Curious if anyone, anywhere has given a valid scientific explanation as to how the flu magically disappeared (9 months after hard lockdowns ended) and right at the time of vaccine rollout, only to magically reappear the following year again? How does Influenza know to take a year off, and only the year of mass experimental vaccination on the global population?

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Oct 17, 2022·edited Oct 17, 2022

While I respect the authors defense of 'science', the decision by the PTB to fully embrace a highly flawed and easily manipulated diagnostic tool in favor of the now old fashioned and tried and true 'diagnosis by symptoms.' methodology should have everyone concernced.

They can now literally pull diseases, pandemics and all the fun that the past 2 years has brought out at any time in the name of science....just pass the 'scientists' some random DNA samples and ramp that cycle count up to 40!

This 'Killer Flu' was going through the US long before March 2020 and it was only when the weaponized fake PCR testing began did it become a pandemic.

PCR isn't just fake...it should never be allowed in any clinical settings at all.

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PCR is a method that *can be* used diagnostically but is not even primarily about diagnosis. it's just a means of amplifying small amounts of DNA for further study. it's also used in many non-medical fields. it was misused here; they often pretended that those PCR positives had been diagnosed with an illness, when all that had really happened, was the detection of virus RNA.

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Oct 17, 2022Liked by eugyppius

Other uses....like DNA profiling? Makes you wonder how many false positives have led to false incarcerations and criminal convictions.

Can't wait until we're all subject to mandatory DNA harvesting so we can all be diagnosed with 'wrongthink' and sent to the gulag. Of course that will never happen......

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Oct 17, 2022·edited Oct 17, 2022Author

yes, it's used forensically, including in touch and LCN DNA analysis. this is absolutely dangerous and has led to questionable accusations and convictions, but crucially – and this is the only distinction I'm trying to make here – NOT because the results are totally false, but because they're meaningless. the method is so sensitive that it can detect the presence of single skin cell, for example. does this prove the suspect actually killed anyone? it could've been blown in with the wind or (more often) transferred by intermediate contacts. i.e., the real killer shook hands with the falsely accused suspect before committing the murder.

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I agree somewhat but the PCR in practice does pick up other viruses as COVID. For example in a post market evaluation that I read I noticed PCR picked up other viruses such as other corona viruses and flu at 32 and 38 cycles which they classed as “considered as not detected” in the evaluation. But they also state that confirmatory testing should be done for samples above 38. Why use cycles above 38 if you know your going to pick up other viruses at that that level? One lab looked pretty much spot on (it was a research lab) no false positives and a beautiful almost uniform distribution all they way up to 40 the other two commercial labs looked almost random with pretty much garbage above 37/38 they were all testing the same set of pre prepared randomized samples containing positive, negative and samples “spiked” with other viruses. The specificity for the three labs was 100%, 99.1% and 97.5% so worst case one of these labs would result in about 2.5% of tests being COVID confirmed when there was actually no COVID virus present in the sample. Doesn’t sound like much but when your testing 100,000 a week that’s a lot of cases just being generated by the act testing. Now let’s say hypothetically for shits and giggles you decide to “drop” the s-gene? Omicron? More contagious ? Less virulent? Or, is it really just an artifact of the test? In NSW Australia the number of cases was almost perfectly linear when plotted against the number of tests for a long time.

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Bless you, you keep trying to end PCR doubt. In early days the nervous nellies getting the sniffles rushed to get into long lines to be checked for that deadly new virus killing all those people in NY. Quite afraid, those people. We watched the 'case' count rise with a small percentage of those 'cases' requiring a hospital visit and an even smaller percentage actually dying.

The vast majority of 'cases' had minor symptoms and were pleased that they didn't drop dead. The press had no interest in them but had a field day with the young person in great health hospitalized then soon dead. Are we sure they were so healthy? Might their own fear have caused heart failure? Intubation itself is quite difficult, near impossible without a full knockout and can cause a lot of damage done poorly. The knockout drugs themselves are hazardous. Many times it was done to protect workers from less invasive but aerosol creating procedures.

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I read somewhere early on that the creator of PCR testing said PCR should never have been the tool for WuFlu “diagnosis”. In the States, the government decided they were no longer going to use that as the “standard” as of Jan 2022 (I think). Couple that w/ never-before high cycling & changing the definition of a positive “case” from symptoms diagnosed by an actual clinician to a “positive” result by something that shouldn’t have been used to test at all & used incorrectly - every bit of it w/ the sole purpose of impossibly high numbers of so-called “positive cases” to stoke panic & I just can’t see any truly useful or truthful information about the PCR.

