Nov 16, 2021Liked by eugyppius

You smug arrogant cu.....

Let me start over. Dear Frau Betch. I can't help but want to change one letter in your name. You see I'm NOT hesitant. I'm REFUSENIK. You are attempting to take away my right to informed consent which is something I'll defend with all means for without it I will have the same status as livestock which would be a baaaaaaaad idea.

How can I give informed consent when information is being withheld? I can’t and as such I refuse to do so. What information is being withheld? I'm so glad you asked!!

1) The patents have "company proprietary secret sauce ingredients" and the government let them get away with that! This is NOT Kentucy Fried Chicken. This is an IRREVERSIBLE experimental gene therapy injection.

2) The raw data from the “Phase 2 Human Experimental Trials” which completed in October 2020, has not been made publicly available. Pfizer & Moderna have said that they will release it “sometime in 2022”. Talk to me AFTER that.

There is NO NEGOTIATION on this point. You do NOT claim "science" and get to withhold information that they admit exists. NO, NEIN, NYET, NEVER.

Without the raw data we cannot verify their claims for safety & efficacy.

Think about the precedent you are setting. You are letting large corporations with:

1) A blatant financial conflict of interest.

2) A recent history of maiming and killing thousands of the “customers” annually.

3) Decide what information about their “products” I get to see.

And I have to take it for a disease with an IFR of 0.3? ROTFLMAO. No. That is stark raving mad.

Go ahead and give your "uninformed consent" all you want but I refuse to and you coerce me at your own peril.

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Why did you stop the citation of the letter? You were spot on!

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amen! a person who seems to revel in her tactics of ignoring and bypassing the normal, required traits of human decency, empathy and civic honesty that keeps modern societies livable, is opening up a Pandora's box of hell and misery for herself in regular society.

All to impress some useless dorks in the faculty lounge

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Cornelia Betsch anagrams to ''arse bitch clone' so no need to change a letter, just rearrange to make more sense.

She is also 'acorn celeb shit' which is helpful. From little acorns big shits will grow I suppose.

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Nov 16, 2021Liked by eugyppius

Insightful as always -- thank you.

I feel like there is a serious "lag time" at play here -- by the time the government actors get all their power-points together, the situation in the real world has moved on. Because bureaucracies are so slow to get moving, what with the endless meetings and deciding who will be in charge of the meetings, and where the meeting will be, etc. etc., they are trying to enact policies which MIGHT have made some sense 6-9 months ago, but certainty don't now. So the mask mandates come 4 months after the peak cases, the vax mandates come a year late....

The public health experts are now just slow-moving icebergs of destruction, and the rest of us are just praying they eventually melt down before they destroy everything.

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this is really important, and equally important is the fact that government is getting their information from clueless poseurs like Cornelia Betsch, who will be the last person to hear about any new developments.

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Nov 16, 2021Liked by eugyppius

Government officials solicit "expert" advice to confirm decisions they've already made, not to inform or improve their decision making. If she disagreed with their policies, they wouldn't have hired her.

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Nov 16, 2021Liked by eugyppius

Isn't the government known for asking the least of the scientists? Who wants to work for them, is another question to be asked. Government never listens to people who make sense and always goes with the highest price. Stupid upon stupid.

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Mask mandates never accomplished anything at any point in the pandemic, in any place in the world, with any demographic.

We had mask mandates in the US in many places far before peak (and far after, and during).

They, like lockdowns, accomplished absolutely nothing but tremendous damage we continue to endure.

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Not really. It accomplished emasculation of populace and submission of individuals into psychological mass experiments. That's what the test was created for. All else is hogwash. Unfortunately, it worked. Much better than expected by me, that is.

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May be we should turn up the heat.

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not sure if you saw the local health authorities in Melbourne Australia sprinting from a government building while citizens/demonstrators were chasing them down the street.

Just a matter of time before the dim-bulb fraulein in the article has her comeuppance.

Hubris always meets Nemesis.

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Ah yes this is so true, it's like they are acting on information we had back in January 2021. Wonder what the measures will be next winter? Flashing your anti-Covid pill pack to get into a bar?

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Mom, move away from the window.

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Is there a way to block Paula from posting her crap on these websites?

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She'll stop if you get vaccinated.

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She has a not insignificant chance to stop if SHE gets vaccinated.

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And yet, once you start, it seems to be very hard to STOP getting vaccinated! Hey-o!

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Nov 16, 2021Liked by eugyppius

"Among the unvaccinated, those who have had to show proof more often have a slightly higher willingness to accept vaccination." I get angry at the absurdity and totalitarianism and it makes me more resolute to not comply. I also will verbally accost the person asking to make their compliance as a tool for their handlers painful for them.

