A small study of breakthrough infections provides further evidence that Omicron likely benefits from immune imprinting, or Original Antigenic Sin, in the vaccinated.
It's very simple. More jabs, more variants, more disease and impaired immunity in the jabbed. You can't jab your way out of a pandemic but tell that to the jab cult.
And haven’t they changed the definition of vaccine from something that stimulates the immune system to produce immunity against a disease to… stimulates the immune system to produce a response against duseases. So now anything us a vaccine… good diet, plenty of exercise, vitamin D, etc.
I think this entire manufactured catastrophe has made many people rethink the need for vaccines in general.
Do children need all the shots they get? Candace Owens did a deep dive into the data which indicates the death rates for most all of the illnesses against which children are vaccinated are so low as to be akin to the death rates for children from/with ‘Covid.’
I’d post link but can’t. Can be found under ‘Candace Owens exposes CDC about rubella virus.’
Overlooked in the rush to praise vaccination for reduction of childhood diseases, is the part played by better hygiene, sanitation and nutrition and medical care. The high mortality rates for measles, for example, come from former times when the aforementioned factors were poor. Polio is a virus which breeds in the gut - where it is harmless unless it transits the gut wall and becomes system invading muscle tissue - and it is spread in fæces. Personal hygiene and sanitation play an important part therefore in its transmission. Now without any evidence I wonder if the increase in allergic reactions, particularly to foodstuffs which I never saw as a child, is just a coincidence with vaccinating most of the population in childhood?
According to the RFK book yes very likely, the rate of childhood autoimmune issues, allergies, and chronic illness has risen from 12.8% to 54% over the last few decades.
You should pick up a copy of Bobby Kennedy’s book. He exposes FrankenFauci and Bill Hates. There’s no lawsuits over the book the Real Anthony Fauci, so what’s FrankenFauci waiting for? Oh wait, you can’t sue people over the truth.
And more lost liberties. People really, really, really, really, really need to wake up. The ones who got bamboozled need to accept it and join the fight against irrationalism.
Brilliant: "Your immune system isn’t going to invest heavily in fighting minor threats, and in this it much wiser than our governments and public health establishments."
Apparently the virus is also wiser than government and medical industry.
Minor criticism: calling the medical industry "public health" is incorrect. They're uninterested in our health, only our sickness.
The virus has no wisdom. It is just a mechanism that follows the laws of natural selection. The government has no wisdom either. Officials are just driven by fear, groupthink and the pursuit of power.
I assume you're trying to draw a distinction between bureaucrats and viruses. The best I can think of is bureaucrats are usually taller, though fauch is close.
Agree and amplify a core take-away for me: "It is hard to imagine a worse strategy than universal vaccination against a single, obsolete virus protein." Hear. HEAR!
Great article. I am very sorry for the vaccinated people. Not everyone is a "covid researcher" and people were scammed into taking a "vaccine" that is actually an "anti-vaccine". Instead of "immunity", the vaccinated got "anti-immunity".
Another, very important, evidence of OAS is contained in the UKHSA reports. OAS and repeat reinfections is my favorite topic and I wrote an article about that yesterday:
The short of it is that vaccinated people fail to produce N antibodies after "breakthrough infection", thus simply increasing quantity of worthless S-antibodies against two year old Wuhan strain.
Thus, no multi-antigen immunity for the vaxxed.
This means that they will be reinfected endlessly with Ba1, Ba2, or whatever next mutation will be.
The Berkeley article, albeit very interesting, has results that are fully explainable by this OAS, which totally misses the point of what natural immunity is. Thank you for bringing it up and criticizing it.
Thanks. In all these discussions I am missing how getting the vaccine would be worse that getting infected by the original strain - wouldn’t they both result in original sin?
The mRNA vaccines cause your body to manufacture the spike protein of the original covid strain, so the antibodies your immune system generates only recognize that (now obsolete) protein. The spike protein is only one small part of a virion, so if later strains have a spike protein that is significantly mutated, vaccine-induced antibodies don’t recognize it. This appears to be the case with omicron, which is why double-vaxxed and boosted people are being infected in such large numbers.