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I can understand how cynics went to the extreme and believe all PCR tests are meaningless. Eugyppius has made the case that (as i would paraphrase it) it is not the technology that is flawed, but the purposes it was put to, especially the "moving goalpost" problem. While the analogy isn't perfect, here's one: If one puts a burning candle or a high-wattage incandescent lamp (remember those?) directly below one's home thermostat, and the thermostat is set to (say) 25 deg. C/75 deg. F, is it really fair to blame the home's heating system if everyone is shivering?

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Satan’s, I can absolutely agree that a particular technology may not be flawed in & of itself, but once it has been put to unfit purpose, it is?

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A bit of confusion here. Yes the creator of the test wanted confirmation via symptoms. That PCR test however was useful as a surveillance tool. A high cycle count was to ensure no false negatives by accepting a lot of false positives. But a positive after 10 cycles is indeed an infection, likely a severe infection. The cycle count was used in India as a tool to advise patients to stay home or come to the hospital.

The fear was a product of conflating cases with death that seemed to confuse many people watching their TV screens. Many missed the fact that there might be an awful lot of infections but most were mild. That was not what our officials wanted to present.

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I don’t doubt what you say but my understanding is that a”positive” PCR could merely be confirming fragments of something like a previous cold, flu or other respiratory illness & a long way out from that illness, whatever it was.

That means tons of false positives of “Covid-19”. There was tons of $$ in diagnosing that. And tons of money to be made using these “tests”.

I also read somewhere that it was never sophisticated enough to actually distinguish cold or flu from “Covid-19”. That could explain why flu magically “disappeared” the past 2 years. Any “positive” result was immediately assigned to “Covid-19”.

There is also the issue of “asymptomatic infection” that I think - but again am not positive - was also something manufactured for the narrative that didn’t actually exist. Obviously, any illness usually involves a period of incubation where a person feels fine but I think at least some consensus was that it really didn’t exist. IDK

The testing was also way overdone. As evidenced by the fact that it has pretty much disappeared. At the height of the scam, if one person in a business tested positive, the business would close for days & anyone else working there had to test & then there was the additional scam of tracing, forcing people to give contact info etc to patronize a business.

Im a lay person so my thoughts hold zero weight. But I’ve also been actively researching too.

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PCR only recognizes what it's reagents are designed to recognize. A "unique" section of DNA is chosen to define the pathogen to be detected. Reagents are designed to attach markers to that section which when detected by sensors becomes a positive. They are as sophisticated as science allows and the sections chosen are supposed to be unique; they generally do not match flu. Now a false positive can arise because the matched section was never infectious; it was inert. Only by culturing can you detect if the sample might replicate, become infectious. PCR can detect "dead" virus.

The UK Challenge trial (https://doi.org/10.1038/s41591-022-01780-9) did find some people were asymptotic carriers of the virus proven by the lack of obvious symptoms along with detected antibodies which imply viral replication. It isn't common. This goes beyond pre-sytomatic and in the incubation period some virus can be shed. We don't know how much nor if easily transmitted. BTW, shedding seems related to throat geometry and lung capacity - minimal for children.

Quite agree that testing was overdone and actions after detection somewhat outrageous. Igf you feel sick stay home might have been more sensible. Case counts were used to stoke fear that persits even now. Simple mouth/nose sanitation could have been used to slow/stop spread killing the virus before it replicated enough to cause illness. Seem we wished for a bad pandemic so we had one.

I'm also learning because our officials seem to rely on opinion.

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The powers that be were never for simple, common sense remedies like off label use of safe, cheap meds, getting some extra zinc, vitamin D, nasal /mouth sanitation, being out in the sun & fresh air, losing some weight, exercising, etc.

Since they advised the polar opposite of all of that - “vaccines” that it is now revealed they knew all along did not thwart the virus or prevent spread but mandated anyway, lock down inside in close contact w/ others & eat/drink too much, don’t dare come to a hospital for treatment until you literally can’t breathe & then vented & put on meds to retard respiration & cause kidney damage & multi-system organ failure guaranteed to kill the patient, masks so you can re-breathe CO2 & bacteria into your lungs, ad nauseum, wasn’t stupidity but Frank malevolence.

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Kary Mullis

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Thank you!

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In the US, covid was profitable, flu was not. We've learned that the medical industrial complex is more interested in profits than our health. We reported many ailments, from flu to gunshots, as covid. The statistics are unreliable.

Flu is like covid -- it mutates, but never disappears.