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That actually works. I know quite a few people in their 20-40s that say they got vaxxed because they got tired of needing a test to go to restaurants. Even when the tests were free. Of course, maybe the real reason was something else like family pressure (which is probably more difficult to admit to).

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Well, of course it works. Why wouldn't it? The basic principle of creating compliance is to keep increasing the costs of non-compliance until they are so wildly out of alignment with the perceived benefits, that everyone complies.

Nobody has a really good understanding of vaccine safety or effectiveness, most obviously governments and academics. But this also cuts both ways: maybe you were genuinely hesitant at first, and then your friends didn't all drop dead immediately, and it becomes clear that governments aren't going to get tired or enforcing this stupidity, so eventually it wears you down. It's not different to being repeatedly fined.

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Amen! It's not just about me it's about the world my children will grow up in. If I capitulate, what will be done to them?

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Indeed. Not only do you spare your children from the chemical. You also prove you can stand your own against government pressure. Stand tall for them.

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'Mandatory counselling'! Looking forward to that one ;-) I'll be sitting there with my pile of academic papers and Hannah Arendt books...

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yeah they'd be well advised not to go that route.

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I am not so sure: I discussed the issue with mask mandates in the living room of a friend where he argued we have to obey because it is the law, while literally behind him was a poster of a Hannah Arendt exhibition he went to with "Nobody has the right to obey" (Kein Mensch hat das Recht zu gehorchen).

It is very sad to see how your lifelong friends reveal themselves, and are not even aware of it. Especially sad here in Germany.

It ain't fascism as long as they don't have funny mustaches, I guess.

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You think you know your longtime friends until something unexpected happens. Painful to realize how wrong we were

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Sorry to hear that A.S.

It is sad and surreal to have them revealed like that - BUT, look at how many new friends you now have from across many different political/lifestyle/belief system perspectives who are your true brothers and sisters from another mother!

Would always rather have an open enemy than a false friend - any day, any time.

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TBH, I deplore more the stupidity and willfull ignorance. I think most people are well meaning, but they have been set in panic mode now for almost two years.

Also, don't forget: we have an education system that makes people believe in the state. That starts from kindergarten and goes to the end of university. Afterwards few people are reflective enough to consider that the state may not be benign and caring. The fact that hundred of millions of people were killed by their own state in the last century does not enter their mind; it is all personalized as The Nazis. Doesn't matter that it happened in many other countries as well.

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agree completely.

reviewing the Milgram study again this weekend, and shocking to see that ~66% of people will defer to an 'authority' in harming another, even if they feel it's wrong, they'll do it.

Whereas a resolute 33% were clearly in the f*ck off, have a nice day camp!


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This man is not your friend.

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Childrens - I also indulged in a fantasy about wearing an entire outfit for covid info and bringing a sign a bullhorn to the waiting room for my "mandatory counseling"

And passing out flyers.

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Flyers are a very good idea. Anyone with access to a printer should be printiing them out in large numbers, pasting them up in high-visibility places, leaving them in buses, trains, cafes, shopping centres, everywhere.

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Resist fascists like this piece of garbage at every turn, at every opportunity, at all times, without exception or regret.

Yes, you have to endure discomfort and inconvenience to fight tyranny. No, there is no way to fight tyranny while complying with it.

No, the tyranny will not go away if enough people comply.

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Well said! And I am totally on board with (and have been) resisting and enduring discomfort and inconvenience. Compliance with this level of tyranny is death. Period.

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become ungovernable at all times, put sand in all gears, ask lots of questions, rock your mini Socrates, grind them down, keep it fun and never let them throw you off your frame of reference and your state of mind.

We win, they lose, because we'll never quit and we'll never comply - it's what winners have always done.

They are losers, so they are already there.

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Nov 16, 2021Liked by eugyppius

Who is really in the wrong here - psychopaths such as Ms. Cornelia, or the majority of the population who support these measures?

Perhaps, we really are just f-ing stupid

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"Of all these, the Belgae are the bravest, because they are farthest from the civilization and refinement of [our] Province, and merchants least frequently resort to them and import those things which tend to effeminate the mind;"

Julius Caesar: Gallic War

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I have studied for too long this period of history, and the writings of Julius Caesar, so let me put this in context.

The brave Julius was desperately searching for glory when he wrote this. So he depicted the belgians as the most fierce tribes not so much because they actually were, but because he wanted to shine as being the one who defeated such a strong, invincible tribe.

Also note that the belgian tribe extended from roughly current Belgium to Koblenz, the Rhine and the Moselle rivers being the natural border on the east of the belgian territory.

Needless to say, we desperately need these old belgians back to fight against the Rome.

