But, but, but... nothing new. Mask wearing has been tried against pollen in the past. It doesn’t work. Hay fever is a systemic immune over-reaction to a foreign protein. I suppose too much to expect a ‘health’ expert’ to know that. First reason it doesn’t work, the mask doesn’t cover the eyes where the pollen lands causing the hyper-immune response. It doesn’t have to get up your nose. In the same way, people with severe peanut allergies don’t actually have to eat the peanut, airborne proteins released from the surface of the peanut, or skin contact can trigger the hyper-response. And of course the masks are not airtight so pollen will be drawn in around the sides and, er... through the mask which does not have a sufficiently tight enough weave to stop it. And... it’s quite a list... masks get moist with expelled water droplets after 10 to 15 minutes, so a hygroscopic gradient moves small particulates across the mask fabric, touching the mask - skin oils render them useless.

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all of this, also the pollen particles are everywhere, including indoors. you can take antihistamines or deal with it, basically.

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Actually used to take antihistamines daily. Now I use a saline nasal spray and clean my nose daily instead. Itchy eyes, dry cough and blocked sinuses gone. Antihistamines just mask the issue, not solve it.

Once you realise the pharmaceutical companies just lie, you look for other solutions.

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Sounds perfect for me.

Any recommendations as to a brand??

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I make my own. I have also started very low iodine solution. I don’t recall which Frontline Doctor posted that. I gad a chronic sinus issue that appears to be resolving.

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Is that iodine sprayed up the nose?

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TBH I just get whichever is cheapest. Currently using Flo.

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Can't thank you enough for putting me on to this. Gone from literally 100% blocked nose 24/7, sneezing and eyes streaming to normality.


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Same for me.

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May provide relief to some. I've used a neti pot for many years. Added Xlear or other non-drug nasal spray as needed. But as I mention elsewhere, I've been hard hit in recent days (mid-Florida) by something, probably tree pollen by the pollen report. There should be nothing wrong with using nasal rinses etc. but drugs have their place for some. It's true that antihistamines block the problem, but that's just the point: Susceptible pateints are going to react to allergins. Preventing expose to the irritant is rarely feasible. Thus the best option may be to suppress (temporarily, hopefully) the symptoms. In my own case, I will use over the counter products as needed. If the problem remains debilitating, I will return to my Rx product and/or seek professional help.

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nope. you can shake the wrong tree in spring and immediately get a heavy dose, a much higher concentration than what's in the air generally, and if you're allergic you'll immediately know it.

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Solution: Don't jostle the trees.

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What if the wind jostles the trees?

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Sounds more like a mandate!

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This, or, as I was only being partly facetious in my other post- find the most offensive pollen tree in your yard and plant the female version . Urban planners really did plant too many male wind pollen variety trees- not because they are sexist, but literally because they are dumb/lazy/city employees and didn’t think of the consequences (recurring theme). They didn’t want the trees to bear fruit, which would be messy to clean up. They were correct on that front, but they didn’t think of the vast amounts of pollen that would go airborne. If you plant the female version of the most offensive one it traps a lot of the pollen and could help alleviate symptoms. The basis of this theory was actually brought up in 2006 by a man called Ogden who was trying to alleviate the allergy symptoms his wife was suffering so badly with.

I just moved to another state and I was mopping my back porch to get rid of some of the pollen- it was crazy how much there was.

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Apr 22, 2023·edited Apr 22, 2023

Unbelievable! It's, like, the year 2023, and here you are cis-splaining that this tree is a boy, this tree is a girl, pollen, fruit, bla bla bla.

Sех was just the decision of some fаsсist doctor made back in patriarchal times whenever a clump of cells came out and turned into a baby human, a baby tree or whatever. Everyone knows that today - except you apparently.

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Has anyone ever tried vitamin D supplimentation? I went through a brief period in my late teens where I seemed to get hay fever. Coincided with spending a lot of time playing computer games.

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Dust the windowsills and the screens.

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Agreed. My allergies have progressively improved since I stopped poisoning myself with jabs 10+ years ago. Also, stopped taking allergy meds and started eating local honey with further improvement.

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You know, local honey works for many people.

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My Honey is from a far away country and I will not let her work for many people ,only for me .

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Heehee that is perfectly within your prerogative ;)

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Unfiltered. Pollen comb if you can get it.

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Bee pollen helps me

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I buy that at our farmstand beginning of spring. Sprinkle it on my ouatmeal. 👍

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Apr 17, 2023Liked by eugyppius

The Japanese wear masks for pollen. They also take antibiotics for colds. And they also believe that the standard convenience store masks are 99.9% effective against viruses because it's written on the package. My Japanese teacher wore a mask on her chin for weeks on end. Finally, I asked why she was wearing one; I thought she might have been ill. She told me it was for pollen when she went outside.........

