
Apologies for lapse in content recently. I am traveling for holidays (and currently on an egregiously delayed train with intermittent internet), but tomorrow your regular programming resumes.

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Merry Christmas! I stand in solidarity with all Europeans and anons being attacked by the EU Commissars: https://substack.com/@yuribezmenov/note/c-45866357

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Der Juden-Messianismus verbreitet seit fast zweitausend Jahren seine giftige Botschaft unter uns. Demokratische und kommunistische Universalismen sind neueren Datums, aber sie haben das alte jüdische Narrativ nur gestärkt. Das sind der dieselben Ideale . . . 

Die transnationalen, transrassischen, transkulturellen Ideale, die diese Ideologien uns predigen (jenseits von Völkern, Rassen, Kulturen) und die tägliche Diät in unseren Schulen, in unseren Medien, in unserer Popkultur, bei unseren Universitäten und auf unseren Straßen sind, haben unser biosymbolische Identität und unser ethnischer Stolz auf ihren minimalen Ausdruck reduziert.

Jüdische Bankiers überschwemmten Europa mit Muslimen und Amerika mit Müll aus der Dritten Welt. Die Verbannung als Strafe für diejenigen, die Aufruhr predigen, sollte im rechtlichen Rahmen des Westens wieder eingeführt werden. Judentum, Christentum und Islam sind Todeskulte, die ihren Ursprung im Nahen Osten haben und Europa und seinen Völkern völlig fremd sind.

Manchmal fragt man sich, warum die europäische Linke so gut mit Muslimen klarkommt. Warum stellt sich eine oft offen antireligiöse Bewegung auf die Seite einer erbitterten Religiosität, die sich scheinbar fast allem zu widersetzen scheint, wofür die Linke immer zu stehen behauptet? Ein Teil der Erklärung liegt in der Tatsache, dass Islam und Marxismus eine gemeinsame ideologische Wurzel haben: das Judentum.

Kein Land führt bei dieser Invasion sein eigenes Rennen, weil es alles eine politische Agenda ist, die von den Vereinten Nationen geführt und von den Juden und ihren Marionetten (Politikern) vorangetrieben wird. Die meisten Menschen wollen einfach nicht wissen oder verstehen, dass dies eine politische Agenda ist. Einige schaffen es jedoch zu verstehen, dass Politiker absichtlich daran arbeiten, Muslime zu importieren und die Menschen zu ersetzen, aber das war's auch schon, sie sind wie ein Computer, der nicht weitermachen kann, weil das Programm es nicht zulässt.

Don Rumsfeld hatte Recht mit der Bemerkung: “Europa hat sich um seine Achse verschoben,” die falsche Seite hat den Zweiten Weltkrieg gewonnen, und es wird von Tag zu Tag klarer . . . Was hat die NATO getan, um Europa zu verteidigen? Absolut gar nichts . . . Meine Feinde sind nicht in Moskau, Damaskus, Teheran, Riad oder irgendeinem ätherischen germanischen Schreckgespenst, sondern in Washington, Brüssel und Tel Aviv.


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Dec 22, 2023Liked by eugyppius

Go with the flow. Merry Christmas!

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Merry Christmas! Please eat all the typical German delicacies on my behalf. The best I could do was some supermarket deli section liverwurst. It's true I don't ever want to go back to NY again but there isn't a season of the year that I don't feel the lack of all the various ethnic neighborhoods where one could satisfy every possible food craving and enjoy the authentic cuisines of everybody's holidays.

And we NY Jews traditionally eat Chinese food on Christmas. Up here even that ain't got the familiar taste. So we'll be having hot pastrami sandwiches instead. Not Jewish deli pastrami, but good enough.

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the Aldi here just opened in time to get some Lebkuchen! 2 weeks ago I had Stollen. Thankfully, several stores have found, that Belgian and Italian chocolates are a big seller around christmas ! the Aldi even has lamb meat. Not jewish, but now and then I like it, and my dog was in heaven LOL

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When Pakistanis and Afghanis began moving into my NY neighborhood, the halal butcher shop was my source for nice fresh leg of lamb at prices that would not make one faint and in sizes that a small household could use. Plus meat freshly-ground for kebabs.