On the other hand, if you were infected by the original strain (or any subsequent strains), you generated antibodies that recognize the whole virus, not just the spike protein, and those antibodies will identify and neutralize mutated versions (up to a point, at least; I don’t know if it’s possible to say, for instance, what percentage of the virus can mutate and still be within the bounds of what naturally-generated antibodies will recognize).
I’m self-educated in the high-level concepts in this area, but that’s as
deep as my understanding goes, so if I’m getting any of the above wrong, I hope someone with appropriate expertise will correct me.
Covid is your basic cold and flu and has been with humans for thousands and thousands of years. The NWO reaction to C19 was planned to destroy Democracy and capitalism. Job well done.
Family member. Early 30's excellent physical health got J&J in November due to mandate bs. The next month they rescinded the order. He got really sick post "vax" and then still got the rona the right before New Years. What kind of crap is that? ~ 5 weeks post vax and ZERO efficacy.
He may have gotten omicron, which has a highly mutated spike protein, pretty different from the spike protein in the vaccines. They're vaccinating people against version of the disease that isn't even around anymore to speak of.
I agree, but my point is that it's total BS. Forgot to mention that he was sick as a dog the 2nd time as well (1st being jab induced). My teenage daughter got sick as the same time and not being gmo jabbed only had a 36 hour event with mild fever and mild aches/pains. So yes, the jab is a joke. (but don't tell Lord Fauxi)
Anecdotally, my brother and his family and his in laws are all fully vaccinated. They have all also had Covid after having had the shots, and now some of them has Covid again. The same goes for my wife's parents. They had the two shots, got Covid, had the booster and has now gotten Covid again.
Seems the shots ensure you can get Covid multiple times. Just like the flu shots.
Same here. My brother got the J&J and its booster. Got covid twice since then and is now on his third cold in the last two months. I am a unvaxxed leper, got a cold in November (never tested for Covid because I don't care) and now I'm good to go until the next cold next year most likely. Humans normally catch colds once or maybe twice a year not three times in two months.
How long can they keep up their devotion? Won't it, too, wane after some time, only to be replaced with fanatical attachments to quinoa and the latest gender craze? Perhaps not.
This craze, like others you mentioned, gives their lives meaning, and grants them agreeing of control over their world. They will not let this go, and will continue their crusade until something better comes along.
I stopped making any predictions a few months ago. Even privately to myself. I really hope that the insane will get tired of this. I won't predict that they will or count on it.
As someone just told me in the other post on this blog, Israel is rolling back some of the restrictions on the one hand, but bought 5 million doses of Novavax (that's enough to jab all the adult population in the country.)
I agree. Not that I support any of these totally unnecessary "vaccines," but isn't Novavax at least developed from live attenuated virus and not MrNA tech?
How long did they test it for? How do they know it works better than the existing "vaccines"? Are there serious side-effects when those jabbed with the old "vaccines" get this one? Did they conduct a risk-benefit analysis?
It only contains the spike protein, I think. I read on their website that the proteins were perfectly folded. That scared me to be honest. Misfolded proteins equals prion disease. Novavax also contains lipid nano particles, so I’m still voting no for the next 5-10 years to see how it goes.
I don’t know if it’s as bad, but when I read about folding proteins and lipid nano particles, I sort of backtracked on my thoughts that it might be okay. I guess if you are forced to take one, that’s the one I’d choose, but darn. It has moth something maybe to grow spike protein and some kind of tree bark For an adjuvant, I think. It’s been a while since I looked, so I may be not remembering correctly. Go to their website and read what they say about it. I’m assuming it’s still up. I just searched for Novavax and found the website. They do say it’s more of an old/fashioned one, but they don’t use a killed virus. I was planning on getting that one if I had to, but I’ve changed my mind.
No, because the next spike is going to absolutely hammer the vaccinated and boostered. If this study is correct, it will be obvious that the vaccines are detrimental and the primary pillar of the covidians will crumble.
Ugh...don't disparage the Branch Davidians. They were decent people practicing religion as they saw fit. Don't believe the gov't version of events on any topic.