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Oct 17, 2022·edited Oct 17, 2022

yep....the vaxxines keep it going on ad naseum. Not lessen it, they increase it, just like autism! 1 in 40 today...it's admitted by the CDC, and projected 1 in 25 in 5 years! Just let that sink in. I wonder when they'll scrub those statistics off their site? A CHILD HAS NO IMMUNE SYSTEM FOR AT LEAST A YEAR, WHY WOULD YOU VAXXINATE FOR ANYTHING BEFORE 1-2 YEARS?? THEIR LITTLE BODY DOESN'T EVEN RESPOND LIKE AN ADULT, IT SIMPLY KILLS MANY DEVELOPING IMMUNE SYSTEMS AND CAUSES ALLERGIES AND LATENT CANCERS ETC.... take a break from the VAXXING BS and do your own experiment. AND IF ANYONE SHAMES YOU FOR BEING AN ANTI-VAXER B/C YOU WANT THE BEST FOR YOUR CHILD....TELL THEM TO FUCK OFF.

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They only lie to us if we allow it.

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Flashback to October 2019 - Roadmap to a Universal Flu Vaccine and the need for "an entity of excitement"


A quick glance at the mRNA history timeline in the Nature article, “The tangled history of mRNA vaccines” published on September 14, 2021, one can clearly see how mRNA technology has been investigated since the 1960's, but not widely tested or applied until 2020 through emergency use authorization (EUA). Link to article: https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-021-02483-w


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Dependence on vaccines leads to dependence on everything else, a dependent society.

The best vaccine is a healthy immune system. Every pathogen afflicts a few, not the rest. We should want to be like the survivors. We can learn.

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the only dependence....dependence on God DAILY... seek that spirit that Jesus taught or go it alone to your own peril. Most ppl know this deep down in their heart but they get so taken away by their brilliant mumbo jumbo BS covering their sins instead of admitting failure and finding....the truth shall set you free.

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No, the truth won't set you free. The truth and a whole lot of ammunition, maybe. Religion just makes you complacent about being abused. It won't fix your problems. Religions teach salvation when you're dead. Doesn't help the living.

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Oct 17, 2022·edited Oct 17, 2022

never mentioned religion...you did. the truth has nothing to do with religion. Religion is what kept you away from God and truth. Religion is what MAN has used to control others for centuries. That is why Jesus came to show you that fallacy that was meant to take advantage of you and it took advantage of many for Eons! to take their money and try to control the innocent/ naive/ignorant, just like this covid agenda.

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IT KILLED EVERY SINGLE FERRET IN THE STUDY! Through ADE, the vaxxed when they were exposed to what they were supposedly vaxxed against died when they contracted it b/c of the friggin vaxxxine. No vaxx = no illness.

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Oct 17, 2022·edited Oct 17, 2022

It took me awhile to answer this but here it is:

The "Flu" deaths prior to the 2019 Hysteria were ALWAYS a mixture of various pathogens and causes. When the CDC claimed 40k "Flu" deaths in 2018 it was not 40k cases of diagnosed Influenza infected people who were killed BY Influenza. Just a tiny % of those deaths were ever directly tested and attributed to the actual Influenza virus. It was essentially a statistical death bucket where people who died of ILI's every year got tossed. The CDC has been pumping this lie for decades now mainly to sell Flu vaccines.

And this is why "The Flu" disappeared.

It didn't. The extra scrutiny afforded by constant focused testing for the coof destroyed their lie.

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This is true because of asking the following question: How many people actually go and get tested for the flu, or for the common cold? I can't think of a time in my 55 years of life I went to the doctor for the flu, much less received a diagnosis for it.

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Oct 17, 2022·edited Oct 17, 2022

maybe no one got a flu vaxxine that year! I've often heard the only ppl who get the flu are the ones who got the vaxxine! I've never had the flu vaxx (59) and I've had the flu maybe 3-4x in 35 years. I had it terribly bad in 09-10 possibly h1n1. Wouldn't that have been a waste of annual jabs to simply have the flu a few times? I wish ppl would repeat over and over that the flu vaxx clearly states only 50% effective and I think it's worse than that and as stated above...I highly lean to the side of it causing illness (maybe just like the CVD vaxxxines are killing ppl's immune systems and opening them to more disease! Same as we're learning about Frankenstein Fauxci killing all the AIDS victims with immune killing drugs like AZT! they knew it all along, it's been a sham to think they'll EVER CURE AIDS OR BREAST CANCER....THEY'RE TOO BIG OF A CASH COW TO EVER CURE THEM. I laugh at ppl raising money for breast cancer...they're simply pawns in a narcissistic corporate run cash grab. Has nothing to do with altruistic healing of people genuinely looking for help. It may provide hope, but that hope is a sham and the cancer industry is BIG BIG BUCKS...that is why you see so many commercials for all these new 'cancer campuses'. Keep the toxic jabs going to feed the huge cancer industry.

