It’s been a week since Seymour Hersh released his Substack exclusive about How America Took Out The Nord Stream Pipeline. The mainstream German press have responded with uniform scepticism. Most reports followed the example of the wire services, in leading with the blanket denials of American officials and noting that the story was well-received in Moscow
Well, don't worry, the US Disinformation Group will soon take care of *that* for the world. Wouldn't want this dangerous disinformation to be broadcast around, donchaknow. We have to be protected from this sort of nefarious disinformation for our own protection. The US wants to protect us. They're so protective. I feel very protected. Big Brother Loves Me.
When Hersh's column came out, that was my first reaction. It's like the movie industry in the 1910s-30s and the record industry from the 1930s-1970s. Writers can take out the middle man, and writing is flourishing.
Oh, that and what the Powers That Be think is misinformation is often misplaced information. As in, "oh no, we did not want that getting out there."
That's my main take-away as well. There still is a market for real and important investigative journalism. There's a consumer demand for this type of investigation. Hersh wrote his story and eugyppius is also covering it, identifying possible holes in the story.
The Powers that Be want to control what type of investigative journalism is NOT performed. Substack is thwarting this effort. I wonder how the Establishment is going to respond to this trend of more people discovering excellent Substack sites. And, also, more "big name" reporters will now perform their craft solo at Substack.
I'd look for some serious effort to shut down or restrict Substack in the future.
Don't disagree, but the story was presented to Hersh by upset agency insiders who no doubt have their own designs, no? Not much "shoeleather" reporting.
Perhaps not much shoe leather, but do you really think many of the corporate, teleprompter reading, government-complicit “journalists” would have dared to run the story ? (Or, at least run the story without first letting the Biden Administration edit, censure, and remove important portions of the story?)
Hersh has always based his reporting on what insiders have told him. And generally he has done it well, with "The Dark Side of Camelot" being the unfortunate counterexample.
Woodward & Bernstein were the recipients of the Deep State's intense desire to take down Nixon who was stretching the leash which binds every elected US official. Nixon wanted the US to back away from the Post War Consensus and begin the opening of a true America First Polity rather than the Globalist Hegemony Power consolidation. These Pulitzer Prized authors had the story placed in their bumbling laps.
WHat a fascinating perspective! Fits the data neat as an OCD jigsaw puzzle. Nixon was a creep, as they all are, but that's part of the job. He was at least a semi-coherent creep who understood that global hegemonies are the stuff that megalomaniacal nightmares are made of.
He was a huge fan of Russel Kirk's The Conservative Mind, and that's excellent taste right there. (btw, I come from long deep liberal roots, but everyone has to follow some kind of path to the truth as they can understand it. That said, the only conservative label I would accept is paleoconservative of the kind that existed in the days of Genghis Khan.)
As for liberals and conservatives asd those nonsense words are usually employed, I quote G.K. Chesterton:
“The whole modern world has divided itself into Conservatives and Progressives. The business of Progressives is to go on making mistakes. The business of Conservatives is to prevent mistakes from being corrected. Even when the revolutionist might himself repent of his revolution, the traditionalist is already defending it as part of his tradition. Thus we have two great types -- the advanced person who rushes us into ruin, and the retrospective person who admires the ruins. He admires them especially by moonlight, not to say moonshine. Each new blunder of the progressive or prig becomes instantly a legend of immemorial antiquity for the snob. This is called the balance, or mutual check, in our Constitution.”
The terms Left/Right, Liberal/Conservative are distinctions without a difference. The real line gets drawn between US & THEM. They are those with wealth in excess of several $100 million, or Extreme Influencers, Celebrities, Political Leaders of G-20 countries. They pit white against black, man against woman, rural vs. urban... The only criteria is to deflect attention away from The Reset. Digital IDs, CBDCs, and Stakeholder Capitalism. They"Fly" and "Dine"... We "Walk" and "Die"...!!!
Calling me an intellectual is stopping way low. I wouldn't call my worst enemy an intellectual. That's pretty skeezy. Next thing I know, you'll tell me how profound I sound... but.
I am fun.and.interesting, period.
You, alas, are not. But you can enroll in my 5-step Personality Development Program if you think it will help.
Well, my dear, I don’t think I actually called you ‘an intellectual’. I said it all sounded intellectual, which was obviously the intent. It was also obviously intended to sound ‘fun and interesting’. Oh, I forgot ‘period’. I think we should leave that assessment to the reader though, don’t you?
However, don’t worry. I definitely don’t intend to call you profound. You can remove that from your list of concerns.
My concern was the veracity of your statements, which I found lacking.
As far as your personality development program, if I some day decide I’d prefer a personality more similar to yours, I’ll definitely be in touch. Don’t hold your breath.