I think people here have just adopted the term to apply it to the cultlike behavior of the new religion of "health" as practiced by the NYT-reading, poodle-walking, mask-donning set of good and shiny people.
Yeah, as Wolly said. I did not watch that particular video, but I've read enough to seriously doubt the official narrative. The same goes for the Oklahoma City bombing, BTW.
And after the Insanity, only the insane would ever believe the official narrative.
I wish they gave us an apple-to-apples comparison. Let's see a chart of unvaccinated Delta convalescents' response to Omicron and a chart of unvaccinated Omicron convalescents' response to Omicron.
I like to picture all of us 'unvaxxed lepers,' as you put it, wearing T-shirts under our clothes that read, "I'm in the Control Group" ~ sort of like Clark Kent/Superman ...
Exactly my thinking as well. They go through all this, recruiting all these individuals, do all this lab work and everything, but totally misses out to do the most obvious comparison of them all.
But I guess they didn't want to take the risk of finding something they didn't like. Better don't ask the question.
" There will be seasonal SARS-2 infection spikes probably for as long as humans walk the earth"....and we can thank the NIH for their scientific recklessness, their enablers in the Chinese Communist Party and factions within the US Government for that.
Oh and big Pharma for their utterly botched vaccination programmes.
As a few others have pointed out (Steve and Igor to name a few), the UKHSA reports say that N antibody levels are lower in individuals following vaccination.
OK break it down for me. I’m not vaxed. Just finishing with omnicron. Obviously I’m protected against omicron again for a pretty long time. What about the other existing variants?
The other variants are more or less gone, so they don't matter. If you had a very mild Omicron infection, count on another mild infection in the coming year or two.
My comment referred to "mild". With time they'll learn more and might succeed in making something that is not mild. At least for the first several weeks.
[I do subscribe to the lab origin theory, which you seem not to]
The authorities' extreme reluctance to let go of vaccine mandates in the face of a mild variant suggests to me that they mean for them to be a permanent fixture. Some people really don't want this to end.
My hubby and I had a very trying “coof” infection back in September… (stuck my nose down in the vicks vapor rub jar and couldn’t smell a thing…) We ran 101-102 fevers for 8-11 days and I wish someone could have got the number of that truck that ran over us… at least that’s how it felt… 😬. Our kids all got sick as well, they were over it in 2-5 days… just cold symptoms… And we are definitely NOT needled (none of us!).
Now that we have had a rousing case of the Fauci flu, how long do YOU think we will be immune? One doctor at AFLDS said the government was studying some of these coronavirus’ 17 years ago… the patients from then are still showing robust immunity today… (Makes ya wonder why they were studying rona way back then…) 😡
One thing to point out about Original Antigenic Sin is that, whether it is widespread or not, that the intent of the body is to operate off of heuristics. It's much easier to mount a prior immune response with the hope that it works rather than start from scratch against a new variant. It appears that many of these assays are measuring neutralizing capabilities from prior infection and vaccination against Omicron, and unfortunately the amount of spike protein mutations in Omicron prevents a lot of cross-neutralizing activity. It's no wonder people are referring to Omicron as it's own COVID pandemic.
What is interesting is that there is a relationship between severity of illness and production of neutralizing antibodies. That itself creates a paradox with Omicron considering that most infections are mild, one would have to wonder how long-lived the natural immunity we are all getting will hold up. It would also bring into question if those who have been vaccinated and boosted, and thus "possibly" having milder illness have prevented themselves from gaining the proper immunity that they otherwise would have gotten.
I'll also add a self-plug to my Omicron writings because why not?
It would honestly depend on several factors. The symptoms paired with a positive PCR or antigen test may help, but it's also understandable that the data everywhere has been too cloudy to discern. I think the only other option is to take into account that Omicron is far more transmissible so just playing a numbers game means you are likely to have better odds of having gotten Omicron instead of a cold or flu, but again it's more probability rather than certainty.
Do you think that the increased amount of spike protein mutations manifested with omicron could be part of the gain of function intent? Or just a coincidence.