The Indian supermarket was great for bitter melon which had become my absolute favorite vegetable. And I am very sad without the Korean supermarket, too.

For the delicacies you mention, there's an online shop called Supermarket of Italy (head office in New Jersey) that carries a really great range of German, French and Italian delicacies. They made my heart glow because they carry 16-oz jars of anchovy paste that even I can afford.

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Dec 22, 2023·edited Dec 22, 2023

wow ! I am originally from Belgium and live in rural GA, so everyone tipping me about online stores of that kind gets a big red Heart from me ! Thank you ! Before Aldi came here, only Walmart, Big lots and TJMaxx would carry some of my favorites. One at a time usually LOL. Recently discovered a New Jersey nut and fruit Co as well, thanks to a Substacker LOve you all!

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I've been very happy with both sites.

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I have already gained a pound looking at the italy page LOL Thanks again !

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I miss the halal butcher we used to go to in Berkeley for lamb when we lived there. The meat was all raised on a family farm in the valley, and as you said prices were very reasonable. We could select our own lamb leg steaks and get just what we wanted.

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Imagine if we--collectively, the human community--could just keep all the food and the fun holidays during which we could over-eat them, and dump all the bullshit.

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That would be a little slice of heaven. :)

Enjoy whichever days you over-eat this season! Happy Saturnalia!

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Lidl is better. I hope you get one of them soon.

They have everything!!!!!

We have three Aldi's in Loudoun County and they are all awful and depressing.

The Lidls are the best, well stocked and always busy

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they just started in Belgium before I left. The closest one was not that great, I had 2 Aldi before it. Dad loves it. There is one in South Carolina, I had expected to reach us here in GA first, but they got stuck LOL. Our aldi has only opened a month ago and of course, is very clean and fresh still. Wait and see after the holidays, because I think most of my goodies are seasonal! Nevertheless, in a small place like this, I am totally happy to have a bit more choice. Their fresh food is much beter than the local store, but that is only 2 miles away. They are 12 miles, so it must be worth the while.

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Dec 22, 2023Liked by eugyppius

Oh, good. I was starting to worry if you were under the weather again.

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You missed one grammatical mistake and one spelling mistake!....lol...:)

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I blame Covid brain. Yes, the alien cooties finally caught up with me after four years.

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Oh no! Get some rest and merry Christmas!

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Dec 22, 2023Liked by eugyppius

It’s ok it’s worth the wait! Merry Christmas!

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I see that they attack you as well

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Dec 22, 2023Liked by eugyppius

Ah yes, shopping in the Dresden weihnachsmarkt can make you lose the track of time :) Too much gluhwein can do that to anyone!

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Frohe Weihnachten

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Der Juden-Messianismus verbreitet seit fast zweitausend Jahren seine giftige Botschaft unter uns.

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🎵🎶🎸 night train to Dresden take away the pain...🍷🍾🎶🎶

Merry Christmas 🎄

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Dec 22, 2023Liked by eugyppius

Regarding your closing paragraph: I think the case can be made (only semi-modestly) that the West *didn't* win the Cold War; rather the Warsaw Pact retired from the military struggle because it was clear that the Gramscian "March Through The Institutions" was going to succeed and achieve most of the communist goals.

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there is much that is persuasive about this framing, I agree.

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Dec 22, 2023Liked by eugyppius

strange how the tables turned

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Dec 22, 2023Liked by eugyppius

There is an explicit thesis to this effect related to Anatoly Golitsyn… not wholly convincingly.

One important aspect in where we are is the innate similarity in structure (bureaucracy) and philosophy (atheistic materialism) between the USSR and US empires. As these unfold, the outcomes, especially as Christianity has been erased in the West, are remarkably similar.

What is now very interesting to witness is the progressive loss of the US empire’s advantage in productivity. For now it is of course much more economically efficient than the USSR was, but Woke and Green are already rapidly destroying this.

What next?

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The information Golitsyn provided just after his defection exposed Kim Philby, Donald Maclean, Guy Burgess and other major Soviet assets, so there is almost zero chance that he was a Soviet deception. But as you say, his main theories on the supposedly faked collapse of the Soviet Union and the faked split between China and the Soviet Union are not ultimately convincing.