My son is studying that period in history, right next to me in our shared office/bedroom. I read Chesteron's quote to him and we both laughed. I said, "who cares about the details. That is the chapter in one paragraph." Thanks, Bosco
Thank *you*, sir. Any compliment or gratitude deserves some baksheesh. Have this humble offering. Even God doesn't know just how tough John Lee really is. Chuck Norris can't even listen to it without growing man-breasts.
Remember when Biden said that China would "own us by 2035?" He's doing everything he can as a foreign agent to make sure that happens. Plus, his pal at WEF has some ideas, too. See Russia on the WEF map?
Well then, I think that we can safely say that we are all unofficially disapproved bozos on this bus, but being a bozo is far superior to being just another clown in clown world.
I miss The Poor Man Institute even if it is SOoooo Millennially ("OK, Millennial," said the Ageing Boomer) Left/liberal/woke despite being brilliant.
And finally (yeah, I'ma send you some money, eucheapass ;) *smooch*; I think it's most honorable to pay the toll fee for major blithering, especially when written so parenthetically and self-indulgently, the latter being my preferred mode), the most obviously appropriate song for things covid:
I seem to remember he was outed as an agency man going as far back as the Nixon era. Now he is a relic because the the modern media will eat anything the agency sends them in whole parts.
Tucker Carlson and Dark Journalist have both shown that Watergate was done to get Nixon out. They didn't want to kill him because he was one of them and they already had too many suspicious assassinations.
Just like the Deep State setting up the Gretchen Whitmer kidnapping, or Ray Epps and the spooks creating the illusion of an Insurrection... Watergate was an excuse. Trump's call to Zelensky as a premise for Impeachment when Biden's done a dozen things which were Orders of Magnitude worse. Walk the party line... OR PERISH...!!!
1/6 was America's Reichstag Fire. The CIA was well aware of that earlier false flag, as one of that agency's chief organizers was Hans Bernd Gisevius, who years earlier in Germany investigated that fire.
The scoop/scandal that made Woodward the most famous (and probably richest) journalist in the world is a tempest in a tea cup compared to all the Covid scandals and cover-ups. Plus, stories like this. So the real and massive scandals are off limits to our most famous journalist. He won't touch those topics. That's the real story: The Big and important stories are off-limits to the mainstream journalists.
Yes, but... even if the IC hated him it doesn’t mean Nixon was an innocent. He used the IC for covert power moves too. Well documented is his reaction to Allende’s victory in Chile - he told the CIA to keep the unacceptable socialist from taking office. They did not succeed, but it shows Nixon’s willingness to use whatever means at his disposal to weld power.
Nord Stream and COVID are similar in that both were orchestrated by officials that have no regard for the suffering of humans, and both stories are now afflicted with an epidemic of officials pretending not to know things the world can plainly see because they don’t want to deal with the fallout of their evil actions.
And John Kirby said on public TV that we are not involved in ANY way to the destruction of the Russian pipelines. There must be consequences for LYING on public TV
Which, if we think back, who put a stop to the years of fear-mongering headlines? When Rus started up its engines and went in there and took out the threat. That got basically null press coverage.
"It looks for all the world like somebody organised two totally separate operations, involving two separately triggered pipeline attacks, and that Hersh’s source only knows about one of them."--That's a very good point.
And, perhaps, a similarity exists when it comes to the release of the novel SARS-CoV-2. It my have been done on more than one occasion in separate operations. Then, Omicron was released by a competing operator. There are, by now, persons "in the know" who may be or not may be making their knowledge known, as well as the persons "in the know" who never will say anything because they can't live with the political consequences.
Exactly, this two-tier operation has the hallmarks of an agency like the CIA. Also could be something simpler, like that the UK was doing the other operation so they have equal parts of skin in the game. I’m unsure.
She sequenced the genomes of the three main corona waves in the Czech Republic and found that each wave was caused by a different strain and that these strains were not directly inter-related, which is an evolutionary impossibility.
She suspects that the Wuhan virus and subsequent variants all came from a lab, either deliberately or by some kind of slip-up. All the evidence indicates deliberate.
Search Larry Romanoff wikispooks. There's and article there "COVID-19: Further Evidence the Virus Originated in the US" from Mar. 4, 2020. I thought I'd read an article by him from early Jan. 2020 that was even more specific and technical. Maybe misremembering.
He lives in China and has been called a Chinese operative. Maybe, but he's still the most informed about what's going on that I've found.
Indeed. Some of the bombs didn’t explode as planned and that gives us much further evidence about who was involved. Incompetency is saving us again! Lol
Total lockdown by western govs is an appropriate response for people who are scared of a bioweapon and know the implications. Omicron emerged from an area where CDC biolabs have been long operating and was announced from the first day as being the mild solution.