It's honestly hard to tell. One of the hypothesis right now is that Omicron may have emerged from mice reservoirs. What's strange is that all of the mutations seem to work against Omicron rather than benefit it, and so it runs counter to what we would expect with a virus that has circulated among millions of humans. So far I'm not quite sure where it came from but I would suspect that it's more than just a coincidence to have the type of mutations that it does.
Apparently, they found HIV patients in South Africa harboring long term infections with many, but not all, of the mutations of Omicron. My guess is it evolved to be mild because if it hadn't it would have already killed its host and never spread to anyone else. There is no reason for a virus that evolves in mice to be mild. It could be, but that would be just random chance.
What would happen if a more lethal Omicron type variant were released? I know "it's over" is trending among some, but why would TPTB stop now? Why did TPTB go this far, and no farther? I don't trust.
Yes, but everyone who has had Omicron and everyone who has been vaccinated will have some protection against severe outcome, against all variants. And if one of Omicron's key advantages, is precisely that it causes mild illness (and elicits fewer antibodies), mild Omicron would outcompete severe Omicron.
My concern is that continued mass vaccination (boosters and kids) will push Omicron to become more dangerous. The principle being that with a non sterilizing vaccine a virus will evolve to a level of virulence sufficient to replicate in the least vulnerable vaccinated subpopulation. Children in schools of course are a population of their own.
The upshot is that kids will start getting sick where they were not before and adults will start getting sicker. This will especially be the case if they come out with a vaccine updated for Omicron.
I don't think a more lethal variant will be anything like Omicron. It will (and probably must) be substantially different. Omicron doesn't attack lung tissue well, and we now know that is because the spike mutations changed the mechanism for invading cells. A more lethal variant will most likely be a totally new lineage.
And that's the term I should have used, "more lethal variant", not "Omicron type variant". How that scenerio plays out between vaxxed and no was really what I was digging for. There is a reason for the seemingly unreasonable amount of energy/resources put forth in the promotion of the vax and, while the methods may seem without reason, the actual reason for the promotion may be very reasonable indeed, depending on the goal. My personal opinion is that the goal has nothing good at the root.
It's very simple. More jabs, more variants, more disease and impaired immunity in the jabbed. You can't jab your way out of a pandemic but tell that to the jab cult.
And the medical community has known that you don’t vaccinate during a ‘pandemic’ since the Spanish flu era.
Yes but now we have ‘THE SCIENCE’ which trumps everything that was learned and understood before its advent.
We have scientism:-)
Yes but Big Pharma is jabbing all the way to the bank.
Of course and even had the WHO change the definition of a pandemic to create one where there was none.
And haven’t they changed the definition of vaccine from something that stimulates the immune system to produce immunity against a disease to… stimulates the immune system to produce a response against duseases. So now anything us a vaccine… good diet, plenty of exercise, vitamin D, etc.
I think this entire manufactured catastrophe has made many people rethink the need for vaccines in general.
Do children need all the shots they get? Candace Owens did a deep dive into the data which indicates the death rates for most all of the illnesses against which children are vaccinated are so low as to be akin to the death rates for children from/with ‘Covid.’
I’d post link but can’t. Can be found under ‘Candace Owens exposes CDC about rubella virus.’
Overlooked in the rush to praise vaccination for reduction of childhood diseases, is the part played by better hygiene, sanitation and nutrition and medical care. The high mortality rates for measles, for example, come from former times when the aforementioned factors were poor. Polio is a virus which breeds in the gut - where it is harmless unless it transits the gut wall and becomes system invading muscle tissue - and it is spread in fæces. Personal hygiene and sanitation play an important part therefore in its transmission. Now without any evidence I wonder if the increase in allergic reactions, particularly to foodstuffs which I never saw as a child, is just a coincidence with vaccinating most of the population in childhood?
According to the RFK book yes very likely, the rate of childhood autoimmune issues, allergies, and chronic illness has risen from 12.8% to 54% over the last few decades.
You should pick up a copy of Bobby Kennedy’s book. He exposes FrankenFauci and Bill Hates. There’s no lawsuits over the book the Real Anthony Fauci, so what’s FrankenFauci waiting for? Oh wait, you can’t sue people over the truth.