I think the good match between his predictions and the chaotic years of Gorbachev and Yeltsin indicate that the KGB did make some such plans (which were likely modified after Golitsyn's defection), but that they were not competent enough to see them through. More than three decades have passed since the collapse of the Soviet Union, and it's verging on the impossible to see the Russia of those years as the product of a master deception.

What finally ended any residual credibility for the Golitsyn thesis was surely the Ukraine war, where the Russian army failed in its initial aim to overthrow the government, then engaged in peace talks, and has to fight ever since to retain control of the Eastern end of Ukraine, with heavy losses. There is no way to see this as an army that was poised to advance on the rest of Europe, hiding behind a cunning masterplan of Soviet collapse, as Golitsyn and his followers believed (or still believe, in a few cases). The Golitsyn thesis would also have required China to make its move at the same time as Russia, neutralising Taiwan, South Korea and Japan before bringing down the US.

It would also be extremely difficult to create any plausible account of the international Covid hysteria as a covert Russian (or Russian/Chinese) operation to soften up the West before the joint attack. Anyone who follows Eugyppius will appreciate the destructive tendencies within Western bureaucracies spanning government/media/corporations/academia/"philanthopy" and NGOs. China may have amused itself by helping along some woke tendencies in TikTok or Disney to subvert the West (tendencies it does not tolerate at home), but these were advancing rapidly in any case, and in no way depended upon Chinese assistance.

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This is an excellent and thought-provoking comment: thank you.

Overall I have to say I agree with your assessment, and I also think your suggestion that the KGB did have plans but they went wrong is interesting and persuasive. The Royal Navy had incredible plans to effectively end world trade before the First World War but owing to incompetence and political disagreement they came to absolutely nothing; this seems like a decent comparison.

However, I am always struck by how little we know for sure about these matters, and also wonder whether our views might change given a long enough timeline.

What I mean by this is that, while accurate analysis is precluded by an absence of certainty, the following facts are at least interesting and possibly suggestive.

First, while I am by no means a fanboy, Putin is arguably the most successful politician of the post-Cold War era if we compare what he found to what he leads, even now. He is of course ex-KGB.

Secondly, it is striking that a very much larger percentage of the world’s energy resources are now controlled by Russia, while a very much larger percentage of the world’s manufacturing base is now controlled by China, than was the case in 1991. The West’s relative position in terms of hard power is vastly weakened.

Thirdly, while no one could examine the Ukraine war and conclude it had been an unalloyed success for Russia, it is nonetheless quite a concerning event for NATO.

As I read it (this is just my opinion) NATO wanted this war and triggered it. Putin tried to bully Ukraine into neutrality early on, and almost succeeded, but NATO stepped in to keep the war going (Boris Johnson’s visit to Kiev/Kyiv). Russia was then hammered, having not prepared for such a war.

However, Russia has apparently now entrenched and is immovable, albeit as you say at an appalling cost. Nevertheless Ukraine is paying an even higher cost in terms of its available manpower.

This raises, for me, what happens after this war ends. I agree that Russia’s military is hardly the threat the Red Army was in Germany in 1991.

However, the incompetence we see is so widespread and the internal decay you mention so pernicious in the West that I am not sure some kind of NATO collapse in Europe can be ruled out.

This article is fascinating and, taken together with many of the topics Eugyppius discusses, further proof of Western decline:



Thanks again for your comment. Have a happy Christmas if you celebrate it!

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In what the late Saddam Hussein once dubbed “the great Satan,” roughly two-thirds of the United States enlisted military corps is white . . . The fat, bulbous, U.S. Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin once confirmed in a 93-2 vote of the U.S. Senate, immediately embarked on a whirlwind media tour of duty, telling the pseudo-secular sycophants in the state-controlled tabloid press and state-controlled television talk show circuit about how the U.S. Army is full of bad racist white men.

And now the U.S. Army is doing ads begging for more young white males . . . What happened?

Even with a full-on declaration of war from Congress, and even if Gavin Newsome could be cheated into the Oval Office by ZOG somehow, while Globohomo diversity brigades go door-to-door looking to impress American children into military service, they will be met with armed, well-trained opposition, the invasion at the Southern border is going full tilt, and the drugs are flowing in like never before . . .