Don't know if it's so simple as that, but that is one possible scenario.
I actually love the Omicron story arc. First discovered in 4 diplomats traveling though Botswana (their country of origin is never revealed). This crap writes itself.
Right? No suspicions here. New disease variant discovered yesterday, and today every news outlet knows the expected outcome in patients... Wouldn't it be nice if real medicine could make predictions with even 1/1000th that certainty?
I merely presumed Omicron was also released by China to lessen the suffering its earlier “inadvertent*”release had caused -- and bad press it was getting as a result.
* “inadvertent” meaning spread beyond Hong Kong and Taiwan where it was endeavoring to test its non-kinetic weapon.
Sadly, that could be our own agencies doing that. Or a group that penetrated the southern border and the FBI is willfully casting their gaze elsewhere...
Anarchists have already been caught red-handed placing "shunts": 41 incidents investigated by FBI since 19 January 2020. Samantha Brooks and Ellen Reiche of Bellingham Washington arrested for this on BNSF railway tracks.
Maybe, but most likely run of the mill corporate neglect and incompetence. I heard today the train was on fire long before the accident occured. A news team was filming for a story and the burning train passed by in the background.
It was on fire for 20 miles, in fact. But as Tucker covered recently, there have been many many unreported acts of sabotage- they are listed in crime blotters as sabotage but receive no media attention. The question was put whether this was a brake failure, incompetence of a worker or sabotage. Regardless of the answer, there was been a whole scale failure of many systems, and it has to be investigated.
thing is, Russia seems to be part of the whole mess too. Putin was a wef disciple as well, and forces the jabs too. So, is there anyone who knows what is really going on?
Russia and China never allowed any mRNA product into their countries. They'd know it was US military. Which isn't to say they aren't in bed together on a deeper level.
oohooh in bed together !!! thanks for the images in my brain... LOL
I know they did not do the mrna but they still pushed jabs, useless jabs too I suppose since China seems to have massive amounts of deaths. I read that Russia too still is in a mess, and that does not include the Ukraine mess. Depopulation in full swing.
Hersh has "deliberately not written about" a certain foreign intelligence agency. He had no compunction about outing Denmark and Sweden's complicity. So it is an intelligence agency for a country that is perceived differently than those countries. I have my guess based on the selectivity. And I have no political opinion about it at all. Just making an inference.
Want to have a bitter laugh? Here in Sweden, the official narrative in state and regime media is still "Russia did it".
Showing people what has publicly been announced by investigators, that no evidence points to Russia, is met with "That's something a Putin-follower would say!".
And the swedish investigation, which has control of the materials recovered from the seabed in storage, is buried under even more "Classified" than the m/s Estonia investigation.
Honestly and franly, I think the response re: NS and Russia is because the alternative is too scary to contemplate.
If it's Russia, it's okay and the world makes sense. They're the Bad Guys and therefore anything they do is Bad Guy Stuff, and therefore we are the Good Guys since we oppose them.
But if it's the US - our "friends and allies, defenders of peace and liberty, who saved us from ze nutzis" - up is black and down is white all of a sudden. The US are the eponymous Good Guys, immortalised as such to an ontological level by US entertaintment media. They can't have done it, they're not the Bad Guys.
The last thing the peoples of Europe want to think is: "If the US does that, they can't be our friends - what are we going to do?"
Because that thought means either accept you are a slave to the US Empire, or accept that the US while nicer than Russia, Saudi, Iran or China is at the financial-political level identical to them in how it conducts its affairs.
And that final thought means "We have to do something" and that's way scarier than just snuggle up to the teat of the MSM and believe, believe, believe as hard as youcan.
I think it’s even worse than that. Germany can’t contemplate that their leaders are so weak as to cave into crazy US demands to blow up such vital infrastructure at the expense of German citizens being now punished with crazy prices and energy instability.
I was thinking about this the other day, whether we are about to see a massive political and military realignment in Europe.
Note the Americans behind the Nord Stream attack are the same idiots responsible for the Afghanistan occupation, the Iraq invasion, the Syria and Libya interventions, etc, every overseas debacle of the last generation. In other words, they are failures. All they can do in their pursuit of global military hegemony is step on their dicks, again and again and again.
So their entire strategy for the last year has been to "bleed" Russia with this Ukraine war while also opening up lucrative new markets for American gas and weapons. The Nord Stream attack was part of all this. But will this really be the first time the neocons/neolibs get it right? Are they really going to strengthen western Europe's American vassalage with these brazen acts?
Or are they going to stay true to form and watch their demented plans unravel out of their control?