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There seems to be growing evidence/data showing that the more flu vax is given, the lower the effectiveness. My concern is that they will use this as an excuse to bring in the mRNA flu shot and things will get even worse. Because there was supposedly no flu in 2021 any cases reported in 2022 shown as percentages will make it appear that flu cases have skyrocketed.

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Until we fully understand what is happening with those lipids used to hide the vector RNA, no thanks. We have not done enough animal testing over a long term to ensure safety. I'd need to see a lot more data but am curious why the CDC is not requiring that data. Emergency is over. Time to get the data.

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Why spend the time and money to gather data when all you really need is p̶r̶o̶p̶a̶g̶a̶n̶d̶a̶ Public Relations?

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I've been posting anywhere it's even remotely relevant: flu and pneumonia vaccines are all but useless. If one looks at the "absolute risk reduction," it's trivial. This is true of a large number of medical interventions, for example statins. Adverse effects are hard to quantify but deduct from the benefit too. The relatively few benefits of many drugs, and at time even net harm, are one of the "dirty little secrets" of medicine. You can find this information, but it's not easy, and you're not likely to hear it from your doctor, the FDA, the CDC, etc. Wouldn't want to frighten away paying customers, would we?

NB: By no means am I condemning everything. Some drugs/products do provide great benefits. The problem is the system makes money selling the dubious products alongside the star performers.

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I believe it could be explained by a phenomenon known as "viral interference", something that has apparently been studied for a long time but is not yet understood.

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That’s interesting 🧐

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Oct 17, 2022·edited Oct 17, 2022Liked by eugyppius

I know very little about the thinking on the phenomenon. I've just heard it discussed by a few seemingly knowledgeable people. There is a Wikipedia article on it that refers to several sources in the scientific literature (for what that's worth).

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Oct 17, 2022·edited Oct 17, 2022Author

it’s been observed many times in the literature, that certain viruses seem to block or interfere with others. mechanisms have been proposed, including heightened interferon and other immune processes following one infection, that make subsequent infection with another virus far less likely/ possible.

one thing i suspect, which squares with the result of challenge trials, is that only a small number of people are ever susceptible to infection with any virus at a given time. that is, except for certain periods of heightened vulnerability, it’s actually difficult for most people to be infected even if directly exposed. the respiratory viruses are thus competing for a small number of susceptible hosts, and recovery from infection ends host susceptibility, perhaps for months afterwards.

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These sound like significantly under-explored topics to me. Viral interference and the small number of susceptible hosts. Maybe they are explored a lot in serious scientific journals and just not in the entry-level scientific media I am qualified to peruse.

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If only a few people are susceptible to a given virus at a given time, isn't that damaging to the viral interference hypothesis? I.e., if you are susceptible to covid but not to flu, while I am susceptible to flu but not to covid, then why should I expect your covid to block my flu?

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That’s what most diagnoses are. A description of symptoms or phenomena, but in latin

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Make Adam's and other truth telling experts who don't have a stake in pharma have explained thar flu season is in winter because people stay indoors and don't get enough sunlight and it's Vitamin D stimulation and zinc.

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Viral dust picked up by the PCR test is the flu or someone who genetically has the tendency to get the flu?

While I'm here, some recent news:

The U.S. government has finally paid out money to compensate covid vaccine injury claims.

In doing so, the government admits that harm was done by the shots.


The government needs to prioritize injury compensation instead of promoting and administering these unproven and harmful experimental shots to the general populous.

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But everyone knows that in case of a hurricane, one of the best remedies is vaccination. I hear it is also safe and effective against climate change, sunburn, and will motivate lottery winnings.

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not everyone that was tested for coronavirus was tested for flu, they did NOT exhaust possibility of flu in each and every case, #facts

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Good point Lincoln

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My brainwashed friends think it was the masks 😷. 🤯

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This is like a lot of the arbitrary rules surrounding Covid. How is it Covid knows when you are walking and should be masked (to avoid transmission) and eating unmasked (no transmission there). Covid can tell if something is an "essential" activity like eating and will not transmit, an something not essential, like going to the store and picking things out of an aisle, and thus need to be masked.