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Apr 18, 2023Liked by eugyppius

Masks are for pussy's and/or narcissistic.

Treat maskers like aliens.

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I propose masks be renamed "facehuggers".

Nuke the site from orbit. It's the only way to be sure.

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This is the audience you seem to be aiming for; the low ratio of fact to opinion and the snarky tone serve an unhealthy populism and there’s too much of that at play over on the bird site and throughout social media. Anybody can write disgruntled opinion. It’s not something I am interested in paying for.

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What are you talking about?

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They do work. I've found the Honeywell DC300N95 quite efficacious. Wear goggles if your eyes are bothered. Still unhappy the adjuvants in all those childhood jabs likely induced the allergies.

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Apr 17, 2023·edited Apr 18, 2023

yes they did! And I really hope ppl wake up to the idea that if they have caused the now published 1 in 34 children who're on the autism spectrum, what do you think the're willing to do to EVERYONE else with worthless death inducing jabb chemicals. you're no better than livestock. We the PPL need advocates, what we have in lobbyists I believe are satanic minions looking out only for their rich bonuses, false lives, woke corporations and govt solicited ABC collusion. Go woke go broke might just might get some traction after the budweiser bs.

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The real solution to all the whyrusses and pollen that make us sick is to stop breathing .Most of us don't want to do that ,so the government and BIG pharma steps in to stop our dangerous breathing by killing us .

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in at least some applications (e.g. biking downhill especially) they do help. It's absolutely a matter of dose where pollen (and other allergens) is concerned because they don't reproduce.

peanuts in air == contact/inbibe dude lol that's garbage

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Apr 17, 2023Liked by eugyppius

Masks impede breathing too much to be practical when working hard such as pedaling uphill.

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The solution is a motor bike ,electric of course .

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But not biking uphill or on the flat?

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the mask itself is much more oppressive uphill, and the wind much less so the benefit less also. My commute is all down one way (and all up the other) so I don't have much opinion on flat,though I suspect it's closer to downhill than up

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The mysterious "N" prefix to "95" masks means "non-oil absorbing."

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Apr 17, 2023Liked by eugyppius

Just when you think things couldn’t possibly get any more stupid ....

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Apr 17, 2023Liked by eugyppius

How did any of these dopes get in charge???? The mind boggles

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t has been said ,that scam always floats to the top ,as in politics and in the corrupt big pharma cabal .

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Apr 17, 2023Liked by eugyppius

Yes, by all means save yourself from the sneeze in favor of headaches, brain fog, rebreathing spent CO2 & bacteria into your lungs & having sweat, secretions & snot from all that hay fever plastered to your face. Win-Win!!!!

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You will sneeze anyway. Masks don't work for polen allergies either.

Then, you must blow your nose with the mask on. As I said, in this case the ineffectiveness will be obvious. You cannot feel when you snort a virus, that is why you can be fooled. But you can definetely feel when you keep sneezing.

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Once the elite wins the war on global warming ,by removing all traces of carbon ,from earth ,the planet will not have pesky vegetation ,that is producing pollen .A landscape like the one on the moon or mars is the goal .

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Yep, that’s what I said, snot from all that hay fever you’re “protecting” yourself from w/ a disgusting filthy mask 😂

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You can blow your nose easily with the mask. No more tissues!

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shasta ,then the mask is transformed to a snot pouch .I never speak to snot pouch wearers ,the extra pressure may burst the pouch ,when he answers ,spilling snot all over me .

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Wiping the butt with the mask does not work very well ,I tried it already .Even for a task so simple they are useless .

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I thought that’s what they were for! And wiping your butt

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"love all that snot on the face"

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Give me more baby!

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Doch. Try the Honeywell DC300N95.

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I don't know if the gas masks ,that where used in the first World war ,worked ,because I was born shortly after .If there are still any First World war heroes alive they would know ,if they where effective or not .If they worked why not bring them back and make every one wear one .It could also work for hubbies in the bedroom if the honey lets gas go .

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I don't know about Great War gas masks, but the more recent models with coconut shell charcoal work; for volatiles, not fine dusts. (Warning!) One can't smell banana oil (amyl acetate) when wearing a properly fitted mask. However, low molecular weight hydrogen cyanide or cyanogen chloride can quickly overwhelm their adsorption capacity.

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I did a quick Google and at least in favor of masks: unlike a virus, an average pollen is about about 25 microns in size. More relevant, the pore size of masks is somewhat smaller than that. Therefore, one would expect even a cheap mask will filter out most of the pollen. The usual disclaimers about mask disadvantages still apply.