With the borders of Europe and the USA wide open, civil warfare within the USA, Britain, and most of Europe is a certainty if foreign wars are initiated. Nobody is going to fight a war for Biden, he is dumber than Bush . . . Nobody is going to fight a war for that kikesucking Zionist ass-whore Nikki Haley, and I mean nobody.

Get ready for it . . . the fat old devil worshipping fags on Capitol Hill, on Wall Street, in Whitehall, and in Brussels are in no shape to fight a war themselves, and most Americans are armed to the teeth with their own guns . . . NATO hates heterosexual white men . . . they said so themselves . . .


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A Happy Christmas to you to, Amdg! I certainly do celebrate it.

Thank you for your kind words, and for your further thoughts on the matter. What fascinates me about the Golitsyn Thesis is in part the uncertainty, because real-world events keep diverging and converging from it. I mentioned the international Covid hysteria and the Ukraine war (and China's failure to move in tandem) as reasons to believe that no Golitsyn scenario is being played out today. On the other side of the balance, I think it's fair to ask what Soviet structures were preserved in post-Soviet Russia. It seems clear that the FSB (internal affairs) and SVR (foreign operations) are quite straightforwardly the successors of the KGB. It is unclear to what extent the FSB was able to manipulate events from behind the scenes in the 1990s: whether the chaos was managed or out of their control altogether, or at some point between. Also unclear is whether Putin, as president, is at the top of the (neo-)KGB hierarchy, as Beria would have been, if he had succeeded Stalin, or whether the FSB/SVR is now *largely* subordinate to state structures, in the manner of the Western intelligence agencies. Were any (non-KGB) Party structures covertly preserved in government, or is the post-Soviet rump Communist Party of Zyuganov really all that's left? Without going into details here, there are fragments of information in the public forum that suggest at least some degree of continuity in the manner of the Golitsyn Thesis.

If Yeltsin was a malleable figure-head, and if the KGB had to regain control, this would explain why Putin is able to operate as a genuine leader, in the sense that what he says goes, even though he may have to negotiate his positions with various interest groups within the Russian elite. Many of his Western counterparts, by contrast, seem to be quite interchangeable front-men for policies that are broadly pre-determined and highly unpopular with the electorate. Apart from the Chechen war, Putin's main struggle in the early 2000s was to subordinate the billionaire "oligarchs" to the state; but those "oligarchs" had themselves been selected from Party structures in the late 80s and early 90s, and their wealth was principally acquired through means other than free-market entrepreneurship. The economic chaos of the 1990s might itself have been planned to some extent so that the Russian population would be immunized against the "free market", and ready to accept a Putin-type regime once Yeltsin had served his purpose. There are several photos from the 1980s showing Putin, seemingly, as an intimate member of Gorbachev's circle, so it is not implausible to suppose that he was being groomed as a future leader, which would strengthen the supposition that the 90s chaos was intended.

The possible range of interpretations, then, would run from a spectrum with, at one end:

1. a complete realisation of a Golitsyn-type masterplan where nothing is as it seems, and the West has been fooled

through to:

2. no attempt to realise any Golitsyn-type plan, and genuine chaos in the 90s, with occasional events that resemble Golitsyn coincidentally, but are endowed with no more significance than a stopped clock showing the correct time twice a day.

I don't find either extreme credible, but if I say that I'd interpret events as somewhat closer to 2 than 1, that is only my personal speculation. The closer the interpretation is to 1, the less evidence there should be, since the operators of such a cunning masterplan would be capable of concealment and misdirection, but this gives rise to an epistemological problem, as I mentioned previously - a problem that is common to all conspiracy theories.

Lastly, the article on Western weaknesses, whether in tactical ineptitude or in seriously depleted reserves of munitions and other military hardware was interesting, although the near stasis in Ukraine means that Putin is unable to take advantage of it (even if he wanted to return to some Golitsyn-type plan). I agree that "Biden" wanted to provoke the war, and also forced Zelensky to cancel the peace deal struck with Putin at the end of March 2020 (we know this from the statement made later by Naftali Bennet, who chaired the talks, and his words were supported by the other two international negotiators).

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Thanks again Rocio! And hope you’re having a good Christmas Day...

You seem to know a lot more about this than I do, though what I do know accords very well with your analysis. I agree: the truth probably lies somewhere between the two. At the very least it seems to me implausible that the KGB did not take some kind of steps to handle the new situation that arose in 1991. What those were and how successful they have been is definitely unclear.