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Desperately looking for Belgians, yes, who want to resist. But 29 of the 30 biggest pharmaceutical companies have some sort of headquarters in Belgium. Pharmaceutical products make up 10% of exports. Do not expect any help from the authorities.

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It is actually scary to think this type of stuff does have an influence on the German government. We can debate whether rightfully or not, but Germany has gained an aura of competence that glows over several European countries like Italy or Spain. Germany doing crazy, random, stuff is a great cover for politicians of those countries to just do the same: "see, Mercedes are great cars, Gaggenau are great kitchens, their Corona politics gotta be the right ones".

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...and in turn we have the same complex, but for policies promoted by Anglosphere governments/scientists. it is so ridiculous.

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Governments join mobs, too. We've long understood that aspect of human behavior (LeBon, "The Crowd," 1895), but never seen interested in doing anything about it.

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You may rest assured that it has no influence whatsoever. Just smoke and mirrors for Joe Soap and family. The script is being re-written elsewhere, likely in an Ogilvy office.

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Nov 16, 2021Liked by eugyppius

In the 1950s, a sociologist called Alfred Biderman studied the methods used in the Korean War to torture American prisoners of war. He developed what is called the Biderman's Chart of Coercion, which lists 8 main methods to psychologically break or brainwash individuals. These methods are also, in my opinion, are being intentionally used by governments during this pandemic.

There are obvious methods such as "Isolation" (which deprive the victim of all social support

and thus their ability to resist, plus it promotes the development of an intense concern with self). Then there is "Forcing trivial demands" by the the enforcement of ‘rules’ (which helps develop habit of compliance.) And also "Occasional indulgences" through occasional favors and promises (which creates positive motivation for compliance and hinders adjustment to deprivation)...

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After reading this comment, maybe have to retract my comment that Cornelius doesn't understand humans. Shoot.

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The only humans she understands are the automotons she seeks to create.

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It's likely Betch has studied Biderman.

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Indeed! And Double Bind.

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Nov 16, 2021Liked by eugyppius

Former leader of Die Linke, Wagenknecht, who is unvaccinated is a hero to the right and left says Der Spiegel Magazine. Dog whistle. Only communists and Nazis are not vaccinated. That’s what they’re saying. There can be no other reason than being a political extremist.

I have begun to favour cult over conspiracy in search of explaining the inexplicable

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Wagenknecht has been fantastic on this.

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Socialism is a cult of violence (ie the nothion that violence properly exerted can achieve heaven on earth)

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Harry - the end justifies the means

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It's unbelievable how much time, effort, and money is going into pushing these dangerous vaxxines on the (mostly unsuspecting) public. Unfortunately, every country has these exploitative opportunists who see personal opportunity (reputation, money, government connections) in times of "crisis." This class of people are a rot on humanity.

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The unarmed man is not just defenseless - he is also contemptible.

Niccolo Machiavelli

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This Dr. Bitsch says the unvaxxed have "....less insight into how it benefits others." That is probably very careful language in German, as it translates as being multiple-meaning. "Less insight" can mean basically whatever she wants it to mean: "they don't know," "they don't care," "they are not equipped to know or care," "they are unreceptive to government messaging," and so on. Apparently she is not a very good pollster because not once did she ask the 80s-punker oppositional-defiant people I know who are outright hostile to the concept of enforced vaxx, and she never went back to ask how many vaxx-damaged did grudgingly vaxx under pressure, and how many regret it today, how many vaxxed now think it is Kabuki theatre, an inconvenient imposition, etc. The Left never thought that when they pressure-cooked Western society into being an amorphous blob of Godless atomized cosmopolitans that the need would ever arise to corral us into thinking and behaving according to their whim. This is the fundamental mistake of all authoritarians. One day soon they will go a bridge too far. May Providence hasten arrival of that day.

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Nov 16, 2021Liked by eugyppius

And of polls. I think polls are completely useless. Usually they only ask a few thousand people, and they can call until they have the desired agreeing people. After all no one checks a poll. Imagine checking with that little people and then generalizing for the German population (70 million or so?)

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Yes they always get two-thirds agreeing to whatever measure the government is trying to implement. It’s laughable.

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Polling explained in the 1980s and still the same: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nK9djGplznk

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Nov 16, 2021Liked by eugyppius

"an amorphous blob of Godless, atomized cosmopolitians" a better way of describing University Indoctrinated NPC's. Can I use that?

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You are *obligated* to use that coinage without attribution.

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It is not propaganda’s task to be intelligent, its task is to lead to success.

Joseph Goebbels

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Nov 16, 2021Liked by eugyppius

Eugyppius, it's not nice to pick on retarded people.