Several hundred years of history show that when Germany and Russia fight with each other, horrible things happen. This must be on the mind of every intelligent German and Russian. I can't imagine thoughtful Germans and Russians ever wanting to deliberately and unnecessarily pick a fight with their counterparts, for any reason, on any grounds.
Meanwhile, plenty of Germans must be feeling right now that America is not their friend after all, that they have paid too high a price for decades of client status in a global American empire. Russia might have wanted to be America's friend post-1991, but that was not profitable enough for American's leadership, so it couldn't be allowed to happen. The scales fell from Russia's eyes before the truth was revealed to the Germans.
If Germany wants friends, they can't look to America or even the UK. They can only find common interests in those other neighbors of theirs, also deeply suspicious of American intentions: Russia and France. Despite centuries of distrust and bad feeling. If historic enemies France and the UK can maintain an entente cordiale for many decades, why can't Russia, Germany and France make common cause and a new European alignment?
Boy would that piss off John Bolton.
I know this is all very far-fetched. My only evidence for supporting such a scenario is the fact the American neocon/neolibs running the American empire are such bumbling morons it is very unlikely this last spectacular of theirs will unfold the way they hope it will.
"Russia might have wanted to be America's friend post-1991, but that was not profitable enough for American's leadership, so it couldn't be allowed to happen. The scales fell from Russia's eyes before the truth was revealed to the Germans."
This is the reason China didn't start collapsing after the USSR did: China's leadership looked very closely how the US-led West handled and treated Russia, and lid their plans accordingly so as to not become a resource-colony under corrupt puppet regimes.
(I'm no fan of China but I respect all peoples' will to self-determination and sovereignity of their territory.)
So China decided to instead use western greed and capitalism to turn the tables and entice our politicians and business-leaders to emulate China.
"If Germany wants friends, they can't look to America or even the UK. They can only find common interests in those other neighbors of theirs, also deeply suspicious of American intentions: Russia and France. "
Hence the urgency to get the SMO started. If the German/Russian relationship was cemented further by Nordstream 2, the US/UK are on the outside looking in.
All I can think is the combination of Biden, Rishi Sunak, the Greens of Germany and Macron is just an incredible mix of deep stupidity, ego and incompetence. God help us.
It's the same here, plus a low-intensity civil war. Daily shootings and now also almost daily bombings carried out by scum of the Earth "refugees" and their offspring.
Sweden is past the point were there's any solutions left but the unsavoury ones that gets you "liberated" by the US a la the Balkans.
Thank God for substack. These last three years show it as a revelation in journalism. The "information superhighway" still has a few lanes open.
Well, don't worry, the US Disinformation Group will soon take care of *that* for the world. Wouldn't want this dangerous disinformation to be broadcast around, donchaknow. We have to be protected from this sort of nefarious disinformation for our own protection. The US wants to protect us. They're so protective. I feel very protected. Big Brother Loves Me.
Considering how Project Veritas is treating James O’Keefe and AFLD is treating Dr Gold, nothing surprises.
George Webb has exposed O'Keefe for his Jordon Walker story. That's the likely reason he was fired.
Source? I haven't seen,
And Substack treated Gene Frenkle—banning him for undertaking a Project Veritas type investigation of Taibbi.
So far, so good.
When Hersh's column came out, that was my first reaction. It's like the movie industry in the 1910s-30s and the record industry from the 1930s-1970s. Writers can take out the middle man, and writing is flourishing.
Oh, that and what the Powers That Be think is misinformation is often misplaced information. As in, "oh no, we did not want that getting out there."
That's my main take-away as well. There still is a market for real and important investigative journalism. There's a consumer demand for this type of investigation. Hersh wrote his story and eugyppius is also covering it, identifying possible holes in the story.
The Powers that Be want to control what type of investigative journalism is NOT performed. Substack is thwarting this effort. I wonder how the Establishment is going to respond to this trend of more people discovering excellent Substack sites. And, also, more "big name" reporters will now perform their craft solo at Substack.
I'd look for some serious effort to shut down or restrict Substack in the future.
Perhaps after they let everyone gather here and then blow it up too?
Don't disagree, but the story was presented to Hersh by upset agency insiders who no doubt have their own designs, no? Not much "shoeleather" reporting.
but thankfully there are/ may be some Patriots remaining in the Agency, or Bureau, or Department of the Feral USSA Coup Gubmint.
Not that I'm placing my survival in their hands either. We are basically screwed by the Governments in the USSA, Feral, State, & Local.
Real Estate Bargains someplace in Ohio I hear, courtesy of Gubmint..
Hear there are some great bargains to be had downstream, as well.
Perhaps not much shoe leather, but do you really think many of the corporate, teleprompter reading, government-complicit “journalists” would have dared to run the story ? (Or, at least run the story without first letting the Biden Administration edit, censure, and remove important portions of the story?)