Can you recommend any books/ articles on this subject? One of the most frustrating things I have found is the absence of reliable sources of information. I read “Collapse” by Zubok, which was great, but otherwise it is “through a glass darkly”.

Everyone seems to be lying...

Anyway, thanks again for the considered and detailed response. Much appreciated!

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Volodymyr Zelensky is an Israeli operative . . . Ukraine’s Azov Regiment Visits Israel: ‘Mariupol is our Masada’ . . . https://nationalvanguard.org/2022/12/ukraines-azov-regiment-visits-israel-mariupol-is-our-masada/


Why Do the Ukrainians Allow Their Country to Be Completely Run by Jews? . . . https://russia-insider.com/en/why-do-ukrainians-allow-their-country-be-completely-run-jews/ri27010


Zelensky, Biden, Satanism, War, Greed, Theft, Propaganda, Domestic Spying, International Intrigue, Treason, Sedition, FTX, Ukraine, Israel . . . https://cwspangle.substack.com/p/zelensky-biden-satanism-war-greed


Documents leaked from Soros’ “Open Society Foundation” show how the Jewish billionaire behind Hillary Clinton gave orders to the State Department and manipulated media coverage of events in Ukraine . . . https://nationalvanguard.org/2016/09/documents-show-soros-ran-us-foreign-policy-on-post-coup-ukraine/


How Christine Lagarde, Hillary Clinton and Victoria Nuland Funded a Massive Ukrainian Ponzi Scheme . . . https://russia-insider.com/en/how-christine-lagarde-clinton-and-nuland-funded-massive-ukrainian-ponzi-scheme/ri27390


Jewish Corruption in Ukraine . . . by Andrew Joyce, Ph.D. . . . https://www.theoccidentalobserver.net/2023/02/17/jewish-corruption-in-ukraine/

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Dec 22, 2023·edited Dec 22, 2023Liked by eugyppius

Just occurred to me (regarding my "semi-modestly") that Jonathan Swift's _A Modest Proposal_ might not be so well-known (and well-used as a meme) outside the Anglosphere.

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Dec 22, 2023Liked by eugyppius

That's... grim, but I'm not sure I could argue against it.

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The communist system was propped up from the beginning with Western capital, technology and industry. The whole clash of ideology idea is phoney. Capitalism and Communism are 2 sides of the same coin

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To be fair to Western investors in the Soviet Union of the 1920s, Lenin had been forced to allow economic freedom to re-emerge across much of the economy, since communist economics (at the barrel of a gun) threatened to cause complete collapse in a country that had been at war for seven years. This was the New Economic Policy.

Making a virtue of a necessity, Lenin launched a deception in the West, partly through infiltrated Russian Emigre organisations, leading Western governments and investors to believe that the Bolsheviks were close to losing power due to the success of the untrammeled market. In order to ensure that Bolshevik rule would come to an end, Western economic help was needed. But if the West turned its back on The Soviet Union, nascent capitalism would fail, and the Bolsheviks would regain full control.

So Westerners in the 1920s could make their investments out of hostility to the Bolsheviks, rather than out of any desire to support communism. They knew the investments were risky, so even when Stalin ended the New Economic Policy to re-introduce state control and establish autarky, it wasn't immediately clear that the game was up. Stalin was eventually able to regain Western funding from the U.S. state under FDR during WW2.

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Thank you for that information 👍

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You're welcome, although there was more of my interpretation than pure information. J.R. Nyquist is probably the leading purist advocate of the Golitsyn thesis today, if you want to see what this looks like (he has a non-substack blog). It's useful to see honest advocacy of a position you may disagree with (honest, as opposed to cynical and manipulative), since it gives you an opportunity to sharpen up your own arguments. I think it's worth working through the Golitsyn thesis in any case, at least for historical reasons, since it gives an insight into some significant strategic thinking that was circulating in the inner circles of the KGB during the Khruschev years.