I have been wondering about the increase in allergies and if there is a connection between this and vaccines too.
http://vaccinepapers.org/ well worth a look
I know that I am. Did not used to, except for the flu shot and the Chicken Pox vaccine. Neither seems necessary and one not very effective.
Thank you. I couldn’t get link to paste.
So true.
From CDC:
Vaccination (pre-2015):
Injection of a killed or weakened infectious organism in order to prevent the disease.
Vaccination (2015-2021):
The act of introducing a vaccine into the body to produce immunity to a specific disease.
Vaccination (Sept 2021)
The act of introducing a vaccine into the body to produce protection from a specific disease
And is the next step in this palpably fraudulent process something like:
The act of introducing a vaccine into the body to reduce the severity of a specific disease.
Where does it stop?
That makes it a therapeutic. And that’s what it ‘allegedly’ is even tho they call it a vaccine. What is it really!
You ask a good question.
Did they? Not doubting, just missed it if they did. I know that have for “cases” and “vaccine” and effectively did so for “booster”.
Fauci's bank.
Looks more and more like shot you drop.
Not with me or my family it isn’t!
And more lost liberties. People really, really, really, really, really need to wake up. The ones who got bamboozled need to accept it and join the fight against irrationalism.
Much easier to con someone than to have them admit they've been conned.
Spot on green.hornet.60!
Brilliant: "Your immune system isn’t going to invest heavily in fighting minor threats, and in this it much wiser than our governments and public health establishments."
Apparently the virus is also wiser than government and medical industry.
Minor criticism: calling the medical industry "public health" is incorrect. They're uninterested in our health, only our sickness.
The virus has no wisdom. It is just a mechanism that follows the laws of natural selection. The government has no wisdom either. Officials are just driven by fear, groupthink and the pursuit of power.
I assume you're trying to draw a distinction between bureaucrats and viruses. The best I can think of is bureaucrats are usually taller, though fauch is close.
Thanks… needed that laugh 😂
But are you completely sure the bureaucrats aren’t the true “virus?” Asking for a friend…
And $$$
Agree and amplify a core take-away for me: "It is hard to imagine a worse strategy than universal vaccination against a single, obsolete virus protein." Hear. HEAR!
Great article. I am very sorry for the vaccinated people. Not everyone is a "covid researcher" and people were scammed into taking a "vaccine" that is actually an "anti-vaccine". Instead of "immunity", the vaccinated got "anti-immunity".
Another, very important, evidence of OAS is contained in the UKHSA reports. OAS and repeat reinfections is my favorite topic and I wrote an article about that yesterday:
The short of it is that vaccinated people fail to produce N antibodies after "breakthrough infection", thus simply increasing quantity of worthless S-antibodies against two year old Wuhan strain.
Thus, no multi-antigen immunity for the vaxxed.
This means that they will be reinfected endlessly with Ba1, Ba2, or whatever next mutation will be.
The Berkeley article, albeit very interesting, has results that are fully explainable by this OAS, which totally misses the point of what natural immunity is. Thank you for bringing it up and criticizing it.
Thanks. In all these discussions I am missing how getting the vaccine would be worse that getting infected by the original strain - wouldn’t they both result in original sin?
The mRNA vaccines cause your body to manufacture the spike protein of the original covid strain, so the antibodies your immune system generates only recognize that (now obsolete) protein. The spike protein is only one small part of a virion, so if later strains have a spike protein that is significantly mutated, vaccine-induced antibodies don’t recognize it. This appears to be the case with omicron, which is why double-vaxxed and boosted people are being infected in such large numbers.
On the other hand, if you were infected by the original strain (or any subsequent strains), you generated antibodies that recognize the whole virus, not just the spike protein, and those antibodies will identify and neutralize mutated versions (up to a point, at least; I don’t know if it’s possible to say, for instance, what percentage of the virus can mutate and still be within the bounds of what naturally-generated antibodies will recognize).