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A lot of that is silly, like the "five-second rule" for picking up dropped food. But some of it is sort of reasonable, in that if you're sitting in one place in an eatery, there's only so much broadcasting of your cooties you can do, but if you walk around, you need to deploy other anti-cootie measures.

High ceilings, HEPA filtration, and humidity monitoring probably help more than the masks, but masks cost a lot less.

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A lot of things cost a lot less. Placing my shirt over my mouth costs a lot less, so does wrapping a scarf. I could also wear a ski mask. But it won't make any of these measures more effective from stopping a virus. The problem with these arbitrary instructions is they were under the false assumption that it stopped the spread of droplets when it is clear that the virus is aerosolized.

An even bigger thing to discuss is the following: Is the virus even worth all these measures of accommodation for .14% of the population that will die from the disease?

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1. No, it wasn't worth it.

2. It's not just death, and while the Northern Italy nightmare scenario wasn't common, there were crowding factors that, even if exaggerated, weren't zero. And 3. I'm still not saying lockdowns were worth doing, but 4. wearing a mask seemed to me a trivial burden, even if it didn't do much.

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I agree it wasn't just death, but also hospitalization and crowding. Italy was hit hard. due to what was reported as demographics (Italy has a much higher older population and they live in close quarters with younger family) In that case should not the focus not be on a one-size-fits-all, but more in terms of accomodation specifically targeting the vulnerable group?

The thing is, I can think of a thousand things that are a trivial burden, but nonetheless, don't make any sense. Masking, social distancing, frequent hand washing, constant surface cleaning, all these things are "trivial burdens" but they do have an impact. Here are a few I can think of in terms of masking.

1. Cuts down on communication, so it is isolating.

2. Causes people to view others as potential threat.

3. Alerts people to an emergency that is a lot more deadly than it actually is.

4. Is an obstacle to non-verbal communication

5. Could mitigate development in babies and young children.

6. When viewing people without masks has a tendency to view them with disdain or as less than.

7. When viewing people with masks has a tendency to view them with disdain or less-than. It is another tool of division.

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I think causing people to lose their jobs for not taking the shot is *much* worse than the harms of masking, except for their effect on children. And that failing to promote support of people's immune systems with medications and nutritional supplements (and in fact actively if covertly opposing that support) is also worse than most of them.

The communication-preventing aspect of masking seems particularly problematic for children. Also, what kind of society saves grandma and grandpa by sacrificing their grandchildren? I'm not sure what adjective to apply to that approach, but I'd consider ridiculous, appalling, and diabolical.

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Another "demographic" factor: Italy has about 300,000 Chinese nationals who work making things that say "Made in Italy." There's nothing wrong with that, any more than Foster's Lager sold in USA can claim it's imported even when brewed in Canada. It's likely the virus was well seeded in Lombardia and elsewhere by Chinese returning from the homeland, where it was spreading undetected.

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And yes, one-size-fits-all was ludicrous, unworthy of a human claiming to intelligence.

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I imagine probably something to do with dominant viruses. Just like Omricon takes out previous strains so covid takes out flu due to transisssion advantage? I am ot a scientist but have heard such things

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I had the same thought a while back. I've assumed all along that the flu was relabeled as Covid because there's a lot of money involved in "finding" Covid.

I also suspect that the incidence of colds and flu will jump up quite a bit this winter because we've dropped out Covid protection measures for the most part (lockdowns and distancing; won't give masks any credit for any virus suppression). These measures also protect against getting a cold or flu.

What will be interesting to see is whether or not colds and flu will be worse than normal this winter because our immune systems have had a year off. I dunno if immune systems tend to get lazy if not used.

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Very early on in 2020 I came across what seemed like a reasonable article that addressed the disappearance of the flu. I've looked for this article again, but can't find it. I had become aware of the supposed disappearance of the flu, and as I remember what I read, the article explained how multiple viruses and/or flu can emerge at the same time, but one can dominate over the others and cause them to be unsuccessful in spreading, only to eventually disappear fairly quickly. Things hadn't heated up so much at that time, so I read the article with mild interest and didn't copy the link. I have no way to assess whether it had any validity.

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I had heard something similar expressed by Ivor Cummins that certain diseases go "dormant" in favor of another more dominant strain.

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Viral interference. The pre-Omicron strains out-competed influenza, as it seemed to share the same niche. Until Covid was no longer novel, and became endemic, and the flu came back. Then Omicron came and temporarily beat it down a bit, and the seasonality got temporarily messed up too. Then the flu came back once again, and will again this winter if Australia is any indication. Rhinovirus never really went away. But the common cold coronaviruses now seem to be replaced by the now-endemic Omicron BA.5.