Hersh has always based his reporting on what insiders have told him. And generally he has done it well, with "The Dark Side of Camelot" being the unfortunate counterexample.
Agree 100%. And not just for the freedom, but for the form as well. I think the essay format lends itself to more thoughtfulness.
Yes. And we can hear the author, not the editors, nor the sponsors!
Substack is a steaming pile of manure—Taibbi got Substack to delete my account and all of my comments because I dared correct Taibbi’s #fakenews.
So you are intentionally putting your new blog in a steaming pile of manure? Is it bullstuff or cowstuff?
It’s the biggest platform…it’s just like Twitter or YouTube.
Goddamn right!
Thank God for it!
Bob Woodward is known to be an intellgence agency hack. His bunk comment came from higher up.
he also just strikes me as a really stupid man.
Woodward & Bernstein were the recipients of the Deep State's intense desire to take down Nixon who was stretching the leash which binds every elected US official. Nixon wanted the US to back away from the Post War Consensus and begin the opening of a true America First Polity rather than the Globalist Hegemony Power consolidation. These Pulitzer Prized authors had the story placed in their bumbling laps.
WHat a fascinating perspective! Fits the data neat as an OCD jigsaw puzzle. Nixon was a creep, as they all are, but that's part of the job. He was at least a semi-coherent creep who understood that global hegemonies are the stuff that megalomaniacal nightmares are made of.
He was a huge fan of Russel Kirk's The Conservative Mind, and that's excellent taste right there. (btw, I come from long deep liberal roots, but everyone has to follow some kind of path to the truth as they can understand it. That said, the only conservative label I would accept is paleoconservative of the kind that existed in the days of Genghis Khan.)
As for liberals and conservatives asd those nonsense words are usually employed, I quote G.K. Chesterton:
“The whole modern world has divided itself into Conservatives and Progressives. The business of Progressives is to go on making mistakes. The business of Conservatives is to prevent mistakes from being corrected. Even when the revolutionist might himself repent of his revolution, the traditionalist is already defending it as part of his tradition. Thus we have two great types -- the advanced person who rushes us into ruin, and the retrospective person who admires the ruins. He admires them especially by moonlight, not to say moonshine. Each new blunder of the progressive or prig becomes instantly a legend of immemorial antiquity for the snob. This is called the balance, or mutual check, in our Constitution.”
Ah, Tricky, we hardly knew ye:
The terms Left/Right, Liberal/Conservative are distinctions without a difference. The real line gets drawn between US & THEM. They are those with wealth in excess of several $100 million, or Extreme Influencers, Celebrities, Political Leaders of G-20 countries. They pit white against black, man against woman, rural vs. urban... The only criteria is to deflect attention away from The Reset. Digital IDs, CBDCs, and Stakeholder Capitalism. They"Fly" and "Dine"... We "Walk" and "Die"...!!!
Sounds very intellectual but for the most part, untrue.
Calling me an intellectual is stopping way low. I wouldn't call my worst enemy an intellectual. That's pretty skeezy. Next thing I know, you'll tell me how profound I sound... but.
I am fun.and.interesting, period.
You, alas, are not. But you can enroll in my 5-step Personality Development Program if you think it will help.
Well, my dear, I don’t think I actually called you ‘an intellectual’. I said it all sounded intellectual, which was obviously the intent. It was also obviously intended to sound ‘fun and interesting’. Oh, I forgot ‘period’. I think we should leave that assessment to the reader though, don’t you?
However, don’t worry. I definitely don’t intend to call you profound. You can remove that from your list of concerns.
My concern was the veracity of your statements, which I found lacking.
As far as your personality development program, if I some day decide I’d prefer a personality more similar to yours, I’ll definitely be in touch. Don’t hold your breath.
My son is studying that period in history, right next to me in our shared office/bedroom. I read Chesteron's quote to him and we both laughed. I said, "who cares about the details. That is the chapter in one paragraph." Thanks, Bosco
Thank *you*, sir. Any compliment or gratitude deserves some baksheesh. Have this humble offering. Even God doesn't know just how tough John Lee really is. Chuck Norris can't even listen to it without growing man-breasts.
opening China was a globalist aim then, and China supremacy is their aim now
Brought to us by Henry Kissinger - who was then a BFF of Klaus Schwab, founder of the WEF. They met decades ago in college.
Remember when Biden said that China would "own us by 2035?" He's doing everything he can as a foreign agent to make sure that happens. Plus, his pal at WEF has some ideas, too. See Russia on the WEF map?
saw recently an interview that said WEF and CCP joined at the hip
Yep, George W Bush made China great again—mission accomplished!
Well then, I think that we can safely say that we are all unofficially disapproved bozos on this bus, but being a bozo is far superior to being just another clown in clown world.