I’m self-educated in the high-level concepts in this area, but that’s as
deep as my understanding goes, so if I’m getting any of the above wrong, I hope someone with appropriate expertise will correct me.
That is helpful, thank you
Covid is your basic cold and flu and has been with humans for thousands and thousands of years. The NWO reaction to C19 was planned to destroy Democracy and capitalism. Job well done.
you mean "liberty", not "democracy". Democracy is partially responsible for getting us into this crap.
There's A Difference (tm).
I have a suspicion that Omicron is the vaccine itself. One of my coworkers got Covid immediately after his booster.
Family member. Early 30's excellent physical health got J&J in November due to mandate bs. The next month they rescinded the order. He got really sick post "vax" and then still got the rona the right before New Years. What kind of crap is that? ~ 5 weeks post vax and ZERO efficacy.
He may have gotten omicron, which has a highly mutated spike protein, pretty different from the spike protein in the vaccines. They're vaccinating people against version of the disease that isn't even around anymore to speak of.
I agree, but my point is that it's total BS. Forgot to mention that he was sick as a dog the 2nd time as well (1st being jab induced). My teenage daughter got sick as the same time and not being gmo jabbed only had a 36 hour event with mild fever and mild aches/pains. So yes, the jab is a joke. (but don't tell Lord Fauxi)
More likely, the booster suppressed his immune system (which is known to happen for about two weeks) which opened the doors to omicron.
In B4 "but is it peer reviewed!"
Anecdotally, my brother and his family and his in laws are all fully vaccinated. They have all also had Covid after having had the shots, and now some of them has Covid again. The same goes for my wife's parents. They had the two shots, got Covid, had the booster and has now gotten Covid again.
Seems the shots ensure you can get Covid multiple times. Just like the flu shots.
Same here. My brother got the J&J and its booster. Got covid twice since then and is now on his third cold in the last two months. I am a unvaxxed leper, got a cold in November (never tested for Covid because I don't care) and now I'm good to go until the next cold next year most likely. Humans normally catch colds once or maybe twice a year not three times in two months.
No, but the vaxxine makes the multiple illnesses so much milder! They're so lucky to have been GMO modified!
>There will be seasonal SARS-2 infection spikes probably for as long as humans walk the earth
Isn't this just great for Branch Covidians? :(
How long can they keep up their devotion? Won't it, too, wane after some time, only to be replaced with fanatical attachments to quinoa and the latest gender craze? Perhaps not.
This craze, like others you mentioned, gives their lives meaning, and grants them agreeing of control over their world. They will not let this go, and will continue their crusade until something better comes along.
I stopped making any predictions a few months ago. Even privately to myself. I really hope that the insane will get tired of this. I won't predict that they will or count on it.
As someone just told me in the other post on this blog, Israel is rolling back some of the restrictions on the one hand, but bought 5 million doses of Novavax (that's enough to jab all the adult population in the country.)
I agree. Not that I support any of these totally unnecessary "vaccines," but isn't Novavax at least developed from live attenuated virus and not MrNA tech?
How long did they test it for? How do they know it works better than the existing "vaccines"? Are there serious side-effects when those jabbed with the old "vaccines" get this one? Did they conduct a risk-benefit analysis?
All rhetorical questions, of course.
All spot on.
Not rhetorical… I’ll never trust another vax again… why should I??! They already have proven they are willing to kill us for the almighty dollar…
Great questions! 👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼
It only contains the spike protein, I think. I read on their website that the proteins were perfectly folded. That scared me to be honest. Misfolded proteins equals prion disease. Novavax also contains lipid nano particles, so I’m still voting no for the next 5-10 years to see how it goes.
I'll vote no forever. So Novavax is just as bad, then, you reckon?
I don’t know if it’s as bad, but when I read about folding proteins and lipid nano particles, I sort of backtracked on my thoughts that it might be okay. I guess if you are forced to take one, that’s the one I’d choose, but darn. It has moth something maybe to grow spike protein and some kind of tree bark For an adjuvant, I think. It’s been a while since I looked, so I may be not remembering correctly. Go to their website and read what they say about it. I’m assuming it’s still up. I just searched for Novavax and found the website. They do say it’s more of an old/fashioned one, but they don’t use a killed virus. I was planning on getting that one if I had to, but I’ve changed my mind.