Ultimately, though (and back to my interpretation), its present-day advocacy is still a form of conspiracy theory, since it interprets the current malaise in our former liberal democracies as extra-systemic at root, and also because it requires its adherents to assume that political reality is the opposite of what we see on the "surface" - I'm not denying that there are deceptions, of course, but if there are supposedly multi-layered deceptions the whole way down to bedrock, and if the deceptions continue for decades, there's an obvious epistemological problem. Refreshingly, though, Golitsyn-based conspiracism is at odds with regular conspiracism (so no bloodlines, no "tribe", no lizards etc.!).

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The Frankfurt School adapted Marx’s theories on revolution to include Freud’s theory of the subconscious. The Cultural Marxists’ main focus was to reshape the subconscious of Western men and women and thus create new type of person: one who would react passively to provocations of all kinds.

Cultural Marxists encourage abortion, birth control, divorce, homosexuality, “carrier women,” drugs, miscegenation, the destruction of the traditional family, and unrestricted immigration of racial foreigners into white countries. This is a reflection of what the Cultural Marxists preach: white reproduction is evil, and that which prevents white reproduction is good.


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Looks like a bit of reading for me!

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Crony capitalism for sure!

Without a moral people no system - government or economic - will survive the onslaught of greed and lust for power inherent in human nature.

A person’s Human nature must be submitted to Judeo-Christian ethics and values, to keep it in check. When you throw God out the window, prepare for the whirlwind!

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Yes. Materialism/ Atheism are the backbone of Communism but the Golden Rule is a purely Christian principle

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“You shall put all of the males to the sword. You may, however, take as your booty the women, the children and the livestock, and everything in the town – all of its spoil – and enjoy the use of the spoil of your enemy which the Lord gives unto you.” — Deuteronomy 20:13


“The Messenger said, ‘If the disbelievers do not accept Islam, kill them, loot them and rape their women.’ And thus, advance Islam and strengthen Islam.” — Al-Bukhaari, Vol. 4, Book 54, Hadith 464



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“You shall put all of the males to the sword. You may, however, take as your booty the women, the children and the livestock, and everything in the town – all of its spoil – and enjoy the use of the spoil of your enemy which the Lord gives unto you.” — Deuteronomy 20:13


“The Messenger said, ‘If the disbelievers do not accept Islam, kill them, loot them and rape their women.’ And thus, advance Islam and strengthen Islam.” — Al-Bukhaari, Vol. 4, Book 54, Hadith 464



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Dec 22, 2023·edited Dec 22, 2023Liked by eugyppius

What has happened is that while the German people (in common with the rest of Western citizenry) have seduced themselves with a mass media fairytale about its liberal democracy.... where you vote for the politics you want and you get what you vote for (electoral pluralism in other words) a very different reality has been unfolding. Meanwhile a poisonous alternative politics has been quietly brewing for many years in the petri-dishes of the West's groves of academe....under the media radar and so unnoticed by most. It has 'Progressively' gained control of the language of the moral high ground....with its xyzisms and its xyzphobias. These false pieties are now so entrenched that most people don't dare to speak against them for fear of being labelled bigots. Whereas in truth the worst bigots are now in the universities. https://grahamcunningham.substack.com/p/invasion-of-the-virtue-signallers

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Don Rumsfeld was right with the comment ‘Europe has shifted on its axis’, the wrong side won WW2, and it is becoming clearer with each and every day . . .

What has NATO done to defend Europe?

Absolutely nothing . . .

My enemies are not in Moscow, Damascus, Tehran, Riyadh, or in some ethereal Teutonic boogeyman, my enemies are in Washington, Brussels, and Tel Aviv.


“Oh how fond they are of the book of Esther, which is so beautifully attuned to their bloodthirsty, vengeful, murderous yearning and hope.” — Martin Luther


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Dec 22, 2023Liked by eugyppius

The walls are closing in on civilization as the masses drunk on sports, pot, porn, and freebies barely notice the crumble and rot surrounding them. Like all great falls, it started slowly, but through patience and persistence, its architects have achieved numeric superiority (way too many cracks to fix even one) and inevitability. Now that they have eyes and ears everywhere, who will be the "Irish monks" who save us this time?

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Hey now, some of us are drunk on pot and porn *because* we've noticed and have been driven to despair.

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At best it's a chicken and egg situation. Comorbidities where it's hard to tell what caused which.

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I'm certainly not arguing.

I at the very least *used to be* slightly optimistic about the future.

I am... somewhat less so, now.