Let's drink to that! And to this:
I'm more of a twisted Leonard Cohen kinda guy:
If you think Woodward stupid, pray you’re never exposed to Bernstein.
Actually, I pray Bernstein never 'Exposes Himself' to me. ...The ol' circumcised Schlemiel.
And a big fat poopoo-doodoo-caca-head.
We all remember this stereotype of dickweed from high school/college. Let us gather close for our Five Minutes of Daily Hatred:
Now that we're all thrice-cleansed of vile and pernicious nonsense, let us enjoy the not-quite pointoless cheap thrill provided by this:
And, in memoriam of once great Poopy Pundits and government conspiracies that once seemed diabolical but now merely bad compared to current events:
I miss The Poor Man Institute even if it is SOoooo Millennially ("OK, Millennial," said the Ageing Boomer) Left/liberal/woke despite being brilliant.
And finally (yeah, I'ma send you some money, eucheapass ;) *smooch*; I think it's most honorable to pay the toll fee for major blithering, especially when written so parenthetically and self-indulgently, the latter being my preferred mode), the most obviously appropriate song for things covid: "...stick them needles in your arm..."
Bob Woodward is a 100% phony journalist and should be totally ignored.
Just lock him up in Gitmo with the rest of the Zionists to await lethal execution.
You’re right. He’s as swampy as they come. Bernstein is just a a old fool. Woodward is the CIA operative.
I seem to remember he was outed as an agency man going as far back as the Nixon era. Now he is a relic because the the modern media will eat anything the agency sends them in whole parts.
I believe Bob was naval intelligence, but they’re all IC
IC "in cahoots?" LMAO - I know, I mean "Intelligence Community."
Tucker Carlson and Dark Journalist have both shown that Watergate was done to get Nixon out. They didn't want to kill him because he was one of them and they already had too many suspicious assassinations.
Just like the Deep State setting up the Gretchen Whitmer kidnapping, or Ray Epps and the spooks creating the illusion of an Insurrection... Watergate was an excuse. Trump's call to Zelensky as a premise for Impeachment when Biden's done a dozen things which were Orders of Magnitude worse. Walk the party line... OR PERISH...!!!
1/6 was America's Reichstag Fire. The CIA was well aware of that earlier false flag, as one of that agency's chief organizers was Hans Bernd Gisevius, who years earlier in Germany investigated that fire.
BLM riots were instigated by a white supremacist throwing a hammer through an AutoZone window.
The scoop/scandal that made Woodward the most famous (and probably richest) journalist in the world is a tempest in a tea cup compared to all the Covid scandals and cover-ups. Plus, stories like this. So the real and massive scandals are off limits to our most famous journalist. He won't touch those topics. That's the real story: The Big and important stories are off-limits to the mainstream journalists.
Interesting they may well have gotten Watergate entirely wrong. They say Nixon wanted out of Viet Nam too and was set up.
There is more and more reporting on Watergate having been a CIA&co plot to oust MIC disobedient Nixon and taint bis legacy.
He was a very popular POTUS until then, with the still highest victory margin.
Yes, but... even if the IC hated him it doesn’t mean Nixon was an innocent. He used the IC for covert power moves too. Well documented is his reaction to Allende’s victory in Chile - he told the CIA to keep the unacceptable socialist from taking office. They did not succeed, but it shows Nixon’s willingness to use whatever means at his disposal to weld power.
Let he, who is without sin, cast the first stone.
Do we really need 'God Fearing' Peanut Farmers to lead us deep into The Coming Storm of Upheaval?
Nord Stream and COVID are similar in that both were orchestrated by officials that have no regard for the suffering of humans, and both stories are now afflicted with an epidemic of officials pretending not to know things the world can plainly see because they don’t want to deal with the fallout of their evil actions.
The "Moscow blew their own pipeline" makes exactly as much sense as "Syrian government used poison gas" story few years ago
And promulgated by precisely the same people.
And John Kirby said on public TV that we are not involved in ANY way to the destruction of the Russian pipelines. There must be consequences for LYING on public TV
Which, if we think back, who put a stop to the years of fear-mongering headlines? When Rus started up its engines and went in there and took out the threat. That got basically null press coverage.
"It looks for all the world like somebody organised two totally separate operations, involving two separately triggered pipeline attacks, and that Hersh’s source only knows about one of them."--That's a very good point.
And, perhaps, a similarity exists when it comes to the release of the novel SARS-CoV-2. It my have been done on more than one occasion in separate operations. Then, Omicron was released by a competing operator. There are, by now, persons "in the know" who may be or not may be making their knowledge known, as well as the persons "in the know" who never will say anything because they can't live with the political consequences.
