it turned out to be pretty crap and didn't wipe out humanity.

So they made some injectibles that are proving much better at wiping out humanity.

Is that about right?

(Presumably the jabs were already in development to deal with the lethal virus they were making which is why they were ready so quickly. Chicken and egg scenario really)

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seems about right.

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Have not read the article yet. "Leak" implies accidental - this was no leak. This was specifically created, purposefully, and released. And there isn't a thing anyone can say at this point that's going to change my mind.

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it could certainly have been an intentional release, but this new information casts light on the possibilities, if it was deliberate.

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Why wasn't this analysis done in March 2020? How come it took 3 years, when all the methods and techniques were know in the field at the time?

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Too busy and too important for the shots ... https://rumble.com/v1p49oh-man-who-invented-pfizer-covid-19-vaccine-admits-he-hasnt-been-jabbed.html

Also while I'm here:

People Rate Ivermectin Higher than COVID-19 Vaccines


Compare ratings and submit your own review

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Holy moley. Share that rumble link! EVERYONE.

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It's entirely possible that the interview took place in 2021; however, given he's not wearing or holding a mask makes it seem that it isn't as urgent as he makes it out to be.

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And it sucks that the video producer did not give the date of the interview.

Bad reporting.

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