Sure. Eventually. I used to think this will be mostly over in months. Not so sure now.
I've thought this too. We've uncorked a new compulsion for hypochondriac totalitarians.
No, because the next spike is going to absolutely hammer the vaccinated and boostered. If this study is correct, it will be obvious that the vaccines are detrimental and the primary pillar of the covidians will crumble.
At this point if every vaccinated person got cancer in the next two years, still no one would care. It's that demonic.
Casey, did the last 6-8 months teach you anything? They spin the facts any way they want, and people still believe them.
Great. My aunts will be wearing face diapers forever.
Ugh...don't disparage the Branch Davidians. They were decent people practicing religion as they saw fit. Don't believe the gov't version of events on any topic.
Waco: The Rules of Engagement (1997)
I think people here have just adopted the term to apply it to the cultlike behavior of the new religion of "health" as practiced by the NYT-reading, poodle-walking, mask-donning set of good and shiny people.
Yeah, as Wolly said. I did not watch that particular video, but I've read enough to seriously doubt the official narrative. The same goes for the Oklahoma City bombing, BTW.
And after the Insanity, only the insane would ever believe the official narrative.
I wish they gave us an apple-to-apples comparison. Let's see a chart of unvaccinated Delta convalescents' response to Omicron and a chart of unvaccinated Omicron convalescents' response to Omicron.
The control group has been wiped out by the mandates. Or at least they are trying desperately to have no control group. Gee, wonder why?
I like to picture all of us 'unvaxxed lepers,' as you put it, wearing T-shirts under our clothes that read, "I'm in the Control Group" ~ sort of like Clark Kent/Superman ...
Exactly my thinking as well. They go through all this, recruiting all these individuals, do all this lab work and everything, but totally misses out to do the most obvious comparison of them all.
But I guess they didn't want to take the risk of finding something they didn't like. Better don't ask the question.
" There will be seasonal SARS-2 infection spikes probably for as long as humans walk the earth"....and we can thank the NIH for their scientific recklessness, their enablers in the Chinese Communist Party and factions within the US Government for that.
Oh and big Pharma for their utterly botched vaccination programmes.
As a few others have pointed out (Steve and Igor to name a few), the UKHSA reports say that N antibody levels are lower in individuals following vaccination.
yeah, heavily vaccinated populations seem to have attenuated antibodies to everything but spike.
OK break it down for me. I’m not vaxed. Just finishing with omnicron. Obviously I’m protected against omicron again for a pretty long time. What about the other existing variants?
The other variants are more or less gone, so they don't matter. If you had a very mild Omicron infection, count on another mild infection in the coming year or two.
Unless they produce and release another variant
There will be an unlimited number of variants. And they don't have to be produced or released. They'll just call every old cold or flu a new variant.
This will go on until even the dumbest sheep get tired of it, which will eventually happen if they don't all die to vaccines.
My comment referred to "mild". With time they'll learn more and might succeed in making something that is not mild. At least for the first several weeks.
[I do subscribe to the lab origin theory, which you seem not to]
I don't believe that there is any new virus. If you do, then you are helping this continue forever.
now why would they do something like that?
The authorities' extreme reluctance to let go of vaccine mandates in the face of a mild variant suggests to me that they mean for them to be a permanent fixture. Some people really don't want this to end.
My hubby and I had a very trying “coof” infection back in September… (stuck my nose down in the vicks vapor rub jar and couldn’t smell a thing…) We ran 101-102 fevers for 8-11 days and I wish someone could have got the number of that truck that ran over us… at least that’s how it felt… 😬. Our kids all got sick as well, they were over it in 2-5 days… just cold symptoms… And we are definitely NOT needled (none of us!).
Now that we have had a rousing case of the Fauci flu, how long do YOU think we will be immune? One doctor at AFLDS said the government was studying some of these coronavirus’ 17 years ago… the patients from then are still showing robust immunity today… (Makes ya wonder why they were studying rona way back then…) 😡
Why is the first known version of the virus referred to as the "wild type"?