Exactly, this two-tier operation has the hallmarks of an agency like the CIA. Also could be something simpler, like that the UK was doing the other operation so they have equal parts of skin in the game. I’m unsure.
In the Fuellmich Crimes Against Humanity trial, Dr Soňa Peková (Czech Republic) gave evidence on her PCR testing expertise, from 1:32:30 in
She sequenced the genomes of the three main corona waves in the Czech Republic and found that each wave was caused by a different strain and that these strains were not directly inter-related, which is an evolutionary impossibility.
She suspects that the Wuhan virus and subsequent variants all came from a lab, either deliberately or by some kind of slip-up. All the evidence indicates deliberate.
Search Larry Romanoff wikispooks. There's and article there "COVID-19: Further Evidence the Virus Originated in the US" from Mar. 4, 2020. I thought I'd read an article by him from early Jan. 2020 that was even more specific and technical. Maybe misremembering.
He lives in China and has been called a Chinese operative. Maybe, but he's still the most informed about what's going on that I've found.
we are lucky everyone seems to be so clumsy. I hope they never find a good man to work out a working plan.
Indeed. Some of the bombs didn’t explode as planned and that gives us much further evidence about who was involved. Incompetency is saving us again! Lol
Total lockdown by western govs is an appropriate response for people who are scared of a bioweapon and know the implications. Omicron emerged from an area where CDC biolabs have been long operating and was announced from the first day as being the mild solution.
Don't know if it's so simple as that, but that is one possible scenario.
I actually love the Omicron story arc. First discovered in 4 diplomats traveling though Botswana (their country of origin is never revealed). This crap writes itself.
Right? No suspicions here. New disease variant discovered yesterday, and today every news outlet knows the expected outcome in patients... Wouldn't it be nice if real medicine could make predictions with even 1/1000th that certainty?
I merely presumed Omicron was also released by China to lessen the suffering its earlier “inadvertent*”release had caused -- and bad press it was getting as a result.
* “inadvertent” meaning spread beyond Hong Kong and Taiwan where it was endeavoring to test its non-kinetic weapon.
Who would keep us safe if it wasn't for the benevolent leaders of these countries?
looking for a safe place seems impossible. One needs an island with no one there, but how are you going to live there?
May I suggest the picturesque island of Bornholm
I looked it up and saved the page ! who knows one day I may need it !
Eat bugs!
saved that one too ! sounds like my knitted sweaters might come to good use there. And probably neither spiders nor snakes !
I'd call it confirmation when the "former" US Naval Intelligence ensign Woodward disputes it.
Russia would be perfectly justified in cutting our undersea cables.
Or derailing trains full of hazardous material...
Sadly, that could be our own agencies doing that. Or a group that penetrated the southern border and the FBI is willfully casting their gaze elsewhere...
Sadly, there are indeed many, many possibilities there. It's not like we've gone out of the way to *not* piss off people worldwide.
Anarchists have already been caught red-handed placing "shunts": 41 incidents investigated by FBI since 19 January 2020. Samantha Brooks and Ellen Reiche of Bellingham Washington arrested for this on BNSF railway tracks.
Maybe, but most likely run of the mill corporate neglect and incompetence. I heard today the train was on fire long before the accident occured. A news team was filming for a story and the burning train passed by in the background.
It was on fire for 20 miles, in fact. But as Tucker covered recently, there have been many many unreported acts of sabotage- they are listed in crime blotters as sabotage but receive no media attention. The question was put whether this was a brake failure, incompetence of a worker or sabotage. Regardless of the answer, there was been a whole scale failure of many systems, and it has to be investigated.
thing is, Russia seems to be part of the whole mess too. Putin was a wef disciple as well, and forces the jabs too. So, is there anyone who knows what is really going on?
Russia and China never allowed any mRNA product into their countries. They'd know it was US military. Which isn't to say they aren't in bed together on a deeper level.
oohooh in bed together !!! thanks for the images in my brain... LOL
I know they did not do the mrna but they still pushed jabs, useless jabs too I suppose since China seems to have massive amounts of deaths. I read that Russia too still is in a mess, and that does not include the Ukraine mess. Depopulation in full swing.
Hersh has "deliberately not written about" a certain foreign intelligence agency. He had no compunction about outing Denmark and Sweden's complicity. So it is an intelligence agency for a country that is perceived differently than those countries. I have my guess based on the selectivity. And I have no political opinion about it at all. Just making an inference.
Want to have a bitter laugh? Here in Sweden, the official narrative in state and regime media is still "Russia did it".
Showing people what has publicly been announced by investigators, that no evidence points to Russia, is met with "That's something a Putin-follower would say!".
And the swedish investigation, which has control of the materials recovered from the seabed in storage, is buried under even more "Classified" than the m/s Estonia investigation.