"Hesitancy" is such a classic example of a word that was chosen from some diabolical CIA meeting. I'm not vaccine hesitant in the least any more than I'm gouge hesitant to gouge my eyeballs out.

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OMG, you made me laugh, so spot on!: “I’m not vaccine hesitant in the least any more than I’m gouge hesitant to gouge my eyeballs out.”

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Nov 16, 2021Liked by eugyppius

I have just read that Drosten is putting Spain as an example. He says the pandemic will be over here in Spring.

Here the vaccination rate is super high. I bet that people would order vaccine for dessert if they were available in restaurants, unfortunately they are not, yet...

Anyway, the weather in Spain (at least Madrid) is being extremely good. No clouds at this moment and the sun is quite strong yet (that surprises me, but it is another story).

Additionally, I guess that vaccination in Germany happend before in Spain. Hence, we are still in that period of time when the vaccines due something besides killing people (Alex Berenson calls it something like the post-vaccination valley of happiness).

Let us see what happens in a couple of months. But I have thhe following thoughts:

- Vaccines are going to lose their effect. It happens everywhere.

- Drosten must know all the data I have explained. If he does not, he is stupid.

- Nevertheless, he says that thing. Disgusting. The goal is to lure people into the vax.

And one question:

Do not regular people see how their family and friends get the virus even if they are vaccinated? I have a German friend. Told me that 3 friends of them got the virus. The 3 were fully vaccinated...

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Nov 16, 2021Liked by eugyppius

Often it is the most fanatically "careful" who wind up getting covid. I try to keep my schadenfreude in check

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I have the same impression, but I think that there is some psychology involved. When someone super careful gets it, it is more impressive. Also, they keep saying "I have been very careful...". Other people just get it and continue their life.

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Nov 16, 2021Liked by eugyppius

That situation results in serious cognitive dissonance that must be sublimated...

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Breakthrough cases are not the exception I read, they are the rule. They also seem to get sicker now that the shots have lost all benefits. If they ever had one.

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Yes, they see there friends getting Covid, but unless they die from it, they say that without the vaxx it would be much, much worse.

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So stupid. They never lose. The same happens with global warming:

- It does not snow as it used to, due to global warming.

- If it snows a lot (like supposedly in the old days) is also due to global warming.

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Shasta - the fully vaxxed assume their covid experience is "easier" than it would have been unvaxxed.

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I know. I have read "she died, but everything would have been much worse had she been not-vaxxed".

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Hasn't Madrid been pretty much open since the first lockdown in Spring 2020? Aside from masks, that is. I was told that the mayor of Madrid ran on a platform called "Freedom" and built a couple of hospitals instead of closing schools for over a year and doing two major, months long lockdowns like in Germany. And all the Spanish young people had corona in Summer 2021 (and nothing much happened). In Germany, they are currently doing everything in their power to prevent any child from getting corona.

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Yes, you're mostly right. Madrid has been good, and still is. It was not the mayor, it was the President (something like the Governor in the US). She:

- Tried to open the region as soon as possible. It was the central government that impose the lockdown.

- Built one hospital for pandemics in record time.

- Kept bars and restaurants open as much as she could.

- She used the word Freedom as a motto, just a motto.

- And more


- Children are masked in schools, even during recess time. Child abuse in my opinion.

- She loves the vaxx.

- Her government keeps praising the vaxx.

- Some public hospitals in the region require you to be vaxxed in order to be with your ill family member.

- Everything goes in the direction of Germany/Austria. Not in the direction of FLorida or Sweden.

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Nov 16, 2021Liked by eugyppius

It’s clear that elitist intellects should no longer have the keys to castle. Pride and ignorance make a deadly combination.

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Nov 16, 2021Liked by eugyppius

If only scientists, academics, journalists, and politicians were putting as much energy into ensuring vaccine safety as they are fighting "hesitancy". In the case of a safe and effective vaccine, wouldn't the former reduce the latter?

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The safest and most effective vax for this virus is good health. That's why most people are unaffected, or mildly affected. Another good vaccine would be math education. Those who worry about covid don't seem to understand risk management.

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“2/3 to 3/4 of respondents are in favour of vaccine mandates for certain professions. Stave off possible anger about this among those affected (outreach with information, offers of vaccination), but also take care to explain to the population why it’s necessary.”

“Important: Intercept adverse psychological reactions (anger and reactions of defiance) with methods of communication.”

Did anyone else feel their fists clench and their blood start to boil as they read these? I can't describe the level of intensity of "anger and reactions of defiance" that flashed through me for just that split second.

Is it just me, or is there a nontrivial fraction of the human race that is reflexively allergic to authoritarianism?

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Every human has that allergy. Some choose to suppress it with the medication of religious orthodoxy.

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