Omicron and influenza seem to coexist just fine though.

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mind control + mass homicide by .gov + casedemic + "vaccines" + passports tied to liberty = plandemic. They'll try it again in late 2024 when WHO has global authority.

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Oh do I have a meme for you waiting in the wings ... one day.

You must be a programmer like me.

I prefer scamdemic myself.

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recovering programmer.

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Lol maybe not through your hands, but always in your mind

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Sanjoy, don't just blame the destruction of Nordstream, because the western nations seem to have collectively lost their will to live. Thanks to anti-fracking propaganda (mostly funded by Putin and other energy competitors) the Netherlands is shutting down the largest natural gas field in Europe and bringing its coal plants back online:


This, along with shutting down a third of its farmland "because nitrogen", is national suicide, no outside enemies required.

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Oct 17, 2022Liked by eugyppius

One outright lie was reporting positive tests as new infections.

Most people underestimate the role of the populace itself in its manipulation by this new church. Most people lead extremely boring lives and crave for any kind of entertainment. This entertainment is the main product of the media.

A very consistent seller of media is hatred. When I was in my 20s I regularly read Der Spiegel. Eventually I became so fed up by the feeling of hatred (against the rich, the police, evil white males etc) I always felt after reading it that I became suspicious and after some reflection realized that all these articles were structured in an identical way to incite hatred in the reader for maximum effect, i.e. a feeling of brutal injustice paired with a feeling of absolute powerlessness. It wasnt very hard to find this kind of hate mongering in pretty much every other political media outlet or TV station independent of its political leaning, of course with varying proficiency.

What does it to a person who never takes a step back and reflects about his or her relationship to the media after decades of exposure to this constant hate mongering? It's simple: it leads to a deep systemic addiction. The person becomes a literal hate junkie, utterly dependend on the hate dealers in the media. Most people who are critical to the media acknowledge the corruption and the bribery but very few understand this extremely strong bond between a large part of western populations and their media which as a result have become a new global church, recklessly exploiting the power given to them by this huge herd of hate addicts.

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Astute observation. I was watching a Joe Rogan podcast a few months back and he was interviewing a fellow that had briefly worked in media (I forget who exactly his guest was). The fellow said that when he brought a story idea to his editor the editor's advice was "First, start a fight." That about sums it up.

The corporate media is poison and should be avoided at pretty much all costs. Or, to put it simply, the media is the matrix.

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Oct 17, 2022·edited Oct 18, 2022

one of the biggest biblical lessons for me recently....this is not my battle, the battle belongs to God, our choices are 1) to get incited (sucked into the fight, offended, like BLM, abortion or any other novel sounding cause), or 2) choose to remain open to God, observe and trusting in the Divine to be at work, stay at peace. Anyone trying to incite hatred is working for SATAN, simply look to pelosi, brandon, chaney, obama, bush types. Now you may think that trump incites hatred, but he actually just speaks the truth and the arrogant narcissists go ape-shit. that is what the deceptive ppl do when they hear the truth, because they HATE the truth, it is not in them. Just look around at the ppl in your life with that in mind and it will reveal to you their true selves and their allegiance.

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Wonderful insight. Intuitively, one feels the filthiness underlying so much of what is produced by media.

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deletedOct 17, 2022·edited Oct 17, 2022
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Oct 17, 2022·edited Oct 17, 2022

we give our personal power away when we let somenone else dictate our feelings or to stir up negative emotions in us. It's the ones who encourage and bring out the best in us that deserve our attention. If you jump on the BLM or Beto or any other cause that is built on hatred, you may as well have a ring in your nose like a plow cow. Come to think of it...the blaming of the 'un-vaxxed' is the most pure sign of a person driven by satan, what is in their heart comes right out of their mouths....and now you're seeing that they were the ones wrong (a narcissist will never admit they were wrong, that's why they'll get taken advantage of over and over, just like they were taken with worthless pointless JABS and 2.5 years of 'the sky is falling panic'. Played like a fiddle by every deceitful politician, MSM media and 'science' fanatics. It is all truly dumbfounding and easy for some to see. The virtue signalling are still doing it, they cannot help themselves b/c their lives are a sham and they can't admit it...that is where salvation begins, the truth shall set you free.

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Oct 17, 2022Liked by eugyppius

I don't know what to add other than to emphasize that this strikes me as supremely correct; it should be the rule and measure for sorting through what is true, and what is not:

"Everyone else, including especially our public health authorities, are too diffusely staffed and uncoordinated to sustain lies from whole cloth. They work instead via emphasis and manipulation of context. Rarely is any given press report totally false; it doesn’t need to be. You could incite a panic over any pathogen via selective coverage and anecdotal reporting on tragic virus deaths and overwhelmed hospitals."