Ahh, how I miss the naievete of youth.

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A man has as many masters as he has vices.

Pot and porn are modern tools of oppression masqueraded as freedom.

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"who will be the "Irish monks" who save us this time?"

African church leaders? They sure are on the forefront of opposing gender-confusion hysteria and other post-modern encroachments.

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The Irish monks could do their thing behind closed doors, miles away from church or civil authorities, but there's nowhere to hide in this "Brazil" type world. They will soon come out with "technology" that reads our minds. Not really of course, but they will create algorithms that harvest clues from our purchases and conversations (the phones, computers, tablets all report back), then punish us through social credit scoring. If you can figure a way out please post it.

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Well, being outside Europe and North America helps. Yes, the US could try to keep Africa under its thumb, but the US hegemony seems to be rapidly unraveling--look at Niger basically thumbing its nose at the West.

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Good question. Little sign of them in Ireland…

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All civilizations end; history has provided many examples, and ours will be no different. Oddly, the reason(s) behind the downfall are the same - influence of money and greed.

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with the WH turned into a drug and porn hub what else can you expect?

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Take that 15%, reduce by about one third to one half, then append a large, poorly educated class of urban government dependents, and you have the current ruling structure of the United States.

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Mutti was an unmitigated disaster of a refugee.... for all of us not least Germany - she brought the east with her, manipulated freedom backwards and there are no useful Conservative politicians left - it’s all ideological psychobabble and as for the current Chancellor - auf widersëhn.

Are you travelling on the grubbiest most outdated expensive railway disaster in the world? 🇬🇧 they would make buy in shares in pre WWII Argentinian rolling stock look financially viable 🚂 🚂 Merry Christmas and remember despite the best efforts of the universe we survived this year! 🎄🎄

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Dec 22, 2023Liked by eugyppius

I´m wondering whether this stifling of the discourse in combination with an ever smaller percentage of people actually holding "orthodox" (i.e. system-conforming) beliefs does not even perhaps present an advantage for us. Let me explain: In the times which were freer in terms of expression of political opinions, it was possible to "let off steam" by uttering relative moderate criticism without negative consequences. This reduced pressure in the system without really changing anything. If now one is outcast even for smaller deviations, this means that a) the probabilistic chance of entering forbidden territory is higher and b) once you find yourself in forbidden territory, the additional costs of going even further away from the prescribed narrative are becoming less. Thus, it appears that a situation is set up in which eventually the cost-benefit analysis for critics will be such that they might as well go "all in" in their opposition.

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Very good, Klark!

Yes, it is like the new, gentle electronic dog collars, utilizing an unpleasant sound to the dog. This "next generation" collar also reckons by GPS where they are at any time, and also logs where they have been. The dog doesn't need the former "shock collar" anymore to keep the dogs in their allotted space.

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Dec 22, 2023Liked by eugyppius

Wishing you a Merry Christmas Eugyppius and all the best for 2024!

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merry christmas to you too tonetta

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Dec 22, 2023Liked by eugyppius

Never less than worth the wait, Eugyppius. Would that the UK had even one political commentator with your wit and sagacity. ❤

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Dec 22, 2023Liked by eugyppius

This tracks with what I've seen here in Sweden. Party affiliation and trust/caution-levels looks very much the same. Communist and socialist parties, trust-levels in the 50% to 70% range of their voters; Sweden Democrats, barely 30% of their voters express more trust than caution/suspicion.

At a guess, I'd say it's very much the same way all over western Europe.

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I wish people understood that whenever a society moves toward censorship, it changes your responsibility to express your unpopular views from optional to imperative. Speaking out is not brave, exactly, it is more precisely wise. The one who speaks out understands that the ultimate price for not speaking will be far higher.

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"The consequence is a system that has placed all of us in thrall to the whims of an eccentric minority. "


This sounds pretty normal in the full sweep of history, really. Them cycles, always comin' around again.

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History never repeats itself . . .

Time is linear, a circle is a line, we use a circular clock to measure time, or a sundial that measures the rotation of the earth before the learned machinations of springs and gears . . .

. . . If you draw a circle with x=cos(t) and y=sin(t) and pull it evenly in z-direction, you get a spatial spiral called a cylindrical spiral or helix.