Yes that's strange, it should of course be referred to as the "lab type".
One thing to point out about Original Antigenic Sin is that, whether it is widespread or not, that the intent of the body is to operate off of heuristics. It's much easier to mount a prior immune response with the hope that it works rather than start from scratch against a new variant. It appears that many of these assays are measuring neutralizing capabilities from prior infection and vaccination against Omicron, and unfortunately the amount of spike protein mutations in Omicron prevents a lot of cross-neutralizing activity. It's no wonder people are referring to Omicron as it's own COVID pandemic.
What is interesting is that there is a relationship between severity of illness and production of neutralizing antibodies. That itself creates a paradox with Omicron considering that most infections are mild, one would have to wonder how long-lived the natural immunity we are all getting will hold up. It would also bring into question if those who have been vaccinated and boosted, and thus "possibly" having milder illness have prevented themselves from gaining the proper immunity that they otherwise would have gotten.
I'll also add a self-plug to my Omicron writings because why not?
I had a horrible case of H1N1 in 2010. Most recently had either Omicron or another flu variant as they were similar in their impact.
Not jabbed. therefore would like to know how it could be discerned what I had on a micro and all those who think they’ve had Omicron on a macro level?
It would honestly depend on several factors. The symptoms paired with a positive PCR or antigen test may help, but it's also understandable that the data everywhere has been too cloudy to discern. I think the only other option is to take into account that Omicron is far more transmissible so just playing a numbers game means you are likely to have better odds of having gotten Omicron instead of a cold or flu, but again it's more probability rather than certainty.
Do you think that the increased amount of spike protein mutations manifested with omicron could be part of the gain of function intent? Or just a coincidence.
It's honestly hard to tell. One of the hypothesis right now is that Omicron may have emerged from mice reservoirs. What's strange is that all of the mutations seem to work against Omicron rather than benefit it, and so it runs counter to what we would expect with a virus that has circulated among millions of humans. So far I'm not quite sure where it came from but I would suspect that it's more than just a coincidence to have the type of mutations that it does.
Exactly! I thought this article was excellent in enumerating the "Omicron Oddities": https://bprice.substack.com/p/lab-leak-20
Apparently, they found HIV patients in South Africa harboring long term infections with many, but not all, of the mutations of Omicron. My guess is it evolved to be mild because if it hadn't it would have already killed its host and never spread to anyone else. There is no reason for a virus that evolves in mice to be mild. It could be, but that would be just random chance.
Another excellent article thank you
What would happen if a more lethal Omicron type variant were released? I know "it's over" is trending among some, but why would TPTB stop now? Why did TPTB go this far, and no farther? I don't trust.
Yes, but everyone who has had Omicron and everyone who has been vaccinated will have some protection against severe outcome, against all variants. And if one of Omicron's key advantages, is precisely that it causes mild illness (and elicits fewer antibodies), mild Omicron would outcompete severe Omicron.
Only if you believe in the virus and/or the vaccine being able to do anything positive at all.
My concern is that continued mass vaccination (boosters and kids) will push Omicron to become more dangerous. The principle being that with a non sterilizing vaccine a virus will evolve to a level of virulence sufficient to replicate in the least vulnerable vaccinated subpopulation. Children in schools of course are a population of their own.
The upshot is that kids will start getting sick where they were not before and adults will start getting sicker. This will especially be the case if they come out with a vaccine updated for Omicron.
I don't think a more lethal variant will be anything like Omicron. It will (and probably must) be substantially different. Omicron doesn't attack lung tissue well, and we now know that is because the spike mutations changed the mechanism for invading cells. A more lethal variant will most likely be a totally new lineage.
And that's the term I should have used, "more lethal variant", not "Omicron type variant". How that scenerio plays out between vaxxed and no was really what I was digging for. There is a reason for the seemingly unreasonable amount of energy/resources put forth in the promotion of the vax and, while the methods may seem without reason, the actual reason for the promotion may be very reasonable indeed, depending on the goal. My personal opinion is that the goal has nothing good at the root.