If I could add one word, I would add "groupthink." The most intelligent among are still susceptible to social and emotional pressures, the threat of isolation, etc., like any other human being. And in the last 150 years, the West has superseded it's old, healthier institutions with centralized, monopoly ones, which is the formula for corrupting a field and exploiting groupthink tendencies.

As a lawyer (with a linguistics degree too), sometimes it is "fun" to dissect the average media story on any number of topics, from crime, to Russia, to Corona, etc. And the lies surely appear here and there; but the primary observation one will make is that there aren't so much clear, provable lies, so much as there is mis-emphasis, misdirection and use of unreasonable characterizations. The classic example is to take an event the media wants to promote, or decry, and quote the one guy that agrees with the media while ignoring the 10,000 others that don't.

In the medical field, I recommend that skeptical readers pick up Duesberg's 1995 classic, Inventing the AIDS Virus. No, it isn't about inventing HIV, but rather the validity of the HIV-AIDS hypothesis, something RFK brought back to the forefront in his late, excellent book on Fauci and Corona. In this book you will see how facts are mishandled, mischaracterized or again, mis-emphasized to reach a certain conclusion; or assumptions are made that aren't properly justifiable using traditional logical rubrics. But there isn't so much in the way of direct falsification (except for the Robert Gallo false sample scandal, which came out, per Eugyppius' point, that it's hard to conceal such things forever).

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I just finished Duesberg's book and also highly recommend it. I feel a little angry with myself for not realizing until now that the medical field has been corrupt for decades. "Inventing the AIDS Virus" conclusively establishes that fact - indeed, the misallocation of societal resources (and needless death) caused by the health care AIDS response was a kind of pilot project for the Covid debacle. Many of the same tricks (eg corrupt drug trials) were employed and some of the same cast of sociopaths - most prominently Fauci - were players in both.

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Oct 17, 2022Liked by eugyppius

Implied but unstated is perhaps the greatest weapon of the deceiver -- omission.

The power to ignore is great and terrible.

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Oct 17, 2022Liked by eugyppius

Great post. Your phrase "obvious stupidity" is right on. Seasoned scientists and physicians have substituted obvious stupidity and political influence for objective evaluation and application of the scientific method. Its really quite shocking to see revered top shelf scientific journals like Lancet and Science (and many others) fall victim to consensus opinion and calling it settled science. Many have lost their way scientifically.

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It is true that not everything is fake. PCR tests can be used to detect viruses and they can detect very small amounts of viruses if you run enough cycles. What is fake are the conclusions that that very real data is used to arrive at. The same is true when it comes to climate "science." I don't doubt that it is possible to drill an ice core and test it for CO2 content, or to date a tree ring. What I doubt are the conclusions that are drawn from that data.

The pandemicists are very much like the climatologists in this sense. They are capable of collecting very broad data from which some very rudimentary conclusions can be drawn. However, they then proceed to declare "we know" very specific conclusions that cannot possibly be drawn from the data to hand. It is the wildly absurd claims to knowledge that I mainly have a problem with. And it is my opinion that it is those absurd claims that have undermined trust in science.

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Oct 17, 2022Liked by eugyppius

And tricks of language.

Example: PCR positive being deemed to be a 'case' and by that wording, identifying a medical problem.

Hundreds of words were weaponised in this way.

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Excellent writing eugyppius, well said.

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Oct 17, 2022Liked by eugyppius

Absolutely on target. Easily my favorite eugyppius article. You have to be not just contrarian, but a true critical thinker to discern who's actually credible. I'd like to think that's how I diverged from the masses regarding Covid during the spring of 2020. And as time has gone on, slowly but surely my sources have been proved right - which comes back to the predictive power of theories that eugyppius is talking about.

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Oct 17, 2022Liked by eugyppius

Excellent, not just because I totally agree, but a great, pointed summary of your case. As someone who works in one of the lower parts of the government borg you describe (acadrmia), I can confirm your accuracy of description of what is going on.

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Oct 17, 2022Liked by eugyppius

As someone who spent the last few years of my medical technologist career in the Covid trenches cranking out a never ending stream of high cycle threshold EUA PCR ‘yes/no’ results to incurious health professionals sans context, I agree whole heartedly to this blog post!