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Carry spares. Replace when they get wet. Jeff Rense notwithstanding, rarely necessary to wear them indoors such as in stores. (Congregations of the jabbed are an exception. Eat Japanese style at parties - momentarily lift mask for each bite.) Wash or replace when they get soiled. Breathe deeply to avoid CO2 buildup.

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Bill Gates invented snot pouches for cows .They may also work for the cow boys .

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🤷‍♀️ we all have the bodily autonomy right to breathe freely.

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Apr 17, 2023Liked by eugyppius

As any guy with an allergies could tell you… beards make them worse. The allergens stick to the facial hair.

How is a mask different?

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and hair. If you have hair on your head or legs or arms, those collect pollen too.

Should we stop saving water and shower frequently?

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Obviously, a full-body mask is the correct solution.

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And a politician has a friend who can import them from China....and make a huge profit. Especially if he can get the wearing of gimp suits made mandatory!

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If full body masks are available on Amazon I will pick the Gorilla full body mask .

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Or eyebrows or eyelashes.

And yes. Take a shower.

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I save a lot of water by sticking to red wine .

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Its a catch-22. Warm water opens the pores and might allow the allergens into your skin/cause itchiness or rashing. But if you are going to shower in cold water after going outside....maybe?

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Showering cold saves natural gas, the German government would love it if we took only cold showers.

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... thus contributing to an even lower birth rate!

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"Shrinkage! Again! Tell them Jerry!"

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Cynthia ,do hot showers produce babies .?

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Beards keep masks from fitting.

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So if you have a beard ,you must get your snot pouch tailor made .

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Bryan ,you are right ,that's why I never saw Santa Clause with a mask on .I did not see Santa for three years because of the six feet distance ,and I missed him soooo much .

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But wouldn't your beard then be beneficial? Keep some (admittedly not much) pollen from entering your nose and lungs without restricting breathing.

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I read in the daily news ,that beards can harbor Lice ,.because of all the pollen in it for their food .

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There's DumbF'ckery and then there's health expert DumbF'ckery.

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You know, I always thought that Clown World would at the very least be somewhat entertaining.

Instead, it's exhausting and it makes me angry.

My guess is that the informed are angry, and the rest are scared.

Is the goal to give EVERYONE a stress related heart attack? Because that's what it seems like.

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Take the stress out of your life. Whatever they say, do the opposite.

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But just looking at the many retards running around masked ,ties my guts up in knots .

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Pray...it WORKS! And I go to nature for relief from pure insanity.

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Stress is now my constant companion ,because the insanity is now permanent for many low ,low I. Q .People .Making goofy comments here releases some of the stress and frustration .Besides that I realize we are facing extremely serious issues ,in regard of what is still coming at us .

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The latter being the totally undiluted, unadulterated kind. Apparently it's highly contagious... but only among the political classes.

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This is really a Babylon Bee parody posing as a Nuremberg Health Department statement, right?

Nuremberg, really? Source of the Nuremberg Code?

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I tried to think of some kind of pun about Nuremberg 2.0 for the headline but I couldn't make it work.

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On a related note: I am fascinated by the phenomenon of “medical ethicists” who are staunchly {pro-COVID-19 novel injectables}, with some even arguing for mandates.

Somehow I think these practitioners of medical ethics must’ve taken a spring break when the curriculum covered medical experimentation and informed consent, of which the Nuremberg Trials were arguably the most important exhibit of the 20th Century.

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deletedApr 17, 2023Liked by eugyppius
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Haven’t seen it yet. Thank you for the tip.

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watch the original. the new one is loaded with PC crap.

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When you don't want to go "full exit" velocity" with Zyklon B...

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Ha! Exactly what I thought

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Apr 17, 2023Liked by eugyppius

Masking is just cult behavior at this point,I saw 2 supposedly adult Boomer men ,one black and one white pass each other at the door of a restaurant I was in.They acknowledged each other’s existence similar to how military people greet each other.This was a few days ago,I still see random masked people were I live.

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No doubt those 2 viewed themselves as the enlightened few, the morally superior.

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Good point. I’d like a T-shirt, “Masking is a cult”.

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My buddy sent me a t-shirt that says: UNMASKED, UNMUZZLED, UNVACCINATED, UNAFRAID...trigger alert!🤯

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Apr 17, 2023·edited Apr 17, 2023Liked by eugyppius

Oh I do not think so.

Seriously, inhaling pollen is a bummer but it is part of being alive.

Next thing these nut cases will believe we should live in our own plastic bubble.