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Communism was never defeated. The Communists of the day suffered a setback, nothing more. The totalitarian impulse doesn’t care what “-ism” it’s labeled as.

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The Frankfurt School adapted Marx’s theories on revolution to include Freud’s theory of the subconscious. The Cultural Marxists’ main focus was to reshape the subconscious of Western men and women and thus create new type of person: one who would react passively to provocations of all kinds.

Cultural Marxists encourage abortion, birth control, divorce, homosexuality, “carrier women,” drugs, miscegenation, the destruction of the traditional family, and unrestricted immigration of racial foreigners into white countries. This is a reflection of what the Cultural Marxists preach: white reproduction is evil, and that which prevents white reproduction is good.


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Don't be ridiculous eugy you can express any opinion you want in the West you just can't commit literal violence and some speech is literally violence so it doesn't count but also sometimes silence is violence when it's white people doing it so you can't do that either but as long as you support gay rights, equity, transgenderism, BLM, historically marginalized people, etc you can say whatever you want

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Dec 22, 2023Liked by eugyppius

Okay, but who's stopping people from speaking freely? When all it takes to shut them down is a funny look or a frown or an allegation of hurty feewings, then the censorship is self-imposed. Too few people are morally confident enough to stand up for themselves and their right to speak freely. In fact for decades the speech police have had no material enforcement mechanism of their own and just rely on people's timidity. There's no risk of being lined against a wall and shot if the wrong person overhears you, but that timidity will lead there again, eventually. If people feel less free it's mostly because they insist less on their freedom. It's the same old refrain: The only thing necessary for evil...you know the rest.

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Dec 23, 2023·edited Dec 23, 2023Author

I am sympathetic to this view, but only up to a point. First, while it's true that nobody is going to be shot for expressing unpopular opinions, there's also rather more at stake here than funny looks or frowns. It depends on the nature of the opinion, but unpopular views at the very least can cost one one's job, social acceptance, and other things. Our establishment has learned that threats like these in most cases are just as effective as the more terrifying methods of the Stasi, and also more easily deployed, because they evoke less backlash and opposition, and they don't have to be legally justified.

Second, and relatedly, the rather depressing truth is that most people aren't heroes and won't ever undertake serious risks on behalf of their political opinions. There is a kind of Pareto principle at work here as in all other things. Around 80% of everybody just wants to get along and for this reason they're easily coerced. In a less malign system this wouldn't even necessarily be that bad.

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Plenty of people in Europe have been shot or knifed for voicing unpopular opinions.

About islam.

And the ones warning about islam have been persecuted by the establishment.

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“You shall put all of the males to the sword. You may, however, take as your booty the women, the children and the livestock, and everything in the town – all of its spoil – and enjoy the use of the spoil of your enemy which the Lord gives unto you.” — Deuteronomy 20:13


“The Messenger said, ‘If the disbelievers do not accept Islam, kill them, loot them and rape their women.’ And thus, advance Islam and strengthen Islam.” — Al-Bukhaari, Vol. 4, Book 54, Hadith 464



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No one will be shot for expressing unpopular opinions--yet. It starts with people being unwilling to risk frowns. Then it progresses to jobs and doxxing and mobs shouting on doorsteps, but it always ends with a blindfold and a brick wall. That's the price of trying to appease the unappeasable. The only answer is to stop the bullying early and often, when all it costs are frowns and when all the heroism it requires is the word "No." The people pushing the crap are abject cowards who can succeed only to the extent that their victims stand down.

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They will use cancel culture of their woke chums to have you sacked from your job, publicly ridiculed and mis quoted or prosecuted under the woke speech laws for saying the truth and hurting someone's feelings.

I recommend you read about the Farage debanking scandal as an excellent example though I could cite many more, like a man arrested for posting a pride flag twisted into a swastika on twitter.

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I'm familiar with how Farage was treated. My point is that it's like that *now,* but it wasn't like that in the beginning, before the enemies of free speech became so emboldened by their victims' refusal to push back. In the beginning it was just frowns and whining and it wouldn't have cost people anything to stand up for themselves, but almost none ever did, so here we are: Next stop interment camps for the undesirables and unrepentant.

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Dec 22, 2023Liked by eugyppius

Worldwide phenomenon, it seems 🤬

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