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Oct 17, 2022Liked by eugyppius

"The blunt truth is that Western States are massively powerful, and being stupid and heavy handed is a luxury they can afford." Thank you Prime Minister Trudeau.

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Oct 17, 2022·edited Oct 17, 2022Liked by eugyppius

Wise words again. I like the rational take you have on this (and the fact that it coincides with mine). The big con has been achieved with the compromised leading people in key organisations who were placed there in advance.

In Finland a doctor that sees a natural Vitamin-D3 status in a person will see it as high because their thought processes are subservient to higher authority. They have been conditioned to believe what they were taught, not what they have experienced or learnt.

The truth is that the PCR tests with the correct primers would be a reasonable tool to monitor the prevalence of this current virus, however it is ill suited for determining case counts and if legacy influenza primers were deliberately or hastily used it would have had inflated covid numbers and would explain the depressed influenza numbers. I heard somewhere that the Chinese are major providers of lateral flow home tests and they may also provide or manufacture PCR consumables. If they are party to deliberate fraud we would not hear anything about it now or later, they are much better at destroying notebooks and much worse at freedom of Information requests.

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This is an important point. Our sandcastles of knowledge are built upon original digital viral sequences provided by the same place where the virus emerged from surrounded by a continuing storm of lies; our test kits are from the same place, protective equipment is from the same place... look at the major millions $ in contracts signed between e.g. California and China to provide various pandemic equipment which was later shabby and unusable. We don't know if anything is fake or real without fastidiously testing every aspect of this system. If we couldn't notice that big cans of cat food were poisonous fake meat, how are we going to detect minute molecular issues?

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At the very start of the pandemic when Trump was ready to blame/blockade China in everything covid it became obvious and I think made the mainstream media even that the US military is dependent on the vast majority of their day-to-day and strategic reserve, medical supplies from Chinese sources because it is cheaper. Until that is changed there can be no all-out war against China I suppose. Or alternately is the US military a franchise of China (PTY) Ltd. ?

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Oct 17, 2022·edited Oct 17, 2022Liked by eugyppius

Excellent commentary. You have presented in a clear manner something I have much less articulately attempted to explain to friends since the very beginning of History's Deadliest Pandemic™ of the World's Deadliest Virus™.

Having worked in a federal bureaucracy, I have for years tried to explain to people how these organizations utterly lack the competence to create the kind of sleek, perfectly executed planning/surveillance/tactical scenarios we see in the movies and that they apparently believe are realistic depictions of government agency operations.

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I get your point, and yes, good psy-ops always include reliable information with the false sprinkled in. PCR was the driver of the pandemic, and without it, they could not have sustained the illusion of a dangerous virus covering the globe. Which was patently false. Covered in link below, data Denis Rancourt's been analyzing clearly proves that. So while technically it may produce some 'good' data, in the context in which is was (ab)used, for me, throws the whole thing out. Why would I sift through PCR data to find some 'real' info when its whole purpose was to prop up and justify a crime? That's playing their game - keeping us distracted and in the weeds, while they move forward with next phase.


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well, I've tried to explain why the disease statistics can help us. without them, we wouldn't have been able to show that lockdowns don't work, or that vaccines don't stop transmission. that's actually been crucial to stopping some of the more insane policies, and it's been a big own-goal on the pandemicist side.

I also wouldn't make too much out of PCR. the real problem was the decision to engage in mass testing operations in the first place. whether they used PCR, or antigen tests, or antibody tests, doesn't really matter. they could've (and probably would've) constructed their deceptive narratives with all these methods.

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You make a good point, and I appreciate it. Not looking to argue, it's more a matter of where we place our attention I guess, and that's clearly not my wheelhouse - statistics. I know you and others have done excellent work surfacing the lies using these means. I tend to big picture and so don't always have the patience or see the point in teasing out the stats. Thank you.

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Oct 17, 2022·edited Oct 17, 2022Liked by eugyppius

I agree with your comments here, and I know you wrote your last post in good faith. I've been myself in that position once when I argued that not every result of those assays appear at a high cycle of amplification (even though the core problem is not the amplification cycle or in some instances the lack of internal ''positive'' control, you just can't accurately detect an active infection with the technique, but I digress). I want to give you some minor constructive criticism. Even though you introduced some caveats in your last piece, the title for example lacked nuance given the importance of the matter. Some c19 loyalist could easily read, ''You see? P C R positives have c19, they are finally admitting it!''...which was not the case... Probably something more on the line of ''P C R assays (can) give real results for certain applications'', or ''The usefulness of P C R assays for... '' would have been better... Just some ideas. Thanks for your work.

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