Do they know pollen enters the body through the eyes?

I guess goggles will be up next as well

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I seem to be one of the rare people who has no problem with pollen .

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Oh for the love of God.

I voluntarily wear a mask when I am working around wood dust, fiberglass, and carbon fiber. Because it would be a terrible idea to ingest too many particles into my lungs because you never get rid of them, your exposure is cumulative, and after decades you may develop COPD. And I take the mask off as soon as I can because it is quite obvious that breathing through a mask is also terrible even in the short term -- just less terrible than signing up for pulmonary fibrosis.

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Wearing a mask for the purpose you describe makes sense .Wearing one for warding off the flu is plain silly .

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Apr 17, 2023·edited Apr 17, 2023Liked by eugyppius

A personal silver lining of the pandemic for me is that taking Quercetin as a "prophylactic" for Covid-19 resulted in significantly reduced need to take antihistamines for seasonal allergies. Even the "non-drowsy" antihistamines seem to slow my brain down, and there's not enough speed as it is! Not so with Quercetin. If you try Quercetin for seasonal allergies, just don't double up with antihistamines.

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I have had unpleasant experiences with antihistamines. Quercetin sounds like a better choice. Thanks for the tip!

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Apr 17, 2023·edited Apr 17, 2023

Here is brief discussion of using Quercetin for seasonal allergies. (So it's not just me).


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Thank you! I bought Quercetin as a “just in case” item when I heard it might be taken off the market by our friends at the FDA. Now I know what to use it for.

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It was one of the supplements that Dr. Zelenko recommended.


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I noticed that my allergies lessened with taking Quercetin.

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I take it everyday!

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Apr 17, 2023Liked by eugyppius

I think it’s botanical sexism. The city planners are planting too many male trees, leading to a lot more pollen competing for less female trees. So lack of diversity is at play and blatant sexism. They won’t see the irony in that, because maybe some of the trees are trans.

The idea of the masks is moronic. Almost like Self-inflicted legionnaires disease with constant use of them.

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On visits to Europe I noticed many female tree species ,bearing fruit ,even in populated areas ,unlike in Canada .It would be so nice to have fruit bearing trees mixed in with barren trees ,along road ways .

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Apr 17, 2023·edited Apr 17, 2023

Especially male mulberry trees. (Perhaps male ash trees, too. They don't bother me, but a friend has been allergic to them since he was conned into getting a flu shot.) Cut them down! Anyone planting more than about 1 every half kilometer or so (where female mulberry trees are extant) is malicious.

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Apr 17, 2023·edited Apr 17, 2023Liked by eugyppius

That's sly of them. This way, they connotate masks with climate change and wearing them reminds the other people not any more for the time being of their ideological goal which is a deadly-pathogen-legitimized dictatorship, but for now, of their ideological goal which is a climate-legitimized dictatorship. The common denominator being a collectivist-fetish dictatorship. Totalitarian cross-marketing.

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Apr 17, 2023Liked by eugyppius

Will interesting to see the compliance rate. It should be 0% plus a double shot of the middle finger.

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Apr 17, 2023Liked by eugyppius

Almost nobody wears masks any more in Germany. Good.

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went to a physical therapy place today. nearly all staff wore masks and half those getting treatment were as well, while they were exercising...

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deletedApr 18, 2023·edited Apr 18, 2023
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Yes Gary I see it like you .Masking is practiced by about 40% of people at large .In establishments that contain officials or servers of any kind the wearing is close to 100% ,Also the plexi glass walls are up anyplace where interaction with server and customer takes place .I speak about Canada .

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There is one public health advisement I think we all should follow: Don't listen to anything public health officials say! Except for "Wolf!"

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Or “we’re sorry“ right before heads roll.

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Let's block the filter of the body our lungs, so that they can filter out allergens and toxins more efficiently by breathing in nanoparticles. Logically insane. Or it is insane logic? Insane.

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I'm used to some cr*p from the current crop of overwrought, overeducated Germans, but this takes the biscuit. Stupider than homeopathy!

(My mum made my dad undergo homeopathy treatment for his hayfever which for reasons dark and mysterious is super popular in Germany. He is not a believer but did it to have her off his back. Combined with his nettle tea 'Kur' it did alleviated his symptoms, as my mum triumphantly announced on one of my visits as we were discussing her illogicalq belief in homeopathy.

"It really helped your dad though. Didn't it really help you, Günter?"

To which he promptly replied:

"It actually did help, although my periods stopped.")

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Golden Temple Kleiner-Kur-Tee 15Btl with licorice, dandelion, and cinnamon? Guess I'll go dig up some dandelions!

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