That’s what I’m hearing from German media too. It’s truly jaw dropping, but I guess post covid, I should stop being surprised.
Honestly and franly, I think the response re: NS and Russia is because the alternative is too scary to contemplate.
If it's Russia, it's okay and the world makes sense. They're the Bad Guys and therefore anything they do is Bad Guy Stuff, and therefore we are the Good Guys since we oppose them.
But if it's the US - our "friends and allies, defenders of peace and liberty, who saved us from ze nutzis" - up is black and down is white all of a sudden. The US are the eponymous Good Guys, immortalised as such to an ontological level by US entertaintment media. They can't have done it, they're not the Bad Guys.
The last thing the peoples of Europe want to think is: "If the US does that, they can't be our friends - what are we going to do?"
Because that thought means either accept you are a slave to the US Empire, or accept that the US while nicer than Russia, Saudi, Iran or China is at the financial-political level identical to them in how it conducts its affairs.
And that final thought means "We have to do something" and that's way scarier than just snuggle up to the teat of the MSM and believe, believe, believe as hard as youcan.
I think it’s even worse than that. Germany can’t contemplate that their leaders are so weak as to cave into crazy US demands to blow up such vital infrastructure at the expense of German citizens being now punished with crazy prices and energy instability.
I was thinking about this the other day, whether we are about to see a massive political and military realignment in Europe.
Note the Americans behind the Nord Stream attack are the same idiots responsible for the Afghanistan occupation, the Iraq invasion, the Syria and Libya interventions, etc, every overseas debacle of the last generation. In other words, they are failures. All they can do in their pursuit of global military hegemony is step on their dicks, again and again and again.
So their entire strategy for the last year has been to "bleed" Russia with this Ukraine war while also opening up lucrative new markets for American gas and weapons. The Nord Stream attack was part of all this. But will this really be the first time the neocons/neolibs get it right? Are they really going to strengthen western Europe's American vassalage with these brazen acts?
Or are they going to stay true to form and watch their demented plans unravel out of their control?
Several hundred years of history show that when Germany and Russia fight with each other, horrible things happen. This must be on the mind of every intelligent German and Russian. I can't imagine thoughtful Germans and Russians ever wanting to deliberately and unnecessarily pick a fight with their counterparts, for any reason, on any grounds.
Meanwhile, plenty of Germans must be feeling right now that America is not their friend after all, that they have paid too high a price for decades of client status in a global American empire. Russia might have wanted to be America's friend post-1991, but that was not profitable enough for American's leadership, so it couldn't be allowed to happen. The scales fell from Russia's eyes before the truth was revealed to the Germans.
If Germany wants friends, they can't look to America or even the UK. They can only find common interests in those other neighbors of theirs, also deeply suspicious of American intentions: Russia and France. Despite centuries of distrust and bad feeling. If historic enemies France and the UK can maintain an entente cordiale for many decades, why can't Russia, Germany and France make common cause and a new European alignment?
Boy would that piss off John Bolton.
I know this is all very far-fetched. My only evidence for supporting such a scenario is the fact the American neocon/neolibs running the American empire are such bumbling morons it is very unlikely this last spectacular of theirs will unfold the way they hope it will.
"Russia might have wanted to be America's friend post-1991, but that was not profitable enough for American's leadership, so it couldn't be allowed to happen. The scales fell from Russia's eyes before the truth was revealed to the Germans."
This is the reason China didn't start collapsing after the USSR did: China's leadership looked very closely how the US-led West handled and treated Russia, and lid their plans accordingly so as to not become a resource-colony under corrupt puppet regimes.
(I'm no fan of China but I respect all peoples' will to self-determination and sovereignity of their territory.)
So China decided to instead use western greed and capitalism to turn the tables and entice our politicians and business-leaders to emulate China.
Sun Tzu would be proud I guess.
"If Germany wants friends, they can't look to America or even the UK. They can only find common interests in those other neighbors of theirs, also deeply suspicious of American intentions: Russia and France. "
Hence the urgency to get the SMO started. If the German/Russian relationship was cemented further by Nordstream 2, the US/UK are on the outside looking in.
All I can think is the combination of Biden, Rishi Sunak, the Greens of Germany and Macron is just an incredible mix of deep stupidity, ego and incompetence. God help us.
Indeed, but the Anglo-Americans shouldn't matter once the Continentals realize where their best interests lie, and Macron won't always be President.
I confess I don't know much about German politics.
It's the same here, plus a low-intensity civil war. Daily shootings and now also almost daily bombings carried out by scum of the Earth "refugees" and their offspring.
Sweden is past the point were there's any solutions left but the unsavoury ones that gets you "liberated" by the US a la the Balkans.